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In regards to Machida vs. Rampage... I think Rampage takes the decision by having the chin to take a few Machida punches to get the takedown. While Rampage isn't going to submit or realistically even ground and pound him out, I think he can grind on him for a round and tire Machida out trying to get out of unfamiliar fight territory.


Everyone keeps bagging on Rampage for only using his boxing, but what they don't realize is he's trying to improve it... And no matter how much sparring/training you do, you can never really get the real improvement unless you fight... Why do you think St. Pierre takes people to the ground and works positions to the point that people hate him? He's using the fight to improve himself, just like Rampage is. Why does Rampage really need to use his wrestling for anymore? People already know he has it, his wrestling against Henderson is still fresh in everyone's mind... His hands are what are winning him fights, and quite honestly it almost won him the fight last time... Rampage wins this, probably by decision after Machida's gas tank blows before Quinton's.


Diego/Paulo is an awesome fight. I'm not taking anything away from Paulo for his performance against Kampmann. Kampmann himself has proven you can have an off night. Sanchez is a good gauge for exactly where Paulo Thiago is, if nothing else.

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Everyone keeps bagging on Rampage for only using his boxing, but what they don't realize is he's trying to improve it... And no matter how much sparring/training you do, you can never really get the real improvement unless you fight... Why do you think St. Pierre takes people to the ground and works positions to the point that people hate him? He's using the fight to improve himself, just like Rampage is. Why does Rampage really need to use his wrestling for anymore? People already know he has it, his wrestling against Henderson is still fresh in everyone's mind... His hands are what are winning him fights, and quite honestly it almost won him the fight last time... Rampage wins this, probably by decision after Machida's gas tank blows before Quinton's.



The other issue is that it's logistically tough as you like to get decent wrestling trainers/sparring partners over to the UK for a camp. Expensive too. Since his last fight he can afford it though(oh believe me he can afford it...I know what the guy is really making and it's INSANE money)...so we might actually see a bit more wrestling in his repertoire from now on...or at least better defensive wrestling.


He's got some damn good boxing/Muay Thai coaches over here (Dave Jackson is incredible from personal experience) but to be honest, I think he needs to get back to that old Slam 'n' Pound style if he's going to have any success in the UFC.

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^^^ He said on MMA Live that he had some high level Iranian wrestlers at Wolfslair to help him prepare for Rashad. It would be pretty hard to get much better than that wouldn't it?


Not really, no.


He was using Sean Salmon for a long time. (In fact, that whole controversy about Salmon throwing a fight was because the Wolfy had him on a retainer to come and coach wrestling with them). There are some decent Iranian guys who do wrestling at the UK, some good English guys and some good Eastern Europeans too. But they have nothing on the quality of wrestling in the US as far as wrestling for MMA is concerned.


Besides, he might have brought some guys in for a few days, but the majority of his non-stand-up coaching staff came from the states, with guys based in the UK coming in to spar. He brought Lance Gibson and Mike Dolce over with him. Besides, it's not uncommon for fighters to pay people to come in for 4 or five days.

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In regards to Machida vs. Rampage... I think Rampage takes the decision by having the chin to take a few Machida punches to get the takedown. While Rampage isn't going to submit or realistically even ground and pound him out, I think he can grind on him for a round and tire Machida out trying to get out of unfamiliar fight territory.


Everyone keeps bagging on Rampage for only using his boxing, but what they don't realize is he's trying to improve it... And no matter how much sparring/training you do, you can never really get the real improvement unless you fight... Why do you think St. Pierre takes people to the ground and works positions to the point that people hate him? He's using the fight to improve himself, just like Rampage is. Why does Rampage really need to use his wrestling for anymore? People already know he has it, his wrestling against Henderson is still fresh in everyone's mind... His hands are what are winning him fights, and quite honestly it almost won him the fight last time... Rampage wins this, probably by decision after Machida's gas tank blows before Quinton's.


GSP takes people to the ground because that's where he's comfortable. If he ever fights Shields you're going to see him absolutely blast him on the feet.


And Rampage's boxing has looked really bad in his last two fights and he's lost one and nearly lost the other because he was content to stand still and throw plodding hooks. If he does that against Machida it's going to a ridiculously one sided decision.


I'm not really sure why you think Machida's gas tank is going to blow either, and certainly not why it would run out before Rampage's.

