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What are your top 5 stats/traits?

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Post the top 5 stats/traits (in order) that you look for in a worker that you want to be your star attraction/franchise player? You can post your top 10 if you want. ^_^


1. Age:


Reasoning: I don't really have a great reason for using this criteria as workers can easily wrestle into their 50's in TEW 2010 (and routinely worked into their 40's in 08). But I job male workers over the age of 40 (and women over the age of 35) down the card with almost no exceptions once they hit those ages. I don't give any guys over the age of 35 or women over the age of 30 anything resembling a push, but I tend to let them keep their spots until they age a few more years if I like them a lot or am in a really dire spot. As a general rule, I try to avoid signing these people altogether unless it's to have another worker take their overness away by beating their popularity out of them (which creates problems for me a lot of times with egos), but there are a few exceptions in every mod. Summer Valentine/Giles/Uwe Cartwright in the Kobeverse, Jack Bruce and (sometimes) J-Ro in the CVerse, and The Rock and Goldberg in real world mods. But yeah, my ideal worker is a 17-23 year old female or 18-27 year old male. Older than that and I start thinking of who will replace them.


2. Sex Appeal:


Reasoning: I book integrated promotions with women as my main eventers a lot. If a female worker doesn't have at least a B here they don't get a good push, period. I don't care what else they can do. :p As far as males are concerned, I'll go as low as C- in mods like CVerse where male sex appeal is normalized down to B, but in other mods I just hold guys to the same standard. Lately (since TEW 2010 with the excel feature), I've adopted the general rule of looking at the top 10% of men and women in sex appeal, cutting out the older workers and picking my future stars/main eventers from there. From that, I use the other criteria. Which are:


3. Charisma


Reasoning: I don't have a particularly good reason for valuing this as high as I do (the 4th and 5th items on my list are probably more valuable than this stat), but if a worker is under 25, has a B or better charisma and top 5% sex appeal (Charlize Angelle, you are missed. Sara Marie York, if only your render weren't so dreadful. -_-) they are the darling of my promotion. They will be pushed and they will get everything they want for me to get them on a long term written contract. These sorts of workers are relatively rare for good reason, but depending on the mod you see between 2 and 10 of these people if it's any good (Anymore than that and the mod typically has stat inflation).


4. Psychology


Reasoning: After age (no over 35 males/30 females), sex appeal (top 5-10% in database), and charisma (B or better), I finally drift to a wrestling stat. ^_^ I mostly push the people with the previously mentioned stats in abundance, and then protect them by matching them with great psych wrestlers, but every once in a while there is a worker with a high psychology stat who also has all those stats in abundance. Young Rock comes closest in real world mods, and I guess John Cena. Morrison will get here one day. Marc Dubois fills his category depending on how he develops in a game.


5. Star Quality


Reasoning: Why should I push someone who doesn't look like a star? :p


6 and 7. Athleticism/Stamina


Reasoning: Ideally I'd like a worker that has both of these things together, but both are equally important to me (I need to have my top star wrestle those 50-60 minute iron man matches as he/she becomes better, and an A or A* athleticism just brings a huge smile to my face).


8. Basics




I like to see a high basics for the same reason I like a high athleticism - it just makes me happy. :)


9. Menace


Reasoning: Admittedly, a worker with an A or better menace and an A or better star quality and under 30 age (see: Gargantuan) will get a massive push from me. But these guys are never the darling of the my promotion so much as they are the foil for my top face to beat/feud with once they develop some actual wrestling ability (the types of wrestlers I like seldom start with wrestling ability so they have to be protected by boring performance skills guys for a year or 2. ^_^). I put menace so low since even though it's the 6th stat I look at, having a high menace actually precludes a worker from ever being my top dog (even though it guarantees them a top 3 spot in my promotion if they are young or have a have high SQ).


10. Resilience


Reasoning: Please, just have at least a B and I won't mind so much. Less than that and I'm really squeamish to push though. ^_^


Also ran:


11. Any old high top row stat (a B or better in any top row stat will do. If that and ring work is all you have you won't get the belt in my promotion, but I'll put a worker like this in a triple threat with the workers I really like so he/she can protect them).


