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Monday, Week 1, January 2010


SWF Appoint The Josh Rollins?

In shock news, SWF last night handed the reins of power to The Josh Rollins. The surprise news has also triggered rumours that the promotion will see a whole host of changes to their roster within the next few weeks, as the new man looks to make his mark as quickly as he can.

That was the quick blurb that TotalExtremeWrestling.com put on their front page regarding me and my new job. As a pretty confident man, I’m hurt by the “?” at the end of the headline. However, I am aware that none of you know who the hell I am. Let me feel you in. I am awesome, and I wear a black mask. You will never see my face, but you will be getting to know me pretty well. I guess we could begin with a quick look at the roster I’ve inherited.



Christian Faith

-This guy has been one of this company’s top stars since the 1980's. He’s a very dependable guy, and he appears to still be in great shape. Not to mention he is the most popular guy going right now.


Eric Eisen

-The son of the owner. The Supremacist is here no matter what, so I guess I’ll figure out a way to keep him happy.


-SWF World Heavyweight Champion

Jack Bruce

-The Rock Star! This guy is one of our top stars, and for good reason. Not to mention he doesn’t suck in the ring. I will certainly enjoy booking with this guy.


Marat Khoklov

-The giant elephant in the room. We’re paying this guy way too much money for me to waste him, but there’s not much I can do. It helps that he’s well known though I suppose.



-I really look the look of Remo, and I think I can get a good title run out of him. Let’s see how that works.


Rich Money

-Rich fancies himself a lone wolf. I feel because he can’t deal with his past. Well, his past with Jack Bruce is about to be staring him in the face.



-I have a few ideas on how I can use Vengeance to boost my main eventers, and eventually himself.




Angry Gilmore

-Angry Gilmore is going to be a huge star, and I can’t wait. This guy has money written all over him.


Brandon James

-Another legend in waiting is this cat. With Emma Chase at his side, nothing can stop him.


-SWF North American Champion

-Managed by Emma Chase

Joe Sexy

-I have something in mind for this guy, but I’m not too sure. We’ll see.


John McClean

-Squeek squeek. McClean is the perfect sidekick in my eyes. Buddy movie?


Lobster Warrior

-Lobby is starting to decline, but I still think I have a few years left of this guy. He will be main eventing by the end.


Runaway Train

-This once great monster is nearing the end of the road. However, he is the gatekeeper to the top, and all future stars must go through him.


Steve Frehley

-I’ll be honest. If it wasn’t for the fact that TCW would sign him, I’d let this guy go in a heartbeat, but since he’s gonna be around, I might as well put him to use.




Big Smack Scott



Frederique Antonio Garcia

-This is one fun athletic guy. This guy makes the midcard great. I’ll have to see what I need to do to move this guy up a little on the ladder.


Gregory Black

-Green hair is cool, and so is this guy. Let’s hope he doesn’t share a problem with a similar brother with weird hair.



-Another raising star in the SWF. I have a lot in mind for this guy.


-SWF World Tag Team Champion w/ Valiant

-Managed by Dawn the Cheerleader

Kurt Laramee

-I was hoping this guy would help me with the Scott problem, but he’s a handful himself. Oh dear.


Marc DuBois

-This guy is so young it’s amazing. What a gift. I’m lucky my midcard is full of future stars instead of bitter veterans.


Robbie Retro

-The sideburns may dazzle ya, but I’m afraid not much else will. He’s dependable enough though to keep the middle of my card strong.


The Enforcer

-At one time this guy was Richard Eisen’s tool. However, now he is just a gun-for-hire.



-Does this guy have a mullet?


-SWF World Tag Team Champion w/ Jack Giedroyc

-Managed by Hannah



Brett Biggz

-Brett is declining in skills. Plus he has that god awful goatee.


-Managed by Jessie

Captain Atomic

-The Super Hero. What is this, the ‘60s? Nuclear = Bad. Radioactive = Bad. How can the fans cheer this guy?



-Randy is one half of Randy & Zimmy, the young tag team of the Bumfhole brothers. The two have a bright future ahead of them.



-Zimmy is the other half.




Akima Brave

-One half of The Samoan Wildboyz, Akima appears to be a future star. He is clearly the better of the two Samoans.


Bart Biggz

-Brett without the goatee. I think I can work with ‘em both though.


