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~Montreal Aftermath: December 1997 Official Release~

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I just wanted to point out a couple of things. One major mistake is ECW with no ECW arena. I had to import it. The other thing is the limited amount of workers. The free agency is rough for managers. I really don't understand why your 80's game was a awesome setup and balance. This game has alot of issues with it. If you made this before the 80's game and ok it makes sense to me. If you made the 83 game first then I really don't understand why you didn't this game on top of the other game. Just fix the issues with using the 80's database for it. Anyway it is a good game just not as good as your 80's game.
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I just wanted to point out a couple of things. One major mistake is ECW with no ECW arena. I had to import it. The other thing is the limited amount of workers. The free agency is rough for managers. I really don't understand why your 80's game was a awesome setup and balance. This game has alot of issues with it. If you made this before the 80's game and ok it makes sense to me. If you made the 83 game first then I really don't understand why you didn't this game on top of the other game. Just fix the issues with using the 80's database for it. Anyway it is a good game just not as good as your 80's game.


I'm just gonna throw a suggestion out there. Though I'm sure Genadi appreciates the constructive criticism, perhaps this kind of stuff is better sent via PM rather than posted on the board for all to see.

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I just wanted to point out a couple of things. One major mistake is ECW with no ECW arena. I had to import it. The other thing is the limited amount of workers. The free agency is rough for managers. I really don't understand why your 80's game was a awesome setup and balance. This game has alot of issues with it. If you made this before the 80's game and ok it makes sense to me. If you made the 83 game first then I really don't understand why you didn't this game on top of the other game. Just fix the issues with using the 80's database for it. Anyway it is a good game just not as good as your 80's game.


The dates the mods were released are clear for you to read, it's one of the first things written in each thread. But yes this was made much before TGA (which is set 1987 not '83), over a year before I'm pretty sure and it also took less than half the time to make. TGA (as stated clearly in it's thread) was by far the most work I've ever put into a mod and I'd dare to say anyone has so comparing it to any others would be unfair.


On the free agent front, if there are any notable free agents or workers missing as always post them as suggestions for inclusion. I know you're kind of new to the mod section so I'll explain this once again... Broad statements like "The free agency is rough for managers." and "This game has alot of issues with it" is not constructive feedback. If you can't make at least one clear example of any of the issues you raise expect to be ignored. That's not just directed at you DrCat I've said it before many times and it's the only way I can keep my sanity while working on all of my mods :)

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Are you still working on a 2005/2006 mod? :)


I am but it's coming along very slowly. Really busy with RL stuff atm but I do still get into it at least weekly. The only update I can really give is to say it's about 40% off.


The biggest problem I have is now that I've done TGA I kind of set myself a new standard and evolved a new system to mod. It's a negative in that it takes more time but a positive in that I'm sure you guys will enjoy the mod alot more :)

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I'm just gonna throw a suggestion out there. Though I'm sure Genadi appreciates the constructive criticism, perhaps this kind of stuff is better sent via PM rather than posted on the board for all to see.


I don't know how Genadi feels about it, but I personally, as a fellow mod maker, would much rather have it in the thread - where other people can see and debate any issues that might come up.


Also, that way, maybe 5 different people won't PM you with the same issues.

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I am but it's coming along very slowly. Really busy with RL stuff atm but I do still get into it at least weekly. The only update I can really give is to say it's about 40% off.


The biggest problem I have is now that I've done TGA I kind of set myself a new standard and evolved a new system to mod. It's a negative in that it takes more time but a positive in that I'm sure you guys will enjoy the mod alot more :)


Wait, is it 40% done, or 40% 'til it's done?


Either way, you've at least proven that like anything Gabe Newell does, it's worth the weight... er, wait. <_<

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I don't know how Genadi feels about it, but I personally, as a fellow mod maker, would much rather have it in the thread - where other people can see and debate any issues that might come up.


Also, that way, maybe 5 different people won't PM you with the same issues.


