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USPW: An Infected Orange Stenned to have ZeroAtoms

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(OOC: This is a Multi Man Diary with Atomzero,InfectedGT,The Masked Orange, and Stennick, hence the title)




Ike Zekka's POV

11:57 am

I got the job, I finally get to work for the Big Leagues, or at least the 3rd largest US company.I stood outside the headquarters in Miami.The logo seemed like the only thing polished (OOC:I decided to have USPW like J Silver described it) I walked in and saw the secretary texting on her iPhone "Texting your girlfriends about one life to live?" I said.

"You must be that Indy Darling Bike, Sam's office is the one with the door closed." Did she just say Bike?I didn't really care at first seeing as I'm in USPW headquarters. I walked into his office and saw him sitting at his desk.


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Ike's Back Story



Ike Zekka started wrestling at the age of 16 and went on to become a very succesful Indy Wrestler. He suffered an achillies heel tendon injury at the age of 19 and could never wrestle again.


He was brought onto the USPW creative team after Sam Strong found him to have a very good mind for the business at such a young age.


All feedback is appreciated as it helps me improve my diary skills.

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I'd heard Ike's story, I'd heard it a thousand times. Promising young talent, potential to be huge. Injury, end of career. Then an office job, maybe something in a supermarket or a mechanics garage, it's all the same. They all try to just make do.


I was at an indy show in late 2009, I was scouting a rookie by the name of Running Wolf. He was wrestling Bob Casey, mercifully the match was not too long. Wolf was pinned after a quick schoolboy. Wolf needed more work, his punches still looked like he was tring to roll a pair of dice. But USPW could do with a Native American after the gimmick change of Champion. Wolf managed to catch my eye, but the gem of the night was backstage.


I went backstage, Wolf knew I was scouting him and I had to give him my decision, another "couple years more experience" deal. On the way out I sighed, he would have to work at least another two more years on a salary that would just about afford him the luxury of food before he even had a chance of making some real money.


Out of the corner of my eye I saw a young wrestler. A Young Retired Wrestler. He was calling over Running Wolf, out of interest I decided to eavesdrop.


"If you wanna impress you've got to get a better signature move. That side slam isn't going to impress anybody of note. Try throwing your punches level instead of arching them over. And when you try and get the crowd on your side do not shove the referee! Intentional or not it was awful."


Wolf walked away, nodding and thanking the wrestler. That wrestler was Ike Zekka. He still leant on the one side, the other still too weak.


"You got a good eye for these matches kid. Who you working for?"


"No one, just visiting a friend."




"No, still hanging around backstage."


I looked into his face, it was that look. He knew his career was over, he could barely accept it. He was just itching to run into that ring and have the fans behind him but it was all over.


"Kid, here's my card. Call me and arrange an appointment."


His eyes brightened, a wide grin appeared on his face.




"Don't mention it."


Maybe it was pity, maybe it was the fact he had a massive leg injury and was still hungry. Perhaps he actually was talented enough to be on my creative team. All I knew was that there was something special in that kid.

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Ike Zekka's POV

12:00 PM


I was so excited to be sitting in the same room as Sam Strong! And that big guy with the red beard... I'll Name him Red Beard King O' The Sea, Arg.


"I'd just like to thank you for the job, you hired me when I was out of work and wanted back in."


"You're welcome, i also hired another creative guy,His name is Steve Stennick, he's in the restroom- Oh there he is now!"


Steve was a tall guy, around 6 feet 6 inches 6 centimeters he looked around 48. He also had that evil smirk on his face...

Hello Ike and Sam. I'd like to discuss my creative plans with you. I think at Stars Stripes and SlamsCOUGHshould go overWhy would i tell you?For the world title.


That's a great idea! I couldn't help but notice that his Suit looked like it was painted on... Why is your suit painted on?

It isn't painted on.

Dude i can see your d**k


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Ike Zekka's POV


I had to take a test for them to know I knew what I was doing as a booker, I only got one question wrong:

Who is our fourth creative team member?


Answer here:An orange wearing a mask.

I don't know how they expected me to know that withoutEVER telling me.



I was at home watching TV and I got a phone call


Ningún huevo de pascua aquí, mi nombre es Espada Roja


Hi Espada, why are you calling me? And why did you say "no easter eggs here"?


Estoy llamando para informar que soy el cuarto hombre en el equipo de USPW creativo.


Cool, My name is Ike Zekk-

No Sherlock mierda

Thanks for calling.

Espada Roja hangs up

What a d---


En caso de que no podría decir, es atomzero Espada Rojahttp://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r305/GDE71/MHW/EspadaRoja.jpg

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