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From The Beginning: A Watcher's Diary Using Effganic

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March 1920


After watching the crowd clamor to see a number of exhibition bouts at travelling circuses across the US, radio personality and entrepreneur DOn Loomis came up with an idea. Along with best friend roster and fellow man of radio fame Frank Norris, Loomis undertook the task of forming the first professional wrestling company ever. Linking the highest level crowds for the exhibition matches with the south, Loomis opened Southern Pro Wrestling in Mississippi with great fanfare (mostly from his own radio shows).


Without much in the way of a frame work to go on, as this was a new endeavor, Loomis went the route of the old circuses. Find that which people will pay to look at and put in on stage. Loomis and Norris went with the theme workers from around the world to showcase the diversity of talent available in wrestling.


Seven workers were signed to work for SPW when the doors opened in March, not enough to run a first show but enough to hype the promotion and gain sponsors:


Daniel Loiselle – A Canadian with a technically sound amateur wrestling background. Although a decent wrestler Loiselle hadn't racked up main wins and with younger and younger workers coming on the Canadian amateur scene he was looking for some place else to apply the only skills he had.


Emilio Suarez – Smaller than any other wrestler initially hired by Loomis and Norris, Suarez seemed to grasp the concept of the professional wrestling match rather quickly. His fast paced style was nothing like any of the other workers, but his size would probably keep him back a bit.


Friedrich Herzog – A huge German strong man who worked for the very circuses that Loomis was basing his idea on. Herzog has already proven he can string together an exhibition match and his size and natural menace make him a sure fire draw.


Joe Boone – A completely unknown boxer, Boone is not without his strong points. Working with Loomis, Norris and Loiselle, Boone helped codify some of the “rules” of professional wrestling as to make it interesting enough for those who like the ground work of amateur wrestling and the striking of boxing to find something to enjoy. Boone’s excellent look and decent natural charisma means he may make it in this new “sport”, unlike his boxing career.


Levi Andrews – Knowing that people were going to need to connect with the workers if this was more than going to be a one shot deal Loomis went outside the box by bringing in Australian actor Levi Andrews. Hardly know for anything except playing a villain here or there Andrews jumped at the chance to try this new form of improvisation.


Saita Kuroki – If Herzog was big, Saita Kuroki was near giant. The former sumo wrestler from Japan was being edged out by younger competitors much like Loiselle was in Canada. When offered the job by Norris who had seen a Sumo exhibition in New York, Kuroki jumped at the chance to find fame and fortune in America.


Sir Anthony Henry – British middleweight Henry also an amateur wrestler didn’t bring as much talent to the ring as Loiselle did, but his ability to connect with the fans as the highbrow English fop would was a talent that Norris and Loomis knew they could use and hired the Brit on straight away.


It took five months of preparation and a few new hires to round out the roster but in August of 1920 Southern Pro Wrestling put on their first show. New workers included;


Jamie Price – An aspiring boxing coach Jamie Price found it hard to be taken seriously at the age of 20. Joe Boone knew the kids father and suggested that Price may be able to help set up matches for SPW, worker with those with little or no serious fighting background. Looking to keep one of their major stars happy Don Loomis agreed to hire the young man.


Joyce Lebowski - In the vein of hiring outcasts Don Loomis brought in another aspiring but young boxing professional on the same day as hiring Jamie Price. Joyce Lebowski had the double whammy of being 20 years old a woman. Brought up in the boxing world by her father and brothers, Joyce always wanted to be involved somehow, so she studied to be a referee. Not finding any work and based out of the same gym as young Jamie Price, Loomis said what the heck and hired her.


Luis Hume – Luis Hume trained to be a boxer in Canada but he just didn’t have what it took. What he did have was a menacing look and a decent connection to people. On a trip home Daniel Loiselle came on the aspiring boxer and hooked him up with Loomis who hired the young worker on Loiselle’s recommendation.


Alan Lean – Alan Lean is a young US boxer who took a severe blow to the head during his first semi pro match. Doctor’s said he was clear to fight again but suggested against it. Lean looking for something else to do that he could use his fighting skills for was approached by Joe Boone for a spot on the SPW roster. Lean agreed and signed on right before SPW’s first show.


