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The Total Wrestling Revolution... A New Feud Emerges...

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<p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;">For years it had been a threat, just a threat, nothing more. I’d heard about it, the banter on the golf courses and the charity events. “One day, Richard, I will come for your crown as the king of wrestling.” I had, in fact, once heard this banter although it had as ever been laughed off. Richard Eisen couldn’t consider the possibility that there would be someone as rich, as shrewd and as willing to put in the hours to become as big and as popular as he had.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> He was wrong.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> The prophecy that had been laid out for the eyes of his friend, the daring businessman who had propelled the Supreme Wrestling Federation to the heights that they had reached, had now been made public. I sat at my desk, watching the webcast as the announcement was made. The king had a challenger to his throne, not TCW with their limited funding and determination to be different. Not USPW who focused on family friendly, wholesome entertainment. No, this would be different, this would be change, and there was only one man who could stop the raging juggernaut that was SWF.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/GilThomas.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> This was Gil Thomas.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> Thomas had been friends with Eisen for a long, long time and for the last 20 years he’d clearly stated his case that he would be just as good for wrestling as Richard had been. Now, it appeared, was the time to strike. Something different, something that wasn’t being done. SWF had cornered sports entertainment, TCW had taken the more Traditional route, USPW had taken the family-friendly Americana route.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="color:#696969;">“My choice is to offer America and the World an alternative to the sickly sweet, the force-fed monotony and the euphoric dross that the other major promotions offer. I’ve known Richard Eisen for a long time, and in truth he’s never felt any pressure that he would fall from grace. He never believed he would be anything but No. 1. Well, Richard, I’m coming to get you...”</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> In one fell swoop, Gil Thomas had created...</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Company/TRW.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> Total Revolution Wrestling</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> The grin on his face seemed to make him a legitimate threat, somehow it seemed to emphasis just how interested he was, not only in this business but in taking apart what those who stood before him had built. In truth, he wanted to but heads with Eisen, Strong and Cornell; his tactic was to take a swipe at the biggest dog in the yard. It was a good idea, it had stimulated interest in a company that was essentially brand new. Let’s be honest, he was unlikely to attract a fan base by just starting to put on shows. He had to be controversial, he had to be different.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> He’d stirred the hornet’s nest.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> Yet as I sat here, looking at the screen of my laptop, my eyes couldn’t help but flick down to the status bar, upon which a Internet page remained open. The caption along the base of the screen read “Message Sent”, and I still couldn’t quite believe that I’d sent that message. Reading the article had hyped me up, reading the article had got my blood pumping about this business in a way I hadn’t felt in a long time; and here was the proof, a hastily written and impulse-driven email sent.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> Would he even read it?</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> I had sent in my CV, small but still impressive. I’d attached it without looking it over and had, indeed, forget the one or two small shows I’d worked recently. Still, retired wrestler and road agent doesn’t really take up too much space. My eyes flitted once more over the article, the writer seemingly refreshed by another alternative to write about.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27370" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-size:10px;">“A new taste of wrestling seems to be in the offing, a new beginning for some wrestlers previously overlooked or that do not fit within the unyielding products provided by USPW, TCW and of course SWF. This promotion seemingly intends to be new, modern and a breath of fresh air. It’s interesting to note that despite the allusion to Modern wrestling, the name of John “Nemesis” Campbell has been bandied around as the new booker for the company. This rumour seems to do little more than contradict the “New School” approach. Of course, most people would have expected the first choice to have been Phil Vibert, his legendary mind for the business being what it is. Unfortunately, his current commitment to Canadian Golden Combat seemingly leaves the Campbell as the preferred choice. It would fit, of course, into the war that has seemingly been created by Thomas against Eisen. Campbell would surely relish the opportunity to gain some semblance of revenge for his unceremonious firing from SWF 13 years ago and possibly finish a job left behind by the demise of DaVE. Still, this is little more than rumour, and of course with his considerable wealth it is widely accepted that Gil Thomas would be able to purchase any booker he would want. Why settle when you can buy the best?”</span></span></span></span></div></blockquote><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> It was this that had forced my hand. Settle? SETTLE? Why would a man like Thomas ever settle. He would pick the best, he would buy the best. I’d never proven I was the best, and now was the time. That’s why I sent my CV, that’s why I’d sat here for the last 4 hours reading every last little part of the article, ever last independent show review, every single report from the dirt sheets about what was going on in the wider business. I hadn’t touched that window, waiting for a reply, a call; anything. And then it came.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> You have a new mail.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> I clicked on the reply and read the one line that meant everything.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27370" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-size:10px;">“Mr. Thomas would like to invite you to Orlando to discuss the opportunity in question. Please pick up your ticket from John F. Kennedy airport.”</span></span></span></span></div></blockquote><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> If nothing else I’d got in the door. That was enough.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> ... For now.</span></span></p><p> ________________________________________________</p><p> </p><p> OOC: Ok, so my RWA Dynasty is not over, I'll be working through both. Secondly, credit to Kamchatka for the TRW logo. I read the message in which he made it and it appeared to have never been used so I figured, no better way to honour the great work he does.</p>
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Sitting in that lobby, staring up at a huge logo that read Gil Thomas Industries Ltd. I reaised that I was dealing with a very egocentric human being indeed. My eyes switched from person to person as they passed, trying to catch a glimpse of anyone I knew or had heard of that could also be here to speak to him. My meeting had gone well...


“Alright, well I can see you have the passion and the drive. The question is, what makes you think you have what it takes? I mean... You’ve been away from this business for a long time.”


I pondered the question... He had a point, I mean I had found out some very interesting titbits of information just by reading up on some of the newer workers on the market, but I was still so far away from knowledge of the current goings on in the business that I’d actually considered if this was a good idea myself.


“Mr. Thomas...”


“Please, call me Gil.”


“Gil; I, like most people, have the pleasure of watching wrestling whenever I feel like it. I have Tivo, I can watch SWF or TCW and then watch the other another night in the week. I can tune into USPW on a Wednesday night and I can head down and check out a NYCW show whenever they’re on, but the truth is... Other than that I don’t know the business.”


I sensed I was losing him; I needed to change that, and fast.


“But you tell me who does. There are two types of wrestling fan, those who watch the big leagues and those who watch the little leagues. Sure, I know the rosters and the stories going on in SWF, TCW and USPW. But so what? Who exactly do you think is going to walk away from their cosy high paying jobs to come to join our roster? Our roster that is yet to be built and there are only so many guys that you can convince that you’re willing to build a roster around.”


I seemed to have pulled things back from the brink.


“I want to work at this, I want to work hard enough to build a roster that will fulfil our mantra. What’s the point in filling the roster with guys who have name value but who can’t pull out the matches that I... We promise? Give me a date, any date, you tell me when and I will find you a roster that may not have the fans drooling to hear what they have to say, but they will be drooling when they can see the action in that ring.”


And that had been it, he’d dismissed me without an answer. He did, however, ask me to wait in the lobby. And here I was, still searching for the names that I knew would show up for this opportunity. In truth, I knew what I was capable of, knew what I would be able to offer. I felt I’d made the best possible case I could. If it wasn’t good enough then I’d go home back to my life, my comfortable life where I wanted for nothing and had everything I needed.


“Hi there, sir. My name is Rachel; I’m Mr. Thomas’ personal assistant.”


“Oh, hey...”


As I tried to get up, I faltered. One large groan and a seering pain in my knee later and I was on my feet shaking her hand. She was shorter than I had expected, yet her handshake was firm. This girl, it was clear, had intentions of career development.


“Mr. Thomas has asked me to pass on a message. He wanted me to give you this...”


She handed me an envelope which I opened as she spoke. Inside there was a Credit Card with the words “Total Revolution Wrestling” on the front and a slip of paper with a pin number on.


“He said that you have free reign to travel wherever you need to within this continent. USA, Mexico and Canada. He has requested that you speak to and confirm the interest of a full roster, including referees, road agents and commentators. Once you have those in place, email him a copy of the list.”


She handed me a second package, this time containing a cell phone. A strange looking cell phone that had a kind of keyboard on it.


“What’s this?”


“A Blackberry, you can receive and send emails as well as text messages and phone calls. All the relevant departments have been programmed in, don’t worry about the bill the company will pick them up. Once you have your final roster, he will assess it and on the strength of this, he will decide whether or not you have the job.”


And all at once I realised that he was using me. He wanted me to find him the roster so his bigger fish would have a more interesting list to look at when considering his options.


“He has a number of requests which are listed in the envelope and...”


“How many other guys have you made this speech to?”


“None sir...”




“No, he has only interviewed you for the position... So far.”


“Come on, be serious.”


“I may be Mr. Thomas’ employee, but I’m no liar. His stipulations are inside the envelope, he will contact you again once you have submitted your roster. You have until the end of January to submit your final roster. Good luck sir.”


As Rachel turned away, I considered the strangeness of the situation I was in. The only man interviewed? Was he setting me up? What was going on. I wasn’t sure, but for now, all I could do is prove my worth.

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As I sat in my dank, dreary motel room staring at my notepad, I had to admit that despite time constraints the roster I’d built up seemed to be strong. Some more name quality wouldn’t have done any harm but to be honest, that would come later. I flicked through my many lists of guys I did and didn’t want, flicked through emails confirming intent to take part. Most of the guys I’d spoken to had dates booked up until the end of February, so that would need to be taken into account but all in all I was proud.


I’d spent the last month travelling from Canada to Mexico to states all over the country. My trips had been ad hoc, with shows being scheduled all over the country I had sometimes spent 6 hours in Toronto before flying to Cancun the next day. Making promises to workers was difficult, I had no power yet. Not only that, every single superstar was coming in cold. I had no storylines, no plots in play, nothing but a desire to take the independent scene’s best workers and try something new.


As I looked through my list again I saw the risks. Thomas would be unhappy with anyone who worked elsewhere as well, it was a risk not only because of physicality; we can’t protect workers who work elsewhere, but they would be providing exposure for other companies on the back of any success we had. The problem this tossed in my direction was Shawn Gonzalez, a man who could be relied upon to bring out a performance; he was the booker for Freedom Caribbean Wrestling and didn’t want to give up the job. He couldn’t sign a written contract.


Whatsmore, it would be a big risk to offer a guy like Steve Flash a long term deal when he, and I to be fair, could not be sure how long he would last. Flash had talent, he’d always had talent, he’d just not had an opportunity to shine on the biggest stage. This would be his last opportunity, and he wanted to grip it with both hands. I, on the other hand, wasn’t so sure. In fact, I’d actually gone to NYCW to speak to Stomper about coming on board as an Agent. I didn’t want him to have to give up his duties with NYCW, just wanted him to come in and steady the ship. Steve overheard and offered his services. Stomper gave his recommendations, yet still I was unsure.


Then there was Acid, the man who I’d contacted while he was working in Japan. He had, as I expected, proven to be the difficult character that I’d heard he was. His demands were reasonable, even the clause he’d placed into his contract, but that was easily coverable, I had plans for Acid, real plans. His risk was placed in attitude; his reputation as a poisonous presence preceded him and with at least one other bad attitude likely to be spending time in our locker-room I had to hope the positive workers would balance that out.


