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MAW A beginning

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OOC: Well I've gone back to 2005, not by choice,but by default...computer problems with no back up...a lesson.


The story....

Wow a big chance... My Uncle, Ray Lewis, had just went into business with Rip. Rip wants to give back to the sport that gave him so much, but times are tough. Uncle Ray calls me up the next day..."Leroy,how would you like a job?" There was only one answer for me.


Two days later...I was driving up to the Stanley, ready for my first meeting with Rip, Mean Jean, and Uncle Ray. A dream was coming true for me.


OOC: The biggest changes are the promotion starts with $250,000. Rip is still the owner.

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Well the first thing to do was to evaluate the roster. There were some wonderful talent here. The only show was the annual Where It All Begins Again in October. Talking to Jean and Rip, it was decided to work just one show a month here at Stanley Hall. Rip had an idea for a tourneyment That could be held in January or February. A chance for young talent to show and grow. But first we needed a December show....We finally settled on a name.

It was decided to have three big shows a year- Oct- WIABA, February- Rip Cord Invitational, and June- Super Showdown.


The schedule was as follows:

December 16, 2005 MAW: The Christmas Show

January 20, 2006 MAW: Resolutions

February 17, 2006 MAW: Rip Cord Invitational

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I walked into the office at the back of Stanley Hall, ready to pitch my ideas for the first show, MAW the Christmas Show. Rip was waiting. I walked over and handed him the paper and sat back as he scanned over it.

“I like what you have here kid. It sounds promising. So you want to expand the tournament idea to three months? “

“Thank you sir”

“Cut the sir stuff.”

“Yes sir…I mean ok. I thought maybe having 12 people in the mix would liven things up and give us a good three month buildup to the finals.”

“Good idea. Now who is this you want to bring in?”I handed over a sheet of paper for him.


“Ok, but remember just because you uncle put some cash in, doesn’t mean money has started growing on trees.”

“Yes sir”


With that I walked out and started the flyers for our first show.


Quick picks:

RIC qualifying matches:

Jeorge Washington vs. Erik Strong

Remmy Skye vs. John Greed

Flash Savage vs. Antonio

Nevada Nuclear vs. Titan

MAW tag team belts Natural Storm ©w/Nicole Kiss vs. A* Alliance w/Karen Killer

MAW championship the Mean Machine © W/Karen Killer vs. Oscar Golden

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MAW Christmas Show


MAW Christmas Show December 2005 Stanley Hall

Attendence 62


Welcome wrestling fans to MAW Christmas Show here in the wonderful Stanley Hall. It looks to be an exciting night as we have a jam packed show. It looks like our owner Rip Cord wants to say a few words.

“Good evening fans. Thank you for all coming out to see us tonight. You all know I got a lot from this wonderful sport and from you the wonderful fans. Well tonight I want to give something back. Starting tonight we will begin an annual tournament to crown the best young and rising star. It will be known as the Rip Cord Invitational. We will invite the big names from all over the country to participate. The preliminary rounds will begin tonight. We will run rounds two in January and culminate with the semi-finals and finals in February. Thank you!”


“Wow fans what an announcement. A new tournament right here in MAW. And here is a line up of tonight’s matches. There are qualifying matches for the next round.

“The real American” Jorge Washington vs. local talent Erik Strong

Remmy Skye vs. John Greed

A matchup of two local stars: Flash Savage vs. Antonio

And finally Nevada Nuclear vs. the powerhouse Titan

What a start to our tournament.

But lets get to what makes MAW…..MAW…the ring.

First match:

Al Coleman w/Karen Killer vs. Jack Giedroyc

A good open match pitting the newcomer Giedroyc with young ****y Coleman. Coleman seemed to dominate the action, toying with Giedroyc till Jack was able to gain a quick roll up for the 1, 2, 3 at the 7 minute mark. Al Coleman is visiblely upset as the fans cheer the newcomer on.

Rating E


Qualifying round of RCI

Jorge Washington vs. Erik Strong

The huge visitor came on strong never letting the young MAW star get a start. Quick victory for the new man with the American Way at the 5:27 mark.

Rating D


Qualifying match for RCI

Remmy Skye vs. John Greed

The two newcomers to MAW really tore it up tonight. The fans rallied behind Skye and booed the conman Greed. They went all out and the fans loved it. Skye picked up the win at the 11:30 mark to move on in the tournament.

Rating C-


Out come our MAW tag team champions, Natural Storm with their wholesome manager, Nicole Kiss. DC takes the mic, "Welcome fans...Holllllla if you hear me....the forcast tonight calls for a storm.... a Natural Storm to roll throught the Stanley Hall.This storm is fueled by Nature, by you the people and will will blow the trash that is A* Alliance right our of here. Can you dig it?"

Rating C-


Just as DC and Eddie begin posing for the crowd...out of the back come A* Alliance with their manager, Killer Karen. The heels are wielding chairs and blindside the champions.

Rating C-


"A vicious assualt on the champions tonight. Just shows you how important the titles are here in the MAW. Back to the ring.


Qualifying match for RCI:

Flash Savage vs. Antonio

A good match from two young stars of our area. Antonio shows great growth and tenacity gaining the upset pin at the 8 minute mark.

Rating F


Finall Qualifying match for RCI

Nevada Nuclear vs. Titan

Another big matchup for one of our monster residents and a wild man from out west. Nevada kept the big man off his toes with lots of quick offence. Winner Nevada Nuclear at the 6 minute mark.

Rating E


"There we have it folks, we've wrapped up the qualifying round and we have our line up for the next round next month. Our own Mainstream Hernandez will meet Nevada Nuclear, while Sgt. Buddy Lee West will meet Remmy Skye."

Rating: F


"Also we will see Stan 'the man' Manna take on Antonio, while Frankie Perez will battle Jorge Washington.

Rating: F


MAW tag team championship

Natural Storm © w/Nicole Kiss vs. A* Alliance w/Killer Karen

A brutal contest stemming from the sneak attack by the heels earlier. DC and Eddie held their own, but the attack took alot from them. Parker and Douglas seemed content to wear them down. but eventually Parker seemed to get impatient. DC was able to make a hot tag to Eddie and pandamonium broke loose. MJC and Al Coleman came from the back giving ref no choice but to ring the bell for a DQ....winners and still MAW tag champs...Natural Storm.

Rating: Match E

Beatdown D

As help finally arrives to get Natural Storm from the ring, the Mean Machine grabs a microphone..."Oscar I know you're up there, get on out here for your dose.

Rating C-


MAW Championship match:

Mean Machine © w/Karen Killer vs. Oscar Golden

Mean Machine took up where the beating left off with Natural Storm. Oscar came back though. This match began to go back and forth between the two till Mean Machine picked up the pin at the 21 minute mark. Winner and still champ- Mean Machine.

