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'04 CVerse Default Data

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TEW2004 Default CornellVerse Database


I was a wee bit bored tonight, so I decided to do some TEW converting...


TEW '04 > TEW '05 > TEW '07 > TEW '08 > TEW '10


and here we are.


The only thing I've done to the default CVerse TEW04 data is import the following when I converted over to each individual game:

  • Angles (433)
  • Gimmicks (282)
  • Injuries (103)
  • Locations (425)
  • Match Types (148)
  • Moves (1,622)
  • PPV Carriers (34)
  • Storylines (44)
  • TV Networks (34)
  • User Characters (6)


What hasn't been altered from the original '04 data:

  • Move Sets (869)
  • Promotions (27)
  • Teams (64)
  • Titles (53)
  • TV Shows (4)
  • Worker Relations (72)
  • Workers (865)


All other categories in the editor have 0 entries.


You're going to see that prestige for promotions, titles, etc. aren't set along with a lot of other bits and pieces because I'm only going to upload this as the very core of the database with those imports I mentioned. Perhaps someone else will take this and do something more with it. No permission from me is necessary considering it's 100% Adam's original work from the TEW series ('04 - '10).


CornellVerse TEW2004 Default Data


Anybody that wants the original picture folder from TEW04 can grab it here. No idea why you'd particularly want it, but perhaps for nostalgic purposes. :p


Your best bet for pictures, logos, banners, etc. would be to check out derek_b's CVerse '97 mod. (It's super awesome) :cool:

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This probably isn't playable, but still cool to see what changed.


I'm more surprised that you still have TEW 2004 on your computer...


I've actually simulated two months of game time unemployed. I edited a few things on the side to make it playable in a watching capacity, but playing it would be pretty difficult. You'd need to go through and select peoples pictures individually and edit a lot of stuff. I've been able to get logos and a few other things working with derek_b's CV97 graphic files without changing anything.


Wow, lol, such a different C-Verse... the stats are all super whacky, the dojos are set up like if they were actual promotions... so crazy.


Oh, and Flex and Pecs are in USPW!



Ah, I remember it like it was yesterday. I truly loved TEW2004 while others badmouth it like it's cancer. It certainly is a unique thing to look at for those who may have never seen the 'original' CVerse. :)

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