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NOTBPW: Family Ties and Inspiration

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The Beginning…


June 17, 2009

Middleton Regional High School


The gymnasium of my younger brother’s high school was packed with the families of the graduating students. The ceremony was just finishing up and my mind was drifting. I thought of my own recent graduation from New York University. I thought of my job. I smiled at the thought of my boss, a kind man known as The Stomper to his fans. I’ve worked as a booker for New York City Wrestling for the past 3 years while in college. And now my younger bother, a star athlete and, like me, a life long wrestling fanatic, wants to come down to New York to work for The Stomper. He was going to go with his best friend, Andrew Stone. But while Nate was looking to come down to NYCW, I was looking to come back home and start a new life. See, Andrew was the son of Jeremy Stone, and a part of the legendary Stone family. I had met Jeremy at various school sporting events, and I was hoping to see what kind of job I could get working for his family. I got up as the event finished and went to meet my brother Nate, who was standing with Andrew, and his father Jeremy.


Nate: Nelson! It’s great to see you again. How’s New York been?


Same as it was when we were kids Nate. You’re going to love it.


Jeremy: Andrew has been looking to experience a bit of the big city as well.


Well New York is as big as it gets. I’ve been looking to come home though.


Jeremy: Yea? Maybe we could find you some work at North of the Border. We could always use some help, and my father enjoyed your work at NYCW.


I tried to contain my excitement at the idea. North of the Border Pro Wrestling might be the most prestigious promotion in Canada. I had been a fan since I was a kid. And now this star of the promotion was offering to find me a job!


That would be great Jeremy! Just tell me what I have to do.


Jeremy: Well I’ll set up a meeting with my father. He’ll look and see what we can get you. I’ll give you a call sometime next week.


The conversation turned towards other subjects. Our young New York bound family members were enjoying themselves, and I knew that this day would be a new beginning for all of us.

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June 30, 2009

Home of Dan Stone


I knocked on the home of NOTBPW’s owner and waited for a response nervously. This was the home that nurtured some of the greatest beings in wrestling history for generations. The door opened and I was met with the great Dan Stone Jr.


Dan Jr: Come on in Nelson. It’s good to see you.


Dan’s bright smile and warm welcome made me less nervous. I reminded myself that these were kind people. I had nothing to worry about.


Dan Jr: Hope the drive over here was alright. My father knew you were staying closer to our place than the office building, so he figured you could just come down here.


It was fine thanks. I appriciate being let into your home like this.


At that moment the patriarch of the Stones and of Canadian wrestling walked in with a young child. It was shocking to see the man in such a natural and vulnerable state.


Dan: Son, come here and take your kid. David is a bit of a handful for an old man like me.


Dan Jr takes the kid and quickly introduces me to his father as he walks out. The elder Stone and I sit down for our talk.


Dan: It’s good to finally meet you Nelson. I’ve seen the impact you’ve had down in New York, and I’ve got to say, I’m impressed with what you’ve done with things down there.


Well thank you sir. I’m glad to have been able to make an impact down there. The Stomper was a great boss and I’m sure Andrew will love it there.


Dan: I’m sure he will too, but lets talk about you. My sons tell me you want to move back here and that you want work in my company. Now I’d love to have you on, but things are kind of hectic at the moment. I’m going to make you and offer and if you feel that you can’t handle it, I want you to be honest with me.


I could feel the seriousness of the man’s words. I listened carefully.


I will sir.


Dan: It’s about my daughter. Victoria has been working hard for us, and she’s taken the company to new heights just as much as our workers. She can’t go on forever though, and she wants to take a step back from her position pretty soon. Now what I’m asking you Nelson, is do you think you can handle stepping in and being our Head Booker?


I was shocked at his words. He just threw the opportunity of a lifetime at me and I honestly didn’t know what to say for a moment. I didn’t let that show on my face though. I looked into his eyes with confidence and said.


Yes, sir. I can.


Dan smiled and shook my hand. We spent the rest of the day going over his goals for me, the state of the company, and a few bits about finances. I was excited to start my job as soon as possible, and my first stop would be the family dojo. Some of the top workers in the company would also be visiting soon, and that would be my chance to meet them. Victoria would be there to officially hand the reigns over to me as well.