Rating: C-


Adding insult to injure MJC stands over the fallen Oscar and punts him in the head...Oscar is out...

Rating E


Overall show rating E

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Our first show was a sucess everywhere but the pocketbook. But all in all, Rip didn't blow too much of a fuse. He did tell me the fans wanted some more angles to meld the stories together. We were ready to head into our next show the third Friday of January. Rip OKed the name MAW resolutions and OKed the line-up.


MAW Resolutions

The main event: MAW championship

Mean Machine © w/Karen Killer vs. DC Rayne

Rayne 1/2 of the tag champs was attacked by the firm last month. DC is already a top contender, but now wants revenge on the Machine.


The RCI continues this month with four more matches:

Mainstream Hernendez vs. Nevada Nuclear

Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Remmy Skye

Frankie Perez vs. Jorge Washington

Stan 'the man' Mana vs. Antonio


John Greed vs. Erik Strong


and a rematch from MAW the Christmas Show

Al Coleman vs. Jack Giedroyc


Quick Pics:

Jack Giedroyc vs. Al Coleman

Stan Mana vs. Antonio

F. Perez vs. J. Washington

John Greed vs. Erik Strong

Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Remmy Skye

Mainstream vs. Nevada Nuclear

Mean Machine vs. DC Rayne

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I came into Stanly Hall and found a note..."I need to see you. NK" I was excited to say the least. Nicole Kiss wanted to see me, Leroy Lewis. A phone call later and....


Leroy: "Hey Nicole. You wanted to see me?"

Nicole: "Hey Tiger, I'm glad you could see me. I've got something to tell ya."

Leroy "You do! Well I have something I've wanted to tell you, but ladies first."

Nicole: "Wow, Ok dear. I've got an offer from North of the Border."

Leroy: "Don't be afraid. WHat? NO?"

Nicole: "Sorry tiger. It's a written contract, TV and PPV. I really love working with Eddie and DC, but I can't miss this break."

Leroy: "I understand. We will miss you, but keep in touch, and don't be afraid to come back to visit."


OOC. Well I remember when I first played TEW 05. I couldn't understand losing Johnny Bloodstone to Canada. It never hit me when I played MAW till this time. Well this isn't a big loss as far as shows, just game mechanics. I had a week to rewrite that storyline without her. Oh well.

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MAW Resolutions 2006



Stanley Hall January 20, 2006

Attendence: 64


"Welcome fans to another exciting night of MAW action. We will head to the ring for a return match from last month."


Al Coleman w/Killer Karen vs. Jack Giedroyc

Here we go with another quick paced match-up. The MAW vetern wanted to avoid at all costs a repeat of last month, but the wiley young Brit took it to him with a renewed confidence. Result Jack Giedroyc wins with pinfall at the 9:21 mark.

Rating: E


Merv hypes Antonio as an underdog in his upcoming RCI match with Stan 'the man' Mana tonight.


RCI quarterfinal match #1

Stan 'the man' Mana vs. Antonio

A match that noticed a lack of flow in the middle had Antonio the underdog trying to gain the backing of the fans in his upset bid of the Rocker. Unfortunatly he fell short. Winner Stan Mana by pinfall at the 6:21 mark.

Rating: E


Well here comes another competitor for the RCI, Frankie Perez.

Well, well, well, what do we have here. I came all the way from the west coast to see what the noise was. What is this? Bunch of old hillbilly wannabes out on the weekend date with their sister. Well now you want me to face Jorge Washington...What is this 1776? I am a wrestler, and you'd better be glad I'm here to entertain you.

Rating: D


RCI quarter final match #2

Jorge Washington vs. Frankie Perez

The two newcomers really wanted to impress here in MAW. Jorge tried to use his power, but Perez proved too elusive. Perez picks up the pin at the 12 minute mark to move on.

Rating D


Well fans next month we will see Stan Mana vs. Frankie Perez in the first semifinal of the RCI.

Rating: E


Next out comes 1/2 of the MAW tag champs, DC Rayne. "Fans it is an honor to come out here every month and wrestle for you. It is an honor to have a shot at the real prize here in MAW, the MAW championship. But tonight its more than honor, its about revenge. Jean you freaky machine, you came out last week and tried to put the boots to myself and my partner. Tonight I hit you were it hurts....I will take your title."

Rating E

As DC is getting ready to head to the back out comes, A* Alliance with Karen Killer. "DC, you come out here all high and mighty. You're just a coward. Last month you ducked us with a DQ win. You kept your title, but we know you were just afraid of what we can do."Rating: D

Just as they seem to crowd up the DC, out of the back comes Eddie Howard. DC grabs back a mic, "Ok boys! You want it, you got it. A no DQ match for our titles right here next month at the inagral MAW Rip Cord Invitational..

Rating: D


Back to the ring.

John Greed vs. Erik Strong

Another matchup of young stars that populate our rings. Back and forth, but the conman was too much for Mr. Strong. Greed wins at the 9 minute mark.

Rating E


Out next comes another participant of the RCI, Sgt. Bubba Lee West. "Atten hut. Well you little maggots here you are slobs all wallowin' in the mud and slime that makes up your miserable little lives. Well I'm here to bring some discipline and order to your lives. Starting with this painted little freak, Remmy Skye."

Rating: D


RCI Quarterfinal match #3

Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Remmy Skye

This was a classic matchup, two young wrestlers giving it their all. Remmy went to the Skye, but the deranged Sgt. brought him down to the ground. At the 13 minute mark Sgt. Lee wins using underhanded tactics.

Rating: C-


After that great match how can we follow up? Well out comes one of our own rising stars. Mainstream Hernendez. Hello M-A-W. Here we are a chance to honor one of the greats of our sport. Riiipp Cooorrdd. Well tonight I begin my quest to take them down and win this one for the gipper. I start with this newcomer, Nevada. Here we go dudes and dudettes...lets ride the waves..."

Rating: D


Back to the ring for our last RCI quarterfinal match.

RCI quarterfinal match #4

Mainstream Hernendez vs. Nevada Nuclear

Another great matchup...Nevada is a rising star and great worker, but Mainstream is our hometown riser. Hernendez flew around took a couple of bumps, but soon came back to hit his Apperition for the win at the 12 minute mark.

Rating: C-


We are set for next month. RCI semifinal number 2 pits Mainstream Herendez vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West.

Rating: E


Here we go. Out to the ring comes MAW champion, Mean Machine w/ Killer Karen. "DC here you come out with this honor, revenge, blah, blah, blah...Deep down you are just like me, but unfortunately you are not me...you are not a well oiled machine, you're not the Mean Machine."

