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WWE: A New Beginning

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Hi everyone, this is my first ever diary and I look forward to all of your post responds and even picks for the matches. Without further ado...WWE: A New Beginning


Vince: It's a new year and we need to do something different to expand our partnerships with the wrestling industry. No longer are we going to ignore international wrestling organizations or the rise of independent wrestling...It's time for a turnaround.


Associate#1: What do you mean, sir?


Vince: I mean we need to expose international wrestlers to the American audience and show them that we can compete for real. The so-called competition has been exposing more international talent as of late and we need to step our A- Game to a whole new level...Agreed!?!


All: Agreed.


With that very important meeting finished, it was time for WWE to expand its international partnerships with Japan and Mexico once more. WWE was about to begin its new-look turnaround by adding international talent to their rosters, Smackdown! and RAW. They still have NXT with their pros mentoring the rookies but now it was time to go really global. No longer are the WWE just doing house shows overseas on occasions, they were going to try something different and that was bringing a RAW or Smackdown show or even a WWE PPV to a country.

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Offical World Wrestling Entertainment Rosters

As of August 27,2010



Exclusive partnership with Japan and Canada


Main Eventers

John Cena (face)

Triple H (face)

Sheamus (heel)

Randy Orton (face)

Edge (heel)

Chris Jericho (heel)


Upper Midcarders

John Morrison (face)

R-Truth (face)

Ted Dibiase (heel)

Ezekiel Jackson (heel)

Evan Bourne (face)

The Miz (heel)

Naomichi Marufuji (face)

William Regal (heel)

Daniel Bryan (face)



Yoshi Tatsu (face)

Mark Henry (face)

Santino Marella (face)

Tyson Kidd (face)

David Hart Smith (face)

Vladimir Kozlov (face)

Zack Ryder (heel)

The Great Khali (face)



Lower Midcarders

Primo (heel)

Kazuchika Okada (face)

Fergal Devitt (face)

Goldust (face)

Ultimo Dragon (face)

Jules Uso (heel)

Jimmy Uso (heel)



Women's Division

Alicia Fox (heel)

Brie Bella (face)

Eve (face)

Gail Kim (face)

Jillian (heel)

Natalya (face)

Maryse (heel)

Melina (face)

Nikki Bella (face)

Tamina (heel)


General Managers

Antonio Inoki (face)

Mr. McMahon (heel)

Bret Hart (face)




Exclusive Partnership with Mexico and Great Britain


Main Eventers

Undertaker (face)

Rey Mysterio (face)

Mistico (face)

CM Punk (heel)

Jack Swagger (heel)

Hiroshi Tanahashi (face)

Kane (heel)

Alberto Del Rio (heel)


Upper Midcarders

Kofi Kingston (face)

El Hijo De Perro Agauyo (heel)

El Hijo De Santo (face)

Dolph Ziggler (heel)

Electroshock (heel)

M.V.P. (face)

Vance Archer (heel)

Christian (face)

Big Show (face)



Matt Hardy (face)

Chris Masters (face)

Drew McIntyre (heel)

Shad (heel)

Luke Gallows (heel)

JTG (face)

Ultimo Guerrero (heel)

Tyler Reks (face)

Joey Mercury (heel)


Lower Midcarders

Finlay (face)

Jushin Thunder Liger (face)

Caylen Croft(heel)

Trent Barreta (heel)

Chavo Guerrero (heel)

Hornswoggle (face)



Women's Division

Beth Phoenix (face)

Faby Apache (face)

Layla (heel)

Marcela (face)

Michelle McCool (heel)

Serena (heel)

Rosa Mendes (face)

Kelly Kelly (face)


General Managers

Theodore Long (face)

Vickie Guerrero (heel)


NXT Renegades

Wade Barrett

David Otunga

Justin Gabriel

Heath Slater

Darren Young

Skip Sheffield

Michael Tarver


NXT Roster







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Official World Wrestling Entertainment Championships



WWE Champion



2.John Cena


4.Randy Orton


WWE United States Champion


1.The Miz

2.Bret Hart


4.The Miz

5.Daniel Bryan


WWE Tag Team Champions


1.Big Show & The Miz

2.The Hart Dynasty

3. The Usos


WWE Unified Women's Champion



2.Eve Torres

3.Alicia Fox




WWE World Heavyweight Champion


1.Chris Jericho

2.Jack Swagger

3.Rey Mysterio


5.Hiroshi Tanahashi



WWE Intercontinental Champion


1.Drew McIntyre

2.El Hijo De Santo

3.Kofi Kingston

4.Drew McIntyre(2)

5.Kofi Kingston

6.Dolph Ziggler

7.Kofi Kingston (2)



WWE Universe Champion


1.Ezekiel Jackson


3.Fergal Devitt

4.Naomichi Marufuji

5.Evan Bourne


King of the Ring



2010: Hiroshi Tanahashi


Royal Rumble



2010: Edge


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6 Person Tag Team Match

John Cena, Hiroshi Tanahashi, and Shawn Michaels vs. Batista, Sheamus, and Randy Orton


WWE United States Championship

The Miz© vs. Naomichi Marufuji


Kofi Kingston and Christian vs. The Legacy (Rhodes & Dibiase)


Yoshi Tatsu vs. Jack Swagger


Kelly Kelly and Gail Kim vs. Jillian and Maryse


Kazuchika Okada vs. Ultimo Dragon


Monday Night RAW comes to you live from Cleveland

9/8c on USA


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6 Person Tag Team Match

John Cena, Hiroshi Tanahashi, and Shawn Michaels vs. Batista, Sheamus, and Randy Orton


WWE United States Championship

The Miz© vs. Naomichi Marufuji


Kofi Kingston and Christian vs. The Legacy (Rhodes & Dibiase)


Yoshi Tatsu vs. Jack Swagger


Kelly Kelly and Gail Kim vs. Jillian and Maryse


Kazuchika Okada vs. Ultimo Dragon


Monday Night RAW comes to you live from Cleveland

9/8c on USA

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Monday, Week 4, February 2010


New RAW Theme

"Crazy Crazy" By O-Solo





Cole: We welcome you ladies and gentlemen to another exciting edition of Monday Night RAW!! coming to you live from Cleveland, Ohio.


Cole: Michael Cole alongside my colleague, Jerry "The King" Lawler and tonight we have an amazing 6 man tag team main event as John Cena, Hiroshi Tanahashi, and Shawn Michaels face Sheamus, Randy Orton, and Batista


Lawler: Don't forget, Cole, we also have the WWE United States Championship on the line as The Miz goes one on one with Naomichi Marufuji


Batista's theme begins to play as the crowd begins to boo Batista as he heads down the ring.


