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Well one way to prevent it is to wait until you get the message that APW have offered a contract to one of your workers, then make an offer yourself. That way you somehow stop APW from stealing him... For now...


Aye, this isn't a bad idea.


Also, don't be above trying to use some dirty tricks to smack down their prestige. Sure, they can also backfire... but no pain, no gain.


But yes, if they make an offer to your guys, make one right back. I do believe that, at the start at least, RAW are the more prestigious company which should give you a nice advantage over them.

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Okay. That was a wrinkle of the game I was unaware of. Thank you both for the help.


Also: dirty tricks are bad ass!


I love getting the world to believe UEW is a Satanic Cult.


And really, it is. How else could a company filled with a bunch of bland, characterlessness hope to compete with even ONE of Bam Bam Johansson's mighty, rippling biceps?

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You are doing something wrong. Other people have mentioned people leaving but unless you are losing popularity or screwing around with dirty tactis messing you up there is no way you should be losing your top guys. You are in a war so they can only work for one of you, and if you dont screw up, you have every edge over APW so they should stay with you. I have never lost any of my guys to APW and have managed to steal most of theirs.


Also are your guys actually leaving or are you just freaking out because of that email? Just beause you get an email saying "APW have offered a contract to Captain Wrestling II" doesn't mean he is leaving. I have gotten those messages but no one has ever left b/c they end up rejecting their contract.

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You are doing something wrong. Other people have mentioned people leaving but unless you are losing popularity or screwing around with dirty tactis messing you up there is no way you should be losing your top guys. You are in a war so they can only work for one of you, and if you dont screw up, you have every edge over APW so they should stay with you. I have never lost any of my guys to APW and have managed to steal most of theirs.


Also are your guys actually leaving or are you just freaking out because of that email? Just beause you get an email saying "APW have offered a contract to Captain Wrestling II" doesn't mean he is leaving. I have gotten those messages but no one has ever left b/c they end up rejecting their contract.


My problem was that I was not negotiating after I got the email.

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It's going much better, now. They tried to take my top guys but mostly failed. Rahmel left, but that was because I could not resign him due to his low selling. That's okay with me, since I stole the Melbourne Blondes, the Masters, Stephannie Drucker, and Sean Quartermane. My backstage is like 10 percent more positive and my tag division has actual workrate not. Also, Maximum Blaze and Crazy Train had Great Tag Chemistry! Best tag team ever.
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