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August 8, 2009

House of Stone


I walked up the stairs of the NOTBPW dojo. Today was my first big day meeting some of the wrestlers. I was pretty calm, having conquered my nervousness with my meeting at the Stone household. As I entered the main room, I was impressed by the intense training that Jeremy was putting the new recruits through. Watching the young stars was a veteran of the mat, Cliff Wilson. The fans knew him as Dark Angel. Angel and I shake and start to talk as we watch the training session.


Angel: I remember when I was a young kid in training over in the UK. I’ll never forget how brutal those days were.


It paid off didn’t it? I mean you’re one of our best workers now.

Angel: It wasn’t the training son. It was the experience. Working with excellent men all over the world is what made me into what I am today.


I thought about what he was saying and it made sense. I remembered all the near classic matches he had during his career and a smile came to my face.


Thanks for that. I think you’ve just given me an idea.


Angel was about to respond, but we were both silenced by the appearance of Victoria Stone.


Victoria: Cliff, Mr. Romero. It’s good to see you both.


Angel quickly excused himself to give Victoria and myself some privacy.

Ma’am, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.

Victoria: You’re the man my father as chosen to replace me. It’s time I catch you up on what’s been going on. We’re fairly popular over the entire country, but there’s a lot of work to be done if this company is to be taken to the next level. My father never really cared about that, but it was a personal goal of mine, and I’d be very happy if you could keep it in mind during your time here.


I liked her ambitious attitude, and my mind went a bit farther even. What if we could get exposure in The States as well?


Don’t worry Ma’am. I think I have a solid idea of where the company is going, and I see just the way to get it there.


Victoria: I like your confidence. If you ever need some advice or help, don’t be afraid to contact me Nelson.


We shook hands, and I could tell this would be the beginning of a very beneficial relationship.

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Expectations of Mr. Stone (Ranked in order of importance)


1. NOTBPW cannot fall into debt at any point.


2. The financial balance of NOTBPW must have improved to at least $7,500,000.


3. Jeremy Stone must be kept above B overall popularity in Canada.


4. Dan Stone Jr must have reached at least B+ momentum when the time expires.


5. Dan Stone Jr must be kept above B overall popularity in Canada.


6. You can’t hire any wrestler who is classed as a Cruiserweight.


7. You can’t hire any wrestler who is classed as a Psychopath.


Personal Goals/Goals of Victoria Stone


1. Reach a National level of importance across Canada.

2. Gain significant exposure in America.

3. Monitor the progress of Nate Romero and Andrew Stone in NYCW.


Current Champions



NOTBPW Canadian Champion-Steve DeColt



NOTBPW Tag Team Champions-The Business (Omar Brown and Harlem Haynes)



NOTBPW Women's Champion-Kristabel Plum



NOTBPW Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup- Dark Angel and Harrison Hash

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Email sent by Dan Stone Sr.




I’m sure you know about NationalWrestlingCommunity.com (or NWC.com). NWC has been a pioneer in delivering 1st class wrestling news to the fans since their opening magazine issue in 1989. I’ve seen them grow in the past two decades, and now we’ve reached an agreement where they shall deliver all of our news exclusively.


Dan Stone

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November 22, 2009


Victoria Stone taking a reduced role in NOTBPW?

NWC.com has received news that states the intention of Victoria Stone to step out of her high ranking position. The idea is that while she will continue to work for the next few months, her father has brought in a new talent who has been helping out and who is scheduled to step in at the beginning of the new year. We’ll have continuing coverage of this exclusive story for all the wrestling community to follow.



Desmond Huston

Head Writer, NOTBPW News

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December 29, 2009

NOTBPW’s New Head Booker Coming Soon

We’ve been following this story closely over the weeks, and the time has come for the newest member of the NOTBPW booker to take control. Owner of the company, Dan Stone, has confirmed that Nelson Romero, known for his booking in NYCW, will be taking over in a matter of days to start off the new year. Only time will tell how Romero will do in the position, but the Stone family seems to have much faith in him.


Lucy Martin

Writer, NOTBPW News

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling (Show Preview)


It's their first show of the new year, and NOTBPW looks to start it off with a bang. We leave you fans with the list expected matches for tomorrow night


Sean McFly vs. Johnny Bloodstone

The technical master, Johnny Bloodstone is set to face the charasmatic star in what is sure to be an amazing main event.


