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MAW the Clash continued...


Jorge Washington vs. Roberto Keith

This was a squash match....Keith was able to get some offence in, but Washington came out looking decent with the win at the 5 minute mark.

Rating: E


We next had an intermission fan interaction skit using some of our stars.

Rating C-


Jack Giedroyc and Masked Cougar vs. gods of Thunder w/Persephone

The two youngers were trying to get back on a winning roll but the gods were not to be denied. Persephone really helped them tonight as they picked up the win.

Rating: D

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MAW the Clash conclusion....


Sgt. Bubba Lee West comes out to the mic next. "Mainstream, you little surfer punk. You got lucky over me once...not again. I've got your number and I'm ready to take you to boot camp. You think you can stand up to that? When the Sgt. gives you an order you'd better be front and center...Dude."

Rating: E


Steven Lane stops by the podium on his way to the ring for his match. "Oscar Golden, you think you're some kind of golden boy, you're just another wannabe jet flying, limo riding, show stealing son of a gun. I'm the only one here in Mid-Atlantic."

Rating: D


Steven Lane vs. Oscar Golden

Oscar came out to revenge his partner's loss to the newcomer, but Lane was just too much. Lane used his arrogant ways to flustrate Golden and gain the pin at the 12 minute mark.

Rating: E


MAW champion Remmy Skye comes out to the ring next. "Mean Machine, you've been chasing me like a bad wave these last few months dude...I haven't been running from you, but letting this belt gain the respect it deserves. I'm taking on all comers and tonight will be no different for you. Come on out and take your beating."

Rating: D


MAW championship

Remmy Skye © vs. Mean Machine w/Karen Killer

A contrast in styles as Skye wanted to go to the air and Machine wanted to be methodical. The wiley veteran gained the upper hand though. The Machine was seeming to want to take the young champ apart piece by piece. Till Honest Frank, a victim of Jean's antics last month came down to ringside. The distraction was enough for Skye to gain the upper hand and hit the Skye diver at the 21 minute mark.

Rating: C-

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MAW Where it All Begins Again 2006 Preview


Where It All Begins Again


Here we are heading into our main show of the year...lots of wheels are turning.....


MAW Championship match:

Remmy Skye © vs. Frankie Perez

These two stars from the west coast have taken the Mid-Atlantic by storm. Perez was the first Rip Cord Invitational champ. Skye finally dethroned Mean Machine of the MAW belt. Who wants it more? Who will walk out with the coveted gold?


Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Honest Frank

Ex-MAW champ took a measure of revenge on Frank a couple of months ago. Frank got a his revenge last month. These two stalwarts want the gold belt, but first they must rid the area of the other.


Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Mainstream Hernendez

Another two rising stars here in MAW. The ex-military man has left a wake of destruction as he barrels through the area. Hernendez has had an up and down year. Will this be the match that pushes him up the card?


Jorge Washington vs. DC Rayne

Both men have been battling for another chance at the gold. this match will help one move on back up. Will it be the promising DC or the giagantic Washington?


MAW tag team championship match

A* Alliance © w/Karen Killer vs. gods of Thunder w/Persephone

Since gaining the titles in February, the Alliance has held a deathgrip around them. Now a revamped gods of Thunder with the lovely Persephone seem poised to end the reign.



C.H. Threepwood vs. Oscar Golden

Eddie Howard vs. Steven Lane

Masked Cougar/Jack Giedroyc vs. Erik Austin/Crockett Tubbs

American Elemental vs. John Greed


Be there as we advance the wheels to Where it All Begins Again.....

October 20, 2006 at the Stanley Hall....

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MAW Where it All Begins Again Results....


Rip Cord presents:

MAW Where It All Begins Again


Stanley Hall

October 20, 2006

Attendence 160


Pre show matches: Rock City Stars d. Zeus Maxmillion/Larry Wood Rating: E

Fan Interaction: John Greed, Nevada Nuclear, American Elemental, Mainstream Hernendez, DC Rayne, Oscar Golden, Danny Cavanaugh, and Jorge Washington come out to interact with the fans. Rating: C-


Main Show:

John Greed w/Persephone vs. American Elemental

Newcomer American Elemental was coming into our biggest show looking to show why he had a recognizable name. John Greed has been smooth talking his way up the ladder since coming into our area. Greed used some dirty tricks to gain an early advantage, but Elemental wowed the fans and pulled out a victory in an exciting match at the 8 minute mark.