Things I don't care about:


* Toughness

* Safety

* Respect

* Intensity

* Stiffness

* Mic Skills OR Acting (as long as you have one, I could care less about the other).


^^ I don't think any of the above have ever affected my decision to hire a worker.

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1. Popularity

2. Performance (especially psychology and basics)

3. Brawling/Technical/Flying (The actual wrestling skills, so to speak)

4. Entertainment (If he's a main eventer, he'll have to cut a promo from time to time)

5. Stamina (If I want them to main event my shows now or in the future they have to be able to last longer than 10 minutes in the ring, if I want them to midcarders I don't really care how high their stamina is.)

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I play mainly performance based feds


1) Stamina


I run long matches and I hate it when my guys can't go I usually go for B- or better stamina from my main event and C or better from the lowercard.


2) Consistency


I like my guys to be able to put on a good show all the time every time.


3) Selling


Even if you aren't a great workers as long as you can sell the other guys moves you can make the match look good.


4) Psychology


I know its a performance based fed but psychology is lower than the others because its not all important. I'll hire guys with higher psychology to carry matches and then the guys with out a high psych will learn it over time. Although you mostly won't make it into my main event with out a C+ or better in psych.


5) An in ring skill Brawling/Flying/Mat/Submission


At least one person in the match has to have some type of moves to make look good so it'll depend on what kind of fed I'm running. I usually like lightweight fliers and technicians.

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1. Either Basics or Psychology. If you can't get the foundations of wrestling down, I can't see much of a future for you.

2. Mic Skills.

3. At least a C- in one of the major working categories (Tech., Rumble, etc.)

4. The ability to play either a strong heel or face.

5. Star Quality


Those are just generally the things I value, obviously there are specific roles that I would focus on different stats...monster heels probably won't get a lot of mileage unless they have the menace to carry them, and I also like my main eventers to have at least a C+ in stamina.

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I generally run popularity based promotions, so I look at a few of the stats. I have a good imagination, so being able to think of storylines, feuds, etc is fun for me, keeps me interested so I'm not just booking Show #345 of random matches. Which is why I don't really like performance based feds.


1. Popularity - Obviously this is the king of all stats regardless of the type of promotion you run.


2. Stamina - I like you, would like my main eventers to be able to have long slow built matches. I remember in my current game, Murderous Mikey skyrocketed his popularity in the region I play in (Tri-State. I got him to A* there.) But he gets the road agent note of exhausted if the match is over 9 minute, ugh. I even get the popup that the match didn't play to his strengths. Which brings me to the next stat.


3. Psychology - Obviously if you're going to have a 20+ minute slow built match, you're going to need to be able to tell a story in the ring. And give the crowd what they want, so they don't fall asleep. No brainer stat right here.


4. Entertainment Stats - As I run popularity promotions, being able to be in successful angles is very important. The better your entertainment skills, the less managers I feel like I need, which in the long run means less employees, which means more money.


5. Star Quality - If you have the look of a star, you're most likely going to be a star. If you have high Star Quality, but crap in other stats, you can spend some time in development, then when you're ready to debut, I can get your popularity up by making you a lackey/sidekick to a main eventer and spent time with them in tag matches, and angles.

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If they sang a song with Jedward will I still be tempted to buy it?


Never, ever, would i buy a Jedward Song even if it was with Tommy Cornell, Sean Mcfly, etc.


Mine are normally-

1) Performance Skills-The whole lot are important to me.

2) Popularity

3) Charisma

4) Star Quality

5) Techincal Skills (Just because i like technical wrestlers :p)

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For me it's less specific stats outside of what owner goals dictate...the first thing that always catches my eye is a worker's picture and the alts that have been made. If I don't like the way they look or they have been made to look, I won't push them, and often a big push can be triggered by seeing an awesome new alt! Then the bio, anything that stands out, and then, say with SWF, the only things I'd want universally are reasonable basics and usually star quality or charisma. Although the other day I did do a deliberate search for good workers with low SQ and Charisma with the intention of building someone up in Enforcer Roberts' place, Deeley would obviously be ideal but for his written deal so I'm thinking one of Marc Speed and Al Coleman, probably Speed because Coleman's an absolute tosser.
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Depends totally on the product.