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WOW...not exactly MMA, but this is too bad/incredible to miss....


Danny Green, the fairly run-of-the-mill Australian boxer who upset Roy Jones Jr recently, fought last night against the largely insignificant Paul Briggs.


Strangely, in the run up to the fight a huge number of bets were placed on Green to win by first-round (T)KO, one of the more uncommon results in boxing, especially when the fighters have winning records and more than 50 fights between them.


According to one bookie, they recieved more bets on a 1st round KO for that fight than nearly every Australian boxing match they'd offered a market on combined in the last 20 years. Apparently at one point, bets were being put down at a rate of one every 30 seconds, some as high as $20,000USD.


Then this happened...




You can't really here it on the video, but Green was screaming "You dog, you're a dog!"...profanity obviously removed. He then grabbed a mic and said that Briggs what Briggs did was criminal, that he was a canine and he wouldn't be paid a cent.


That has to be one of the worst, if not the worst, thrown fight I've ever seen. Briggs career is likely over is the word out of Australia...major bookmakers are considering not offering markets on Green's future fights either.


Ahh, boxing. As sleazy as MMA can be, boxing always wins out in the dirtbag stakes...for now ;)

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<p>If you had posted that video without all the betting information, I'd have given the benefit of the doubt to him just for the fact that when he got tagged in the gut, his reaction was very on course. Then he very unnaturally threw himself to the ground after getting "tagged" with a less-than-pillow punch. -If- he threw his career away then it had to be worth it to him... Dunno too many people who are successful(or even semi-successful) that would throw his trade away for a less-than-great statistical chance that they're making some bank.</p><p> </p><p>