Rating: D


We go strait to match no 2.


Masked Cougar/Jack Giedryoc vs. Erik Austin/Crockett Tubbs

Another good match showcasing young talent of our area. Austin and Tubbs seemed to have an upper hand after cutting Cougar off from his partner, but the hot tag to Giedryoc brought the fans to their feet. Giedroyc picks up the win with a crashing on at the 7 minute mark.

Rating: D


Persephone comes out with the gods of Thunder. "Tonight A* Alliance you will face two real giants of this business. Tonight you will lose your titles to the gods of Thunder."

Rating: C


Mainstream Hernendez comes out next to the mic. "Sgt. Bubba Lee West, you're one tuff dude, but tonight I'll ride your waves and hang 10 till you fall."

Rating: D


Eddie Howard vs. Steven Lane

Another battle of stars trying to climb up the MAW ladder. Howard used his brute strength to gain the upper hand to the delight of the fans early, but Lane's technical ability begin to take its toll to give Lane a victory at the 7 minute mark.

Rating: E


C.H.Threepwood comes out with a mic next as Oscar Golden heads to the ring. "Oscar, you know tonight your tail is mine. Tonight Threepwood will rock your world, why because Threepwood is the bottom line."

Rating: F


C.H. Threepwood vs. Oscar Golden

Well after bombing in his hype segment, at least Threepwood and Golden had good chemistry. Threepwood laid into Golden early with stiff rights and kicks, but Golden used his speed to thrart the ****y Threepwood. Oscar wins at the 8 minute mark.

Rating: D


The gods of Thunder make their way to the ring, as A* Alliance and Karen Killer maker their way to the podium. "gods of joke...you get a blonde tramp and think you can take our titles. Tonight you will see why Ravishing Ricky Douglas and Sweet Steven Parker will show you why we've carried these titles almost all year."

Rating: D


MAW tag team championship

A* Alliance © w/Karen Killer vs. gods of Thunder w/Persephone

Atlas and Titan have grown alot since they gained Persephone and Greeds services. Tonight they took it to the champs. Titan had several near falls on Parker. Atlas came in ready to finish off the sweet one, till a tag to Douglas cleaned house. All four men ended up in the ring battling around till all four were outside the ring. Jay Fair had no choice but to call for the bell with a count out of Atlas. Winners A* Alliance at the 13 minute mark.

Rating: D


DC Rayne comes out to a loud pop. "Tonight I take on someone who calls himself the real American...Tonight Jorge Washington I will bring the storm and cut you down to size."

Rating: D


Jorge Washington vs. DC Rayne

Washington and Rayne showed the crowd why both have had shots at the MAW title in the last year, going at each other with tenacity and skill. Washington using his size, Rayne using his speed advantage. In the end DC had more in the tank as he pulled up a win with Storm Damage at the 14 minute mark.

Rating: D


Frankie Perez comes to the podium next. "Remmy Skye, I know you from out west. I know what a little punk you are...and a coward. I've beaten everyone this little hick organization has put in my path. Why do you even want to be one of these? Come join me...Let's show this Hillbilly haven what the West Coast is all about."

Rating: C-


Honest Frank comes out to the ring during this rant, looking disgusted, but before he got set in the ring good, Mean Machine's music came over the system. "Frank, you come down here from up north thinking to take my spot. Tonight you will feel the wrath of the machine, you will fail, and to be honest you will run like a coward back to New York City."

Rating: D


Honest Frank vs. Mean Machine w/Karen Killer

Two bulls wanting to prove dominence. Frank seemed to take offence at the Machine, but Catterley was in a zone all his own. The Machine seemed to have a counter for everything that Frank could pull. Machine seemed to have Frank set up for the pin, untill a timely reversal by Frank gave him the victory at the 13 minute mark.

Rating: C-


Sgt. Bubba Lee West came out next, "Hernendez, you get your little sorry piece of bubble gum tail out here right now. Tonight I take you to school. Boot Camp school to reform your sorry backside."

Rating: D


Mainstream Hernendez vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West

Hernendez came running out the back to be caught by West. The two men battled back and forth wowing the crowd with their action. West gained a brief upper hand only to let Hernendez use some innovative offence to even the field. Hernendez pulls out the hard fought victory at the 18 minute mark.