Cole: It is no evidence that this crowd truly disapproves of Batista right now


Lawler: I tell ya Cole, Batista is not about the fans anymore, he's all about one thing and one thing only...Batista



Batista: Ok, cut the music...At Wrestlemania, I'm going to be facing John Cena for the WWE Championship and to me I think that's a load of crock. Besides why bother with Cena, when I can fight guys like Hiroshi Tanahashi, Sheamus, or any non-deserving chump in the back. Besides, I'm not even obligated to being putting up with Cena. I beat him for the WWE Championship and now he wants to face me at Wrestlemania...Pathetic!! I rather be somewhere other than Wrestlemania fighting Cena or go to Japan and defend this title elsewhere.


Cena's theme begins to play as Batista is interrupted by the roar of the crowd for John Cena.




Cena: Hey, Batista. You scared to lose your title against me? You wanna skip Wrestlemania and defend the WWE Championship in Japan? I don't care if you have to defend that title in some country like Albania, but you're going to bash heads and beat down me for that title at Wrestlemania whether you like it or not!!


Batista: Cena, I have nothing left to prove to you, these fans, and the enitre WWE Universe.


Cena: We'll see about that later on tonight when I team up with Tanahashi and HBK as we knock you, Orton, and Sheamus all around that ring and come to think of it, I might wanna do it right about...now!!!


Cena charges to the ring as he Batista brawl in the ring. Security comes and breaks up the fight as both Cena and Batista are separated from each other.


Angle Rating: B+


*Commercial Break*


Cole:Welcome back to Monday Night RAW, moments ago we just saw a confrontation between John Cena and Batista as they brawled in the ring.


Lawler: I tell you, Cole, those two men can't wait to beat each other up later on tonight.


Match 1:

Kazuchika Okada vs. Ultimo Dragon




It was a decent match overall as both Okada and Ultimo went back and forth during the match but Okada's rookie mistakes cost him dearly at the hands of the Ultimo Dragon.


Ultimo Dragon beat Kazuchika Okada (6:59)

Rating: D+


*Commercial Break*


Match 2:

Kelly Kelly and Gail Kim vs. Jillian and Maryse


http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/Kelly_Kelly7.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/Gail_Kim17.jpg vs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/Jillian_Hall14.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Uploading/Maryse-1.jpg


Another decent match to say the least. Kelly Kelly is improving in her techincal skills and matwork and Jillian has further enhanced her Pop star gimmick to that of a Japanese Pop Star due to RAW's exclusive partnership with Japan. But in the end, it was Gail Kim with a missile dropkick to Jillian for the win


Kelly Kelly and Gail Kim beat Jillian and Maryse (8:30)

Rating: C


*Commercial Break*



Triple H and Shawn Michaels are in the locker room together as HBK prepares for his 6 man tag team match




Triple H: Shawn, how you been?


HBK: Doing fine, man.


Triple H: You haven't seen Hornswoggle haven't you?


HBK: Haven't seen him all day, maybe that Fergal Devitt guy he's been hanging out with lately could be with him.


Triple H: Well, I checked and he's not there and neither is Devitt.


HBK: That's strange.


Triple H: Well, I gotta go find those two. God knows what mischief they could be up to.


HBK: Ok, man.


Angle Rating: B-

*Commercial Break*



Cole: We welcome you back to Monday Night RAW!! Live on USA Network, Wrestlemania comes to you live from Phoenix, Arizona March 28th only on Pay-Per-View


Match 3:

Yoshi Tatsu vs. Jack Swagger

http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/Naofumi_Yamamoto5.jpgvs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/JackSwagger.jpg


Another David vs. Goliath match here as Yoshi Tatsu and Jack Swagger went one on one against each other in singles competition. Throughout the match Swagger dominated Tatsu with powerful and brutal strikes and slams. Swagger's ****iness cost him however as Tatsu used his speed to overwhelm Swagger as Tatsu put Swagger away with a Roundhouse kick to the temple of Swagger for the win.


Yoshi Tatsu beat Jack Swagger (7:12)

Rating: C+


The Legacy are headed on their way to the ring when they run into a very sullen yet somewhat focused Randy Orton



Rhodes: Randy, how's it going


Orton: ...


Dibiase: Hello, Earth to Orton


Orton: ....


Orton sighs in anger at the sight of Rhodes and Dibiase


Rhodes and Dibiase looked puzzled over Orton's state of mind


Orton: ... Get...Lost...


Rhodes: Well Excccuuussse us, Randy


Dibiase Come on, Cody, we got a match to win


Rhodes and Dibiase head to the ramp as Orton watches them go.

Angle Rating: B+


*Commercial Break*


Match 4:

Kofi Kingston and Christian vs. The Legacy

http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/Kofi_Kingston.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/Christian9.jpgvs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/Cody_Rhodes16.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/Ted_DiBiase_Jr8.jpg

This match started good but it had its moments where the action stalled somewhat from time to time. Randy Orton's interference in the match spiced things up a bit as he delivered an RKO to Rhodes and a punt to the head of Dibiase. Kofi Kingston's Trouble in Paradise to Rhodes followed by an Unprettier by Christian sealed this match up for both Kofi and Christian.


Kofi Kingston and Christian beat The Legacy (7:47)

Rating: C+


Naomichi Marufuji is seen preparing for his WWE United States Championship match tonight as he faces The Miz


Angle Rating:B

*Commercial Break*

Cole: Welcome back to Monday Night RAW, if you are just joining us we had Randy Orton interfere in a match involving Kofi Kingston and Christian against The Legacy in which Orton RKO'd Cody Rhodes and punted Ted Dibiase's head


Orton is seen heading back to his locker room when he is stopped by RAW co-General Manager,Antonio Inoki



Inoki: Orton!! Orton!!


Orton: WHAT!!!


Inoki slaps Orton for yelling at him


Inoki: Next week, You vs. Legacy...Handicap Hardcore Match!! Bom Ba Ye!!


