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USPW - Money Never Sleeps

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June 15, 2010


Six months ago, I was hired. And in those six months, I've been kicking a**.


You will know me as The Grand Avatar. In reality, I'm a legend in the pro wrestling business. I know all of the ins and outs. Well, I use to, anyways. See, I was headlining in the 80s. That was the real stuff. The stuff these kids do nowadays is garbage.


Sam Strong is a good friend of mine. We headlined cards together. He respects my knowledge of the business. And that's why I got the phone call.


He offered me a job - booker of USPW. Any other federation, I'd have turned them down. They're not my style. USPW...a young promotion on the rise, based on the good old days of wrestling....I can do that.


I took the job.


It is now June 2010. There has been some big changes in USPW. Time to catch you up.

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January - June 2010


Like I said - things have changed in the last six months.


I'll start with the biggest change, and the most crazy news of the year - Rich Money is USPW. Sounded like fantasy booking to me, but Sam made it happen with his amazing negotiating skills. This was great for us, as in April, Money debuted. Sam and I talked about how to use him. I wanted him the the USPW Title feud with Enygma, but Sam wanted a different direction. Just months early, Nicky Champion had annouced he was in a relationship with Alicia Strong. Everyone awaited Sam's reaction, and when it came, it was huge. He named Champion the "New Sam Strong" to a live audience. He was now his mentor. Everyone knew Champion was Sam's golden boy behind the scenes, but an on-screen endorsement was huge. Sam and Alicia were even in Nicky's corner for his match against Tyson Baine in February.


When Money debuted, before saying anything else, he called Nicky Champion out, alone. Champion answered the call. Everyone expect a confrontation, but instead Money talked Champion up. He said he agree with Strong about Nicky being the future. Then Money walked away. The next month, Money would come out and watch Champion's matches, even helping him win one of them. Money said he wanted to buy Champion's contract and that he would work for him. At Freedom Fight in April, Champion decided - "No deal. I'm staying with Sam.". The crowd went nuts. Money, embarrased, attacked Nicky, only for Sam Strong himself to save.


Bruce the Giant announced his retirement in March, but Rich Money had an offer - help him destroy Strong and Champion, and he would give Bruce $1 Million Dollars. Bruce, despite being the highest paid wrestler in the world at one point, had wasted his money. He happily agreed to the offer. Later that night, he absolutely destroyed Nicky, even chokeslamming him through a table. Strong tried to save, but Bruce beat him down as well.


The other big storyline involved the USPW Title. Enygma, a fighting champion, has held the title since June 2009. In January - April, he was involved in a feud with the monster Tyson Baine. Early in the feud, Baine used his size and strength to intimidate and beat down the champion. Enygma turned the tables in March, using his mysterious persona and scare tactics (lights going out, crosses, coming down from the cieling) to irritate Baine. Eygma got in the challenger's head enough to beat him cleanly at Declaration of Independence in May.


Enygma got attacked the next night by the machine T-Rex. The two are now in a bitter feud, with Rex getting the upperhand every time. Enygma's scare tactics have no phased the challenger, who has Shiek Mustafa in his corner.


Jim Force has been the second story of the year, right behind Rich Money. After Strong endorsed Nicky, Force was stagnent. He was popular with fans, and merchandise was selling well, but he was stale, and only going down the card. Talking with Jim one day, he came up with the idea himself - he would turn heel. I thought it would be a disaster, but Jim was sure he could pull it off. So last month, during a #1 contender match for the USPW World Title, Jim hit James Justice with the ring bell to pick up the easy victory. I think what made it work was that Jim didn't even need to cheat - he was holding his own against Justice. He just took a shortcut.


Then, the new Jim Force was born. He still wore the face-paint and tassells, but this was a completely new attitude. No more crazy promos and intense rope-shaking. The new Jim Force was cool, confident, and ****y. He would flex his muscles during matches and look at himself on the titantron. He would not only beat opponents, but also embarrass them. He also welcomed all challengers. A returning James Justice took him up on it.