Kid Toma

-The other half of The Samoan Wildboyz, Toma is more arrogant than ****y. Let’s hope he can avoid injury.


Shady K

-Shady K is one half of everybody’s favorite rap duo Death Row. Sug Knight wouldn’t mess with this guy.




John Greed

-Sin 8 is a bit of a risk when it comes to the gimmick, but he has what it takes to entertain. I’m hoping I can work with him.



-The worst rapper in Death Row. Not everyone can win though.




Ana Garcia

-The colour commentator of SWF.


Chief Two Eagles

-While not a legend, he certainly was a big name. He is one of road agents.

Darren Smith

-The best referee in the company.

Dawn the Cheerleader

-The bubbly manager of Jack Giedroyc.


Duane Fry

-Play-by-play in the triple threat that is SWF Commentary.


Emma Chase

-Sports Agent to the Stars! She’s not the easiest person to get alone with, and she will make your life a living hell if she doesn’t get her way.



-The girl-next-door. She accompanies one half of the SWF World Tag Team Champions, Valiant to the ring.

Jerry Eisen

-The eldest son. He is heir apparent to the SWF.



-Off screen she’s married to Angry Gilmore, but to the world she is best known as the manager of Bart and Brett, the Biggz Brothers.


Marcus McKing

-Not our best road agent, but he’s a nice guy.

Pat Deacon

-A member of the Hall of Immortals. Pat Deacon is a great, and we are lucky to have him on board.

Peter Michaels

-Lead announcer for the Supreme Wrestling Federation. Sadly, however, I took his old job as booker. Let’s hope we can still be friends.


Ric Young

-Very well known for a referee. He has been involved in some of the best matches in company history.

Richard Eisen

-The boss. The man behind the curtain. His advice to me when I signed me contract: “Don’t f*** it up!”

Shane Stones

-The babyfaced referee.

Alright, so I have a heel heavy bottom card and need a few more guys, but this roster has plenty of stars. Why wouldn’t it though? This is the most popular company in the world, and I’m here to keep it that way. The guys I have in development aren’t too bad either. They are:

- Atlas

- Bear Bekowski

- Cheetah Boy

- Emmy

- Giant Brody

- Kristen Pearce

- Lassana Makutsi

- Marshall Dillon

- Masked Patriot

- Primus Allen

- Steel

There are a few that won't be there too long, but I have plenty of people shortlisted to replace them.


Well, I think that about does it for today. I have to go figure out what we’re going to do tomorrow night for SWF Supreme TV. It’s the first show of 2010, my first show with the SWF, and the beginning of a new era in Supreme!

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Tuesday, Week 1, January 2010


Breaking News

-The Supreme Wrestling Federation and Elmer “Everest” Kelly have ended their relationship today. We here at the SWF wish Mr. Kelly the best in all of his future endeavors.

-The Supreme Wrestling Federation and BJ O’Neill have ended their relationship today. We here at the SWF wish Miss O’Neill the best in all of her future endeavors.

So when I woke up this morning I had two e-mails. One of them was from this girl I met the other day. She’s out of her freaking mind. Like seriously. She was all, “HEY! Do this.” And I was all, “That’s weird.”


But that’s enough of that. That e-mail is unimportant. The other e-mail, however, is. It was an e-mail from Richard Eisen. (Yeah, I know him. So what?) This is what it said:


From: Richard Eisen (*******@swfinc.com)

To: The Josh Rollins (***********@swfinc.com)

Subject: Welcome Aboard

Mr. Rollins,


It is a pleasure to have you join us here at the Supreme Wrestling Federation. I am looking forward to cashing some bigger checks now that we have you already. I expect you to hit the ground running, but before you do, I just wanted to lay down a few ground rules.


First and foremost, this is a business. That means we are here for money. Yes, the wrestling matters. Yes, we must be proud of our product. However, at the end of the day, if we’re losing money, you’re losing your job. I don’t care what the dirt sheets think. That means failure is not an option. We are the number one promotion in the world, and we are to remain that way.


Secondly, we are pop culture in this country. Don’t let anyone forget that.


Thirdly, you will be pushing my son Eric. He is currently the SWF World Heavyweight Champion. You don’t have to keep the belt on him forever, but do not let his momentum slow down.


Fourth, you will not be hiring any workers that already work for a promotion with a cult following. I am quite serious about this.


Fifth, I don’t like people with bad reputations. If anyone even has a questionable one, they will not be working for my company.


