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FCW-Freedom to Tour

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OOC: first time poster, hopefully this wont go into full meltdown mode... if it does... do'h.. feel free to give tips , ideas, agendas, monkeys and anything you have con queso.




8am – Office of new FCW Owner Devilman Christian Alicea


((DCA is sitting at his desk writing on a various legal pads, scribbling ideas and thoughts at a furious pace. He see’s a towering shadow in front of his glass door))




DCA: Come in

((Puerto Rican Power burst into the room and tosses the chairs in front of DCA’s desk to the side; he slams both his hands down hard on the desk. DCA though, does not flinch and continues writing.)




((DCA not stopping what he is doing, does not even make eye contact with Puerto Rican Power , he just keeps writing away on his notepads))

DCA: eh?


PRP: When I sold you my company, my baby, my future, you told me that nothing was going to change. That all you were looking to do was work the financial parts of it and take care of my “administrative” burden. Now I come to find out you cancelled the next show and turned us into a touring promotion?!?!?! EXPLAIN YOURSELF!!


(( DCA calmly puts his pen down and organizes his legal pads to his right hand side, he stands up and looks Puerto Rican Power directly in the eyes not being intimidated by his size since he is actually taller than him even though his physique is not as nice as his, they both knew that he could hold his own….at least for a few minutes.))

DCA: hmm…. Well I see you are upset about this and I do understand your frustration so let me just lay it all out for you in two simple statements: I lied and you’re fired.


Diabloman Con Queso presents:


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the meeting.


1/1/2010 (Wk1 , day 1)

945am – FCW HQ’s ** Mandatory Metting for all staff members**


(( DCA stands in front of a podium looking out in front of a group of 30 to 40 staff members that make up FCW, from the lowest ring rat to the biggest star. All staff members including Puerto Rican Power are there. He taps on the microphone and takes out a piece of crumbled up paper. His tall 6’6 frame features scars , tattoos and a worn down body that is a shell of its former glory. He stands at the podium wearing just a black shirt, blue jeans and cowboy boots.))


DCA: My name is Christian Alicea … ahem… Devilman Christian Alicea. I am a former hardcore wrestler and as of last week, I was a bouncer at a strip club. I am now though, the new owner and booker of FCW.


((Chatter between the wrestlers intensifies. Certain audible questions like “We working for a bouncer?” ,“Yo no conosco este pendejo!” <<I don’t know this idiot>> and “I didn’t know PRP was gay” ))

DCA: I am sure you all have questions to ask, and I will try to answer them during our time together. In the meantime, I will answer some questions I am sure you are asking yourselves.


How Did I get my money? Simple, I won the lottery last month, Google it.


How did I buy this company from Puerto Rican Power? I told him that I would relieve him of his administrative responsibilities and lied when I told him that nothing was going to change. That and as much passion as Puerto Rican Power put into this company, he also has a bigger passion to squander his money on escorts in casinos.

((A collective “OOOOOHHH SNAP” is heard from the staff))


What are my plans? They are the same plan as any other small wrestling company, to turn this promotion into the biggest powerhouse in the wrestling community. The biggest difference is we are not taking the traditional route, we will be making our own path … and we will be marking it with our blood, our sweat and our tears.

((a smattering of applause is heard from some of the ass kissing contingency))


As you may have heard, I have turned this company from a traditional schedule to a touring schedule. I have done this so we can capitalize on getting higher profile independent wrestlers and bring them for some quick tours, also, the money we save during our off time will go into improving our product.


So what is going to happen to you? Some of you might get fired, some of you will become part of the core roster, and most of you will probably be invited to go on tours with us. I will be looking at our current roster and will be evaluating the talent base and little by little you will all know your fate.


((DCA takes the crumbled piece of paper and puts it in his pocket, as he gets ready to walk away from the podium, Mainstream Hernandez stands up))

Mainstream: Dude, you said you were a wrestler but to be honest with you bro, I don’t remember ever hearing your name. …..ever.

((DCA pauses for a moment and turns back around. He looks directly at Mainstream ))


DCA: That’s because my name never made it to a level worth hearing about Mr.Hernandez. I wrestled in back alleys and in small dungeon pits, I wrestled in the era where “Extreme” was full blast…. So no, I never made it into a small fed or anything like that, that is why I came back, that is why I paid Puerto Rican Power 3 times the amount of this company….To live my passion without having to kill myself every night, which is now your job. This meeting is over, I will be contacting you for your one on one’s in the next week or so.


