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World Wrestling Federation 1993 - Start of a new era

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OOC: No fancy backstory about becoming booker or anything just telling an alternative story of the WWF starting in January 1993.



The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

January Week 1 1993

Written and edited by Dave Meltzer



As the World Wrestling Federation moves into the year 1993 many changes can be expected to the wrestling business as a whole. With the whole steroid scandal taking place as of now it is expected that much more emphasis will be put onto workers such as Bret “The Hitman” Hart, “The Bad Guy” Razor Ramon and “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels among others to try and distance the promotion from the muscle-bound stars such as “The Immortal” Hulk Hogan in light of the trial.


We will now take a special look back at the year 1992 and the developments within the WWF at this time beginning at the start of the year with the “Royal Rumble”.


The Royal Rumble was very unique in 1992 as the winner of the 30 man rumble match was set to be crowned the new WWF World Heavyweight Champion. The undercard was a strong one with the highlights being “Rowdy” Roddy Piper winning the Intercontinental title from The Mountie and The Natural Disasters defeating The Legion of Doom to retain the Tag Team titles by count out. The actual rumble itself was an epic, going for over one hour the eventual winner and new World Champion was “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair after he outlasted everyone despite coming in at number three. It was also especially interesting as he had not been with the WWF very long at this point after defecting from the NWA. The rumble also laid the groundwork for a massive WrestleMania VIII match between Sid Justice and Hulk Hogan after the two had a falling out when Justice pulled Hogan over the ropes after being eliminated seconds before by Hulk.


The full Royal Rumble 1992 results were as follows:


• Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart def. The Orient Express

• Roddy Piper def. The Mountie to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship

• The Beverly Brothers def. The Bushwhackers

• The Natural Disasters def. WWF Tag Team Champions The Legion of Doom by Count Out. The Legion of Doom retains their titles.

• Ric Flair won the Royal Rumble to claim the vacant WWF World Heavyweight Championship.


Next up as far as big events go was a Saturday Night’s Main Event special which had four short matches and overall was quite poor.


Here are the full results:


• Roddy Piper def. The Mountie to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship

• Hulk Hogan and Sid Justice def. Ric Flair and The Undertaker by DQ

• Sgt. Slaughter and Jim Duggan def. The Beverly Brothers

• Randy Savage def. Jake Roberts



This was followed by a hit and miss WrestleMania VIII in early April headlined with a double main event of Ric Flair against “Macho Man” Randy Savage for the World Title and Sid Justice against Hulk Hogan. The undercard saw some good matches with Bret Hart taking the Intercontinental title from Roddy Piper and The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels both looking strong defeating El Matador and Jake Roberts in something of a changing of the guard between the older generation and the future stars. The fact that the World Title match oddly went on 5th on a card of 9 matches didn’t stop both Savage and Flair from giving their all before Savage eventually came out on top to win the title for the second time. The main event of Sid against Hogan was very poorly put together and a combination of poor selling and a mistimed run in from Papa Shango for no reason whatsoever made this a very poor match, which Hogan won by DQ. The Ultimate Warrior appeared to make the save and was all set to feud with Sid until the latter failed a steroid test and was fired from the company. Hulk Hogan would also begin some time off after this match due to the impending steroids trial. This was also Jake Roberts’ last appearance with the company.


The full results were as follows:


• Shawn Michaels def. Tito Santana

• The Undertaker def. Jake "The Snake" Roberts

• Bret Hart def. champion "Rowdy" Roddy Piper to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship

• Virgil/Big Boss Man/Jim Duggan/Sgt. Slaughter def. Repo Man/Mountie/The Nasty Boys

• Randy "Macho Man" Savage def. Ric Flair to win the WWF World Heavyweight Championship.

• Tatanka def. Rick Martel

• The Natural Disasters def. WWF Tag Team Champions Money Inc. via count out. Money Inc. retain their titles

• Owen Hart def. Skinner

• Hulk Hogan wins by disqualification over Sid Justice after Harvey Wippleman interferes in the match then Papa Shango runs in. Ultimate Warrior makes a surprise appearance and runs out to help Hulk Hogan.