Still, the list was… Good. Strong, I mean it was never going to have the star presence that any of the other big 3 had but it was enough. We had talent, and ability; if nothing else that gave us an edge that USPW didn’t have. We just needed to hope that the quality of what comes in-between the matches would be good enough to improve interest in our stories. The list was final, complete. I’d sent it to Gil and was now awaiting his verdict. Checking my watch, I realised that it was much later in Florida than it was here in LA; Nearly 2 am. I take a final look at my roster.


Active superstars








First Row – American Elemental, Ash Campbell, Acid, Champagne Lover, Davis Wayne Newton, Donnie J.

Second Row – Fumihiro Ota, Greg Gauge, Hell Monkey, Hell’s Bouncer, Insane Machine, James Prudence.

Third Row – Jay Chord , Joey Beauchamp, Johnny Stones, Kashmir Singh, Kirk Jameson, Mainstream Hernandez.

Forth Row - Mario Heroic, Matthew Keith, Matt Sparrow, Mikey James, Raul Ruiz, Rhino Umaga.

Fifth Row – Sammy The Shark, Samoan Machine, Shawn Gonzalez, Snap Dragon, Steve Flash, Steven Prudence






Steve Smith, Sara Silver and Eric Tyler






Carl Batch






Blonde Bombshell, Dharma Gregg, Jennifer Heat, Carl Batch and Siena DeVille






Eugene Williams and Wilson Carlisle


Road Agents




Crippler Ray Kingman, The Stomper and… Me.


And that was it, that was my roster. I’d submitted it and now all that was left to do was wait. I move the papers onto the ground, cringing at the idea of getting up in 3 hours to catch a flight down to Florida. Tomorrow was the 1st of February and I had a mid-day meeting scheduled with Gil. I felt a strange mix of excitement and fear. I wanted this so badly… But have I done enough?

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“Come in”


I pushed open the door and moved inside, slowly, deliberately. As I walk towards his desk, Thomas climbs to his feet. I glaze through his greeting, nerves making a loud beeping fill my ears. I watch him motion to a seat and then sit down. One sentence brings me back from this unwelcome yet unyielding distraction.


“Stop worrying! I loved the roster!”


All of a sudden the sound was gone, I suddenly realise that I’m cold from sweat covering my face, my clothes feel uncomfortable, my palms must have been sodden when I shook his hand. I look up at him and force a grin.


“Great... I’m glad you approve.” “As far as I’m concerned, the job is yours.”


I lean back, completely taken aback, although I’d worked hard it seemed to have been too easy.




He said, handing me an envelope which I open quickly. A personal check with a number on that, had it not been next to a dollar sign, I would have assumed was the serial number.


“I always look after those who work hard for me.”


Despite my happiness at the large cheque, I still had that niggling doubt; why me? Why had I been chosen? Why had my application been focused upon so greatly when so many other names could have been bought in a second? As much as I knew it was a risk, it was a question I needed to know the answer to.


“Gil, I’ve got to know... I spoke to Rachel and she told me that I was the first and only person you’d invited for interview. I’ve got to know, why me?”


Thomas grinned at me, as if he knew the question would be asked, as if he’d waited from the moment I’d met him for me to ask.


“You know what set you apart from every other guy who put his name forward for this job? One name... Richard Eisen.” “I don’t understand... I didn’t even mention Richard Eisen.” “Exactly my point; every single other applicant mentioned that prick. If this company is going to be successful, then we can only afford one guy intent on bringing Eisen down. The guy booking the matches and hiring the wrestlers needs to be focused on the show and leave the publicity and the waring to me.”


I’d never realised that, everyone else wanting that job would be appealing to the competitive nature of my new boss.


“You kept your eyes on the real goal, and that’s what I want from you.” “I won’t let you down...” “You’d better not, have your final roster on my desk by tomorrow morning.” “But, you have...” “I’m assuming you want to package these men into their own characters? We need the final list to contact each superstar and offer them a contract. I’m working on getting some TV time for our product so I will keep you updated. I aim to have all contracts starting on the 1st of March.”


Crap... This would mean a lot of coffee and an all nighter.


“Welcome to the team... Mr...”


Once again, I zone out as he says goodbye, taking my leave I decide to head back to the hotel and work on my characters for the show. This would be a long night.

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After hours and hours of toiling, I’d positioned who I wanted where I wanted and decided on the characters I wanted to build. Obviously, the list was an initial draft and would over time develop. Not just that, but I wanted the wrestlers themselves to have an input on how the characters would go. Most of the guys had an input and I’d discussed some ideas with them when making my approach. I was happy, I had made my choices...


Main Event


<table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 789pt;" width="1050" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><col style="width: 113pt;" width="150"> <col style="width: 150pt;" width="200"> <col style="width: 113pt;" width="150"> <col style="width: 150pt;" width="200"> <col style="width: 113pt;" width="150"> <col style="width: 150pt;" width="200"> <tbody><tr style="height: 112.5pt;" height="150"> <td class="xl66" style="height: 112.5pt; width: 113pt;" width="150" height="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/Acid.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">

Acid - The mysterious Acid, silent and guided by his manager, Mr. Batch. He is determined, and willing to use his air of mystery to his advantage.
</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/JamesPrudence.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
"Precious" James Prudence - a self confident, suave and ambitious superstar. He is willing to try anything to be successful; whether it's attacking or sweet talking.
</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/ShawnGonzalez.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
"The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez - Self reliant, almost cold, and unincumbered. Wanting or needing no friends or partners, he has a Don't Trust Anybody attitude.
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 112.5pt;" height="150"> <td class="xl66" style="height: 112.5pt; width: 113pt;" width="150" height="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/FumihiroOta.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
"The Ninja Warrior" Fumihiro Ota - Stealth, sleak and vicious with a cold streak within. The cold streak can often see him targetting weaker superstars.
</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/DonnieJ.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
"Simply Awesome" Donnie J - The flashly, flambouyant Fan Favourite managed by Katie Cameron. His ability comes from his charisma and ability to get the crowd pumped.

</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/SteveFlash.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
"Superstar" Steve Flash - The oldest veteran, whiley, shrewd and ready for action. His old school attitude will see him call any poor decisions and actions on the show.
</td> </tr> </tbody></table>


Upper Midcard


<table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 789pt;" width="1050" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><col style="width: 113pt;" width="150"> <col style="width: 150pt;" width="200"> <col style="width: 113pt;" width="150"> <col style="width: 150pt;" width="200"> <col style="width: 113pt;" width="150"> <col style="width: 150pt;" width="200"> <tbody><tr style="height: 112.5pt;" height="150"> <td class="xl66" style="height: 112.5pt; width: 113pt;" width="150" height="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/HellMonkey_alt3.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">

Death Monkey - The enigmatic, hyper-active, extremist. The Angel of Death is looking to make an impact with his highflying, extreme skills. He's one to watch.
</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/InsaneMachine.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
"The Insane Machine" - Cold, unfeeling, unemotional, calculated and logical. Insane Machine is the epitome of controlled agression. Far from a loose canon.
</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/StevenParker.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
"The Chosen One" Steven Parker, a superstad who believes he has been chosen to be the face of the company. A gimmick likely to be tongue in cheek in the beginning.
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 112.5pt;" height="150"> <td class="xl66" style="height: 112.5pt; width: 113pt;" width="150" height="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/HellsBouncer.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
Hell's Bouncer - The companie's resident big man for hire. He does, however, seemingly have the goods to make an impact if he chooses to move out of the shadows.
</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/SnapDragon.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
Snap Dragon - A truely evil masked warrior, intent on showing the world he's going to be the best. Willing to do anything to anybody to get ahead.
</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/MikeyJames.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
"The Dragon" Mikey James - A hardworking and down-to-earth individual showing all the traits of a worker waiting to fall under the wing of a vet. A possible future.
</td> </tr> </tbody></table>




<table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 789pt;" width="1050" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><col style="width: 113pt;" width="150"> <col style="width: 150pt;" width="200"> <col style="width: 113pt;" width="150"> <col style="width: 150pt;" width="200"> <col style="width: 113pt;" width="150"> <col style="width: 150pt;" width="200"> <tbody><tr style="height: 112.5pt;" height="150"> <td class="xl67" style="height: 112.5pt; width: 113pt;" width="150" height="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/MatthewGauge_FIN4.jpg</td> <td class="xl67" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">

Matthew Keith - One half of the newly created "Keith Brothers". A concept that had yet to be tried since the brothers had debuted. The Evolution of the business.
</td> <td class="xl67" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/SamoanMachine.jpg</td> <td class="xl67" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
Samoan Machine - The OTHER half of Samoan Destruction Inc. Like his partner, he will be packaged as a Savage controlled by the Authority figure. Will be expanded upon.
</td> <td class="xl67" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/MainstreamHernandez_alt4.jpg</td> <td class="xl65" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
James Hernandez - The Charasmatic lead singer of The Band. Although his bandmate has charisma too, his natural grasp of English makes him the main vocalist of the group.
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 112.5pt;" height="150"> <td class="xl67" style="height: 112.5pt; width: 113pt;" width="150" height="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/RhinoUmaga.jpg</td> <td class="xl67" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
Rhino Umaga - One half of Samoan Destruction Inc. Adorned with a Savage gimmick that is controlled by the resident Authority and Manager, Mr. Batch.
</td> <td class="xl67" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/ChampagneLover.jpg</td> <td class="xl67" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
Antonio Maxi Marquez - The former Champage Lover is packaged as the lead Guitarist of "The Band". An interesting group of very different people. The fun factor.
</td> <td class="xl67" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/KirkJameson.jpg</td> <td class="xl65" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
"Straight Edge" Kirk Jameson - No particular Gimmick, let's his in ring style do the talking. Win or lose his goal is to ensure he makes the biggest impact possible.
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 112.5pt;" height="150"> <td class="xl65" style="height: 112.5pt; width: 113pt;" width="150" height="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/SammyTheShark.jpg</td> <td class="xl67" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
Sammy The Shark - A charasmatic hustler that tries nothing else than to try to avoid having to compete, yet still being successful. Could be an interesting future ahead.
</td> <td class="xl65" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/AshCampbell.jpg</td> <td class="xl67" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
Ash Campbell - The rebellious side of the company, trying his best not only to stay away from the norm but to annoy the other second generation superstars and Mr. Batch.
</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/MattSparrow.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
"The Bird Man" Matt Sparrow - In keeping with his normal gimmick, Sparrow will take the role of the everyman, the guy everyone wants to see successful. But will he be?
</td> </tr> </tbody></table>


Lower Midcard


<table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 789pt;" width="1050" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><col style="width: 113pt;" width="150"> <col style="width: 150pt;" width="200"> <col style="width: 113pt;" width="150"> <col style="width: 150pt;" width="200"> <col style="width: 113pt;" width="150"> <col style="width: 150pt;" width="200"> <tbody><tr style="height: 112.5pt;" height="150"> <td class="xl66" style="height: 112.5pt; width: 113pt;" width="150" height="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/GregGauge_FIN8.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">