Franklin Shearer – Looking to round out the roster before their first show Luis Hume suggested a young man he was training with in Canada. After seeing the looming Canadian Don Loomis knew right away he wanted to hire the young boxer, Franklin Shearer.


So yeah this should be easier to keep up with since I'm not booking anything. Was kinda bummed after I had to restart my computer and lost the save for what I was hoping would be a good lasting diary with my start up fed. I've already simmed more that two years and have it all written so I should be able to keep this going for awhile.


Here's how its gonna go it takes awhile for there to be more than two or even three feds until that time I'm actually going to do mini show write-ups. I'm only going to talk about workers that are in a promotion or make it on to the independent shows when they start up. Seeing as its the Effganicverse there are no worker pictures but I may put up the promotion logos.

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August 1920 Wednesday Week 2

SPW Get In The Ring


Franklin Shearer over Daniel Loiselle (E-)


SPW opened with the battle of the Canadian fighters which has the distinction of being the first ever wrestling match. Considering both men were unknown in the Mid South this was a decent match.


Luis Hume over Joe Boone (E-)


The young Canadian boxer took out the older American boxer in a wild brawl. Again considering how unknown both workers were this was well received.


Sir Anthony Henry over Emilio Suarez (E+)


The fans ate up the British fop taking down the little Mexican.


Alan Lean over Levi Andrews (F+)


Lean may be the most well known worker on the roster but that’s not saying much. And his poor skills matched up with Andrews just did not play as well as the other matches.


Friedrich Herzog over Saita Kuroki (E-)

For the SPW World Heavyweight title


When you say SPW says World Heavyweight they mean “World” and they mean “Heavyweight. Big Heavyweight German Herzog fought Super Heavyweight Japanese worker Kuroki in a battle of the biggest and baddest. Herzog walked away with the title showing that he can stand up to guys bigger than he.


Overall (E-)

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I really like Effverse myself and I will definetly watch this one. It´s interesting to see if Suarez, Loiselle and Boone will be top three guys again since they usually are when I play this. Herzog and Henry are decent too but they cannot go more than 6 minutes before tiring which limits their usefullnes a little.
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Loiselle, Boone and Suarez are by far the best of the starting workers and I'm sure it would be a surprise not to see them do well. Although all three did lose their opening matches with SPW. Also since I'm watching i don't get to see how long the Herzog and Henry matches are and I didn't realize their stamina was that bad.
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September 1920 Tuesday Week 4

SPW Raining Blood


Alan Lean over Saita Kuroki (E-)


Lean adds another win making it a streak as he takes out the first challenger for the SPW World Heavyweight title. The young middleweight boxer uses his speed and strong strikes to beat the near giant Japanese sumo wrestler. This match was perhaps a prelude leading up to a battle with another of PSW’s massive workers Herzog for the title.


Emilo Suarez over Sir Anthony Henry (E+)


Trading wins the lightweight Mexican Saurez beats the much hated Henry, to the delight of the small crowd. The two men continue to show off their good performance this time around.


Daniel Loiselle over Joe Boone (E+)

For the SPW National title


Both Loiselle and Boone lost in their first outing but got a shot at the new SPW National title none-the-less. Both men's losing matches were by far worse than their work together and the fans were impressed. Canadian wrestling won out over American boxing in this battle of the Northern Border.


Levi Andrews over Luis Hume (F+)


Both of these men need some more time in the ring before headlining or even co-headlining the show again. Andrews used underhanded tactics to take a win over Luis Hume.


Friedrich Herzog over Franklin Shearer (F+)

For the SPW World Heavyweight title


The new champ couldn’t carry the young former wrestler to the same match he and Kuroki got. Herzog defended his title, but the fans went home disappointed in the main event.


