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What grinds your gears?


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<p>I know he can't see this, but to put my own opinion in. </p><p> </p><p>

Biden and Warren would not have done better. Infact I believe they would have been way worse off than Clinton. </p><p> </p><p>

Biden for his ties with Obama, and the hatred people seem to have for him for some reason..meh.</p><p>

Warren would never get it because like Clinton people see her as a fraud, </p><p> </p><p>

I do think Sanders had he not been cheated out of the bid, would have beaten Trump hands down. HE was my pick and would have loved to see him run against Trump, and win...</p>

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Keeping it Civil!:p


I'm with MLT Sanders was our guy and the DNC spectacularly blew that up.


I'm probably gonna get some hate for this but here goes....


Trump has very narrow tunnel vision on how he views things. Take for instance the night after he won the election he took to Twitter to condemn the protesters for speaking against him (he has now since changed this tweet) but did not say a word about the anti Semites who committed hate crimes in his name (still no word on that from his twitter).


When the very same issue was brought up on the 60 minutes interview he acted like it was the very first time hearing this even though people were calling him out on it 3 days prior.....don't even get me started on the appointment of Steve Bannon.

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Keeping it Civil!:p


I'm with MLT Sanders was our guy and the DNC spectacularly blew that up.


I'm probably gonna get some hate for this but here goes....


Trump has very narrow tunnel vision on how he views things. Take for instance the night after he won the election he took to Twitter to condemn the protesters for speaking against him (he has now since changed this tweet) but did not say a word about the anti Semites who committed hate crimes in his name (still no word on that from his twitter).


When the very same issue was brought up on the 60 minutes interview he acted like it was the very first time hearing this even though people were calling him out on it 3 days prior.....don't even get me started on the appointment of Steve Bannon.


Right? There have been some pretty nasty riots for the Anti-Trump supporters, and that's all I see being covered. YEt there are some disgusting Pro-Trump things going on.


I think we are in for a VERY hard 4 years. Not just America, but a great deal of the world. People say we are the best country blah blah blah the strongest blah blah blah, but the truth is...We all really rely on each other to keep our lives at peace and I think he's a real threat to that.


Tunnel vision, I mean that's a nice way to put it. :D

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<p>I wanted Hillary to win, if for nothing more than to get Bill on our budget problems.</p><p> </p><p>

Democrats just didn't vote this time around, not much difference in the republican vote than normal. Bernie probably would have won hands down, and people probably would have voted for him, but people were disgusted with the system, and later finding out how bad it really is.</p><p> </p><p>

Wikileaks hasn't had a false document in like 10 years. The leaks were almost totally ignored by media, but all these "unintelligent" and "uneducated" people read them, knew they were true. The slap in the face is when Hillary was caught rigging Bernie, they nominated her anyways, ignoring reality. That's not even counting the whole FBI investigation, etc. </p><p> </p><p>

So when Trump talked about fixing or redoing Obama care, fixing trade deals that killed jobs, bringing taxes down, and talked about the economy being rigged, and that the working/non-college graduates are not getting their fair share... they feel all this is true and is why they were with him. They are ticked off Americans and calling them "Uneducated" or "Ignorant", and saying the only way they will vote for Trump is if they are racist, or a bigot (which is a bigoted statement in the first place) is exactly the kind of thing that made even democrats vote for Trump. </p><p> </p><p>

There is literally a mountain of evidence free for any "Ignorant" or "Uneducated" person to read to realize Saunders should have been the guy, and Clinton should have been disqualified many times over for cheating.</p><p> </p><p>

The media (and quite a bit of social media) completely ignored the opinions of half the country, and manipulated most into believing the whole country agreed with them, when they didn't. </p><p> </p><p>

I'd like to think there might be some lessons learned, but with mass media acting as though this was a total upset, I honestly doubt it. Believe it or not, it's the republicans that think the democrats are the ones that were "uneducated" and especially "ignorant", ignoring the people that have been struggling for decades... and no, I've been around long enough to know that it hasn't always been like that for the middle class.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm so mad at the democratic party right now it's not funny. Hillary was going to put Bill in charge of the economy, and to be honest, that one reason is why I wanted her to win.</p>