The Stone Siblings vs. The Can-Am Blondes

The Stone Siblings look to start the new year off with a big win over one of the best young tag teams in NOTBPW.


Lauren Easter vs. Kristabel Plum

The women's champion will step up and face the biggest challenge to her title. If Easter can win we're sure she will be one step closer to a match for the title.


Special Challenge Match

The Business (Omar Brown and Harlem Haynes) vs ???

The Tag Team champs look to face anyone on the roster to prove their dominance in this special challenge match.


Be sure to watch tomorrow night for the first show of the NOTBPW new year!


Preview Recap/Quick Picks

Sean McFly vs. Johnny Bloodstone

Stone Siblings vs. Can-Am Blondes

Lauren Easter vs. Kristabel Plum

The Business vs. ???

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Sean McFly vs. Johnny Bloodstone - McFly is awesome, but can remain awesome while jobbing. Bloodstone needs the win more.

Stone Siblings vs. Can-Am Blondes - Blondes need careful handling because it's easy to get them REALLY over, as in too over to re-sign with you.

Lauren Easter vs. Kristabel Plum - These are two of the very best women in the game, IMO, and while Plum is very good, Easter is just amazing.

The Business vs. ?? - I generally ditch Haynes ASAP, but starting to think that there may be more mileage to keeping him.


Good to see another NOTBPW dynasty, still my favourite fed. :)

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling


Tommy London: Good Evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to NOTBPW Championship Wrestling. I’m your announcer Tommy “TL” London, here with my partner Tom Townsend and we are live at the Caribou Arena. We have a great show lined up and an amazing main event. One of the great stars of NOTBPW, Sean McFly, is set to take on Johnny Bloodstone! It’s the first show of the new year, and I simply can’t wait to get things started Tom.


Tom Townsend: Neither can I TL. It’s a new year, we have a new champion, and 2010 is bound to bring some amazing moments, including our main event for the evening.


The music of Steve DeColt begins playing as the champion makes his way to the ring



TL: And speaking of the devil himself.


DeColt smirks as the crowd boos him with a chorus of “DeColt Sucks” chants.


Townsend: You’re just like this crowd TL. No respect for our champion. This guy is a future Hall of Famer!


TL: That may be true, but this crowd came to see wrestling. They don’t want to hear this arrogant outsider run his mouth!


DeColt: It is GREAT to start the year on top! You people all know how great I am, but who would’ve thought that I’d start the decade on top here in North of the Border?


The crowd begins a “We don‘t want you” chant


DeColt: And who’s gonna spend the entire decade on top of the Canadian wrestling scene? None other than yours truly. Not one of the Stones! Not Sean McFly! Not Dark Angel! No one is going to dethrone me! I’m here to stay and there’s nothing that anyone in this crowd can do about it!


The crowd boos loudly at DeColt as he poses on the top turnbuckle and taunts the crowd.


TL: I can’t believe that this is the arrogant man we have as champion!


Townsend: All he’s doing is telling the truth TL. The man has made an impact in this company. He’s got a right to be proud of his accomplishments.


The mood shifts as the music of Dan Stone Jr begins to play in the arena



TL: Finally someone who can put DeColt in his place!


The crowd cheers wildly for Stone as he enters the ring with a serious look on his face


TL: Stone does not look pleased with the words of the champion Tom.


Stone: This crowd, and all the people in the back, are sick of hearing your crap!


The crowd cheers again at the words of Stone


Stone: You think because you have that belt, you can say whatever you want? My family, and the wrestlers in the back have pride in the product we’ve been giving this fans for 25 years! You don’t get to just leave to second rate promotion you grew up in and start trashing ours, and I’ll die before I let you badmouth my family!


DeColt: You want to come out here and defend your family, but the truth is your name will never be as great as mine will be here in Canada! The Stones are nothing compared to the DeColts, and you’re nothing compared to me! And I’ll prove it by beating you right in this ring at Big City Brawl!


The crowd cheers wildly at the idea of seeing the two stars face off as they stare each other down in the middle of the ring


Townsend: Oh boy TL looks like we have a challenge on our hands!


TL: You can tell these two both struck a nerve. This is sure to be a battle for the history books. You have to wonder what effect this will have on Dan Stone as he teams with his brother later tonight, against the Can-Am Blondes. We had better go to break right now Tom, but when we come back, our tag team champions, Omar Brown and Harlem Haynes, are in action. Who will their opponents be? We’ll find out next!