((DCA turns around and leaves the podium and to the back offices, the staff are all still shocked, continue with chatter. Noticeably absent from the staff is Puerto Rican Power who has sneaked away from the meeting.))



1/1/2010 (Wk1 , day 1)

330pm - FCW HQ – Office of FCW Owner Christian Alicea

**slap** ahem,

The Office of FCW Owner “Devilman” Christian Alicea.



((There is a big blackboard in the middle of the room, DCA and Road Agent Rico Santana are working on it, drawing out the plans for the next tour. The blackboard resembles more a algebraic formula board rather an actual wrestling planner. Both men are working furiously on their legal pads, talking back and forth to each other in what looks like a frantic brainstorming session. A knock comes from the door and in enters Puerto Rican Power, a bit more reserved with a lot less bravado from the previous encounter. ))


PRP: Look, about this morning…


((PRP gets cut off by DCA who turns to him like he has been in the room the entire time))


DCA: an 8 man tournament to find the new #1 contender to your title


PRP: but…


DCA: I am sending out feelers around the globe as we speak, we are going to try to get some of the best independent workers around to challenge you for the title.


PRP: you fired me…. Why would I want to come back? Why would I want to work with you?!


DCA: You know I won’t run this company into the ground. You know that deep within; we both share the same common goal. The only difference though is that now you get to go to El San Juan get loaded and bang as many hookers as you want without it affecting the company… well, at least not financially.




((Rico Santana jumps out in front of Puerto Rican Power, holding him back with all his might. DCA flinches and quickly gets behind his desk giving Puerto Rican Power another obstacle just in case he throws Rico down like a rag doll.)


DCA: Stop…. Stop and Listen. .. Before we get all crazy in this office, let me propose something to you: An extended title reign until the end of the year so we can groom the next champ. I will put you in marquee matchups all year long with the best I can find. I will give you the luxury to end your career as a legend rather than let your legacy die right now as a gullible hooker addict who got tricked into selling his company for 3 times less the amount I would have offered if you weren’t caught with your pants down.


((PRP relaxes a bit, the harsh reality smacking him in the face.))


DCA: take a moment... Sort it out and I will give you until 5pm to respond.

1/1/2010 (Wk1 , day 1)

5pm - DCA’s Office

((Phone rings and DCA picks it up, before the caller can even say anything))


DCA: Say it….


PRP: I’m in.

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the favor


1/4/2010 (Wk1 , day 4)

2pm – El San Juan Hotel and Casino, Lobby Bar.


((DCA and Rico Santana are sitting at the bar drinking down some straight up Makers Mark on the rocks (a favorite of your humble narrator) while discussing the company.))


DCA: you know, after looking at the talent level we have, I’m not going to fire any of them yet. I am going to let them prove themselves in this tour and then I shall cut heads. In the meantime, start setting up some one on one meeting for next week.


Rico: No problem boss.


DCA: … But PRP is getting old, what … how old is he Rico? 38 ish?


Rico: 39 boss


DCA: We need to find someone who can take his spot.


Rico: Bradford Perywether is an excellent choice in my…


DCA: no Rico… no .. we need someone that the audience can relate to, for this company to continue growing we need to create a face, a new icon a new heart for Puerto Rico.. Someone that all the island can cheer for… we need ourselves a Puerto Rican.


Rico: I’m on it boss.


DCA: Do that, now if you will excuse me I have a meeting coming up shortly with a potential new wrestler.

1/4/2010 (wk1 Day 4)

330pm – El san Juan Hotel and Casino, Lobby conference room.


DCA: Look, I am not budging on this deal. I would greatly appreciate you joining up on our tour but I am not going to pay that price.


???: I never said I would join, all I said is that I would meet with you. Do you think its that cheap to travel to and from Japan?


DCA: What do I care how much it cost for you to travel between Japan and the US. I am paying for your travel back and forth to the US! Look, all I am asking is for you to do an old friend a favor.


???: Friends?! We haven’t even spoken in like 8 years!


DCA: I will pay you what I offered plus travel expenses plus 5% of merch. Just do me the favor, who knows… you might actually enjoy it.