The last story I would like to discuss is that of a couple of newcomers. Champagne Lover and El Fuerza. Sam got them from some place in Mexico. Now I didn't think much of Lover - he was short, thin, obviously talented, but not larger than life like a wrestler should be. As soon as I saw Fuerza, I saw a winner. He had a great look and was big as a truck. This guy was our future. Sam wanted to keep him out of the ring for a bit, so he's been a bodygaurd for Champagne. Lover even won the USPW TV Title after a Fuerza powerbomb on the outside.


The two have been disrespecting the legends on the roster, so vetern Chris Caulfield has stepped up to put the two in their place. This has proved difficult with the monster Fuerza always around.


Tyson Baine took off for the SWF last month. Oh, and Peter Valentine retired, And with him, the USPW National Title. That's too bad. What I could have done with a talent like Valentine....

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Rich Money

Bruce The Giant (w/Rich Money)

Nicky Champion (w/Alicia Strong)

Enygma (USPW World Champion)

James Justice



Chris Caulfield

Jumbo Jackson (Time Off)

Jim Force (w/Belle Bryden)

T-Rex (w/Shiek Mustafa)



Andre Jones

Captain USA

Danny Rushmore

Freddy Datsun

Giant Redwood


Tribal Warrior

Mick Muscle



Champagne Lover (w/El Fuerza) (USPW TV Champion)

Darryl Devine

Des Davids

El Fuerza



Al The Hillbilly


Greg Keith

Mattew Keith

Pete The Hillbilly



Sam Strong



Alicia Strong

Belle Bryden

Cherry Bomb


Jo Anne Rodriguez

Raven Robinson (USPW Womens Champion)

Sara Marie YorkSeduction



Baby Jamie (Ref)

Commish Doom (Road Agent)

Danny Jilefski (Announcer)

Micky Star (Road Agent)

Robbie Sanchez (ref)

Shane Sneer (Announcer)

Shiek Mustafa (Manager)

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Week 2, June 2010




USPW World Championship

Enygma © vs T-Rex w/Shiek Mustafa


Enygma has fought all challengers, but he has been destroyed thus far by T-Rex. Can the fighting champion take the monster down?


USPW Television Championship

Champange Lover © w/El Fuerza vs Chris Caulfield


The new TV champion has taunted the legend Caulfield since he debuted, showing no respect for the veteren. Does the legend have enough left in the tank to beat the ****y young talent? Or will Lover continue his undefeated streak with his biggest win yet?


USPW Women's Championship

Raven Robinson © vs Cherry Bomb


Robinson has fought off all challengers, holding onto her women's title. But will the vicious Cherry Bomb take the title?


Nicky Champion and Sam Strong vs Rich Money and Bruce The Giant


After rejecting his offer, Nicky Champion became Rich Money's target. That is, until Sam Strong jumped in to defend his protege. Now, Money has hired the biggest athelete on the planet to help him take out USPW's most famous team.


James Justice vs Jim Force

Jim Force won the #1 contendership last month after hitting Justice with a ring bell. "The Power and Paint" fan favorite has now turned his back on his fans, caring only about himself. James Justice has come for payback. Can Justice stop Force's winning steak? Or will Jim Force take out James Justice once and for all?


All this plus much more on USPW AMERICANA! LIVE on PPV!