Gregory Keith - The second half of the Keith Brothers, again, he seems himself as the Evolution of this business alongside his brother and their stablemate... Well, you'll see.
</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/JayChord_FIN.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
Jay Chord - The third of the tri-vector. The ****y, brash voice of the group of young wrestlers with pedigree. In fact, that is exactly what they are. Pedigree.
</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/RafaelRuiz.jpg</td> <td class="xl65" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
Rafael Ruiz - An old school take no prisoners style worker with the ability to pull a shock win out of the bag against almost anyone. His age will limit his progress all things considered.
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 112.5pt;" height="150"> <td class="xl66" style="height: 112.5pt; width: 113pt;" width="150" height="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/AmericanElemental.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
Americana - The feel-good element of the show, a small peice of Americana without taking it to the extreme like some places. We need a patriotic face to get beat up too.
</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">

</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">

</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">

</td> <td class="xl65" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">

</td> </tr> </tbody></table>




<table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 789pt;" width="1050" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><col style="width: 113pt;" width="150"><col style="width: 150pt;" width="200"><col style="width: 113pt;" width="150"><col style="width: 150pt;" width="200"><col style="width: 113pt;" width="150"><col style="width: 150pt;" width="200"><tr style="height: 112.5pt;" height="150"> <td class="xl66" style="height: 112.5pt; width: 113pt;" width="150" height="150">

http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/JoeyBeauchamp.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
"Gentleman" Joseph Beauchamp - An English Gent from Oxford, England has the potential to be a breakout star if willing to stay for the long hall. interesting character.
</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/KashmirSingh.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
Kashmir Singh - "Sensational" Kashmir Singh is an interesting character looking to use his smooth talking skills in order to gain favour with fans and peers alike.
</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/MarioHeroic.jpg</td> <td class="xl65" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
Mario Heroic - The Mysterious Mario Heroic has a somewhat cult following as his wierd persona seems to have gained interest. Let's see how far he takes it.
</td> </tr></table>


Enhancement Talent

<table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 526pt;" width="700" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><col style="width: 113pt;" width="150"><col style="width: 150pt;" width="200"><col style="width: 113pt;" width="150"><col style="width: 150pt;" width="200"><tr style="height: 112.5pt;" height="150"> <td class="xl66" style="height: 112.5pt; width: 113pt;" width="150" height="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/DavisWayneNewton.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">

Davis Wayne Newton - Ultra confident, hard worker that doesn't seem to catch a break. Low popularity will see him need to take his lumps to gain interest from fans.
</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/JohnnyStones.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
Rolling Johnny Stones - The Third member of The Band and the one likely to take most losses. He's the "Drummer" so will likely be the biggest screw up.
</td> </tr></table>

My main roster looked good, promising. I was pleased, although the lack of balance concerned me. I had an option to have a few quick turns that may annoy some fans, but still. I had to consider the long term. We weren’t going to push Tag Team Wrestling from the bat except to further storylines, which meant that those workers who would be in tag teams wouldn’t need to be too high up the card. We need space for those who were going to tell the story.




<table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 789pt;" width="1050" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><col style="width: 113pt;" width="150"> <col style="width: 150pt;" width="200"> <col style="width: 113pt;" width="150"> <col style="width: 150pt;" width="200"> <col style="width: 113pt;" width="150"> <col style="width: 150pt;" width="200"> <tbody><tr style="height: 112.5pt;" height="150"> <td class="xl66" style="height: 112.5pt; width: 113pt;" width="150" height="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/CarlBatch.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">

Mr. Batch - Our Authority Figure and our main Heel Manager, he will be in charge of the main Stable in the company and all of the workers within.
</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/SiennaDeVille.jpg</td> <td class="xl65" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
Sienna DeVille - Playing the role of a Bitch, Sienna DeVille looks to take the lead with some of the lower order workers. Her confidence will hopefully transfer to her clients.
</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/DharmaGregg_alt09.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
Dharma Gregg - Could be our dark horse as managers go, she has talent on the mic and she was a stripper so she has sex appeal to spare. Not sure how to handle her yet.
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 112.5pt;" height="150"> <td class="xl66" style="height: 112.5pt; width: 113pt;" width="150" height="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/BlondeBombshell.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
The Blonde Bombshell - The Beautiful Secretary that makes notes about her workers when they wrestle. She's not good enough on the mic to be a talker, but looks good.
</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/KatieCameron.jpg</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
Katie Cameron - The Innocent Girl-Next-Door type with an attitude when needed and the conifdence to propell her clients higher. She will be a big asset to anyone working with her.
</td> <td class="xl66" style="width: 113pt;" width="150">http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/JenniferHeat.jpg</td> <td class="xl65" style="width: 150pt;" width="200">
Jennifer Heat - The final member of The Band, backing singer and girlfriend of the Lead Guitarist. She's there to look good and bounce of her boyfriend, Antonio Marquez.
</td> </tr> </tbody></table>


The managers were strong too, very strong. We had a good mix of faces and heels, valets and talkers. I was getting more confident by the moment. Then we had our stables; 3 of them.


Domination Inc.


The group formed by Mr. Batch before we had even worked our first show. His intention, of course, was to prove that he had the power to entice all of the best in the company to fall at his side.




The Pedigree


A group of individuals who have come together despite a mutual disinterest in one another to form a group of the sons of some of the biggest names in the business. The Keith’s and the Chord’s? There is always room for expansion.




The Band


An enigmatic group of musicians that seem intent on having fun, not only be their music but by spoiling the parties of those who feel themselves more important and more worthy than anyone else.




And finally we had my Tag Teams, only 3 offical teams to begin with but I was sure to improve that number over time.


The Kashmir Heros



The Keith Brothers



Samoan Destruction Inc.



All in all, I was very happy with my roster. I looked down at the email on the new laptop I’d acquired that day before clicking send. Rocking back in my chair I hoped that Gil would be impressed. I’d also attatched a number of storyline ideas for him to mull over, see if he felt they were in keeping with what his vision for the company was. Checking my watch, I saw 6am. I realised I’d been working on this for almost 18 hours. Granted, the short snippets I had included were nothing compared to the huge dossier I’d amassed on this laptop.


Not sure why technology had scared me so much, turns out I was pretty good...


“Oh god no. “


Looking down on my blank screen, I realised that the laptop had not been plugged in since I’d moved to the desk from the bed. Nothing saved, all I had was a sent email that I’d sent before it went off. I closed my eyes, trying to keep my composure as I looked to the coffee pot. Empty. Breathing heavily, I got up and walked over with the intention of refilling it once more. This was going to be a long day.

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No Jared Johnson?! Screw this diary, lol. Nah, I like what I see and can't wait for the first show. Good luck and here's hoping for a long diary.


Thanks! I'm still learning the Cornell-Verse and having just checked out Jared Johnson, he could actually fit. So, you never know, your wish could come true! Thank's for the comments.


Eagerly awaiting the first show. This looks like it will be fun.


- Sonfaro


Thanks, I've gone for something where I wouldn't be playing with another person's idea of what the fed should be (Seems strange because by that I mean Eisen, Cornell and Strong!) but still wanted to try and challange in a reasonable time. Hope you enjoy what's coming, I'm almost a month in already in game so I know what's coming!


Good stuff so far. You definitely have me interested in what's going on and you haven't even run a show yet!


Thanks, that's what I'm hoping for. I'm trying to build this promotion as an out of the blue challange. Although the final goal is to take on SWF, the Gil will take it one step at a time, USPW first, TCW second and the SWF. It's tough, USPW are building in popularity and size all the time.


All in all, the first card will be up in the morning, I'll likely give it 24-48 hours before I get the first show posted. I'm glad there's been interest already, and I hope you all like what you see from here-on-in.

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The email had been swift, a reply sent whilst drinking his expensive expresso handed to him by his housekeeper as he strode from the house that morning. I, on the other hand, was wired from the cheap crap I’d bought from a nearby 7-11 to fill the pot in my room. 20 hours straight I’d worked on this, for the second time pouring over the strengths and weaknesses of our entire roster. My dossier was complete; and this time saved.


Fantastic stuff, very interesting. I like the story ideas, we can discuss them over lunch. Dress nice; meet me at Hawk’s Landing Steakhouse at 3pm.


I looked at my watch and saw that it was now 2, I’d just finished working on the detailed plans and I had a choice. 30 minutes to get through Orlando traffic, I still needed to show and, worst of all, buy a suit. Rubbing the bridge of my nose, I climbed into the shower and let the cool water wake me from my daze.


“What a night…”


The strange part about how I was feeling was down to the fact that I was physically exhausted, but mentally stimulated. It had been the most fun I’d had for a long time, and that was the hardest part over. The characters, the opening stories; from there-on-in it would be a case of refining and adjusting what we had. I was still disappointed with the sheer volume of heels in our upper card but the truth was, there was no point putting a worker in a position where they would suffer. An upper midcard heel can quite easily drift to being a midcard face.


As I turned off the shower and climbed out, towelling myself dry, I noticed my phone buzzing once more. I strode out of the bathroom and picked it up; Gil Thomas. Clicking the green button I lifted the phone to my ear.




“I’m glad I’ve caught you, have you left for the restaurant yet?”


“No, not yet, just about to…”


“Good, Don’t. Listen, I have some excellent news, I’ve secured us a spot on a National TV network.”


“That’s great…”


“That’s not all, we go live Wednesday the 3rd of March.”


“Live? Wait, what’s the timeslot…”


“I knew you were going to ask that, we go on Primetime, head to head with USPW.”


“Are you sure about this? They have an established product and fanbase. We have… Well, we have ideas. We don’t even have contracted workers.”


“Leave that to me… You just work on your first card and sent it over to my PA. Her email address is rachel.rogers@gtiltd.com. Once she has it she’ll forward it over to our .com division who can post it on the website. We need a strong preview!”


“Would you like me to send it to you to approve before I forward it to Rachel?”


“You’re the booker kid; the world is in your hands. I have to go; I have a golf game to play with the head of the network.”


As he disconnected the call I realised that Gil Thomas was a man who could get things done, things that he wanted, he got and it seemed to me that with the money at our disposal here, we could develop our product very, very quickly.

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TotalRevolutionWrestling.com - Update!


TRW Revolution Wrestling, Live on TV!


Our debut show emanating from the Total Revolution Arena in Orlando, Florida, is set to be a very interesting evening with many of the Superstars on our roster being showcased on our first night.


Although small, our Tag Team Division is likely to improve over time and 2 of our Tag Teams are debuting in our opening contest. The hotly tipped Samoan Destruction Inc. take on the newly formed Kashmir Heroes in our opening contest of the evening.