Rating C-


MAW championship match

Mean Machine © w/Karen Killer vs. DC Rayne

DC came out on fire and had the machine running and running, but just like the well oiled machine he is, Jean bided his time and struck with two well placed dirty tricks. Jean overcame the young challenger, but he knew he was in a fight. Pin at the 21 minute mark.

Rating: C-


After the match A* Alliance and Al Coleman come running out of the back as Mean Jean sets up to punt DC in the head. Eddie Howard and Jack Giedroyc come out to even the odds and the 7 men become involved in melee that carries to the back and ends our show.

Rating: D


Overall Rating: D

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Another good show overall, and no defections afterward. Remmy Skye has really done alot better than I expected in the first two months. We were up 2 people in this event, So Rip wasn't too upset. We sat down and finalized the inagrual RCI for February.


Quick Picks:


Semi-finals of the RCI

Mainstream Hernendez vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West

Frankie Perez vs. Stan Mana

Who will win the finals?

MAW championship: the Mean Machine © w/Killer Karen vs. Atlas

MAW tag team championship Natural Storm © vs. A* Alliance w/Karen Killer

Remmy Skye vs. Honest Frank

Al Coleman vs. Shingen Miyaki

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MAW Rip Cord Invitational


MAW Rip Cord Invitational

February 17, 2006

Stanley Hall

Attendence: 132

Overall show rating D


Here we are back in the Stanley Hall for another month of Mid-Atlantic Wrestling. Tonight four men come in with one prize in mind, the first Rip Cord Invitational Trophy. Tonight Mainstream Herendez will battle Sgt. Bubba Lee West and Stan Mana will battle Frankie Perez for the right to meet in the Finals tonight. Who will it be? Who wants it more?

Rating: E


We see Mean Jean Catterly, Al Coleman, and Killer Karen in the back. The Mean Machine is making fun of Al Coleman losing to Giedroyc the last two months. "What's wrong little man? Ain't got what it takes? You need to be the machine. Tonight you'd better win." With that we see Al heading to the ring for his match.

Rating: D


Al Coleman w/Killer Karen vs. Shingen Miyaki

Al comes out on fire wanting to prove himself. He looks like the machine, but Miyaki uses his precision moves to pick up the victory at the 7:24 mark. Al has a dergange look in his eyes, but heads to the back.

Rating: E


Next we see a video of Remmy Skye visiting a local children's hospital.

Rating: E


Next Sgt. Bubba Lee West comes out, "Mainstream, you mean wierd stream. What is it with all these wierdos here in MAW? Well this is another one for me to sent to boot camp and reform. Tonight is my night boy."

Rating D


As the Sgt. makes his way to the ring, Mainstream comes out to a big ovation. "Thank you MAW. Tonight is a special night. Tonight is a night of destiny. Tonight one of your own will take the Rip Cord trophy and win it for you. So Sgt. your one tight dude, but the waves of destiny are mine to ride."

Rating: C-


RCI semifinal 1

Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Mainstream Hernendez

What a nice match-up. West and Hernendez have good chemistry and it really helped the match. West took the punishment to Hernendez, but with the fans pulling the surfer up, Hernendez picks up the pin at the 14 minute mark. Hernendez will advance to the finals later tonight.

Rating C-


Frankie Perez was shown at the entrance mockingly clapping. "Tonight I face someone called the man. What is this? I am the man, and the man who will win this trophy."

Rating: D


RCI semifinal 2

Frankie Perez vs. Stan 'the man' Mana

This was a markee matchup and it showd. Perez took it to Mana throught out and won the easy victory at the 8 minute mark.

Rating: D


Merve hypes the fact we will see huge Atlas going for a title shot against Mean Machine tonight.

Rating: E


We have a young talent from the NY area down to test the waters, Honest Frank.


Honest Frank vs. Remmy Skye

This was another nice match-up that had the fans on the edge of their seats. Both men went back and forth, but the visitor from up north wins at the 11 minute mark.

Rating: C-


Out of the back come the challengers A* Alliance. "You didn't really beat us two months ago, and then last month you got a beating DC. Tonight we will take your titles. No hiding behind a DQ victory."

Rating: D


Perez comes to the announce table telling everyone that tonight, he is the man and he dismisses the surfer dude as a joke.

Rating D


We are shown a scene from the back that shows Mainstream lying hurt. He's moving and receiving help.

Rating: D


Natural Storm make their way to the ring promising to keep their titles tonight and give A a good butt whooping.

Rating: E


MAW Tag Team Championship (No DQ)

Natural Storm © vs. A* Alliance w/Killer Karen

An awesome melee that saw poor Fair not able to keep the four men apart. Back and forth, but this matchup favored the villians as Parker was able to use Karen's whip to nail DC and pick up the pin at the 15 minute mark.

New MAW tag champs A* Alliance

Rating: E


Perez is wating to see if Mainstream will make it out... and he does. Mainstream comes out obviously hurt, but he makes itRating: C-


Rip Cord Invitational Final

Frankie Perez vs. Mainstream Hernendez

Hernendez was not all he could be. He sold the effects of the attack well as Perez toyed with him. Mainstream seemed to mount a comeback only to sucomb to the pain at the 18 minute mark.

Winer and RCI champ: Frankie Perez.

Rating: C-


MAW championship

Mean Machine w/Killer Karen vs. Atlas

Another test for the MAW champ. The big power man used his strenghth early, but the Machine proved relentless. Speed and precision kept Machine the champion at the 11 minute mark.

Rating: D

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Well we finished our first major show of the year. The RCI was a big sucess. We made $4 and doubled attendence for the big show.


We are now ready to evolve to new storylines or even begin fresh ones.


Our next four shows are:


Wrestling Classic March 17,2006

Americana April 21, 2006

Old School Rules May 19,2006

Super Showdown June 16,2006


Wrestling Classic is promising to be a nice show for us.


Quick Picks

Nevada Nuclear vs. Erik Strong

John Greed w/Persephone vs. Antonio

DC Rayne vs. Danny Cavanaugh

Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Masked Cougar

Canadian Blondes vs. Rock City Stars

Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Jack Giedroyc

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MAw Wrestling Classic


MAW Wrestling Classic

Stanley Hall

March 17, 2006

Attendence 63

Show Rating: D


In a Dark match Ricky Douglas defeats Eddie Howard Rating D


We begin our show with a scene from the back, Mean Machine, Al Coleman, and Karen Killer are shown. Mean Machine is still harrasing Al for losing to Jack Giedroyc. Then goes on to tell the sullen Coleman, he will show him how it is done tonight.

Rating E


Mainstream comes out next, "Dudes and dudettes, I let you down last month. I had the title in my hands and let it slip away, but some dude hit me from behind. Whacked me off my board without warning, Well I vow I will find the wave that smacked me from behind and bring some righteous hangtime to them."

