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How do you book an entertainment indy promotion?

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How do you book an entertainment indy promotion? I don't understand how you can have storylines running without a tv show and have title matches every month.


um why not? You don't need a tv show to have people feuding. Are you referring to how you go to different regions and since your popularity isn't as high in all of them the ratings wont be as high? Or are you referring to workers being stolen which in that case just use unchained.


and a title match is no different than a regular match between two main eventers and no one says you have to do it monthly anyway. Perhaps if you explained more in detail of your promotion such as size, popularity, game area, how many shows you are running, and the problems you are running into.

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How do you book an entertainment indy promotion? I don't understand how you can have storylines running without a tv show and have title matches every month.


Watch lots of CHIKARA and PWG whenever you get the chance, you'll soon learn. :)


Seriously though, running a popularity driven indy promotion can be hard at first since you will have no-one who is over, therefore tanking all your ratings. But with a little work you'll start getting people over... then it's just the same as booking a big promotion, but with fewer shows. Same tips as for any entertainment driven promotion... use angles that stick to worker strengths and abuse that til you "win". :)

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His problem is, he reckons entertainment = WWE. Therefore, you need your weekly TV shows to progress storylines, and have the matches at the PPV.


Um, that would be ig...nm. If that's the case, perhaps broadening perspective would help. derek's advice is good but what he leaves out is something that's key.


Popularity based promotions are inherently easier to grow than performance based ones.


"ZOMG, Remi's lost his mind" Well yeah but that was years ago.


Seriously, think about it. Isn't it easier to build overness than it is to build in-ring skill? Easier and faster, using angles. Put your top people in angles AND matches, get them face time, and you don't need a TV show to get people over. TEW no longer judges workers on country wide overness when you're a podunk promotion in the Great Lakes. It only considers overness in areas you care about (up to Regional, if I remember right). So getting your main eventers over in your home area is all you need to do, really, until you start spending lots of time outside your home area (which should be when you're nearing Cult).

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Currently in my game, I have a small promotion in the Tri-State area.


My product is 70% matches, and for a two-hour show, that gives me ~36 minutes to do angles.


I've gotten Murderous Mikey from 0 popularity, to over 60 Popularity in the Tri-State area, too bad he can only last 5 minutes in a match.


Your best bet is to have a few hosses on your roster for an entertainment promotion, and abuse menace rated angles. It's what I did. :rolleyes:

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Um, that would be ig...nm. If that's the case, perhaps broadening perspective would help. derek's advice is good but what he leaves out is something that's key.


Popularity based promotions are inherently easier to grow than performance based ones.


"ZOMG, Remi's lost his mind" Well yeah but that was years ago.


Seriously, think about it. Isn't it easier to build overness than it is to build in-ring skill? Easier and faster, using angles. Put your top people in angles AND matches, get them face time, and you don't need a TV show to get people over. TEW no longer judges workers on country wide overness when you're a podunk promotion in the Great Lakes. It only considers overness in areas you care about (up to Regional, if I remember right). So getting your main eventers over in your home area is all you need to do, really, until you start spending lots of time outside your home area (which should be when you're nearing Cult).

Er...what? Are you really Remianen?

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Er...what? Are you really Remianen?


It's easier and faster to get progressively better rated segments and thus better rated shows for one based on popularity, as it's easier and faster to skyrocket worker's popularity than it is to improve their in-ring skills.



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His point is half valid I believe: it's easier to raise overness yes, but workers start off better in the ring. Thus, it's easier to have a successful promotion when based on in ring work immediately than on popularity.


But over the short term that will inbalance. It will rebalance over the medium term until the end term, when you can afford workers who are both over and good in the ring and thus the lines blur together.


At least, that's my theory.

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His point is half valid I believe: it's easier to raise overness yes, but workers start off better in the ring. Thus, it's easier to have a successful promotion when based on in ring work immediately than on popularity.


But over the short term that will inbalance. It will rebalance over the medium term until the end term, when you can afford workers who are both over and good in the ring and thus the lines blur together.


At least, that's my theory.


Your theory is a bit specious. Most "entertainment promotions" aren't heavy on in-ring ability. You don't actually NEED people with in-ring skill as much as you NEED people with overness. In TEW2010, you can get workers overness in large bunches. You cannot get workers in-ring skill at anywhere near the same rate. It makes it so you don't ever even need those people with overness and in-ring skill, you can make do very well with the former with very little of the latter. And this is short, mid, and long term.


Try it. In the questions thread, there are many cases of people citing how they've gotten people massively over with next to no effort (Gargantuan is one example I think FIN cited, two matches with upper mids and a bunch of attack angles against the DeColts).


The whole point of my first post was to point out that you don't really need over people in an entertainment promotion since you can manufacture that overness with little effort.


And ampulator, did you not notice my product this go-round? ;) It's about as close to Sports Entertainment as I will allow myself to get. :p But it works for C-Verse women who, by and large, aren't all that capable in-ring and take significant amounts of time to get capable in-ring (capable being, relative to the men).

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Try it. In the questions thread, there are many cases of people citing how they've gotten people massively over with next to no effort (Gargantuan is one example I think FIN cited, two matches with upper mids and a bunch of attack angles against the DeColts).


Yes, Gargantuan shot from D+ to B+ pop in just three shows with approximately 30mins of screentime. :p On the fourth show he won a C+ rated match against Ricky DeColt (B-/B pop at the time) and is now B+/A all over Canada and the most over heel in CGC.

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I did pretty much the same thing with Larry Wood in my '08 CGC Diary. I just had him cut a series of menacing promos with the DeColts, and got his overness from D+ to B+ in a couple months. When his overness was high enough to be equal to the others in the main storyline then I put him in the ring with them and was getting B level matches.
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Yeah, well, Austin got immensely over from his KotR performance as well. It can happen.


But still, I'd prefer a talent-based fed. It's easy enough to find people with talent, and once you have them, you can't go wrong really.


The promotion I think about in this thread is AAA, who only have a monthly show. I only played as them for a small while (in TEW07 i think), and didn't get into it. Now it might be different. I guess I'll try it. :)

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