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Gambling with The Babes

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Gotta give credit where credit is due:


Belton for making the Sin City and Lethal Ladies Championships



Yuu Onuki for finding Jaime Quine's and Alexis Lee's theme





Mood: Sad

November 29th, 2009



Dear BSC Fans:


I regret to inform all of you fine gentlemen (and women) out there who enjoy our shows that I, Honey Golightly, have sold 100% ownership in the Babes of Sin City wrestling promotion. At approximately 5:01 P.M. today, I reached an agreement with a Northern California investor who will be taking over operations as of January 1st, 2010. Personal matters have driven me to do this, matters I do not wish to discuss. I cannot tell you what will happen come January 1st, nor if this company will still be around. I can tell you that it has been a fun 3 years providing Las Vegas with top notch entertainment and I wish it did not have to end this way.



Honey Golightly

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Earlier that day...




“And if you'll sign here Ms. Golightly we can complete all this paper work.”


Mr. Louis was the lawyer overseeing the contract signing for the ownership of the wrestling company 'Babes of Sin City.' As Honey picked up the pen, she hesitated.



“Are you ok?”


“I don't know if I can go through with this.”


Mr. Louis looked over at the buyer, and shrugged his shoulders. He leaned back in his chair as the buyer leaned forward from across the table.

“It'll be alright. I'm not going to destroy the company.”


“I've just put so much of my heart and soul into this company.”

“I understand and trust me, I'm going to do all I can to keep the spirit of BSC alive.”


Honey's eyes started to water.


“But I already told you what I intended on doing with the company.”


She slowly pulls the contract closer to her. After clearing her throat, she spoke up again.


“Am I still going to have a job?”


Both the buyer and Mr. Louis burst out with sudden laughter, only to suppress it when they noticed that she wasn't joking.


“Yes Honey, you will. I'm not going to toss you out on the streets and take your company. I would like to keep you on either the writing staff or a figure of some sorts for the shows. I can't tell you exactly what you'll be doing but you WILL have a job.”


Just like that, Honey starts to sign the papers much to the buyers delight. As soon as she's done signing, all three stand up to shake hands. When the buyer gets to Honey, they both give each other a hug.


“You're first duty is to gather the BSC roster and have them meet for a meeting at this address.”


He hands her a piece of paper with an address on it.


“I already got a few plans on what I'd like to do and I want to get the input of the roster.”


Honey nods her head.


“How about one week from now?”


“I'm sure we can do that, Mr. Emigh.”


To Be Continued...

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December 1st, 2009



Babes of Sin City on Hiatus for 1 Month



As of January 1st, 2010, new Owner Dennis Emigh has announced that Babes of Sin City will begin a 1 Month Hiatus from shows.


“I believe that there is some work that needs to be done if we want to turn this ship around.” Mr. Emigh said in a phone interview earlier today. “Ever since '06, this company hasn't done much other then show some tits to a bunch of horny men and scream really loud. I'm here to change all that starting on the 1st. This isn't a strip show, it's a wrestling company!”


Honey Golightly could not be reached for comment.


Stay Tuned to BSCaction.com for more news and updates on your favorite Babes.

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December 6th, 2009

11:32 A.M.



Outside of a warehouse on the outskirts of Las Vegas, the BSC roster gathers around a ring that's set up in a parking lot. Dennis Emigh, the buyer, sits on the top rope as everyone begins to show up. He looks through some papers and not really making any eye contact with anyone.

“Hey Honey, what's going on?”

Asks Jen Neptune, one half of the Neptune twins.


“We're holding a meeting on the direction of BSC.”

Honey replied.


“Is everything ok?”

Asked Dharma Gregg as she entered the ring.


“Everything is fine dear.”


Finally, Mr. Emigh put his clipboard on his lap.


“Everyone here yet?”


He asked Honey, which made her jump for some odd reason. She took a quick survey around to see who was here. The Neptune twins were here, BSC most successful tag team (which isn't saying much), Alison Capone, Dharma Gregg, Tammy McFly, it seemed that everyone was here but one person.


“It looks like we're just missing Marilyn Stardust.”


“She's the road agent, correct?”


“Yep, that's her.”


“The one person I need here the most and she's not here. Can you give her a call?”


Honey nodded her head and pulled her phone out. As she called, Dennis hoped off the top rope.


“Ladies, can I have your attention please?”


Everyone stopped mingling and slowly got into the ring. Just before he could speak again, Honey tapped on his shoulder.


“She's a half hour out. She got stuck behind traffic.”


“Text her or whatever and tell her she's got 20 minutes or she's out on her ass.”


Mr. Emigh turns his attention back to the girls.


“How are you ladies today?”

Asked Dennis, looking around the ring.


“Now let's get all the formals out of the way. I am Dennis Emigh, and I am you're new boss.”


The roster became shocked upon hearing this.


“Where I'm from or why I even decided to buy this company doesn't matter at the moment. What does matter right now is that I'm here to take this company to the next level.”


“What do you mean? BSC is just an...”


Beth Mercy was suddenly cut off.


“No, don't say it. What have I told you girls since day 1? We are a wrestling company first.”


“Thank you Honey. Now, In order to take it to the next level, we need to make some changes, changes that come in the form of actually wrestling, and less Sin City Super Soaker Water Fights.”


Everyone giggled as Dennis flipped to the next page on his clipboard.


“This also means that we will be doing a bit of shakeup to the roster which means we may hire a couple new workers, BUT, that also means if you don't pull your own weight, you may be let go.”


He paused for a moment.


“I just want you all to know that if for some reason in the future I let you go, do NOT take it personal, it's just business.”

“Yo, that's what mobsters usually tell their victims before they whack 'em! How is THIS any different? You just gonna ax our jobs without any remorse?”


Asked Alison Capone, who was standing in the back, still with her trademark hat on.


“Well Ms. Capone, the way I see things, If you work hard and contribute, there will be no reason to ax anyone. In fact, this brings me to my next point.”


Dennis flips another page.


“Today we will be holding a mock taping in front of a crowd of three. Myself, Honey, and Ms. Stardust if she gets here in time. I would like to see what you girls can do.”


He looks over at the two camera operators that he just hired, who were standing outside of the ring.


“Boys, you know what to do.”


“Yes sir.”

Both said as they headed for their van full of equipment.


“Now, are they're any questions?”

Sara Silver raises her hand.


“So what exactly is going to be different in the “NEW” Babes of Sin City?”


“That's a good question Ms. Silver. As I said before, I would like to get away from the Super Soaker matches in favor for more actual wrestling. We're going to introduce better storyline, more mic time, and a few other things. Now this doesn't mean we are going to shy away from the T and A, but the less we have, the more it will capture their attention. We will also start streaming our shows on the website as well. We need to try and capture a wider audience so we can grow.”


Off in the distance, a car comes in off the road into the parking lot.

“I think that's Marilyn.”


“Ok, good. Now I want you ladies to get in your gear, stretch, do what you need to, and we'll get a mock show written up as fast as we can.”


Dennis hands his clipboard to Honey as he exits the ring.


To Be Continued...

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“So, you must be my new boss I keep hearing around.”