Performance biased product:

1. Performance

2. The actual wrestling skills (Rumble, Technical, Flying (depending on the product settings).

3. Personality

4. Stamina

5. Star Quality


Popularity biased product:

1. Menace

2. Entertainment

3. Personality

4. Star Quality

5. Performance

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I guess I'm odd, because I tend to gravitate toward character first.


I have all day for Murderous Mikey, Primal Rage, Tully Arthurs (Even as Tom Angelus lol), Kentucky Bill and Thomas Morgan. As well, Travis Century and Mad Man Boone always seem to make into my Main Event scene (I usually run Regional to cult feds). I can always find something for these types of guys to do; it's just a matter of working around their stats and working toward their strengths.


Sure, I'll hire Steve Flash based off his all around benefits but in the end I'm much more invested in and will give a much stronger push to the guys whose characters attracted me first.



Should add: I 95% of the time run pop based feds, where things are much more manageable for me in this regard.

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I guess I'm odd, because I tend to gravitate toward character first.


I have all day for Murderous Mikey, Primal Rage, Arthur Tully (Even as Tom Angelus lol), Kentucky Bill and Thomas Morgan. As well, Travis Century and Mad Man Boone always seem to make into my Main Event scene (I usually run Regional to cult feds). I can always find something for these types of guys to do; it's just a matter of working around their stats and working toward their strengths.


Sure, I'll hire Steve Flash based off his all around benefits but in the end I'm much more invested in and will give a much stronger push to the guys whose characters attracted me first.



Should add: I 95% of the time run pop based feds, where things are much more manageable for me in this regard.


I do this too I guess there are certain people I like to hire as long as my owner goals don't stop me.


1) Any of the Samoans (yes that includes Tana) I just love all those guys and my dream is to one day have them all in the same fed, without cheating.


3) Steve Flash. I loved him in 2005 when he wasn't a performance god, I loved in in 2008 when he was a performance god and the NYCW champ and I still love him now when his age is making his skills decline.


3) 50% of the CZCW roster. Give me P-Dawg, REmmy Skye, Insane Machine, Fox Mask, Masked Cougar heel even Air Attack Weasel. Anytime I'm not using CZCW I raid their roster.


4) Fearless Blue and Daredevil Aero. I so badly wanna make these guys a legitimate tag team.


5) Cal Sandes. Just cause

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Agreed with FIN in that it depends on the product, really. But seeing as I tend to usually play popularity based feds, I like the obvious stats for that such as menace, charisma and star quality. However, I do like to put on at least half decent matches if possible, so I also look for psychology and stamina if possible.
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1. Charisma- this is the thing I always filter in my signings, since I always play either balanced or popularity-based promotions. The dirt sheet only confirmed what I've suspected all along: charisma gives bonuses to pretty much everything you do. It's essential to me that my top guys have good charisma, even if their mic skills or star quality isn't great.


2. Star Quality/Menace/Sex Appeal- there's an old sports saying that you can't teach size. I can take a lump like BSS or Rocky Golden or Gargantuan and teach them enough to become main eventers (look at Lex Luger), but you can't take a 5'8 guy with no abs and make him your champion in anything but a regional promotion, even if he is God's gift to wrestling (maybe Bryan Danielson will prove me wrong).


3. Basics- kind of an underrated stat, but important in any kind of environment for putting on good matches at any level. Even in a popularity-based promotion, a guy with bad basics will struggle to pull a match grade consistent with his popularity.


4. Overness- even though you can get most anyone over, overness is very useful for knowing what you can do with a new signing right away. Lassana Makutski has to spend months losing competitive match-ups or beating jobbers before he's on the real roster, whereas Art Reed can just jump into a storyline with anybody the minute you sign him.


5. Psychology- A very important stat, especially for guys in the upper midcard and above. Not an end-all-be-all stat since good psych can compensate for someone with average psych, but it is helpful to make sure you have a few guys with B+ psychology floating around the top of the card, especially if you want to run traditional main event TV matches.


6. Age- not a huge deal, but I'm usually not interested in signing guys over 35 or women over 30. Don't understand OP's refusal to sign men over 27, as most guys don't hit their peak until at least 30 if not later.