The next big event was a huge on for the company with their first PPV in the United Kingdom as SummerSlam 1992 was headlined by a huge double main event. Ultimate Warrior challenged for Randy Savage’s World Heavyweight Title whilst the Intercontinental Title took centre stage as Bret Hart defended against England’s own British Bulldog. The undercard of the show was very poor including a silly stipulation match where neither Shawn Michaels nor Rick Martel could hit each other in the face resulting in a double count out. The event was saved by the double main-event however with Savage retaining after losing to Warrior by count out and then Bulldog defeating Bret for the Intercontinental Title in front of his home fans ending with an emotional embrace between the brother in laws. The aftermath of the show saw Randy Savage lose the belt to Ric Flair only a few days later in early September and Nailz was fired after asking for more money from the PPV later in the year after Survivor Series. Flair incidentally lost the title shortly afterwards to Bret Hart in a non-televised show after a change in booking plans.


The full SummerSlam results are as follows:


• The Legion of Doom def. Money Inc.

• Nailz def. Virgil

• Shawn Michaels and Rick Martel battled to a double count out

• the Natural Disasters def. the Beverly Brothers to retain the WWF Tag Team Championships

• Crush def. Repo Man

• Ultimate Warrior def. WWF Champion Randy Savage by count out. Savage retains the title.

• The Undertaker def. Kamala by DQ

• The British Bulldog pinned Bret Hart to win the Intercontinental Championship.


It was then time for another Saturday Night’s Main Event in October this time with only three matches but a much better show. All three titles were defended and one changed hands with Shawn Michaels taking home the Intercontinental Title after defeating the British Bulldog and Bulldog leaving the company shortly afterwards.


The full show results were as follows:


• The Ultimate Maniacs def. Money Inc. by count out. Money Inc. retains the WWF Tag Team Championships.

• Shawn Michaels def. British Bulldog to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship

• Bret Hart def. Papa Shango


Next up to finish out 1992 was the sixth annual Survivor Series which was a decent card although a lack of build hurt certain matches and the firing of Ultimate Warrior for drugs prior to the show forced a card change with Mr. Perfect turning face. The highlights of the card included Bret Hart retaining the World Title over Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker defeating Kamala in a coffin match.


The Full results are as follows:


• The Headshrinkers defeated High Energy.

• Big Bossman def. Nailz in a "Nightstick on a Pole" match.

• Tatanka def. Rick Martel via pinfall.

• Mr. Perfect and Randy Savage def. Razor Ramon and Ric Flair via DQ

• Yokozuna def. Virgil

• The Nasty Boys, Earthquake & Typhoon def. Money, Inc. & The Beverly Brothers in a "tag team elimination" match. The Nasty Boys were the survivors.

• The Undertaker def. Kamala in a "Coffin" match

• Bret Hart def Shawn Michaels to retain the WWF World Championship.


As 1992 ended Hulk Hogan was a virtual non-entity concentrating on Hollywood due to the steroid scandal, Ric Flair wanted to leave and go back to WCW and Macho Man was looking to move into a semi-active role to concentrate on an announcer’s role whilst the wrestling business was on a downer on the whole. It wasn’t all bad as new stars were being made with World Champion Bret Hart looking to bring popularity back to wrestling and a deal struck for the debut of Monday Night RAW in a primetime slot on Monday nights.




So that brings us slap bang to now with the WWF heading into 1993 there are some interesting storylines developing which will now be detailed.


In the WWF World Heavyweight title scene the biggest threat at present to Bret Hart’s title is the impressive Razor Ramon. Razor is set to challenge Hart for the title at Royal Rumble and has already begun the mind games by sneak attacking his brother Owen during an interview recently. This has the makings of a solid feud which could produce some entertaining matches.


In the WWF Intercontinental title scene Shawn Michaels is set to defend at the Royal Rumble against former tag team partner the returning Marty Jannetty. Michaels turned on his partner and threw him through a plate glass window on the set of Brutus Beefcake’s Barber Shop. Jannetty returned in October attempting to nail Michaels with a mirror as revenge but Michaels pulled his valet Sherri in the way and escaped unharmed. With the two facing off for the title at the rumble it is unsure which corner Sherri will be in although it has been revealed that she will be there.


In the WWF Tag Team title scene Ted DiBiase and Irwin R. Schyster collectively known as Money Inc. are the current champions although there is very little life in the division at present. With no clear challengers The Steiner Brothers are looking to earn a shot facing The Beverly Brothers at the Royal Rumble to decide who the better team of brothers is after very little in way of a feud. Elsewhere teams in contention include The Headshrinkers, The Nasty Boys and The Natural Disasters although Earthquake and Typhoon have not been teaming much lately.