Orton walks away in disgust

Angle Rating: B+


Match 5:

WWE United States Championship

The Miz© vs. Naomichi Marufuji




http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Champions/United%20States/Mike_Mizanin27.jpg vs. http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/N%20Images/Naomichi_Marufuji5.jpg

This is perhaps the best match of the night as both Miz and Marufuji exude chemistry throughout the match so much as though that this should have been the main event. It was nonstop excitement until finally Miz hits the Reality Check on Marufuji after blinding him with sand in his eyes for the win and to retain the WWE United States Championship


The Miz beat Naomichi Marufuji (12:08) *Miz's 1st Title Defence*

Rating: A


John Cena is headed towards the ring when he bumps into Hiroshi Tanahashi and discuss their strategy for tonight's main event.



Angle Rating: B+


*Commercial Break*


Promo for Bret Hart returning to RAW next week


Bret Hart returns to RAW next week

Angle Rating: A


Main Event:

John Cena, Hiroshi Tanahashi, and Shawn Michaels vs. Batista, Sheamus, and Randy Orton

http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/John_Cena39.jpghttp://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/H%20Images/Hiroshi_Tanahashi5.jpgandhttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/Shawn_Michaels-1.jpg vs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Champions/WWE/Batista35.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/Sheamus_OShaunessy14.jpgandhttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/ROrton.jpg


This match was just as good as the previous match with all the feuds going on with exception of Shawn Michaels' feud with The Undertaker. Sheamus and Hiroshi Tanahashi provided most of the chemistry factor for this match as the two connected in the ring. In the end, what looked like what was going to be a DQ on Batista's part towards Cena, HBK caught Batista with some Sweet Chin Music for Cena to get the pin. It should be also noted the Legacy interfered in the match and assaulted Orton as well.


John Cena, Hiroshi Tanahashi, and Shawn Michaels beat Batista, Sheamus, and Randy Orton (16:43)

Rating: A


Cena, Tanahashi, and HBK stand victorious in the ring together as the screen fades to black.


RAW Rating:B+

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq86/wwe-wrestling-freak/WWF20Smackdown20logo.jpg</span><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Friday Night Smackdown Preview</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

CM Punk and Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio and Edge</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWE Intercontinental Championship</span></strong></p><p>

Drew McIntyre © vs. El Hijo De Santo</p><p> </p><p>

R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler</p><p> </p><p>

Shelton Benjamin vs. Zack Ryder</p><p> </p><p>

Mickie James, Faby Apache, and Marcela vs. Michelle McCool, Layla, and Beth Phoenix</p><p> </p><p>

Cryme Tyme vs. The Hart Dynasty</p><p> </p><p>

Smackdown! comes to you live from Cincinnati 8/7c on NBC</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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CM Punk and Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio and Edge


WWE Intercontinental Championship

Drew McIntyre © vs. El Hijo De Santo


R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler


Shelton Benjamin vs. Zack Ryder


Mickie James, Faby Apache, and Marcela vs. Michelle McCool, Layla, and Beth Phoenix


Cryme Tyme vs. The Hart Dynasty

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Friday, Week 4, February 2010




New Smackdown! Theme

"Petrified" by Fort Minor





Grisham: We welcome you to another edition of Friday Night Smackdown! as we come to you live from Cinncinati. Todd Grisham along side my colleague, Matt Striker and tonight we a tag team main event.


Striker: That's right, Todd, our main event will feature the leader of the straightedge society, CM Punk and the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho taking on two of Mexico's legendary luchadors in Rey Mysterio and Mistico


Grisham: Also tonight, we'll hear from The Undertaker regarding Shawn Michaels' challenge for Wrestlemania


Match 1:

Cryme Tyme vs. The Hart Dynasty


http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/2h34x95.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/Shad_Gaspard8.jpg vs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/Harry_Smith9.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/TJ_Wilson8.jpgw/http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/Nattie_Neidhart66.jpg


A good opener nonetheless but the fans weren't as thrilled to see another Cryme Tyme-Hart Foundation match. The feud has somewhat stalled but nevertheless Cryme Tyme and the Hart Foundation need to work on angles to spice the feud up. Other than that, Cryme Tyme gained a victory over the Hart Foundation with a schoolboy from JTG on Tyson Kidd


Cryme Tyme beat The Hart Foundation (6:28)

Rating D


*Commercial Break*


Match 2:

Mickie James, Faby Apache, and Marcela vs. Michelle McCool, Layla and Beth Phoenix


http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Champions/Womens%20and%20Divas/MickieJamesWomens.jpghttp://www.mexicanwrestling.org/files/images/FABY%20APACHE%202009%20_30.sidebar.jpghttp://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:PauxVRIwspQtWM:http://www.thecubsfan.com/images/cmll/marcela.jpg vs. http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/M%20Images/Michelle_McCool32.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/Layla_El2.jpghttp://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy65/brahmabullonwii/SMACKDOWN/Beth_Phoenix.jpg


As exciting as this match was, the pace of the match went from fast whenever Faby Apache or Marcela entered the ring to slow whenever Layla and Beth Phoenix were in the ring to moderate whenever Mickie James and Michelle McCool were in the ring. But overall, there was chemistry when Faby Apache and Marcela double teamed Layla and Michelle McCool. In the end, it was Beth Phoenix's Glam Slam that sealed the victory.


Michelle McCool, Layla, and Beth Phoenix beat Mickie James, Faby Apache, and Marcela (8:03)

Rating: C+


Samckdown! co-general managerTheodore Long in his office with Shelton Benjamin, Zack Ryder, R-Truth and Dolph Ziggler as Theodore Long explained to them that they're matches will now be Money In The Bank Qualifying Matches



Long: Ok playas, the reason why I have you all hear is that your matches tonight will be Money In The Bank Qualifying matches. There's no pressure on y'all that is if you make it to Wrestlemania, ya dig.


R-Truth: I dig that.


Shelton: I'm down with that.


Dolph: Count me in.


Ryder: Woo Woo Woo, You know it.


Angle Rating: C


*Commercial Break*


Match 3:

Money In The Bank Qualifier Match

Shelton Benjamin vs. Zack Ryder

http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/Shelton_Benjamin29.jpg vs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/Zack_Ryder6.jpg


This match had high stakes written all over it for these men as Shelton Benjamin as been in the Money In The Bank Ladder Match 4 years in a row but has never won it. Zack Ryder on the other hand wants nothing more than to make a huge impact by not only winning this match but also at Wrestlemania. Zack Ryder was in control the entire match but let his ****iness throw him off course which allow Shelton to hit the Paydirt for the win.