Said the 51 year old woman, getting out of the car and tossing her cigarette on the ground.


“You're late.”


“Dear, please, don't start with me.”


She was already become aggravated. Her giant sunglasses covered her eyes as he blocked the sun with her hand, indicating that she may be a bit hung over.


“I can start with whoever I want, Marilyn. I called you a few days ago to be here before everyone else got here. Even Honey called you.”


He wasn't backing down to his elder. She walked around the car and stood in front of him. Dennis only had a good 5 inches on her.


“I don't need to take lip from someone who is half my age.”


“Ok, listen. I don't want to start our working relationship out on the wrong foot.”


Dennis extended his hand. Under her sunglasses, he knew that Marilyn was staring a hole right through him. Without saying anything, she walked off towards the ring to greet Honey.


“Marilyn! You made it!”


Both gave a hug to each other.


“I told you I would, Hun. What are we doing here today?”


“We're holding a mock show today, And the reason why I wanted you here today early is so all three of us could write up a show.”


“Why are we doing this? I know what my girls can do.”

“That's good, but I don't. I would like to get a feel for this before our first show in February.”


“Do you have any idea how to write a show, kid?”


“No, I don't. That's why I wanted to do this today.”


Marilyn took off her sunglasses and stuck them in her purse. She let out a sigh and turned towards him.


“It's not all that hard kid. Come on, let's get something on paper who my girls aren't standing around doing nothing.”


Quick Picks:


Tamera McFly vs. Dharma Gregg (Non-Title)

Alison Capone & Vampella vs. The Neptune Twins

Ms. American Pie vs. Brittney Hollywood vs. Candy Floss

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Tamera McFly vs. Dharma Gregg (Non-Title)


McFly will take it, she has an extraordinary lineage and talent, and should be the figurehead of your promotion, especially the direction it seems you're taking it.


Alison Capone & Vampella vs. The Neptune Twins


Hard to pick, both teams are equally over. The faces will take it on talent, but the heels might pull out a cheap win by cheating.


Ms. American Pie vs. Brittney Hollywood vs. Candy Floss


Easy, she's the most talented and most over out of the three, as well as the only one who actually made it to AAA, even if it was only for a short while.

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The Babes of Sin City Present:

Mock Show Outside of a Warehouse

<object width="175" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSzyKO_kW_s&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSzyKO_kW_s&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="175" height="25"></embed></object>

(New BSC Theme)



Honey Golightly enters the ring, microphone in hand

Ladies and Gentlemen, please put your hands together for our first Bikini Contest in the new era of BSC.





<object width="175" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRwr02-u5SU&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRwr02-u5SU&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="175" height="25"></embed></object>


The Twins enter the ring, wearing very tight and small bikini's. As they stand in the middle of the ring posing, Honey walks in between them

Ok ladies, you know the rules. The loudest cheers gets the win. Now, how about Jen?


Mr. Emigh and a few of the workers cheer


How about Kathy?


The other half of the roster cheers


Well, this is going to be a close one. Lets hear it one more time! Jen?


Cheers by the same people



The others cheer even louder


Well, I think we can crown a winner here


Honey raises Kathy's hand as she jumps for joy. Suddenly, Jen takes the mic from Honey


Oh no no no no. Everyone knows that 'I' am the better looking one!


Kathy stops cheers and goes nose to nose with Jen. Suddenly, both of them start brawling which falls to the outside. Honey slides out of the ring to break them up








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Ladies and Gentlemen, our first contest is a 3-Way Elimination Style match. Introducing first, Miss American Pie!




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Next up, coming all the way from Hollywood, California, this is Britney Hollywood!



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And last but most certainly not least, Candy Floss!


In a bout that had a good crowd but featured terrible wrestling, Miss American Pie defeated Candy Floss and Britney Hollywood in 10:12; the order of elimination was Candy Floss first, and finally Britney Hollywood




Just as Miss American Pie leaves the ring...



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As the music pipes down, Dharma grabs the mic from Honey


Um, excuse me Honey but I came out here for something. So IF you don't mind...


Honey exits the ring


Right, now like, that's a little better. Anyways, I'm here to issue a little challenge to that slut who thinks shes above everyone here. Tammy, Tamera, whatever they call you, just because you have that LITTLE title around your disgusting waste, that doesn't make you better then me. You see, in order to succeed in this company, you need to have looks...


She pauses a moment to show off her legs


You need brains, and you need the skill. Just because your last name is *deep voice* "MCFLY, doesn't mean you can waltz in and say your top dog. Ha! Top HOE is more like it. Thankfully, the person making the matches have put me against you, in-a-non-title-match. What's up with that?


She drops the mic in disgust as Honey gets back into the ring for our next match




Now it's time for our next match!



<object width="175" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRwr02-u5SU&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRwr02-u5SU&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="175" height="25"></embed></object>


First up, we have the beautiful Neptune Twins!



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Now here's the team of Bad to the Bone, Alison Capone and Vampella!


In a bout that had a good crowd but featured terrible wrestling, The Neptune Twins defeated Bad To The Bone in 11:17 when Kathy Neptune defeated Alison Capone by pinfall with a Trident Kick.




Now, it's time for our Main Event of the Evening!



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Introducing first, the Girl Next Door, Dharma Gregg!



<object width="175" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTdrAHzIYS4&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTdrAHzIYS4&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="175" height="25"></embed></object>


Coming from up north, she is the BSC Queen of the Ring Champion, Tamera McFly!


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Tamara McFly defeated Dharma Gregg in 12:02 by pinfall with a McFly Roll.




Show Rating: E+

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Later that Night...



Honey, Marilyn, and Mr. Emigh all meet up at a quiet restaurant to go over today's show...


Haha, Jen and Kathy had those camera boys all worked up today. They couldn't even hold the camera straight!


Laughed Marilyn as she took a drag of her cigarette


Mr. Emigh didn't look like he was fairing much better!


Honey said as she laughed


Oh you two are sooooooo funny...


All three of them were in the best of moods after the show today. Everything went very well which had everyone's hopes up.


So, I had an idea for Dharma...


The table finally quieted down


Well, lets hear it boss


I want to turn her into our top heel


Really? Why?


Didn't you hear her on the mic? She was fantastic cutting that heel promo on Tamera. I think with a little more work she can be golden on that thing


Dennis took a sip of his soda


That's true. I have noticed that she loves to talk.

She's a natural. It really sounded like she hated Tamera. What do you two think?


I think you're right Mr. Emigh...


Dennis put his hand up


Honey, please, call me Dennis. We're not in the ring...


Marilyn starts to laugh


Oh, I'm sorry. But you're right, she very good and we need to play off our strengths anyways


I can see it now. Our new champion, Dharma Gregg. Everyone hates her, because they can't be her.


Maybe eventually surround her with some sort of a group so she doesn't have to get her hands dirty...


Marilyn thinks for a moment as she takes another drag.


You may be onto something kid. She's got the looks to be hated enough.


She stops for a moment


Are we writing this down or what?


Just like that, Dennis pulls out his phone and starts typing. As he types, the food arrives.


Ok, one rule I have with business and food is to never get the two mixed up in one another


Honey gave a slight smile towards Dennis as she started to eat


That's what I like to hear. Ladies, we're gonna make a great team!