Elsewhere the impressive Yokozuna is one of the hot favourites for the Royal Rumble. The over 500lb mammoth of a man has been lead by manager Mr. Fuji to some impressive squash victories in recent times and has yet to be taken off his feet by anyone.


Another wrestler on a hot streak is Tatanka. The Native American is still undefeated heading into 1993 after debuting with the company in late 1991. He has scored big victories including over Rick Martel and also managed to win a 40 man Battle Royal in 1992 so could be a dark horse for the Royal Rumble himself.


Elsewhere Mr. Perfect and Ric Flair are still at odds after Perfect’s turn at the Survivor Series although as previously mentioned Flair wants to go back to WCW and is clearly unhappy in his role at the WWF.


Also set to debut for the company at the Royal Rumble is "The Narcissist" Lex Luger with Bobby Heenan hyping up his appearance for the past number of weeks.


Another worker soon to debut will be Jorge Gonzalez, early indications show he will work a gimmick of Giant Gonzalez with some kind of padded muscle suit due to his poor physique. He could possibly work a programme with The Undertaker although early details on the matter are very sketchy.


Finally Kamala is currently in a tug of war between long term manager Harvey Wippleman and the recently returned Reverend Slick with Slick wanting Kamala to be treated like a man.


This leaves the current Royal Rumble 1993 card as follows:


30 Man Over the Top Royal Rumble Main Event (Winner to face the WWF World Heavyweight Champion at WrestleMania IX)

WWF World Heavyweight Championship: Bret Hart© defends against Razor Ramon

WWF Intercontinental Championship: Shawn Michaels© defends against Marty Jannetty (Sensational Sherri will be at ringside)

Battle of the Teams of Brothers: The Steiner Brothers vs. The Beverly Brothers

• Plus…The debut of Lex Luger



So that’s the WWF, what about the rest of the world…well here is a rundown of the Wrestling Observer top Awards for 1992.


Wrestler of the Year – “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair

Most Outstanding Wrestler – Jushin “Thunder” Lyger

Best Babyface – Sting

Best Heel – Rick Rude

Manager of the Year – Jim Cornette

Feud of the Year - Jeff Jarrett & Jerry Lawler vs. The Moondogs (USWA)

Tag Team of the Year - Miracle Violence Connection (Terry Gordy and Steve Williams)

Most Improved – El Samurai

Best on Interviews – “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair

Most Charismatic – Sting

Best Technical Wrestler – Jushin “Thunder” Lyger

Best Brawler – Cactus Jack

Best Flying Wrestler – Jushin “Thunder” Lyger

Most Overrated – Erik Watts

Most Underrated – Terry Taylor

Promotion of the Year – New Japan Pro Wrestling

Best Weekly Television Show – All Japan Pro Wrestling

Match of the Year - Kenta Kobashi and Tsuyoshi Kikuchi vs. Doug Furnas and Dan Kroffat (AJPW)

Rookie of the Year – Rey Misterio Jr.

Best Television Announcer – Jim Ross

Worst Television Announcer – Gorilla Monsoon

Best Major Show - Wrestlemarinpiad IV (AJW)

Worst Major Show – Halloween havoc (WCW)

Best Wrestling Move – 450 Splash (2 Cold Scorpio)

Most Disgusting Promotional Tactic - Pushing Erik Watts (WCW)

Worst Television Show - Global Wrestling Federation on ESPN

Worst Match of the Year - Rick Rude vs. Masahiro Chono (WCW)

Worst Feud of the Year – The Ultimate Warrior vs. Papa Shango (WWF)

Worst Promotion of the Year - Global Championship Wrestling

Best Booker- Riki Choshu (NJPW)

Promoter of the Year – Shohei Baba (AJPW)

Best Gimmick – The Undertaker (WWF)

Worst Gimmick – Papa Shango (WWF)

Reader’s Favourite Wrestler – Ric Flair

Reader’s Least Favourite Wrestler – Erik Watts

Worst Wrestler – Andre the Giant

Worst Tag Team - The Bushwhackers (Luke Williams and Butch Miller)

Worst Manager – Mr. Fuji

Most Embarrassing Wrestler – Papa Shango


Also worth noting is a recently done independent article on the top 30 wrestlers at the moment.


