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A backyard dynasty.

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It was a strange time in the world of pro wrestling. TNA had emerged to challenge WWE to what they hoped would be a second Monday Night War, Vince McMahon was experimenting with new brands, and Bret Hart was on WWE television. As were Stone Cold and the Rock, oddly enough. However, none of this pertains directly to this story. No, this story is much different, though no less strange....


It began one night at a Wendy's somewhere in the Midwest. One Tom Bombadil had finally finished his shift, and was preparing to take home a meal of delicious Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers. It had been a quiet night- there was only one customer inside, allowing Tom to get training in for that all-important promotion to shift manager. Yes, things were looking up for ol' Tom. That music degree was paying off, no doubt about it! But this is not a Total Extreme Wendy's diary, so let us leave the personal details of the author avatar aside for a moment.


Tom hadn't really paid much heed to the solitary old man in the corner, happily enjoying some quality chili in peace. He glanced up at the old-timer, intending to warmly bid him a good evening, when he noticed something wrong. The old man was rather blue, and had collapsed on the floor, gasping for air. "Well," thought Tom, "That certainly won't do!" He immediately yelled for help, and soon an ambulance roared on its way to the scene.


Having nothing better to do, Tom tagged along to the hospital, because ambulances probably give rides to random passerby who happen to be around, right? Tom thought it would be in poor taste for somebody to be randomly killed off, at least at the beginning of the story, and wished to see the old man through. A few hours later, the man had stabilized, having barely survived a heart attack. Tom was ushered in to speak with the man whose life he had probably saved by getting off of work on time.


The old man was sitting up, and greeted Bombadil with as much enthusiasm as he could muster. Tom thought there was something vaguely familiar about him- perhaps his odd haircut, or penchant for saying "wooooo" every third word. The man thanked him profusely, and insisted on buying Tom dinner the next evening, because I guess hospitals let you go pretty quick after a heart attack.


As soon as Tom left, it finally hit him....that was Ric Flair.




Tom paced up and down nervously. He had no idea what to expect from the Nature Boy, but the restaurant was certainly nicer than he was used to. You actually sat down to order food, and it looked like it cost more than five dollars to eat! Not trusting such luxuries of the bourgeouise, Tom remained on guard, only to immediately panic once Flair arrived.


Once it had been established that he was in fact talking to one of the most legendary wrestlers of all time, Tom found it quite easy to talk. He and Flair spoke at length about Flair's career and their opinions on the state of the industry. When it came time to go, Flair sized up Bombadil with a twinkle in his eye. "Son," he said, "I owe you my life, WOOO, and I can't pay for that with just a dinner. WOOO! I like the way you think, WOOO, and that's why, WOO, the Nature Boy is gonna cut you a check right here, in this very restaurant! WOOOO!" Tom's eyes bulged, as Flair pulled out a checkbook and continued shouting at him. "There's just, WOO, one stipulation! I want you to change the wrestling industry, WOO!"

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Author rant corner! Updated after most shows!


It's nearing the six month mark! In my old diary, I did a "state of the industry" wrapup every January 1st, and then a "state of the company" after every July 4th anniversary show. I'm thinking of doing something similar here- a "where are we" in-depth analysis every anniversary (with awards!) and then an in-depth look at the game world every July 1st. Sound good?


Gotta wonder why I so consistently get E- ratings. I think I might have been a bit rough on my inserts- other local feds in this mod are pulling D+'s and the like. If it becomes a huge problem I might cheat a little boost in, but I'd rather try to get by without. I already gave them all the highest potential. >_>


TCW Championship

Holder: Awesome Andre Vasquez (1/6/10-Present)


TCW Tag Team Championship

Holders: Roll 'n' Bop (Rollin' Rick Rome and Boppin' Bo Banks) (1/6/10-Present)


TCW Lord of the Ring

2010: Paul Kramer d. Double S


TCW Lethal Lottery

2010: Pedro and Andre d. Dallas and Double S

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Howdy, folks, I'm Tom Bombadil. This is my second attempt at a diary here, but my first attempt died from a PC crash and I prefer to pretend it didn't happen. Anyway, I'm pretty new to TEW and this forum, but I'm an old hand at EWR, so this diary will be a bit different than what y'all might be used to. I don't plan to use pictures at all, I'm still learning how formatting works, and the focus will be much more on on-screen action and industry news than backstory and politics. Hope some of ya like it, and I'll be doing my best regardless!


This is based off an early release of the New Power Rising Data from early February, right after Stealth took over. Much thanks to him and Future Legend. I've inserted myself and a handful of friends, but I'd like to think I managed to not make us a fed full of Mary Sues. We'll see how I did on balance, I suppose. >_>


I WAS gonna get a nice buffer started of six months or so, but then I realized that'd be kind of impossible given that there's a Cyber Sunday ripoff scheduled in April, so instead of slowly catching up, I'm spamming you with three shows right now so you can vote and we can get on with things.


It was too good to be true. Sure, it was a bit cliche- it sounded like some contrived EWR diary backstory I saw somewhere- but the fact remained that Ric Flair had given me more than a hundred grand to start my own wrestling fed, so I supposed I'd need to do that. I made a few calls, and sent a few emails, and soon I had assembled a pool of my friends who were willing to do dumb things for a few bucks. Heck, some of them I'd even featured in an old EWR diary I'd written!


Tom Bombadil-

That's me! I was probably the most well-rounded of our starting group- I had some martial arts background, the most in-depth knowledge of the business, and decent stage presence, but my lack of size and athleticism would definitely prove an obstacle. I'd have to try to avoid getting ****y and overpushing myself, but that was the least of my worries!

(Formerly: Tom Bombadil)



The smallest and most introverted of our roster, and that's saying something. I figured it'd be best to stick him under a mask and pass him off as mysterious and ominous, and heck, he looked like he could be some sort of deranged luchador anyway. Maybe.

(Did not appear)


Boppin' Bo Banks-

One of my friends from the internet, who for some reason was perfectly content to fly himself out for shows so he could bumble around. Not the most talented, but one of the most fun!

(Did not appear)


Ogden Bunthorne-

Dude is SKINNY. I figured he'd make a good cruiserweight kinda guy, and he had a strange charisma about him that could serve him well.

(Did not appear)


Red Dallas-

My loyal roommate. He had the skillset to play a solid hoss, but not much more. He was one of the more enthusiastic, thought!