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Card Announced for February

BSC: A New Day


BSC Queen of the Ring Championship



"The Girl Next Door" Dharma Gregg vs. Tamera McFly ©



New Era BSC First Ever Bikini Contest


The Neptune Twins vs. Hollywood Magic


#1 Contendership for the Girl Power Tag Team Championships


"The Gangster" Alison Capone vs. Alexis Lee


A Major Announcement by BSC's new owner, Mr. Dennis M. Emigh

Plus, the band "The Vegas Sinners" will be performing BSC's new theme song, Crazy Bitch!


Tickets on sale today. Don't miss out on this historical night!

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Feburary, Week 1, 2010




A New Day

Brought To you LIVE! from the Piper Casino in Las Vegas, NV

<object width="175" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSzyKO_kW_s&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSzyKO_kW_s&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="175" height="25"></embed></object>


Just as the music fades...



<object width="175" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yldjf3BbwRA&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yldjf3BbwRA&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="175" height="25"></embed></object>

Mr. Emigh, the new owner of BSC, makes his way down to the ring holding a black sack over his shoulder. The fans greet him with a shower of boo's.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce The Babes of Sin City owner, Dennis M. Emigh!


As Mr. Emigh enters the ring, Honey hands him the mic

Thank you Honey. Now, I want to be the FIRST to welcome all you fans here in attendance and the fans watching from our website to the NEW Babes of Sin City!


The crowd Boos


You all need to get over it. I bought this company because it was in the toilet. It's at the bottom of the barrel. And now since it's MY company, I'm in charge and when I say there's going to be changes, there's going to be changes.


The crowd begins to boo again


Yes yes, keep it up because it's going to drive me out of here, yea. SHUT UP!


Mr. Emigh pauses for a moment to fix his coat


Very well. Anyways, I have come out here to announce a few changes. First off, no more tits and strippers!

He smiles as the crowd as they yell


This company will have classy ladies wrestling for the sport of it, not to be humiliated. Secondly...


He reaches into the sack and pulls out a brand new belt




Tamera, I know you're watching from the back, but this belt right here is to symbolize the change here in BSC. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Sin City Championship.


He holds the belt up to little reaction


And it will be on the line tonight. Our main event for the evening will be Tamera McFly defending her new Sin City championship against Dharma Gregg, a woman who deserves a shot at the gold. Anyways, I must be heading to the back to do some actual work. You know? Something you all don't know about.




Mr. Emigh drops the mic as his music hits. He rolls out of the ring with the belt and heads for the back. Just then, Honey enters the ring to announce our first match of the night.


Ladies and Gentlemen, our first match of the night is scheduled as an evening gown match for the #1 contendership, with a partner of her choosing, at the BSC Girl Power Tag Team Championship!



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Entering the ring first, "The Gangster" Alison Capone!



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Next up, we have "Littlefeather" Alexis Lee!


The bell sounds and we're under way...

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Alexis Lee Littlefeather defeated Alison Capone in 7:53 when Alison Capone was stripped.




At the announce table...


Sara Silver: Now I can see what Mr. Emigh meant about being classy ladies.


Honey: What do you mean?

Sara Silver: Hello? Evening gowns? Come on. If that's not classy then I don't know what is!


Honey: Wait a second Sara, I'm getting word that...


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Dharma enters the ring with mic in hand


Well well well, it looks like BSC did something right for once. Mangement, well rather that stud Mr. Emigh, has chosen ME above the rest of this pathetic locker room to take on that slut Tamera McFly for her title.


She gives a disgusted look towards the crowd as they boo


Sounds like a few of you LOSERS are jealous. That's fine, I'm used to having people be jealous just at the ground I walk on.


She pauses for a moment


It's good though to see changes around BSC. This means that I won't have to be showing any of you uglies my tits just to get a show at the lowly tag team titles. You know, if things didn't change, I would have left!


The crowd cheers


You people make me sick, as much as Tamera does. You all are a bunch of flip floppers. One minute you love someone, and the moment they speak their feelings, you crap all over them. Well, all I know is that I don't need ANY of your support. I'm going to be winning the Sin City title tonight and there is nuh-uh-th-ING you hill billy's can do about it. In fact, Tamera better watch her back...




Dharma poses for a moment before exiting the ring and heading towards the back


Honey: She used to be so sweet. What happened to her?


Sara: The title shot and getting her chance to shine. I think she deserves it!


Honey: Next up, we have Nurse Hope Dye vs. Sister Beth Mercy!



<object width="175" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_XJqlucOZE&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_XJqlucOZE&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="175" height="25"></embed></object>


First up, we have our resident nurse, Hope Dye!



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Sara: Praise Jesus, Sister Beth Mercy is here!


Honey: You didn't need to say it like that.


In a bout that had a good crowd but featured terrible wrestling, Nurse Hope Daye defeated Sister Beth Mercy in 8:59 by pinfall.




Sara: You can still tell our boss is a guy.


Honey: Why do you say that?


Sara: Unless you don't read our show program, the tag team bikini contest is up next! Regardless of what our boss says, he's a red blooded American who wants to see some tits!


Honey: Again Sara, do you have to put it in such a vulgar way!?

Sara: Just doing my job Honey. Now get in the ring and do yours!


Honey stands up and enters the ring with mic in hand


Now I'd like to introduce our contestants for our tag team bikini contest!



<object width="175" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHzsyBag438&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHzsyBag438&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="175" height="25"></embed></object>


Out first in their red and blue bikini's, it's the Neptune Twins!



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Introducing next, Britney Hollywood and Spite, Hollywood Magic!


Honey stands in between the Neptune Twins and Hollywood magic

Ok girls, this is simple. Whoever the crowd cheers for the most, their team wins. Are you ready?


All four nod


Ok crowd, lets hear it for Jen Neptune!


Pause for cheers


How about Britney Hollywood?


Pause for cheers


Kathy Neptune?


Waits for the crowd to die down


And finally, Spite!


The crowd cheers one last time


This is going to be close one but I am going to award it to...




Stop, hold it!


Mr. Emigh starts to walk down the aisle


I've thought about this and I've come to a conclusion. Nobody wants to see a boring bikini contest!


The crowd erupts into massive amounts of boo's


See? They're booing you! So I've taken the liberity to change this match into a three way tag team for the Lethal Ladies Tag Team Championship!


Lethal Ladies?

Just as Honey asks, Mr. Emigh pulls the new titles out of a black sack he was carrying



So let's bring out the champions!



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Sara: Well, it looks like we're wasting no time as the Neptune attack Hollywood Magic!


Honey hurries back to the table


Honey: You're right on that one. The Neptune Twins see their opportunity to become champions on our first show and what better way to make an impact then with a win!?


Sara: That was insightful, Honey. I think everyone figured they just went mental and started beating up the nearest person.


In a bout that had a good crowd but featured terrible wrestling, The Neptune Twins defeated Hollywood Magic and Sweet As Candy in 10:06; the order of elimination was Sweet As Candy first, and finally Hollywood Magic. The Neptune Twins win the BSC Lethal Ladies Tag Team titles.