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<p>What grinds my gears?</p><p> </p><p>

Lena Dunham. Everything about that chick grinds my gears and not in a good way...<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27610" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>What grinds my gears?<p> </p><p> Lena Dunham. Everything about that chick grinds my gears and not in a good way...<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'll bite....who is Lena Dunham?</p><p> </p><p> Also I'm a bit sad about the appointment of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General. America what have you done?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="K-Nection" data-cite="K-Nection" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27610" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'll bite....who is Lena Dunham?<p> </p><p> Also I'm a bit sad about the appointment of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General. America what have you done?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> She's a B list actress. Not very talented.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="K-Nection" data-cite="K-Nection" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27610" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'll bite....who is Lena Dunham?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> She is the star of HBO's Girls. She was the chick who complained when she was seated next to Odell Beckham Jr. and he did not talk to her. She has also said some pretty repulsive stuff which I cannot put in here due to this being a family friendly site. </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="lukess11" data-cite="lukess11" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27610" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The fact that thousands of people voted for a meme in Harambe makes me really mad.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well let us face facts here. A portion of the American voting public are not the sharpest tools in the shed (Or the most informed for that matter and yes I would say I probably fit into that group as I am not always up in the issues as I would like to be). I mean how else can you explain people who tend to always vote against their best interests?</p>
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<p>I wasn't going to get into this political thing but here goes. </p><p> </p><p>

Donald Trump won the election not because of "whitelash" or hatred as MSM likes to put it. He won because he didn't have a filter which was refreshing and he spoke of things most Americans care about. People seemed shocked when he won and I say why wouldn't they be? The MSM had been attacking Trump and misrepresenting his statements on numerous occasion. They labelled him sexist, misogynist, and racist. They ignored the fishy dealings of the clinton foundation and not onced placed the nasty emails among many in the news for people to read and see for themselves. Many Americans are lazy when it comes to finding out the truth or getting their own information without agenda based media. People attacked Trump when two years ago no one had a problem with him.... until he ran for president. People toot the unqualified horn, but who in all honesty are truly ready to run a nation. I'm a black male who does NOT identify with the current president nor the democratic party. To paraphrase Malcom X, democrats put you last and only give a damn about when election time roles around. What people fail to realize is that we're a nation first yet we continue to try and save the world while the country is suffering.</p><p> </p><p>

I identify with the message Trump had, but rest assured that I along with many other Trump supporters have gone on record saying if he doesn't deliver what he promised we will hold his feet to the fire. I will stop here as I could go on and on. If any was offended I will not apologize as I've been respectful within this post. This world does not work on safe spaces or trigger warnings and the minute we as a people teach our young how to be adults no such foolishness will be needed. Again, I digress thats another post for another forum.</p><p> </p><p>

What really grinds my gears are people who rather be fed someone elses truth instead of finding their own.</p><p> </p><p>

P.S To the guy who said his friend voted for DT because he was on tv? Priceless! Reminds me of my family who voted for Obama because of his skin lol. Cant judge People's voting reasons.</p>

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<p>Noob, while I respect your right to be a trump supporter here are a few reasons we are shocked.</p><p> </p><p>

1. Trump has degraded women on a daily basis.</p><p>

2. He mockes the disabled and has called the elderly a drain on society.</p><p>

3. He disgraced what the Purple Heart stands for.</p><p>

4. At the time of his campaign he had TWO lawsuits on the books. One for his sham of a university and the second for rape. While the rape case was dropped due to the girl fearing for her life, he settled his other out of court in the past week.</p><p>

5. People bring up what abill has done, yet are okay with Trump cheating on his first two wives, had children from those encounters, and has a gag order on his first wife to not discuss the abuse she took during their marraige. </p><p> </p><p>

Let me ask you a serious question. Have you been following the people he's putting into his party, starting with Bannon? </p><p> </p><p>