Vastly underrated on the independent scene, both Matt Sparrow and Sammy The Shark will be intent to make an impact. Rumours flying around are that TRW will have 2 singles titles, including the World, so if they find themselves outside of the running for the World Title, both men will want to make inroads towards a midcard title run.


In our second Tag Team contest of the evening, the Keith Brothers, representing The Pedigree will take on Antonio Maxi Marquez and James Hernandez of The Band. This match will be interesting to see who, other than Domination Inc. of course, will be the dominant group in TRW.


Another match that will see interest in the midcard championship that may or may not be brought in to TRW is between “Straight Edge” Kirk Jameson and “The Chosen One” Stephen Parker. Both men feel they would be the best candidate to challenge for any championship gold that is available, but what will our resident Authority think?


Our Third and final Tag match of the evening will see “The Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez has been forced, against his will, to team up with “The Dragon” Mikey James to take on the team of “The Ninja Warrior” Fumihiro Ota and Snap Dragon. An interesting contest as it concerns the future of the TRW World Heavyweight Championship.


The final match announced for the evening will see the battle of former Tag Team Partners as “Precious” James Prudence goes one on one with “Simply Awesome” Donnie J. This match will not only attempt to separate those who will want a shot at the World Title but also separate who exactly was the strongest team member on the independent scene.


Also, the fate of the TRW World Heavyweight Championship will be decided tonight, alongside appearences from Mr. Batch, Acid, Death Monkey, Jay Chord and “Superstar” Steve Flash!


Quick Picks


Samoan Destruction Inc. Vs Kashmir Heroes

Matt Sparrow Vs Sammy The Shark

The Keith Brothers Vs Antonio Maxi Marques and James Hernandez

Kirk Jameson Vs Stephen Parker

Shawn Gonzalez and Mikey James Vs Fumihiro Ota and Snap Dragon

James Prudence Vs Donnie J

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Samoan Destruction Inc. Vs Kashmir Heroes

Matt Sparrow Vs Sammy The Shark

The Keith Brothers Vs Antonio Maxi Marques and James Hernandez

Kirk Jameson Vs Stephen Parker

Shawn Gonzalez and Mikey James Vs Fumihiro Ota and Snap Dragon

James Prudence Vs Donnie J

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Samoan Destruction Inc. Vs Kashmir Heroes


Matt Sparrow Vs Sammy The Shark


The Keith Brothers Vs Antonio Maxi Marques and James Hernandez


Kirk Jameson Vs Stephen Parker


Shawn Gonzalez and Mikey James Vs Fumihiro Ota and Snap Dragon


James Prudence Vs Donnie J

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Samoan Destruction Inc. Vs Kashmir Heroes

Samoan´s are higher on card


Matt Sparrow Vs Sammy The Shark

I just like Sammy more


The Keith Brothers Vs Antonio Maxi Marques and James Hernandez

faces need to win some matches too


Kirk Jameson Vs Stephen Parker

Parker is higher on the card


Shawn Gonzalez and Mikey James Vs Fumihiro Ota and Snap Dragon

Ninja and a dragon in a same team? No change that they lose then:p


James Prudence Vs Donnie J

No idea but since I picked mostly heels so far I go with Donnie

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Samoan Destruction Inc. Vs Kashmir Heroes

I don't think Singh and Mario will make a good tag team, and Samoan Destruction has been around for a long time...they pick up the win.


Matt Sparrow Vs Sammy The Shark

Sparrow is the man. Sammy's a good entertainer, but the high-flying Bird Man wins this one.


The Keith Brothers Vs Antonio Maxi Marques and James Hernandez

Although they have never been together as a tag team, both of these guys are awesome wrestlers and future stars. Easy win.


Kirk Jameson Vs Stephen Parker

"The Future" is another great young gun. He wipes the mat with Jameson.


Shawn Gonzalez and Mikey James Vs Fumihiro Ota and Snap Dragon

Two of the coolest wrestlers in the CVerse, and how much did you have to pay to get the big-headed Gonzalez?


James Prudence Vs Donnie J

Complete shot in the dark here.

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Shawn Gonzalez and Mikey James Vs Fumihiro Ota and Snap Dragon

Two of the coolest wrestlers in the CVerse, and how much did you have to pay to get the big-headed Gonzalez?


You know, I was happy until you brought that to my attention... There's only Acid getting paid more. I mean, they're Main Eventers but to be honest, both are getting double per month than anyone else on my roster.


Thanks for the Predictions guys, I'm actually going to keep a tally of predictions on this diary and I'm sure I'll come up with some kind of award thing too! :D

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No predictions from me, but I'm enjoying this so far. This looks like it could be the first diary, at least that I've seen/read where the top three actually get toppled.


Hopefully you'll keep this up for the long haul.


Can't wait for the first show.



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TRW Total Revolution TV

Wednesday 3rd March, 2010

Live from the Total Revolution Arena, Orlando, Florida

Attendence - 2,123


As the theme music plays and the crowd pop for the first ever episode of TRW Revolution TV, we head to ringside with our Ring Announcer Steve Smith and Colour Commentators Sara Silver and “The Traditionalist” Eric Tyler.




Smith: Good day to you all! Welcome to TRW Revolution TV, my name is Steve Smith and I am joined by my broadcast colleagues Sara Silver and “The Traditionalist” Eric Tyler!


Silver: That’s right! I made it to the big time baby! I knew I would, It was inevitable... Only a matter of time... It was...


Tyler: Apparantly a big mistake, can we please get on with some action?


As The Traditionalist speaks, he’s cut off by the music of Mr. Batch.




He slowly saunters out to the ring closely followed by Acid and Death Monkey. The group look confident and dominant as they climb into the ring. Mr. Batch takes the microphone and stands basking in the boos and jeers of the fans.




Batch: Ladies and gentlemen, I am glad to usher in a new era in Wrestling; an era that will be controlled and manipulated by me. My name is Mr. Batch, and I am the man charged with the duty of propelling this company to heights that others only dream of. I am the man charged with the duty of keeping order and making sure the cream rises to the top.


The jeers get louder as each of the men in the ring in turn raise their arms as their name is called.


Batch: Samoan Destruction Inc., soon to be one of the most dominant tag teams in wrestling history are in the back getting ready for their match up next. Sammy The Shark, confident, charismatic and willing to sell his grandmother for the chance to be successful. That’s without mentioning the two men in the ring. Firstly, Death Monkey, the Angel of Death; The Enigmatic, Hyperactive, Extremist, willing to put his body on the line for our cause. Finally, last but by no means least the man I have chosen to represent me and each and every one of you; Acid.


The boos hit their peak as Acid climbs to the middle rope and mocks each and every fan with his body language.


Batch: You may jeer, but this man is everything a champion should be. Determined, hard working; he is everything that you people wish you were. Look at you all, sat here wallowing in your own self pity, living vicariously through your so-called fan favourites. Each and every one of you would give up an arm to be stood here, accepting my worship. But no, it is these men, my army; Domination Inc.


From behind his back, tucked inside his suit pants underneath the jacket, Batch pulls out a bag and opens it. From inside, he pulls a gold belt and grins widely.


Batch: And our FIRST and most dominant Total Revolution Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion!


Batch hands the Championship to Acid who once again climbs to the middle ropes. He holds the belt above his head as if won in a match that had lasted for hours. The hatred coming from the crowd is intense, clearly unhappy with a champion being awarded their Championships. This booing, however, quickly turns to cheers as the music of...


http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/SteveFlash.jpg W/ http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/KatieCameron.jpg


“Superstar” Steve Flash hits! He walks out onto the ramp dressed in street clothes, jeans and a t-shirt with a mic in his hand. To his right is his manager, Katie Cameron. With a grin on his face, almost mocking, Flash lifts the mic to his lips.


Flash: Hold on a second, let me get this straight. For over 100 years, professional wrestlers have worked, a toiled to get to the top. They’ve started at the bottom and worked their way up through the ranks and finally, finally gained their chance at winning Championship gold. For over 100 years, this business has been built on the best, hardest working superstars won championships fairly and justly, and even those that have been tainted have been won in competition. Yet tonight, on one of the biggest nights to date in pro wrestling, we have just had to witness the crowning of a Champion without so much as a bead of sweat?


Acid stands amongst his follow Destruction Inc. Cohorts, his newly awarded Championship hung over his shoulder.


Flash: You know; when I accepted a place on the Total Revolution Wrestling roster, I looked over it and I saw your name Acid. When I did, I got excited, because I thought I would witness a top competitor doing whatever he had to do to get to the top, not sell out at the first opportunity to get Championship gold.


Acid begins to stir, walking forward and placing hands on the ropes; his body language portraying a look of frustration.


Cameron: What? You want to prove him wrong? Alright, prove him wrong; tonight, you and “Superstar” Steve Flash in that ring. I’m not asking you to put your precious title on the line. I’m suggesting that tonight you prove that you’re a real man, but when Steve beats you, he will be entitled to a shot at that belt. He will be able to prove that he has what it takes to actually WIN that World Title.


Acid snaps, rocking the ropes and dropping the belt to the ground. He turns to Batch, his jaw working underneath his mask, his manager and the man who makes the matches in TRW trying his best to calm him down. Finally, he places a hand on Acid’s shoulder and backs him up back into the crowd. He turns to Flash and Cameron with a sneer on his face.


Batch: Who the hell do you think you are coming out here and insulting our World Champion? Questioning his honour, his integrity. Damn it, I could fire you both right here right now for questioning my decision on this matter...


The sneer turns to a leering smile.


Batch: But I’m not going to do that, no... You see Steve, I want to prove to YOU that it’s you who doesn’t have what it takes. You may think that because you once had the ability to beat the best that you’re still important, but you’re not. You’re nothing, Steve, you’re nothing in his company, you’re nothing in this business. Nothing but a shadow, a shell of what you were. Tonight, Steve, you have the chance to prove yourself. If you win your match tonight, you will get a shot at the World Championship; but ONLY if you win. Lose? And you will never, ever get a shot at the World Championship, no matter who you beat and when. While I’m in charge, you will never even set foot in the ring with MY Champion.


Flash grins a wide, but almost fraudulent smile. He turns to Cameron and whispers in her ear. She looks concerned and shakes her head, but he places his hand on her shoulder to reassure her.


Flash: Alright Batch, you’ve got it. I accept; I win, I get your hand picked Champion in the ring, I lose I’ll never stake a claim again. So tell me, who is it I’ll be facing?


Batch turns and looks at each of Domination Inc. In turn before turning back to the ramp.


Batch: I want to wish you luck tonight Steve, because you’re going to need it when you take on... DEATH MONKEY!


Flash’s smile falters, if only for a moment before he nods his head.


Smith: What an announcement! Steve Flash’s quest for gold could be over before it’s even begun tonight!


Silver: Let’s hope so, the last thing we need is any more old fossils cluttering up the place.


Tyler: Why am I having a strange de ja vu type moment?