I was trying to get around the fact that he was being kind of a jerk for no reason without saying it.


You guys do this for free and it sucks to see people acting like you guys designed a glitch-ridden Madden or something while making 100k.

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I was trying to get around the fact that he was being kind of a jerk for no reason without saying it.


You guys do this for free and it sucks to see people acting like you guys designed a glitch-ridden Madden or something while making 100k.


It's just DrCat's way. He simply rips every other mod (which he uses as a base) to promote his own. It's pathetic, but that's just what he does.

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It's just DrCat's way. He simply rips every other mod (which he uses as a base) to promote his own. It's pathetic, but that's just what he does.


yeah and you are a my biggest fan. I swear you check every thread to see if I post in there. Just so you can post so troll comeback. Man I like women not men. So stop stroking me everytime



The dates the mods were released are clear for you to read, it's one of the first things written in each thread. But yes this was made much before TGA (which is set 1987 not '83), over a year before I'm pretty sure and it also took less than half the time to make. TGA (as stated clearly in it's thread) was by far the most work I've ever put into a mod and I'd dare to say anyone has so comparing it to any others would be unfair.


On the free agent front, if there are any notable free agents or workers missing as always post them as suggestions for inclusion. I know you're kind of new to the mod section so I'll explain this once again... Broad statements like "The free agency is rough for managers." and "This game has alot of issues with it" is not constructive feedback. If you can't make at least one clear example of any of the issues you raise expect to be ignored. That's not just directed at you DrCat I've said it before many times and it's the only way I can keep my sanity while working on all of my mods :)



Clear example huh


tony devito,Richard bognar, tony malamuke, spanish angel, are just a few I remember not in the game. I said the actually ecw arena is not in the game. Hardcore locations are just not in the game. There is like a couple of good hardcore locations. The manager thing is I sort by 70 to 100 mic and charisma. There was like 5 people that won't sign with me. 97 was properly the best time for wrestling period to me anyway. Now I know the older game came out after this one. So it all makes sense now.

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I'd like to take this time to say I'm sorry..........sure I really said "I must have missed them" but in reality what I'm saying is that I apologize for speaking about something in great confidence that I clearly lacked the proper amount of knowledge in. I'd like to say it won't happen again but I'm drcat123....it'll happen again lulz


What a well thought, honest, and even respectful reply. That might be the most heartfelt apology I've ever read.

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I don't know if this is the right place to talk about this.. but anyhow.


Thinking about "The Superfly Effect" mod (great work as always Genadi) I was toying about another what if (lets be clear that I'm a terrible mod-maker, so it's just for my own game purpouses). "What if Vince had stayed with Bret instead of Shawn?"


1-I see the WWF taking a more traditional style, stoping the "Attitude Era".


2-I see the Clique all bolting out the WWF. For gaming equilibrium, they won't go to the WCW, so I was thinking in two solutions.

A-A new company, maybe with some disgruntled workers of the WCW (a unholly alliance with Hulk Hogan and Bischoff seems unrealistic but nice to me)

B-Bolting to a "beefed" ECW (again with some WCW unhappy workers). I think it could work, making a ECW-Attitude company. It could make sense for a "3-way war"


Thanks for reading me...and your thoughts?

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"What if Vince had stayed with Bret instead of Shawn?"


Then HBK would have left for WCW instead of Bret. I don't really see anyone else leaving, unless Vince would allow them to. And since pretty much the only one being on HBK's side was Triple H, he would be the only one leaving in such a case - but Vince had plans for him and Triple H is a company man, so I most likely see him leaving. HBK would of course join the nWo.


The most important effect would be that the "evil" Mr. McMahon antagonist would not emerge (at least not at this time), which was a huge part of WWF's Attitude success - thinking especially of Mr. McMahon vs. Stone Cold. So yes, WWF would not be as far into the Attitude thing (yet) if Bret had stayed, though I don't think it comes down to the influence of either Bret or Shawn but rather the presence of the Mr. McMahon character.


Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart would probably stay on with WWF and Owen Hart, according to Bret's claims, would never have been allowed to do the stunt that cost him his life. So instead of attitude-rich DX and Stone Cold vs. Mr. McMahon dominating WWF, it would be a more traditional Hart Foundation-dominated WWF. A bit like the Four Horsemen of old, I see it. They would still move towards attitude eventually though.


That's my 2 cents, at least.

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Then HBK would have left for WCW instead of Bret. I don't really see anyone else leaving, unless Vince would allow them to. And since pretty much the only one being on HBK's side was Triple H, he would be the only one leaving in such a case - but Vince had plans for him and Triple H is a company man, so I most likely see him leaving. HBK would of course join the nWo.


The most important effect would be that the "evil" Mr. McMahon antagonist would not emerge (at least not at this time), which was a huge part of WWF's Attitude success - thinking especially of Mr. McMahon vs. Stone Cold. So yes, WWF would not be as far into the Attitude thing (yet) if Bret had stayed, though I don't think it comes down to the influence of either Bret or Shawn but rather the presence of the Mr. McMahon character.


Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart would probably stay on with WWF and Owen Hart, according to Bret's claims, would never have been allowed to do the stunt that cost him his life. So instead of attitude-rich DX and Stone Cold vs. Mr. McMahon dominating WWF, it would be a more traditional Hart Foundation-dominated WWF. A bit like the Four Horsemen of old, I see it. They would still move towards attitude eventually though.


That's my 2 cents, at least.


And this might've actually helped WCW. Think about it. Vince screws Shawn at Survivor Series. Hogan loses to Sting at Starrcade. The next night, Nash, Hall, and Hogan team up against Sting, Luger, and a mystery partner who turns out to be HBK. Michaels turns on Sting and Luger while Nash & Hall turn on Hogan, destroying the nWo and forming a new group called "The Clique". Something like that. The nWo doesn't drag on and become stale. We never get the fingerpoke of doom, etc.

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And this might've actually helped WCW. Think about it. Vince screws Shawn at Survivor Series. Hogan loses to Sting at Starrcade. The next night, Nash, Hall, and Hogan team up against Sting, Luger, and a mystery partner who turns out to be HBK. Michaels turns on Sting and Luger while Nash & Hall turn on Hogan, destroying the nWo and forming a new group called "The Clique". Something like that. The nWo doesn't drag on and become stale. We never get the fingerpoke of doom, etc.


Nothing could have saved WCW... delayed it's demise slightly, but saved? No. Bret comes in as the screwed champion of the rival and his debut is as the guest referree between Larry Zybysko and Eric Bischoff? Then he gets involved in a screwed up finish of a Sting-Hogan match (which sees him screw the heel champion to reward the babyface?). Then he basically disappears for four months? If you want to make it interesting, you let Hogan win over Sting, then have Bret come out and challenge him. Build up Bret as a driven man screwed out of one belt, so he's coming for the next one... that's what should have happened.


Michaels would have shown up and probably challenged Scott Hall for most screwed up backstage wrestler. While he could be tremendous in the ring, his out of ring antics were numerous, including missing a PPV because a group of Marines kicked the heck out of him in a bar in Syracuse. I think you still see rediculous things like the fingerpoke of doom and the NWO changing from Elite Group to a quarter of the population of Dekalb County Georgia that splits off from itself 800 times. No matter who the workers are, the fact of the matter is that Bischoff/Hogan screwed the booking up severely. It was never a talent issue (except for the part when they couldn't use their midcard, so they all jumped to WWF)... it was simply bad booking

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I do agree that Shawn showing up would have possibly accelerated the mess because The Clique was practically running the WWE what would they have done in a no limits situation such as WCW?


However I disagree with letting Hogan beat Sting at Starrcade. You build to Hogan/Sting for 15 months only to let Hogan beat Sting in the biggest match in pro wrestling history at that point?