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<p>Results of the PPV:</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26858" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>USPW AMERICANA</strong><p> </p><p> <span>http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee118/LiamoW/PPVs/USPWAmericana.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p><strong> LIVE FROM THE LOUSIANA AUDITORIUM</strong></p><p><strong> ATTENDENCE: 10000 SELL-OUT CROWD</strong></p><p> </p><p> AMERICANA was USPW's most successful Pay Per View to date. Everyone is buzzing coming off of the event, but no one is happier than USPW World Champion Enygma. The champion had big words before the match, talking about his past defences against the likes of big men like Tyson Baine, but even he acknowledged that T-Rex was a different breed of man. Enygma promised to give it his all, and that is exactly what he did. The champion came out swinging, throwing everything he had against the monster. Using his experience and quickness, he wrestled circles around T-Rex, avoiding the big man's right hands. It was after an illegal trip by Shiek Mustafa that T-Rex caught up to the champion, and used his raw power to control the rest of the match. After taking a beating that would put most men in the hospital, Enygma kept kicking out. The challenger was puzzled, not knowing what he could do to keep the champ down. After an unintentional ref-bump, Rex held Enygma up while Shiek got some powder. Mustafa through the powder, but Enygma used his quickness to duck out of the way. The powder went into Rex's eyes - blinding the challenger! The champion quickly rolled up the monster and got a three count. Another title defense!</p><p> </p><p> Rich Money was not as successful, as he and his "hired man" Bruce the Giant were defeated by Nicky Champion and USPW owner Sam Strong. The match started with Nicky and Money in a chain wrestling battle. Although he held his own, Champion could not hold his own against the veteren Rich Money. This lead to a hot tag to Strong, who used his power to throw Money around the ring like a rag doll. It was only after a cheap shot from Bruce the Giant that Money took control. After a heinous beat down, Money tagged in the Giant. Bruce slowly destroyed Strong, as the USPW owner's power was no match for the largest athlete in the world. He took a beating, but Sam's all-american fighting spirit kept him from staying down. He got the tag to his protege, and Nicky took control of the match with a cross-body on the tired Giant. Money ran in to help, but Champion dodged his attack, and the two "Mega Bucks" collided! Money fell out of the ring, and "The Golden Boy" hit The Giant with the Hawkeye Hammer! Strong, his daughter and his protege celebrated in the ring after the match.</p><p> </p><p> James Justice got his win over Jim Force, but he did not get his revenge. As soon as the match started, something seemed strange, as Force immediatly left the ring and flexed his muscles for fans at ringside. "Liberty" stayed in the ring and watched on for a minute, but eventually got fed up and dove over the ropes, onto "The Force". In what did not even resemble a wrestling contest, Justice brawled with Force all over ringside. James had the upper hand, but after a distraction from Belle Bryden, "The Force" cheap shotted "The People's Champ" with a clothesline to the back. He through Justice in the ring, but stalled again as he flexed for the camera man. Distracted by checking himself out on the big screen, Justice was allowed to recover and attacked the narcasistic veteren. Risking a count-out, James ran back to the ring. In a shock to everyone, "The Force" simply walked to the back, letting Justice have the count-out victory. Although suffering the loss, Force is still the #1 contender, and James Justice did not get his revenge.</p><p> </p><p> Another veteren had a bad night, as Chris Caulfield suffered defeat at the hands of USPW Television Champion Champagne Lover. Early in the match, it looked like the veteren had Lover's number, as he beat him around the ring without mercy."The Hardcore American" eventually was able to counter a DDT into a signature "Danger Drop". About to go for the pin, El Fuerza, the television champ's huge bodyguard, ran into the ring. Caulfield wanted a piece of Fuerza as well, and welcomed the fight. As ref Robbie Sanchez tried to get "The Young and the Fearless" star out of the ring, the TV champion recovered in time to low-blow "The Hardcore American" and deliver his finishing move: The Champagne Breakfast. A pin got the three count and a successful title defense for the newcomer.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Quick results:</strong></p><p> -USPW Champion Enygma def. Tyson Baine w/Shiek Mustafa</p><p> -Strong/Nicky Champion def Rich Money/Bruce The Giant</p><p> -James Justice def Jim Force w/Belle Bryden by Count-Out</p><p> -USPW Television Champion Champagne Lover w/El Fuerza def Chris Caulfield</p><p> -USPW Women's Champion Raven Robinson defeated Cherry Bomb</p><p> -USPW Tag Team Champions Freddie Datsun and Des Davids lost their titles to Matthew and Greg Keith.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Show Grade:</strong> C+</p></div></blockquote>
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Preview for American Wrestling

Just two days removed from the biggest USPW Pay Per View ever, all the superstars will be in attendence to discuss the fallout of Americana.


Rich Money has promised to address his loss to "The Immortal" Sam Strong and Nicky Champion. His partner Bruce the Giant will also be in attendence. Will the war of these two powerful teams continue?


Enygma successfully defended the USPW World Title against T-Rex. The new #1 contender Jim Force has promised a confrontation to make their USPW Championship match at Independence Day Slam official. What will happen when these two legends meet?


Chris Caulfield has promised his fans some retribution. He will discuss his loss against Television Champion Chapange Lover and the future of his career.


Also, a 10-man battle royal for a future shot at the USPW World Championship has been announced.