Shelton Benjamin beat Zack Ryder (8:29)

Rating: B+


*Commercial Break*


Match 4:

Money In The Bank Qualifier Match

R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler

http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/RTruth.jpgvs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/Nick_Nemeth11.jpg


It started out as a good match for R-Truth but Dolph Ziggler's dirty antics get the better of R-Truth. R-Truth regained some ground as he started a comeback but an interference from Electroshock put R-Truth's momentum at bay as Ziggler got the pin and advances to the Money In The Bank Ladder Match at Wrestlemania.


Dolph Ziggler beat R-Truth (8:42)

Rating: C


Drew McIntyre heads to the ring as he prepares for his WWE Intercontinental Championship Match against El Hijo De Santo


Angle Rating: B


*Commercial Break*


Grisham: Welcome Back to WWE Smackdown!, Wrestlemania 26 comes to you live from Phoenix, Arizona March 28 only on PPV


Match 5:

WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Drew McIntyre vs. El Hijo De Santo

http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Champions/Intercontinental/thDrew_McIntyre6.jpg vs. http://culturacomic.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/santo.jpg


This match was just as interesting to see as two wrestlers with contrasting styles went toe to toe for the WWE Intercontinental Championship as the legendary luchador, El Hijo De Santo clashed with the rough technical style of Drew McIntyre. It seemed like at one point in the match, Drew McIntyre used several luchador moves including a head scissors takedown and a hurricanrana. It looked like El Hijo De Santo was going to win the WWE Intercontinental Championship for the first time in his career but Drew McIntyre's antics caused the legendary luchador to fall to the Scots man for McIntyre's first title defense.


Drew McIntyre beat El Hijo De Santo (10:02) *McIntyre's V1 Title Defense*

Rating: B+


*Commercial Break*


*Gong Sound*

The Undertaker arrives to the ring to address the issue of Shawn Michaels challenging him at Wrestlemania.




Undertaker: Shawn Michaels...Again you have bothered me with yet another challenge for a re-match at Wrestlemania. Sure, we had a great match at last year's Wrestlemania but it's a new year and I'm not looking forward to facing you again even if I don't have the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. However, since I am The Deadman and I'm still standing in my yard, I'll give you a second chance to try and redeem yourself at Wrestlemania. Shawn, mark my words... You will ultimately...


Undertaker and Crowd:Rest...In...Peace...




The lights go off in the arena and come back on as the Undertaker makes his exit

Angle Rating: A


A Split screen shows both CM Punk and Chris Jericho heading to the ring while Rey Mysterio and Mistico are going over their strategy for tonight's main event


Angle Rating: B+


*Commercial Break*


Match 6:

CM Punk and Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio and Mistico

http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/CM_Punk54.jpgw/http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/Luke_Gallows.jpghttp://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/Uploading/Serena_Deeb18.jpg andhttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Champions/World%20Heavyweight/Chris_Jericho46.jpg vs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/WWE/thRey_Mysterio.jpghttp://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc267/Mr_EWR/Mistico.jpg

This was a good match right off the bat as both teams brought their A-Game to the ring. There was even one point Chris Jericho pulled a Frankensteiner on Mistico followed by a Moonsault off the top rope. CM Punk's followers, Luke Gallows and Serena took Rey Mysterio out of the equation for a while as Punk and Jericho double teamed Mistico. Mistico gained just enough momentum to tag in Mysterio and from there pull a 619 on Jericho and Punk followed by a West Coast Pop for the win.


Rey Mysterio and Mistico beat CM Punk and Chris Jericho (12:25)

Rating: B+


Mysterio and Mistico celebrate as they both headed to the ramp for safety from an oncoming attack from Luke Gallows. Punk and Jericho look on with disgust as Mysterio and Mistico's hands are raised in victory.


Smackdown! Rating: B+


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WWE Power 25. Here are the rankings as of Feb. 28


1. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Champions/World%20Heavyweight/Chris_Jericho46.jpg

Chris Jericho









John Cena and Hiroshi Tanahashi









Big Show and The Miz



Rey Mysterio and Mistico



Triple H



Randy Orton



Shawn Michaels



The Straightedge Society: CM Punk, Luke Gallows, and Serena



Kofi Kingston






Drew McIntyre



The Legacy: Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase



Mickie James



Ezekiel Jackson



Naomichi Marufuji









Ultimo Dragon



Yoshi Tatsu



Dolph Ziggler



Shelton Benjamin


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Monday Night Raw Preview


Kazuchika Okada and Fergal Devitt vs. Ultimo Dragon and Jushin Thunder Liger


Kelly Kelly vs. Alicia Fox


Money In The Bank Qualifier Match

Christian vs. William Regal


Naomichi Marufuji,M.V.P., and Mark Henry vs.Jack Swagger, The Miz, and Big Show



Handicap Hardcore Match

Randy Orton vs. The Legacy


John Cena and Hiroshi Tanahashi, vs. Batista and Sheamus



Monday Night RAW comes to you live from Dallas

9/8c on USA


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Monday,Week 1, March, 2010


Monday Night RAW





Cole: We welcome you to Monday Night RAW!! Michael Cole alongside my colleague, Jerry "The King" Lawler and tonight we have a tag team main event match as John Cena and Hiroshi Tanahashi take on Batista and Sheamus.


Lawler: We also have a Handicap Hardcore Match tonight as well as Randy Orton takes on Rhodes and Dibiase.


Match 1:

Kazuchika Okada and Fergal Devitt vs. Ultimo Dragon and Jushin Thunder Liger


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/K%20Images/Kazuchika_Okada2.jpghttp://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/F%20Images/Fergal_Devitt2.jpgw/http://i568.photobucket.com/albums/ss128/adamherd/Hornswoggle.jpg vs. http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/U%20Images/Ultimo_Dragon.jpghttp://i618.photobucket.com/albums/tt266/WCW92Rude/JushinLiger.jpg


This was a good opener as both Okada and Devitt double teamed Ultimo right away. During the time that Okada and Devitt double teamed Ultimo, Liger was bitten on his ankle by Hornswoggle which made Liger chase Hornswoggle around ringside while Ultimo looked to tag in Liger. After 5 minutes of Hornswoggle's shenanigans messing around with Liger and Okada and Devitt isolating Ultimo, Liger finally got a tag and unleashed his pent-up fury on both Okada and Devitt before finally winning the match with a Shooting Star Press on Okada.