Honey: The Neptune Twins have done it!


Sara: See? It was an extremely good idea to go mental and attack the nearest person. Sweet as Candy weren't even involved in the match decision!


Honey: That's gotta be a heart breaker for those young girls. I'm sure they'll get a chance to win them back in the future.


Sara: Who know's Honey. With our new boss doing things out of the blue, they could be as good as fired come tomorrow!



Honey: Now we take you backstage with Mr. Emigh interviewing the champion, Tamera Mcfly.


We go back stage. Just as Mr. Emigh begins to talk, out of nowhere Dharma spears Tamera into a wall and begins beating her up. Mr. Emigh is no where to be seen as the challenger stands above her.


See you in the ring, bitch!




Sara: She's gonna go places in this business.


Honey: She attacked someone from behind. How are you going to get places doing stuff like that?


Sara: You have to get to the top somehow and if that means stepping over someone else's dreams, or just stepping on someone, then that's what has to be done!



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Ladies and Gentlemen this is our final match of the evening. Scheduled for one fall, it is for the BSC Sin City Championship! First up, the challenger, "The Girl Next Door" Dharma Gregg!


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The music begins but Tamera doesn't show. Honey is in the ring looking around and telling Sara to check with someone in the back when finally...




Next introducing our BSC Sin City Champion, Tamera McFly!


Tamera limps to the ring holding her ribs as Dharma stands in the ring laughing


Dharma starts off the match by talking bad and making fun of her for being hurt. Tamera lands the first hit and the match is officially underway.


Dharma dominates the first part of the match by keeping Tamera on the ground with kicks and a few head locks.


Around the 9 minute mark, Tamera makes a stunning come back with thunderous chops and kicks to the gut, mainly keeping Dharma in the corner.


Honey: Wait a second. Who's that coming through the crowd!


Sara: I have no idea Honey. I can't see through that stupid looking mask!


The masked wrestler sneaks up behind Heather Halo and shoves her out of the ring. With Heather still distracted, the masked wrestler spins Tamera around and lands a vicious DDT on her, laying her out for good. As Dharma see's this, she lays ontop of Tamera as the masked wrestler throws Heather back into the ring.








Honey: Oh my god, we have a new champion.


Sara: Be more excited! This is a great day for BSC. We finally get that title off of an outsider and put it on one of our own!


As the celebration starts, Mr. Emigh walks out applauding Dharma. He rolls into the ring and pulls a mic from his coat pocket.

Look at this, change we can believe in! Our NEW BSC Sin City Champion, Dharma Gregg!


The crowd boos both of them. Just then, the masked wrestler slides into the ring and goes face to face with Mr. Emigh


Take that stupid mask off!


As she does, she turns towards the crowd to reveal who she really is...




Final Show Rating: D-


Copywrite 2010 Babes of Sin City

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Looks like you have a pretty good little start here. Not so sure about some of the music choices. Looks like you wanted to rock a little too hard in spots or were a mite tangential in others. I get for example why you go Living On A Prayer for Sister Beth. But I wouldn't think that would really fit unless you defrocked her and took her blue collar. Rock-wise, I think I might have gone more To Hell With The Devil by Stryper since they were the most prominent Christian crossover at that time. And I don't get the Paramore song for Alexis at all unless maybe you're teasing a heel turn. Or maybe I don't know the band's background well enough. (Always a possibility.) Personally, I'd probably have gone with Kinnie Starr or someone I knew more directly to be of First Nation descent and just backstoried it as being from Littlefeather's personal collection in necessary.The better choices were the ones that felt more naturally strip club like Candy Shop. Do like what you're doing character-wise with the front office people though. Should be a really good story behind the scenes. I'm looking forward to more.
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Thanks for your reply. I agree with you, some of the music choices are quite far fetched like with Beth and Alexis. It was just I was writing the show up and I forgot to find them some sort of theme song so I just went with off the top of my head. Don't worry, there was no hidden message with the Paramore song, it was just a quick fix, lol.


I will look into Kinnie Starr for Alexis. I was trying pretty hard to find her music such as that and with your help, maybe I actually can so I thank you for that.


Thanks for reading so far though. I was starting to think I only had one or two readers :rolleyes:

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Backstage after the show...


Great job girls! You all did an excellent job tonight!


Dennis told them at the door way of the locker room. It was the one place he couldn't go. Shame. Behind the few girls left going in, Marilyn held up her paper full of show notes

Here are the show notes. I think the Jaime run-in came off pretty good.


That did work out pretty good


So what's the madness behind the Capone/Lee match? Neither you or Honey has said anything to me.


Little pet project of mine. Another storyline in development


He said with a smile


Ah, ok. Care to fill me in?

Not just yet. I'll let you know though. I want to work out a few things before I present it.


Well, I understand it, I guess.


Any method to the madness behind the Neptune twins?


Hhmm, maybe. You'll just have to wait and see, won't ya?


She said as she headed towards the locker room. Suddenly, it got quiet and Dennis was all alone in the hallway. He looked down and closed his eyes for a moment, taking in the fact in that the hard part was over. He completed his first show and it felt damn good




Wh-what? Oh hey, why aren't you in the locker room?


Well, I don't exactly do much to get sweaty enough to shower. I'm usually always standing out here waiting for everyone to leave.


Funny, that's what I was doing. I believe that the boss...

Should always leave last.


Both stood for a moment looking at each other.


Do you...do you want to go get something to eat after everyone leaves?


I'd love to

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The Neptune Twins vs. Sweet as Candy




Jaime Quinn vs. Candy Floss


Main Event!


Las Vegas Gamble Non-Title Match

Dharma Gregg vs. Miss American Pie


Plus Tamera, Alison, and all your other favorite Babes in Action!

Tickets on Sale now at the Piper Casino box office!

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I got a quick contest!


I need help choosing Jaime Quins and Alexis Lee Littlefeather's theme song.


The prize is an appearance in an upcoming show plus credit (and a dynasty link on the front page if you run one).


I'm going to cut this contest off at around 10:00 PM PST so get your choices in quick!


Thanks for reading!

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Live at the Piper Casino in Las Vegas, NV


Before the BSC Theme can play...



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With streamers, balloons, and confetti falling from the ceiling, she holds her newly won title up high as she walks down the aisle. Everyone boos but she takes it in as if they were cheers. She slides into the ring where a few fireworks shoot off out of the posts and the lights all focus on her.


Thank you! Thank you all for this wonderful night!


The crowd boos louder

On the last show, I told ALL OF YOU that I would walk out of this ring our new champion. Well...


She holds up the title above her head


I did just that and walked out the new Sin City Champion. I mean, look at this belt! It matches with my jackets, pants, EVERYTHING! This title was just made for me.


Again, she pauses to soak up the booing crowd


You see, there is nuh-uh-th-ING you can do to bring my mood down. You people are all just jealous. You're jealous because I have a brain! What happened to Tamera was her own fault. A champion is supposed to be on alert and ready for anything. If anything, me attacking her was just a wake up call that she was about to be pushed off the top, by me. She doesn't deserve to be champion nor get a rematch. As far as I'm concerned, she can start from the bottom and work her way allllllll the way back to the top, just as I've done.


