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WWE: A New Beginning

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Grisham: We welcome you to Friday Night Smackdown! Todd Grisham alongside "The Intellectual" Matt Striker and days after Summerslam we have a new World Heavyweight Champion in Hiroshi Tanahashi.


Striker: The High Flying Star of Japan shocked the WWE Universe defeating Kane and Rey Mysterio but now Jack Swagger looks to confront Tanahashi tonight.


Grisham: Also, could we see The Undertaker make his return to Smackdown?


newly crowned WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Hiroshi Tanahashi, along with Savannah, address the WWE Universe.



Tanahashi: Greetings, WWE Universe, It is I, your new WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Tanahashi Hiroshi. At Summerslam, I sent shockwaves throughout the world and the WWE Universe as I defeated both Kane and Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Championship. It was a much well deserved victory for me as I and Savannah hatched a plan to win this coveted championship that few have ever held.


Before Tanahashi could finish, Jack Swagger appears



Swagger: Hold it, hold it, hold it...I'm sorry to cut into your boring and monotonous speech but Tanahashi, you are not as deserving as the two men you've defeated for that championship. I should be the one that holds that championship title and as for her over there well, let's just say she could use a whole lot of my swagger.


Tanahashi: Swagger-san, keep focus on who's the champ in the ring.


Swagger: Oh I am, it's just that you're a pretender to my throne, if you catch my drift from 2 months ago from you winning King of the Ring and getting a "pass" to headline Summerslam. I should be headlining Summerslam, not you. And if you know what's good for you, you put your title on the line against me.


Before Tanahashi and Swagger could ever get into an altercation, Theodore Long appears to address both men.


Long: Tanahashi, Swagger, if the two of y'all want to be thuggin' and buggin' in the ring, what I suggest is that we have a tag team match tonight. Swagger, you will be teaming up with Kane and Tanahashi, you will be teaming up with Rey Mysterio. Holla Holla, playas.


Angle Rating: B


*Commerical Break*


Match 1:

Lay-Cool vs. Faby Apache and Kelly Kelly



This was a decent opener to say the least as Kelly Kelly is showing improving in the past few weeks since chasing after the women's championship. It was also nice to see Faby Apache again as she and Kelly Kelly tried to gel as a tag team despite their different styles of wrestling. Lay-Cool's double team tactics got the better of both Faby and Kelly Kelly in which Layla and Michelle isolated Kelly from Faby. This match ended with Michelle hitting the Faithbreaker on Kelly followed by Layla for the pin.


Lay-Cool defeated Faby Apache and Kelly Kelly (6:17)

Rating: C-


*Commercial Break*


Match 2:

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Christian



Very straightforward match as these two superstars locked up and throw down. Rhodes started off strong going for the shoulder and collarbone of Christian. Rhodes viciously worked over the injured region of Christian while still posing and strutting for the ladies. While Rhodes was paying too much attention to himself, Christian mounted a comeback on the unsuspecting Rhodes. Christian caught the "Dashing" superstar with an Unprettier for the win.


Christian defeated "Dashing" Cody Rhodes (9:31)

Rating: C+


Kane is walking in a dark part of the backstage area as he makes his way to the ring.


Angle Rating: B


*Commercial Break*


Kane is standing in the ring as he addresses the WWE Universe about losing the World Heavyweight Championship and The Undertaker.



Last Sunday at Summerslam, I was robbed of my World Heavyweight Championship. I was blindsided by who I thought was one of my own druids to do my bidding into putting Rey Mysterio into the casket. That turned out to be Tanahashi's woman, Savannah. While, I really had no intentions on destroying Tanahashi, I should've driven him to the depths of hell for that stunt, both him and Savannah. But now, I hear rumors about the return of my own brother. Undertaker, you are in no way, shape, or even form to appear in your physical state, for I still know that you are weak not only physically, emotionally, psychologically and even spiritually. Undertaker, I know and I even sense your dark powers are waning before your very own eyes. All the souls you've consumed throughout the years, they're now looking to consume you and imprison you just like you've imprisoned them. No matter how much you've taken out of your victims, they've token something out of you, that makes people fear you the most. While you feuded with Mysterio over the World Heavyweight Championship, I was plotting, anticipating, and waiting for the right moment to strike you down. And I did. Undertaker, if you have any fiber left in your being, you would not address the WWE Unvierse of your return. I will have my title and your power of darkness to reign over the WWE Universe!!!


Rating: A


*Commercial Break*


Match 3:

Matt Hardy vs. Drew McIntyre



This rivalry was as intense as it gets and now that these two reignited this rivalry, expect the hits to be harder and the stakes to be somewhat higher. Both Hardy and McIntyre fought all throughout ringside before McIntyre stomped on Hardy's ankle. Both men continue to battle but it becomes a one sided match as McIntyre works over the ankle of Hardy. With Hardy defenseless, McIntyre hits the Futureshock DDT for the win.

Drew McIntyre defeated Matt Hardy (8:11)

Rating: B


*Commercial Break*


Match 4:

Jushin Thunder Liger, Ultimo Dragon, and Mistico vs. The Straightedge Society



This match was pretty good to say the least and while the luchadors (Liger, Ultimo, and Mistico) are giving Mercury and Gallows a run for their money, the least can be said for a highly determined CM Punk. The fans were chanting for Liger, Ultimo, and Mistico to get them over the Straightedge Society. It seemed like the experienced trio of Liger, Ultimo, and Mistico were going to get the victory but Mercury and Gallows prevented Liger and Ultimo from getting into the ring to save Mistico from CM Punk's GTS and the win.

The Straightedge Society defeated Jushin Thunder Liger, Ultimo Dragon, and Mistico (7:29)

Rating: B+


Rey Mysterio is walking backstage when he walks into Hiroshi Tanahashi



Mysterio: Just the man I wanted to see.


Tanahashi: Oh, really...well, I am the talk of all Smackdown


Mysterio: Teddy Long just informed me that you and I are teaming up against both Kane and Swagger tonight.


Tanahashi: Indeed we are, Mysterio. But as I see it neither man will ever get as close as to my World Heavyweight Championship.


Suddenly, a third person walks in and introduces himself.



Tanahashi: Who...are you?


Man: I am Alberto Del Rio, and I see you are Hiroshi Tanahashi, and this is the national hero of Mexico, Rey Mysterio. I see that you, Tanahashi, fancy yourself in pride, honor, and carrying yourself the way that you do but you Mysterio, on the other hand are the exact opposite of what Mr. Tanahashi is.


Mysterio: What's that suppose to mean?


Del Rio: It means, while you were a champion, you really never fancied yourself as a king or el rey de reyes(King of Kings) instead of catering to these peasants.


Mysterio: Look, I don't know who you are but this is A and B conversation so see your way out of it.


Del Rio: Fine...


Angle Rating: B+


*Commercial Break*


Match 5:

WWE Intercontinental Championship

Dolph Ziggler© vs. Kofi Kingston



This match was by far, one of the highlights of the night. Ziggler and Kingston clicked in the ring and at times had the crowd chanting "Kofi" in reference to Kofi Kingston. The match of course is a rematch from Summerslam that ended in a disqualification, so it should be no surprise that this match was announced right away. Kingston's quickness looked to overwhelm Ziggler but Ziggler scouted the Trouble In Paradise and followed up with a vicious and cunning sleeper hold on Kingston. Kingston fought out of the first one but wasn't able to escape the second one.