Sixth, stamina is a very important thing in wrestling. Sometimes matches have to go a bit longer than originally intended, and I need you to make sure all of our workers are able to do that.


Finally, our wrestlers are athletes. If you’re interested in signing someone who isn’t too athletic, think again.


Once again I’d like to welcome you to the Supreme Wrestling Federation. Now go make me some money.

Okay, so the guy’s a bit abrasive. Also, the guy that almost single-handedly destroyed the territory system this country once had is telling me that I can’t sign anyone who already works for a cult promotion. That’s kinda odd. Well, I gotta run. I hope you enjoy tonight's show.

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On the next SWF Supreme TV...


-Eric Eisen, the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, will be appearing to discuss who he believes the number one contender for his belt should be.

-Remo will go one-on-one against Lobster Warrior

-Runaway Train’s Five Minute Challenge

-Jack Giedroyc and Valiant defend the SWF World Tag Team Titles

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Live from the SOLD OUT Mayor Street Arena in New England, it's SWF Supreme TV!



Death Row (Shady K and Knuckles) vs. The Biggz Brothers (Bart and Brett Biggz) (w/ Jessie)

The Biggz Brothers defeated Death Row in 6:54 when Bart Biggz pinned Shady K following a Biggz Up.

Rating: C-


Frederique Antonio Garcia came out to the ring for his match with Zimmy. He grabbed the mic. "My name is Frederique Antonio Garcia. I know that I am the reason you all came here tonight, and I’m the reason why you’ll all be coming later."

Rating: C+

Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. Zimmy

Frederique Antonio Garcia defeated Zimmy in 7:55 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.

Rating: C-


SWF Supreme TV Live on C.A.N.N.

Eric Eisen comes down to the ring with a microphone in his hand and his SWF World Heavyweight Championship belt resting gingerly on his right shoulder. He climbs into the ring with a huge grin on his face. “Ya know, you fans just don’t get it. I am the Supremacist. I pulled the wool over the eyes of each and every last one of you. Hell, I got people in the back to turn their backs on each other. And for what reason?”


Eisen lifts his belt high in the air.


“For the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. Everyone always discounted me for the owner’s son. Well, I’m going to go down in history as the best Eisen to ever be in this business. My name is bigger and will always be bigger than my father’s. And that is why I am the champion. Because I got Rich Money to turn his back on Jack Bruce. Because I took advantage of the situation. Because I am Eric Eisen!”


Rich Money’s music hits. Eisen looks like he just crapped his pants. The crowd is going absolutely crazy. Rich has a mic in his hand as he enters the ring.


"Eric, Eric, Eric. You’re the one who doesn’t it! You’re not the SWF World Heavyweight Champion because you’re the Supremacist. You’re not the SWF World Heavyweight Champion because you’re the best wrestler in the world. No, you’re the SWF World Heavyweight Champion because of me. I’ll freely admit it. You paid me to take out Jack Bruce, but guess what, Eric! That check didn’t clear, and it’s time for you to pay up."


Rich Money attacks Eric Eisen. Refs and road agents run from the back to pull them apart. As they do, Eisen grabs the mic.


“You want a piece of me, Rich? You’ll get it When Hell Freezes Over!”

Rating: B+


Giedroyc (w/ Dawn the Cheerleader) & Valiant (w/ Hannah) vs. The Samoan Wildboyz (Akima Brave and Kid Toma) for the SWF World Tag Team Titles

The announcers start off by plugging away at the newly announced Main Event for When Hell Freezes Over. Giedroyc & Valiant defeated The Samoan Wildboyz in 6:44 when Giedroyc defeated Kid Toma by pinfall with a Crashing On. Giedroyc & Valiant make defence number 1 of their SWF World Tag Team titles.

Rating: D

Giedroyc & Valiant are celebrating their victory in the ring when The Pain Alliance of Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee attack, beating them down into the mat.

Rating: C


Runaway Train comes to the ring ring and announces that he wants a challenge. If he cannot win a match in under 5 minutes, he’ll admit defeat. The Countdown Begins...5...4...3...2...1...CAPTAIN ATOMIC!!! Go Go Captain Atomic!

Runaway Train vs. Captain Atomic

Runaway Train defeated Captain Atomic in 3:21 by pinfall with a Train Wreck.