(Formerly: The Texan)


Pretty Pedro Hernandez-

One of my bosses. He definitely had the best look and physical condition of the group by a longshot, and I figured him to be the most likely to not suck after a bit of polish.

(Did not appear)


Mr. Hyde-

A big coworker. I had my fair share of big monster heel types already, but the more the merrier, I figured. He griped a lot, but I think he secretly enjoyed getting to shove people around.

(Did not appear)


Jay Kent-

Another internet friend. He was a bit more cynical than most of us, but he also had an actual air of menace about him, which was more than our other monster heel types could say.

(Did not appear)


Paul Kramer-

A friend from back home, who seemed to have all the tools needed to actually succeed in the business. He had exactly the right kind of swagger and look to get over, and his martial arts background would serve as a (relatively) excellent foundation for his in-ring style. I crossed my fingers that I had the next Steamboat and that he wouldn't get too big for his young britches.

(Formerly: Thunder Prince)


Rollin' Rick Rome-

As one might have guessed from naming conventions, his personality, look, and skillset reminded me heavily of Boppin' Bo Banks. (Technically, the other way around, actually) I figured it'd be fun to let them be a fun babyface team!

(Formerly: Rolly McRollerson)


Double S-

He didn't have the personality, but he had the athleticism, work ethic, and dedication. I earmarked him as the company workhorse and wondered if he'd ever break out of my midcard.

(Formerly: Double S, the announcer)


Awesome Andre Vasquez-

And again, we have what I figured to be a pre-made team- this time, though, not only were Andre and Pedro the two minorities in the promotion, but they actually had worked together for a bit! That'd totally make them a great tag team, right?

(Did not appear)


Sara Masters-

As the first girl in the promotion, she was not at all interested and thought the whole thing a particularly dumb idea. Even a decent salary wasn't enough to convince her until I promised her that she could not only wear normal clothes devoid of yellow butt spangles, she could actually keep said clothes on. Just like that, I had the perfect authority figure as long as she could pretend to care.

(Did not appear)


The Fish-

The only person in this messed up excuse for a fed to actually have prior experience in his chosen role, The Fish was a skillful commentator for our school's sporting events, and a considerable smark to boot. I was grateful to have at least one person with a clue.

(Formerly: Unmentioned road agent)


Punk Princess-

I needed a color commentator for all those broadcasts we were going to do, and she was the only person I knew crazy enough to be entertaining to listen to. I told her to turn the punk goth look up to 11 and act like a ***** at all times, then set her loose next to the Fish and hoped for a cult following.

(Did not appear)


TK Howard-

He didn't have any special talents applicable to the world of wrestling, but he was willing to put on a stripey shirt and count to three for a hundred bucks, and that's all I wanted from him.

(Did not appear)


Norman Sanders-

He was way too gentle a person to fit in as a wrestler, and his bum knee wouldn't have allowed it anyway. However, he was more than happy to help me keep things together backstage!

(Did not appear)

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January 2010


-Tuesday 1: NWA Fire Nick Patrick


-Wednesday 1: TNA fire Christy Hemme


-Thursday 1: Stevie Ray to PWG, Cheerleader Melissa to EVOLVE


-Friday 1: TNA fire Jeremy Borash



Held in Hunter's Town Hall in front of 15 people


-TCW Tag Titles: Roll 'n' Bop (Rollin' Rick Rome and Boppin' Bo Banks) v. Wintersong (Blizzard and Ogden Bunthorne)

A nice, slow-paced match to open up our first show. Blizzard and Bunthorne's aerial and technical attacks provide a nice foil to Roll 'n' Bop's more straightforward brawling style. RnB are clearly working face here, pausing for dance breaks and working the crowd, allowing Wintersong to compete despite looking a bit weaker. The finish comes when Banks hits a powerslam on Bunthorne. Blizzard hops onto the top rope trying to hit a FLYING STAND, but Banks uppercuts him out of the air. Rome hops into the ring for the sole purpose of debuting their tag finisher: the Rollbop. This involves Rome hitting a rolling chop block simultaneously with a lariat from Banks. Bunthorne counts the lights for three.

Winners and NEW TCW Tag Champs: Roll 'n' Bop in 9:34

Rating: E-


-Sara Masters is in the ring to pump up the fans. She says she's been observing tryout matches, and determines that tonight, she's going to see the first TCW Champion crowned! Tonight, we'll see....Paul Kramer versus Red Dallas in the main event! Kramer and Dallas come out together to appeal to the crowd, but they are interrupted...It's Jay Kent. He comes out to the ring and complains that there's nothing special about those two guys, and HE should have a spot! Masters looks thoughtful as Kent yells at the faces. Right as she raises the mic to speak, she's interrupted again- this time by a pair of Hispanic fellows. They introduce themselves as Awesome Andre (the big one) and Pretty Pedro, (the handsome one) and proceed to try to intimidate each individual in the ring. A four-way shouting match erupts, but Masters quickly cuts it off to announce a four-way for the title! Kramer, Dallas, Kent....and only one of Andre and Pedro! Andre wins a quick game of rock-paper-scissors, and we have our main event set!

Rating: E-


-Match: Double S v. Mr. Hyde

Both men proceed to the ring without any elaborate gestures, although Hyde roars once or twice, so he must be the monster heel. Another slow-paced match ensues, with Double S dragging some halfway decent mat grappling out of the unathletic Hyde. Hyde responds with some simple power moves, but eventually eats a Stinger Splash, and then stumbles into a SharpShooter (see, they're both "double S" moves aren't we clever) for the loss.

Winner: Double S in 7:29

Rating: F+


-Tom Bombadil is in the ring, and he talks for a while about how happy he is to be there before finally getting to his point. He hasn't been booked for a match, so he's wondering if there's anybody who wants to dance? It turns out there is...Pretty Pedro, fresh from being denied his title match!

Rating: F+


-Match: Tom Bombadil v. Pretty Pedro Hernandez

A brawl heavy match, booked quite even. The match focuses on strikes, but there's technical and flying work mixed in as well- the former from Pedro, and the latter from Tom. Tom slips out of a DDT attempt and hits a superkick (which the announcers dub the Boltic Kick for some reason) for the win.