Dolph Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship (9:54)

Rating: B+


*Commercial Break*


Match 6:

Rey Mysterio and Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Kane and Jack Swagger



The other highlight of the night as these two teams battled each other out. Swagger, so far has pitted himself in a feud with Tanahashi for headlining Summerslam whereas Kane is putting the blame on Mysterio for the Undertaker's "vegetative state". This match was entertaining nonetheless as these four men fought each other and even displayed some good chemistry, notably Swagger and Tanahashi(as opponents) and Tanahashi and Mysterio (as tag team partners). Throughout the match, Alberto Del Rio came down to ringside and started to "harass" Savannah. This distracted Tanahashi as he dove out of the ring and assaulted Del Rio. The numbers gained as Swagger and Del Rio assaulted Tanahashi. This left Mysterio in the grasp of Kane's chokeslam as the big red monster pinned Mysterio.


Kane and Jack Swagger defeated Rey Mysterio and Hiroshi Tanahashi (12:13)

Rating: A


The match is over and as Kane is about to finish Mysterio, the arena goes black and the Titantron flickers for a while. The Titantron stops flickering and an image of The Undertaker is shown on the Titantron pointing at Kane as the culprit.


Angle Rating: A


Overall Rating: A

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On the next Monday Night RAW



Will The Renegades Stand Strong?

After eliminating Darren Young for his error last week, will The NXT Renegades remain strong or fall apart.



Orton's Quest For Gold

Randy Orton has continued his warpath to becoming the WWE Champion as he stalks down The Celtic Warrior, Sheamus.



Another Challenger for Miz's Title

After defeating John Morrison last week on RAW, another challenger steps up for the challenge.




Randy Orton,Naomichi Marufuji, and John Cena vs. Sheamus,Skip Sheffield and David Otunga


WWE United States Championship

The Miz© vs. ?????


Evan Bourne and Fergal Devitt vs. Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel


Ted DiBiase vs.Kazuchika Okada


Melina vs. Jillian


Santino Marella and Hart Dynasty vs. William Regal and The Usos


RAW comes to you live from Tokyo

9/8 c on USA

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Randy Orton,Naomichi Marufuji, and John Cena vs. Sheamus,Skip Sheffield and David Otunga


WWE United States Championship

The Miz© vs. ?????


Evan Bourne and Fergal Devitt vs. Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel


Ted DiBiase vs.Kazuchika Okada


Melina vs. Jillian


Santino Marella and Hart Dynasty vs. William Regal and The Usos

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Randy Orton,Naomichi Marufuji, and John Cena vs. Sheamus,Skip Sheffield and David Otunga

WWE United States Championship

The Miz© vs. ?????


Evan Bourne and Fergal Devitt vs. Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel


Ted DiBiase vs.Kazuchika Okada


Melina vs. Jillian


Santino Marella and Hart Dynasty vs. William Regal and The Usos

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Cole: We welcome you to Monday Night RAW. Michael Cole alongside Jerry "The King" Lawler and tonight we have a six man tag team main event as Randy Orton teams up with Japan's very own Naomichi Marufuji and John Cena against the "Celtic Warrior" Sheamus and the team of David Otunga and Skip Sheffield.


Lawler: That's not all, Cole. We also have another WWE United States Championship Challenge as The Miz battles yet another challenger.


Randy Orton and Antonio Inoki are in the ring as they both address the fans in Tokyo.



Inoki: Moshi Moshi, Tokyo. Randy Orton-san has been on a conquest to win the WWE Championship from the hands of Sheamus. I, as General Manager of RAW will guarantee that Orton-san will become WWE Champion.


Orton: Mr. Inoki, make no mistake, I will pummel and beat Sheamus for MY WWE Championship and when I do...


Before Orton could finish, Sheamus appears on the ramp


Sheamus: Orton, don't make me laugh,fella. You really believe you're going to be the next WWE Champion, forget it, lad!!! You and your mentor, Antonio Inoki can go hang it up and the fact that I'll still be WWE Champion will always be a reminder why most, if not, all people where never beat me even on my best day.


Orton: Are you serious, here's someone who looks like a pale troll talking about how long he will retain the title, well newsflash Sheamus, nothing last forever!!!


Sheamus: Oh really...



Both Sheamus and Orton clash and spill the fight outside the ring. Inoki and security break up the fight.

Angle Rating: B+


*American Commercial Break*


Match 1:

Santino Marella and The Hart Dynasty vs. William Regal and The Usos



This was a very decent match to start the show and even provided some comedy from Santino (this time not dressed as a ninja) when he interacted with Tamina and using the "cobra" on The Usos. Too bad the cobra didn't work on Regal. Throughout the match, The Hart Dynasty began to get the advantage and started to shift the momentum in their favor but minor mishaps on team's behalf thanks to Santino being distracted by Tamina cost the Hart Dynasty dearly as Regal put Santino in the Regal Stretch for the win.


William Regal and The Usos defeated Santino Marella and The Hart Dynasty (8:32)

Rating: C+


After the match, Tamina checks on Santino and helps him up only to smack him on the behind.


Angle Rating: C-



Melina is seen walking backstage as she heads to the ring


Angle Rating: C


*Japanese Commercial Break*


Match 2:

Melina vs. Jillian



Before this match even began, Jillian began to announce that she will have her first ever Japanese Pop album released (keep in mind that Jillian's gimmick is that of a pop star and pop is huge in Japan) and starts singing in "Japanese". Unable to take any more of this singing, Melina took matters into her own hands and started to attack her. Melina easily finishes the match with a Last Call for the win.

Melina defeated Jillian (5:40)

Rating: D


Kazuchika Okada and Yoshi Tatsu are talking to each other when Ted DiBiase and Maryse walks in on them and mock them.



DiBiase: Hey, Okada. Tonight, you're going to be my kicking post in that ring.


Okada: DiBiase...You...Suck.


DiBiase slaps Okada as Maryse looks on and laughs.


Angle Rating: C


*Japanese Commercial Break*


Match 3:

Ted DiBiase vs. Kazuchika Okada



Believe it or not, this match was one of the many highlights of the night and the crowd in Tokyo were rightfully behind Okada as they gave him not only a huge pop but started chanting his name. DiBiase was in control throughout the match despite the crowd chanting for Okada. Okada fired back with a series of chops and kicks that left DiBiase reeling. DiBiase looked to end the match by sending Okada on dream street but Okada reversed the move with a high bridging German Suplex for the win.


Kazuchika Okada defeated Ted DiBiase (8:56)

Rating: B+


Maryse looks on with interest as she watches Okada celebrates in the ring


Angle Rating: C


*American Commercial Break*


Match 4:

Evan Bourne and Fergal Devitt vs. Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel



Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel are growing as a tag team and they are starting to show some chemistry with Evan Bourne and Fergal Devitt. This match was like watching four cruiserweights battle it out back in the days of WCW and the super juniors of New Japan Pro Wrestling. There was a lot of physicality as well as high flying moves. It look like Bourne was about to go for the Shooting Star Press (in honor of Jushin Thunder Liger) on Slater but missed. Ironically, Gabriel used the 450 Splash on Bourne to get the win. Very enjoyable yet quick-paced match.


Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel defeted Evan Bourne and Fergal Devitt (8:01)

Rating: B+


Josh Matthews is standing by with The Miz



Matthews: Ladies and Gentlemen, standing by with me at this time, WWE United States Champion, The Miz. Miz, tonight another challenger calls you out for the WWE United States Championship. Do you know who it might be?


Miz: Do I even know who I'm facing? Come on, Josh, are you serious? Whoever is facing me tonight for my United States Championship is in for a rude awakening...Because I'm The Miz...And I'm...AWESOME!!!


Angle Rating: B+


*Japanese Commercial Break*


Cole: Welcome back to Monday Night RAW, WWE Night of Champions comes to you live from Chicago/Rosemont, Illinois at the Allstate Arena, September 19 and only on Pay-Per-View.


The Miz hits the ring with a mic in his hand along with his United States Title and Money In The Bank Briefcase



Miz: Another challenger has stepped up to face The Miz for his United States Championship in of all places, Tokyo, Japan. I wouldn't be surprised if Godzilla challenged me. So, whoever it is that has challenged me, come forth and face a skull crushing finale...Because I'm The Miz...And I'm...AWESOME!!!


Theme music is playing and it is not from a WWE Superstar's but rather a star from New Japan Pro Wrestling. A wrestler emerges from the ramp and enters the ring to confront The Miz.





Miz: Who...are you?


Person: I am...Kanemoto Koji...and I'm your next opponent!!!


Match 5:

WWE United States Championship

The Miz© vs. Koji Kanemoto


This was a huge surprise that caught most fans off-guard due to RAW's partnership with Japan and all of its wrestling organizations. Kanemoto started off dominating The Miz right out the gate and even looked to put this match away quickly with an ankle lock but The Miz quickly rolled out of the way and regrouped on the outside. Kanemoto aggressively attacked The Miz and dragged him back in the ring where he tenaciously assaulted Miz to where the referee had to break it up. Miz gained some ground with a cheap shot to Kanemoto followed by an eye rake to the face. Both men put on a display of wrestling know-how but Kanemoto practically stole the show in that department. It seemed as if we were going to have a new United States Champion in Kanemoto but Alex Riley, The Miz's rookie from NXT distracted the ref allowing Miz to knock Kanemoto out with the Money In The Bank briefcase followed by a Skull Crushing Finale for the win.


The Miz defeated Koji Kanemoto to retain the WWE United States Championship (10:15)

Rating: B+


After the match, Miz and Riley attack Kanemoto until Daniel Bryan comes in and makes the save.



Angle Rating: B


Sheamus bumps into Wade Barrett



Barrett: Just to let you know, Sheamus, I pulled some strings with Mr. Inoki and he granted me my WWE Championship match clause. So at Night of Champions, it's going to be me against you and Randy Orton.


Sheamus: You should be worried about your group,fella. Because while they may be tough on the outside, they're crumbling on the inside.


Angle Rating: B



*American Commercial Break*


Match 6:

Randy Orton, Naomichi Marufuji, and John Cena vs. Sheamus, Skip Sheffield, and David Otunga



The main event for this match was very physical to say the least as these two teams battled each other all over the ring. Marufuji,Orton, and Cena received the highest pops of the night and Orton and Cena worked like a cohesive unit as well as Sheffield and Otunga. Marufuji looked to put the match away with a Pole Shift on Sheamus but the Celtic Warrior reversed the move and hip tossed Marufuji out of the ring. Unaware of his surroundings, however, Cena hoisted Sheamus for an Attitude Adjustment and slammed Sheamus. Cena got blasted with a Ura-Nage from Otunga as he went for the pin and got a 2 count. Otunga threw Cena out of the ring leaving only Orton and Sheffield. Sheffield looked to finish the match with a lariat but Orton ducked and caught Sheffield with an RKO for the 3 count.


Randy Orton, Naomichi Marufuji, and John Cena defeated Sheamus, Skip Sheffield, and David Otunga (9:18)

Rating: B+


After the match, Sheffield is attacked by the members of the Renegades for being pinned by Orton.



Angle Rating: B


Overall Rating: B

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On the next Friday Night Smackdown!




Return of the Deadman

Two weeks of cryptic messages have lead to this one moment. The Undertaker returns back to Smackdown! to address the WWE Universe. Has his reign of darkness coming to an abrupt end or does he have something grand in regards to Kane?



Del Rio Debuts

Alberto Del Rio makes his WWE Debut as he faces off against Rey Mysterio



Intercontinental Championship Rematch

Dolph Ziggler and Kofi Kingston battle it out once again for the WWE Intercontinental Championship.




Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio


WWE Intercontinental Championship

Dolph Ziggler© vs. Kofi Kingston


Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Jack Swagger


"Dashing" Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre vs. M.V.P. and JTG


Mistico and Ultimo Dragon vs. Joey Mercury and Luke Gallows


Layla vs. Faby Apache


Smackdown! comes to you live from Mexico City

8/7c on NBC

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Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio


WWE Intercontinental Championship

Dolph Ziggler© vs. Kofi Kingston


Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Jack Swagger


"Dashing" Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre vs. M.V.P. and JTG


Mistico and Ultimo Dragon vs. Joey Mercury and Luke Gallows


Layla vs. Faby Apache

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Grisham: We welcome you to another edition of Friday Night Smackdown! Todd Grisham alongside "The Intellectual" Matt Striker and tonight we have two explosive main events as two of Mexico's legendary wrestlers, Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio battle one on one in Mexico City.


Striker: Also tonight, we have the WWE Intercontinental Championship on the line as Dolph Ziggler defends his title against Kofi Kingston.


Grisham: Also, The Undertaker makes his return to Friday Night Smackdown as he looks to address the WWE Universe about Kane's actions as of late.


Match 1:

Layla vs. Faby Apache



This match started off as a good back and forth match but it later on became a diverse of style kind of match as Faby Apache (who recieved a good pop from the crowd) using her lucha libre expertise up against Layla's dirty tactics. At one point, Layla pulled off a frankensteiner off the top rope and almost got a 3 count. Throughout the match, Layla tried to shift the momentum in her favor but Faby kept reversing most of Layla's moves. Eventually, Faby put Layla away with a Dragon Suplex for the victory.


Faby Apache defeated Layla (6:42)

Rating: C


El Hijo De Santo is having a pep talk with Mistico and Ultimo Dragon before their match with Joey Mercury and Luke Gallows


Angle Rating: B+


*American Commercial Break*


Match 2:

Mistico and Ultimo Dragon vs. Joey Mercury and Luke Gallows



This match, just like the last one offered some good back and forth action and like the last match, the luchadors started to take over with their blinding speed and tons of experience. Mistico and Ultimo Dragon (who received a big pop from the fans) were on a roll against the Straightedge Society's Joey Mercury and Luke Gallows. Gallows slowed the pace of the match down, wearing Ultimo and Mistico in the process. Gallows dominated both luchadors but it was Ultimo's kicks that swung the momentum back into the favor of the luchadors. Mercury came back in the ring and try to swing the momentum back for his team but the blinding speed of the luchadors proved too much. It looked like the luchadors were going to pick up the win but a lariat from Gallows to Ultimo lead to Mercury getting the pin.