All of a sudden the crowd begins to cheer


See? I knew all of you losers would come around!


Just then, Tamera comes running through the crowd, slides into the ring, turns Dharma around and plants a DDT on her, the same way Jaime did last month. She mounts Dharma and begins to ground and pound her in the face until Jaime comes from the back. Tamera jumps up and clotheline's as she stands up. Tamera grabs her by the hair and tosses her out of the ring and turns her attention back to Dharma. With the crowd still going nuts, she picks up Dharma and plants one more DDT on her before sliding out of the ring and heading back through the crowd.




Honey: What a great way to kick off Showdown, coming to you live at the Piper Casino.

Sara: Yea that's all great and dandy Honey but Tamera had NO BUSINESS sneaking into the ring during Dharma's hard earned celebration.


Honey: Hard earned? It took two different attacks to take Tamera down!


Sara: Like I said before, either step on or be stepped on and Dharma was doing the stepping.


Honey: Do you really listen to yourself sometimes?

Sara: All the time. Let's take you to our first match of the night!


Honey gets up and enters the ring.

This non-title match is scheduled for one fall.



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First up, the NEW Lethal Ladies Tag Team Champions, Jen and Kathy, the Neptune Twins!



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Now I'd like to introduce, the former tag team champions, Sweet as Candy!


Just as Sweet as Candy enters the ring, both Neptunes get the upper hand by attacking the two ladies

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, The Neptune Twins defeated Sweet As Candy in 6:33; Lindsay Sugar was eliminated first, and finally Coco De La Soleil.




Sara: Tonight the Neptunes proved that they are the rightful champions and that their win last month wasn't a fluke. I'm proud of those girls!


Honey enters the ring again


Let's keep this night rolling! Next up is scheduled a one fall match.




In her debut match with BSC, coming from the promotion of AAA, Jaime Quine!

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Next up we have the sweet, and sometimes sour, Candy Floss!


As Candy poses in the ring with her back turned to Jaime, Jaime connects with a forearm to the back which gets the match underway


Sara: See that Honey? Dharma is already teaching this young woman how to be successful. She saw an opening and took advantage of it.


Honey: If it's so easy to get ahead, why don't you get in the ring?


Sara: Because...


Honey: Because why?


Sara: Why what?


Honey: Never mind, let's get back to the action.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jaime Quine defeated Candy Floss in 7:53 by pinfall with a K.O. Kick.




Sara: First match and she's already heading to the top. Dharma is quite an influence on her.


Honey: I always thought it was about sportswomanship, not attacking when their back is turned.


Sara: Well you thought wrong.


We now head backstage...




Yo, Alexis, how you doin'?


Alison says as she enters the room


Just fine Alison. Um, what can I do for you?


Hey hey, cool down, I'm not here to hurt nobody, I just have an offer.


Alexis hesitates


Ok, speak


How about you and me team up for those tag belts?


Tag up with you? Now why should I do that?


Becauses, you saw the tapes from the last show, you know what we can do. I know what we can do. Together, we'd be unstoppable. Know what I'm sayin?


How do I know you just won't stab me in the back?


Listen, I can be a bitch sometimes, but I'm also a business woman. I'm in it for the gold and you need a partner who can get the job done. Wha'da'ya say?


Alison extends her hand. Instead of shaking her hand, Alexis steps forward


If you screw me over in any way, I will bring the wraith of my tribe upon you and I promise you, it's not pretty. You..."capish"?


Alison takes a step back raising her arms up


Haha, yes yes, I capish, baby. You ain't gotta worry about anything from me. Like I said, I'm in it for the gold


Both shake hands as we cut back to Sara and Honey




Sara: That's a smart woman right there. She may have not gotten the job done last show, but she used her wits and now is still getting a title shot.

Honey: I have to agree, it was a pretty smart move.


Honey gets up with mic in hand


Ladies and Gentlemen, our semi-main event of the night...



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Our first contender, our residential metal expert, Roxxy Kitten!



<object width="175" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTdrAHzIYS4&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTdrAHzIYS4&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="175" height="25"></embed></object>


Finally, our former Queen of the Ring or Sin City Champion, Tamera McFly!


The crowd goes nuts. The moment Tamera gets into the ring she goes straight after Miss American Pie


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Tamara McFly defeated Roxy Kitten in 7:49 by pinfall with a McFly Roll. During the match we also had Dharma Gregg run in and attack McFly.




Honey: Even with a run in from Dharma, Tamera still managed to pull off the victory with a McFly roll!


Sara: Even I gotta say that's pretty amazing.


Honey: Wait a second, who is that?


Sara: It's Jaime Quine, and she's out for more blood!


Jaime slides into the ring and attacks an exhausted Tamera with forearm blows to the back of the head. Jaime picks her up and power bombs her right in the center of the ring.


Honey: These attacks have got to stop!

Sara: No, Dharma is smart! You need to open your eyes and see how smart this is! With Jaime acting as her bodyguard, Dharma doesn't have to waste her time and she can continue preparing for her match.



Honey gets up to see if Tamera needs any help out of the ring when suddenly...



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Get that piece of trash out of MY ring!


Everyone begins to boo


Oh shut up! I am in the main event with Miss American Pie and we have hurting Tammy laying around in my ring. I CAN'T WORK UNDER THESE CONDITIONS!


The crowd continue to boo loudly


I was ATTACKED earlier by a jealous whore who was mad that SHE lost her title. I think it only FAIR that she gets attacked as well. You know, and eye for an eye? Wait, I don't know why I explain it. Either way, get her out or I'm going to get her out for you!


She begins to walk down the ramp when suddenly...



Ms. American Pie hits her from the back with a forearm which sends Dharma rolling towards the ring, and losing her belt in the process. American picks up the belt, gets in the ring and holds it high above her head. As Dharma gets into the ring holding her head, American holds the title as she gets ready to hit Dharma with it. Just as she lunges, Jaime slides into the ring, spears American, takes the belt outside and the match officially gets underway.


Sara: What a start to a match!


Honey: I just wish we could have gotten Tamera out of there trouble free.


Sara: Honey, when it's the champions time to shine, it's their time. Tamera was being selfish on Dharma's time.


Honey: Are they paying you to say all this?

Sara: I don't think it really matters now does it?

Early in the match, both women trade blows back and forth, neither giving much of an inch.


At the 5 minute mark, American starts to get the upper hand after she knocks Dharma onto the ground and gets her in a head lock. Dharma elbows American in the stomach to break the hold. Dharma gets to her feet first, and manages to land a spear onto American, scoring the 3 count.




Sara: What a champ!


Honey: I must say I'm surprised that she won on her own.


Sara: Why are you surprised? She's our champion!


Dharma picks up the mic while catching her breath


This...*breath*...is why I am the champion! *heavy breathing* I can beat anyone, anytime! Now, hit my music!

Her music hits and she starts doing her signature 'Girl Next Door' sexy dance as BSC goes off the air.




Overall: D-


Copywrite 2010 Babes of Sin City

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After the show...




Dennis is sitting outside of the locker room on his phone


Yes, in fact, I think that's a great idea. It would not only help you here in the states but it would help us generate some buzz here too.