Rating: C-


Remmy Skye come out to hype his title match with Frankie Perez. "Perez I know you, and I know what you are all about. Here are real people. People who work hard everyday, night given things because of their parenst. Tonight I fight for these people."

Rating: D


MAW championship

Remmy Skye © vs. Frankie Perez

Two men who knew each other from Coastal Zone put on a great show for the fans here in Stanley Hall, back and forth, up and down, all around the ring. Remmy finally hits a skye diver at the 20:32 mark to gain the win.

Rating C-


As Remmy Skye is holding up the title for the fans a light shines up to the rafters where Mikey James is sitting staring down with malice.

Rating: D


overall show: D.....not what we were hoping for, but it still grew our pop...

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The show brought a profit, but didn't score as well as we had hoped.

Perez and Skye had a nice match, but Mikey James didn't bring the rating we needed at the end.


ooc....I made a cardinal sin with 2005....i booked a show without checking the shows of my talents other employers....so I had a booked match that did not happen.



well i will post the card as I advanced booked it...then the show...


any comments or observations would be appreciated.....

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The show brought a profit, but didn't score as well as we had hoped.

Perez and Skye had a nice match, but Mikey James didn't bring the rating we needed at the end.


ooc....I made a cardinal sin with 2005....i booked a show without checking the shows of my talents other employers....so I had a booked match that did not happen.



well i will post the card as I advanced booked it...then the show...


any comments or observations would be appreciated.....


In reading this, I ask what is happening outside of the M.A.W. no need to go into great detail with pages of responses but with the diary mainly jumping from show to show it feels a little bland.

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In reading this, I ask what is happening outside of the M.A.W. no need to go into great detail with pages of responses but with the diary mainly jumping from show to show it feels a little bland.


thanks for the feedback.....



Here is a snapshot of the US scene:


SWF is global with an A* prestige.

Runaway Train took his Heavyweight title back from Enygma in August. He had lost it back in April. So far he has made 8 defences.


TCW is national with a B prestige.

Liberty after winning the world championship in June from Tommy Cornell has defended the belt 7 times.


Dave is cult with a B prestige.

Shawn Gonzalez is the Unified champ defending the belt 7 times since winning it in March from Bryan Holmes.



USPW is regional with a C- prestige.

T-Rex has just won the belt from Jim Force in November.

Force had won the belt back from Giant Redwood in July.


Costal Zone is still a small promotion with a D prestige.

Fumihiro Ota is teh CZ champ with 6 defences since May.

our own Remmy Skye is the CZ extreme champ winning the title in November.


NYCW is a small promotion with a F prestige.

Whister has just won the NYCW Empire title in November from Travis Century.

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Thoughts about first story cycle.....


Well time to build up another year....


Last year was good and we saw growth. One of our young stars we were grooming for greatness fell through and two more left for greener pastures.


James Hernendez was slated to win the RCI last year, but late showed for the Dec and Jan shows. So we gave Perez the nod, but we put in the attack angle to give Hernendez a chance to build up and then challenge for the title. Unfortunatly he late showed twice more, so Perez was able to beat him again. Remmy Skye was doing so well in the ring and with the fans, he got the nod to overcome Mean Jean. Remmy has been a good draw for us and looks to stay strong as long as we can keep him.


Shingen Miyazaki is someone we really liked, but NOTBW signed him to a written deal. He has done pretty well there amassing a 19-31 record with several shots at the Unlimited Action title.


Nicole Kiss was also signed by NOTBW and seemed to be growing up there. Her loss really hurt Natural Storm and DC Rayne in particular as she made a great mouthpiece.


We will begin another cycle now with November. Keep tuning in to find out who will rise, who will fall, who will leave, and who will stay.....

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MAW Fallout Card


This November come witness the Fallout of Where it All Begins Again.



MAW championship

Remmy Skye © vs. DC Rayne

American Elemental vs. Jorge Washington

Sgt. Bubba lee West vs. Eddie Howard

Jack Giedroyc vs. Stan Mana

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MAW Fallout results....part 1


Rip Cord presents:

MAW Fallout


Stanley Hall

November 17, 2006

Attendence 121


A bad night; two stars are elsewhere as CZCW had a show tonight also...well the fans will be annoyed as Remmy Skye and Frankie Perez will not be available tonight.