??? : Fine, I am only doing this as a favor to you, and there better not be a passed out hooker in my hotel room when I get there.


DCA: what? I helped make you into a man that night.


(( DCA reaches out and shakes hands with his newest wrestler Hell Monkey. ))


Hell Monkey: yeah, I have the medication to prove it.


((Hell Monkey leaves, DCA gets on his cell phone right away))


DCA: Rico… abort operation Suckubus.. Abort…Get the hooker out of the room now!

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Tour Plans con queso


1/7/2010 Wk1 Day 7

4 pm - Office of DCA


((DCA, on the phone, dealing with other companies, making preparations, looking at rosters, making his shortlist.))


DCA: I don’t care! All I want to do is make sure you understand what I am saying. DO NOT EVEN LOOK AT WRESTLERS THAT ARE IN MY COMPANY! … what?... hello? … hello?

((slams phone ))


DCA: I freaking hate NYCW…


((He starts to write on his notepad that is already filled with notes regarding other companies))


MAW: Working Agreement, target: Jay Chord

PSW : Working Agreement, target: Jay Steel

BSC: Working Agreement, target: Open

SOTBPW: Working Agreement / failed . Target: Champagne Lover, Velocidad

NOTBPW: Working Agreement, target: Open

RIPW: non –agression pact –success

NYCW: non-agression pact … Super Epic Fail **note… hostile takeover in 4 years?**



((DCA leans back on his chair and starts playing previous episodes of FCW, listening intently on the announcing of Dane O’hara and Cueball Lynch))


DCA: wow.. this is just…. Wow…..


((DCA turns puts the TV on mute as he pours himself a glass of Makers Mark on the Rocks. He picks up the phone and makes a call to his trusty Road Agent: Rico Santana.))


DCA: Hey Rico, how is the hunt for my next PR Idol going?


Rico: good boss, I sent you a list on your email about 20 minutes ago.


DCA: Ok, lets take a look.


Darkness Warrior…. Lame.. and he’s already near PRP’s age and he sucks…


Ricochet Ramirezhmmmm 21 years old… Rico, contact him for a Tour invite.

Island Boy Apolloanother youngster, hit him up as well for a Tour invite.


Billy Russell … I hear he’s a bit of a prick but invite him for a Tour, he might make a good stop-gap.


Rico: no problem Boss. .


DCA: ok, well, get them in here as soon as possible, I got to get ready for my “one on one” meetings tomorrow.. should be interesting. Ohhh.. and one more thing.

Rico : yes boss?




1/8/2010 Wk2 Day 1

8am – FCW HQ training area,



(( DCA is sitting at the announcers table in front of the ring used for training. The wrestlers are all there standing in and around the ring. Current announcers Dane O’hara and Cueball Lynch are nowhere to be found. DCA stands up from the announcers table and grabs his fancy dancy microphone.))


DCA: Welcome everyone, thank you for coming, I know this is a bit different for you guys to have a month off but I wanted to share with you the upcoming schedule for the year. It might take some getting used to but I think it will benefit everyone here.


((DCA points to Rico who is doing his best Vannah White impersonation next to a covered up board. He removes the cover to show a calendar of events))


January – OFF

February - Friday Week 2 , Saturday Week 4

March – Friday Week 2

April – Sunday Week 2 (end of 1st leg)


May – OFF

June - Fridway Week 2 , Saturday Week 4

July – Friday Week 2

August – Sunday Week 2 (end of 2nd leg)


September – OFF

October – Friday Week 2, Saturday Week 4

November – Friday Week 4

December – Sunday Week 3 (END OF YEAR SHOW)

DCA: As you can all see, we have 3 tours lined up with 4 shows a tour. This would equal the same number of shows we would have done on a regular yearly schedule. The only difference is you will have time to heal for a month in between shows, and yes, we are planning on putting in more dates next year. As the company grows, so will the dates and so will be the places we go. TV wise, until we get to a certain comfortable level and are able to get an actual show, we are going to keep taping our tours and selling the videos as normal. Now with that being said, you may notice that we are missing our announcers.


((The wrestlers look around and shrug like if they finally realized that they were missing))


DCA: Ok, Lets end the suspense; they have been fired and replaced by my hand picked announcing team of Remington Remus, BSC’s own Honey Golightly and NYCW’s Rock Downpour.