You let Hogan/Sting play out at Starrcade, you get an easy buyrate for the rematch at Souled Out and then you build to Hogan/Bret without the championship while focusing on bringing in new contenders that aren't the nWo for Sting to face.


Think about it at the time who was the number 2 heel in WCW? It was basically just a mesh of Nash/Hall/Savage but there wasn't a clear number 2 heel and the even better question who was a top heel that wasn't in the nWo? You have to go to the likes of Chris Jericho and Eddie Guerrero in the Cruiserweight division to find a suitable heel that wasn't in the nWo.


I also agree that the WWF would not have been so attitude era. We still would have Austin but without McMahon that thing doesn't take off like it should. Without Shawn, Hall and Nash that means Bret can talk Vince down from the ledge a bit and we wind up going the more conservative route that Bret preaches about constantly in Wrestling with Shadows.

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Nothing could have saved WCW realistically. The simple fact is that when the AOL-Time Warner merger happened WCW was doomed. As soon as the networks got new executives WCW was on the chopping block. The new head of TNT wanted to completely rebrand the network. It wasn't just WCW that got the boot. Babylon 5 reruns got the boot. Monster movies got the boot. Kung Fu got the boot. It was a complete relaunch of their networks. Wrestling wasn't seen as a good tv investment anymore so no network would take WCW, just like no network wanted ECW.


The WWF has benefited tremendously from the fact they are aligned with NBC-Universal which has historically had good support for wrestling has a brand they were comfortable with. Most other networks have not wanted anything to do with wrestling. When there was no longer a home for wrestling on the Turner stations, WCW was dead, and it wouldn't have mattered who was working for them.

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Nothing could have saved WCW realistically. The simple fact is that when the AOL-Time Warner merger happened WCW was doomed. As soon as the networks got new executives WCW was on the chopping block. The new head of TNT wanted to completely rebrand the network. It wasn't just WCW that got the boot. Babylon 5 reruns got the boot. Monster movies got the boot. Kung Fu got the boot. It was a complete relaunch of their networks. Wrestling wasn't seen as a good tv investment anymore so no network would take WCW, just like no network wanted ECW.


The WWF has benefited tremendously from the fact they are aligned with NBC-Universal which has historically had good support for wrestling has a brand they were comfortable with. Most other networks have not wanted anything to do with wrestling. When there was no longer a home for wrestling on the Turner stations, WCW was dead, and it wouldn't have mattered who was working for them.


I can agree with the bolded in a very narrow way. Nothing could have saved WCW as part of Time Warner-AOL. But that's ignoring the other possibilities of it being sold at some point and transferring its programming to another network.


The problem there was that the WCW brand has been so devalued by the start of 2001 that getting another network interested was almost impossible. That may not have been the case if the circumstances were somewhat changed.

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I can agree with the bolded in a very narrow way. Nothing could have saved WCW as part of Time Warner-AOL. But that's ignoring the other possibilities of it being sold at some point and transferring its programming to another network.


The problem there was that the WCW brand has been so devalued by the start of 2001 that getting another network interested was almost impossible. That may not have been the case if the circumstances were somewhat changed.


What network was going to take it though? That's the problem. The problem was that TNN(later Spike) had Raw. ABC branded networks didn't want wrestling. CBS didn't want wrestling. NBC-Universal was still working with the WWF. There was nowhere to go with a wrestling show. It had to be a turner network. That's all that was out there at the time. Edit: Remember that WCW was still TNT's highest rated program and that the ratings it was pulling then are better than what TNA pulls now (almost twice as much) are about a third less than the WWE today. There was still value in WCW as a television program if a network cared to have wrestling. The problem the networks had is the way wrestling impacts them as a brand.


You have to remember that historically wrestling has had a bad rap in terms of advertising dollars generated for the networks. Most networks have wanted little to do with wrestling outside of local/regional stations. ESPN gave the AWA a shot, but by 2001 wrestling was "fake" and not seen as a real sport at ALL. They wouldn't have touched it.


I think in the end all a better brand would have done was lead to a bigger payout from Vince.

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