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So I've read the help files, read the diaries, and done everything I can, but i still don't get how to book Touring promotions or how they really work. For instance how many shows should i be running per month? Help Please =)
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So a small company like WEXXV can get away with running 1 a week? Another question is Touring Contracts do they get paid per apperance or per Tour?


Running a touring promotion is just like running a regular promotion, except you have expected months of inactivity. Touring contracts are PPA deals of a specific length (the length of the tour). The length of a tour can be anything from 1 month to four months. WEXXV can do as many shows a week as you want, it's up to you. If you spend more than you make, you won't be able to do one show a month, much less a week. It all comes down to resource allocation (don't use all your workers in every show. Heck, don't even use HALF your roster in every show).

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<p>Also as you can charge event prices for all your touring stops most of your money's going to come from ticket prices. Increase all your ticket prices by 4 as you don't get a penalty and you'll rake in more cash.</p><p> </p><p>

And since this seems like an appropriate thread I'll ask: how should a national touring promotion (GCG) work towards international? My current schedule is tours on Fridays and Sundays (as this usually doesn't interfere with the very few workers I share with PHGW) and big events the last Wednesday of every month. As of yet I'm still ranked below BHOTWG and PHWG but I'm winning the national battles and I'm closing the gap. Once I beat them in popularity in Japan, should I start scheduling a third tour in USA or Canada or should I just keep letting spillover popularity and foreign TV/PPV deals boost popularity there for me?</p><p> </p><p>

And if you were wondering, yes, the golden tiger is roaring again!</p>

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