Overall (F+)

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October 1920 Thursday Week 1

Everything is Broken


Emilio Suarez & Levi Andrews over Joe Boone & Daniel Loiselle (D-)

For the SPW Tag Team Championship titles


Month three of SPW introduces the concept of tag team wrestling. The fans take to it and it proves the best match so far for SPW, although with all the talent in the ring it’s no surprise. Suarez and Andrews who will apparently be teaming regularly beat Boone and Loiselle, which meant Loiselle will not be adding a second belt to his collection


Franklin Shearer over Sir Anthony Henry (E)


Henry took another beating this time from Shearer. Not as good as his match ups with Suarez but still Henry helped Shearer pull out one of his best matches.


Alan Lean over Luis Hume (F+)


The younger workers still show they need to put in a little more work to pull out the same kind of matches as the progenitors of the “sport”. Lean adds a third win to his resume marching behind Herzog the only undefeated worker in SPW.


Friedrich Herzog over Saita Kuroki (E-)

For the SPW World Heavyweight title


Herzog takes on the only man in SPW bigger than him in another defense of his title and proves the first time wasn’t a fluke.


Overall (E-)

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With the success of the first few shows and the draw of tag team wrestling Norris added a few more workers to the roster in October of 1920. Turning to what he knew Norris added more boxers one from Canada and one from the US.


Albert Reed – Albert Reed is young American Boxer stuck in a sport dominated by guys bigger and stronger than he is. Reed was approached by Frank Norris who was searching for more talent for SPW. Reed’s selling points include more than just boxing ability as he has quite a bit of training as an amateur wrestler and a star look. Given the right treatment and a lot of training in the basics, Reed could make something of himself is SPW.


Larry Whitworth – Canadian Larry Whitworth is a horrible boxer and is almost completely without athletic talent. What he is however is the scariest man on the planet. Even only a middleweight he scared the crap out of both Frank Norris and massive Friedrich Herzog on their first meeting. Whitworth was hired on right away as the mini-monster.




November 1920 Friday Week 1

SPW One For All


Albert Reed over Daniel Loiselle (E)


Albert Reed’s first match is a win over the SPW National champion Daniel Loiselle which bodes well for the youngster’s career.


Joe Boone & Saita Kuroki over Emilio Suarez & Levi Andrews (E+)

For the SPW Tag Team Championship titles


Suarez and Andrews don’t last long as champions when Joe Boone gets himself a new partner in massive Saita Kuroki. Not as good a showing as the Boone/Loiselle combo but still decent.


Franklin Shearer over Sir Anthony Henry (E)


Shearer got carried to a decent win over Sir Anthony Henry, which may have gotten a better reaction just because the fans like watching Henry lose.


Alan Lean draws Larry Whitworth (F+)


Whitworth’s debut match wasn’t as good as Reed’s although there was another win for Alan Lean who is now on a four match streak.


Friedrich Herzog over Luis Hume (F+)

For the SPW World Heavyweight title


Herzog really can’t carry other workers but he stays a dominant champion as he brutalizes the smaller, although still large, Luis Hume.


Overall (F+)

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December 1920 Monday Week 1

SPW No escape


Luis Hume draws Albert Reed (F+)


Off his loss with Herzog Hume went to a draw with newcomer Reed. Referee Joyce Lebowski called the match after both men failed to rise after a ten count.


Alan Lean over Sir Anthony Henry (E)


Lean continues his winning streak over the much hated Sir Anthony Henry. The two put on a decent match up as lean gets more experience in the ring.


Daniel Loiselle over Larry Whitworth (E)

For the SPW National title


Loiselle makes his first defense of his SPW National title by beating young Larry Whitworth. Loiselle shows his worth by practically dragging the mini monster to a decent match.


Joe Boone & Saita Kuroki draw Emilio Suarez & Levi Andrews (E+)

For the SPW Tag Team titles


Boone and Kuroki retain their titles in a double DQ rematch against Suarez & Andrews. Ref Leboswki called the match when she lost control of the competitors who obviously dislike each other.


Friedrich Herzog over Franklin Shearer (F+)

For the SPW World Heavyweight title


Herzog ended the year with another defense against Franklin Shearer for the SPW World Heavyweight title. Again Herzog proves he cannot pull a match out of a poor competitor as this bout was clearly outshone by the previous SPW Tag Team titles bout.