Joey Mercury and Luke Gallows defeated Mistico and Ultimo Dragon (8:06)

Rating: B-


"Dashing" Cody Rhodes is on his way to the ring backstage when he sees Marcela



Rhodes: Well, hello there senorita


Marcela: Que...


Rhodes: Have you ever seen a man this...dashing?


Marcela: Que, senor


Rhodes: Oh you speak spanish... well allow me to retort


Marcela waits as Rhodes begins speaking in Spanish


Rhodes (in Spanish): Senor Cody Rhodes es bonito y estrellazo, no senorita Marcela


Rhodes goes in to "kiss" Marcela but is blocked by Big Show



Show: Are you serious, Cody?


Show (in Spanish): Senor Cody Rhodes es estúpido y absurdo, senroita Marcela.


Marcela laughs as she leaves Cody for Big Show.


Striker: Some smooth talking by "Dashing Cody Rhodes"


Angle Rating: C


*Commercials from Mexico*


Match 3:

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre vs. M.V.P. and JTG



This match looked to be almost one-sided like a squash match since they're pushing "Dashing" Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre but had M.V.P. not be involved in this match, then it would've still made Rhodes and McIntyre look strong. Nevertheless, Rhodes and McIntyre dominated on JTG but M.V.P. held his own regardless. It seemed like M.V.P. was going to do this alone as he mounted a comeback but McIntyre hit the Futureshock DDT for the pin.


"Dashing" Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre defeated M.V.P. and JTG (8:32)

Rating: C+


Josh Matthews is standing by with Hiroshi Tanahashi and Savannah



Matthews: I am standing by with WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Hiroshi Tanahashi and Savannah. Tonight, Tanahashi, you take on "The All American American" Jack Swagger.


Tanahashi: Matthews, I, Tanahashi Hiroshi, will make short work of Swagger-san as this clash of the minds between a man who claims to be an..."All American American" and myself, The Ace of The Universe, Mr. High Energy, your WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Tanahashi Hiroshi. Swagger, you may have all the confidence there is any world but I have the confidence throughout the WWE Universe.


*American Commercial Break*


Match 4:

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Jack Swagger


This match was very physical and downright brutal. Move for move, blow for blow, this was different from the first two matches (which were kinda fast paced) but was still even-paced so it wasn't too fast or slow. It didn't help Swagger that the crowd in Mexico City were chanting for Tanahashi (who wrestled in the Mexican Wrestling Promotion, CMLL). Throughout the match, Tanahashi and Swagger had each other in headlocks and hammerlocks and even Indian Surfboard submission holds. It looked as if Swagger was going to put this match away but Savannah distracted Swagger from even finishing off Tanahashi. with Savannah off the apron, Tanahashi caught Swagger with a sling blade and a High Fly Flow Frog Splash to get the win.


Hiroshi Tanahashi defeated Jack Swagger (8:02)

Rating: A


Kofi Kingston is walking backstage as he heads to face Dolph Ziggler for the WWE Intercontinental Championship



Angle Rating: B


*Commericals from Mexico*


Match 5:

WWE Intercontinental Championship

Dolph Ziggler© vs. Kofi Kingston



This match turned into nothing but a street fight as these two men, who have already an intense rivalry over the Intercontinental Championship (something you don't see every day with this title) clawing and scratching for a chance to hold that title. This was perhaps yet another highlight in tonight's even in Mexico City. Kingston and Dolph both exchanged blows back and forth and even reversed and countered their own signature moves. It looked like Kofi was going to win back his Intercontinental Championship but Dolph caught him with a sleeper hold. Kingston managed to escape from the sleeper hold and caught Dolph with a Trouble in Paradise but Dolph's foot was on the ropes. Kofi was about to finish Dolph off again but Dolph managed to escape. Kofi stalked Dolph around ringside but Dolph made a run for the ramp causing a count out and Ziggler to somehow retain the title.


Kofi Kingston defeated Dolph Ziggler by count-out (9:21)

Rating: B+


*American Commercial Break*


Match 6:

Battle of Mexico

Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio



This was a very good main event in the sense that you have two of Mexico's best wrestlers, the legendary luchador, Rey Mysterio and the rising star of Mexico, Alberto Del Rio clashed in the appropriately titled "Battle of Mexico" as these two men battled like it was an actual championship at stake. These two warriors battled like they had nothing to lose and everything to gain. This was a good back and forth match with some intense moments that drew the crowd in. Mysterio bounced back and was ready to put this match away with a 619 but Del Rio caught Mysterio and put him in an armbar that made Mysterio tap out.


Alberto Del Rio defeated Rey Mysterio (11:33)

Rating: A


*Commercials from Mexico*


The Undertaker arrives in the ring and addresses the WWE Universe



Undertaker: Kane...you mentioned about my weakness as a ruler of darkness, that you ADMITTED to putting me in a state of unconsciousness. You also put the blame on others just as so you can escape from the oncoming wrath I had in store for you. Kane, at Summerslam, though I was weak in physical form, I made a mighty presence sending cryptic messages hinting of my return and I still have my powers with me. So, if you want to take my throne as the ruler of darkness, you might as well reveal yourself right now...


The Undertaker awaits for Kane but he doesn't show up.


Undertaker: Just as I thought, Kane, you are a bigger coward than I thought you were when you attacked me and hid like a scolded animal.


Kane's music hits and out appears Kane



Kane: Undertaker...I am not afraid of you, whatsoever. I will make sure that you never reign as a ruler of darkness over the WWE again.


Undertaker: Kane, if you want to battle me again, then expect to be destroyed...once and for all...For you little brother will ultimately...REST...IN...PEACE!!!


Angle Rating: B+


Overall Rating: B+

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Update on Manami Toyota coming to WWE



A few weeks ago, we mentioned that Japanese wrestling sensation and Joshi Puro queen, Manami Toyota was in talks with WWE to be a part of the RAW roster. Well now, WWE and Manami Toyota are close to a deal. Some sources closest to deal are saying that it could be only for Pay-Per-View Appearances and/or doing shows with FCW.



Confirmed Matches for WWE Night of Champions


WWE.com has announced 4 matches for Night of Champions:

Sheamus© vs. Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett for the WWE Championship

Edge vs. John Cena vs. Chris Jericho

Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE United States Championship

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On the next Monday Night RAW




End of the Renegades?

Wade Barrett and his Renegade cohorts make one last stand against the WWE. Will The Renegades avenge their loss at Summerslam or will they flounder before the WWE Universe?



Championship Title Prelude

At Night of Champions, It has been confirmed that Daniel Bryan will challenge his former mentor, The Miz for the WWE United States Championship. What awaits The Miz now that Daniel Bryan has returned to WWE?




