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Guest krstic

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Guest krstic

<p><span style="color:#000080;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Chapter 1: </span></span></span><span style="color:#000080;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>The Road To Wrestlemania 26</strong></span></span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>What am I doing to myself?</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Orton</strong>'s all but fired. I don't know how I will explain this to the boss... or more importantly, to the fans. The same fans who, over the past month, have probably been clamoring for my firing already. It's been a long month for the WWE Universe (a term I'm most likely contractually obligated to use). It's been a month of half-baked storylines. A month of weak champions. A month of failed experiments. The brand split is gone, along with virtually half of the roster. While I'm sure nobody has lost sleep over <strong>Yoshi Tatsu</strong>'s departure, maybe I should have acted with more tact when it came to <strong>Droz</strong>. Maybe I should have rebelled when <strong>Vince</strong> demanded that I do something... anything to stop <strong>Rey Mysterio</strong> from gaining any more popularity. Maybe I shouldn't have sent him to babysit in the FCW. Maybe <strong>Cody Rhodes</strong>, along with the rest of the WWE's youth movement, should still be gracing television sets across the nation instead of toiling in anonymity in the FCW. Maybe the women's division should still exist. Maybe I should have given <strong>Orton</strong> one more chance.</p><p> </p><p>

But it hasn't been all bad. <strong>Elimination Chamber</strong> was a success - though it really had no choice to be anything but. The WWE really does have the best talent in the world and it's through no skill on my part that this company is still as prestigious as it was when I began my job as head booker. A quick rundown of what transpired during Elimination Chamber would probably be beneficial. <strong>Drew McIntyre</strong> defeated <strong>The Miz</strong> to unify the United States and Intercontinental titles. <strong>The Undertaker</strong> defeated <strong>Sheamus</strong> to unify the two top belts. <strong>Team Charisma</strong> (<strong>Christian</strong> and <strong>John Morrison</strong>) defeated the new <strong>Straight Edge Society</strong> (<strong>Dolph Ziggler</strong> and <strong>Daniel Bryan</strong>) to become the new Unified Tag Team champions. <strong>Jack Swagger</strong> and <strong>Vladimir Kozlov</strong> scored wins over <strong>Kofi Kingston</strong> and <strong>R-Truth</strong> respectively. A three week feud between <strong>CM Punk</strong> and the newly formed alliance between <strong>John Cena</strong> and <strong>Batista</strong> culminated in an upset loss for the main event duo in their handicap match against the straight edge superstar. It was surely a great night for <strong>DX</strong>, also. <strong>Shawn Michaels</strong> defeated <strong>Ted DiBiase</strong>. Sure, it was a great win for the Heartbreak Kid. But the night really only belonged to two men - <strong>Triple H</strong> and <strong>Randy Orton</strong>. The <strong>DX-Legacy</strong> feud was the hottest thing going last month in the WWE, and its climax definitely did not disappoint. In what was hailed as one of the greatest modern wrestling matches, <strong>Triple H</strong> defeated the villainous <strong>Randy Orton</strong>.</p><p> </p><p>

And now he's gone. Or he will be this time tomorrow. I won't go into the details of his departure... I'm not one to besmirch someone's "good" name. <strong>Randy Orton</strong> is the top heel in the company. The wave of contempt that sweeps over the crowd as Orton makes his entrance would put even <strong>CM Punk</strong> to shame. He is the consummate showman and to be frank, it sucks that he is leaving. But the WWE will soldier on without him. The WWE Universe will have to forget him. Maybe I can make them forget him. But not before I bury him. I'm sure someone could use a good push right about now.</p>

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