Card announced:

Chris Caulfield vs Matthew Keith

USPW Women's Championship: Reven Robinson © vs Belle Bryden

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USPW American Television

June 2010 Week Three

Show Recap


Just 48 hours removed from AMERICANA, USPW American Wrestling was the show to watch Tuesday night! The show started off with a 10-man battle royal, with the winner getting an USPW World Title shot at an undetermined time in the near future. The competition was fierce - all of these men wanted a title match. The match was dominated by two stars in particular - Sam Strong's Protege Nicky Champion and "The Monster" T-Rex. The match ended when T-Rex threw both Mick Muscles and Danny Rushmore out at the same time, only to immediatly be throw out himself by Nicky Champion. The "Golden Boy" celebrated in the ring as Rex and Mustafa watched on in anger.


The night did not end so well for Champion, as later on in the broadcast, Nicky was giving an interview about his victory backstage when he was visciously assaulted by the monster T-Rex. Champion was down and treated to by EMTs. We know now that Champion is in decent shape, suffering only minor injuries.


The "Golden Boy" wasn't the only one attacked by a monster - USPW World Champion Enygma was jumped....by a returning Jumbo Jackson! In what appears to be an ambush by #1 contender Jim Force, Enygma was on his way out to the ring to confront Force in a scheduled face-to-face interview. Out of nowhere Jumbo Jackson attacked, leaving the USPW Champion down on the ramp. Force and Jackson shook hands and walked off together.


Enygma isn't a quitter, though. Later in the night, he challenged "Jumbo Shrimp" to a match for later in the night! Jackson accepted, and the two had a war in the main event. It was true back and force action, with Jackson using his raw power to take control early, only for Enygma to counter with his superiour strategy and cunning. Enygma eventually hit an Enygma Variation, but before he could make the cover, he was attacked by "The Force". It was mayhem in the ring as Jackson and Force double-teamed the USPW Champion until American Wrestling went off the air.


Earlier in the night, someone else almost got dominated - USPW's "RIch Snob" Rich Money! After a devestation loss to Sam Strong and Nicky Champion at Americana, Rich came out for an interview. He completely blamed Bruce the Giant for the loss, saying he was the one that got pinned and because of that - he was not getting paid! This brought out an angry Bruce the Giant, who stated that Money was nothing but a spoiled brat and that he has no respect for anyone. Bruce said that he would be happy to teach him that respect in a match...tonight! The "Rich Snob" said that he was no coward, but he was hurt from the tag match, and would not be wrestling tonight. "The Giant" did not accept this answer, and gave everyone a little preview of what to expect, as he delivered a giant chokeslam to his former partner! Bruce left to the cheers of everyone in the arena.


Another legend got some revenge for the disrespect given to him. Chris Caulfield easily defeated Matthew Keith. It was clear he was a man on a mission. After admitting defeat to USPW Television Champion Chapagne Lover, Caulfield called out his nemesis and the man that helped him win on Sunday, El Fuerza. The dastardly duo came out, getting in "The Hardcore Legends" face, taunting him over his loss. Caulfield claimed that he did lose, but only because it was two-on-one, and that he was bringing his own partner to even the odds! Just then James "Liberty" Justice's music hit as he came running out to the ring, leading to an explosive two-on-two brawl that ended when "The Hardcore Legend" and "Liberty" knocked Lover and Fuerza out of the ring!

Quick Results:

-USPW World Champion Enygma def Jumbo Jackson after The Force ran in to DQ Enygma

-Chris Caulfield defeated Matthew Keith

-USPW Women's Champion Raven Robinson def Belle Bryden

-Nicky Champion won a 10 Man Battle Royal for a shot at the USPW World Title in the near future


Show Grade: C

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  • 2 weeks later...

USPW American Television Preview:


USPW American Television EXPLODES this Tuesday night with a main event you have to see! It's USPW World Champion Enygma and his partner James Justice looking for revenge against the terrifying team of Jim Force and Jumbo Jackson! "The Force" is the #1 contender to the World Title, but after his beat down on Enygma last week, "The Mysterious One" will no doubt pull out all of the stops for a victory! Jumbo Jackson is a monster of a partner, but James Justice has wanted to beat Jim Force for over two months! What will happen when these teams collide?