Rating: E


Our first match

Nevada Nuclear vs. Erik Strong

A nice opening match that gave Nevada a chance to showcase some of his skills and give Erik some growth. Nevada picks up the victory at the 6 minute mark.

Rating: E


John Greed and Persephone are shown backstage shaking hands as Greed makes his way to the ring for his match.

Rating: B-


John Greed vs. Antonio

A good face paced match that gave the two men a chance to shine. Greed comes out with Persephone this time though and she was enough to give him control. Greed picks up the pinfall at the 8 minute mark.

Rating: E


Pomp and fanfare sound as the newly awarded RCI champion Frankie Perez comes out to the ring. "Here I am fans, your Rip Cord Invitational champ. You may celebrate and enjoy me while you can. I know you don't get much real talent here in the East.

Rating: D


DC Rayne comes out for the next match.

DC Rayne vs. Danny Cavanagh

Basically a squash for Rayne to gain some momentum. Not much else though. Cavanagh did increase his skills minutely. Rayne wins at the 6 minute mark.

Rating: F


A* Alliance comes out next. Steven Parker and Ricky Douglas accompanied by Karen Killer. "You sweat hogs we told you we would take the titles last month. Now you see the Firm has all the gold. and we will hold it till we get ready to leave this mudhole."

Rating: C


Our next match.

Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Masked Cougar

This was a surprisingly good match. The deranged Sgt dished out alot of punishment to the youngster, but the Masked one gave back for awhile. Finally West wins at the 9 minute mark.

Rating: D


Not content with winning the Drill Sgt. wanted some humiliation mixed in. He began to put the boots to the fallen Cougar, and then tried to remove his mask.

Rating: E


Out of the back comes Shingen Miyazaki. Miyazaki drives off the Sgt before the mask can be removed.

Rating: F


Oscar Golden and Flash Savage make their way to the ring for a battle of the music stars:

Canadian Blondes vs. Rock City Stars

Oscar and Flash showcase fastpaced action keeping the larger Stars off balance. Oscar picks up the win at the 9 minute mark.

Rating: E


The MAW champion is out next.

MAW championship match

The Mean Machine © w/Karen Killer vs. Jack Giedroyc

The resident mean machine toyed with the youngster at first, treating him with disdain. Eventually Jean turned his back one time too many and Gied was able to get some offence in. Enough that Al Coleman came in from the back to interfere. This was seen by Jay Fair. A DQ win was awarded to Giedroyc.

Rating: C-


Mean Jean was upset and began laying the boots to the young challenger with Al Coleman's help.

Rating: C-


Just as Gied looks to be able to take no more, out of the back comes Remmy Skye. Remmy Skye hits the ring like a fire and runs the villians off as our show comes to an end.

Rating: D

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Well better than I expected. With so many mismatches on the card we pulled a good night and got some stories moving. Now we are getting ready to move to our April show...MAW Americana


DC Rayne vs. Frankie Perez

Two young men on the rise in MAW Perez is the inagrual RCI champ, DC an ex-tag champ. Who will come out on top?


Bad Attitude w/Karen Killer vs. Young Gunslingers

After some jokes provoked Mean Machine to take on the young Giedrocy, Giedroyc pulled an upset last month. Before a major beatdown, Remmy Skye came for the save. Now a tag match to try to settle some of the tension here.


MAW tag team championship

A* Alliance© w/Karen Killer vs. Shingen Miyakazi/Masked Cougar

The new tag team champs will defend their titles against a young and upcoming team.


Mainstream Hernendez vs. Crockett Tubbs

Mainstream after a heartbreaking loss at the RCI in February, will he rebound this month against newcommer Tubbs?


Eddie Howard vs. Danny Cavanaugh

DC's partner is breaking out on his own also, with a shot against huge youngster, Cavanaugh.


gods of Thunder vs. Antonio/Erik Strong

gods of Thunder will battle the two young crowd favorites in a major to move up the tag card.


Quick picks:

gods of Thunder vs. Antonio/Erik Strong

Eddie Howard vs. Danny Cavanaugh

Mainstream Hernendez vs. Crockett Tubbs

MAW tag championship: A* Alliance © vs. Shingen/Masked Cougar

Bad Attitude (Mean Machine/Al Coleman) vs. Young Gunslingers (Remmy Skye/Jack Giedroyc)

DC Rayne vs. Frankie Perez

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MAW Americana


MAW Americana

Stanley Hall

April 21, 2006

Attendence: 59

Rating D


In a dark match: C.H. Threepwood d. Jorge Washington Rating D



We open the show with Mean Jean, Al Coleman, and Karen Killer talking. Al tells Jean, "You can't beat him either."

"Look you sawed off wannabe. I had him beat till you came down. and Then the loser Skye put his nose in my business. Tonight I will take them both down a notch."

"Yea, tonight we will destroy those upstarts."

Rating: C- and E


Backstage Persephone is shown talking to the gods of Thunder. She follows them to the ring.

Rating: B


gods of Thunder w/Persephone vs. Antonio/Erik Strong

Atlas and Titan fought with renewed vigour tonight as they made short work of Antonio and Strong. Persephone really helped them at ringside. Atlas picks up the pin at the 6 minute mark.

Rating: E


Mainstream finds out that Karen Killer has a clue for him in his quest.

Rating: E


Eddie Howard vs. Danny Cavanaugh

Howard shows some of the skills that helped him to be a coholder of the tag titles with DC as he takes out the larger Cavanaugh in a subpar match.

Rating: F


Mainstream vs. Crockett Tubbs

The high flyer really took it to the dealer tonight as Mainstream seemed to be on a mission. Hernendez wins with a pin at the 9 minute mark.

Rating: E


Shingen Miyakazi comes out with Masked Cougar. Shingen grabs a mic and with haughting English tells the fans he wants a deranged Sgt. next month. "West, mine you will be."

Rating: F


The tag champs, A* Alliance make their way to the ring with Karen Killer. Steven Parker grabs a mic, "A foreigner and a masked clown...what is this? I thought we would be facing some challengers. Well Ricky I guess we'd better put them out of our misery."

Rating: C


MAW tag team championship

A* Alliance w/Karen Killer © vs. Shingen Miyakazi/Masked Cougar

The champions took the new team lightly, but the newcomers worked fluidly with great chemistry. Shingen seemed to gain an upperhand against Steven Parker only to be cut off by Ricky Douglas. The champs escaped with their titles, but barely at the 11 minute mark.

Rating: D


Next Merve hypes the fact that tonight we will see Bad Attitude w/Karen Killer vs. the Young Gunslingers

Rating: F


Bad Attitude w/Karen Killer vs. the Young Gunslingers

Mean Jean and Jack Giedroyc started things off for the match. Quick moves and quick tags kept the champion off balance. Coleman came in for more of the same. Soon the heels cut the ring off for Giedrocy, But Skye was able to make the hot tag to gain the upper hand and gain a pin on Mean Machine via the Skye Diver at the 16 minute mark.