Honey exits the locker room to see Dennis, but doesn't say anything. Dennis looks up and waves but doesn't say anything


I think that'd work out great. Do you have a schedule yet? Because we are only monthly so I could schedule a few shows around that so it's not that big of a deal.

Dennis pauses for a moment while the other person talks. While she waits, Honey pulls up a chair and sits next to him and begins fiddling with her phone


Perfect. We can work out the specifics later. So can I reach you at this number? Ok, that sounds good. Have a good day. Uh huh, buh bye.


Dennis finally hangs up the phone


Hey Honey, I'm sorry about that.


Not looking up from her phone


Who was that?


Well, I can tell you about it tonight, just not here. So where do you want to go tonight? Dinner? Movie? Dancing?


She puts her phone down and stands up with him


How about we just head to my place for a movie night tonight?


She suggested as she moved closer to her. As she stood right in front of him, he had a good foot over her. Dennis was about 5'9 which in wrestling terms, he was a little person. Honey on the other hand...


Does anyone know yet?


She looks around


No, I haven't told anyone.


She said nervously as she looked around. All the girls were still either getting dressed or in the showers. When she saw that the coast was clear, she latched onto him with a bear hug


I really wish we could see each other more

I know Honey, but we both know this wouldn't look good if someone caught wind of this


Just then, the locker room door opened, which made Honey jump about 10 feet back




Hey Dharma, great job tonight!


Thanks Mr. Emigh.


She said with a smile


What's going on for the next show?

Still working on that. But we got a few tricks up our sleeve


Tricks, huh? Last time you told me that I had Jaime Quine helping me win the title!


She began to giggle and walk towards Honey


Call me Honey. We need to go shopping sometime


She hugged Honey on her way out


Oh, that's right. Yea, we'll certainly do that soon


You better, Miss! Or else the other side of Dharma is going to come out and...(switching to her kayfabe voice) I will come over and BEAT YOU DOWN and there's gonna nuh-UH-th-ING you can do about it!


Dharma begins to laugh


Bye Honey...


Bye Dharma!


Honey turned back to Dennis and mouthed...


That was close


Dennis nodded as the girls began flowing out of the locker room now. Both Honey and Dennis gave hugs and said their farewells for now.


Later, Both Dennis and Honey were at their separate cars out in the hot Las Vegas night.


I'm going to head home first and I'll be by in a bit, ok?


Alright, I'll see you in a bit!


Honey got into her car and started it. Dennis just unlocked the door when suddenly, someone grabbed his arm


We need to talk. Let her leave first.




It was Marilyn. Just as Honey drove away, Dennis turned to her

I have been in this business for a looooong time. I've been in a lot of relationships, and I've been ****ed over a lot, business wise. Hell, I've even been with that drunk Rip Chord.


That's what you wanted to tell me?




She lit a cigarette


What I'm telling you is that having a relationship like this is NOT smart.


So you go from mean old bitch to giving me relationship advice?


Upon hearing this, Marilyn knees Dennis below the belt

You DO NOT talk to me like that. I am trying to save yourself from heartbreak and this ****ing company from being driven in the dirt because YOU want some ***** from Honey.


Dennis was coughing while holding himself


You think that hurts little man? You haven't felt anything yet. Wrestling may be fake, but I know how to bring on the hurt.


Taking a deep breath, she helps Dennis up off the ground


Listen, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to help you. I've come to have a great deal of respect for you ever since that mock show and it was about shattered a moment ago. Respect is a big thing with me and the moment I don't receive it, I'm out. You get what I mean?


Dennis nods, still in pain


It's just Honey and I go way back and it almost killed her selling the company to you.


For a moment, Marilyn was at a loss of words


Just....just be careful. Honey is a very sweet girl and you are a very good man. But don't let love come in between you and running this company properly. Love is a powerful thing and can break even the toughest men. If love breaks the right man, bad things happen, as in, destroy this company. So please, for the sake of your workers, stay focused, ok?


This was the most sincerest Dennis has ever heard Marilyn


I understand, and I'm sorry for calling you a mean bitch.


Dennis extends his (free) hand to Marilyn, who accepts his hand shake


I gotta ask you something though...


He takes a moment to catch his breath


I don't swing that way but how did you manage to get Rip?


Both began to laugh


Ah, it was a long time ago, when we both had the looks. No matter what his reputation was in the ring, outside of the ring he surely couldn't go the distance...


Ok, too much information.

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Mr. Emigh announces one more show at the end of the month!



Earlier today in a phone interview with BSCaction.com, Mr. Emigh has gone on record saying that they will be holding a second show this month.


"At the last two shows the fans have been great. I want to give them a little something extra to finish this month out with. Financially it's a wrong move, but really, it's something they deserve."


Unconfirmed reports are coming out that the tag team titles will be up for grabs but that's mere speculation at this point.


Stay tuned to BSCaction.com for all your updates on your favorite Babes!

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OOC: Thank you! I'm really happy you're enjoying it! :D





Back in the Saddle


In her BSC Debut Match!


Connie Morris vs. Nurse Hope Dye

Lethal Ladies Tag Team Championship!



The Neptune Twins© vs. Alison Capone and Alexis Lee


Main Event


Dharma and Jaime Quine /w Mr. Emigh vs. Tamera McFly and a Partner of her choice

If Tamera wins, she gets a title shot

If Dharma wins, Tamera starts at the bottom of the ladder

If the mystery partner or Jaime win, they will have a shot at the Lethal Ladies Tag Team Championship!

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Back in the Saddle

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Honey: Welcome ladies and gentlemen on this big night tonight!


Sara: That's right Honey. In our main event tonight we could see one of three different things happen. A. Dharma can win the match and thus protect her title from Tamera. B. Tamera could win and get a shot at Dharma's title in just a few short weeks. Or 3, either Jaime Quine or Tamera's mystery partner could win, scoring Jaime and the mystery partner a shot at the Lethal Ladies Championship.


Honey: You mean C, right?


Sara: What are you talking about? I ran down the list of possible things to happen and you're questioning me on a little error.


Honey: I'm sorry Ms. Perfect, I just think it's funny.


Sara: For now on, you refer to me as Ms. Perfect.

Honey: Now onto our opening match.


Honey get's up with mic in hand and slides into the ring.

This match is scheduled a one fall and is for the Lethal Ladies Tag Team Championship!




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Sara: Wow, Alexis surely looks different. I guess they figured that unity and a common goal wasn't enough so she had to start DRESSING like Alison.



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Entering now, are the Lethal Ladies Tag Team Champions, The Neptune Twins!


As all four stand in the ring, Heather Halo orders all four competitors to undress down into their under garments. Just as they finished, they all charged and attacked each other, getting this match officially underway.


Heather finally sorted out the mess and had Alexis and Jen Neptune leave the ring as Alison Capone and Kathy continued to trade blows.


With no tags being made, the match was very back and forth, neither side taking the advantage.