5-on-5 Elimination Match

NXT Renegades (Barrett, Otunga, Gabriel, Slater, and Tarver) vs. Team WWE (Cena, Jericho, Orton, Edge, and Sheamus)


Non-Title Match

Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz


6 Divas Tag Team Match

RAW Divas (Melina, Gail Kim, and Alicia Fox) vs. Smackdown! Divas (Lay-Cool and Kelly Kelly)


WWE Universe Championship

Naomichi Marufuji© vs. Fergal Devitt vs. Evan Bourne vs. William Regal


Six Person Tag Match

Kazuchika Okada, R-Truth, and John Morrison vs. Ted DiBiase, Zack Ryder, and Primo


#1 Contender's Match for WWE Tag Team Championship

Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Usos vs. Mark Henry and Yoshi Tatsu


RAW comes to you live from Boston

9/8 c on USA

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5-on-5 Elimination Match

NXT Renegades (Barrett, Otunga, Gabriel, Slater, and Tarver) vs. Team WWE (Cena, Jericho, Orton, Edge, and Sheamus)


Non-Title Match

Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz


6 Divas Tag Team Match

RAW Divas (Melina, Gail Kim, and Alicia Fox) vs. Smackdown! Divas (Lay-Cool and Kelly Kelly)


WWE Universe Championship

Naomichi Marufuji© vs. Fergal Devitt vs. Evan Bourne vs. William Regal


Six Person Tag Match

Kazuchika Okada, R-Truth, and John Morrison vs. Ted DiBiase, Zack Ryder, and Primo


#1 Contender's Match for WWE Tag Team Championship

Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Usos vs. Mark Henry and Yoshi Tatsu

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5-on-5 Elimination Match

NXT Renegades (Barrett, Otunga, Gabriel, Slater, and Tarver) vs. Team WWE (Cena, Jericho, Orton, Edge, and Sheamus)


Non-Title Match

Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz


6 Divas Tag Team Match

RAW Divas (Melina, Gail Kim, and Alicia Fox) vs. Smackdown! Divas (Lay-Cool and Kelly Kelly)


WWE Universe Championship

Naomichi Marufuji© vs. Fergal Devitt vs. Evan Bourne vs. William Regal


Six Person Tag Match

Kazuchika Okada, R-Truth, and John Morrison vs. Ted DiBiase, Zack Ryder, and Primo


#1 Contender's Match for WWE Tag Team Championship

Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Usos vs. Mark Henry and Yoshi Tatsu

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Cole: We welcome you to Monday Night RAW!!! Michael Cole alongside Jerry "The King" Lawler and tonight we have two epic main events as the NXT Renegades challenge Team WWE in a 5-on-5 elimination match


Lawler: Oh boy, that sounds like an epic matchup it's just as epic as this match as WWE United States Champion, The Miz takes on his former rookie from the first season of NXT, Daniel Bryan.


Match 1:

#1 Contender's Match for WWE Tag Team Championship

Santino Marella and Vladmir Kozlov vs. The Usos vs. Mark Henry and Yoshi Tatsu

http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/S%20Images/thSantino_Marella.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/V%20Images/thVladimir_Kozlov9.jpg vs.http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/J%20Images/thJay_Uso.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/J%20Images/thJimmy_Uso4.jpgw/http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/T%20Images/14cfo2d.jpgvs.http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/M%20Images/MarkHenry2.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/Y%20Images/Naofumi_Yamamoto6.jpg


A decent opener as these three teams squared off against each other. The Usos looked dominant throughout this match except whenever Kozlov or Mark Henry got in the ring with them. Kozlov and Henry slowed the match down with their displays of strength but the real chemistry came from Santino and Yoshi Tatsu with their martial arts comedic styling as Tatsu, a serious martial artist and Santino, who uses his patented "Cobra" actually displayed some very good technical wrestling. But the real dominant team overall was The Usos who used not only their tag team know how but Tamina as a distraction for Santino. The Usos used their double teaming tactics to secure a victory over the other two teams by having Jey pin Yoshi Tatsu.


The Usos defeated Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov & Mark Henry and Yoshi Tatsu (11:11)

Rating: C+


R-Truth and John Morrison are backstage talking when they see Kazuchika Okada walking their way



R-Truth: Okada, my man, you were looking good last week against DiBiase.


Morrison: Yo, I saw the way Maryse was looking at you after the match


As R-Truth and Morrison are talking with Okada, Ted DiBiase and Maryse appear.



DiBiase: Hello, losers


Morrison: What do you want, dude.


DiBiase: My problem isn't with you two wannabes...My quarrel is with Okada.

Last week, you embarassed me in the ring and in front of my girl. You better hope I don't put you on Dream Street.


DiBiase and Maryse walk away as DiBiase gets ready for the six man tag team match


Angle Rating: C


*Commercial Break*


Match 2:

Six Man Tag Team Match

R-Truth, John Morrison, and Kazuchika Okada vs. Ted DiBiase, Zack Ryder and Primo



A very exciting six man tag team match as these two teams battled each other. Kazuchika Okada had the fans already rallying behind him as he started the match against Primo. Throughout the time Okada was in the ring, DiBiase taunted Okada, which led to some minor distractions for Okada leaving him prone for a schoolboy pinfall from Primo and later Ryder. Okada tagged in R-Truth who cleaned house in the ring all over Ryder. Morrison was later tagged in took the fight to Primo. DiBiase was later tagged in had near pin falls on both R-Truth and Morrison but when Okada was tagged in, he brough the fight to DiBiase. DiBiase quickly turned the tables on Okada was going for Dream Street but Okada reversed the move with a bridging German Suplex for the win.


R-Truth, John Morrison, and Kazuchika Okada defeated Ted DiBiase, Zack Ryder, and Primo (10:47)

Rating: B


After the match, Okada once agains locks eyes once again with Maryse


Angle Rating: C


Cole:I think Maryse likes what she sees in Okada tonight


Lawler:Earning back to back victories over DiBiase, you think Okada might have that "it factor"?


Cole: Well, I'll tell you someone who doesn't have an it factor and that's Daniel Bryan


A promo is shown hyping Daniel Bryan



Angle Rating: B+


*Commercial Break*


Match 3:

WWE Universe Championship

Naomichi Marufuji© vs. Fergal Devitt vs. Evan Bourne vs. William Regal



This match displayed a high array of aerial and technical skill as all four men battled for the right to be called WWE Universe Champion. Evan Bourne, Fergal Devitt, and Naomichi Marufuji all pulled off successful spots but William Regal's spot off the top turnbuckle surprised a few fans as the always technical and submission master from Blackpool, England crashed onto the three wrestlers. There were times that the match was all about technical skills (just to keep things fair for William Regal), and even times where the match just sped up. Evan Bourne almost got a near pinfall on Devitt but Regal came and kicked Bourne out of the way. Marufuji hit the Pole Shift on Regal, looking to win the match and retain the Championship but Devitt managed to stop Marufuji in time. Devitt hit the Bloody Sunday on Marufuji put was stopped by Bourne who hits the Shooting Star Press to break up the count but also pinned both Marufuji and Devitt in the process.