Winner: Tom Bombadil in 9:51

Rating: E-


-TCW Title Four Way Dance: Paul Kramer v. Red Dallas v. Jay Kent v. Awesome Andre

Kramer seems to be channeling Chris Jericho's "Lionheart" gimmick, as he plays up the crowd during his entrance. Red Dallas comes out with a cowboy hat, so he must be doing a Texas-related gimmick. Kent comes out barking at the fans and glaring at everybody, and Andre just poses a bunch. Having established such well-defined characters, our four intrepid warriors square off in the ring. The match progresses fairly quickly, with all four men getting brief moments to "shine," as much as any of these talentless hacks can do so. Kent is the first man eliminated, jobbing to a flash rollup from Dallas. Kent's not too happy about this, and gets into a heated argument with referee TK Howard. In fact, he whacks Howard one across the face! It's a ref bump, and you know what that means....Runin time! Pretty Pedro boogies on down to the ring, and he and Andre put the boots to the faces. Pedro vacates the ring, having played his role, before Howard comes to his senses, and Andre hits a double DDT just for show. Double pin....1......2......3! Not this way! Not this way!

Winner and NEW TCW Champion: Awesome Andre Vasquez in 9:43

Rating: E-


-Post-show, Andre and Pedro hang out flaunting the TCW belt. Gosh darn it to heck.

Rating: F+


Overall rating: E-, should have raised our popularity!

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Sat 1- Joey Ryan wins NWA Title


Sun 1- Great Heel Bash win IWGP Tag Titles


Tue 2- Takeshi Morishima/Strong Machine win IWGP Tag

-Daniel Puder returns


Wed 2- All five articles are about Roddy Piper turning down offers!


Mon 3- TNA Genesis gets B-

-WWE turns Shelton Benjamin heel


Wed 3- WWE calls up Bryan Danielson, smarks wet pants


Fri 3- Inoki, Dory Funk Jr. to leave the business


Mon 4- WWE call up Kaval, Norman Smiley

-El Generico rising


Fri 4- Abdullah the Butcher to retire

-Maven returns to the business



Mon 1- Royal Rumble gets B: ME had Edge winning the Rumble (B+)

-CHIKARA falls to small


Tue 1- Nigel McGuiness wins TNA title


Wed 1- Finlay, Rikishi to retire

-FCW TV scrapped


Backstage: Pretty Pedro brought everybody some booze. Huzzah!


SATURDAY 1, FEBRUARY 2010- TCW Hour of Darkness


-TCW Tag Titles: Roll 'n' Bop © v. Jay Kent and Mr. Hyde

This random pairing of heels TOTALLY not thrown together to check chemistry produces a much grittier matchup than the previous one. Kent and Hyde share similar monstrous approaches and gimmicks, blending fairly well with the showman styles of Banks and Rome. After a brawl that can only be described as "bowling shoe ugly," Rome gets the pin on Hyde with the Fall of Rome. (running diving headbutt)

Winners: Roll 'n' Bop in 7:15

Rating: E-


-Roll 'n' Bop stay in the ring and grab mics, then ramble on for a while about how they're a great team, and they plan on being champs for a long, long time!

Rating: F+


-Double S v. Blizzard

The match stays on the mat for the duration, where Double S is more comfortable both in kayfabe and out of it. Blizzard tries to up the pace and work in some aerial maneuvers, but Double S is always able to bring his power game into play and keep things on the mat, and eventually the SharpShooter gets Blizzard to tap out.

Winner: Double S in 11:52

Rating: F+


-Sara Masters comes out to the ring to hype us for something or other. She says that Awesome Andre won the title primarily through interference, and therefore Kramer and Dallas both deserve a chance at a title shot! Therefore, tonight's main event will be Andre and Pedro against Kramer and Dallas, and whoever secures the win for their team will become number one contender for the TCW Title! As an aside before leaving the ring, she mentions that this even applies to Pedro, and if Andre himself scores the win, he gets to handpick another member of the roster.

Rating: F


-Tom Bombadil v. Ogden Bunthorne

The closest thing you're going to see to a high-flying match here in a long, long time. Bunthorne goes for a Poetry in Motion (crappy moonsault) but eats knees, and then a Boltic Kick (superkick) for the loss.

Winner: Tom Bombadil in 9:31

Rating: F+


-TCW Title #1 Contender: Pedro and Andre v. Paul Kramer and Red Dallas

Tensions mount on the face team over the course of the match, with both Kramer and Dallas obviously wanting number one contendership. Nobody breaks up any pinfall attempts or anything, but there is a fair number of blind tags and staredowns. By contrast, Pedro and Andre actually manage to function as a cohesive unit, having no real conflict of interests, and as a result, they are much more capable of capitalizing on momentum shifts. Things look pretty bad for the good guys, as Pedro goes for a pinfall on Kramer. Dallas breaks up the pin, but Andre comes in the ring after him. Andre clotheslines Dallas, and both men go over the top....leaving Pedro susceptible to a rollup! 1....2.....3! Paul Kramer has won number one contendership!

Winner: Kramer and Dallas in 11:25

Rating: E-


-Post-show, Kramer celebrates in the ring as Pedro and Andre regroup, stunned. Dallas rolls in, and Kramer offers a handshake. Dallas....accepts! The faces raise their hands, but just then, Pedro and Andre hit the ring with chairs! Dallas and Kramer try to fight, but they're outmatched...until Jay Kent hits the ring! All action stops as he makes a "belt" gesture at Andre....then lights into Kramer! Kent rips Kramer a new one while Pedro and Andre settle for dissecting Dallas. YOU WANTED A HAPPY ENDING TOO BAD FANS GO HOME DISAPPOINTED

Rating: F- because nobody gives a crap about any of these people


Final rating: E-, should have raised our popularity!

Held in Hunter's Town Hall for 16 people.

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Monday 2- TNA Against All Odds gets B-


Tuesday 2- HBK wins the WWE Title (note that I'm just classifying things by the day they come up, so obviously that actually happened on Raw on Monday.)


Friday 2- Keiji Mutoh pushing himself too far


Monday 3- Jeff Jarrett thinks he's carrying TNA. Uh, not anymore you're not.


Tuesday 3- Brandon Thomaselli wins IWA:MS Title

-Nick Hogan rising


Wednesday 3- New Jack to retire


Thursday 3- Internet somehow drops Slam TV. That bad, eh?


Friday 3- Inoki, Dory Funk Jr. retire


Saturday 3- NOAH get Piper on PPA


Sunday 3- Colours TV drops NWA Wrestling Showcase

-Thunder wins WWC Title


Monday 4- WWE Elimination Chamber gets B- (ME: Taker/Batista)


Wednesday 4- Iron Shiek retires

-Scott Norton to retire

-Homicide changes to Cruiserweight


Thursday 4- IPW rise to small


Friday 4- BCW, RQW, and HW all have agreed to working agreements with me! Yay friendship!