Overall (E-)

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With the Year over SPW has been blazing a path into the new frontier that is professional wrestling. Although located in the South East of the US, they have run every single last one of their shows in the American Mid South. With no other competition and writings beginning about this new “sport” it has been commented that SPW best show this was Emilio Suarez and Levi Andrews beating Joe Boone and Daniel Loiselle for the SPW Tag Team Championship titles. That being said the card that contained that match SPW Everything Is Broken in October was SPW’s card of the year.


The new year is looking up as around the world people are taking interest in this thing called “Professional Wrestling” and its only a matter of time before someone follows in the footsteps of SPW. Will the next big wrestling promotion be in the US or will one of the other countries of the world be the home of the next big thing.

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I liked playing the Effganic when on '08 but I haven't gotten around to do it on '10. Though I wonder about the AI playing the game. I know when I played Boone got over super fast and I put him as my champ for the reason that is being shown in this dynasty.


Look forward to seeing how this comes along.

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January 1921 Tuesday Week 4

SPW Gone Too Far


Emilio Suarez over Larry Whitworth (E+)


Out of the tag ranks Suarez takes his second singles win over young Whitworth. Although still smaller, Whitworth is closer to Suarez’s size and thus a more believable. Suarez manages to draw a more than decent performance out of the mini-monster.


Saita Kuroki over Franklin Shearer (E-)


Saita Kuroki continues the trend as he draws a decent match out of young Franklin Shearer who is crushed by the weight of the massive sumo wrestler


Daniel Loiselle over Levi Andrews (E)

For the SPW National title


The Canadian master of the submission hold takes out the Australian playboy in good defense of the SPW National title.


Alan Lean over Joe Boone (E)

Alan Lean continues his winning streak by beating Joe Boone in much improved match over some of his more recent outings with other young competitors.


Freidrich Herzog over Sir Anthony Henry (E+)

For the SPW World Heavyweight title


Herzog puts on his best match yet as he gets some decent competition from Sir Anthony Henry. Even though Herzog is the monster heel here the fans boo more for Sir Anthony Henry.


Overall (E)

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Former professional boxer turned professional wrestler Joe Boone died in a horrific car accident a week before SPW’s planned Revolution show. The show name was changed to the SPW Joe Boone Memorial Show in honor of the fallen friend. Popular Canadian boxer Lester Caulfield was brought on to the SPW roster as a replacement for Boone right before the show.


Lester Caulfield – A popular young boxer in Canada, Lester Caulfield was looking to break into the American market to continue his career. About the same time SPW was looking for a worker to fill the tragically empty spot on their roster formerly filled by US boxer Joe Boone. Caulfield decided to take the invitation for the spot while he looked for work on the US boxing scene.


Lester is a decent brawler with some training in amateur wrestling as well. A hard worker he quickly picked up the basics and with his decent charisma and scary look he could make it actually make it as a wrestler.

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February 1921 Tuesday Week 3

SPW Joe Boone Memorial Show I


Sir Anthony Henry over Franklin Shearer (E)


Sir Anthony Henry takes an underhanded win over youngster Franklin Shearer helping the young boxer put forth one of his best performances so far.


Daniel Loiselle over Levi Andrews (E+)


Daniel Loiselle wins this non-title match up against the Australian playboy Levi Andrews.


Emilio Suarez over Saita Kuroki (D-)


The most bizarre match up of the night and by far the best sees two total opposites go at it. Lightweight Suarez manages to use his speed and guile to beat the Japanese super heavyweight monster Saita Kuroki.


Alan Lean over Larry Whitworth (F+)


Alan Lean continues his winning streak, although against a subpar opponent. Lean cannot pull a decent match out of Whitworth as the upper card continues to put on worse matches than the lower card.


Friedrich Herzog over Albert Reed (F+)

For the SPW World Heavyweight title


Herzog pulls another win over one of the youngsters of the roster Reed. Herzog is an impressive champion but just does not have the skill to pull good matches out of green opponents.