Rating: D


What a shocker. The victors leave the ring quickly, but Mean Machine is very irate at the loss. We see an uncommon Mean Machine rampaging in the ring, with Al Coleman trying to calm him down.Rating: E


Frankie Perez comes out claiming to be unbeatable..."I am the man...I came to the east coast to find someone, all I find are hillbillies and slobs. Who can face me?"

Rating: D


DC Rayne comes out of the back. "You come out here all high and mighty, but you've never beaten me. You are just all mouth sucka...And the Rayne will fall down on you like a storm tonight."

Rating: E


DC Rayne vs. Frankie Perez

The two men gave alot in this match. All thought seemed out the window as both alpha males wanted to show dominance. Toe to toe, fist to fist, hold for hold. The two men battled into the audience when Jay Fair lost control and had no choice but to count both men out. Winner Draw: Double Count Out.

Rating: D

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Attendence was down, but we did raise the ticket price some. We lost $150 so it was not too bad. Now we are getting ready to move into May.


"Leroy, come in here. What is this? You want to bring in some more workers?"


"Yes sir. Here are a couple of new guys who are just getting started, and a couple of guys who are new, but have been out there for a small while."


"How's it going to hit our pocketbook?"


"Not too bad. I promise."


"Well be careful with Perez and DC, they don't seem to work well with each other, and whatever you do don't pair Giedroyc with Skye any more. They were awful as a team...both were all over the place with no chemistry."


"Yes sir."


We finallized our card for our May show, MAW Old Schools Rules.

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MAW Old School Rules card:


May 19, 2006

Stanley Hall


MAW championship:

Mean Machine © w/Karen Killer vs. Remmy Skye

Mean Jean lost to Skye in a tag match last month. Will this be the end of the Machine's title run?


DC Rayne vs. Frankie Perez

These two stars battled hard last month, losing track of their position causing a double count out. This month, they will battle in falls count anywhere.


No 1 contenders match for tag titles:

Candian Blondes vs. gods of Thunder w/Persephone


Mainstream Hernendez vs. Ricky Douglas

Nevada Nuclear vs. Antonio

Al Coleman vs. Masked Cougar


quick picks:

MAW championship Mean Jean © vs. Remmy Skye

DC Rayne vs. Frankie Perez

Mainstream Hernendez vs. Ricky Douglas

Canadian Blondes vs. gods of Thunder

Nevada Nuclear vs. Antonio

Al Coleman vs. Masked Cougar

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<p>MAW Old School Rules</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#000080;">MAW Old School Rules</span></span></strong></p><p>

Stanley Hall</p><p>

Att: 112</p><p>

May 19, 2006</p><p>

Rating: D</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Dark Match: Jack Giedroyc d. John Greed and Crockett Tubbs Rating D</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>We start with the deranged Sgt. Bubba Lee West coming out to tell Shingen Miyakazi that he will take him to boot camp next month at MAW Super Showdown</p><p>

Rating: D</p><p> </p><p>

Frankie Perez comes out next to tell DC Rayne that he is the best. He didn't beat him last month, and he sure won't beat him this month.</p><p>

Rating: C-</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Al Coleman</strong> w/ Karen Kiler vs. <strong>Masked Cougar</strong></p><p>

A match for Al to try to get back on the winning track. The young Cougar has learned alot from Shingen, but no enought to pull out the win as Al ends his losing streak with a pin at the 7 minute mark.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Rating: E</p><p> </p><p>

Persephone comes out next with the gods of Thunder flanking her. "Hellooo my people, I want you to know the largest and strongest team of MAW is back with the most beautiful lady in wrestling guiding them. They deserve their right to their titles- So A* Alliance are you afraid?"</p><p>

Rating: B-</p><p> </p><p>

Just as Persephone finishes, out come Oscar Golden and Flash Savage. "Wait what is this? Flash and I have been battling our way up. When is the last time these brutes have won a match? It is the Canadian Blondes that deserve a shot at the tag titles and A* Alliance."</p><p>

Rating: C-</p><p> </p><p>

The giant gods of Thunder start to move meanecingly toward the smaller two men and the two women begin to jaw, when none other than Rip Cord comes out. "Alright, Alright, break it up ladies. We all came to see wrestling, as much as like a good cat fight, wrestling is up on the sign. Tonight we will have a no. 1 contenders match gods of Thunder vs. Canadian Blondes...the winners will face A* Alliance next month at MAW Super Showdown."</p><p>

Rating: D</p><p> </p><p>

Nevada Nuclear makes his way to the ring. "Never fear fans, I know you are in the presence of greatness. Greatness and power. This power is here to bring light and joy to your dark miserable lives.</p><p>

Rating: C-</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nevada Nuclear</strong> vs. <strong>Antonio</strong></p><p>

Nevada is a young man who packs alot of power into his frame. He brought it tonight as poor Antonio didn't stand a chance. Nuclear wins with the Mushroom Cloud at the 6 minute mark.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Rating: E</p><p> </p><p>

We see Mainstream Hernendez obtain a tape from a hooded stranger.</p><p>

Rating: C</p><p> </p><p>

Mainstream then plays the tape for all to see, It shows him walking backstage at Rip Cord Invitational. Then from behind comes Ricky Douglas. Ricky Dougas was the attacker on Mainsteam.</p><p>

Rating: D</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

We go to the ring to see the no. 1 contenders match for the tag titles.</p><p>

<strong>gods of Thunder</strong> w/Persephone vs. <strong>Canadian Blondes</strong></p><p>

This was not a classic work of art, but it was good for these two young teams. Atlas and Titan gave a good battle, but the Blondes were at their best. Oscar wins with the Stringing up the band at the 11 minute mark. (still too long for the gods here).</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Rating: E</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

We see Ricky Douglas headed to the ring, when Mainstream Hernendez comes out of nowhere. "WHAM!!" The two begin to battle their way to the ring, where Rip Cord calls Jay Fair to come out and start a match.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Rating: E</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mainstream Hernendez</strong> vs. <strong>Ricky Douglas</strong></p><p>

Though Dougals gave a good fight, Mainstream was on fire, and he got an early shot in before the match. Yet Douglas did fight on. Mainstream wins at the 12 minute mark. As Douglas is down Mainstream leans in and it seems Douglas whispers something to him.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Rating C-</p><p> </p><p>

We see a video hyping the rematch of Frankie Perez vs. DC Rayne.</p><p>

Rating: E</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DC Rayne</strong> vs. <strong>Frankie Perez</strong></p><p>