7. Gimmick & Face/Heel Ratings- I'm probably the odd duck that actually cares about what I am going to do with a guy if I sign him. I like to have a character in mind, so it's important to know what they can do. I also don't like doubling up identical gimmicks, so if I already have Marc DuBois playing a ****y youth, I don't want to bring Steven Parker in and have him play a ****y youth unless I am going to pair the two, and even then it might work better to give Parker some kind of sidekick gimmick since he's not as over or as talented as DuBois.

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Bryan won't prove you wrong. Vinnie Mac won't push him unless he bulks up a lot. Just look at Evan Bourne. Started to get hot, so now he's being jobbed into oblivion.




My order's usually something like:

1) Puro

2) Overall Technical

3) Psychology

4) Stamina

5) Star Power


but I'm kinda a noob.

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1) Star Quality (due to its place in the cap-setting formula and its overall utility)

2) Charisma

3) Basics (actually all the performance skills but basics is a MUST for my performance based promotions)

4) Stamina

5) Personality (ruthless/antisocial types need not apply but I'd give a 'social' worker a paycheck for life)

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Would their picture count as a trait? If so, thats the most important one.


If not, like Rem said it depends. Bust generally speaking:


1. Psychology

2. Stamina

3. Basics

4. Intensity (assuming Im playing a Cult fed where fans boo E+ and lower, otherwise dont care)

5. A mix of star quality/charisma.


I usually create my own Cult fed thats based more on performance than popularity, but where angles and star quality still matters.

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I sometimes hire a worker just because I like his picture, but I guess that doesn´t count as a stats:p.


Actually I don´ really have a preferred stats since I usually run a promotion that grades guys equally on performance and popularity and I don´t really know yet what stats I should look. I guess age and popularity are two most importants for me and also decent overall stats (so basicly if some guy have almost every stats on C or D range he is very likely to get hired by me).

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Cool. Surprised at how salient popularity is to people. I don't think that factors much into my decision to push a worker at all (Guys with high popularity who don't have my preferred stats get jobbed down the card to guys/gals I like).


I think I pay a lot of attention to renders myself (it's definitely in my top 10), it just didn't cross my mind to think of pictures. ^_^

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Kobe, I must admit I'm puzzled by your high priority on sex appeal....


Are you running BSC then? Because if you're not running a T&A promotion I don't think I understand your reasoning behind your choices...


Honest answer?


I like pushing good looking/menacing/superstar looking people. The idea of Bryan Danielson as world champion is the most absurd thing on the planet to me. :D


I have to be able to picture a worker as a star before I can push them as one. If they don't have the look, I just can't do it. :o I guess to this end renders are also important, but workers with high sex appeal/star quality/menace tend to have good renders so they follow one another.


I rationalize it all sorts of ways, but that's pretty much it. ^_^


I'm good enough at the game at this point that I can grow pushing pretty much whoever I want, so I get fixated on stats that the workers I would push if I was a booker in real life would have and then find a way to make it work. Flash Savage will probably be my world champion in this next TEW draft inside 10 months, for instance (and my promotion will still be in first place lol).

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Honest answer?


I like pushing good looking/menacing/superstar looking people. The idea of Bryan Danielson as world champion is the most absurd thing on the planet to me. :D


I have to be able to picture a worker as a star before I can push them as one. If they don't have the look, I just can't do it. :o I guess to this end renders are also important, but workers with high sex appeal/star quality/menace tend to have good renders so they follow one another.


I rationalize it all sorts of ways, but that's pretty much it. ^_^


I'm good enough at the game at this point that I can grow pushing pretty much whoever I want, so I get fixated on stats that the workers I would push if I was a booker in real life would have and then find a way to make it work.


And yet AJ starlight was such a dissapointment...



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And yet AJ starlight was such a dissapointment...




Not when I played with him. ^_^


In my playthroughs (two, both of which didn't last longer than 3 months/20 shows) AJ Starlight had an A* popularity, the belt and a 15+ match undefeated streak. :)


The only other worker that ever gets those sorts of pushes from me is Torrie Wilson (and my A* sex appeal, star quality user characters in every game). ^_^


*Side note: One of these days someone is going to exploit me in a draft by grabbing Charlize Angelle with a high pick (or Emma Chase in a 97' draft) and blackmailing me into overpaying for her in a trade. Of course I'll declare war on them after the fact, but I digress... :)

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