At the 5 minute mark, both Alison and Kathy connect with a clothes line that lays both of them out. Alexis almost leans over the top rope to make a tag and Alison desperately tries to make it. With only a few inches away, Kathy makes the tag to Jen. Just as Jen grabs Alison by the leg, she reaches forward to make the tag to Alexis and the crowd pops as she clears the ring. Once the Neptunes were out on the floor, she picks Alison up and raises her hand. Jen begins to crawl back into the ring as Alison rolls out to the floor, still recovering.


Alexis gets Jen up for a suplex, when all of a sudden Kathy rolls into the ring and chop blocks Alexis, causing her to drop Jen on top of her where she scores the three count.


The Neptune's retain the titles!




Seeing that Jen and Kathy are walking out with the titles, Alison, holding her head, picks Alexis up to see if she's alright. The moment Alexis nods, Alison kicks her in the gut and walks out, leaving Heather to tend to her.


Sara: Wow, Alison did not look happy.


Honey: You got that right, but it was highly uncalled for to give insult to injury when it was just a simple mistake.


Sara: Yes but mistakes can cost you dearly, and that's what happened here tonight.

Cut to backstage in Dharma and Jaime's locker room


This is SO going to be a cinch tonight.


You got that right Dharma.


I mean, does Tammy REALLY think that if she picks her own partner that it will help any? I mean, we got the boss on OUR side! We cant lose!


That's totally true! I mean, who's she going to get? Rich Money? Wanda Fish? She might as well be better off trying to get Bruce the Giant, because that's the only way SHE's going to win, huh?


You totally have that right, Jaime.




Cut back to Honey standing in the ring


For our second match of the evening, Nurse Hope Dye will be wrestling a new comer!



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First out, we have our residential Nurse, Nurse Hope Dye!




Wrestling for the first time in BSC, let's here it for Connie Morris!


Heather calls for the bell and the match is underway.


Connie dominates the match, never letting Hope out of the corner and when Heather pulls Connie away, she suplex's Hope and applies actual wrestling holds, something BSC fans don't see all that often.


Winner by pinfall, Connie Morris!



After the match, Connie helps Hope up to her feet and shakes her hand, showing a sign of respect.




Honey: Now that's something good to see.

Sara: A nurse getting the crap kicked out of her?


Honey: (Sarcastic tone) Yea, that's exactly it.


Honey enters the ring


As a special treat for all you males out there, Mr. Emigh has ordered a Champion-Only bikini contest!




The crowd goes nuts as Dharma and the Neptune Twins walk out, all wearing very tight bikini's. Honey tries to talk but everyone won't quiet down.


Wow, It seems like everyone is happy to see this! Ok men, let's hear it for Jen!


The crowd cheers


How about Kathy?


The crowd cheers again




There is half cheers and half boo's


Well, it doesn't look like you're winning tonight, Dharma.


Dharma picks up her title and takes the mic from Honey


You see? You're all just jealous of me!!! That's fine, I don't give a ****!


She throws the mic outside and storms out of the ring. With no mic, Honey points at the Neptune Twins, declaring them winners of the Champions-Only bikini contest.

Sara: Since Honey isn't going to join me for this, I'll start this one off. Next up, we have another worker debuting, but she's an odd one. Let's take it to Honey.

Thank you Sara. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is our Semi-Main event of the evening!



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First up, from Hollywood, California, our one and only movie diva, Britney Hollywood!



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Power Girl jumps into the ring, then pearches herself on the top rope. She watches Hollywood like a hawk as Hollywood tries to tell Heather to get her off the top rope.


As Heather calls for the bell, Power Girl does a front flip off the top rope and lands face to face with Britney. Instead of locking up, Britney slides out of the ring and yells at the crowd. Just then Power Girl steps through the ropes and jumps off, landing on Britney. Power Girl poses to the crowd as she picks Britney up and put her back in the ring. As Power Girl slides in, Britney starts to put the boots to her. She picks Power Girl up by the hair and delivers a back suplex right in the middle of the ring.

Honey: Power Girl had the match under her control, what happened?


Sara: She got careless and allowed Britney to catch her off guard. Pity.


Honey: Power Girl better think of something quick. Britney is really laying it on her.


Britney runs off the ropes and lands a leg drop across Power Girls chest. She then picks her up and hits the Hollywood Hills and scores a three count.

Sara: Short match, but I think if Power Girl works on her flaws, she may be a force to be rekoned with!


Honey: You're right about that Sara.




Camera cuts to backstage


Tonight, I will have my revenge, Dharma. Tonight is the beginning of the end for you. When you and I get in that ring at the same time, you better be prepared to hurt, because that's what I'm going to be laying on you.


She pauses for a moment


You and Jaime think you have it all figured out. My partner was going to be someone from the original BSC, but then I started thinking that if you two were gonna play hardball, then I need to get the badest girl I could to back me up. Dharma, you sit there and call me a hoe? A slut? Someone with no brains? I beg to differ. I know how to play your game, and I'm in it, to win it!


Tamera tosses the mic down and walks off screen




Honey: She's ready to go tonight. I wonder who she picked?


Sara: Well, get your pretty little ass in the ring and we'll find out!


Honey grabs the mic and heads in


Ladies and gentlemen, THIS is our main event of the evening! The stipulation of this match are simple. If Dharma pins anyone, Tamera will have to work from the bottom up for another shot at the title. If Tamera pins Dharma or Jaime, she will get a title shot in just a few weeks at Fools Night. If Jaime or Tamera's partner pins anyone, they will receive a shot at the Lethal Ladies Tag Team Championships!

The Crowd sounds really pumped for the main event



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Accompanied by BSC owner, Mr. Emigh, I am pleased to introduce Jaime Quine and the Sin City Champion, Dharma Gregg!

The crowd boos. Mr. Emigh heads over to the announce table


Sara: Well hello Mr. Emigh. Nice of you to join us.


Mr. Emigh: Thank you for that. This is a big main event and I have to be front and center for it!



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Mr. Emigh: Is that...?

Sara: I gotta say, I'm impressed. I didn't think she'd get Nadia Snow to be her partner!

Mr. Emigh: This can't be right. I have to approve anyone who wrestles and if I would have saw it was her, I would have banned her from the building!


Honey leaves the ring as the two teams stare at each other. Just as Honey sat down, Dharma holds her title up in the face of an angry Tamera McFly, who just turns her back and talks to Nadia.


Honey: This is going to be one hell of a showdown.


Mr. Emigh: You got that right Honey. I know the champ will come out on top.


Sara: Haha, I agree 100%, boss!


Jaime Quine and Nadia Snow start off the match as the bell sounds. Both lock up and begin trying to get the advantage over the other. Dharma poses towards the crowd and receives boos while Tamera hits the corner cheering Nadia on. Snow takes Quine down with an arm drag. As Jaime gets up, Nadia does it again, and once more for good luck. They lock up again, with Nadia quickly using a take down. She tries to get Jaime locked in an arm bar but she manages to wiggle out. Both get to their feet and lock up once again. Jaime tosses Nadia to the ropes and goes for a clothes line. Nadia ducks, hits the ropes and comes running at Jaime who leap frogs over her. Coming off the ropes again, Jaime lays on her back with her feet up in the air. Her feet land in Nadia's stomach and flips her over, causing her to land on her back. Both wrestlers stand up quickly and stare down, with the crowd clapping.