As Flash turns to leave the stage, he falls suddenly to the ground. In front of him stands Sammy The Shark, revelling after a huge big boot. Cameron backs up, terrified for her client. Suddenly, Samoan Destruction Inc. are on the ramp, holding Flash up and passing him between them with right hands. As Flash moves to fall one more time, Shark holds him up as the two Samoans back up and sprint with a stunning Samoan Sandwich. Flash rocks before being gripped by the hair and tossed backstage, closely followed by Cameron who has tears in her eyes.


Smith: This is despicable! What a horrible act at the hands of Domination Inc!


Silver: Um; duh... DOMINATION Inc. They’re not called “We’ll let you get away with trash talking us” Inc. are they?


Tyler: Can you honestly be that stupid, Smith? I mean... I don’t very often agree with the Showgirl, but there was NO way Domination Inc. would stand for Flash’s insubordination.


We return to the ring for our opening contest. Samoan Destruction Inc. have been left in the ring alone after some applause by their Domination Inc. partners awaiting their opponents who make their way out to the ring, high fiving fans as they go.


Regular Tag Team Match


Samoan Destruction Inc. Vs The Kashmir Heroes


Our first contest of the evening saw the brand new team of Kashmir Singh and Mario Heroic take on the established Samoan Destruction Inc. The Heroes did their best to make an impact but their differing styles and definite lack of experience of a team lead to a broken performance filled with mistakes. Both men tried their hardest to make an impact yet it was the Samoans who quickly took charge. After 6 minutes, the Samoans were in full control in the end defeating Mario Heroic with the Samoan Sandwich for a three count and the victory.


Winners by Pinfall – Samoan Destruction Inc.


Smith: That was another impressive performance by the Samoan Team.


Silver: Indeed, first the shut the mouth of that idiot Flash, and now they’ve beat the freak and the Indian.


Tyler: Let’s hope they find something else for Singh and Heroic to do, because they sure as hell can’t tag.


Commercial Break


We return from commercial and head straight back to ringside where Sammy The Shark is making his way to the ring to a chorus of boos.


Smith: Up next we have a great contest between Domination Inc. member, Sammy The Shark and fan favourite and independent darling, Matt Sparrow.


Silver: Independent darling, or big three cast off?


Tyler: Hey, idiot, it’s a big four now, and he’s part of it...


Silver: Jus’ sayin’...


As Sammy looks on, “The Bird Man” Matt Sparrow makes his way out to a rapturous greeting from the fans. He takes a moment to drink it in before sprinting to the ring.


Regular Singles Match


Sammy The Shark Vs “The Bird Man” Matt Sparrow


Our next match up saw Matt Sparrow take his high flying abilities up against the brawling, chain wrestling skills of Sammy The Shark. Both men had numerous opportunities to gain the victory, with Sammy The Shark trying every trick to get the win. His main attempt in the early part of the match came when he goaded Sparrow to the outside of the ring and managed to engangle him in the cables in the commentary booth. Sparrow was able to get back to the ring just before the 10 to the dismay of The Shark. On the contrary, Sparrow had the best chance to gain a win with the Bird Brain Buster, however Sammy’s feet were under the ropes! Finally, Sammy The Shark gained the victory after a roll up with tights held. The Shark slid out of the ring before feeling any repercussions for his cheating.


Winner by Pinfall – Sammy The Shark




Silver: And what’s that supposed to mean!?


Smith: Awarding titles, cheating to win! It’s ridiculous.


Tyler: All’s fair in love and war.


We return from commercial as as the music of The Pedigree plays!




Jay Chord and The Keith Brothers make their way out to the ring. Their arrogance radiates throughout the arena as they saunter to the ring. The crowd pick up on this immediately with a chorus of boos. The 3 men sneer at the fans as they each climb into the ring. Chord takes the mic and turns on the spot.


Chord: Ladies and gentlemen, you are honoured tonight to bare witness to the creation of a group with more sheer Pedigree than any other in the history of this business. My name is Jay Chord, son of former CWF National Champion and 6 time World Champion, Rip Chord. The gentlemen by my side are the Keith Brothers, Matthew and Gregory, the children of 8 time World Champion Sam Keith. Do you realise that between our fathers there are 14 World Championships? And all of that skill and ability has been transferred directly to us. The difference? We’re taking what our parents gave us and are making it better.


The crowd continue to boo the young, egotistical group.


Chord: Tonight, my friends here are looking for some action. Tonight, The Keith Brothers are looking for completion. And we’ve heard there is a team that wants to challenge a team with their genetics and their Pedigree...


As Chords speaks, he’s cut off by the Self played music of the Band.


http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/MainstreamHernandez_alt4.jpghttp://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/ChampagneLover.jpg W/ http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx161/mikemelling/Superstars/TRW/JenniferHeat.jpg


James Hernandez and Antonio Maxi Marquez with Jennifer Heat, make their way out to the ring. The Band climb into the ring as Hernandez takes the microphone.


Hernandez: You heard right Jason. The thing is, the way we see things? Pedigree has nothing to do with it. Tonight, you need to understand that The Band is about to play, and you are going to feel our Base!


Dropping the mic, Marquez and Hernandez advance and the referee calls for the bell as Chord escapes the ring.


Regular Tag Team Match


The Keith Brothers W/ Jay Chord Vs The Band W/ Jennifer Heat


4 of the companies youngest up and coming superstars take on one another in another Tag Match. The technical abilities of The Keith Brothers take on the High Flying skills of Hernandez and Marquez. The different styles work well with both teams looking to press home the advantage. The Keith’s looked, early in the match, set to gain victory as Gregory had Hernandez locked in the Proton Lock with the ring cut off and no way for him to gain the tag. However, it was the distraction of Matthew that allowed Marquez to break up the hold and counter attack with a number of high flying moves, culminating with a very impressive cradle package for a quick pinfall victory!


Winners by pinfall – Antonio Maxi Marquez and James Hernandez


Smith: What a win for... Wait a second! NO! COME ON!


Back in the ring, Jay Chord has entered with a steel chair and proceeded to hit Marquez in the back and Hernandez between the eyes. The crowd boo as he stands over the fallen Band, with Jennifer Heat another uncomfortable watcher. Chord calls The Keith Brother’s to their feet before speaking to each individually. Both, in sync, lock in the Proton lock on individual opponents. The time keeper hammers the bell and the referee calls for help as officials pour from the backstage area and crowd the ring.


Silver: That’s right, the Pedigree make a statement! I love good genes...


Tyler: Was your mommy a stripper too?


Silver: Screw you!


Tyler: No thanks, I have no idea where you’ve been...




As The Band are removed from the ring, we head to a commercial. Upon coming back, Kirk Jameson stands in the ring. He eyes the rampway waiting for his opponent.


Smith: After that heinous attack, we need to head back to the action in the ring. Up next, a great matchup between Kirk Jameson taking on the self proclaimed “Chosen One” Steven Parker.


Parker makes his way out onto the ramp with a beautiful robe adorned with a feather boa. He makes his way to the ring and climbs inside before removing the robe and hanging it over the top rope.


Regular Singles Match


“Straight Edge” Kirk Jameson Vs “The Chosen One” Steven Parker


Two more young overlooked superstars take to the ring with “The Chosen One’s” brash and arrogant attitude transferring into his performance. Telegraphing every move, he dominated the early part of the match up with a strong display of chain wrestling. However, as the victory continued to allude him, Parker became more and more frustrated, and his main mistake lead to Jameson’s biggest opportunity. He looked to have victory wrapped up with the Kirk-Hold, however Parker was able to get to the ropes. It was, however, another mistake that was crucial. As Jameson went to lock in the Kirk-Hold once more, he found a Steven Parker thumb to the eye followed up with The Future Shock! Parker made the cover and gained the one-two-three!


Winner by Pinfall – Steven Parker


Smith: After a ****y opening, Parker moved into the zone as the match came to an end.


Tyler: Reminds me of a young Eric Tyler.


Silver: With wrestling ability...


We head backstage where “Precious” James Prudence stands by awaiting a chat with our Announcer, Steve Smith.




Smith: Precious James, thank you for...


Prudence: I suggest you shut your limey pie hole, Smith, you have no right talking to the Precious one. Sit back, relax and listen to what I have to say. My name, is Precious James Prudence, I am the epitome of sophistication, of style and ability. Tonight, I have the unfortunate displeasure of taking on a man I once made the mistake to call partner, friend and even brother. Tonight I have the displeasure of standing across from a man so beneath me that from where he stands, the soles of my shoes are out of his reach.


Grinning, the crowd boo his sentiment.


Prudence: Tonight I prove that it was I, not Donnie J that had the ability in our team. I guarantee that at the end of this night you will all know who was the best...


Prudence is cut off by a round of applause, turning his head...




Donnie J makes his way into shot.


Donnie: Pretty good speech James. You sound like you have all the answers, you look the part; hell if I didn’t know better I would believe that you were the best. The problem, Jamie, is that I do know better. I know who carried who, I know who made our team successful and it wasn’t you. One thing I do agree with though, buddy, is that tonight we will find out who was the best. Unfortunately for you, from where you’ll be lying tonight once I’m done with you, the soles of my shoes will be out of your reach.


Donnie turns around before being nailed in the back of the head with the mic. Staggering, Donnie almost drops to his knees. Prudence advances and swings an arm for a clothesline; connecting with nothing! Donnie had ducked and as Prudence turns around again, he’s caught square in the jaw with a superkick knocking him out cold.


Donnie: I’ll see you in the ring... Partner.


Dropping the mic, Donnie heads out of shot leaving Prudence lying.


Smith: Well... I’m glad I didn’t get involved.


Regular Tag Team Match


“The Dragon” Mikey James and “The Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez Vs “The Ninja Warrior” Fumihiro Ota and Snap Dragon


Both teams made their way to the ring individually, with James and Dragon starting off the match. Dragon took control and a number of quick tags between he and Ota kept the fresher man in the ring. Cutting Mikey off from the tag enabled the heel duo to keep control for a good few minutes. As the match wore on, and the heels got frustrated by the unwillingness of Mikey James to stay down, mistakes began to creep in. James almost made the tag on a number of occasions, with one being connected but Ota distracting the referee. Finally, an inzaguri to the head of Snap Dragon enabled Gonzalez to get the tag. The Lone Wolf took control beating both Ota and Dragon down, finally forcing Ota out of the ring. Finally, Shawn Gonzalez managed to lock in the Latino Crab on Snap Dragon who, about to tap out, was dragged clear of the ring by Ota. Instead of returning to fight, Ota and Dragon backed up the ramp, allowing the referee to count them out.


Winners by Count Out – Shawn Gonzalez and Mikey Dragon


Smith: What a cheap way out!


Tyler: Those who turn and run away, live to fight another day.


Silver: And, if they take the count out, they‘ll be able to fight next week too.


Tyler: You make my head hurt.


As we return from commercial, Donnie J makes his way out to the ring to the cheers and adulation of the fans. However, the cheers turn to boos as “Precious” James Prudence makes his way out to the ring.