Perez and Rayne went at each other again, but as the rules stated. the countout would not be in effect. DC would gain and upperhand, but then Perez would find a weapon to gain momentum. Perez seemed poised to fly off the turnbuckle to the floor to nail a dazed DC, when out of the back would come Mainstream Hernendez. Hernendez yanked Perez from the top and began to pummel the RCI champ. Hernendez is rampaging as security is called to take him to the back. Jay Fair is helpless but to call for the DQ win for Perez.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Rating: D</p><p>

Attack Rating: E</p><p> </p><p>

As we get some help for Perez, Remmy Skye comes to the podium. "Tonight is a night, I've got a chance here in front of you fans to win this title and claim it for honor, for justice, for the youth of the night.</p><p>

Rating: D</p><p> </p><p>

As Skye makes his way to the ring, out comes the MAW champion Mean Machine with Karen Killer. "So you think you are gonna repeat the fluke from last month. Al was holding me back, he will one day be a machine like me, but he's not there yet. Now I am the Machine. I will roll over you, you freak of the night."</p><p>

Rating: D</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

MAW championship</p><p>

<strong>Mean Machine</strong> ©w/Karen Killer vs. <strong>Remmy Skye</strong></p><p>

Machine lived up to his name being methodical and precise. He kept Skye off balance from his high flying attack. The battle went back and forth between the two. Skye would finally get the upperhand around the 22 minute mark, but Mean Jean had enough in the tanks to hold on. The match ended in a time limit draw at the 25 minute mark.</p><p>

Mean Jean retains his championship.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Rating D</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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It was a good show for us. We netted $120. But with all things there will be some downs. I was sitting in the backroom, my office, when Shingen Miyakazi walked in with an envelope. Shingen was looking a bit sheepish, but I thought he had come a long way with the language problem. He was in line for a big match at Super Showdown and maybe a match for the title in the future.

He handed me the envelope. In it was a photocopy of a contract with NOTBW and his notice.

I looked up flabergasted, but tried to smile. Shingen was a good guy and at least he came to tell me in person. I stood up and shook his hand wishing him luck.


Well now to find some way to fill the gap and a opponent for Bubba Lee next month.

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MAW Super Showdown card


Well with June, we will have the third biggest show of the year. We had built up to some major showdowns this month, but one of them was now null and void. But Rip and Jean were alot of help to keep me on track. Here was a bill for the show:


MAW Super Showdown


MAW Championship:

Mean Machine © w/Karen Killer vs. Remmy Skye

Skye took the champ to the limit for a time limit draw last month. Will this be Skye's big break? Or will the vetern champ find a way to perserve?


Rematch for the Rip Cord Invitational Trophy

Frankie Perez (H) vs. Mainstream Hernendez

A rematch from the RCI finals. Mainstream had to fight hurt, because of a backstabbing attack. Perez was the mystery attacker. Rip ordered a rematch on level ground. Who will walk away with the trophy?


DC Rayne vs. Nevada Nuclear

Two young bucks trying to work their way up the singles chart. DC and ex-tag champ and former contender to the MAW title and Nevada is a young man has been racking up a few wins. Who will continue to climb?


MAW tag team titles:

A*Alliance © w/Karen Killer vs. Canadian Blondes

The Blondes won the right to challenge the champs. The champs seem unstoppable since winning the titles.



Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Antonio

Eddie Howard vs. Jorge Washington

John Greed vs. Erik Strong

Al Coleman vs. Jack Giedroyc

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<p>MAW Super Showdown</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-family:'Comic Sans MS';"><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">MAW Super Showdown</span></span></span></strong></p><p>

Stanley Hall</p><p>

June 16, 2006</p><p>

Attendence 137</p><p>

Rating D</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

In a dark match rookie Steven Lane d. C.H. Threepwood. rating: D</p><p> </p><p>

We start off with action in the ring.</p><p>

<strong>Al Coleman</strong> w/Karen Killer vs. <strong>Jack Giedroyc</strong></p><p>

Coleman was out to prove he could beat Giedroyc. He came out on fire with all his moves. Giedroyc proved too much and in the end won with the crashing on to make it 3 for 3 over the Coleman.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>A* Alliance come out with Karen Killer next to hype thier tag titles defence against the Canadian Blondes.</p><p>

Rating C-</p><p> </p><p>

Back in the back we see John Greed and Persephone talking to Danny Cavanaugh.</p><p>

Rating: C+</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Greed heads out for his match.</p><p>

<strong>John Greed</strong> w/Persephone vs. <strong>Erik Strong</strong></p><p>

The conman was up to his best tonight as he schooled Strong in street smarts. Greed wins at the 7 minute mark.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Rating: E</p><p> </p><p>

The big Kentuckian comes out next. Jorge Washington hypes his match against Eddie Howard tonight, then waits on the ex tag team champion to come out.</p><p>

Rating: F</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jorge Washington</strong> vs. <strong>Eddie Howard</strong></p><p>

Two strong men battle it out, both men actually gave a nice battle that wowed the crowd somewhat. The real American Washington pulls out a submission win at the 7 minute mark.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Rating: D</p><p> </p><p>

The challengers for the MAW tag titles come out to hype their shot tonight against A* Alliance. With some singing and dancing Oscar and Flash fire up the crowd.</p><p>

Rating: D</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAW tag team championships</strong></p><p>

<strong>A* Alliance</strong> © w/Karen Killer vs. <strong>Canadian Blondes</strong></p><p>

This match didn't live up to expectations as Flash and Parker both seemed off their game tonight. Ricky Douglas tried to carry the match, but it still created a restless crowd. Finally Douglas picks up the pin on Flash at the 13 minute mark.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Rating: E</p><p> </p><p>

Mainstream Hernendez comes out to talk to the crowd. "Fans you want to know why I would attack Frankie Perez last month. He and I were to face each other for an award that honors one of the best of this sport. He took a low road and paid someone to take me out. I wasn't 100% then, but I don't make excuses. I work and work. Now tonight, I get the chance to right some wrongs. Tonight is our night to face him one on one. The best man will win."</p><p>

Rating: E</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Sgt. Bubba Lee West comes out next, looking for an opponent. Out comes Antonio.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sgt. Bubba Lee West</strong> vs. <strong>Antonio</strong></p><p>

The underdog starts off fast and furious with the fans rallying him on against the deranged sgt, but to no avail as West hits the Cannon Fodder for the win at the 8:37.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Rating: E</p><p> </p><p>

We see a video hype for the RCI rematch Mainstream Hernendez vs. Frankie Perez.</p><p>

Rating: E</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DC Rayne</strong> vs. <strong>Nevada Nuclear</strong></p><p>