Mr. Emigh: This is exactly what I was looking for when I took this company over. Hot women actually wrestling.


Honey: That was a great way to start off the match.


Nadia gives a smirk and tags in Tamera. Jaime looks back at Dharma for the tag, but Dharma tells Jaime to keep going and she's doing great. Jaime shrugs and when she turns her attention back to Tamera, she grabs Jaime by the hair and tosses her across the ring. The crowd explodes.


Tamera mounts Jaime and begins laying in the punches, only to have Heather come over and break it up. Jaime staggers back to her feet, only to have Tamera connect with a flying forearm which connects with her forehead. She rolls towards Dharma, tagging her shoe before she rolls out of the ring.


Dharma is stunned as she looks around. Tamera stands in the middle, telling her to bring it


No, I'm not doing this! I'm the champion and...*SCREAMS*


As Dharma yelled at the crowd, Nadia comes in and both grab Dharma's hair and bring her into the ring the hard way. Both begin laying the boots to her.


Mr. Emigh: I didn't sign this match so Tamera could have the unfair advantage. This is totally uncalled for. If Heather doesn't do her job and get that bitch out of there, I'm going to fire her ass and bring in a competent referee.

Sara: Your words are like music to my ears. You speak the truth! I'm so glad you're our new boss.


Mr. Emigh: Thank you Sara. It's nice to hear that people do appreciate me.


Honey: Ugh...


Nadia gets out of the ring as Tamera goes for the pin.






Jaime stops the count by landing an elbow drop on the back of Tamera's head. She rolls to the center where Dharma pushes herself up, and starts to lay the boots onto her.


Aren't so tough now, are ya!?


She picks her up and delivers a scoop slam in front of Jaime's corner. Dharma tags her in, and Jaime comes off the top with a leg drop. She goes for the pin.






Suddenly, Dharma pulls Jaime off by her hair. The two begin to argue as Tamera pulls herself across the ring to tag in Nadia. Just as the crowd pops, Nadia sends Jaime down to the floor and plants a kick in the gut of Dharma which puts her down next to Jaime. Nadia poses in the ring as Tamera pulls herself up to join her. Out of nowhere, Nadia plants a vicious DDT on Tamera, knocking her out.


Honey: Oh my god! What's going on!?


Mr. Emigh: A ha! Even Nadia doesn't want anything to do with a loser like Tamera.


The crowd goes nuts with booing as they start to chant "Slut, slut, slut!" With a nasty smile on her face, she helps Jaime back into the ring where she covers Tamera for the three count.




Mr. Emigh gets up from the table, applauding all three women in the ring. He grabs a mic and slides into the ring.


Yea, keep booing. Change is everywhere! It's everything! What you are looking at here in the ring, is change! THESE ARE THE NEW BABES OF SIN CITY!!!


Overall Rating: D


Copywrite Babes of Sin City 2010

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The Next day...



Dennis sat alone at this corner booth, staring at his soda he had ordered. The sun was glaring in from the window next to him, but it didn't bother much. To any other person, one look at Dennis and you'd think he was in a bad mood. Quite on the contrary. If anything, he was trying to hold in his excitement. Next to him was folder containing vital information on the company's future. Copies of bank statements, ticket and merch sales, paid contracts, and other expenses. He looked down at his cell phone.


Why am I always the one to get here early?


He asked himself in a low tone. Dennis started getting antsy, but he was trying to hold himself from texting Honey and Marilyn. He knew they'd be here. As he took a drink, he looked around to see who was filling this little restaurant about 6 miles away from the strip. The only type of people he could make out were hung over partiers who took full advantage of what Las Vegas had to offer. One lady looked like she was struck by lightning with all her hair sticking up.




It was Honey. He stood up and greeted her with a hug.


About time you made it, I was starting to worry.


Just a late start. I'm sorry

It's ok. I didn't order yet. I wanted to wait until you and Marilyn got here


Honey smiled


I'll wait as well then.


She said with a smile.


Can I get you anything?


The waitress asked Honey


Coffee, black

Even though it was only 10:00 in the morning, the sun still seemed to be extra bright. It must be hell on the party goer's. A few moments later, the waitress dropped off the coffee.


Soda, in the morning?


I hate coffee, but I took a 5 hour energy drink this morning. I just wanted something to sip on.


Finally, big sunglasses and all, Marilyn showed up

There's the last part of the team.


Dennis said as Honey scooted over


Oh I'm sorry dear, I slept in


So Dennis, what did you want to talk about?

Well, after the show. I was going over the numbers.

Dennis opened the folder and pulled some papers out

Ever since we broke 100 people last night, our sponsors have upped our payment


Honey and Marilyn traded looks then back at Dennis


You mean...


We made a lot of money this month with two shows!

Honey and Marilyn couldn't believe it


That's great news!


So I figured if we want to keep this momentum going and prove we're worth the extra sponsorship dollars, I want to start holding shows twice a month. What do you girls think?


I think it's a splended idea, Dennis!

Honey looked as if she was almost in tears


That would do wonders in terms of storylines. We can progress them a bit better, and not dumb them down since you only pay attention to them once a month.




He said as he took a sip of his soda


I got a question. Is this the reason why you brought in Nadia Snow?


No. I'm merely...filling in the gaps. Connie Morris is there to play wrestler, while girls like Dharma and the Neptune twins are there to basically look good.


Dennis pauses as he tries to find the right words for his next sentence


I want this company to have the best of both worlds. Good wrestling, hot women, BSC style. So far, I think it's working out good.


Honey picks up the paper containing an overview of the finances


Um, YEA!?


So...you're fine with these changes?


Dennis asks in a serious tone


It was very hard for me to sell you the company, Dennis. I really thought that you were going to take it all away and I'd be stuck at home, jobless and thinking about going back as a show girl


He takes his hands into hers


But when you gave me that hug after signing the papers, something told me that everything would be alright


Marilyn leaned over and hugged Honey

If anything, everything is turning out great! Haha!


She picks up the menu and begins reading


What do I want to eat? Hhmmm...


Tamera and Connie next show


Dennis said as he picked up his menu


Top contender vs. new girl, huh? Why?

If I read everything right, Connie is a fantastic worker and can put on awesome matches. Tamera needs to have a good outing with someone other then Jaime or Nadia.


Job her out so soon?


Yes, and no. Mr. Emigh will put the match on. If Tamera wins, she gets her long awaited shot. If Connie wins, she gets the shot and Tamera takes a 3 month vacation.


Yea, I think everyone is itching for Dharma/Tamera 2. That can work. But what about the Nadia and Jaime against the Neptune's?


Dennis smiles as he takes a sip of soda


That is for me to know and you to find out. I got something that will really get them going.


Suddenly his phone rings. It's that same number

Excuse me, I'll be right back. Tell the waitress I want the hang over pancake special.


Dennis answers as he walks out


Yea, I'm sorry I didn't call back. I was busy after the show. I got a few minutes...


Honey leans over towards Marilyn as he walks out the door


Who do you think he's talking to?

Marilyn nudges her


Why? Someone a bit jealous?


She begins to laugh as Honey lets out a little grunt as he continues to read her menu

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