Regular Singles Match


“Precious” James Prudence Vs “Simply Awesome” Donnie J


The battle of the former Tag Team Partners was a mouth-watering prospect as they have a similar High Octane Style. Both men showed utter determination in wanting to gain victory in one of the more interesting matches of the evening. Donnie missed the opportunity to hit the Death on Miami Beach and Prudence followed up with the Precious Pain Plan! The referee made the count but Donnie kicked out at 2! Prudence attempted to hit the Triple P one more time, but Donnie reversed into the Death on Miami Beach! The referee counted and again, a kick out at 2! Both man having had their moments of frustration before Donnie J finally gained victory with a small package!


Winner by pinfall – Donnie J


Smith: What a great win for Donnie J!


Tyler: A very impressive match, I have to admit.


Silver: I’ve seen better...


Tyler: Where, in Vegas? Are you kidding?


Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, up next we have a match between “Superstar” Steve Flash and Death Monkey. Let’s take a look how this all came about.


A video plays hyping up the Main Event of the evening showing the events leading up to this match including Acid being awarded the Championship and Steve Flash’s challenge.


Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, let’s head back to the ring.


First out to the ring is Death Monkey accompanied by Mr. Batch who takes a seat at ringside, standing in the ring, he glares up at the ramp awaiting his opponent. He doesn’t have to wait long before Steve Flash and Katie Cameron make their way out. Flash looks beat up and in pain after his attack earlier in the night.


Main Event Singles Match


Death Monkey w/ Carl Batch Vs “Superstar” Steve Flash w/ Katie Cameron.


Our Main Event saw the all or nothing challenge of Steve Flash taking on Death Monkey. Wins? He gets a shot at Acid’s World Title, loses? He never gets to step in the ring with a World Champion again. As the match begun it was clear that the aging Steve Flash would have had an issue with the speed and agility of Death Monkey before he’d been attacked. Monkey controlled the opening of the match with a number of high impact, high speed moves leaving Flash looking out of the match and out of control. With Mr. Batch looking on calling the shots, Death Monkey looked to finish the match off with the Death Tumble. As he leaped from the top rope, Flash managed to get out of the way. The crowd popped and Flash instantly seemed to get some kind of motivation. Mr. Batch climbed on the apron and distracted the newly invigorated Flash. Death Monkey climbs to his feet and, as Flash turns, hits the Hell Fire Kick! However, it was not Flash on the end of it, but Mr. Batch who fell hard from the apron. Death Monkey turned around just in time to taste the Flash Bang! The referee makes the pinfall for the one, two, three!


Winner by pinfall – Steve Flash


Post match, Steve Flash hugs Katie Cameron in the ring and the crowd go wild for the victory of the veteran. He basks in the glow coming from the fans looking tired and exhausted. He closes his eyes, allowing the moment to sink in. As he opens his eyes, the World Title connects with his skull.




As the show comes to it’s end, once again Katie Cameron is stood back, tears in her eyes, her client on the ground unconscious. The TRW World Heavyweight Champion stands over Steve Flash, his arms raised with the Championship held within, symbolic of his position as World Heavyweight Champion.


Smith: I can’t believe Acid knocked Steve Flash out!


Tyler: Sign of a true champion, opportunistic and ruthless.


Silver: And hot...


Tyler: For the love of g...


Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, we’re out of time, we’ll see you next week!


As we fade out, Acid stands victorious over the number one contender.


Final Rating







Batch Opens the Show – C+

Acid awarded World Title – C

Steve Flash Challanges Acid – E+

Batch books Flash Vs Monkey – D+

Flash attacked by Samoans and Shark – D

Match 1 - Samoan Distruction inc bt.Kashmir Heros – D

Match 2 - Sammy The Shark bt. Matt Sparrow – C-

The Pedigree open challange The Band Accept – E+

Match 3 - The Band bt. The Pedigree – C-

The Pedigree attack The Band post match – E-

Match 4 - Steven Parker bt. Kirk Jameson – C-

Backstage Prudence and Donnie, J knocks out Prudence – C-

Match 5 - Gonzalez and James bt. Ota and Dragon – B-

Match 6 - Donnie J bt. James Prudence – C-

Hype video for Flash Vs Monkey – D-

Steve Flash bt. Death Monkey – C+

Steve Flash celebrates – D

Acid knocks out Steve Flash – C-




I was very happy with the show, and backstage the buzz was great for a good opening card. It would interesting to see just how we would fair in the ratings war. I was happy to see that Matt and Greg had great chemistry as partners. Greg’s performance skills have improved, and Antonio Maxi Marquez’s looked better rumbling in the ring. Matty Sparrow’s technical and performance skills have improved whilst Shawn Gonzalez and Mikey James improved in technical skills. Donnie’s performance skills improved too. Unfortunately, Steven Parker and Kirk Jameson just didn’t click and their match suffered. For now, I just wanted to go to bed. This job is REALLY tough.

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<p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">The sound of my cell phone vibrating on my side table echoed through my skull like a pneumatic drill as I forced my eyes open. Leaning over I grabbed the handset and looked at the display; Gil. I click the green button and wearily place the phone against my ear.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

</span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="color:#2E8B57;">“Hello?”</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

My voice sounded cracked, weak, clearly suffering from a late night out after our first successful show. I tried to stretch, tried to wake myself up before having to speak again. Alas, I’d missed his greeting, I seemed to have a habit of doing that.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

</span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="color:#696969;">“… You think it went?”</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

</span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="color:#2E8B57;">“Oh, um… From a show perspective I think it went well. Considering we had nothing to base our plans upon, we had no foundation upon which to build. We’ll introduce a few new characters on our next show. All in all, I think we made Domination Inc. look good and Steve Flash is already gaining sympathy from the fans.”</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

</span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="color:#696969;">“I agree, I was very pleased with the results.”</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

</span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="color:#2E8B57;">“Just need to see how the ratings show up.”</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

</span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="color:#696969;">“That’s why I called; the ratings are in.”</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

I sat up in the bed, my back against the cold wall, instantly alert.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

</span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="color:#2E8B57;">“How did we do?”</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

</span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="color:#696969;">“For our first show? Not all that bad. I mean, we were going up against an established product, we only had the publicity created by the initial announcement and we’re on a Station that a lot of people possibly don’t watch that often.”</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

</span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="color:#2E8B57;">“Ok, so what about the numbers?”</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

</span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="color:#696969;">“USPW American TV pulled out a 1.23 rating…”</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

</span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="color:#2E8B57;">“And us?”</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

</span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="color:#696969;">“0.22.”</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

I felt an instant deflation; a 0.22? How could we have not touched more people with our product?</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

</span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="color:#696969;">“You still there?”</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

</span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="color:#2E8B57;">“Yeah, just digesting the rating.”</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

</span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="color:#696969;">“Don’t be downhearted, for our first ever show the network were very pleased. I’m pleased.”</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

</span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="color:#2E8B57;">“I guess…”</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

</span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="color:#696969;">“You sound like a teenager, listen it should be me roasting your ass here and you telling me it will take time to get a fan base.”</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

</span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="color:#2E8B57;">“Yeah I know, it’s just that I’m a perfectionist.”</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

I heard him laugh, an almost raucous laughter.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

</span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="color:#696969;">“Good, that’s what I like to hear. Now get dressed and meet me at Hawk’s Landing in an hour. We need to celebrate.”</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">

Without waiting for me to reply he hung up the call. Leaning back I started to think about the results from last nights show. They’d worked, they’d been good and strong. We just needed time, Gil was right. For now, I’d just enjoy eating Sirloin steak on the boss.</span></span></p>

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just an update... This is going to continue. My laptop started billowing smoke about a week ago and I'm waiting on a new one to come from Dell (12-14 working days for god sake.) So... Yeah, hoping to post some CD stuff later on today or tomorrow.


Other than that, don't worry! The Feud will continue!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Look whose back... Back again...


“Still not used to this huh?”


He’d noticed me rolling the bread roll in my fingers looking down at my plate. He was right, I had no way of knowing how to deal with this type of situation; but this was Gil Thomas, he was never likely to want to meet in a dirty, grunge filled bar where I’d normally spend my time. Don’t get me wrong, this wasn’t the type of fancy fine dining that I would have expected a millionaire to suffer, but this was the 3rd time in a fortnight I’d been in this steakhouse and I still couldn’t work out what fork to use.


“Not really no…”


“Don’t worry about it, I’ve got guys who have worked for me for years that have never even walked into this place. You may be a new project, but you’re high on my list of priorities. You’re damn near a CEO.”


I smiled back at him before choosing the outermost fork and digging it into my seafood ****tail starter. We fell silent for a moment, allowing the atmosphere of the room to fill the void between us. I had nothing I could say to this man, he was more powerful and successful than anyone I had ever known.


“So, how’re the plans for this weeks show coming?”




Finally, something I could speak passionately about.


“Despite my reservations about our ratings last week, I think we introduced our initial characters well. We’ve adopted a good start and our opening storylines seem to have been received well from what I read on our forums.”


“Definitely; we’re generating interest and Steve Flash is already a character that people are getting behind.”


“We need to capitalise on that this week. I don’t want Steve to look week, he’s one of our top performers, but I think there is a definite need for our fans to have sympathy with him.”


Gil didn’t speak; he just lifted soup to his mouth and urged me to continue with a wave of his spoon.


“We need to forge forward showing who would be on each side of our heel/face divide. Most of all, we need to prove why our young stars should be leading this revolution. We have a good mix of youth and experience.”


Gil nods silently. I pulled a slip of paper out of my pocket and slid it across the desk, the card was filled out on there with the Main Event with question marks next to it.


“Interesting, what’s wrong with the Main Event?”


“Not sure if it’s the best way to go, who’s involved and how to end the match. It’s a difficult balance, keeping the right guys strong without burying those who they’ll face later. I’m likely to go ahead but seeing as we’ll announce it on the night we can leave the decision late.”


He continued to scan the page, bottom to top, important and decreasing.


“Ahhhh, we finally get to see the Chord legacy fight?”


“Definitely, we need to show we have some of the best young workers in the business. The Keith boys have to be kept strong but we also need to avoid pushing people on name value only.”


“Hence “The Band”?”


“Of course, Mainstream and Lover are some of the most promising workers I’ve seen, our product suits them and gives them a platform to make a name for themselves on national TV. Our problem is keeping hold of them when their popularity peaks. We wont need to worry about a lot of workers moving to SWF, we have a quite a conservative group, but TCW? That’s a worry…”


“Let’s work with it, I’ll get most of the matches posted on the website as a preview and you can keep the Main Event close to your chest.”


He smiled and lowered his spoon to the table for the final time.


“… And stop worrying about the ratings; I’ll keep the TV execs in check.”


He picked up the paper and slid it inside his jacket. I lowered my fork and wondered, now that this part of the conversation was over, what would we talk about during the steak?

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TotalRevolutionWrestling.com - Update!


TRW Revolution Wrestling TV Card Announced


Live from the Total Revolution Arena, Orlando, Florida on Wednesday 10th March 2010, Total Revolution Wrestling presents Total Revolution TV.