Overall (F+)

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Sad to see Boone dying such early in the game:(. By the way did computer really named their show as Joe Boone Memorial Show or was it you?


Little odd to see Herzog doing so badly since on my experience he have usually been able to carry yougsters on E- or E level match.

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Sad to see Boone dying such early in the game:(. By the way did computer really named their show as Joe Boone Memorial Show or was it you?


Little odd to see Herzog doing so badly since on my experience he have usually been able to carry yougsters on E- or E level match.


I make little tweaks where I see necessary. The game wasn't going to name it The Joe Boone Memorial Show, as mentioned in the snippet it was originally planned to be name Revolution so I changed it. It seemed appropriate. Other little things I do is keep the number of workers getting frustrated and starting to work in other areas low. The last time I didn't do that and PoG ended up being filled by Australian and Japanese workers so I just go through and change all but a handful back to working in their home regions.


And yeah Herzog is sucking something awful this time around. I;m playing an actual game as well as the watcher game and I can get him to work better for me than the computer can.

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March 1921 Tuesday Week 3

SPW Trompe Le Monde


Alan Lean over Saita Kuroki (E-)


Alan Lean continues his winning streak by beating the monstrous Saita Kuroki. With all these wins one wonders when Lean will be getting a shot at the SPW World Heavyweight title.


Luis Hume & Lester Caulfield over Daniel Loiselle & Levi Andrews (E+)

For the SPW Tag Team titles


With is regular partner scheduled for a main event title bought Levi Andrews finds Daniel Loiselle as a partner in this losing bout to the newly formed team of Luis Hume and Lester Caulfield. The two Canadian boxers take out their seniors in a decent match up.


Larry Whitworth over Franklin Shearer (F)


Two of the youngsters in SPW put on by far the worst match in the history over the company. Putting these youngsters in the ring with each other or those who can’t carry them is a bad idea.


Sir Anthony Henry over Albert Reed (E+)


Albert Reed is brought to a good match by Sir Anthony Henry, who takes a win to cement himself as a threat in the upper card after all his loses.


Friedrich Herzog over Emilio Suarez (D)

For the SPW World Heavyweight title


Suarez has been pulling great matches out of everyone he’s faced on SPW roster and this match was no different. As a matter of fact this is the best match in SPW history and even in SPW history and even in his loss to Herzog this match was very good for Suarez.


Overall (D-)

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April 1921 Thursday Week 4

SPW Passing the Torch


Alan Lean over Saita Kuroki (E-)


Lean makes a repeat performance of defeating the Japanese monster Kuroki proving he can really stand against the giant and it wasn’t a fluke. Lean’s record is now eight wins and one draw against Larry Whitworth.


Albert Reed over Larry Whitworth (F+)


Another lapse in judgment has the youngsters yet again put on a substandard match. Reed takes the win over Whitworth to break his losing streak.


Daniel Loiselle over Levi Anderson (D-)

For the SPW National title


Daniel Loiselle takes on and defeats his partner for last month Levi Anderson. The Australian Playboy was no match for Canada’s Master of Submission but they sure put on a good match.


Sir Anthony Henry & Emilio Suarez over Luis Hume & Lester Caulfield (D-)


Henry and Suarez took Hume and Caulfield to new heights in the non-title match up. With a win under their belt over the champions it remains to be seen if Henry and Suarez will have a chance to face off against the champions for the titles anytime soon.


Friedrich Herzog over Franklin Shearer (E-)

For the SPW World Heavyweight title


With both the skill and popularity of Herzog and Shearer growing, so too have the quality of their matches together. That being said this match still detracted the overall event as it paled in comparison to the two matches before it.


Overall (E)

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May 1921 Friday Week 2

SPW Ever Forward


Daniel Loiselle over Larry Whitworth (E+)

For the SPW National title


Loiselle wins his fourth defense of the SPW National title and brings Larry Whitworth to new heights.


Albert Reed over Saita Kuroki (E-)


It seems like Kuroki thought the third time would be the charm but Albert Reed continues his winning ways with another victory over the biggest man on the SPW roster.