Saturday 4- Savage and Luther Reigns come back to wrasslin'




Friday 1- Carlito rising


Saturday 1, March 2010- TCW DEADLY ALLIANCE


Backstage: Jay Kent kicks everybody's ass at Smash Brothers, Pretty Pedro brings more beer for everybody, and the normally quiet Blizzard gets in a shouting match with The Fish.


-As the fans (both of them!) file in, Sara Masters is in the ring, pointing out the steel cage looming overhead. That's right...tonight's main event will be a WAR GAMES match! The fact that we can only afford one ring and our cage looks even crappier than the one WCW used for their version should be ignored, because it is FRIGGIN' WAR GAMES HYPE HYPE HYPE! Masters even manages to convince the audience she actually knows and cares what that means!

Rating: E


-Tom Bombadil v. Ogden Bunthorne

The dream match returns! In a desparate attempt to salvage some sort of momentum from the ether, Bombadil and Bunthorne fling themselves at each other for a few minutes. This time Bunthorne HITS the Poetry in Motion, (moonsault) putting them at 1-1.

Winner: Ogden Bunthorne in 7:40

Rating: F+


-After the match, Tom offers Ogden a handshake. Bunthorne thinks about it, then instead decides to wipe the sweat off his brow with Tom's outstretched hand! This is more awkward than heelish, and the crowd shifts around uncomfortably for a while until they wander out of the ring for the next segment.

Rating: F-


-Double S v. Mr. Hyde

In a quick rematch from our first card, Double S again pulls out a win with the Stinger Splash -> SharpShooter combo after some uninspired brawling.

Winner: Double S in 6:07

Rating: F+


-A tech crew file out to try to lower the cage without snapping it into several pieces. While they jury rig it, the amazing commentary duo of The Fish and Punk Princess try desperately to convince the crowd that this is a dangerous structure that will test the very SOULLLLLLS of those fighting inside it tonight! They actually manage to do a decent job, being about the only competent people in the fed.

Rating: E


-WAR GAMES: TCW Tag Champs Roll 'n' Bop, Paul Kramer, and Red Dallas v. TCW Champ Awesome Andre, Pretty Pedro, Jay Kent, and Blizzard

Lest ye forget, the rules are that two men (It looks like Pedro and Kramer) start in the ring, then are joined at regular intervals by a member of either team in alternation. Once all eight men are in the ring, the match can end, but only by submission. Hardcore rules apply, so it's comparable to Hell in a Cell.


The heel side wins the coin toss, so from the start things don't look great. The match starts slow, with both men apparently realizing they need to pace themselves to survive. Kramer and Pedro brawl back and forth, with neither gaining a particular advantage...until Awesome Andre comes in when the time elapses. Predictably, Pedro and Andre are able to smack the number one contender around with impunity, and he takes quite a beating before time elapses, bringing in Boppin' Bo Banks.


Although Banks evens up the numbers game, he struggles against the TCW champ, and Kramer's still hurting from the doubleteam. Despite a few hope spots, the momentum remains with the heels, especially once time expires and Blizzard joins the melee. The faces are getting beaten down pretty badly when the time expires and Rollin' Rick Rome charges the ring, waking up the crowd with a series of thunderous right hooks to turn the tables.


The last two to enter are Jay Kent and Red Dallas. With Rome barely able to stand up after a few minutes of house-on-fire-ing, Kent comes in and does some house cleaning of his own, giving the advantage back to the heel team. Kent apparently still hasn't given up on the belt, as he starts showboating towards the end, and making sure Andre notices it. This eventually explodes into a shouting match, and they start exchanging shoves...and just then Red Dallas hits the stage. Dallas destroys the arguing heels, and is joined by a rejuvinated Kramer. The real match begins here, although it doesn't actually last all that long. The finish comes when Blizzard uses the top of the cage to pull himself up and hit a rana on Rome. Rome's sent reeling into a 619 position, and Blizzard smashes his face into the cage with a running knee. Blizzard, however, turns around right into Dallas' arms, and gets FLUNG at the opposite wall! Pedro and Andre seize the moment and doubleteam Dallas, but Banks and Kramer drive them off. Dallas goes for corner punches on Kent, but Kent picks him up, and Blizzard hits a dropkick from the top rope! Dallas, Blizzard, and Rome are all down, and Kent takes Kramer out with a massive lariat. Pedro and Andre put the boots to Banks! Banks is down...Andre locks in a Crippler Crossface! At the same time, Pedro gets a Figure Four! Banks writhes in the submission while Kent makes sure the other faces don't interfere. After a long couple of minutes, Banks can't take it anymore, and taps out!

Winners: Heel Team

Rating: E-



Overall: E-, Should've increased our popularity

Held in Hunter's Town Hall in front of 11 people.

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TCW Title: Awesome Andre Vasquez © v. Paul Kramer

-Texas Death

-First Blood

-Dog Collar


TCW Tag Titles: Rollin' Rick Rome and Boppin' Bo Banks v. ???

(Pick two)

-Pretty Pedro Hernandez

-Jay Kent

-Double S

-Paul Kramer


Grudge Match: Tom Bombadil v. Ogden Bunthorne





Leftover People Match, for an automatic entry into next month's World Warrior tournament: Blizzard, Mr. Hyde, the two people not in the tag match

-Fatal Four-way


-Mini Battle Royal

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TCW Title: Awesome Andre Vasquez © v. Red Dallas

-Texas Death

-First Blood

-Dog Collar


TCW Tag Titles: Rollin' Rick Rome and Boppin' Bo Banks v. ???

(Pick two)

-Pretty Pedro Hernandez

-Jay Kent

-Double S

-Paul Kramer


Grudge Match: Tom Bombadil v. Ogden Bunthorne





Leftover People Match, for an automatic entry into next month's World Warrior tournament: Blizzard, Mr. Hyde, the two people not in the tag match

-Fatal Four-way


-Mini Battle Royal

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*wanders by what he thought was a vacant lot, sees small crowd of people, fills out random questionnaire because he just can't resist those thing*


TCW Title: Awesome Andre Vasquez © v. Red Dallas

-Texas Death

-First Blood

-Dog Collar

Figured you could film this and maybe sell it as a BDSM flick if your fed goes bust.

TCW Tag Titles: Rollin' Rick Rome and Boppin' Bo Banks v. ???