Ultimo Dragon and Jushin Thunder Liger beat Kazuchika Okada and Fergal Devitt (10:57)


Rating: D+


*Commercial Break*


Match 2:

Kelly Kelly vs. Alicia Fox


http://i770.photobucket.com/albums/xx343/RockyFellerEWR/DIVAs/KellyKelly.jpg vs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/A%20Images/AliciaFox.jpg


This was quite an highly athletic match as both Kelly Kelly and Alicia Fox display their athleticism in the ring. There were times that both Kelly and Alicia went to the top rope to pull off some high risk moves but didn't go as well-planned. In the end, Kelly Kelly rolled up Alicia for the win.


Kelly Kelly beat Alicia Fox (6:09)

Rating: D


Randy Orton is seen walking around looking for weapons for his Hardcore Handicap Match against The Legacy when he runs into Antonio Inoki




Orton: What do you want?


Inoki hands Orton a Singapore cane and a baseball bat


Orton: What is all this for?


Inoki: Singapore cane for Rhodes and Baseball bat for Dibiase


Orton walks away in disgust with both the cane and the bat


Rating: C


*Commercial Break*


Cole: Welcome back to Monday Night RAW, Wrestlemania 26 comes to you live Phoenix, Arizona only on Pay-Per-View.


Match 3:

Money In The Bank Qualifier Match

Christian vs. William Regal


http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/C%20Images/Christian9.jpg vs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/W%20Images/William_Regal27.jpg


This was another Christian vs. William Regal match the only difference was that this was a Money In The Bank qualifier match as these two men had nothing to lose other than a spot on the card at Wrestlemania 26. Good amount of offense from both Christian and Regal but it was Christian's Unprettier that sealed the deal for Christian to advance to the Money In The Bank match at Wrestlemania


Christian beat William Regal (11:32)



Naomichi Marufuji is seen walking around backstage as he runs into both M.V.P. and Mark Henry as they get ready for their 6 man tag team match



*Commercial Break*


Match 4:

Naomichi Marufuji, M.V.P. and Mark Henry vs. Jack Swagger, The Miz, and Big Show


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/N%20Images/Naomichi_Marufuji5.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/M%20Images/MVP38.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/M%20Images/Mark_Henry14.jpg vs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/J%20Images/JackSwagger.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Champions/Unified%20Tag%20Team/Miz.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Champions/Unified%20Tag%20Team/Big_Show25.jpg


This would've been a good 6 person tag team match had Big Show and Mark Henry not slow down the pace of the match every time they got in the ring together. It got faster when Marufuji and The Miz entered the ring together and at a moderate pace when M.V.P. and Jack Swagger got in the ring. All it took was a reality check from The Miz to M.V.P. for the pin.


Jack Swagger, The Miz, and Big Show beat Naomichi Marufuji, M.V.P., and Mark Henry (12:51)

Rating: C+


The Legacy, carrying weapons such as steel chairs, fire extinguishers, and even tazers in a grocery store cart headed to the ring discussing their strategy against Randy Orton for tonight's match




Rating: C


*Commercial Break*


Match 5:

Hardcore Handicap Match

Randy Orton vs. The Legacy


http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/R%20Images/ROrton.jpg vs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/C%20Images/Cody_Rhodes16.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/T%20Images/Ted_DiBiase_Jr8.jpg


This wasn't even your typical hardcore match, this was just Randy Orton vs. The Legacy with weapons strewn around the ring and no disqualification. It seemed like for a couple of months that The Legacy was beginning to dissolve before our very own eyes. The once prominent and dominant trio that ruled RAW was now a faction out of order. Orton held his own for most of the match until both Rhodes and Dibiase used their tag team prowess and cunningness on their former leader. The fight spilled all the way backstage as The Legacy continued their onslaught on Orton. Orton turned the tables on The Legacy as he found a Singapore cane and decked Rhodes out cold. Dibiase snook up from behind for a chickenwing submission hold on Orton but was flipped over his head. Orton grabbed a baseball bat and knocked out Dibiase. As Rhodes got up from the Singapore cane attack, Orton's RKO knocked out Rhodes even further as Orton went for the pin.


Randy Orton beat The Legacy (7:13)

Rating: B


Cole: Wow, what a match. Still to come, Bret"Hitman" Hart addresses the WWE Universe regarding Vince McMahon's challenge at Wrestlemania.




*Commercial Break*


Cole: Welcome back to Monday Night RAW, we are awaiting the arrival of Bret "Hitman" Hart tonight as...


Bret's theme plays as he hits the ring. The crowd erupts giving him a very good pop.




Bret: Alright, let's get this straightened out once and for all...Vince, I know you can here me in the back. You want me, here I am standing in this very ring waiting for you to once again talk badly about how Bret Hart isn't the best wrestler in the world and how Bret Hart deserves to get screwed again and again and how...


Vince's theme plays as he walks on the stage to greet the fans and despise Bret.




Vince: Alright, Bret...SHUDDUP!!! All I want to know is that are you man enough to accept my challenge at Wrestlemania? or are you going to hide in obscurity like the heartless, spineless coward that you are?!?


Bret: Those are some strong words coming from someone who can't come down to this ring and say it to my face. So I don't know who the coward is other than you, Vince.


Vince: Really, you think I'm a coward. Well, if I'm such a coward then how come you backed out every Wrestlemania after that screwjob if you call me the coward?


Bret: That really doesn't matter, Vince. All these fans want to know is whether or not these fans want me to face you at Wrestlemania.


Vince: And...


Bret: ... You want a match at Wrestlemania, you got a match at Wrestlemania.


Vince: Bret Hart...You just signed your own death warrant. See you at Wrestlemania.


Angle Rating: A


John Cena and Hiroshi Tanahashi head down to the ring together as they get set for their main event tag team match against Batista and Sheamus



Rating: B


*Commercial Break*


Match 6:

John Cena and Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Batista and Sheamus

http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/J%20Images/John_Cena39.jpghttp://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/H%20Images/Hiroshi_Tanahashi5.jpg vs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Champions/WWE/Batista35.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/S%20Images/Sheamus_OShaunessy14.jpg


This was a good tag team match as Cena and Tanahashi showed some developing chemistry as a team against Batista and Sheamus. During the match momentum shifted between the two teams as Cena and Tanahashi used their speed and stamina combined against the brute strengths of Batista and Sheamus. It all looked as if Cena and Tanahashi were going to win when Sheamus bicycle kicked Tanahashi from behind and spiked him with Celtic Cross to get the victory.


Batista and Sheamus beat John Cena and Hiroshi Tanahashi (10:53)



After the match, Sheamus is still in the ring beating down on Tanahashi as Batista and Cena fight their way backstage. Triple H's music hits and he storms the ring, ready to attack Sheamus. Triple H lays Sheamus out with a Pedigree and does his signature taunt over the fallen body of Sheamus.