The show returns from a commercial with the tag team champions in the ring



Omar Brown: Who has the audacity to challenge the tag team champions to a match tonight? Who wants to be our first victims of the new year?


The music of Dark Angel plays and the crowd cheers enthusiastically for the former champion



TL: Dark Angel is here, but who’s his partner going to be?


Townsend: I don’t know, but they had better be good if they’re going to stand a chance against the tag champs.


Dark Angel finally appears along with his partner



TL: It’s Erik Strong! Can Dark Angel and his young star successfully defeat Omar Brown and Harlem Haynes?


http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/DarkAngel.jpghttp://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/ErikStrong_alt2.jpg vs http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/OmarBrown.jpghttp://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/HarlemHaynes.jpg


Angel and Strong start off the match strong with a fast paced offense against Harlem Haynes and quick tags, but the new tag team lacks the chemistry and Strong lacks the experience to hold up against the champions. Harlem Haynes wins the match with an impressive Harlem Hussie to Erick Strong at 18:01.

Match Rating: C-


TK: Great Tag Team Action to start out the night Tom, and a dominant performance by the Tag Team Champs.


Townsend: That’s right TK, and I’m sure Angel and the rookie Strong regret accepting the challenge of Champions now.


TK: I don’t think they did too bad Tom, and that team is only going to get better with-


The Can-Am Blondes speed down to the ring and viciously attack Angel and Strong before throwing them out of the ring




TK: What the hell is going on?


The crowd boos the actions of The Blondes as the Tag Team champs watch from outside the ring


The Natural: Shut up! We don’t care what any of you think, and we don’t care about some rookie and a washed up old man! Brown! Haynes! We’re coming for you and we want the titles!


Townsend: Now TK, that’s how you make an impression.


TK: That’s how you show absolute disrespect for the fans and for two great competitors!


Townsend: Well they can’t be that great cause they lost, but enough about that. Let’s get to our next match, we have another champion in action tonight as the women’s champion, Kristabel Plum takes on Lauren Easter.


http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/KristabelPlum.jpg vs http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/LaurenEaster.jpg


The women’s champion controls most of the match with solid offense, save for a few moments where Lauren tries to make a comeback. The offense of the champion is just too overwhelming and she hit’s the Plum Tucker for the win at 9:30.

Match Rating: D


TK: Another dominant champion performance Tom, and that’s not all. I just got word during the match that The Canadian Champion, Steve DeColt has gone to the back and requested a match here tonight, and that’s up next!


Moments after TK finishes speaking, the music of the champion hits and he makes to the ring, smirking arrogantly as the fans boo loudly. The crowd gives a decent reaction to his opponent, Harrison Hash


Surprise Challenge Match

http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/SteveDecolt.jpg vs http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/HarrisonHash_alt.jpg


DeColt starts the match off with strong offense and it quickly shows that he doesn’t take Hash seriously. The champion uses his size to his advantage, overpowering Hash with a series of vicious clotheslines and shoulder blocks. It doesn’t take long before the champion hit’s the DeColt Driver, but instead of making the pin, DeColt goes into the corner and yells for Hash to get up. As he eventually makes his way to his feet, Hash turns around, only to be hit with a vicious DeColt Stampede. The champion makes the pin at 12:52 for the pin

Match Rating: C+


Townsend: What a dominate performance by our world champion!


TK: Are you kidding me? That man is nothing but a bully! Our next match has some true competitive spirit. It’s the Stone Siblings taking on The Can-Am Blondes!


http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/DanStoneJr.jpghttp://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/JeremyStone.jpg vs http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/TheNatural.jpghttp://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/OwenLove.jpg


Dan Stone and The Natural start off the match with some quick and impressive chain wrestling. The Natural does a good job keeping up with Dan and the men reach a stalemate after a crowd pleasing display. The Natural gains some momentum and is able to make a good tag to Owen Love while in control of Stone. The Blondes display a surprising amount of technical dominance against Stone, but he in turn surprises them with his speed and a quick high flying comeback. He makes the hot tag to his brother Jeremy who quickly attacks The Blondes with a series of throws and suplexes. Owen Love tries to surprise Jeremy with a springboard clothesline, but he misses and lands on his feet, only to be hit with a forward Russian legsweep. Jeremy pulls his leg back and makes the tag, and Dan locks in the Stone Ankle Stretch tight. Love is forced to tap and the Stone Siblings take the win in 23:25.