Rating: C


Emma Chase comes to the ring. "Ladies and gentlemen, I am the best agent in all of sports and entertainment. My client Brandon James is the SWF North American Champion, and he is the franchise of this company. However, one can never have too much success. That’s why I am pleased to announce that Chase Enterprises will be expanding. You will meet my new client tonight."

Rating: C+


Joe Sexy vs. The Enforcer

Joe Sexy defeated The Enforcer in 13:18 by pinfall with an One Night Stand.

Rating: B-

Post-match Angry Gilmore comes out. He calls out Joe Sexy for having turned his back on what was once a good friendship. He claims that Joe Sexy has sold out to the fans.


Joe Sexy argues back that Angry Gilmore is the reason their friendship fell apart, and the only reason Angry Gilmore hates the fans is because they hate him.


Angry Gilmore challenges Joe Sexy to a match at When Hell Freezes Over. Sexy accepts.

Rating: B


Brett Biggz and Randy are in the ring, as is referee Shane Stones. Shane is about to call for the bell when Marat Khoklov comes to the ring and destroys Biggz and Randy. Stones barely makes it out alive.

Rating: C+


Christian Faith vs. John McClean

Christian Faith defeated John McClean in 13:34 by pinfall with a Leap of Faith.

Rating: B-

Following his victory, Christian Faith grabs a microphone. "Marat Khoklov, I know you probably can’t understand a word that is coming out of my mouth right now, but I am sick and tired of you running around here thinking you own the place just because you’re the largest athlete in the world. That is going to end at the next pay-per-view. In case your translator messed that up, that’s a challenge, ya big dumb idiot."

Rating: B+


Emma Chase comes out and introduces her new client, Remo. Remo comes out. His match against Lobster Warrior is next!Emma Chase comes out and introduces her new client, Remo. Remo comes out. His match against Lobster Warrior is next!

Rating: B-

Remo (w/ Emma Chase) vs. Lobster Warrior

Remo defeated Lobster Warrior in 8:49 by pinfall with The Destroyer following interference from Brandon James.

Rating: B

Emma Chases is calling the shots at Brandon James and Remo continue to beat down Lobster Warrior in the ring. Suddenly, Steve Frehley comes running in to make the save.

Rating: B+


Eric Eisen and Rich Money bump into each other backstage as Eric Eisen is leaving the arena. The begin to argue and that starts a brawl. A host of road agents and staff have to pull them apart.

Rating: A


Overall Rating: B


The show was good, but it wasn’t good enough. I think it might have actually hurt our popularity overall. We start a few stories tonight though, and I think these stories will tell some good tales. Interesting side note: Marat Khoklov and Randy have really bonded over a shared love of classical music.

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Wednesday, Week 1, January 2010

TCW Presents Total Wrestling was held last night. There were two title matches on the show.

-Joshua Taylor successfully defended his TCW International Championship against Joel Bryant to open the show.

-In a midcard match, Chance Fortune defeated Edd Stone to become the new TCW All Action Champion.

-Overall show rating was a B-. 9, 617 fans were in attendance. Wolf Hawkins was the star of the show.


SWF Wins This Week’s Tuesday Night War!

-SWF Supreme TV pulled a 7.68 rating last night on C.A.N.N., while their opponent in the Tuesday Night Wars, Total Championship Wrestling, only got a 5.15 on GNN Total Sports.


Friday, Week 1, January 2010

PPV News

-The Supreme Wrestling Federation is pleased to announce that we have reached a deal with Mexican pay-per-view provider Rivera Pay Television. The deal begins this month with our signature event When Hell Freezes Over.

New Signings

-Wrestling Legend Crippler Ray Kingman has signed with the Supreme Wrestling Federation to serve as an ambassador.

-"The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler has signed with the SWF. He promises to bring about a group of wrestlers that no one will be able to stop.


Saturday, Week 1, January 2010

Complete SWF Ratings In

As reported on Wednesday by this site, SWF pulled a 7.68 rating on C.A.N.N. Tuesday with SWF Supreme TV. The show aired last night in the United Kingdom on UK Broadcasting Secondary. The show pulled a 0.18 rating in the UK.

Second Generation Stars Sign

Jay Chord, the son of the legendary Rip Chord, and Matthew Keith, the son of Sam Keith, have signed with the Supreme Wrestling Federation. Their futures are bright, and they hopes to prove to the world that they can stand outside of their fathers' huge shadows.

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