1. Bret Hart

2. Shawn Michaels

3. Keiji Mutoh

4. Jushin Lyger

5. Ric Flair

6. Mascara Sagrada

7. Misterioso

8. Sting

9. Randy Savage

10. Ted DiBiase

11. Masahiro Chono

12. Curt Hennig

13. Volador

14. El Hijo Del Santo

15. Eddy Guerrero

16. Akira Nogami

17. Ultimo Dragon

18. Antonio Inoki

19. Hulk Hogan

20. Rick Rude

21. Canek

22. Koji Kanemoto

23. Osamu Matsuda

24. Heavy Metal

25. Blue Panther

26. Art Barr

27. Rick Martel

28. Tatsumi Fujinami

29. Chris Benoit

30. Davey Boy Smith



As far as in the game goes this is the details from the creative meeting

Franchise Players – Bret Hart, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan, Ted DiBiase

Next Big Things – Owen Hart

Hot Prospects – Owen Hart, Earthquake, Jerry Sags, Glen Ruth, Blake Beverly

Talk the Talk – Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Randy Savage, Ted DiBiase, Bret Hart

Show Stoppers – Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Ric Flair, Randy Savage

Ring Generals – Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Ted DiBiase, Ric Flair, Mr. Perfect

Who’s Hot –Bret Hart, Yokozuna, Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker

Who’s Not – Jim Powers, The Berzerker, Blake Beverly, Beau Beverly, Bob Backlund

Time Decline – Jerry Lawler, Bob Backlund, Bushwhacker Luke, Bushwhacker Butch, Ric Flair


WWF Roster 1993


Faces Blue

Heels Black


Main Event

“The Hitman” Bret Hart

“The Immortal” Hulk Hogan – On Hiatus

“Macho Man” Randy Savage – Cutting down Schedule

“The Nature Boy” Ric Flair

The Undertaker



Upper Midcard


“The Taxman” Irwin R. Schyster

“The Narcissist” Lex Luger – Yet to Debut

Marty Jannetty

“The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase

Mr. Perfect

“The Bad Guy” Razor Ramon

“The Dog Face Gremlin” Rick Steiner

Scott Steiner

“The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels

“Native American” Tatanka



“The Beast from the East” Bam Bam Bigelow

Beau Beverly

Big Bossman

Blake Beverly

“Nasty Boy” Brian Knobbs

Doink the Clown


“El Matador” Tito Santana


Giant Gonzalez – Yet to Debut

“Hacksaw” Jim Duggan

“The King” Jerry Lawler

“Nasty Boy” Jerry Sags

“The Ugandan Giant” Kamala

Koko B. Ware

“The Rocket” Owen Hart

Papa Shango

Repo Man

“The Model” Rick Martel




Lower Midcard

Bob Backlund

Bushwhacker Butch

Bushwhacker Luke

Jim Powers

Max Moon


The Berzerker




Brooklyn Brawler

Damien Demento


Enhancement Talent

Executioner #1

Executioner #2

Glen Ruth

“Iron” Mike Sharpe

PJ Walker

Reno Riggins



Afa – Manages The Headshrinkers

Harvey Wippleman – Manages Giant Gonzalez and Kamala

Jimmy Hart – Manages Money Inc.

Mr Fuji – Manages Yokozuna

Paul Bearer – Manages The Undertaker

Reverend Slick

Sensational Sherri


Announcing Team

Bobby “The Brain” Heenan – Colour Commentator

“Mean” Gene Okerlund – Backstage Interviewer and Occasional Announcer

Gorilla Monsoon – Commentator

Howard Finkle – Ring Announcer

Lord Alfred Hayes – Commentator and Occasional Backstage Interviewer

Raymond Rougeau – Backstage Interviewer

Rob Bartlett - Commentator

Sean Mooney – Commentator

Todd Pettengill – Yet to Debut

Vince McMahon – Commentator



Arnold Skaaland

Bill Alfonso

Danny Davis

Earl Hebner

Joey Marella

Shane McMahon

Tim White


Road Agents

Dave Hebner

Gerald Brisco

Jack Lanza

Pat Patterson

Rene Goulet

Sgt. Slaughter

Tony Garea



Jack Doan – Truck Driver/Ring Crew – Training to be a Referee

Jack Tunney – On Air Authority Figure

James J. Dillon – Backstage Staff

Linda McMahon – Vince McMahons wife



WWF World Heavyweight – Bret Hart (defeated Ric Flair October 1992)