Evan Bourne defeated Naomichi Marufuji, Fergal Devitt, and Wiliam Regal to win the WWE Universe Championship (9:41)

Rating: C+


*Commercial Break*


Match 4:

Six Divas Tag Match

RAW Divas (Melina, Gail Kim, and Alicia Fox) vs. Smackdown! Divas (Lay-Cool and Kelly Kelly)




A very decent match to say the least but later on, it sort of dragged until the end. Not much to say about this match other than it was nothing but athletic eye camdy. Melina shined in this match as she pinned Kelly Kelly (whose teammates Lay-Cool ditching her) with the Last Call.


Melina, Gail Kim, and Alicia Fox defeated Lay-Cool and Kelly Kelly (6:58)

Rating: D


A promo is shown hyping The Miz


Angle Rating: B+


*Commercial Break*


Wade Barrett bumps into Sheamus



Barrett: Sheamus, before my Renegades and I tear through team WWE, let me just say this...At Night of Champions, you better pray that I don't come looking to take what's rightfully mine.


Sheamus: Fella, you really must be delusional to think that you're going to beat me for the WWE Championship. At Night of Champions, you better not lose or else it's going to be one hell of a mutiny on your hands.


Angle Rating: B+


Match 5:

The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan



Given the history between these two men, it's not plain to see that there is no love lost when it comes to The Miz and Daniel Bryan, during the days when Bryan was a rookie on the first season of NXT.Before the match started it became nothing but a straight up brawl. The opening bell rang 2 minutes later as The Miz and Bryan still fought all over ringside. It got even uglier when Alex Riley showed up and got involved causing a run-in and jumping Bryan.


Daniel Bryan defeated The Miz by Disqualification (6:18)

Rating: C


The Miz and Alex Riley continue their assault on Daniel Bryan until Ultimo Dragon makes the save.


Angle Rating: C+


*Commercial Break*


Match 6:

5-on-5 Elimination Match

NXT Renegades (Barrett, Otunga, Gabriel, Slater, and Tarver) vs. Team WWE (Cena, Jericho, Orton, Edge, and Sheamus)


http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/WadeBarrett-5.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/D%20Images/DavidOtunga7.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/thPaul_Lloyd_Jr8-1.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/HeathSlater-2.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/MichaelTarver-2.jpg vs.http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/JohnCena-6.jpghttp://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae331/The_WWE/WWE/Smackdown/Week%201/ChrisJericho.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/R%20Images/thRandy_Orton29.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Wrestlers/E%20Images/Edge-2.jpghttp://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Champions/WWE/Sheamus.png


This main event was not only the NXT Renegades' last chance at redeeming themselves for their loss at Summerslam but also an epic battle between two factions. The match started off with Tarver for the Renegades and Jericho for team WWE. It seemed like Jericho was going to get the upper hand on Tarver but Jericho would get himself disqualified for shoving the ref right in the face. Chris Jericho: Eliminated. Next, Edge entered the ring and faced Tarver. While Edge was gaining momentum for his team and was ready to put Tarver away, Edge, like Jericho, turned his attention to the ref and speared him, resulting in a new ref and a disqualification.Edge: Eliminated. Sheamus entered the ring and confronted Tarver but tagged in Heath Slater. Slater and Sheamus wrestled for about a good five minutes until Slater inadvertently kicked Sheamus in the groin and pinned him after a faceplant. Sheamus: Eliminated. John Cena entered in the ring and clotheslined Slater out of his boots and instantly pinned him. Heath Slater: Eliminated. David Otunga was the next man to enter the ring and attempted to put away Cena but no matter how hard he tried, Cena retaliated. Otunga brutalized Cena and was about to put him away with the Ura-Nage but Cena caught Otunga with an Attitude Adjustment for the pin. David Otunga: Eliminated. John Cena laid helpless after a vicious assault from Otunga which lead to Justin Gabriel hitting Cena with a 450 Splash to eliminate him. John Cena: Eliminated. As Gabriel was celebrating after eliminating Cena, Randy Orton surprised Gabriel with an RKO and pinned him. Justin Gabriel: Eliminated. Michael Tarver entered the ring and tried to knock out Orton but also ended up with an RKO and was also pinned. Michael Tarver: Eliminated. Randy Orton was about to enter in his "psychotic state" when Wade Barrett took advantage of this and used Wasteland on Orton to get the win for the NXT Renegades.


NXT Renegades defeated Team WWE (12:45)

Rating: B+


Overall Rating: B


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On the next Friday Night SMACKDOWN!




Del Rio's Fiesta

After defeating Rey Mysterio in his WWE Debut last week, Alberto Del Rio looks to celebrate his first win in WWE with style.



Kane's Challenge

With Night of Champions just days away, Kane looks to challenge The Undertaker. What match will The Big Red Monster have in store for The Deadman?




Christian vs. Drew McIntyre


Michelle McCool vs.Kelly Kelly


Dolph Ziggler vs. Chris Masters


The Big Show vs. CM Punk and Luke Gallows


"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Matt Hardy


SMACKDOWN! Comes to you live from Albany, New York

8/7c on NBC

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Grisham: We welcome you to another edition of Friday Night Smackdown! Todd Grisham alongside "The Intellectual" Matt Striker and tonight we have a main event as "Dashing" Cody Rhodes takes on Matt Hardy.


Striker: We also have another confrontation between Kane and The Undertaker. What will go down between these two ominous figures of the dark realm?


Match 1:

Christian vs. Drew McIntyre



This match was started out as a one-sided match as McIntyre went to work on Christian. Christian had very little offense to start off with but when he started to a decent comeback to swing the momentum in his favor, McIntyre knocked Christian back on the canvas. McIntyre was relentless and at times began to display some lucha libre as he caught Christian off guard. It looked like the end was near for McIntyre but Christian turned it around started mounting yet another comeback. Christian was going to hit the Killswitch on McIntyre but was reversed as McIntyre was looking to put Christian in the Futureshock DDT but was reversed by Christian as he hit the Killswitch for the win.


Christian defeated Drew McIntyre (6:44)

Rating: C+


Big Show is seen walking backstage as he heads to the ring to face CM Punk and Luke Gallows.


Angle Rating: C+


*Commercial Break*


Match 2:

Big Show vs. CM Punk and Luke Gallows



This match started out as Punk and Gallows gaining the upper hand on Big Show but the tables turned quickly as Show butted heads with Punk and Gallows. Gallows tried to wear Show down with his strength but it wasn't enough as Show turned Gallows away as he delivered a big boot to the sternum of Gallows. Gallows tagged in Punk and began kicking away at Show but to no avail, say for the legs but that was it. Show capitalized on Punk's mistake by leaving Show enough time to recuperate and received a boot to the face. Punk tagged in Gallows and as quickly as Gallows entered the ring, Show met him with a knockout punch to seal the win.


Big Show defeated CM Punk and Luke Gallows (7:01)

Rating: C+


Disgusted with his disciple's loss to Big Show, CM Punk lifts Luke Gallows and spikes him with the GTS.



Punk: I'm done with you!!!


Angle Rating: C


*Commercial Break*


Match 3:

Dolph Ziggler vs. Chris Masters



This match clearly was all about submissions: The Sleeper Hold against the Master Lock. Masters was all show with his strength and even flexing his pecs, quads, and deltoids like a bodybuilder. While that was good and all, Dolph seized the advantage and took over throughout and hit the sleeper hold on Masters. Masters fought off Dolph and hit the Master Lock. Masters looked like he was going to win but Vicky Guerrero's shrill and harsh voice pierced into Masters' ears allowing Dolph to hit the Zig Zag for the win.