(Pick two)

-Pretty Pedro Hernandez

-Jay Kent

-Double S

-Paul Kramer

Illiteration rules.


Grudge Match: Tom Bombadil v. Ogden Bunthorne




The easiest to set up, and the most fun to watch!


Leftover People Match, for an automatic entry into next month's World Warrior tournament: Blizzard, Mr. Hyde, the two people not in the tag match

-Fatal Four-way


-Mini Battle Royal

Simply because they're always fun and have the most chance for a random person to win.

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TCW Title: Awesome Andre Vasquez © v. Paul Kramer

-Texas Death

-First Blood

-Dog Collar


TCW Tag Titles: Rollin' Rick Rome and Boppin' Bo Banks v. ???

(Pick two)

-Pretty Pedro Hernandez

-Jay Kent

-Double S

-Paul Kramer


Grudge Match: Tom Bombadil v. Ogden Bunthorne





Leftover People Match, for an automatic entry into next month's World Warrior tournament: Blizzard, Mr. Hyde, the two people not in the tag match

-Fatal Four-way


-Mini Battle Royal

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Guest nuggeh


TCW Title: Awesome Andre Vasquez © v. Paul Kramer

-Texas Death - Love these matches. Just need to spice up good ol' backyard wrasslin' with a bit of blood :p

-First Blood

-Dog Collar


TCW Tag Titles: Rollin' Rick Rome and Boppin' Bo Banks v. ???

(Pick two)

-Pretty Pedro Hernandez Only cause he's the tough one.

-Jay Kent

-Double S

-Paul Kramer


Grudge Match: Tom Bombadil v. Ogden Bunthorne

-Table - Cage would be a bit hard to organsie for a backyard fed and strap matches are ALWAYS boring.




Leftover People Match, for an automatic entry into next month's World Warrior tournament: Blizzard, Mr. Hyde, the two people not in the tag match

-Fatal Four-way


-Mini Battle Royal



Also, top work on this so far dude. Tried to run one of these myself once but failed miserably. Hope this turns out well for ya :D

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Thanks. ^_^ I'm gonna try to get the show up tonight, so voting's now closed. I screwed up and swapped Dallas and Kramer on the ballot, so I'm calling the tag tiebreaker in favor of the other two...also broke the four-way tie.




Sun 1- NJPW signs Savage


Mon 2- Hero leaves RoH


Tue 2- JJ Dillon to retire


Sun 2- Chessman d. Rocky Romero to win AAA's Rey de Reyes


Mon 3- TNA Destination X gets B-


Tue 3- Raven wins TNA Global from Rob Terry

-Masahiro Chono to retire


Wed 3- WWE rise to Global!

-Tajiri joins NJPW

-Teddy Hart leaves RoH


Thu 3- La Parka fails at hyping AAA


Sun 3- Hybrid Wrestling allegedly put on Don't Call It A Comeback but there exist no results for it. OOOOOOoooooOOOOOO trippy...It also has a random kanji or two- perhaps I should take my computer out of Japanese locale!

-Nigel McGuiness claims to be carrying TNA. Well, he IS champ.


Mon 4- RoH Anniversary Show 8 gets C+


Tue 4- Harley Race to leave the business

-DDP to retire


Wed 4- Iron Shiek leaves business


Sat 4- TCW extend Norman Sanders' contract


Sun 4- WM XXVI gets B+ (Taker d. Batista to retain, Mysterio d. Orton, Cena d. Sheamus, DX d. SES)




Fri 1- BCW Rise to Small

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Saturday 1, April 2010- TCW Power to the People

Held in Hunter's Town Hall for 21 people.


-Pre-show: Sara Masters ambles out to announce the results of voting. After a whopping three votes (hey, that's good considering our attendance!) we have our card set! The main event will be a dog collar match, Bombadil/Bunthorne is Tables, Double S and Pedro will be going for the tag belts, and we've got a battle royale!

Rating: E


-Tables: Tom Bombadil v. Ogden Bunthorne

The TABLES ARE SET for their rubber match! (you see what I did there) Nobody really thinks to actually involve a table until it comes close to time to finish the match, at which point Bombadil quickly tosses out a Boltic Kick and rolls out to grab one. After remembering which end of the ring he left it, Tom grabs the designated table and sets it up in the center of the ring. He goes for a powerslam...but Bunthorne slips out over top, and reverses it into a Scorpion Death Drop! Bunthorne sets up Tom on the table, hits a few chops to the chest, (almost accidentally breaking it prematurely) and heads up top! Poetry in Mo-no! Tom rolls off the table, and instead of simply letting Bunthorne eliminate himself, chases him up the turnbuckle, and gives him a superplex through the table! Perhaps this mini-feud is settled now!

Winner: Tom Bombadil

Rating: F+


-Mini-Battle Royal: Red Dallas v. Mr. Hyde v. Blizzard v. Jay Kent

All three of the heels gang up on Dallas for the majority of the match, and he takes quite the beating, but being the lone face he refuses to get chucked out. This leads to some dissent between the heels, and Kent flings Blizzard out of the ring! Blizzard skins the cat, unseen by Hyde, who hits a lariat on Kent...they both go over! That leaves Blizzard and Dallas. Blizzard hits an actual decent rana from the apron, sending Dallas reeling towards the ropes...he almost tumbles out, but barely maintains his balance, battles back with a series of hard rights, and tosses out Blizzard to get the win!

Winner: Red Dallas

Rating: E-


-TCW Tag Titles: Roll 'n' Bop © v. Double S and Pretty Pedro Hernandez

Predictably, the face and the heel don't get along super well, and spend lots of the match arguing. Still, they each get their shots in, and it looks like they could actually win! Double S hits the Stinger Splash, but Pedro tags himself in before the Sharpshooter. Double S just stares stoically at his partner, who starts showboating. Pedro goes for the Figure Four, but Rome powers out, and rolls over to get the hot tag! Banks cleans house, and it's all over after a Rollbop.

Winners: Roll 'n' Bop

Rating: E-


-After the match, Double S and Pedro argue in the middle of the ring. It ends with Pedro storming off...then coming back and levelling Double S from behind with a chair!

