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WWE vs WCW: A War within the company!

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This is my first Dynasty so please be patiant with me at first, I am already in my 3rd week of Feb, so I am gonna give you a run down to what has happened so far.


On the very first Raw of 2010, Vince McMahon says he has a very special announcement, that every single Wresler from Raw and Smackdown must be in attendence, The Raw begins like any other, the only difference is Good ole JR is back calling the action with Jerry Lawler but at the midway point No Chance begins to play as a ****y Vince McMahon makes his way to the ring as the fans boo.


Vince:Thank you Dallas for that warm welcome, I wanna first welcome back the best broadcast man ever Good ole Jr, Its so good to have him back with us, Second of all I wanna make a major announcement, I am retiring! Thats right you heard me correctly I am retiring, I have infact sold the WWE to someone I can trust, someone who is dear to me, someone that I love, Myself and Linda are moving somewhere in Florida and this person that I have sold it to will have full control over the company. Ladies and Gentlemen the new owner of the WWE is my daughter Stephanie McMahon!


(Stephanie McMahon steps from behind the curtain with a grin on her face as she makes her way to the ring, as she steps in the ring she hugs her dad and grabs a mic.)


Stephanie:Thanks Dad, It is so great to be back here in Dallas among the WWE and all these fans and you dad, See when my dad ask me to buy the WWE, I went sure I would love to, see thats how great my father is he didnt offer to give his only daughter the company he made me buy it thanks dad!


Vince:Your welcome baby!


Stephanie:Yeah dad but I must tell you I dont own WWE, Are you in shock dad?


Vince:What do you mean you dont own the WWE?


Stephanie:Well dad I am glad you asked, See you only care about money, you never cared about the fans, The wrestlers or even your own family! See dad you really screwed these people over you bought WCW and it could have been something good, but no you was so scared of WCW that you wanted to do nothing but put them out of business.


Vince:Thats not true at all, I did what I thought was best.


Stephanie: Whats best huh? Well I did what was best also, thats why I resold the WWE to someone else and I now own the WCW, Thats right I have reopened the WCW and it will now take the place of Smackdown, Oh and ECW and Superstars are no more and Nitro will air a week from this coming Friday on its new home WGN!


Vince:HOW DARE YOU! How dare you do this to me, You are ruining the WWE, How dare you!, Where is this new owner just where are they?


Stephanie:I am glad you ask Dad, cause you know this person real well, but you haven't had nothing to do with him in oh about 12 years, Please welcome the new owner of WWE Bret "Hitman" Hart!


(Bret Hart's music hit as everyone is in shock as Stephanie leaves the ring and meets Bret halfway up they shake hands, while they have a big grin on their faces, Bret Hart then makes his way to the ring and grabs a mic)


Bret:Well Vince, You look like you seen a ghost, see Vince you screwed me 12 years ago and now we have just screwed you, so I only have one thing left to do.


(Bret kicked Vince in the gut then called security and Vince was escorted out of the building as fans sung the Bye Bye Song, Bret then went on to get rid of Tag Titles and add the Television title to the WWE brand)


More to come....

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As reported on the new WWE-WCW.com, The Royal Rumble is no more WWE Vengence takes the place of the Rumble, also all WWE PPV's will take place on the 2nd Sunday of the month while all WCW PPV's will take place on the 4th Sunday of the month.


Umm... Why the hell would you get rid of the Rumble ? It's one of the most historic events in WWE History. :confused:

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