Match Rating: B+


Townsend: I’ve gotta admit TK, that was an impressive match, but the power of Steve DeColt is nothing like the speed of The Blondes TK.


TK: Stone’s faced power before Tom, and I’m sure he knows exactly what you’re talking about because I received word during the match that Dan has made a request for next week, and is going to face his old rival, the powerful R.K. Haynes!


Townsend: That’s going to be another interesting match for the show TK. Let’s take a look at the two competitors who are preparing for our main event.


The show goes to a split screen of Sean McFly and Johnny Bloodstone. McFly is just leaving his locker room and Bloodstone is sitting in a corner mumbling to himself.




TK: Is he.. Tom is he saying “Come home Jeremy” ?


Townsend: I think he is TK. Johnny is a hell of a wrestler, but he’s also pretty insane ya know.


http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/SeanMcFly.jpg vs http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/JohnnyBloodstone_alt1.jpg


As the match begins, Bloodstone still seems distracted, which McFly looks to take advantage of. With the crowd on his side, he attacks bloodstone with impressive strikes. The star underestimates the focus of his opponent, who surprises him with a vicious chop to the throat. As Bloodstone takes control, he displays an offense that seems more cruel and dangerous than usual. He continues his strange ranting for most of the match, at times breaking several big submissions to simply stomp McFly violently while screaming “Jeremy!!” loudly. He tosses McFly outside of the ring and turns around to yell incoherently at the referee, but McFly lands on the apron and amazes the crowd by hitting Bloodstone with a springboard backbreaker. While Bloodstone was able to control the match on the mat, McFly looks ready to show his superior brawling stills. As quick as Bloodstone can get back up, McFly knocks him back down several times with clotheslines and chops and he finishes his assault by grabbing Bloodstone and hitting him with a Delorean Driver. McFly makes the pin and the former world champ gets the win at 26:06.

Match Rating: B


The ref raises McFly’s hand and show fades out with him playing to the crowd as they cheer while Bloodstone crawls out and away from the ring while still talking to himself.


Show Recap

Brown and Haynes def. Dark Angel and Erik Strong (C-)

Kristabel Plum def. Lauren Easter (D)

Steve DeColt def. Harrison Hash (C+)

The Stone Siblings def. The Can-Am Blondes (B+)

Sean McFly def. Johnny Bloodstone (B)

Show Rating: B-

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling (Show Preview)


We’re just a week away from Big City Brawl, and the show is starting to look good with two title matches planned already. The next episode NOTBPW Championship Wrestling looks like it will set up the rest of the PPV while still giving you fans tons of amazing in ring action. And with that, NWC leaves you with the expected matches for the show.


John Maverick vs. Tim Westybrook

John Maverick looks to show his veteran skill and prove that he deserves his spot in NOTBPW. Will he be able to beat tough Tim Westybrook?


The Can-Am Blonde vs. Dark Angel and Erik Strong

The young warrior and the skilled veteran look for retribution in this match after the attack on them last week. The Blondes look to prove that they deserve their title show at Big City Brawl.


The Business (Brown and Haynes) vs. The Fighting Irish

The dominant tag team champions look to continue their streak of dominance over the NOTBPW tag team division, and gain momentum going into their title match in one week.


Dan Stone Jr vs. R.K. Hayes

In this match-up, the younger Stone sibling prepares for his match against DeColt by facing a similar big man, and a familiar foe.


Steve DeColt vs. Jeremy Stone

The Canadian Champion had an easy match-up last week, but now he’s set to face off the brother of his Big City Brawl opponent. This match is sure to be a great preview of what’s to come.


Preview Recap/Quick Picks

John Maverick vs. Tim Westybrook

The Can-Am Blondes vs. Dark Angel and Erik Young

The Business vs. The Fighting Irish

Dan Stone Jr vs. R.K. Hayes

Steve DeColt vs. Jeremy Stone

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling


Tommy London: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another edition of NOTBPW Championship wrestling. I’m Tommy “TL” London here with my broadcast partner, Tom Townsend. We are live in front of a sold out crowd here at the Smallwood Field, and tonight’s show is set to be full of great action.