Rating: B+


*Screen fades to black*


RAW Rating: B+

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Friday Night Smackdown! Preview


#1 WWE Unified Tag Team Championship Contender's Match

John Morrison and R-Truth vs. Cryme Tyme vs. Hart Foundation


WWE Women's Championship

Mickie James© vs. Michelle McCool


Shelton Benjamin vs. Dolph Ziggler


Money In The Bank Qualifier Match

Kane vs. Electroshock


Money In The Bank Qualifer Match

Drew McIntyre vs. Matt Hardy


Edge, Rey Mysterio, and Mistico vs. Big Show, Luke Gallows, and Ezekiel Jackson


Smackdown! comes to you live from Houston

8/7c on NBC


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Friday Night Smackdown!





Grisham: We welcome you to Friday Night Smackdown! Todd Grisham alongside with my broadcast parter, Matt Striker and tonight we have a 6 man tag team match of epic proportions as Edge, Rey Mysterio, and Mistico take on the gigantic trio of Big Show, Luke Gallows, and Ezekiel Jackson.


Striker: That's not all, we also have two Money In The Bank Qualifer Matches as Kane takes on Electroshock and Drew McIntyre takes on Matt Hardy.


Match 1:

#1 WWE Unified Tag Team Championship Contender's Match

John Morrison and R-Truth vs. Cryme Tyme vs. Hart Foundation


http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/J%20Images/John_Morrison18.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/R%20Images/RTruth.jpg vs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/S%20Images/Shad_Gaspard8.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/J%20Images/2h34x95.jpg vs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/D%20Images/Harry_Smith9.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/T%20Images/TJ_Wilson8.jpg w/ http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/N%20Images/Nattie_Neidhart66.jpg


This was definitely a good opener as both Morrison and R-Truth (both men showing great chemistry together), Cryme Tyme and The Hart Foundation put on a display of tag team wrestling despite the fact that the tag team division has been lacking with very little emphasis for established tag teams to shine (i.e. Croft and Baretta, Cryme Tyme, Hart Foundation, etc.) Morrison's Moonlight Drive and Starship Pain on Tyson Kidd sealed the win as Morrison and R-Truth head to Wrestlemania to face Big Show and The Miz.


John Morrison and R-Truth beat Cryme Tyme and Hart Foundation (7:00)

Rating: C+


After the match both John Morrison and R-Truth celebrated for the fans.


Angle Rating: C


Backstage, WWE Women's Champion, Mickie James heads to the ring as she prepares to defend the WWE Women's Championship against Michelle McCool.


Angle Rating: C


*Commercial Break*


Match 2;

WWE Women's Championship

Mickie James© vs. Michelle McCool



http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Champions/Womens%20and%20Divas/MickieJamesWomens.jpg vs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/M%20Images/MichelleMcCool.jpgw/http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/L%20Images/Layla_El2.jpg


This match was pretty decent by today women's wrestling standards. It started with both wrestlers getting an equal amount of offense on one another until Layla got herself involved in the match several times most notably when she tried to punch Mickie in the face but ended up getting hit herself by Mickie which allowed McCool to use a DDT to seal the victory and become the new WWE Women's Champion


Michelle McCool beat Mickie James for the WWE Women's Championship (6:05)

Rating: D


After the match, McCool and Layla would continue their assault on Mickie when Faby Apache and Marcela run in and chase McCool and Layla off



Rating: E


Striker: Coming up next, "The Gold Standard" Shelton Benjamin takes on Dolph Ziggler, next.


*Commercial Break*


Grisham: Welcome back to Friday Night Smackdown!, Wrestlemania 26 comes to you live from Phoenix, Arizona on March 28th and only on Pay-Per-View.


Match 3:

Shelton Benjamin vs. Dolph Ziggler

http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/S%20Images/Shelton_Benjamin34.jpg vs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/D%20Images/Nick_Nemeth11.jpg


Perhaps the best match of the night goes to Shelton Benjamin and Dolph Ziggler. These two not only showed just how athletic they are (especially Benjamin) but also how versatile they are in showing their chemistry in the ring. They were many near falls as both Shelton and Dolph tried to gain the upper hand on one another. It looked like Dolph was going to win this match but Shelton turned it around using a Vertical Exploder followed by a T-Bone Suplex and finally with the Paydirt for the win.


Shelton Benjamin beat Dolph Ziggler (10:06)



A promo of The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels' upcoming match at Wrestlemania 26 is being played showing both men's history at Wrestlemania.

Angle Rating:A


*Commercial Break*


Match 4:

Money In The Bank Qualifier Match

Kane vs. Electroshock

http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/K%20Images/thKane22.jpg vs. http://www.thecubsfan.com/images/cmll/electroshock.jpg


This match clearly didn't capture the attention of the crowd as Kane and Electroshock battled each other. The only real reason why some of the fans stayed to watch this match was that it was a Money In The Bank Qualifier Match. Kane made easy work of Electroshock with a Chokeslam and a pin.


Kane beat Electroshock (5:41)

Rating: D


Matt Hardy and his NXT Rookie, Justin Gabriel head to the ring as Hardy prepares for a Money In The Bank Qualifier Match against Drew McIntyre.


Angle Rating: C


*Commercial Break*


Match 5:

Money In The Bank Qualifier Match

Drew McIntyre vs. Matt Hardy



This was another good match as McIntyre(who is still experimenting with the luchador style to go with his techincal style) and Hardy had a well-even match as both of these men traded blows back and forth until McIntyre gained the upper hand over Hardy. There were times that McIntyre was signaling for the Futureshock DDT but Justin Gabriel intervened on the behalf of Hardy. This flustered McIntyre as he got up in the face of Gabriel and shoved him off the apron. Hardy capitalized on McIntyre's distraction and hit the Twist of ate for the win.


Matt Hardy beat Drew McIntyre (8:55)



After the match, an angry Drew McIntyre berated the referee when El Hijo De Santo attacked McIntyre from behind and sent him reeling all the way up to the ramp.


Angle Rating: D


Rey Mysterio and Mistico head to the ring as they prepare for their 6 man tag team match with Edge as they face Big Show, Luke Gallows, and Ezekiel Jackson.


