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MAW championship

Frankie Perez (C ) vs. Sgt. West

Tribal Warrior w/Monique vs. Big Problem w/Windameer

A* Alliance vs. Rising Sun w/Karen Killer

Raven Nightfall vs. Devil's Daughter w/Windameer

MAW Mercury title tournament first round

Masked Cougar vs. Nevada Nuclear

Jack Giedroyc vs. Zeus Maxmillion

Harvey Hayes vs. the Outlaw

Erik Strong vs. Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer

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MAW Battle of the Mid-Atlantic results


Rip Chord presents:

Battle of the Mid-Atlantic 2010

August 18, 2010

North Carolina Biker's Museum

att: 1360



Alex B d. Paul Allen C-

West Coast Mafia d. Bloxsome C-

James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat d. Tank Bradley C+


Main show:

"Good evening everyone and welcome to MAW Battle of the Mid-Atlantic 2010. I'm joined tonight by my colleges, Rock Downpour and Duke Hazzard. Welcome gentlemen."


Mercury tonight C+

"Tonight we start the tournament to find a MAW Mercury title holder. What do you think about tonight's matchups?"

"This tournament has some great young talent. Cheyenne Silver, Harvey Hayes, Erik Strong, the Outlaw, Zeus Maxmillion, Nevada Nuclear, Jack Giedroyc, and Masked Cougar. All have a legitimate shot. I think Harvey Hayes and the Outlaw have been on a roll. But unfortunately they have to face each other. Will it put a strain on their tag team or friendship?"

"Hold on pawtner. Those two will be battlin tonite, it will be the end of der short pawtnership. The real stars will be Nevada Nuclear and Cheyenne Silver. Nevada Nuclear is due, but ole Cheyenne has Lord Windameer in his corner."

"Great Observations gentlemen, but let's head to the ring for our first match."


Steve Flash w/Jennifer Heat vs. Yuki Horigoshi w/Persephone D

Not the best opening match, but ok....Steve picks up an easy win.

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MAW Battle of the Mid-Atlantic part 2


"Steve Flash is really looking good."

"He sure is Merve. Since he's come in Hernandez seems to have gotten some of his swagger back. I think the West Coast Mafia should watch out."

What r talkin bout? Frankie Perez and the West Coast Mafia are ridin high."

"Guys looks like someone is coming out. It's Sgt. Bubba Lee West."


I want my shot C+

"Listen up you maggot, Frankie Perez. I know as the 2010 RCI champion I get a shot at your title. I want it tonight. So get down here and give me my shot."


YOU! Need to go home C+

"Hold on there, Rambo."It's the MAW champion Frankie Perez. "You might have lucked up and won a tournament, but that don't put you on the West Coast. You're not in my league. You should go home." The two men are staring at each other when....


You will fight West tonight C+

Out comes the owner, Rip Chord, ""Who are you Perez? Last I looked at the checks it's my name on the bottom. I'll tell you who you will fight. You will fight West tonight. Got me?"


"There's the owner, there a reason why Rip is respected through the business. Tonight West cashes in his automatic shot. What do you think of this guys?"

"This is what I've been waiting for. West has been on a roll this year and it looks like Perez might have some trouble."

"He won a few matches, but who is Rip to treat the champion this way? Perez is the reason people come to the arena."

"Rip is the boss."

"Guys, were getting ready to start the MAW Mercury title tournament. Let's head to the ring for the first match."


Erik Strong vs. Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer C-

Erik looked primed tonight, but Silver was on his A-game. Plus, Silver had Windameer in his corner. Silver picks up the victory with the Tomahawk Chop.


Harvey Hayes vs. the Outlaw C-

The second match started as soon as the first guys cleared out. The two partners were slow to lock up, but when they did, the prize got in their sights. Both men gave their all, even coming to fists at one point. As the match deteriorated seemed the two friends would become enemies. The end came with Hayes coming off the top rope and gaining a pinfall.


Enemies? C+

Outlaw as slow to get up, but when he did he stared at Hayes with venom. but then he reached his hand out. Hayes took it and the shook, then embraced as Outlaw held up his partner's hand.

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MAW Battle of the Mid-Atlantic part 3


"Gentlemen, that shows you what our sport should about. Two friends giving their all in the ring and then shaking hands afterword."

"Yes Merv, it is certainly refreshing to see."

"I don't know bout dat. I see discord in the future."

"Let's get on to the ring for match number three of the MAW Mercury title tournament."


Jack Giedroyc vs. Zeus Maxmillion C-

The third match started slow as Zeus played to the crowd, but once the action picked up the two men began to rumble. Nevada Nuclear came down during the match, but Jack was too much. Zeus fell to the Deathlock for a submission win. Nevada looked to get in, but Erik Strong came out. Nevada screamed for them to get out as he has the next match.


Masked Cougar vs. Nevada Nuclear C-

The Masked Cougar is a great worker, but Nevada was on a mission. The brash youngster caught the flyer and punished him. Nevada hits the Mushroom Cloud for the victory.



Semi-finals set for The Clash C+

"Well guys the semi-finals are set for MAW The Clash V. Harvey Hayes will meet Nevada Nuclear and Cheyenne Silver will battle Jack Giedroyc. what are your thoughts?"

"Both matches look phenomenal. Giedroyc and Silver can light it up. Hayes and Nevada are hungry too."

"Don't go countin Lord Windameer out. Cheyenne Silver is a young chief who will take this title."