Last week, Rich Money told Bruce the Giant that he wouldn't pay him, and blamed the legend for their loss at Americana. "The Giant" responded with a huge chokeslam to the delight of the crowd! This week, the Giant will be in action against newcomer Greg Keith. Will the Giant dominate, or will the son of superstar Sam Keith pull off a "Giant" upset? Plus, will Rich Money be in the house?


T-Rex put Nicky Champion on the shelf last week, after Champion through Rex out of the ring for a shot at the USPW World Title. We will have an interview via satellite with Champion and his girlfriend Alicia Strong. Plus, T-Rex will be in action against Des Davids! Plus, USPW owner Sam Strong has promised a confrontation with Rex about his attack. The USPW owner has promised some kind of punishment is in store for the monster.


Chris Caulfield announced that he has even the odds against Champange Lover and El Fuerza, recruiting legend James Justice as his tag team partner! The new duo took out Caulfield 2-on-1, but can they compete against "The Hardcore Legend" and "Liberty" in an even match?


Matches Announced:

-Nicky Champion vs Champange Lover

-El Fuerza vs Chris Caulfield

-Bruce the Giant vs The Keiths

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  • 4 weeks later...

USPW American Wrestling Results


Just days before USPW Independence Day Slam!, USPW American Wrestling was a night of wild and crazy action! The biggest news of the night was the "final battle" between bitter rivals James Justice and #1 contender Jim Force! The show opened with Force bragging about taking out USPW World Champion Enygma last week. The speech was quickly interrupted by the USPW Champion's good friend Justice! "Liberty" showed no fear confronting "The Force" and challenged him to a match! Jim accepted to the crowd's delight! The match was a knock down, drag out fight between two of USPW's top dogs. Justice took the advantage with a series of strikes, knocking the #1 contender out of the ring! While the ref tried to help "The Force" back in, "Big Love" Champange Lover hit the ring and hit Justice with a pair of brass knuckles! "Liberty" was out, allowing Jim Force to roll back into the ring and get the pinfall.


The night didn't end well for Force, however, as while posing for his victory, a smokey haze covered the ring. USPW World Champion Enygma suddenly appeared, tearing the ring open from underneath! He pulled the #1 contender down into the darkness to end the show. No one has heard from either superstar since. What does this mean for the USPW World Title match at Independence Day Slam?


Champange Lover had a busy night, as he also caused a loss for rival Chris Caulfield! "The Hardcore Legend" was going toe to toe with Lover's tag partner, El Fuerza. What Caulfield lacked in strength, he made up for in sheer will and experience. He hit the danger drop of Fuerza, but was distracted by an approaching Lover. Lover backed off when noticed, but "The Hardcore Legend" turned around into a powerful powerbomb from Fuerza! A three count got the pin. Will we get the same result when Caulfield and Liberty face off against this new duo at Independence Day Slam?


USPW newcomer Gorgon debuted, quickly defeating Sara Marie York. Gorgon used power and skill not ever seen by a women's wrestler before. After the match, USPW Women's Champion Raven Robinson appeared and took revenge! A vicious brawl erupted all of the arena, until security was able to break up the two women.


After the beat down of Sam Strong last week, Nicky Champion took the bait and challenged T-Rex to a singles match at Independence Day Slam! "The Golden Boy" wrestled Champange Lover later in the night, winning by count out in an impressive victory. T-Rex appeared on stage and accepted the challenge!


Another match was made for Independence Day Slam!: Bruce the Giant and a mystery partner vs Rich Money and The Keith Boys. The Giant fought The Keiths in a preview of the match on American Wrestling. The rookies tried everything, but they could not knock the Giant down. On the edge of defeat, The Keith's quickly called for Rich Money. The "Rich Snob" ran out and took out The Giant's leg with a chair, keeping him down on the mat holding his knee! Bruce has never been dominated like this before....he will need a big time partner to even the odds on Sunday!


Show Grade: B

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Independence Day Slam~! Preview




The USPW's biggest show today is LIVE on Pay Per View this Sunday! Only the USPW can bring you a card like this!


The USPW Champion Enygma has has a long run on top. He's fought off all challengers, but no one like #1 contender Jim Force! Force has dominated Enygma at every turn, but will Enygma's mind games shake the contender's confidence enough to throw him off his game? Or is the USPW World Champion's title reign about to come to a "Forceful" end?


