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Is it as user friendly as 04?

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howdy folks, and longtimers from the .400 days remember me?


I loved TEW 04. If there was anyway I could get my hands on that again, I would in a heart beat and never look back. Why? Because that one was so rediculous easy.


TEW 08 always annoyed me to have the staff/wrestlers appear on the same roster screen. I'd have to end up editing names so I knew just what the bloody hell they did (REF., Mng, ROAD)


so please tell me, is all the clutter gone? I know the media reviews said it's more user friendly, but is it really? And heres the deal breaker, can I still run unchained storylines?

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wah ha ha ha ha ha ha!


TEW '04 was user friendly!?


Sorry, I just found that funny. The help file included is very helpful, and there are a lot of new features but many of them are designed to make things more user friendly.


From appearances and screenshots you might think "woah! overload" but all in all it should have a lot deeper gameplay then '04

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TEW 04 was userfriendly enough that I recall. The only game of the series I had a game that went the longest before it got corrupted....


*sigh* Warmachine.


Thing is, in 08 the filter options never stayed the way I wanted them. Why should I even have to touch the filter? Why can't I just have a drop down menue?

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I loved TEW 04. If there was anyway I could get my hands on that again, I would in a heart beat and never look back. Why? Because that one was so rediculous easy.


If this is what you're looking for, I doubt 2010 will fit the bill. You might want to stick with TEW05 since it's also ridiculously easy.


Or maybe that's just hindsight's wisdom.

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