Lester Caulfield over Levi Andrews (E-)


Caulfield and Andrews put on a good match up as Caulfield proves he can win in more than just tag team matches.


Luis Hume over Emilio Suarez (E+)


Hume beats Suarez in another great showing of the talent that Suarez has for putting over and making look good a less talented competitor.


Friedrich Herzog draws Franklin Shearer (E-)

For the SPW Heavyweight title


Herzog seems to be losing a step as Shearer manages to make it to a time limit draw in what can only be called an excuse for a main event these days in SPW. The main event once again is over shadowed by the match before it which unsurprisingly has Emilio Suarez as a compeitotr.


Overall (E)

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June 1921 Friday Week 1

SPW Headstrong


Franklin Shearer over Saita Kuroki (F+)


Kuroki has gone from being a dominating threat and the first challenger for the SPW World Heavyweight title to losing subpar matches to youngster Franklin Shearer. Saita can hold a good match with a good opponent but can’t seem to carry a poor one.


Lester Caulfield over Larry Whitworth (E-)


Only the best competitors have been able to drag a good match out of Larry Whitworth. The fact that at such a young after Lester Caulfield could drag a decent match out of Whitworth is telling of about how far Caulfield could make it.


Luis Hume over Levi Andrews (F+)


Unlike Suarez, Levi Andrews is unable to pull a good match out of one half of the tag team champions.


Sir Anthony Henry over Alan Lean (E)


Lean lost his first match against the British fop Sir Anthony Henry. Both men have put on better performances but this match is what can be considered average for the young promotion.


Friedrich Herzog over Daniel Loiselle (D)


This match is what happens when you give the mad German a good opponent. Loiselle had all the tools to help Herzog look good and still come out of the match looking good himself.


Overall (D-)

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July 1921 Saturday Week 4

SPW Forsaken


Daniel Loiselle over Larry Whitworth (E+)

For the SPW National title


Loiselle gets right back into winning as he takes second win over Larry Whitworth in defense of his SPW National title.


Levi Andrews over Albert Reed (E-)


Andrews has done better and Reed has been brought to better. Not bad for a lower card match but not great either.


Franklin Shearer over Saita Kuroki (E-)


The Japanese monster takes another loss to Franklin Shearer although this time the results are better. The match up was barely worthy of being called a decent undercard match.


Alan Lean over Sir Anthony Henry (E+)


Lean and Henry meet up for a second time with Lean evening the scores. This match up was better than their first meeting and future meetings could prove even better.


Friedrich Herzog over Lester Caulfield (E+)


Caulfield’s string of wins and his SPW Tag Team Championship title belt earned him a title shot but he had very little chance against the unstoppable Friedrich Herzog. Caulfield held his own at put on a passable main event with Herzog.


Overall (E+)

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August 1921 Wednesday Week 2

SPW Get In The Ring


Emilio Suarez over Franklin Shearer (E+)


Apparently Suarez can have a decent match with anyone, including Shearer. Suarez picks up another win so he stays a threat in the upper midcard.


Daniel Loiselle over Saita Kuroki (D)

For the SPW National title


Saita may have been on a losing streak but some how he got himself a SPW National title match. Good thing too as he and Loiselle tear down the house in what is by far one of the best matches we’ve seen in ages.


Luis Hume & Lester Caulfield over Larry Whitworth & Levi Andrews

For the SPW Tag Team Championship titles


Hume and Caulfield head back to the tag team ranks to defend their belts against the thrown together duo of Whitworth and Andrews. This match up was low on the end of what would be considered passable for the midcard.


Alan Lean over Sir Anthony Henry (E)


Lean breaks the tie by beating Henry in a standard match from the two workers.


Friedrich Herzog over Albert Reed (E)

For the SPW World Heavyweight title


Herzog goes into his second year as SPW World Heavyweight champion with a decent win over Albert Reed. Reed has been called the overall best worker wrestling today but not being able to bring Herzog to a better match it hardly shows.


Overall (E)

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