WWF World Tag Team – Money Inc. (defeated The Natural Disasters October 1992)

WWF Intercontinental – Shawn Michaels (defeated British Bulldog October 1992)

Tag Teams

Beverly Brothers (Beau Beverly and Blake Beverly)

High Energy (Owen Hart and Koko B. Ware)

Money Inc. (IRS and Ted DiBiase)

Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags)

Natural Disasters (Earthquake and Typhoon)

Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner and Scott Steiner)

The Bushwhackers (Luke and Butch)

The Executioners (Executioner #1 and Executioner #2)

The Headshrinkers (Fatu and Samu)

Virgil and El Matador


TV Shows


Monday Night RAW - 1 Hour A Show (yet to debut)

Announcers – Vince McMahon, Randy Savage and Rob Bartlett

Wrestling Challenge – 1 Hour B Show

Announcers – Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan


Superstars – 1 Hour B Show

Announcers – Vince McMahon and Mr. Perfect


Wrestling Observer Preview of Inaugural Monday Night Raw


This coming Monday will see the first ever edition of Monday Night Raw emanating from its home in Manhattan, New York at the Grand Ballroom at Manhattan Centre Studios. With just four weeks until the Royal Rumble everyone ill be looking to impress and earn a place in the coveted Rumble match.


In an action packed first edition the first five participants for the Royal Rumble match will be announced as well as a fantastic main event featuring the undefeated Native American Tatanka against the man yet to even be taken off his feet Yokozuna.


Also in action will be Razor Ramon and The Steiner Brothers

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WWF Monday Night RAW

Monday Week 1 January 1993

Sponsored by ICOPRO



We are welcomed to the show by our three man announce team of Vince McMahon, Rob Bartlett and Randy Savage informing us that Raw is “Uncut, Uncooked and Uncensored”. They then announce that Bobby Heenan will not be allowed in the building, he is banned from Monday Night Raw. McMahon goes on to announce tonight’s main event as the undefeated Tatanka facing his biggest challenge yet against the massive Yokozuna.


We then go down to ringside for our opening match as ‘The Victors’ plays over the sound system and the Steiner Brothers come down to the ring.




Match One

Scott Steiner and Rick Steiner vs. Executioner #1 and Executioner #2

As much of a squash as you would expect here with the jobber team getting in very little offence and the announce team putting over the Steiners as a force to reckoned with and stating Money Inc. should watch their backs. A Frankensteiner from Scott on Executioner #2 was enough to seal the victory.

Winners – The Steiner Brothers in 5:22



We then cut to the back where Bobby Heenan dressed as an elderly lady is trying to get into the building by telling Sean Mooney he is Rob Bartlett’s grandma. Mooney eventually pulls the wig off and sends Heenan packing as he is banned from Raw.


After a break the show then comes back to the next two competitors already in the ring for their contest.




Match Two

Repo Man vs. PJ Walker

Another typical squash match although walker did get minimal offence in on Repo before succumbing to submission in the Crowbar (Single Leg Crab).

Winner – Repo Man in 4:34




The announce team then talk about the Royal Rumble before we cut to Gene Okerlund in the ‘Royal Rumble Centre’ as he announces the first five participants for the 30 man over the top battle royal as Yokozuna, Earthquake, Typhoon, Doink the Clown and Koko B. Ware. He also hypes up the title match as well showing footage of Razor recently laying out Owen on an episode of Mania to send a message to Bret.


During this segment Shawn Michaels is shown in front of a generic purple background as he announces that Sherri will be in his corner at the Royal Rumble and not Marty Jannetty’s as speculated by some people.



Bobby Heenan is shown trying to get into the building once again, this time as a Rabbi again claiming to be related to Rob Bartlett but he is once again found out by Mooney and prevented from entering the building.




Match Three

“The Bad Guy” Razor Ramon vs. Koko B. Ware

Not as much of a squash as the previous matches but still pretty much a squash as Razor dominated much of the match just sending a message of his abilities to Bret Hart before the Royal Rumble. He eventually finished off Koko with the Razor’s Edge (Falling Crucifix Power Bomb).

