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Debut/Surprise query...

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Firstly, does the game automatically detect if a worker is debuting for your promotion? (whether it be through a match or an angle)


Secondly, how should we be using the 'surprise' role in an angle? I'd say just about every turn a worker makes could be considered a surprise, but I dont think thats it's purpose. Is it just to emphasise a debut? There are many in-game angles use 'catalyst' rather than 'surprise' in some instances where the latter seems more appropriate (see the reveal angles), thus creating a bit of confusion, so an official description for its use and how it impacts the game would be good (found nothing in the help file).



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Yes the game automatically detects it b/c it gives them their momentum for your promotion since before then they have none, also if they havent debuted yet you can change their alignment w/o the needed match/angle event


and I haven't used the surprised thing so ill let someone else handle it

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Remianen, I dont suppose you could answer my post above? I assume if you can assert your superiority with my adjudged mediocre suggestions, then you could do the same to posts that actually need an answer... rather than ignore them.




nickers in a knot much? no need to be a douche dude


As for your question, i have no idea and its actually a really good q, so i hope someone answers it soon.


As for debuts, I debuted a guy (complete unknown) inserting him into a major main event storyline as the bodyguard of one of the main eventers, he interfered and won his client the match.


coming out of the show i noticed his gimmick had been rated (a B+) but he had no momentum, and his popularity didn't budge at all. is this working how its meant to? does interfering in another workers match not affect your momentum? Does the game not realising that this massive guy was debuting at that point?

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What the hell is your problem?


Apparently, my opposition to a special road agent note for the Fingerpoke of Doom is offensive. :rolleyes:


Generally speaking, a worker with no momentum (meaning 'has yet to be established') who appears in an on-screen role, is assumed to be debuting. A worker with a gimmick that has not been rated who appears in an on-screen role, is assumed to be debuting the gimmick.


As far as roles in angles are concerned, I can't be 100% sure since I only use a handful of them (catalyst, support, attacker, victim, subject).

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First of all, CHILL.


Secondly, you had a guy interfere in a match? Well of course that's not going to create his momentum or shift his popularity. Put him actually IN a match or an angle, then you'll see some change.


Just to be clear, the op was the guy with the problem, lol

I was the guy who tried to gain momentum.


I think it should work. I mean if some random unknown huge guy runs in on a match between John Cena and Randy Orton, and costs Cena the title (aligning himself with Orton) then he has some pretty good momentum if you ask me.

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Just to be clear, the op was the guy with the problem, lol

I was the guy who tried to gain momentum.

Join us in the 2000s and get an avatar. It'll separate you from the pack. When people with no pic say the same sorta stuff, I'm not one to distinguish.


I think it should work. I mean if some random unknown huge guy runs in on a match between John Cena and Randy Orton, and costs Cena the title (aligning himself with Orton) then he has some pretty good momentum if you ask me.

I disagree. I don't think there is any Momentum until he actually majorly participates in something. How much momentum do you think Tomko got for interfering in Styles vs Angle, which is the TNA equivalent of the example you gave?


Come to think of it, how much momentum did Brett DiBiase get for interfering in Cena vs Orton last year?

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Secondly, how should we be using the 'surprise' role in an angle? I'd say just about every turn a worker makes could be considered a surprise, but I dont think thats it's purpose. Is it just to emphasise a debut? There are many in-game angles use 'catalyst' rather than 'surprise' in some instances where the latter seems more appropriate (see the reveal angles), thus creating a bit of confusion, so an official description for its use and how it impacts the game would be good (found nothing in the help file).




It is really only there to help you feel everything in order. You could have every angle in the game changed so that every participant is a Catalyst and it wouldn't change a thing. It's just to help you set up the angle. For example, in an angle where an manager anounces a huge new client: you need two people in the angle, one is a Catalyst and one is a Surprise, then you know who to put in which spot. As far as I know, that's the extent of the use for that...


Flame away if I'm wrong! :p

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