Rating: E-


-TCW Title Dog Collar: Awesome Andre Vasquez © v. Paul Kramer

Kramer's martial arts arsenal is somewhat ineffectual at the close range dictated by the chain- the advantage goes to the champ's grittier style in a match that could almost pass as MMA to the undiscerning viewer. There's lots of grounding and pounding, and plenty of good ol' fashioned haymakers. Kramer is busted open early when Andre grinds his face onto the spike of the collar, and Vasquez continues to target the wounded forehead. Kramer fights valiantly, kicking out of pin after pin, but finally Andre's had enough. He wraps his fist in the chain and decks Kramer...then yanks him up by the collar and blasts him again...and one more time! 1....2.....3!

Winner: Awesome Andre Vasquez

Rating: E-


-Kramer's still down in the ring as the ref unhooks Andre and hands him the TCW Championship. Pedro comes out to celebrate a job well done...but they decide to have some more fun! Kramer's still wearing the collar, so Pedro grabs it and uses it to choke him out! As Kramer gasps for air, Andre lays into his unprotected torso with shots from the title belt! Things are starting to get a bit edgy until Red Dallas hits the ring! He clears out the heels and tends to his fallen comrade, but Andre and Pedro only laugh as they retreat backstage.

Rating: F+


Overall: E-, should have increased our pop

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Sun 1- Delirious leaves RoH


Tue 2- JJ Dillon retires


Wed 2- Chris Masters rising star


Mon 3- TNA Lockdown gets B

-Jim Duggan to retire


Tue 3- RoH rise to Cult


Mon 4- Ed Leslie retires


Tue 4- RVD joins RoH

-Harley Race leaves industry


Wed 4- Sean Morley joins RoH


Thu 4- IWC rise to Small


Fri 4- Abdullah the Butcher retires


Sun 4- AJPW turn Great Muta heel


MAY 2010


Mon 1- BCW fall to Local

-Backlash gets A


Tue 1- Tara wins Knockouts title


Wed 1- Finlay, Rikishi retire


-Round 1: Tom Bombadil v. Jay Kent

Quick match, as is pretty much every match on this card. Bombadil gets greedy and goes to the Boltic Kick way too early, and pays for it when Kent catches it and starts tossing Bombadil around the ring like a ragdoll.

Winner: Jay Kent

Rating: E-


-Round 1: Double S v. Ogden Bunthorne

Having learned nothing from either the previous match or his loss last month, Bunthorne goes for the Poetry in Motion at an inopportune time on an opponent who's not even there anymore. One sharpshooter later, we're moving on.

Winner: Double S

Rating: E-


Saturday 1, May 2010- The World Warrior

Held for 14 people at Hunter's Town Hall


-Sara Masters is out to OFFICIALLY open the show. She explains that tonight is what will become an annual tournament in TCW, titled the Lord of the Ring. Next month will be a Lethal Lottery tournament, and the winners of the respective tournaments will receive title shots at the July special: Superstar Saga! Also on the card tonight is a huge tag title match! We've already advanced Double S and Jay Kent to the second round, so let's see the other two matches!

Rating: E-


-Round 1: Red Dallas v. Blizzard

Blizzard shocks the world by hitting a KILLER bicycle kick off the ropes! Dallas sells it hard, eating a followup top rope missile dropkick for the three count.

Winner: Blizzard

Rating: E-


-Round 1: Paul Kramer v. Mr. Hyde

Kramer just takes it to Hyde right off the bat, laying into him with a series of strikes. Hyde turns him inside out with a huge lariat, but that winds up being the extent of his offense for the evening.

Winner: Paul Kramer

Rating: E-


-Pedro and Andre come out to the ring, ostensibly to cut a promo on their impending tag title shot. Really, they're only around to stall while the singles guys recover from the exertion of their four-minute first round matches.

Rating: E-


-Round 2: Paul Kramer v. Jay Kent

The round 2 matches don't get much more time than round 1- we've got lots of matches and not much stamina or time. Anyway, Kramer's attempt to repeat his dominating round 1 victory once again is stopped by a lariat, but Kent is able to follow through. He hits some big power moves, but when that doesn't get the pin, he resorts to the ol' exposed turnbucle trick, which falls prey to the ol' dropkick and rollup counter.

Winner: Paul Kramer

Rating: NOT E-....it was F+


-Round 2: Double S v. Blizzard

The two dark horse kinda people square off in what turns out to be a technically based match. Appropriately, it ends with Blizzard falling prey to the Sharpshooter.

Winner: Double S

Rating: E-


TCW Tag Titles: Roll 'n' Bop © v. Pedro and Andre

In the only match on the card to get decent amounts of time, Pedro and Andre actually get to team up for once! After some solid but unremarkable back and forth action, Pedro falls to the Rollbop.

Winners: RnB

Rating: E


-Lord of the ring FINAL: Paul Kramer v. Double S

Surprisingly, both men are able to hold up reasonably well to put on a decent match. There's a reason we picked these two to go all the way! Crowd backs the much more charismatic Kramer, but Double S is booked strong. Not strong enough, as it turns out- the Stinger Splash collides with a raised boot, and Kramer nails a Buzzsaw Kick to put down Double S for the first time in his career! Kramer's earned another go at Vasquez!

Winner: Paul Kramer

Rating: E-


-After the show, Roll 'n' Bop hype the upcoming Double Dash, where a Lethal Lottery will determine their next opponents. They're not worried, though, as they're the two awesomest dudes around! They'll totally be in action, too, so we should come see 'em even though they won't be in the tournament!

Rating: E


Overall: E-, should have increased our pop.

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MAY 2010


Tue 2- Satoshi Kojima to leave AJPW


Wed 2- Tom Carter takes over NJPW


Fri 2- Suwama wins AJPW Triple Crown from Satoshi Kojima


Sat 2- Nu-Wrestling Evolution rise to Regional


Sun 2- Sugiura and Akiyama win NOAH's Global Tag League


Mon 3- TNA Sacrifice gets B

-Angel and Daffney team up, win Knockout Tag titles

-Afa retires


Tue 3- Great Heel Bash win IWGP Tag Titles


Wed 3- Yasushi Kanda gets the NJPW book

-New Jack retires


Fri 3- Rikishi inducted into Hall of Immortals


Sat 3- Kingpin Shawn Michaels >_>


Mon 4- Judgment Day gets B+


Tue 4- Takeshi Morishima wins GHC World

-El Generico on the rise


Wed 4- Scott Norton retires


Thu 4- Colt Cabana leaves RoH

-NOAH get Magnum TOKYO


Sun 4- Terry Funk announces retirement?