((out comes a very young and green Remington Remus wearing the best purple Steve Harvey suit a white boy can pimp out, the professionally super hot Honey Golightly from BSC fame wearing the finest in professional mini skirt suits and following behind her looking at her behind is NYCW resident failure of a wrestler, fairly acceptable young announcer Rock Downpour))


DCA: This might not be a popular decision for some of you but starting fresh means sounding fresh. So I got the best new voices in the business today. I am going to have them review some of your old matches so they can get used to your styles and familiar with all of you. In the meantime, you guys can go ahead and train, and I will be having everyone in my office for some one on one time…


((DCA starts to make his leave as Rico starts behind him to tell him something))


Rico: Hey Boss, we got a visitor in the office, I think your gonna be surprised by who decided to talk to you.


DCA: Is Tommy Cornell in my office with the keys to TCW?


Rico: No but…..


DCA: Then I won’t be pleasantly surprised ..


((DCA opens the door to his office and to his surprise he finds one of his targets in his office with resident manager/valet Maryann Vega…))

DCA:… well this is a surprise… would’ve been pleasant if you weren’t defiling my only female manager in my office but hell, I’m sure you wont mind some negotiations now ..


((Rico starts taking blackmail photo like the worlds best paparazzi from behind DCA))


DCA: well then, let’s get started… would you like me to call you Champagne or Mr. Lover??

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Roster Breakdown



11pm - Office of Devilman Christian Alicea.


((DCA is leaned back on his chair on the phone. ))

DCA: Ok Billy, thank you again and I will see you on monday…


((click… as that call ends he starts writing down thoughts on top of his notepad. His office door opens and in comes Rico Santana with some coffeee. He sits down in front of DCA)


Rico: hey boss, the day is done we should head out of this place.


DCA: SO here is the list of wrestler under contract and my review after their one on one interview. Look thru it and let me know what you think. We need to have the first card announced by monday morning.


Main Event


Puerto Rican Power Big Heavy Weight

Age 38// Face // Goals: Keep him loved, keep happy.


Notes: Former owner, looks tough and mean but has a giant soft spot for the hookers…errrrr fans, he is the patriota santo of the company. Hell, he is the company. Need to keep him happy … at least until a replacement is found. Also, need to stop taking potshots at him.. unless I fancy a broken nose again.


Shawn Gonzalez Middle Weight

Age:39 // Face // Goals: turn heel, use and abuse


Notes: WOW, this guy is a sleazy motha. it’s a shame he is so talented and has his own little cartel with him. Half the roster is trained by him or have some sort of allegiance to him and he is quite the prick because he knows it.


Bradford Peverell Light Heavy Weight

Age 26 // Face // Goals: Develop into fan favorite champion

Notes: I dig the guy, has a good charisma about him. If his name wasn’t Bradford I would totally be all about him becoming the next face. I see him as a champion though, I hope he can hold the company up while the older crowd passes thru.. hell, I hope he dosen’t get picked up by a major fed by then.


Hell’s Bouncer: Super Heavy Weight

Age 24 // Heel // Goals: Develop into formidable champion.

Notes: He reminds me so much of me when I was his age… but with much more talent.. like WoW talent. Need to develop him into a powerhouse but also need to take him away from the Hell’s Bouncer gimmick… I hope in the next few years he can be able to portray himself and be a prized atraction.


Handsome Stranger Middle Weight

Age 34 // Heel // Goals: Turn face , become a quality member of team.


Notes: Pretty good guy for the most part, I hope he stick around. Should be fun to have him not only in the main event race but in the Peoples Championship title chase.


Upper Mid Card


Leper Messsiah Big Heavy Weight

Age 34 // Heel // Goals: Keep him in the title picture but discard fast


Notes: Totally wrong person to mentor Hell’s Bouncer. He is a big guy with a crazy gimmick and he is beat all to hell. Has worse habits than PRP and keeps giving Hell’s Bouncer not so great advice. If I keep him on, he will only hold Hell’s Bouncer down.


Rudy Velasquez Light Weight

Age 24 // Heel // Goals: break away from his homeys, let him fly on his own.


Notes: this guy has talent all over the place, hell, his farts probably have more talent than half the roster.

We need to groom him to be his own man and stop being a lackey to Shawn.