Townsend: That’s right TL. We are only days away from Big City Brawl. We already have two title matches and tonight we find out what else is in store for our show on Saturday.


TL: Tonight will be just a taste of the things to come as both of the men in Saturday’s main event are in action. Dan Stone Jr is up against the big man R.K. Hayes, and in our main event, NOTBPW Canadian Champion, Steve DeColt, will face off against the brother of his opponent this Saturday and the original holder of that title, Jeremy Stone. That’s later to come though. We start our show off with a veteran competitor in John Maverick. Maverick has stepped up and asked to face Sean McFly this Saturday. We’ll see how he does tonight against the powerful Tim Westybrook.


http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/JohnMaverick.jpg vs http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/TimWestybrook.jpg

Maverick uses his speed and technical skill to his advantage by avoiding the suplexing strength of Westybrook for most of the match. The crowd rallies behind Tim during the few times when he manages to get his hands on Maverick, but momentum is quickly taken from him every time with smart strikes and quick reversals. The match looks bad for Tim when Maverick gets behind him and it’s over as soon as Maverick his the Deadly Silence for the pin at 23:07.

Match Rating: B


TL: Great action to start off the night between two skilled competitors.


Townsend: This win has got to boost Maverick’s confidence as he goes on to face McFly.


TL: Confidence is such an important factor in this business Tom, and two men who are also looking to build some confidence tonight are Dark Angel and Erik Strong. Angel was in the office of Victoria Stone several times in the past week, petitioning for this next match. He and Strong will face Owen Love and The Natural, The Can-Am Blondes.


Townsend: Well they had better hope that The Blondes don’t leave them beat down like they did last week.


http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/DarkAngel.jpghttp://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/ErikStrong_alt2.jpg vs http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/OwenLove_alt2.jpghttp://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/TheNatural_alt1.jpg

The veteran and his young team mate do well in the opening minutes of the match with quick tags and speedy offense. Strong does surprisingly well against The Natural, but a rookie mistake causes him to lose control and fall into the grasp of The Blondes, who spend plenty of the match dominating him. The ****iness of Love and The Natural become their downfall as it allows Strong to make a much needed tag to Angel, who clears the ring with a mix of high flying skill and technical throws. As Strong and Love brawl outside the ring, Angel surprises The Natural with the Descent into Hell and a pin for the win in 15:47.

Match Rating: C+


TL: This lost has got to be a big hit to the confidence of The Blonds going into their title match this Saturday Tom.


Townsend: They’ll be fine TL. They’ve got enough confidence to motivate half the roster, and one lucky victory by a rookie and an old man isn’t going to chance that. The champions had better watch out.


TL: Speaking of the champions, they’re in our next match up. The Business is set to face The Fighting Irish.


Townsend: The Fighting Irish may be a tough team, but there’s no way they’re getting a win over Brown and Haynes.


TL: We just saw an upset a few minutes ago Tom.


Townsend: Don’t remind me.


http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/RobbieMc.jpghttp://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/JasonOConnor.jpg vs http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/HarlemHaynes.jpghttp://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/OmarBrown.jpg

The Tag Team Champs look in good form days before their title match as they dominate O’Connor and McNamara with brute offense. Young star Harlem Haynes looks impressive against both his opponents and though The Irish try several times to mount a comeback, the champs are simply too dominant. Haynes hit’s the Harlem Hussle for the win at 13:11

Match Rating: D+


TL: Another dominant performance by the champions Tom.


Townsend: I have to say these guys are impressive. The Can-Am Blondes have a tall order ahead of them, but that match is sure to be an exciting bout.


The crowd cheers wildly as the music of Dan Stone Jr begins to play



TL: And if you want to make a crowd excited all you have to do is mention this man.


Townsend: The Stones have plenty of hype TL, but Dan has got to back it up and Steve DeColt is not the man you want to have to do that against.


Stone shows appreciation to the excited crowd while making his way to the ring with a mic. He gets ready to talk as the crowd dies down a bit.