Nicky Champion eliminated T-Rex during a battle royal to win a future shot at the USPW World Title. T-Rex, upset about the victory, viciously beat down Champion's mentor Sam Strong. "The Golden Boy" has promised revenge in what will surely beat a battle this Sunday! Can Champion use his heart to take down the monster? Or will T-Rex's strength be too much for Nicky to handle?


Chris Caulfield has had problems with newcomers Champange Lover and El Fuerza since they entered the USPW. Despite his experience and fan support, "The Hardcore Legend" can't take them out alone. He's enlisted the help of friend James "Liberty" Justice to even the odds! Can the experience and wisdom of the legends overcome the youth and energy of the ****y newcomers?


After getting double-crossed by Rich Money, Bruce the Giant has declared war. Money has formed an alliance with Greg and Matthew Keith, taking them under his wing, in order to defeat the Giant with numbers instead of pure brawn. The plan has worked so far, but after a 3 on 1 beatdown last Tuesday, The Giant has promised a partner to help take on the "Money Bags". Who is Bruce's partner, and will he be enough to defeat three of the dirtiest players in the game!


Also, newcomer Gorgon beat down USPW Women's Champion Raven Robinson weeks ago. Last week, Robinson came back for revenge, brawling around the arena with the powerful rookie. Is Raven talented enough to overcome Gorgon's might? Or is the USPW Women's Champion title reign about to come to an end?


This Sunday of Pay Per View!

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USPW Independence Day Slam! Results!




USPW's Independence Day Slam! was a "Force" of an event as Jim Force was crowned new USPW World Champion! "The Mysterious One" Enygma's year long title reign was ended on a tainted note that is sure to raise some questions! Earlier in the night, Force gave an interview saying he had escaped from Enygma's clutches last week, and now has an "Insurance Policy", stating he was a lock to win the belt. The match began, dominated by Enygma, until Force hit a low-blow behind the referee's back. "The Force" then took control, dominating the Champion with power moves and submission locks. After hitting the "Full Force", Jim went for a cover, but to everyone's surprise, Enygma kicked out! Enygma got a second wind and came back with fury, knocking Force out of the ring! It was only then that "The Fearless" El Fuerza appeared and hit Enygma with a powerbomb! Jim Force entered the ring and hit another "Full Force" to pick up the victory. Why did El Fuerza help Force? And why did he make an enemy of the moster dangerous man in USPW?


The other big news of the night was Bruce the Giant's partner....the return of fan favorite Captain USA! The Captain came out to the roar of the crowd with american flag in hand. Together, "The Giant" and "The All American" took down the Keiths and Rich Money in the 3-on-1 match! The "Money Bags" had control for most of the match, keeping Captain USA in their corner. But after a hot tag to Bruce, the tide had turned, and Rich Money left ringside! Now an even tag team match, the young Keiths were no match for the experience of the two veterens, and "The Giant" picked up the pinfall victory!


Not to be outdone, the match of the night belonged to Nicky Champion and T-Rex! Fighting for his mentor's honor, Champion fought off the bigger opponent with heart and determination. Knowing he was outmatched in the power department, Nicky used his speed and work circles around Rex, and speed is what one him the match, as a quick roll-up was all that could keep the brute monster down! Rex went crazy, destroying tables and throwing chairs at ringside. After attacking an official, USPW owner Sam Strong emerged from the back! Strong confronted the larger man, and while no punches were thrown, Rex left to the back.


The USPW World Championship was not the only title to change hands last night, Raven Robinson's Women's Title Reign was ended by Gorgon! "The Beast from the East" dominated the smaller challenger, hitting her with power moves and quick strikes. Despite a brilliant showing of guts and determination, Robinson was no match from Gorgon, and was pinned by a three count.


Chris Caulfield finally got his revenge, as he and James Justice beat Champange Lover and El Fuerza in tag team action! It was an event contest, but "Liberty" used his experience and skill to count Lover's Champange Breakfast and hit a Liberation Slam! Brawling continued after the match ended until Lover hit Justice in the head with the USPW Television Title, leaving the veteren unconsious in the middle of the ring.


Next month, USPW's biggest event of the year....Made in America!


Show Grade: B

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