Preshow: Olympic Power (Nevada Nuclear/Zeus Maxmillion) d. Masked Cougar/Puma Boy Rating: E

John Greed d. Al Coleman Rating: E


Main Show:


Due to some snow weather in the Mountains, MAW champion Remmy Skye will not be here for his match with DC Rayne. We have some other exciting action for you fans.


Jack Giedrocy vs. Stan Mana

Giedrocy since stunning Mean Machine earlier this year hasn't been on the upside. Tonight he gave a good showing that left Stan gasping. Giedroyc took the pin at the 8 minute mark.

Rating: D


Nevada Nuclear comes out and calls out Zeus Maxmillion.

"Zeus, you are the epitome of Olympic power. And I am a Nuclear Blast waiting to unleash. What say you, young godling, in our joining of forces to lay waste to the peons and peasants?"

"Nuclear, thou art nearly my rival in power," pause for a pose or two. "I agree and decree we will henceforth be known as the Olympic Powers."

The two shake hands.

rating: D


From our new main event for the night, Jorge Washington comes out. "Tonight the real American will shine, I will vanquish this upstart American Elemental or should I say Elementery?" After a few more meanacing poses.


Rating: C-


DC Rayne vs. Steven Parker w/Karen Killer

Rayne had came out to acknowledge the fans, when Parker came to the podium running his mouth. This led to an impromtu match. Parker looked good out there with his old rival from the tag wars, but DC was too much. DC pulled out the win at the 7 minute mark.

Rating: D

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MAW Fallout results conclusion


Next we see Honest Frank coming out, when Mean Machine comes running out with a chair. Three vicious shots and Frank was down. Machine then grabs a microphone, "Frank, we're not through yet...everywhere you look I will be there, till you leave the mid atlantic area....."

Attack Rating: E

Taunt Rating: E


Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Eddie Howard

Howard tries to come out and get on the right track tonight, but the ex military man was too much. West hit the cannon fodder for the win at the 8 minute mark.

Rating: D


Next we have the MAW champions coming out for a word. As Parker and Douglas head the to the mic with Karen Killer, out of the back come John Greed, gods of Thunder, Danny Cavanaugh, Persephone. They brutally beat the champs down, even Persephone got a slap in on Karen.

Rating: C


Mainstream Hernendez vs. Mikey James

The man in the rafters comes down to the ring tonight against a young climber her from the Mid-Atlantic. James used some nifty martial arts moves, but the dude was able to hit the apparition for the win at the 13 minute mark.

Rating: C-


Next we had a little intermission with some fan interaction with Mainstream, Zeus, Nevada, American Elemental, Parker, Douglas, Jorge Washington, and Danny Cavanaugh.

Rating: D


After the intermission we head to the main event:

American Elemental vs. Jorge Washington

The real American squared off with a high flyer tonight. Jorge seemed to be perplexed at first as Elemental lived up to his name flying around here and there. Jorge caught up with Elemental and put in some power moves and a bear hug, but out of nowhere, Elemental hit his new finisher...EarthPounder (picture a Canadian Destroyer) for the win.

Rating: D


The fans were annoyed at DC vs. Remmy not being shown, and one of my storylines practically was dead in the water, but overall it wasn't too bad. I wished I had put Mainstream-James fight as the main event...

to make up for the loss, we have a small show planed for next week.

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MAW Thanksgiving Dreams Card


This month only....a second show...Dreams of rising...Dreams of a feast...



MAW championship

Remmy Skye © vs. DC Rayne

American Elemental vs. Jorge Washington



Be there this Friday at Stanley Hall.....

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MAW Thanksgiving Dreams


Rip Cord presents:

MAW Thanksgiving Dreams

Stanley Hall

Attendence 58


A small show tonight to catchup some my main storyline.


We open the show with the MAW champion Remmy Skye in the ring. "Fans, I want to thank you! You are the fuel to help me reach the Sky. Together we will hold this title and defend it against all comers. Including Perez, DC, Mean Machine..whomever...We will ride the skyes......."

Rating: C


Jorge Washington come out looking meanacing at Skye as he leaves..."Tonight fans you will see the 'Real American' get what's mine back from the little Elemental. I am the real Deal...I am the Real American Jorge Washington." He heads on to the ring.