Following up from an eventful debut show in which our first ever TRW Heavyweight Champion was crowned – by manor of being handed the title mind - Acid and Mr. Batch will look to counteract the threat of Steve Flash


Our opening contest will see the continuation of the fued between The Band (Antonio Maxi Marquez and James Hernandez) and The Pedigree (Greg and Matt Keith), with the added inclusion of Samoan Destruction Inc (Rhino Umaga and Samoan Machine). These three teams currently stand as the cornerstone of our budding Tag Team Division and are likely to want to make an impact.


Following his declaration that his group are the future of this business, Jay Chord looks to make his debut by taking on the experienced Americana. Many within the industry will be looking on to see how the child of the great Rip Chord will take to the limelight of being on national Television; will he be a success? Will it go to his head? Only time will tell.


Experience meets independent darling this week as Rafael Ruiz takes on Matt Sparrow with both men looking to show they are worth their place on the TRW Roster. This new venture will see casualties as well as successes as we forge on with our dynamic new style of Sports Entertainment. Sparrow has long since been heralded as an underused sensation, but will he be able to beat the strong Mexican who’s looking to make his name in America.


“The Chosen One” Steven Parker has spent much of the last week telling anyone who would listen that his victory over Kirk Jameson has proven his point that he should be the face of TRW. Jameson has a different view and, considering the short cuts taken by Parker last week, he may have a point. This week will be Jameson’s chance for retribution, or Parker’s opportunity to prove what he says.


Last week, Fumihiro Ota backed out of his tag match with Shawn Gonzalez and Mikey James and allowed a count out loss. Despite his choice, he has clearly wanted to get back in the ring with James and prove he was having no more than an off night. James, being the competitor that he is, has no problem with once more proving he has Ota’s number as both men square off this week.


Ota’s tag team partner last week was the impressive Snap Dragon who this week takes on Shawn Gonzalez. The Lone Wolf had Dragon beaten last week with the Latino Crab locked in; however before the Dragon was “Snap”ped, he was dragged clear of the ring and took a count out defeat instead. This week, he will look to prove he’s no coward when he faces Gonzalez one on one in the middle of the ring.


Also scheduled to appear, Acid, Death Monkey, Donnie P, Steve Flash and Mr. Batch.


Tune in this Wednesday night live 9/8 Central.


Quick Picks


The Pedigree Vs The Band Vs Samoan Destruction Inc.

Jay Chord Vs Americana

Matt Sparrow Vs Rafael Ruiz

Kirk Jameson Vs Stephen Parker

Mikey James Vs Fumihiro Ota

Shawn Gonzalez Vs Snap Dragon

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TRW Total Revolution TV

Wednesday 10th March, 2010

Live from the Total Revolution Arena, Orlando, Florida

Attendence – 1,734


The night begins with a replay of the events of last week.




Acid being crowned the TRW World Heavyweight Champion, Steve Flash crashing his celebration party before defeating Death Monkey to become the number one contender following closely by being knocked unconscious by Acid and the TRW World Heavyweight Championship.


The Pyro hits and the fans pop as TRW Total Revolution begins! We head straight down to Steve Smith, Sara Silver and Eric Tyler at ringside.




Smith: Welcome everyone to another fantastic episode of TRW Total Revolution! I’m Steve Smith alongside my broadcast colleague and absolute diamond, Sara Silver and wrestling legend Eric Tyler.


Silver: Well thank you for that fabulous introduction, I must admit I am valuable, beautiful and everyone wants me… Just like a diamond.


Tyler: Really? I just assumed he meant you’d been bought by hundreds of men over the years.


Silver: You f-bleep-ing p-bleep-k.


Smith: We have a fantastic show for you great fans this evening with Shawn Gonzalez, Mikey James and many more in action…


Smith is cut off by the sound of Mr. Batch’s music as he makes his way out followed by Acid, Death Monkey, Sammy The Shark and Samoan Distrcuction Inc. looking proud he saunters to the ring as all 6 men climb into the ring. Batch leans in the corner with a huge grin on his face. Taking the mic, he moves to the ropes, looking up the ramp.




Batch: My Total Revolution.


The crowd boo the sentiment.


Batch: My company to build, to mould, to shape into any form I see fit. Do you know how good that feels? Knowing that you will leave a legacy in your own form for millions of fans to watch? Of course you don’t… You people have no idea what it feels like to be of any importance. You all sit here and egg Steve Flash on, push him to make the biggest mistake of his career just so that you can live vicariously through him. That makes me sick; strike that, you PEOPLE make me sick.


The crowd again make their distain clear.


Batch: Last week, on a whim, Steve Flash challenged my chosen champion. He challenged Acid and, despite certain setbacks…


His eyes drift to Death Monkey who looks slightly abashed behind his mask.


Batch: … We ended the night by proving to our elderly renegade that he has no place in our business anymore. He may have what it takes to battle through one flawed victory, but when he’s done he has nothing left to defend himself from any further onslaught. Come on Steve, we both know that you went back home and spent a week with your knees and neck covered with bags of ice. We all know that the beatings you took last week took their toll; you fought valiantly through to become the Number one contender but, you have to ask yourself is it worth what we will put you through to get that shot? Is it worth the pain and the suffering that I will force you to endure?


The crowd bubble with anger over the treatment of a true legend.


Batch: The fact is, Steve, I will ensure that when you get your shot; and the when is still up in the air, it will be painful and you will have suffered greatly. That suffering, Steve, starts tonight. Tonight you will compete in a tag team match against Acid and Death Monkey. Your partner will be of your own choosing; but before your heart starts skipping a beat, I need to make one thing clear. Whoever chooses to come to your aid, whoever decides that “The Great” Steve Flash warrants the respect to have someone stand by his side, you will be standing against me, and the group of men who stand behind me. Consider that fact, because if you cross me, you will suffer the consequences.


With a grin spreading across his arrogant face, Mr. Batch drops the mic to his side as his music starts to play again.


Smith: Well that was insightful…


Silver: It was brilliant, basically forcing Steve Flash into a handicap match… Genius!


Tyler: I feel like… Like I’ve seen this before, just slightly different…


Smith: What, are you some kind’ve psychic now? Ha, ha, ha…


Tyler: Shut your mouth before I do it for you…


Smith: … Ahem… Let’s head back to the ring for our next contest.


Triple Threat Tag Team Tryout



Samoan Destruction Inc. w/ Mr. Batch Vs The Band w/ Jennifer Heat Vs The Pedigree w/ Dharma Gregg


The beginning of a flourishing tag team division throws another team into the mix part way through a blossoming feud between The Band and The Pedigree. Samoan Destruction Inc. have been thrown into this match by Mr. Batch in an attempt to prove he has the most dominant Tag Team in his midst. The technical prowess on show did a lot to improve the outing before the victory for Samoan Destruction Inc. The simmering tension between The Band and The Pedigree spilled over as the two teams battled up the rampway. The referee took charge and decided to call for the bell and awarded a count out victory to Samoan Destruction Inc.


Winners by Count Out – Samoan Destruction Inc.


Smith: What a great showing by these 3 great teams. The cornerstone of a Tag Team division.


Silver: And those Keith brothers are H-O-T, hot!


Tyler: Yes, because THAT’s what’s important.


Silver: That’s what got me this job…


Tyler: I heard you got this job by su…


Smith: We’ll be back after these messages!


Commerical Break




Upon return from commercial a graphic hypes a match later on between Fumihiro Ota and Mikey James, followed by a small video package of their clashes last week during a Tag Team Match. Their altercation was filled with high impact and high octane moves that left the crowd bursting for more, hence their singles match this week.


Smith: That’s likely to be a great match later on tonight, but up next we have the in ring debut of one, Jay Chord.


Tyler: A great prospect with a big mouth, I have a feeling he might rub me the wrong way.


Silver: Someone needs to, then maybe you’d smile every once in a while.


Tyler: You are a despicable human being.


Silver: But you love me anyway…


Regular Singles Match


Jay Chord w/ Dharma Gregg Vs Americana


After his many declarations of greatness on the previous show, Jay Chord had deemed it prudent to keep quiet until he had at least managed to take part in a match. His debut on Total Revolution Television was against a man who had spent a good portion of the last year in Japan. As such, his re-emergence on US TV saw him instantly deemed as an underdog; especially against someone with the “Pedigree” of Jay Chord. It was, in that case, much more of a surprise to see the fight put up by the impressive Americana that saw Jay Chord sink to the depths of a low blow before rolling up his opponent for the pin.


Winner by pinfall – Jay Chord


Smith: What a great match with a pitiful ending!


Silver: I don’t know, one guy touching another guys package seems like an interesting ending to me.


Tyler: How did you get a job?!


Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, later on tonight Steve Flash has a battle on his hands, but will he find someone to stand by his side.




We head backstage to find Steve Flash walking down the corridor, a slight limp in his right leg and a bottle of water in his hand. He looks slightly worn, as if showing signs of exactly what Mr. Batch had claimed early on. As he walks, a voice stops him in his tracks.


Voice: Steve! STEVE!




Flash turns as Donnie P catches up with him and the 2 men shake hands with a show of respect.


Flash: Donnie, good to see you.


Donnie: You too man, you too. I was totally psyched to hear you’d come to TRW, you’re like my hero dude.


Flash: I appreciate that Donnie…


The words seem to catch in his throat, finally, Donnie speaks.


Donnie: I totally see why you did what you did last week, man, but you’re in a lot of sh…


Flash: I know, I know… But it was my path to choose.


Donnie: Found a partner yet?


Flash: No, and I don’t plan on it. I’ve brought this situation upon myself and I’m not planning on inflicting what I feel right now on anyone else. I’ll take my licks and, when the time comes, I get my revenge by taking Acid’s title.


Donnie pauses, as if pondering the words.


Donnie: Sorry, Flash man, but whether you like it or not I’ll be out there by your side.


Flash: Donnie I appreci…


Donnie: No way man, I can’t watch the dude I grew up idolising taking a beating from 2 mask wearing douche bags and not do anything about it. Dude, I don’t care if you hand cuff me to Katie, I’ll drag her hot ass down to the ring with me if I have to.


A smile slowly crosses Steve Flash’s lips, taking a moment before extending his hand to accept the offer.


Donnie: You wont regret this dude.


Flash: I’m sure I wont Kid, I’m sure I wont.


The 2 men walk away side by side as we head back to ringside.


Smith: Looks like Steve has a partner.


Silver: A life partner? Wow… I love the gays.


Tyler: There are no words to describe you…


Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, we’ll be back after this commercial break with another fantastic match.


Commercial Break


Regular Singles Match


Matt Sparrow Vs Rafael Ruiz


The independent darling that is “The Bird Man” Matt Sparrow took his opportunity to shine as he took on the Submission Specialist Rafael Ruiz this evening. Last week, Matt Sparrow came off a loss to Sammy The Shark, and this week he wanted to take the opportunity to show that he had more to offer than a filler to be beaten up by the boss’s boys. Ruiz’s debut was fraught with moments of greatness mixed in with this inconsistent ball dropping moments that eventually saw Sparrow hit the Bird-Brainbuster for the victory.