Dolph Ziggler defeated Chris Masters (7:14)

Rating: C


Alberto Del Rio is on his way to the ring to celebrate his first WWE Debut victory after defeating Rey Mysterio.


Angle Rating: B


*Commercial Break*


Alberto Del Rio is standing in the ring with waiters all around him with Mexican decorations.



Del Rio: Greetings one and all...My name is Alberto Del Rio, but you already know that. I, one of few, is one of Mexico's many national heroes but last week on Smackdown!, I defeated Rey Mysterio in the "Battle of Mexico" match to finally declare myself as the national hero of Mexico. I want the festivities to get started underway.


Before the festivities even began, El Hijo De Santo and Mistico appear at the ramp



Santo: Del Rio, Del Rio. How dare you proclaim yourself to be the national hero of Mexico after defeating our compadre, Rey Mysterio. If you want to talk about national heroes of our native land, look no further than myself, my father El Santo and Mistico.


Mistico: It makes me sick that men such as yourself indulge like the way you are while taking pleasure at other people's pain.


Del Rio: If you two masked men wish to do some damage to yourselves just like your fallen amigo and champion of the peasants, Rey Mysterio...by all means. step forth.


Santo and Mistico both charged to the ring and fight off Alberto Del Rio, as the two luchadors lay waste to the fiesta.


Angle Rating: B+


*Commercial Break*


Grisham: Welcome back to Friday Night Smackdown! on NBC. WWE Night of Champions comes to you live from Chicago, September 19 at the Allstate Arena and only on Pay-Per-View.


Match 4:

Michelle McCool vs. Kelly Kelly



A very good match to say the least and it was back and forth between the two athletes. Layla tried to get involved in the match as much as possible but nevertheless, Kelly Kelly fought off both Layla and Michelle. Kelly was about to put this match away with the K2 but the move was reversed by Michelle into the Faithbreaker for the win. On a side note, Kelly Kelly is becoming quite an intense competitor breaking away from the "diva" aspect.


Michelle McCool defeated Kelly Kelly (8:46)

Rating: B


A Promo is shown on the titantron with the words "She's coming" followed by two eyes appearing briefly.

Angle Rating: B


*Commercial Break*


Match 5:

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Matt Hardy



A very decent match despite this being the main event. Rhodes and Hardy once again collide in a back and forth match. This was also a very straightforward and technical style match. Hardy was looking to get the win with the Twist of Fate but Rhodes reversed the move with the Cross-Rhodes for the win.


"Dashing" Cody Rhodes defeated Matt Hardy(6:54)

Rating: C+


*Commercial Break*


Kane is standing in the ring as he announce his plans regarding The Undertaker, The World Heavyweight Championship, and Night of Champions.



Kane: Undertaker, you just don't get it do ya? Your power is waning by the seconds...the minutes...and the hours. As days go by, so does your power as it shifts in transition over to me as I become more stronger and more powerful than you have ever been as your reign as the ruler of darkness. As luck would have it, I know that you were consuming souls left and right but was never able to control them from consuming you. Undertaker, you will never be as strong enough to even contend with me over the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, which one Hiroshi Tanahashi posesses thanks to his "associate", Savannah. Unfortunately, the two of them signed both their death warrants because at Night of Champions, I will reclaim my WWE World Heavyweight Championship and further extend my reign as the ultimate ruler of darkness.


AS Kane was about to leave, the arena goes black and The Undertaker appears right before Kane.



Undertaker: Kane, you of all beings should know that you will never be worthy of becoming not only world heavyweight champion but also taking my throne as your own. If you think for one moment that you are an equal to me, then you are sadly mistaken. However, I will take it upon myself to defeat you at Night of Champions for the world heavyweight championship. I will make you Rest...In...


Before the Undertaker can even finish, Kane grasped him by the throat, ready to put him in the chokeslam. Undertaker retaliated with a grasp to the throat on Kane and as both men jostled for position, Kane released his grasp on Undertaker's throat and began to suffer. As Undertaker is about to deliver a chokeslam, the arena once again goes black for a few moments. It is later revealed that Kane turned the tables on his brother leaving out cold with a chokeslam. Kane laughs at the anguish of his own brother.


Angle Rating; A


Overall Rating: B


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The fans or "The Internet" has spoken after weeks of voting on who should be the next breakout star for the WWE, "The World Warrior" Kaval has been named the next breakoout star for WWE. "It feels great to know that I have accomplished a lot in my wrestling career all over the world for this one moment" said Kaval of his recent victory of winning NXT. There is already a Season 3 in the works with a Divas edition.

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On the next Monday Night RAW




Signs of Redemption?

After defeating Team WWE last week, The Renegades look to strike again but will they be successful or will their be a reversal of fortune?



Unfinished Business?

After a miscommunication between both John Cena and Chris Jericho after last week's main event, leads to a tag team match as Cena and Randy Orton battle Jericho and Sheamus.




John Cena and Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho and Sheamus


The Miz and Alex Riley vs. Daniel Bryan and Ultimo Dragon


Evan Bourne, Fergal Devitt, and Naomichi Marufuji vs. Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, and Michael Tarver


Kazuchika Okada vs. Zack Ryder


Melina vs. Alicia Fox


RAW comes to you live from Washington, D.C.

9/8 c on USA

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Monday Night RAW




Cole: We welcome you to Monday Night RAW. Michael Cole alongside Jerry "The King" Lawler and tonight we have a tag team main event as John Cena and Randy Orton take on Chris Jericho and Sheamus.


Lawler: We also have The Miz and Alex Riley taking on Daniel Bryan and Ultimo Dragon.


Match 1:

Melina vs. Alicia Fox



This was a very good opener to start off RAW but it was also a quick match too. Melina finished off Alicia with the Last Call for the win.

Melina def. Alicia Fox (5:08)

Rating: C-


Kazuchika Okada is walking backstage when he runs into Maryse.



Maryse: Bonjour, Monsieur Okada


*Okada starts smiling and giggling as Maryse starts seducing*


Maryse: You know, I've been watching you win over my boyfirend, Ted DiBiase and I was wondering that if you win against him, I'll teach you how to french kiss.


Just as Maryse is about to kiss Okada, DiBiase strikes Okada in the back of his head.



DiBiase: See you in the ring, loser.


Angle Rating: C+


*Commercial Break*


Match 2:

Kazuchika Okada vs. Ted DiBiase w/ Maryse



This was a pretty good match and was one of the many highlights of the night. The crowd naturally got behind Okada but DiBiase was doing all the work from previously attacking Okada backstage. Okada was being worn out from the get-go but managed to fight back a few times but DiBiase was being brutal. It looked like DiBiase was going for Dream Street but Okada managed to reverse the move and put DiBiase in a katahajime (Tazz's submission hold) for a quick moment but DiBiase manages to reach the ropes. Okada began his comeback but DiBiase manages to fight back. DiBiase attempts to go after the Dream Street on Okada but was reversed into a bridging german suplex for the win.