Winner – Razor Ramon in 4:49


After the match Razor mimicked gold around his waist before leaving to the back.



A Brief history of the feud between Mr. Perfect and Ric Flair is shown before announcing both will be in action next week.


After a commercial break it was then time for the main event




Main Event

Yokozuna w/Mr. Fuji vs. “The Native American” Tatanka

The whole story of this match was Tatanka trying to take the big man off his feet and coming close a few times but ultimately not being able to achieve what he wanted to. In the end Yoko gained control and after a couple of belly to belly slams he landed the big Banzai Drop. Instead of going for the cover he decided to drop two more on Tatanka until referee Joey Marella disqualified him leaving Tatanka with his unbeaten streak intact but not looking very healthy for it.

Winner – Tatanka in 7:43


After the match the announcers put over how Tatanka had defeated Yokozuna although he paid the ultimate price and asked just who could stop the big man from Japan winning the Royal Rumble at the end of the month and going on to WrestleMania IX at Caesars Palace and defeating the champion whoever it may be.


They then reminded everyone that both Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect would be in action on next week’s edition to close the show.


As the end music played Bobby Heenan was shown admitting defeat in trying to get in until Sean Mooney let him into the building only for Heenan to run in as the show was finishing and faded to black.



The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

January Week 2 1993

Written and edited by Dave Meltzer



After the first ever Monday Night Raw the reports are certainly positive with the whole show being well received and getting a live rating on the USA Network of 5.44. In the UK the show got a 2.84 rating on Sky Sports with the repeat on Sky One getting a 1.10.


Elsewhere in the ‘B’ Shows of WWF this week the following happened


Superstars: Bam Bam Bigelow over Glen Ruth, The Headshrinkers over The Bushwhackers, Doink the Clown came out terrorising children until Crush ran him off, Skinner over Virgil, Big Bossman over Damien Demento. Also on the show three more were announced for the Royal Rumble with Virgil, Skinner and Bigelow being added to the mix.


Wrestling Challenge: Nasty Boys over Iron Mike Sharpe and Duane Gill, Hacksaw Jim Duggan over Brooklyn Brawler, Kamala over Jim Powers, The Undertaker over Barry Hardy. Also on the show Slick tried once again to get Kamala to realise he is a man and join him rather than Wippleman and Kim Chee. In addition Kamala, The Undertaker and Hacksaw were added to the Royal Rumble.


Also of note on these programmes were vignettes hyping the soon coming debut of “Doomsday” a character familiar to fans of the USWA. He was accompanied in the Vignettes by a woman who seems to have total control over his actions known simply as Angelique portrayed by the recently signed Terri Runnels, wife of WCW star Dustin Rhodes. Expect this character to debut on TV soon.


In contract news Ric Flair looks set to turn his back on the WWF as expected as rumours surface of a lucrative offer from World Championship Wrestling. WCW has also signed contracts with Honky Tonk Man, Kerry Von Erich, Nick Bockwinkel, Road Warrior Hawk and Sid Vicious this week for them to soon debut with the company as they look to improve their star power.


Elsewhere in the WWF Barry Darsow has signed on to portray Repo Man for another twelve months with the company.


In WCW news, this weeks Power Hour was headlined by a fantastic match between Rick Rude and Sting with Rude going over via some interference from Big Van Vader. Saturday night on other hand was headlined by Arn Anderson over Johnny B. Badd


Finally both Brian “Crush” Adams and Wayne “Beau Beverly” Bloom were given stern warnings after traces of steroids were found in random blood tests carried out before this weeks shows. Bloom is said to be looking into cleaning up his act but sources close to Adams say the incident did not faze him one bit.


Preview for this week’s Monday Night Raw


This Monday promises to be action packed, just three episodes away from the Royal Rumble, more names are bound to be announced whilst Mr. Perfect and Ric Flair will both be in the same building, and things are bound to get heated there.


Also in action are The Undertaker and High Energy…

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It happened back in the day, monsters would be pushed simply by destroying opponents and DQ'd it happened with Yoko a couple of times. Banzai dropping and the like too many times when the referee said thats enough.


Very impressed with the writing mate. Any chance of putting the grades on though just to cure my own curiosity?

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