Winner by pinfall – Matt Sparrow


Smith: A good recovery following last weeks disappointing defeat from Matt Sparrow.


Tyler: Rafael Ruiz is a real wrestler, Smith, you need to be able to distinguish talent from hype.


Silver: I like talent, especially in the guys shorts.


Tyler: One day, I will end you.


As we head backstage once more, Steve Flash is leaving his lockeroom only to be confronted by Carl Batch. Batch grins in the face of the Number Once contender before stepping back.




Batch: Superstar Steve Flash! The Remarkable one! It’s great to see you, how’re you feeling? How’s the knees? The neck? The rest of your broken down, beat up, soon-to-wish-he’d-never interfered-in-my-business body?


Flash: What do you want Batch?


Batch: Me? I just wanted to check how you’re doing… You may be a tired, workhorse that needs to be put out to pasture, but you’re MY tired work horse and I plan on squeezing every last drop of what little you have left.


Flash: I’m feeling great, Carl, I can’t wait to cash in my title shot.


Batch: Cash in? Cash in? You think you have a choice about when you get that title shot? Please… When are you going to get it into your thick skull that what I say goes? I make the choices, I make the decisions and I decide when you get your opportunity.


Batch leans close to Flash, a sadistic smile on his face.


Batch: And trust me, you’re a long way away from getting that shot.


Flash quickly steps forward backing Batch up against the wall. For a moment, the man in charge looked terrified before quickly regaining his composure.


Batch: Watch your step Mr. Flash, if you lay so much as a finger on me I will fire you in an instant and sue you for breach of contract. You’ll never work in this business again.


Flash backs off, his right hand clasped into a fist.


Flash: Listen, Carl, you do whatever you feel you need to do to protect your champion. I’ll wait; I’ll go through whatever it is you want to throw at me and then? Then I’ll climb into the ring with your chosen one and I will beat him, I will take his belt and I will leave both of you frustrated with the outcome.


Flash turns his back on the Mr. Batch who grins broadly watching Flash limp away into the distance as we head back to ringside.


Smith: Interesting words from Mr. Batch AND our number one contender.


Tyler: Flash needs to come to realise that his days are numbered, I’m sure he could do a good job in the back coaching the boys but seriously… Is it really worth the pain?


Silver: Sometimes pain comes with pleasure. Have you never tried a swing Eric?


Tyler: Is that an offer?


Silver: Maybe…


Tyler: Great, dial-a-herp…


Smith: Up next ladies and gentlemen, a rematch from last week as “Straight Edge” Kirk Jameson takes no “The Chosen One” Steven Parker.


Regular Singles Match


“Straight Edge” Kirk Jameson Vs “The Chosen One” Steven Parker


Despite a poor chemistry last week, these two looked to face off again as Jameson moved to make an impact against an opponent who gained a somewhat tainted victory over him. Steven Parker was thought to be disappointed not to have moved on to pastures new after his win last week. This weeks match up was yet again a close fought contest with Parker attempting the thumb to the eye to gain victory. Unfortunately, he came up short with that particular attempt and had to resort to actual skill in order to hit The Future Shock. A reversal of a snap DDT attempt by holding the top rope enabled The Chosen One to gain a pinfall victory over the Straight Edge Superstar.


Winner by pinfall – “The Chosen One” Steven Parker


Smith: Well it’s good to see Steven Parker living up to his moniker and showing some skill in gaining a victory this week.


Tyler: Any win comes at the value of skill. To cheat and not be caught is a skill.


Silver: Definitely, none of my exes ever caught me with their best friends… Or brothers… Or fathers… Or sons… Or…


Smith: I think we get your point, ladies and gentlemen, we’ll be right back!


Commerical Break






The name calls out through the arena as we return from commercial and the lights flash out for what seem like milliseconds, when they return, Fumihiro Ota is stood in the centre of the ring, in his hand he holds a mic and a lifts it to his lips. When he speaks, his heavy Japanese Accent rings out over the near perfect English – A voice over.


Ota: Tonight, I take a young man to school, to teach him what happens when you face the Ninja. I shall ensure that when he walks away from this ring tonight, he will have a new found respect for our ways and our culture. Tonight, Mikey James, you will find that this lesson is a harsh one, yet it is one you would suffer much to ignore.


He crowd boo Ota’s words, almost to the letter as they come from his mou… The voiceover.


Ota: Tonight, you will show me the proper respect, you will show me the level of reverence that I deserve. If you do not, I will ensure that this match is your last.


Ota lowers the mic and steps to the side of ring.


Smith: Serious warnings there from Ota.


Regular Singles Match


“The Ninja Warrior” Fumihiro Ota Vs “The Dragon” Mikey James


After an interesting altercation last week, Ota and James came together each in an attempt to prove they were better. Neither man gained a decisive victory in last weeks tag match as Ota and his partner Snap Dragon took a cont out loss instead of a Submission one. It was, however, expected that Ota would set his sights on James’ tag partner, however, it would appear that Ota has set his sights on making an example on the young Dragon. His lesson, however, went unlearnt as it was Mikey Dragon picking up the victory with a fantastic springboard sunset flip on Ota for the pinfall victory.


Winner by pinfall – Mikey Dragon


Smith: What a victory for Mikey James!


Tyler: Yeah but, um, Ota doesn’t look to happy Smith…


As Tyler speaks, Ota continues to pace up and down the ring, his anger clear. He quickly bends down and pulls the ring apron aside from under the ring and pulls something out. Mikey James turns around only to catch a shaft of wood in the gut. Dropping to his knees he is subject to a second one to the spine. As James hits the mat, Ota stands above him with a pair of nunchucks in his hands. James begins to stir before being hit with the butt of both shafts square in the neck knocking him unconscious. The lights flicker and go out once more for a moment before returning to find James out cold in the centre of the ring, alone.


Silver: Masks are hot!


Smith: We’ve just seen a man get destroyed with nunchucks!


Tyler: Calm down Smith, she can’t help getting excited by the prospect of being nailed by two shafts at once.




Silver: Thank you…


Smith: Let’s head to the ring for the other half of last weeks tag team match.


Regular Singles Match


“The Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez Vs Snap Dragon


Last week, Snap Dragon was moments away from tapping out to the Latino Crab when Fumihiro Ota pulled him to safety. It would appear that the fans wanted to see an outcome to this match as these men have been placed together this week without any partners in sight. As such, the differing styles seemed to compliment each other as a solid match was this week brought to a conclusive end. Snap Dragon went to the top rope for a flying hurricanrana which, in the end, was reversed by Gonzalez who held on to his opponent and locked in the Latino crap. The crowd popped and went wild for the victory.


Winner by Submission – “The Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez


Smith: Well it appears that Dragon would have tapped to the crab last week.


Silver: Crab? What? Where? Who? Ew…


Tyler: The Latino Crab, Sara, not the crabs you’re used to…


Silver: Oh… Good… Wait… I mean… Damnit!


Smith: We’ll be back after this short commercial break for our main event.


Commercial Break


We return from commercial as Steve Flash makes a modest and altogether more understated entrance compared to any of the other main event superstars, before standing back and awaiting his partner in the ring. Donnie P’s music hits and the crowd pop but, no-one appears. A moment later the music stops.


Smith: Well, um, I’m not to sure what’s going on here…


Tyler: Doesn’t look like Stevie’s partner is all that willing…


Silver: I guess we know what the “P” stands for now… Pus…


Smith: Hold on! We have some movement backstage.




A rather bumpy and unprofessional camera angle comes into view as a cameraman runs to the scene. Donnie P battling single handily against both Acid and Death Monkey! Taking a moment to realise what’s happening, Flash suddenly starts forward moving towards the ring ropes, however as he does, the scene on the screen stops him in his tracks. A shot to the back with a steel chair from Monkey followed with a shot to head by Acid! Donnie drops to the ground along with the chairs as Acid and Monkey head to the ring.


Silver: Can anyone say, handicap match?


Tyler: Everyone you idiot…


Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, we will continue to get updates on Donnie P’s condition throughout our Main Event. Eric, how can Steve Flash battle against these type of odds?


Tyler: He can’t, which is why Mr. Batch is running this show, he gets what he wants.


Main Event Handicap Match


Acid and Death Monkey w/ Mr. Batch Vs “Superstar” Steve Flash w/ Katie Cameron


Our Main Event of the evening saw the unfolding plan of Mr. Batch come to fruition as Acid and Death Monkey looked to take out Steve Flash once and for good. The Number One contender did his best to prove just why he is the champion with a number of good come backs against both Acid and Death Monkey, but each time the numbers game caught up with him. The Dark Duo each time looked to chop Flash down to size keeping him away from the ropes and toying with him like a mouse. On a number of occasions both men could have finished the tired and broken down Flash but failed to do so. It was, however, when Death Monkey climbed to the top and came off with the TDM that Flash took his moment to move. The pop was huge, not just for the fact that Flash had avoided defeat, but for the appearance of...




... Donnie P! The youngster stumbled to the ring and climbed up onto the apron and got the hot tag. He took control for a few moments before Mr. Batch jumped on the apron to give a distraction. P turned into the Acid Rain Drop followed by the TDM from the top rope for the pinfall! The crowd rained boos upon the duo, stunned at the quick turn in tide. Flash and Donnie lie on the mat, beaten as Acid and Death Monkey stand over them with hands raised.


Winners of the match by Pinfall - Acid and Death Monkey


Smith: Another plan comes into fruition for Mr. Batch!


Tyler: Another master manipulation. Another master plan!


Silver: Another reason that Mr. Batch is in charge.


Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us again tonight. Join us next week!




Booking Sheet


Angle – Flash and Acid storyline Hype – D+

Angle – Batch Announces the Main Event – D+

Match – Samoan Destruction Inc. bt. The Band and The Pedigree – C

Angle – Hype of Mikey James and Fumihiro Ota – D+

Match – Jay Chord bt. Americana – C-

Angle – Donnie P agrees to be Flash’s partner – D

Match – Matt Sparrow bt. Rafael Ruiz – C-

Angle – Steve Flash shows confidence – C-

Match – Steven Parker bt. Kirk Jameson – C-

Angle – Ota warns Mikey James – D

Match – Mikey James bt. Fumihiro Ota – C-

Angle – Ota attacks James – D+

Match – Shawn Gonzalez bt. Snap Dragon – C

Angle – Acid and Death Monkey attack Donnie P – D+

Match – Acid and Death Monkey bt. Steve Flash and Donnie P – C+


Final Rating





Our follow up show was better than our first. Steven and Kirk still didn’t click but to be honest their showing wasn’t any worse, had they not had the poor chemistry they could probably steal a show. The problem was that Jay and Americana didn’t either, but still, that’s not likely to be an ongoing feud. Greg Keith was off his game, and to be honest I think that was probably because the Keith Brothers weren’t getting the win. Samoan Machine, Rhino Umaga and Steve Flash all looked good and are clearly improving in performance skills.

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