Kazuchika Okada def. Ted DiBiase (6:54)

Rating: B


After the match, it seems like Maryse has locked eyes with Okada. She looks at DiBiase then Okada again. Maryse walks off and carries Okada with her.



Angle Rating: B


*Commercial Break*


A promo is shown hyping Kaval



Angle Rating: B


Match 3:

Evan Bourne, Fergal Devitt, and Naomichi Marufuji vs. Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, and Michael Tarver



This was quite an exciting six man tag match. It had a little bit of everything: High Flying, Technical, and Brawling. The match was fast paced but slowed down a bit when Tarver and Marufuji got in the ring. Evan Bourne, Fergal Devitt, Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater showed chemistry together in the ring as tag teams (Bourne and Devitt as well as Gabriel and Slater) as well as opponents (Justin Gabriel with Evan Bourne and Fergal Devitt as well as Heath Slater and Evan Bourne). Tarver and Marufuji clicked from time to time but Tarver is more of a brawler rather than being technical like Marufuji. This match got quick again with Gabriel and Bourne in the ring. It looked like Gabriel was about to win the match with his 450 Splash but missed. Bourne hit the Shooting Star Press and got the win for his team.


Evan Bourne, Fergal Devitt, and Naomichi Marufuji def. Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, and Michael Tarver (8:22)

Rating: B-


*Commercial Break*


A promo is shown hyping The Miz



Match 4:

The Miz and Alex Riley vs. Daniel Bryan and Ultimo Dragon



This match was just a way to push the upcoming WWE United States Championship match between Miz and Bryan at Night of Champions. Alex Riley looked "sort-of" green in the ring compared to the experienced Ultimo Dragon. Daniel Bryan and The Miz stole the show but it was Ultimo Dragon's Dragon Sleeper put the match away and Alex Riley.


Daniel Bryan and Ultimo Dragon def. The Miz and Alex Riley (9:38)

Rating: B+


*Commerical Break*


Match 5:

John Cena and Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho and Sheamus



This was a very good main event. Randy Orton looked good and practically stole the show as he showed just what he is capable of doing as far as intensity, selling, and especially ring psychology. Cena and Orton clicked as a tag team and really did a good job. Cena put the match away with an Attitude Adjustment.


John Cena and Randy Orton def. Chris Jericho and Sheamus (10:50)

Rating: B+


Overall Rating: B+

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Undertaker vs. CM Punk


Dolph Ziggler and Chavo Guerrero vs. Kofi Kingston and Chris Masters


Drew McIntyre vs. Kaval


Alberto Del Rio vs. Matt Hardy


Jack Swagger vs. MVP


Smackdown! comes to you live from Washington, D.C

8/7c on NBC

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Umm... why do you post the results of NXT if you don't show NXT? :\ and, are you just taking some of the cards from the actual shows (Smackdown!, RAW etc...) and posting them with your twists? I ask because last Smackdown! was almost the exact same from top to bottom... :confused:


I'm trying to put my own spin on the WWE as of late since you have said to branch out and get creative. So, I am putting my own outlook on the WWE in general. Is that a bad thing to do because I'm doing that?

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Grisham: We welcome you to Friday Night Smackdown! Todd Grisham alongside "The Intellectual" Matt Striker and tonight it's a match of epic proportions as The Undertaker battles CM Punk.


Striker: Also tonight, Dolph Ziggler and Chavo Guerrero battle Kofi Kingston and Chris Masters in a tag team match.


Match 1:

Jack Swagger vs. MVP




This was a very physical match right off the start. Swagger displayed his natural athleticism and grappling on MVP but MVP managed to escape.Swagger continued his onslaught on MVP as he relentlessly assaulted MVP and started tearing away at MVP's ankle. Swagger looked to put MVP away with the ankle lock but MVP countered. Swagger looked to go in for a clothesline but MVP countered. MVP sets Swagger up for the Playmaker for the win.


MVP def. Jack Swagger (6:51)

Rating: B


*Commercial Break*


Match 2:

Alberto Del Rio vs. Matt Hardy




This match was as one sided as they come. Of course, this was all in a way to continue to push Del Rio as the top heel for Smackdown. Del Rio puts Hardy in an armbar for the win.


Alberto Del Rio def. Matt Hardy (3:57)

Rating: C+


A promo is shown hypin "Dashing" Cody Rhodes



Angle Rating: B+


*Commercial Break*


Match 3:

Drew McIntyre vs. Kaval



A very fast paced, technical, and intense match from beginning to end. This was also a very exciting debut for Kaval. The match was nothing more than a back and forth, lucha libre styled kind of match. McIntyre was about to hit the Futureshock DDT but Kaval quickly reversed the move and landed a German suplex followed by the Warrior's Stomp for his first win.


Kaval def. Drew McIntyre (8:04)

Rating: B


A promo is shown hyping Hiroshi Tanahashi as a World Champion for Smackdown!



Angle Rating: B


*Commercial Break*


Match 4:

Dolph Ziggler and Chavo Guerrero vs. Kofi Kingston and Chris Masters



This match was a way to hype the upcoming Intercontinental Championship match at Night of Champions between Dolph and Kofi. Chris Masters and Chavo Guerrero were basically filler for the match as the main focus was on Dolph and Kofi. Dolph and Kofi's rivalry is heating up and it proves that feuds such as theirs can make a title like the Intercontinental Championship prestigious and something to fight over. Kofi won this match using the Trouble in Paradise for the win.


Kofi Kingston and Chris Masters def. Dolph Ziggler and Chavo Guerrero (8:21)

Rating: B+


*Commercial Break*


Match 5:

Undertaker vs. CM Punk



This match was very intense, technical and even in some moments were it seemed like you were watching an MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) styled match as Undertaker and Punk clashed. This match went back and forth between the two men but CM Punk started to get an edge over Undertaker. The Undertaker swiftly rebounded and caught CM Punk with some Old School and followed up with a suplex on Punk. Undertaker puts CM Punk away with Hell's Gate to seal the victory.


Undertaker def. CM Punk (9:30)

Rating: B


After the match, Kane can be seen smirking and laughing on the Titantron



Kane: Undertaker...At Night of Champions, not only will your fate be sealed...so will Hiroshi Tanahashi's. Because you, Tanahashi, and I will battle for the World Heavyweight Championship. Rest assured, brother...You and Tanahashi, will both Rest...In...Peace!!!!


Angle Rating: A


Overall Rating: B+

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I'm trying to put my own spin on the WWE as of late since you have said to branch out and get creative. So, I am putting my own outlook on the WWE in general. Is that a bad thing to do because I'm doing that?


The thing is nearly all your cards are the same. Usually by this stage in a dynasty, you can see the writer's stamp. It is hard with this one.

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Meet The New Faces for NXT






L-R ()*-meaning pro: A.J. (Primo), Aksana (Goldust), Jamie (Bella Twins), Kaitlyn (Vickie Guerrero), Maxine (Alicia Fox), and Naomi (Kelly Kelly).


These six women will compete to become the next WWE breakout star. Just like Wade Barrett and Kaval before them, not only will they become WWE's next breakout star but also a WWE Women's Championship match.


Catch NXT Tuesdays at 10 on SyFy

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