Angle Rating: B


*Commercial Break*


Match 6:

Edge, Rey Mysterio, and Mistico vs. Big Show, Luke Gallows, and Ezekiel Jackson

http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/E%20Images/2re79zo.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/R%20Images/thRey_Mysterio.jpghttp://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc267/Mr_EWR/Mistico.jpg vs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Champions/Unified%20Tag%20Team/Big_Show25.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/L%20Images/Luke_Gallows.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/E%20Images/Ezekiel_Jackson.jpg


This match was David vs. Goliath on an epic scale as the Rated R Superstar, Edge teamed up with the legendary luchadors, Rey Mysterio and Mistico against the gigantic trio of Big Show, Luke Gallows, and Ezekiel Jackson. The moderation of speed in this match was pretty even as both teams didn't even bother to take control of the match early on in the match. Big Show displayed his dominance during the match clotheslining both Mysterio and Mistico and military bench pressing Edge throwing him out of the ring. Luke Gallows and Ezekiel Jackson double-teamed Edge as Big Show had his way with the legendary luchadors in the ring. Mistico turned the tables on Big Show as he chopblocked Show's knees and effectively kicked Show in the head allowing Mysterio to use the 619 on Show. Mysterio and Mistico plancha dived to the outside of the ring crashing onto Gallows and Jackson allowing Edge to get back in the ring and spear Big Show for the pin.


Edge, Rey Mysterio, and Mistico beat Big Show, Luke Gallows, and Ezekiel Jackson (12:19)

Rating: B-


The match is over and Chris Jericho hits the ring and assaults Edge as Big Show just looks on. Jericho turns his attention to Show to help him further beat up Edge but Show just leaves the ring. Edge gets up from the canvas and spears Jericho. Edge is then holding the World Heavyweight Championship over his head.



*screen fades to black*


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Power 25






Chris Jericho






John Cena and Hiroshi Tanahashi









Rey Mysterio



Big Show and The Miz



Randy Orton



Triple H



Kofi Kingston



The Straightedge Society: CM Punk, Luke Gallows, and Serena



Shawn Michaels






The Legacy: Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase



Drew McIntyre



John Morrison



Ezekiel Jackson



Michelle McCool















Shelton Benjamin



Matt Hardy

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Monday Night Raw Preview


Money In The Bank Qualifier Match

Jack Swagger vs. Santino Marella


Fergal Devitt vs. Jushin Thunder Liger


Money In The Bank Qualifier Match

MVP vs. Carlito


Naomichi Marufuji and Kofi Kingston vs. The Legacy


Hiroshi Tanahashi and Triple H vs. Sheamus and Batista


Mr. McMahon vs. John Cena


Monday Night RAW comes to you live from Seattle

9/8c on USA

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Monday Night RAW





Cole: We welcome you to Monday Night RAW!!! Michael Cole alongside my colleague, Jerry "The King" Lawler and tonight we have an explosive main event as Mr.McMahon challenges John Cena tonight as well as a tag team match between Hiroshi Tanahashi and Triple H against Sheamus and Batista.


Lawler: That's not all, Cole. We also have two Money In The Bank Qualifier Matches tonight as well.


Cole: Speaking of Money In The Bank Qualifier Matches, here's the 1st of 2 Money In The Bank Qualifier Matches now.


Match 1:

Money In The Bank Qualifier Match

Jack Swagger vs. Santino Marella

http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/J%20Images/JackSwagger.jpg vs.http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/S%20Images/SantinoMarella.jpg


This was a pretty decent opener as Swagger dominated early in the match giving Santino very little offense. There were times that Santino was making a comeback in this match but Swagger countered it every time. In the end, a gutwrench powerbomb sealed Swagger a victory.


Jack Swagger beat Santino Marella (8:09)

Rating: D


Cole: An impressive win for Swagger as he heads to Wrestlemania for the Money In The Bank Ladder Match.


Fergal Devitt is seen backstage looking for Hornswoggle as he prepares for his match against Jushin Thunder Liger


Angle Rating: D-


*Commercial Break*


Match 2:

Fergal Devitt vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/F%20Images/Fergal_Devitt2.jpgw/http://i568.photobucket.com/albums/ss128/adamherd/Hornswoggle.jpg vs. http://i618.photobucket.com/albums/tt266/WCW92Rude/JushinLiger.jpg


This was truly an exciting match almost as if it was a throwback to the days of the crusierweight division back in WCW. Liger dominated this match from the beginning but thanks to Hornswoggle, Devitt managed to swing the momentum in his favor many times but Hornswoggle's antics began to interfere with Devitt's progress of winning this match. Liger saw this as an opportunity and turned the tide against Devitt rolling him up with a schoolboy and pulling on his trunks for the win.


Jushin Thunder Liger beat Fergal Devitt (10:50)

Rating: C


M.V.P. is headed on his way to the ring when he runs into Carlito.



Carlito: Hey M.V.P.


M.V.P.: ...


Carlito: You wanna know what's cool other than me heading to Wrestlemania and winning the Money In The Bank Briefcase?


M.V.P.: What, man?


Carlito takes a bite out of his apple and spits it at M.V.P.


Carlito: That's cool.


M.V.P. looks on in disgust as Carlito walks away


Angle Rating: C


*Commercial Break*


Cole: Welcome back to Monday Night RAW on USA Network. Wrestlemania 26 comes to you live from Phoenix, Arizona, March 28th and only on Pay-Per-View.


Match 3:

Money In The Bank Qualifier Match

M.V.P. vs. Carlito



The whole "apple-spit-in-the-face" angle was just enough fire to fuel M.V.P. up as he headed into this match against the brash Carlito. M.V.P. literally wasted no time with Carlito until finally ending the match with the Playmaker to seal the victory.


M.V.P. beat Carlito (3:20)

Rating: C+


Naomichi Marufuji and Kofi Kingston are both headed to the ring as they prepare to take on The Legacy



Angle Rating: C


*Commercial Break*


A promo is shown containing Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker's Wrestlemania history hyping up their Wrestlemania match.

Angle Rating: B


Match 4:

Naomichi Marufuji and Kofi Kingston vs. The Legacy



This was definitely a good match and perhaps one of the best of the night as the high-flying duo of Marufuji and Kofi battled the two men who carry on their fathers' legacies in both Rhodes and Dibiase. There was definite chemistry between not only the team of Marufuji and Kofi but as well as their opponents, The Legacy. It looked like the Legacy was going to win the match but once again, Randy Orton made his presence felt as he RKO'd Dibiase and punted Rhodes' head off. Marufuji used the Pole Shift on Dibiase to get the win.


