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MAW Weekley Warzone Week 1

The first show of the new era of MAW is under way

Jack Avatar is in the ring


Jack: You may not know who I am, my name is Avatar

The crowd stares at him thinking what a weird name

Jack: That's Jack Avatar

There is a sudden calming down in the audience they probably thought there new owner would have a weird name like there old owner


Jack: I am here to push MAW to the next level and I am taking you all with me.

So fastend your seat belts because were going for a fast ride to the top.


There is a loud burst of fireworks and out comes that little worm Jay Chord



Jay: Who do you think you are coming out to my father's ring and saying he has a bad name.

My father was given that name as a sign of what he will be.

Anyone with my father's name is destined for greatness


Jack: Wo Wo Wo calm down little fella, remember I am now your boss and if you annoy me once more you will have to get another job.


Jay: How about this You versus Me tonight....


The Crowd Cheers


...In a tables match

You win I am forbidden for entering this year's Rip Chord invertational and I win it will be me as the new owner of MAW


The Crowd Boo's showing there hatred for Jay Chord

Jack: When did I say anything about you not being able to go into The Rip Chord Invetational my proposal is if I win you have to face Me, The American Patriot and Max Mayhem in a 3 on 1 handicap match.


Jay: You're on





Notes on the dynasty


MAW will be running weekley shows and will keep the events also for anyone who wants to know Rip still works at MAW and Jack Avatar is a Main Eventer

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A video is played hyping the Main Event




Marv: Welcome to our weekley boradcast of MAW Weekley Warzone , I'm Marv Ernest.

Duke: And I'm Duke Hazzard

Marv: We have a huge show for you because of our Main Event, Jack Avatar vs Jay Chord, if Jay wins he is the new owner of MAW and if Jack wins Jay is in a 3 on 1 handicap match next week.


Match 1


Findlay O'Farrady vs Jefferson Stardust


Practically a mauling, Jefferson was thrown out of the ring ,slammed, kicked, punched and the crowd are liking Findlay as a Face





The camera goes backstage and sees Max Mayhem filming his new documentary "Searching for bugs in a car park"


Max: What is this we have hear it may be dead.

Staff Member: Max it's a phone

Max: This weird phone bug i shall keep it

Staff Member: Max it's Jay Chords phone

Max: Arrgh I better give him his phonebug back and get my reward.


Rating: F


Goes to a commercial break and on return Max Mayhem is standing outside Jay Chords locker room


Max: Shush you may scare the phonebug


Jay opens the locker room to see Max holding his phone and stroking it, there is a momentary pause before Jay punches Max in the face leaving him on the floor


Rating: F


Match 2


C-V-2 versus The Atlantic Connection


The C-V-2 defeated The Atlantic Connection when Casey hit Jenkins with a Flying V


Rating: D-



Match 3

Brett Starr vs Keith Vegas


Brett Starr won at 7:01 when he hit Vegas with the Hollywood Hammer






Jack: You see Jay you don't scare me and you can try to put me through a table but you won't succeed


Rating: E+



4th Match

American Patriot vs Mean Jean Cattley (Non-Title)


Mean Jean defeated Patriot at 14:48 by pinfall after the Mood Swing


Rating: D



Max: Howdy folks Max Mayhem here playing chess with a special guest

A camera turns to his opponent it's a mirror

Max: This guy seems to only try to make a move when ever i do and he only talks when ever I do

Staff Member: That's you Max you're looking at a mirror


Rating: F


The Main Event


Jack enters the ring on the way he kisses babies and signs autographs for kids.

Then Jay comes out and grabs on of the kids autograph books and rips it up in the kids face.


Jack Avatar defeated Chord at 17:59 when he put him through a table

Time: 17:59

Rating: D


End of Show Rating: D-

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MAW Weekley Warzone 2




Marv: Welcome to the second episode of Weekley Warzone, I'm Marv Earnest

Duke: And I'm Duke Hazzard

Marv: Tonight we will have the 3 on 1 match as our main event

Duke: So lets get this show on the road


The camera goes backstage to see Max Mayhem doing press-ups



Max: 6,7,8,9 and urgh (he falls flat on his face then get's up really quickly)

So there you have it if you can do more than 9 press ups you are stronger than Max Mayhem




The camera goes into Jack Avatar's office



Jack: Tonight we will make change as 5 superstars will be fired if they lose there match

First Match:

Huey Cannonball vs Ace Youngblood

Second Match:

Citizen X vs Findlay O'Farrady

Third Match:

Keith Vegas vs Jefferson Stardust

Fourth Match:

Curtis Jenkins vs Riley McManus

Final Match:

Ricky Douglas vs Brett Starr

Before our beatdown of little Jay Chord in the main event



(Quick Picks are the matches above)

Full Results will be on at 6:30 GMT... the show will carry on later

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Glad to see you jump in


First Match:

Huey Cannonball vs Ace Youngblood


Second Match:

Citizen X vs Findlay O'Farrady


Third Match:

Keith Vegas vs Jefferson Stardust


Fourth Match:

Curtis Jenkins vs Riley McManus


Final Match:

Ricky Douglas vs Brett Starr


I will add comments once I get a feel for how you book things :)

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Max Mayhem power segment rating: F

Returning to the show



Huey Cannonball vs Ace Youngblood


In an extremely poor match, Huey Cannonball defeated Ace Youngblood in 10:08 by pinfall with a Cannonball Run.



Rating: E




Jack: So Jay you think you can beat us, Me Jack Avatar, The American Patriot and Max Mayhem well you can't never would your father have been able to.

Do you know why, your pushed straight to the main event status when you have no talent


Rating: D-



Citizen X vs Findlay O'Farrady


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Findlay O'Farraday defeated Citizen X in 9:15 by pinfall with an Atomic Spinebuster.



Rating: E



Keith Vegas vs Jefferson Stardust


In an extremely poor match, Jefferson Stardust defeated Keith Vegas in 7:28 by pinfall with a Stage Dive.


Time: 7:28

Rating: F



Curtis Jenkins vs Riley McManus


In an extremely poor match, Riley McManus defeated Curtis Jenkins in 9:29 by pinfall.


Time: 9:29

Rating: E



Brett Starr vs Ricky Douglas


In an extremely poor match, Brett Starr defeated Ricky Douglas in 14:12 by pinfall with a Hollywood Hammer.


Time: 14:12

Rating: E




Ricky: You know what I never liked it here so it is a blessing from God that I'm leaving, good bye all you Mid-Atlantic swine

He walks away you can see tears in his eyes


Rating: F




Jay Chord vs American Patriot, Jack Avatar and Max Mayhem


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, American Patriot, Jack Avatar and Max Mayhem defeated Jay Chord in 17:33 when Max Mayhem defeated Jay Chord by pinfall.


Time: 17:33

Rating: D+




Cameron Vessey vs Mean Jean Cattley


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Mean Jean Cattley defeated Cameron Vessey in 12:54 by pinfall with a Mood Swing.


Time: 12:54

Rating: E+


End of Show Rating: D+ in front of 126 people



Fired List:

Ace Youngblood

Citizen X

Keith Vegas

Curtis Jenkins

Ricky Douglas


Quck Picks:


Casey Valentine vs Jefferson Stardust


Cameron Vessey vs Max Mayhem


Tag Title Match

???? New Team(guess the team bear in mind it won't be anyone to expensive) vs The Awesomeness ©


Findlay O'Farrady vs ???? (New Person)(Guess the person)


Jay Chord & Mean Jean Cattley vs Jack Avatar & American Patriot


Quick Pick Results

BYU 14 got 4 out of 5

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