Rating: C-


American Elemental vs. Jorge Washington

The rematch from last week went about the same...Jorge seemed to pace himself more, but Elemental still picked up the win at the 8 minute mark.

Rating: D


We switch to the back to see Frankie Perez leaving Remmy Skye's dressing room on the phone.

Rating: C-


Meanwhile Skye is walking back from catering on the phone, "I told you, I've got things under control here. I know what I'm doing. You can trust me." when Skye notices the camera he hangs up. Then smiles at the camera.

Rating: C-


To the ring where, DC Rayne is there, "Tonight, I get the honor of facing Remmy Skye for the MAW title. Remmy we are friends, but tonight you will see why the storm dominates the Skye and Rain is the Skye falling."

Rating: C-


MAW championship match

Remmy Skye © vs. DC Rayne

Tonight we get the main event promised for last week. Both stars gave their all. DC went for more holds and pounding as Skye lived up to his name. DC had several near falls, but Skye proved victorious with the Skye Diver at the 19 minute mark.

Rating: C


Overall show: D

The fans thought there was not enough angles tonight.

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MAW The Christmas Show 06...the card


We are headed into our December show:


MAW championship match

Remmy Skye © vs. American Elemental

Skye has been on a roll since winning the title and now he faces a man who vanquished big Jorge Washington last month.


DC Rayne vs. Mikey James

The Rayne man fell short in his title match, but this month looks to rebound, but facing stiff competition in the man from the rafters.


A special 8 man grudge match

The Firm (Mean Machine, A* Alliance, and Al Coleman) w/Karen Killer vs. Deadly (John Greed, gods of Thunder, and Danny Cavanaugh) w/Persephone.



Olympic Power vs. Antonio/Jack Giedrocy

Mainstream Hernendez vs. Ryan Turner

and a special Christmas present from Frankie Perez......


be there Friday December 15 at Stanley hall for our final show of the year.......

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MAW The Christmas Show 06 Results.....


MAW The Christmas Show 06

Stanley Hall

Attendence: 96

December 15, 2006



Jorge Washington/Sgt. Bubba Lee West d. Masked Cougar/Puma Boy

Rating: D

Harvey Haynes d. Clyde Wilson

Rating: D


Main Show:

The Firm (Mean Machine, Ricky Douglas, Steven Parker, Al Coleman, and Karen Killer) come out to start the show. "Deadly, who do you think you are? The Firm has ran things here in MAW for a long time, and tonight we will show you to be the too bit losers that you are. We will be Deadly to your careers- Atlas, Titan, and Greed."

Rating: C+


Mainstream Hernendez vs. Ryan Turner

Mainstream seemed to have something to prove tonight as he went with a more focused attitude. Turner simply had no chance as Mainstream hit the Aperition #14 at the 7 minute mark.

Rating: D


Zeus Maxmillion and Nevada Nuclear strut out next. "You know Zeus between your thunderbolts and my mushroom clouds who can stand against us? Tonight we face Giedrocy and Stooge Pigeon...who can they be? What can they do?" Zeus just flexes his large muscles and shakes his head. "That's right my boy, nothing...."

Rating: C-


Olympic Powers vs. Jack Giedrocy/Antonio

Gied and Antonio showed some quick teamwork early, but Antonio got cut off and the Powers went to work. Looking really good tonight, Zeus picked up the win with a Thunderbolt at the 9 minute mark.

Rating: D


Frankie Perez comes out to the ring with his Santa hat on...and a large box. "I told you inbreds from the mountains I would bring you a Christmas present tonight. Here it is. Later tonight it will open and you will see what it is...but I garentee that you will get a kick out it."Rating: C+


8 man tag team action:

The Firm w/Karen Killer vs. Deadly w/ Persephone

This was pandimonium from the word go. As all 8 men really tore into each other. The fans were not sure who to pull for, but enjoyed the action from the fighting. Honest Frank came near ringside to draw Mean Machine's attention leaving The Firm a man down. It seemed that Greed and troops were going to capitalize, when out of nowhere Steven Parker hit the Snake's bite on Cavanaugh to pick up the win at the 14 minute mark.

Rating: D


After the match we go to the back where Honest Frank and Mean Machine are still fighting.

Rating: C-


Next we have an intermission with some fan interaction including: Nevada Nuclear, Mainstream, American Elemental, Frankie Perez, DC Rayne, Antonio, and Jorge Washington.