If that KO was legit though.... Gabe Ruediger called, and he wants his stomach back.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Daffanka" data-cite="Daffanka" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26660" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>GSP takes people to the ground because that's where he's comfortable. If he ever fights Shields you're going to see him absolutely blast him on the feet.<p> </p><p> And Rampage's boxing has looked really bad in his last two fights and he's lost one and nearly lost the other because he was content to stand still and throw plodding hooks. If he does that against Machida it's going to a ridiculously one sided decision.</p><p> </p><p> I'm not really sure why you think Machida's gas tank is going to blow either, and certainly not why it would run out before Rampage's.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Not sure I agree with you on St. Pierre taking people down just because he's comfortable. I'm sure he's comfortable everywhere the fight's at now. However, if you listen to St. Pierre's corner(more specifically Greg Jackson) he's calling out to an exact science what he wants to see St. Pierre do that round, and very seldom do you see it not happen. I agree with you on the GSP/Shields fight though... St. Pierre would ragdoll him on the feet.</p><p> </p><p> Rampage's boxing hasn't looked bad, his speed has looked bad. Which is understandable considering he's been making the movie, and living the Hollywood lifestyle. Plus, I never said Rampage would beat Machida with his boxing. I distinctly said he would win based on the fact that his chin is good enough to absorb some Machida blows, and secure a takedown or two.</p><p> </p><p> As far as gas tanks are concerned, the only time I can remember in recent history of Rampage's tank going E would be Rashad. Machida on the other hand had some gas problems in the Ortiz fight, and in the first Shogun fight. Rampage is going to lay on him, and tire him out. Then when it becomes more maintainable to stand-up, he'll have a better shot at getting the KO or TKO. </p><p> </p><p> You're also assuming that Machida is going to come out the same fighter, as if getting blasted severely in the dome isn't going to play any part. Getting knocked out is a confidence killer any time, any sport, regardless. Rampage takes this.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="RingofHonorGuard" data-cite="RingofHonorGuard" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26660" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>If you had posted that video without all the betting information, I'd have given the benefit of the doubt to him just for the fact that when he got tagged in the gut, his reaction was very on course. Then he very unnaturally threw himself to the ground after getting "tagged" with a less-than-pillow punch. -If- he threw his career away then it had to be worth it to him... Dunno too many people who are successful(or even semi-successful) that would throw his trade away for a less-than-great statistical chance that they're making some bank.<p> </p><p> If that KO was legit though.... Gabe Ruediger called, and he wants his stomach back.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's the thing...the dude is supposedly a bum...hasn't fought for three years or thereabouts. Knowing that and seeing the vid, you could say that he was just a flake and looked for the quickest way out after getting hurt/tagged. </p><p> </p><p> But when you know about the betting stuff...puts a whole new slant on it :-p</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Daffanka" data-cite="Daffanka" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26660" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Aside from the UK event the line up of UFC cards are looking really solid.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah, 120 is really shaping up to be a letdown... I mean, Hardy vs. Condit still sells it for me in the sense that I'll watch it. </p><p> </p><p> But I'm a lot less enthusiastic about seeing Akiyama fight, especially against Bisping... The whole card has this feel of UFC 120: Stepdown. I know MMAth is stupid in most cases but isn't it sort of pointless to book Akiyama against Bisping, when Bisping pretty handily beat Leben's ass in England already? You know the UFC is going to want to push Bisping as a future title contender, and they'll probably say something to the like in his promos going toward 120... So what sense does it make to put him against Akiyama? Yeesh, would have made more sense to snag Maia from his bout with Belcher.</p><p> </p><p> I will say that Condit and Hardy is probably the most relevant fight on the card so far, and with the right build up I could easily see them flipping it over to the main event, especially if Hardy starts overselling it and Condit makes plenty of mean scowly faces at the camera.</p><p> </p><p> Overall, I'm not really complaining at all considering I'm getting it for free and it's still a long way from October. Maybe a more favorable fight will get added, still a ways out.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="RingofHonorGuard" data-cite="RingofHonorGuard" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26660" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yeah, 120 is really shaping up to be a letdown... I mean, Hardy vs. Condit still sells it for me in the sense that I'll watch it. <p> </p><p> But I'm a lot less enthusiastic about seeing Akiyama fight, especially against Bisping... The whole card has this feel of UFC 120: Stepdown. I know MMAth is stupid in most cases but isn't it sort of pointless to book Akiyama against Bisping, when Bisping pretty handily beat Leben's ass in England already? You know the UFC is going to want to push Bisping as a future title contender, and they'll probably say something to the like in his promos going toward 120... So what sense does it make to put him against Akiyama? Yeesh, would have made more sense to snag Maia from his bout with Belcher.</p><p> </p><p> I will say that Condit and Hardy is probably the most relevant fight on the card so far, and with the right build up I could easily see them flipping it over to the main event, especially if Hardy starts overselling it and Condit makes plenty of mean scowly faces at the camera.</p><p> </p><p> Overall, I'm not really complaining at all considering I'm getting it for free and it's still a long way from October. Maybe a more favorable fight will get added, still a ways out.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I've been reliably informed that there is absolutely ZERO chance of another 'headline' bout being added to the card as things stand. I think the only chance we'd have is if Bisping/Hardy got injured in the very near future. Rumours of banana skins being left laying around the Wolfslair and Rough House are unfounded...</p><p> </p><p> On a serious note, the fights look good from top to bottom in terms of action. I'm looking forward to it...but then I don't have to pay for my ticket. I think if I did, I'd be very reluctant to fork out nearly £300 of my own money for my ticket. I'd still go, probably just sit a bit further back. </p><p> </p><p> I think Marshal Zelaznik hit the nail on the head though...the majority of fans complaining about the card on the internet are the hardcore fans...they'll buy a ticket anyway. The UFC do fantastic gates in the UK; until that changes in a big way, we're not going to get anything better. </p><p> </p><p> It is a slap in the face to see the increasingly stacked UFC 121 a week later and that Germany are getting Machida vs Rampage in November. I supposed 'Page's media profile will be a good lubricant for getting things done over there, what with the problems they're having.</p>
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I'm pumped about Silva/Sonnen. I'm not even sure who I want to win or if I even care, but I have to give it to Chael... he's made me interested in Silva again. And the rest of the card is pretty compelling too.


August looks to be a good month for MMA :)

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I'm pumped about Silva/Sonnen. I'm not even sure who I want to win or if I even care, but I have to give it to Chael... he's made me interested in Silva again. And the rest of the card is pretty compelling too.


August looks to be a good month for MMA :)


I'm always interested in Silva's fights, as long as he isn't fighting a Brazilian. The fights that people have questioned were Cote, Leites and Maia. I'm willing to chalk the Cote fight up to a upper mid level guy with a great chin. I still think Silva would have finished him off if Cote hadn't blown out his knee.


The other 2 fights were a joke. He could have punished those 2 and finished them off if he wanted, but he let up. IMO, he let up because they were fellow Brazilians. I doubt he'll do anything but pound Sonnen into the mat, and quickly. Time will tell if my theory will hold up... Vitor Belfort is on the horizon for Silva.