JUNE 2010


Tue 1- RoH loses Eddie Kingston, picks up Sean Waltman


Wed 1- Christian wins IC Title from McIntyre...while Jamie Noble is the star of SD


Thu 1- Petey Williams admits to debut nerves


Sat 1- Sara Masters power play D:

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-It's Awesome Andre who welcomes fans to the show this time. He starts to cut a promo as people trickle in, but he's interrupted by Sara Masters! She says that Andre needs to head to the back to suit up, because since he got a tag title shot last show, now he's gotta defend his title in turn against both RnB AND Paul Kramer in a fatal four-way! Andre splutters in the ring, as Masters also reminds us that tonight we have a Lethal Lottery mini-tournament for a tag title shot!

Rating: F+


SATURDAY 1, JUNE 2010- Double Dash!!

Held in Hunter's Town Hall for 14 people


Lethal Lottery Round 1- Tom Bombadil and Mr. Hyde v. Blizzard and Pretty Pedro

Bombadil and Hyde just can't get on the same page, and that's unfortunate when you're fighting uppercard heels. Finish comes when Bombadil stops Hyde from sneaking a chair shot, and the distraction allows Blizzard to get a rollup!

Winners: Blizzard and Pedro

Rating: F+


Lethal Lottery Round 1- Red Dallas and Double S v. Ogden Bunthorne and Jay Kent

A fairly straightforward brawl, with the only real frills coming from Bunthorne's eclectic offense- an offense that felt quite out of place given his hoss of a partner. Bunthorne is shown to be the weak link, being the least visually impressive of the group, but it's Kent who falls prey to the Sharpshooter after he gets too distracted trying to take on both faces by himself.

Winners: Dallas and SS

Rating: E- (Bunthorne/Kent: Poor tag chemistry)


-Between rounds, Awesome Andre comes out to the ring and says he didn't care who he had to fight- he'll walk out champion tonight, then he'll kick Paul Kramer's ass at Superstar Saga and walk out champ again, just like at Power to the People! He'll take on any comers, and he'll destroy them all, because he's the toughest thing around!

Rating: F


Lethal Lottery Final- Red Dallas and Double S v. Blizzard and Pretty Pedro

Remember, kids, the winners fight RnB for the TCW Tag titles at Superstar Saga! The match takes on a technical aspect, so Dallas is a bit of a fish out of water, but the other three are quite content. It's just not the faces' night, though, and Pedro gets the pin on Double S after a big suplex.

Winners: Blizzard and Pedro

Rating: E


-Roll 'n' Bop are backstage getting ready for their four-way. They briefly touch on how they've beaten Pedro twice in a row for the tag titles, how nobody's scared of Blizzard, and how their friendship TOTALLY makes them favorites to win the TCW Title tonight! There's some back and forth about which one is going to make the pin, but they leave laughing.

Rating: E-


TCW Title Fatal Four-way: Awesome Andre © v. Paul Kramer v. Rollin' Rick v. Boppin' Bo

Andre slides out of the ring immediately, so the tag champs simply work off their energy on Kramer. Their tandem offense is enough of a threat that Andre eventually makes a save, before himself turning on Kramer, and the brawl is on. After a long match, Banks is about to make the pin when Pretty Pedro inserts himself into the action! He levels Banks with the chair, and the match descends into chaos when Double S and Red Dallas run out for the save!

No Contest

Rating: E


-There's a huge brawl going on in the ring, and even more people run out from backstage to join in the fun! After it goes for a few minutes with pretty much the entire roster getting involved, Masters comes out with a megaphone to put an end to it, telling them to save it for Superstar Saga! The two fans who weren't bored enough to leave early are SO HYPED for our supercard.

Rating: F-


Overall: E-, should have increased pop

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Sun 1- Sting rejects extension with TNA


Tue 2- Pelle Primeau wins RoH TV

-RoH gets Nick Dinsmore, loses Sara Del Ray

-Yuji Nagata sustains swollen elbow


Wed 2- Grizzly Redwood leaves RoH


Fri 2- NJPW get Kensuke Sasaki


Sun 2- Shinsuke Nakamura wins NJPW Best of the Super Juniors


Mon 3- TNA Slammiversary gets B (ME: Nigel d. Ray to retain)

-La Parka loses mask to AAA World champ El Mesias in the ME of TripleMania

-Jack Evans leaves RoH


Tue 3- Masahiro Chono retires


Thu 3- Kid Romeo returns to wrestling

-Pretty Pedro's contract extended


Fri 3- Eddie Kingston leaves CHIKARA


Sun 3- Lita returns to the business


Tue 4- DDP, Jazz retire

-Steve Corino wins RoH TV title

-Colt Cabana rejects CHIKARA extension


Wed 4- Kevin Nash rejects TNA extension


Fri 4- Hybrid Wrestling rise to Small


Sun 4- Terry Funk (allegedly) retires

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Guest nuggeh
Sun 1- Sting rejects extension with TNA

Quick quick, while you still have a.... wait... never mind, it's only Sting. Thought it was samoa Joe for a second.


Sun 3- Lita returns to the business

Quick, Hire the Hardys and go nuts with all the popularity.

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Hey now, Sting's awesome. :\ And I WISH I was anywhere near even Lita's level. >_>


Anyway, here's an inundation of stats nobody cares about! Definitely gonna cut back on the details for next year. <_<




(Sorted by Importance)


1) WWE, Global

Top Star: Shawn Michaels

Prestige A*, Momentum B+


World: Taker

Tag: D-X

ECW: Christian

IC: Christian

US: The Miz

Women's: Michelle McCool

Divas': Alicia Fox



2) TNA, Cult

Star: Kurt Angle

Prestige B-, Momentum B-

World: Nigel McGuinness

X-Div: Doug Williams

Global: Raven

Tag: Morgan & Hernandez

Knockouts: Tara

Knockout Tag: Angelina Love & Daffney



3) NJPW, National (Top Japanese promotion)

Shinsuke Nakamura

A, B+

IWGP: Shinsuke Nakamura

Tag: Toru Yano & Togi Makabe

Jr.: Jushin Thunder Lyger

Jr. Tag: Tiger Mask IV & Minoru Tanaka

Best of Super Juniors: Shinsuke Nakamura


4) NOAH, Cult

Go Shiozaki

B, B-

GHC: Takeshi Morishima

Jr.: Naomichi Marufuji

Tag: Takeshi Rikio & Mohammed Yone

Jr. Tag: Naomichi Marufuji & Mohammed Yone

Openweight: Masao Inoue

Global Tag League: Takashi Sugiura & Jun Akiyama


5) AAA, National (Top Mexican)