Naomichi Marufuji and Kofi Kingston beat The Legacy (9:35)

Rating: B+


*Commercial Break*


Randy Orton is seen walking around backstage when he is suddenly attacked by The Legacy as they take their frustrations out on him for losing the match. The Legacy then leave Orton knocked out.



Angle Rating: B


Match 5:

Hiroshi Tanahashi and Triple H vs. Sheamus and Batista

http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/af109/Fridolin123/Worker/Hiroshi-Tanahashi.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/T%20Images/Triple_H57.jpg vs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/S%20Images/Sheamus_OShaunessy14.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Champions/WWE/Batista35.jpg


Not much to say about this match other than the fact that this is a continuation of Sheamus' feuds with both Hiroshi Tanahashi and Triple H. Batista adds as much generated heat from the fans as needed just to keep the match going. Sheamus was going for the Bicycle kick up was countered by Tanahashi with a clothesline followed by a tag to Triple H for the Pedigree and the win.


Hiroshi Tanahashi and Triple H beat Sheamus and Batista (11:21)

Rating: B


Cole: Still to come, Mr. McMahon goes one on one with John Cena and that's next.


*Commercial Break*


Match 6:

Mr. McMahon vs. John Cena



Mr.McMahon grabs the microphone before the match even begins.



Vince: Before we even begin tonight's match...Cena, not only will you'll be facing me but I have 4 men handpicked by me to do my bidding for this matchup.


Ultimo Dragon, Vladimir Kozlov, Chavo Guerrero, and The Miz emerge from the ramp and head to the ring to assist Mr. McMahon



Cole: I knew this was a set-up on Mr. McMahon's behalf.


Lawler: This match has turned into a 5 on 1.


As Mr.McMahon would have it, "anything goes in the WWE Universe". Cena overwhelmed Ultimo and Chavo despite their effective efforts to bring down Cena but it was The Miz's cunningness and Kozlov's power that did Cena in. Miz's Reality Check was all that was needed for Mr. McMahon to seal the victory for him.


Mr.McMahon beat John Cena (11:40)

Rating: B+


Mr. McMahon raises his arms in victory as he rips apart a Bret Hart T-Shirt over the fallen body of John Cena.


Angle Rating:B


*Screen fades to black*


RAW Rating: B

iMPACT! Rating: C




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NXT Preview


Bryan Daniel and The Miz vs. R-Truth and David Otunga


Justin Gabriel vs. Wade Barrett


Money In The Bank Qualifier Match

Evan Bourne vs. William Regal


Darren Young and CM Punk vs. Heath Slater and Christian


NXT comes to you live from Seattle

10/9 c on SyFy

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Striker: We welcome you Ladies and Gentlemen to NXT!! Matt Striker alongside Byron Saxton and tonight we have a tag team main event as Darren Young and his WWE Pro, CM Punk take on Heath Slater and his WWE Pro, Christian.


Saxton: That's not all, we also have a Money In The Bank Qualifier Match as Evan Bourne battles William Regal.


Match 1:

Daniel Bryan and The Miz vs. David Otunga and R-Truth

http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/D%20Images/Bryan_Danielson25.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Champions/Unified%20Tag%20Team/TheMiz-1.jpg vs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/D%20Images/David_Otunga4.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/R%20Images/RTruth.jpg


Pretty good opener to say the least. Daniel Bryan is getting over with the fans despite a losing streak. It looked Miz and Bryan were going to win but the Miz's Reality Check was countered by Otunga with a lariat for the win.


David Otunga and R-Truth beat Daniel Bryan and The Miz (6:20)

Rating: B


The Miz is arguing with Daniel Bryan about the loss when Daniel slaps The Miz


Angle Rating: B+


*Commercial Break*


Match 2:

Justin Gabriel vs. Wade Barrett

http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/J%20Images/thPaul_Lloyd3.jpgw/http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/M%20Images/thMatt_Hardy6.jpg vs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/W%20Images/WadeBarrett-1.jpgw/http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Champions/World%20Heavyweight/Chris_Jericho41.jpg


This match was a contrast of styles as the highflyer, Justin Gabriel and the technical Wade Barrett clashed in the ring. Chris Jericho providing as much heat as possible sidetracked the wayward Gabriel allowing Barrett the victory.


Wade Barrett beat Justin Gabriel (8:56)

Rating: C


After the match, both Jericho and Barrett proceeded to attack Gabriel and Matt Hardy



Angle Rating: C+


Evan Bourne is headed on his way to the ring when he runs into Skip Sheffield



Sheffield: You best be ready to lose to William Regal, boy


Bourne: Like that's gonna happen like you being the next WWE Superstar


Sheffield looks on in disgust as Bourne heads to the ring.

Angle Rating: C


*Commercial Break*


Match 3:

Money In The Bank Qualifier Match

Evan Bourne vs. William Regal

http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/E%20Images/Matt_Sydal8.jpgvs.http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/W%20Images/William_Regal27.jpgw/ http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/S%20Images/thSkip_Sheffield6.jpg


Another styles-of-contrast match only this time it was for the final spot on the Money In The Bank Ladder Match at Wrestlemania. It looked like Regal was going to get the win but Sheffield's antics cost Regal dearly as Bourne hit the Shooting Star Press for the win.


Evan Bourne beat William Regal (10:19)

Rating: B


Saxton: Evan Bourne is headed to Wrestlemania!!!


*Commercial Break*


Match 4:

Darren Young and CM Punk vs. Heath Slater and Christian

http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/D%20Images/Fred_Sampson8.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/C%20Images/CM_Punk54.jpgvs. http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/H%20Images/thHeath_Slater-1.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/C%20Images/Christian9.jpg


A decent main event nonetheless but Christian and CM Punk really shined in this match. Christian hit the Unprettier on Punk allowing Slater to get the pin.


Christian and Heath Slater beat Darren Young and CM Punk (10:31)

Rating: C


After the match, Carlito and Michael Tarver hit the ring and beat down Christian and Slater leaving them out unconscious.



Carlito: Now That's Cool


Angle Rating: D


*Screen fades to black*


NXT Rating: C


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Friday Night Smackdown! Preview


Layla vs. Mickie James


Shelton Benjamin and Finlay vs. Mike Knox and Zack Ryder


The Miz vs. John Morrison


Drew McIntyre vs. Slam Master J


Kane and Matt Hardy vs. El Hijo De Perro and Electroshock


Mistico and Rey Mysterio vs. Ezekiel Jackson and CM Punk


Smackdown! comes to you live from Portland

8/7c on NBC

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