"It looks like Raven Nightfall is in the ring."


Raven has something B+

""Miss Information, come on out. I know you've got your hands full right now, and I'm not the person you would most trust. I know something about darkness and you have two demonspawn to face right now. I want to work with you to take care of them. Let's team up to take them out. What do you say?" Raven sticks out her hand. Miss Info looks around at the crowd then takes Raven's hand. Looks like we have an alliance. Miss Info leaves the ring, but stays ringside as Lord Windameer comes out with the Night Sisters.


Raven Nightfall vs. Devil's Daughter w/Windameer C-

What a match. Raven and Devil work well together, but with the numbers even, Raven was able to pick up the victory.

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quick note, you will be included in this months DOTM up in the 2013 section. sounds like going forward they will change the rules, but hey I did what I could.





Thanks a lot Mistaken...I really appreciate that. I went up and read. Who would I ask to get moved up to that forum? I really feel honored with the good words and you fighting for me.....:D


Derek B might be able to


I know I have messaged Adam in the past to get one of mine moved.



Sorry totally missed that post some how :(


Teaching the kids is definitely more important that the diary, here's to a good school year.


good run of posts!

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Derek B might be able to


I know I have messaged Adam in the past to get one of mine moved.



Sorry totally missed that post some how :(


Teaching the kids is definitely more important that the diary, here's to a good school year.


good run of posts!



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Battle of the Mid-Atlantic results final


"Two women uniting to face a common threat."

"This looks like the beginning of the end for Windameer's women's aspirations."

"Hold on der, Rock. One match doesn't win a war. The Night Sisters will be back, mark my words."

"I have word that Steven Parker and Ricky Douglas have something to say. Let's take a look at the back."


Sharp-Snake C-

The camera come in on Parker and Douglas in the back. "You know Ricky, Karen thinks she has all the cards. But she forgot about one thing. You my man are the Razor, razor-sharp. I'm like a snake in the grass. You know I think I like that 'Steven the Snake Parker. Tonight, Karen you're two goons will fall. Then we're coming for you." The head to the ring area.


A* Alliance vs. Rising Sun w/Karen Killer C

On paper, you would think Ota and Narato would cake walk over the A* Alliance, but the two youngsters have been growing. Parker was really sharp early keeping the ninjas on their heels. The turning point came when Douglas went to hit Ota, but hit Parker by mistake. Ota took quick advantage and rolled Parker up for the win.


Karen gets her 2cents in C

"Parker, you think you're a snake...I love how sharp ya'll were tonight. When will the two of you learn you place. I like the attention, but I've moved up."


"Now when'll those two dolts learn not to mess with tha ther filly. Karen has it going on. You ain't gonna respond, Rock?"

"I can't argue with what we saw, but Parker an Douglas are getting closer."

"That's okey-dokey, here comes a match I was a waitin on."

"Let's go on up to ringside for the next match."


Tribal Warrior w/Monique vs. Big Problem w/Windameer C-

Two big men battled. This was definitely a rumble. The difference was Windameer. He was more of a factor than Monique. Problem picks up the win.


Windameer attack C+

After the battle, Missing Link came out and to Monique's horror the two members of Windameer's Court destroyed the Warrior.


You two savages don't deserve a shot C+

Java comes running out, but too late. Windameer surrounded by his men grabs a mic. "You two savages want a shot? You two don't deserve a shot. We just proved you don't deserve to be in the ring with royalty. You're nothing but animals."


Meet and Greet B+

"Tough words from the resident royalty. Fan's we invite you to come on down for a chance to meet and greet the stars. We'll return back to action in 10 minutes with tonight's main event." (Participating: Miss Information, Raven Nightfall, Steve Flash, Frankie Perez, Sgt. West, Missing Link, Cheyenne Silver, and Jack Giedroyc)


"Welcome back as we go ringside for our main event, MAW championship match."


MAW championship

Frankie Perez (C ) vs. Sgt. West C+

This was a pretty good match. West is showing lots of growth and he and Perez work pretty well together. West really controlled most of the action. The end came when Perez had enough and rolled out of the ring. West went after him and continued the beatdown. The got back in the ring, but then Perez bailed again. Count out victory. West wins, but Perez retains.


Perez laughs C

Perez backs up the ramp laughing at an upset Perez as the show ends.


overall show C

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MAW Putting on the Ritz


September is here, its time to take out formal wear...head to the big apple...Who am I kidding...this is MAW...MAW Putting on the Ritz is coming September 9 to the Ministry. MAW champion Frankie Perez kept his title by walking out on Sgt. West. What will befall the champion this month?


Rip has introduced the MAW Mercury Title. The tournament is down to 4: Harvey Hayes, Jack Giedroyc, Cheyenne Silver, and Nevada Nuclear. The four will battle in a tag match. Who will gain momentum heading to the semi-finals.


Raven Nightfall has chosen to ally with MAW Knockout champion, Miss Information to battle the Night Sisters.


A* Alliance almost pulled up the upset against Rising Sun. Steven 'the Snake' Parker is going into the ring alone. Will he get back on track?


Come on out to the Ministry for MAW Putting on the Ritz.


quick picks:

MAW champion Frankie Perez vs. ?????

Raven Nightfall vs. Devil's Daughter w/Windameer

Steven Parker vs. Crimson Ghost

Jack Giedroyc and Harvey Hayes vs. Nevada Nuclear and Cheyenne Silver

Java w/Monique vs. Big Problem w/Windameer

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