Rating: C-


DC stays out with a mic, "Tonight I get to face the man in the rafters. Mikey James you are the big man with a big name, but tonight you are in my yard, and this storm will blow you back down to Earth."Rating: C-


DC Rayne vs. Mikey James

James used his martial arts skills to push Rayne around a bit, but the young fighter really showed his mettle tonight by pulling out a win with Storm Damage at the 15 minute mark.

Rating: D


Remmy Skye is seen coming into the building with his bags, on the bag is a California or bust sticker.

Rating: D


American Elemental comes out next, "Tonight I get a chance to take on Skye...Remmy, you seem to be a great champ, but I plan to give you a match of the elements and take it from you."

Rating: D


MAW championship:

Remmy Skye vs. American Elemental

A great fast paced match that went back and forth. Until the 15 minute mark, when the forgotten gift box at ringside burst open and out came Insane Machine with Frankie Perez running from the back, they hit the ring attacking the two competitors. Jay Fair has no choice but to call for the bell with no contest.

Match Rating: C

Attack Rating: D


After beating down the two, Perez gets a mic, "Skye you had a choice, you still have a choice, Join us or die"

Rating: D


Overall show rating: C-

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December roundup


Well news and happenings from around the US in December:

NYCW: Held their Stormy Weather show: Att 616

Rating: C

Main Event: Joey Minnosota/Steve Flash d. the Revenge Warriors C+

other notables:

Whister d Travis Century to retain the Empire state title C+

Mr. America d. Honest Frank for the TriState Regional title C


CZCW Day of the Underdog Att 692

Rating: C+

Main Event: Donnie J d. Fuhimiro Ota for the CZ championship C+

other notables:

Plauge/Insane Machine d. Forces of Nature for tag titles C+

Frankie Perez/Remmy Skye d. Snap Dragon/Primal Rage C


Dave Christmas with the Devil att: 5000

Rating: B

Main Event: Shawn Gonzalez d. Nemesis to retain the Unified title

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December in review conclusion....


USPW Made in America 2000


Main Event: Hell Monkey/Captain USA d. Giant Redwood/Danny Rushmore C

T-Rex d. Jim Force to retain the World Title C


TCW Psycho Circus 10,000

PPV buys: 135,329

Rating: B+

Main Event: Ricky Dale Johnson/Liberty d. Nemesis/BL Bulb

Tommy Cornell d. Giant Tana to retain the World Title


SWF Christmas Clash 12,934

PPV buys: 383,856

Rating: B+

Main Event: Runaway Train d. Eric Eisen for Heavyweight championship

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06 Awards


Wrestler of the Year:

Jeremy Stone


Young Wrestler of the Year

Sensational Dragon


Vetern Wrestler of the Year



Female Wrestler of the Year

Sensational Ogiwara


Promotion of the Year



Most Improved Promotion



Match of the Year

Dan Stone Jr. d. Jeremy Stone @ NTBPW Summer Smash


Card of the Year

PGHW Night of Glory

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MAW 2006 in review....


2006 was a good year....

Uncle Ray was happy, Rip was happy, and the roster was happy for the most part.


Wrestler of the Year:

Hands down the guy with the best year had to be Remmy Skye. After taking the title from Mean Jean, Skye has defeated all comers and turned down the advances of some fellow West Coasters. Will this continue?


Tag Team of the Year:

A* Alliance have dominated the tag scene for most of 2006, from a fued with formaer champs Natural Storm to holding the belts. What will 2007 hold for these two Firm members?


Manager of the Year:

This was not easy, but Persephone has taken some men from the bottom of the card and pushed them into title hunts. What will Deadly do this coming year?


We will have the card for MAW Resolutions up soon.....

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MAW Resolutions 2007 Card


We are ready to start the new year here at MAW....We are ready to make and display our Resolutions......


MAW championship:

Remmy Skye © vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West

Skye is taking on all challengers. The deranged sgt. has run ruffshod over the MAW landscape.


American Elemental vs. Insane Machine

Frankie Perez's Christmas present, Insane Machine has stepped right in to join the West Coast Mafia....He and Perez disrupted the championship match last month. American Elemental wants revenge for that.


Honest Frank vs. Mean Machine

These two men have been battling it out for months without a clear cut winner. Back and forth....they will try to settle it once again.