This matchup was another of rising stars giving their all. DC trying to establish himself as a singles star and Nevada trying to climb up the ladder here in MAW. Nevada used some quick offence but fell to the Storm Damage at the 17 minute mark.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Rating: D</p><p> </p><p>

Mainstream Hernendez comes out for his matchup when Frankie Perez stops by the announcer's podium. "Mainstream, I beat you in February and I will beat you again tonight. Tonight I will prove Perez is the man.</p><p>

Rating: D</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>RCI trophy match</strong></p><p>

<strong>Frankie Perez</strong> vs. <strong>Mainstream Hernendez</strong></p><p>

Perez was in trouble from the go as Mainstream used the fans and righteous anger to fuel a good ole fashion whoopin. But Perez held on. He pushed and pushed using the outside and underhanded tactics to slow down Hernendez. Finally a missed Apperition at the 16 minute mark gave Perez his shot for the P Clutch and a submission victory at 16:47.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Rating: C-</p><p> </p><p>

Mean Jean Catterly makes his way to the ring alone tonight as Remmy Skye comes to the podium. "Tonight is destiny. Tonight the Skye will be reached. A dream will come true. Tonight Remmy will fly and the machine will break."</p><p>

Rating: C-</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAW championship</strong></p><p>

<strong>The Mean Machine</strong> © vs. <strong>Remmy Skye</strong></p><p>

The Machine was living up to his name. Methodically taking it to the challenger tonight. Skye would continue to rise though. Everything that Catterley would do, Remmy would get back up for more. The marathon took it toll on the older Jean though and at the 30:24 mark Skye picks up the pin.</p><p>

New MAW champion Remmy Skye</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Rating: D</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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MAW Summer Heatwave card


Well we had our largest crowd for our June show. The fans were excited and we had good feedback. Rip and I met to discuss our plans for the next four months. We were generally excited about the reaction to Skye winning the title. He had been on a roll with good matches. Shigen leaving left us in a lurch. We found two new youngsters to come in: Steven Lane and Erik Austin. Now we really wanted a young face to help round out the roster and build a couple of new tag teams.


We decided to build up to our major show: Where It All Begins Again 06 in October.

Our next 4 shows:

MAW Summer Heatwave July 21, 2006

MAW The Battle of the Mid-Atlantic August 18, 2006

MAW The Clash September 15, 2006

MAW Where It All Begins Again October October 20, 2006


For summer Heatwave our card was

MAW championship

Remmy Skye © vs. Jorge Washington

Mean Machine vs. Eddie Howard

MAW tag team championship

A* Alliance © w/Karen Killer vs. Crockett Tubbs and Erik Austin

Steven Lane vs. Flash Savage

Jack Giedrocy/Masked Cougar vs. Rock City Stars

Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Erik Strong


Lets see how we can grow?

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MAW Summer Heatwave results


MAW Sumer Heatwave

Stanley Hall

July 21, 2006

Attendence: 40

Rating C-


The preshow has Nevada Nuclear, John Greed, Mainstream Hernendez, Jack Giedroyc, Atlas, DC Rayne, Titan, and Oscar Golden come out to interact with the fans, sign autographs, take pictures and act in kayfab.

Rating: C-


Dark match: Al Coleman d. D. Cavanaugh and Nevada Nuclear

Rating: E


Main Show:


We start off with the new MAW champion Remmy Skye coming out to give the fans hi5's and show off his new belt.

Rating: E


As Remmy is posing for the fans out comes the Mean Machine w/Karen Killer. "Skye you took my title, but I deserve my rematch. When will you face me?"

Rating: E


Mean Jean is interrupted by Eddie Howard. "My, my. how the mighty have fallen?" Eddie comes out to toward over Mean Jean. "how about facing me tonight?" Jean just nods.

Rating: C


We finally head to the ring:

Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Erik Strong

The ex-drill sgt. continues his roll with a great showing in this match with Strong. Even though the two did not click, Bubba picks up the win at the 6 minute mark.

Rating: D


John Greed comes out with Persephone. "Fans, lately you've seen myself and my lovely associate talking to men who aren't living up to their potential. Well tonight you will find out. Let me introduce to you the gods of Thunder, Atlas and Titan (who come out), and Danny Cavanaugh (who follows), together with us- lust (points to Persephone) and Greed we make up Deadly."

Rating: C+


Jack Giedroyc and Masked Cougar vs. Rock City Stars

Another decent match for the young stars of MAW. Both teams gave alot to climb the tag ladder, but only one could win. Giedrocy hits the crashing on at the 8 minute mark on Rockin Ryan.

Rating: E


C.H. Threepwood comes out next, "Fans you come here every month to see some wrestling, well I'm here to tell you I am the bottom line, I am the best wrestler here and I will plow my way to the top where I belong."

Rating: E


We head back to the ring.


Steven Lane vs. Flash Savage

Some good chemistry for these two young stars as Lane makes an impressive debut. Lane picks up the pin at the 9 minute mark.

Rating: D


MAW Tag Team championship

A* Alliance w/Karen Killer vs. Crockett Tubbs/Erik Austin

The Alliance is ready for all comes they claim. Tonight they take on two young stars who give them a decent run, but Douglas wins at the 8 minute mark.

Rating: E


Honest Frank comes out with a microphone next, "Here I go again in this Southern Dive to take on who? Antonio? Let me tell you the honest truth, Frank is here to lay the smack down and rise. Who says so? Honest Frank says so."

Rating: C


Honest Frank vs. Antonio

Not much of a match as Honest Frank proved to be prophetic and smacked Antonio around a good bit. Frank won at the 6 minute mark.

Rating: D


We see a video of the earlier encounter of Mean Machine and Eddie Howard.

Rating: F


Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Eddie Howard.

The big younster gave Machine a beating at first, but the experience paid off for Jean near the end as he picks up the hard fought win at the 12 minute mark.

Rating: D


Jorge Washington comes out next. "Tonight the Real American gets his due. The MAW title. It will be proudly worn by your American Hero."

Rating: C-


As Washington waits the MAW champ comes in.

MAW championship

Remmy Skye © vs. Jorge Washington

Remmy Skye and Washington have great chemistry for this match. Both went move for move to wow the crowd. Remmy wins with the Skye Diver at teh 18 minute mark.

Rating: C-


Remmy Skye celebrates his victory in the ring.

Rating: E


As he is celebrating Frankie Perez comes out of nowhere with a brutal attack. Leaving Skye down and out as the show comes to an end.Rating: E

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Well Summer Heatwave was a mixed bag...it was our first C- show, but it was also our smallest audience. I used a couple of ideas borrowed from fellow writers with the fan interaction...and it was wonderful...Now we are building into our biggest show of the year...Where It All Begins Again. Lets see how it goes. Any feedback is welcome to help make the layout and readablitly better.