D.C. Rayne Middle Weight

Age : 26 // Face // Goal: help him and Eddie become a premier tag team.


Notes: Quiet guy, heads in the right place, all he wants is to win titles. Good for him, hoping he doesn’t completely piss me off.


Titan Big Heavy Weight

Age: 24 // Heel // Goal: MONSTER Size him


Notes: Arrogant guy, should do well with his gimmick. Does need a manager though as he completely sounds like an idiot when he talks.


The Sensational Singh Light Weight

Age: 33 // Heel // Goal: Toss and burn


Notes: keeping him around for a length, going to see what miles I can get out of this glorified stepping stone. I would be nicer to him if he actually showed up to meeting instead of cutting out early.



Ox Mastodon Super Heavy Weight

Age: 27 // Heel // Goals: Groom into single stars


Notes: Idiot.. but impressive Idiot. Need to groom him into something more than a fat turd.


Jesus Chaves Heavy Weight

Age: 24 // Heel // Goals: havent decided yet


Notes: Shawn’s lackey and happy to stay that way. I think he regurgitated 5 things that Shawn said when I met with him.


King Kong Kennedy Super Heavy Weight

Age: 29 // Heel // Goals: Turd droppings


Notes: Will provide dead weight to the tag team division for the next year. Defenitly not resigning him.


Hector Galindo Lightweight

Age: 24 // Heel // Goals: Salvageable Turd


Notes: another Shawn lackey but at least he has a bigger allegiance to Rudy than to Shawn.


Mainstream Hernandez Lightweight

Age: 24 // Face // Goals: Superstar in the making


Notes: Besides being a pain in the ass, this kid has got great talent. Looking forward to see where this kid ends up by the end of the year.


Kirk Jameson MiddleWeight

Age: 24 // Face // Goals: Superstar in training


Notes: Another diamond , im looking forward to putting him into some great feuds.



Eddie Howard Heavy Weight

Age: 24 // Face // Goals: Making into tag team star


Notes: him and D.C. Rayne are shooting for tag team greatness, I hope I can challenge them enough to get them there.


Lower Mid Card


Dragon Del Arco Iris Small

Age: 24 // Face // Goals: future mexican star?


Notes: so far .. he is a turd… but a turd with a nice mask.


Matt Hocking Light Weight

Age: 20 // Face // Goals: future superstar


Notes: kid needs some good shaping, I hope to get him over to MAW for a couple tours.


Tigre Salvaje Jr Light Weight

Age: 23 // Heel // Goals: Turdmask #2


Notes: this kid is all Lip , I hope I can kick his ass well enough to do something valuable.

El Hijo Del Zonk Light Weight

Age: 24 // Face // Goals : Future superstar


Notes: I dig this guy, he is funny , up front and can speak decent English, I hope to turn him into a mexican prospect or even better… a TCW prospect.


Amo Del Gato Light Weight

Age: 27 // Face // Goals: Turdmask infinity


Notes: Job… job… job…. fire.




Carlos Gonzalez Middle Weight

Age: 28 // Heel // Goals: Survive


Notes: Shawn Gonzalez brother… all around douche… job .. job… job… not renew.. can’t fire him cause then I will get Shawn and his posse all pissy, in the meantime, im just going to step stone him into oblivion.


Arthur Dexter Bradley Light Weight

Age: 20 // Face // Goals: grow


Notes: I like him but I find him completely useless… that and his contract is the first to come up.. bye byeeeee Arthur.


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<p>Ooc Note</p><p> </p><p>

<em>so the first card draft is set and will be posting soon. In the meantime, what do you all think so far? </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

I know i've been stalling with the nitty gritty of the diary so I will pump it out soon enough, I spent the time writing these segments to get myself back into the writing process (a bit rusty). </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>My self critique: </strong></em><em> I found myself being too wordy at times and neglecting juicy dialogue for the sake of being lazy and going for the absurd shock funny. When I first started writing this out, I just kept picturing scenes and moments of the process of making a card, not the result, kinda like Police Academy meets The West Wing. I don't think I have a grasp on my characters yet but I am planning on toning it down a notch and throwing focus on some of the core wrestlers rather than DCA, I did though enjoy the character interactions between Rico and DCA. ... sophmoric i know but it will do . </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>


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