MAW tag championship

A* Alliance © w/Karen Killer vs. gods of Thunder w/Persephone

Persephone has garnered her men another shot at the titles. After a brutal 4-way last month between Firm and Deadly...this looks to be a brutal matchup.


Also on the card:

Masked Cougar vs. Al Coleman

Jack Giedrocy vs. M. James

Harvey Haynes vs. Zeus Maxmillian

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MAW Resolutions 2007 Results


Rip Cord presents:

MAW Resolutions 2007

Stanley Hall

January 19, 2007

Attendence: 95


Olympic Power d. Rock City Stars Rating: E


Main Show:

We want to giveyou something: Rating: D

Remmy Skye and American Elemental come out. “Last month at MAW Christmas Show, you had a real present for us, Perez, but this month we want to give you something. How about tonight you let us?”


Join Us. Rating: D

While Skye and Elemental are out with the mic, Frankie Perez and Insane Machine come out. “Well, well…Skye, you know how we roll. You know you want to roll with us. How about joining us and leaving these inbreds to themselves. You know you are about this east coast slop. Join us?”

Skye shakes his head no. “Well Skye if you want it that way…lets let Elementary prove he deserves to be in the ring with us. Tonight he will face Machine here. If he wins, then we will face you two at the Rip Cord Invitational. If he loses, then you join us?”

Skye agrees.


Harvey Haynes vs. Zeus Maxmillion Rating: D

The small newcomer gets his first shot on the main card tonight against the mighty Zeus. Both men tried to play to their strengths, but Haynes wins with a quick rollup at the 7 minute mark.


A* Alliance spells doom the for gods of Thunder Rating: D

The MAW tag champs come out with their manager. Steven Parker takes the mic, “Last month Firm proved to Deadly, just who the group is here in MAW. Tonight we hold our titles again, against the same two lumbering oaths that we’ve beaten time and time again. Tonight we prove just how mortal you really are…punks.” Karen grabs the mic next, “And Persephone, if you dare stick your weasely hands in this, you will get your snobby little face slapped off.”


RCI preview for next month: Rating: D

That’s right fans next month is the annual Rip Cord Invitational. We will have up and comers like: Mainstream Hernandez, Jorge Washington, Clyde Wilson, DC Rayne, Masked Cougar, and others to be announced later.”


Fight in this week: Rating: E

In fact we have a fight in this week for the eight contestant. Mikey James vs. Jack Giedrocy. Lets get them out here now.


Right to be in the RCI 2

Mikey James vs. Jack Giedroyc Rating: D

After being on a roll early last year, the clean cut young man hasn’t found a rhythm. The martial artist didn’t seem obliged to give him any help tonight. James kept the young Giedroyc on the ropes most of the match with quick kicks and chops. Giedroyc finally got his own brand of offence going and hit some of his high flying moves. The two were both determined to carry on to the tournament, but Giedroyc had more picking up the victory at the 12 minute mark with the Crashing on.


Grinded by the gears: Rating: C-

Honest Frank was walking in the back, when Mean Machine comes out with a chair, bamm! Machine then goes to hit 5 more shots before walking off from Frank. It seems this fued is far from over.


Temptation getting under the skin. Rating: C-

Al Coleman is on his way out for a match, when John Greed shows up with a mic, “Last month Coleman, you got some help from A* Alliance, tonight they will fall and tonight you won’t be able to beat Cougar. In fact you never beat Giedroyc either did you? Coleman seems ruffled as Greed joins Merve at ringside for the match.


Masked Cougar vs. Al Coleman Rating: D

Coleman was definitely distracted by Greed during the match, but Greed never moved to the ring. Cougar a fine young wrestler himself was quick to take advantage and get some momentum heading into the RCI with a pinfall win at the 6 minute mark. Coleman is left in the ring very irate. Greed leaves laughing.


What goes around: Rating: E

Mean Machine is coming out of the bathroom in the back, when a bandaged Frank nails him with another steel chair. Frank is repaying Machine for the earlier attack. Something has to be done to solve this problem. (Are we going to have any chairs left for the fans?)