Our next show:

MAW The Battle of the Mid-Atlantic

MAW championship

Remmy Skye © vs. Honest Frank

Remmy has already battled one big man last month, this month he takes on an invader from up north who has beaten him before. Also Mean Jean and Frankie Perez have staked claims to a title shot.


MAW tag team championship:

A* Alliance © w/Karen Killer vs. Jack Giedroyc/Masked Cougar

Ricky Douglas and Steven Parker have been on a roll here in MAW. This is another test by two young men who have been rising fast.



DC Rayne vs. Steven Lane

Mainstream Hernendez vs. Erik Austin

gods of Thunder w/Persephone vs. Erik Strong/Antonio

Oscar Golden vs. Al Coleman

Danny Cavanaugh vs. Flash Savage


So be there on August 18, 2006 as war will be waged and we will settle the Battle of the Mid-Atlantic.

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MAW Battle of the Mid-Atlantic results


MAW The Battle for the Mid-Atlantic

Stanley Hall

Friday August 18, 2006

Atten: 77

Rating: C-


Another good night of action here in Mid-Atlantic Wrestling.

OUr dark show had Nevada Nuclear, Mean Machine, Mainstream Hernendez, Remmy Skye, Atlas, Titan, Oscar Golden, and Honest Frank come out to interact with the crowd, take pictures, and sign autographs acting in Kayfab.

Rating: C-


Our dark match had John Greed d. Roberto Keith and Crockett Tubbs.

Rating E


Main show:


We start the main show with our MAW champion Remmy Skye. He comes out to thank the fans for their support and promises to defend their championship against all comers.

Rating: E


To the ring for our first match.

Danny Cavanaugh w/Peresphone vs. Flash Savage

A very ugly match. Savage and Cavanaugh do not click and it showed badly in this match. Cavanaugh picked up the win at the 5 minute mark.

Rating: F


Oscar Golden is headed to the ring for his match, but stops at the announcer's podium. "Steven Lane, you come out here like a pretty boy, wanna sing your way to the top? I got your number and I will show you what a number one hit is."

Rating: D


Oscar Golden vs. Al Coleman

Oscar has improved a bit and it showed her as he and Coleman put on a decent undercard bout. Coleman gains an upperhand, but Oscar pulls out the win at the 7 minute mark.

Rating: E


We see C.H. Threepwood come out next to give another speech about himself.

Rating: F


Back to the ring as Persephone leads the gods of Thunder to the ring.

gods of Thunder w/Persephone vs. Erik Strong and Antonio

The gods of Thunder have shown a vicious streak and renewed focus with Persephone guiding them. Tonight they make short work of the youngsters with a double pin at the 7 minute mark. Atlas really looked good tonight.

Rating: D


MAW tag team championship match;

A* Alliance ©w/Karen Killer vs. Jack Giedrocy and Masked Cougar

Cougar and Giedroyc are two young stars rising fast here in MAW and they gave the champs all they could handle, but Parker and Douglas' experience rose to give them the victory at the 12 minute mark.

Rating: D


Mainstream Hernendez vs. Erik Austin

Mainstream went out to prove he was still a top star here in MAW. He put the helpless Austin away quickly with a pin at the 6 minute mark.

Rating: D


The Mean Machine comes out next with Karen Killer. "Skye, who do you think you are? I deserve the chance to win my title back. And yet again you face another has been or wanna be. When will you show some spine and let me take back what is mine? Frank...I will be honest with you, you had better watch your back, you are in my yard now."

Rating: E


DC Rayne vs. Steven Lane

These two young men are trying to make their way up the ladder to the titles. Lane is a newcomer who really looks good, but the ex tag champ Rayne pulls out a pin with Storm Damage at the 13 minute mark.

Rating: D


Honest Frank comes out with a mic next. "Tonight you fans here in Mid-Atlantic will see how we roll in New York. Tonight I'm coming down here to take this little title, to show outdo your best, as I leave I have one question for you? Would I Lie to you?"

Rating C


MAW championship:

Remmy Skye © vs. Honest Frank

A nice rematch from an earlier match. Frank gave the champ a good match and seemed to be ready to go over. Frank went to the well once too often and gave Skye a chance for a comeback. Skye picks up the win at the 22 minute mark.

Rating: C-


Skye gets up and starts to celebrate with the fans when Frankie Perez comes running from the back. Skye was ready this time though and chased the West Coast star to the back.

Rating: D


Frank looking a little winded and upset begins to get up to head to the back, when from under the ring comes the Mean Machine with a bat. Mean Jean begins to work over the hapless Frank. You can hear Jean shouting "I told you not to get in my way!" The fans really begin to feel some sympathy for Frank.

Rating: E


The turn went well.

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Two C- shows in a row. Rip was excited and my uncle just said keep it up.


Well easier said than done. But they both approved the card for MAW the Clash.

MAW championship

Mean Machine © w/Karen Killer vs. Remmy Skye

Steven Lane vs. Oscar Golden

Jack Giedrocy/Masked Cougar vs. gods of Thunder w/Persephone

C.H. Threepwood vs. Flash Savage

Jorge Washington vs. __________


Be there September 15 for the next exciting night of MAW.

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MAW the Clash results


MAW The Clash

Stanley Hall

September 15, 2006

Attendence: 99


Preshow: Puma Boy and American Elemental d. Larry Wood and Zeus Maxmillion Rating: D

Fan interaction with Mikey James, Mainstream Hernendez, Jack Giedroyc, DC Rayne, John Greed, Nevada Nuclear, C.H. Threepwood, and Danny Cavanaugh.

Rating C-


Main Show:

Danny Cavanaugh w/Persephone vs. Erik Austin

Persephone really is trying to help the larg Cavanaugh, but it doesn't bear much fruit in this opening match. Cavanaugh wins an ugly one.

Rating F


Steven Parker and Ricky Douglas are out next with Karen Killer. "You know Ricky, we've held these belts for awhile. There just seems to be no competition for The Alliance, The A* Alliance."

Rating: C-


C.H. Threepwood vs. Flash Savage

Threepwood after weeks of running his mouth has a chance to prove it in the ring. A decent match between the two with some chemistry. Threepwood wins with Shattered Glass.

Rating E


The RCI winner comes out next. Perez grabs a mic, "You know, since I've come out west I've fought everyone that comes against me. Now I'm undefeated, yet still no title shot. What is this an East Coast conspiracy? Come on Skye, you come from out west, show some love to one of your own."

Rating: D


While Perez is talking, out of the back comes the reigning MAW champion, Remmy Skye. "You're right Frankie. Tonight I have some business with a Machine, but at Where It All Begins Again, If the Man upstairs sees fit, we

will battle it out. The Skye is the limit."

Rating: D

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