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~Montreal Aftermath: December 1997 Official Release~

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Thanks :)


That was one of the first mods for '10 so lineages were neglected badly I'm afraid :o 2013 will see this mod not only return but improved on in alot of ways. It's always been one of my fave scenarios and I learnt alot working on mods after this that I hope to incorporate.

Can't wait to see what you have in store for TEW2013! I'm thinking it's time for me to get out of the stone age (2008) and buy the fancy new game, and if I do I'm sure I'll start up a new diary at some point. It'd be great to do so with one of your mods, which I know I can count on being very high quality.

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Thanks for the link, I was ooking on here for good mods for a Freeware TEW, and boy reading through this thread, what a throwback to the days where people would get into heated discussion over worker stats and details of a mod. You don't really see this anymore. Genadi got absolutely raked over the coals here, but give him credit for how he just kept coming back and taking it on the chin. And sure enough, this mod is still around today, although its much different. I think alot of good modders were probably run off by how high the community's standards were for mods at the time. I didn't see this at the time but I thought there was alot of good informative discussion about worker stats in this thread. Very different community at the time for sure.
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