Thunderous Destiny: Rating: C

Persephone brings out her two hulking brutes, gods of Thunder for their tag team championship match. “I hear you little Alice Cooper wannabe, you had better not dare touch my person or you will pay. As for the A* Alliance your day’s are numbered. Tonight is the night of Destiny for gods of Thunder.” As the three head to the ring, A* Alliance come out and rush them. And we are on the way.


MAW tag team championship:

A* Alliance © w/Karen Killer vs. gods of Thunder w/Persephone Rating: D

Lots of animosity for this match tonight. The quick start by the champs gave them the early upper hand when Jay Fair finally got the bout officially started. Quick tags between Parker and Douglas kept Atlas at a big off balance. Titan finally got involved and turned the tables. When Titan came back in, it was with a weaken Parker. A Kronus bomb and then we have new tag team champs at the 12 minute mark.


Thunderous Celebration: Rating: B-

After winning the titles Persephone strutted her stuff and helped her two charges pose for the crowd.



Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Honest Frank Rating: C-

Both men were really battered from their respective beatings earlier tonight. They still fought tooth and nail though. Frank using power moves, Machine precision and technical moves. In the end time ran out. 20 minute draw. They both continued fighting after the bell, though both showed exhaustion.


I will fight for honor: Rating: D

American Elemental comes out, “Tonight a lot is on the line. I will fight for honor, not revenge. Tonight I will vanquish the Machine.”


American Elemental wins- tag battle next week/Insane Machine wins Skye has to join West Cost Mafia.

American Elemental vs. Insane Machine. Rating: C-

A great quick paced match that saw great intensity from both competitors. They were matching move for move till American picks up the pinfall win at the 16 minute mark.


Bells and Rings: Rating: C-

As American Elemental is shown going to the back, He starts to celebrate with MAW champion Remmy Skye. Skye’s phone rings. The camera zooms in on the caller ID, it says F. O. “Look I can’t talk right now. I know I know I have my end.”


Basic Training for the champ: Rating: D

Sgt. Bubba Lee West comes out next. “Tonight you maggots get to see a real man take the helm. Tonight I will give this Remmy Skye a workout he will never forget. And bring some honor and respect to this MAW title.”


MAW championship:

Remmy Skye © vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West Rating: C-

The champ seemed somewhat distracted tonight, but West is a good worker who took up a lot of slack. Tonight the two put on a classic for us. West seemed to have several near falls till Skye pulls out a skye diver for the win at the 24 minute mark.


You made your choice: Rating E

As Skye gets up to celebrate, out come Frankie Perez and Insane Machine for another beatdown of the champ to end the show.



Overall rating: C-

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News around the US January part 1


CZCW: Face the Hangman Att 740 Rating C+

Donnie J retained the Coastal Zone championship over Fumihiro Ota. C+

Jimmie P d. Jeremiah Moose C

Remmy Skye retained the Coastal Zone Extreme title over Plague C+

E.M.M. Moe d. Frankie Perez C

Insane Machine and Snap Dragon d. The Forces of Nature C

Jesse Gilbert d. Primal Rage C


DAVE Att: 2000 Rating: C+

Shawn Gonzoleze d. Hell’s Bouncer to retain the DAVE Unified title C+

Chris Caulfield d. Nemesis B

The Animalz d. The New Wave for the Dave Tag Team Titles C+

The New Jersey Devils d. JD Morgan and Kurt Larame C+

Bryan Holmes d. Sammy Bach B

Whistler, Teddy Powell, and Art Reed d. Jungle Jack, Doug Peak, and Joey Minnesota C+

American Buffalo d. Matt Sparrow C

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Around the USA January part 2


NYCW Rush Hour Att 696 C+

American Buffalo and Honest Frank d. Joey Minnesota and Steve Flash C+

Whistler d. Grand Master Funk to retain the NYCW Empire title C+

Travis Century d. Masked Mauler C

Massive Problem d. Wiley Coyote to retain the NYCW tag titles C-

Mr. America d. New York Doll to retain the NYCW Tri-State regional title C-


SWF When Hell Freezes Over Att: 13, 777 PPV 372,338 Rating: B

Main Event: Enygma d. Peter Valentine to retain the SWF World Heavyweight title B+

Skull DeBones and Eric Eisen ended in a no contest B+

Calamari Kid d. Andre Jones for the SWF Shooting Star title C

Elmo Benson and Lobster Warrior d. Eric Tyler and Joe Sexy for the SWF tag team titles B

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