Dan: About ten years ago I fought a long series of matches against a tough competitor. He was bigger than me, stronger than me, and he pushed me to my limit. That man is the man I’m facing here tonight, R.K. Hayes. This Saturday I’m going to face another tough competitor. He’s bigger than me, stronger than me, and he’s going to push me to my limit. But just like ten years ago, I’m going to push him to his limit, and I’m going to defeat him for the same title I defeated Hayes for.


http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/DanStoneJr.jpg vs http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/RKHayes.jpg

The two competitors start off with a quick exchange in which neither man maintains much of an advantage. Hayes opens the match with a smart approach, not looking to utilize his strength too quickly and instead looking for an opening. He attempts to surprise Stone with a quick throw but the veteran grappler quickly drops away from the hands of Hayes and goes for his exposed ankle. Hayes wisely stomps on the hand of Stone and slips away. He uses the failed submission attempt as an opportunity to take control and hit Stone with a violent boot to the face. Hayes keeps Stone disorientated and out of control for most of the match, hitting him with various power moves and showing the skill and confidence of a former champion. His confidence becomes his downfall though as he is hit with a bit punch while taunting Stone. Dan starts to show his brawling skill as the two men start trading blows. Hayes gets the upper hand once again and whips Stone against the ropes and looks to hit his signature running big boot. Stone impressively dodges it by dropping down and going for the standing leg of Hayes. The surprised Hayes has no response for the move and gets caught in the Stone Ankle Stretch. The familiar pain is too much for Hayes and he taps out at 25:10.

Match Rating: C+


After the match, Dan’s brother Jeremy comes out to congratulate his brother, who goes to the back. Steve DeColt then makes his way to the ring. Jeremy watches him with a focused expression.


http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/SteveDecolt.jpg vs http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/tew2010/JeremyStone.jpg

DeColt starts the match off strong, trying to overpower Jeremy in a test of strength. The elder Stone sibling has too much size for it to work though, and he holds his own, taking down DeColt with a skilled tripping maneuver. The two men struggle on the ground with DeColt trying to keep his arm from the grasp of the master of the Stone Hold. While he manages to stay out of the hold, Stone manages to lock in I tight wristlock. The champion shows his skill, escaping that hold, and a few other minor submission maneuvers, but he gets surprised by a big right hand to the jaw. As he stumbles on the ground for a moment, Stone signals for the Stone Hold.


Johnny Bloodstone appears from the back, screaming Jeremy’s name at the top of his lungs.



The distraction proves useful for the champ, who is able to surprise Stone with the DeColt Driver, for the win at 28:23.

Match Rating: B-


The champion stumbles out of the ring as Bloodstone makes his way in. Johnny crawls to Jeremy until they are face to face.

Townsend: This guy is nuts TL. I don’t know what the hell is going on!


Bloodstone simply laughs in the face of Jeremy as the camera slowly leaves them and follows the victorious champion as he goes to the back to end the show


Show Recap

John Maverick def. Tim Westybrook (B)

The Can-Am Blondes def. Dark Angel& Erik Strong (C+)

Brown and Hayes def. The fighting Irish (D+)

Dan Stone Jr. def. RK Hayes (C+)

Steve DeColt def. Jeremy Stone (B-)

Show Rating: B-

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NOTBPW Big City Brawl (Show Preview)


Once again, North of the Border comes to the Ottawa Rams Stadium for what is sure to be a spectacular show. After just two weeks, the new year looks to be great for the fans. Here’s the line up.


Dark Angel vs. Erik Strong

The Master looks to test the student in this match. The NOTBPW fans will soon find out how much young Erik has learned from Angel.


NOTPW Tag Team Championship

The Can-Am Blondes vs. The Business

The Blondes look to end their quest for the titles as they face off against the dominant tag team champs.


John Maverick vs. Sean McFly

The Silent Threat made the challenge for this match and McFly accepted. These two stars will go head to head in what is sure to be a great match.


Jeremy Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone

The heads of the company saw fit to let Stone get his hands on the raving lunatic that’s been harassing him. One can only wonder if Jeremy will be able to find out what’s going on, or at least end it in this match.


NOTBPW Canadian Championship

Dan Stone Jr vs. Steve DeColt

The match that everyone is talking about has to be Stone vs. DeColt. This is the first bump in what is sure to be a long lasting rivalry, but who will come out on top?



Preview Recap/Quick Picks

Dark Angel vs. Erik Strong


NOTPW Tag Team Championship

The Can-Am Blondes vs. The Business


John Maverick vs. Sean McFly


Jeremy Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone


NOTBPW Canadian Championship

Dan Stone Jr vs. Steve DeColt

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