B, B-

World: El Mesias

Tag: Nicho "El Millionaro" & Joe Lider

Cruiser: Teddy Hart

Rey de Reyes: Chessman

Reina de Reinas: Bonnie Mason


6) DG, Cult

Dragon Kid

C, B-

Dream Gate: CIMA

Brave Gate: K-Ness

Twin Gate: YAMATO & Shingo Takagi

Triangle Gate: Genki Horiguchi/Don Fuji/Ryo Saito

Owarai: El Generico


7) AJPW, Cult

The Great Muta

C+, C

Triple Crown: Suwama

Jr.: Kaz Hayashi

Unified World Tag: Naruki Doi & Mike Barton

All Asia Tag: Ryo Saito & Tajiri


8) RoH, Cult

Rob Van Dam

B, B-

World: Austin Aries

Tag: Briscoes

TV: Steve Corino


9) CMLL, Cult


B, B-

World: Atlantis

NWA Middleweight: Masacara Ano 2000

NWA Welterweight: Masacara Ano 2000

NWA Light Heavywweight: Heavy Metal

Trios: Brazo de Oro/Rey Bucanero/Blue Panther

Tag: Black Warrior & Arkangel de la Muerte

TV: Misterioso II

Nationwide: Vacant

Women's: Vacant

Arena Coliseo Tag: La Mascara & Arkangel de la Muerte


10) DG USA, Small

Super Crazy

E+, C+

Freedom Gate: Ricky Reyes


11) Zero1, Regional


D, B-

World: Toshiaki Kawada

Jr.: Naohiro Hoshikawa

NWA IC Tag: Kohei Sato & Kamikaze

NWA IC LW Tag: Ikuto Hidaka & Munenori Sawa

US: Steve Corino

NWA United National HW: Katsumi Usuda

WWA JrLHW: Minoru Fujita


12) NWA, Small

Sid Vicious

E, F-

NWA World: Joey Ryan

Tag: Karl Anderson & Joey Ryan

North America: Chase Stevens

Jr.: Mike Quackenbush

Arena: Andy Douglas


13) CZW, Small

Necro Butcher

E, F-

Heavyweight: Thumbtack Jack

Ultraviolent Underground: Nick Gage

Wired TV: Drew Blood

Tag: Bruce Maxwell & TJ Cannon

Jr.: TJ Cannon

Best of the Best: Ruckus

Tournament of Death: Drake Younger


14) JCW, Small

Ken Shamrock

E, E-

Heavy: Ken Shamrock

Tag: Violent J & Shaggy 2 Dope


15) EVOLVE, Small

Davey Richards

E+, F+

World: Kory Chavis

Tag: Brodie Lee & TJ Perkins


16) PWG, Small

Chris Hero

E+, E+

HW: Tyler Black

Tag: Kenny Omega & Chuck Taylor

Dynamite Duumvirate: Colt Cabana & Ray Gonzalez


17) NWE, Regional (Top in Europe)


E+, C-

NWE: Kishi


18) MCW, Small

Al Snow

F, E-

MCW: Ruckus

Rage TV: Sabian

Tag: Adam Carelle & Tyler Veritas

Cruiser: Ryan McBride


19) IWA:MS, Small

Too Cold Scorpio

E, C+

HW: Trevor Murdock

Deathmatch: Nick Gage

Tag: Sami Callahan & Jon Moxley

LHW: Jimmy Jacobs

King of the Deathmatch: Too Cold Scorpio


20) BSE, Small (Top in Canada)

Petey Williams

F, C

Suicide Six-Pack: Rory McAllister

Tag: Tyson Dux & Xtremo


21) JAPW, Small

Seven Thorn

E, C+

HW: Dan Maff

LHW: Flip Kendrick

Tag: Necro Butcher & Brodie Lee

State: Archadia

Women's: Sara Del Ray


22) CHIKARA, Small

Chris Hero

E-, D+

Young Lions Cup: Brodie Lee

Campeonatos de Parejas: Cloudy & Hallowicked

King of Trios: Cabana/Cannon/Hallowicked


23) wXw, Small

Claudio Castagnoli

E, C-

HW: Steve Douglas

Tag: Mike Quackenbush & Joe Gacy

LW: Drake Younger


24) AWF, Regional (Top in Australia)


E-, D

Austaliasian: TNT

Tag: Scotty Club and Traffic

Young Lions: Nick Ferno


25) WWC, Small

Ray Gonzalez

E+, E+

HW: Thunder

Puerto Rico: Orlando Colon

Jr.: Ricky Reyes

Women: Killer Kat

Tag: Thunder & Lightning

TV: Idol Stevens


26) IWAPW, Small

Mark Mercedes

E, D

HW: The Captain

Tag: Kasey Jackson & Freddie Fettucini

TV: Jason Helton


27) XPW, Small

Joey Ryan

F, E+

HW: Joey Ryan

Deathmatch: Supreme

Tag: Luke Hawx & Scorpio Sky


28) RQW, Local

Jody Fleisch

F-, C+

Big Gold: Jody Fleisch

Contender: Zack Saber Jr.

Tag: Jack Storm & Ulf Hermann


29) SHIMMER, Small

Cheerleader Melissa

E, E-


Tag: Portia Perez & Nicole Matthews


30) BCW, Local

Petey Williams

E-, D+

HW: Robbie McAllister

TV: Zach Gowen

Tag: Xtremo & Tyson Dux


31) FWA, Small

Jody Fleisch

F+, C

FWA: Jody Fleisch

Tag: Jonny Storm & Johnny Moss

Arena: Zack Saber Jr.


32) 1PW, Small

Seven Thorn

F+, B-

HW: Martin Stone

Open: Kid Kash

Tag: Johnny Moss & Kris Travis


33) AAW, Small

Super Crazy

E-, E+

HW: Davey Richards

Tag: Gran Akuma & Silas Young

Heritage: Arik Cannon


34) Stampede, Small

Teddy Hart

D-, D+



35) IWS, Small


36) IWA:DS, Small


37) FIP, Small


38) FCW, Small


39) IWA:EC, Small


40) IWC, Small


41) HW, Local


42) IPW, Local


43) TCW, Local

Paul Kramer and Awesome Andre tie for least not over >_>

F-, B

TCW: Awesome Andre Vasquez

Tag: Rollin' Rick Rome and Boppin' Bo Banks


The sad part is that this isn't everything I'm gonna do. >____> I was gonna look up a few things on individual workers. <_<

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