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I'm always interested in Silva's fights, as long as he isn't fighting a Brazilian. The fights that people have questioned were Cote, Leites and Maia. I'm willing to chalk the Cote fight up to a upper mid level guy with a great chin. I still think Silva would have finished him off if Cote hadn't blown out his knee.


The other 2 fights were a joke. He could have punished those 2 and finished them off if he wanted, but he let up. IMO, he let up because they were fellow Brazilians. I doubt he'll do anything but pound Sonnen into the mat, and quickly. Time will tell if my theory will hold up... Vitor Belfort is on the horizon for Silva.


Anderson never moves forward. He does the bare minimum to win the round then starts counter fighting. It's got nothing to with Brazilians or anything and it's been true of his every fight since like MWVT.


The thing is that both Sonnen and Belfort move forward and both have at least some avenue to victory unlike, say, a Maia.


Sonnen has the best double leg in the division and can just wrestle him for five glorious rounds. Anderson's bottom game is pretty overrated as to this day it's been used to tap a gassed out, dehydrated Travis Lutter and all the guys that've tapped Sonnen are better grapplers than Anderson.


Belfort, well. He throws nothing but hands and stops fighting in the middle of the second round. I'm not sure it's a puncher's chance really but I could see him swarm Anderson with his hands if he landed a big one. It's pretty unlikely he will though and he'll probably just spent an entire round getting blasted in the face before he stops fighting and Anderson wins a decision.



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Anderson is going to kickbox Chael to a decision.


Also, Anderson's choked Dan Henderson out.... So no, his ground game isn't just proven on "tapping a dehydrated Travis Lutter", but nice try at fanboi-dom.


It's just hilarious that people want to act like Sonnen has any sort of chance with Silva anywhere. Chael is still the same guy who got Judo thrown onto his back and tapped out in a couple of seconds by Maia with a mounted triangle..... Okay? Jeremy Horn had his way with Sonnen three times, this isn't going to be any challenge whatsoever for Anderson. I hope some of you people are putting some money on Sonnen so you can feel the humble effect when Anderson knocks him down like a game of Stax.

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Also, Anderson's choked Dan Henderson out.... So no, his ground game isn't just proven on "tapping a dehydrated Travis Lutter", but nice try at fanboi-dom.


Anderson's bottom game is pretty overrated


Also worth noting:

  • Every guy that's tapped Sonnen in the past 7 years is a better grappler than Anderson.
  • Sonnen has beaten two BJJ black belts in his last three fights


Something to think about.

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Also worth noting:

  • Every guy that's tapped Sonnen in the past 7 years is a better grappler than Anderson.
  • Sonnen has beaten two BJJ black belts in his last three fights


Something to think about.


Not really much to think about... You're using MMA Math to dispel MMA Math? What difference does it make how good at grappling/submissions someone is? That'd be a viable argument if all Silva had at his disposal was an "overrated" bottom control.


Unfortunately for Chael Anderson also has about... I dunno, five other ways to completely pulverize him?


Chael's gonna put Silva on his ass, at least one in the fight with a takedown. It's a given, it's all the guy is good at. But the first time Sonnen tastes any of Silva's power, and it goes to the ground, Silva will win.. And it doesn't matter if it's top, bottom, side... Wherever the fight ends up, Sonnen is done.


I kill your argument with Demian Maia throwing big bad wrassler Sonnen on his head, and subbing him with a MOUNTED triangle. Also, Jeremy Horn beat Sonnen 3 times, I mean come on...

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If you want to bring up embarrassing defeats and mounted triangle losses then Anderson is probably not the guy you want to defend.


Anderson lost to two cans in PRIDE, good job. How many fights by submission has Anderson lost since he was in the UFC? Oh, what's that, he hasn't lost, and he's dominantly won all of his fights? Oh my.


You're so caught up in Sonnen's trolling that he's made you forget just how inconsistent and laughable his grappling is. This is a guy who can't strike to save his life, and that's where the majority of this fight is taking place(assuming Anderson doesn't just work him in the first round for a stoppage).


Anderson's going to sit back, and use his long limbs to clobber Sonnen... And if the fight ever hits the ground and Sonnen actually wins, I'll eat the world's biggest collection of hats.

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