For me personally I've disliked Trump for years, but his running ruined any hope of him getting my support even though he ran. As a female I feel disgraced how he treated my gender. As someone born with and having to live with a disability my whole life with no cure in sigh, I feel disgraced that he can mock a reporters disability and get cheers from the crowd. As a daughter of a Vietnam vet and the grand daughter of a Purple hear recipient vet of WW2 I'm ashamed of how he talked out the ease of getting a Purple Heart THEN had the audacity to call our hard working soldiers WEAK for having mental health issues. My father was on special forces in Vietnam and saw brutal things and him and many others watched as their brothers and sisters died, innocent people were killed children were used, raped, and killed. Then when they come home Americans taunted them mocked them and treated them like scum because they did what their president to,d them too. To call these me and women weak because of what they went through shows he has NO reason to control a military. </p><p> </p><p>

I'm not saying all Trump supporters are racist, but my brother, and other family members who voted for him ARE. </p><p> </p><p>

Now he will never EVER get my support, but I don't want to see him impeached. Because while he's in my opinion a piece of sh#t Pence will be much worse.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="moon_lit_tears" data-cite="moon_lit_tears" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27610" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Noob, while I respect your right to be a trump supporter here are a few reasons we are shocked.<p> </p><p> 1. Trump has degraded women on a daily basis.</p><p> 2. He mockes the disabled and has called the elderly a drain on society.</p><p> 3. He disgraced what the Purple Heart stands for.</p><p> 4. At the time of his campaign he had TWO lawsuits on the books. One for his sham of a university and the second for rape. While the rape case was dropped due to the girl fearing for her life, he settled his other out of court in the past week.</p><p> 5. People bring up what abill has done, yet are okay with Trump cheating on his first two wives, had children from those encounters, and has a gag order on his first wife to not discuss the abuse she took during their marraige. </p><p> </p><p> Let me ask you a serious question. Have you been following the people he's putting into his party, starting with Bannon? </p><p> </p><p> For me personally I've disliked Trump for years, but his running ruined any hope of him getting my support even though he ran. As a female I feel disgraced how he treated my gender. As someone born with and having to live with a disability my whole life with no cure in sigh, I feel disgraced that he can mock a reporters disability and get cheers from the crowd. As a daughter of a Vietnam vet and the grand daughter of a Purple hear recipient vet of WW2 I'm ashamed of how he talked out the ease of getting a Purple Heart THEN had the audacity to call our hard working soldiers WEAK for having mental health issues. My father was on special forces in Vietnam and saw brutal things and him and many others watched as their brothers and sisters died, innocent people were killed children were used, raped, and killed. Then when they come home Americans taunted them mocked them and treated them like scum because they did what their president to,d them too. To call these me and women weak because of what they went through shows he has NO reason to control a military. </p><p> </p><p> I'm not saying all Trump supporters are racist, but my brother, and other family members who voted for him ARE. </p><p> </p><p> Now he will never EVER get my support, but I don't want to see him impeached. Because while he's in my opinion a piece of sh#t Pence will be much worse.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> First and foremost I would like to thank you for being passionate yet respectful in your response. Okay, the post is pretty loaded so I will do my best to give a feasible if not decent response.</p><p> </p><p> 1&4) On your first issue I'd like to get in there with this one. I take it you're referring to the "grab them by the *ussy" remarks along with the rape case correct? If so, allow me to elaborate on that. On his comment I mentioned above I in all honesty can't see the problem with that comment and maybe it's due to the fact that I am a man. However, my wife also has no problem with that comment and here is why. The language a man would use when talking to another man greatly differs from when interacting with a woman. The same can be said about women as well. Whether people want to believe it or not this is how men speak especially when around other men. Any man who tells you otherwise isn't being honest in my opinion. The comment is a common one in actuality and it doesn't differ from the comment of "grab them by the balls". Would the uproar had been as bad if a woman said you gotta grab them by the balls? Would there have been an uproar if a woman said you gotta grab them by the *ussy? The answer is no there wouldn't have been in the slightest, but because he's a man using male language with another male he was demonized. My wife literally couldn't figure out what all the fuss was about. On to the rape case. The lawyer came out and said it was because she feared for her life, but I find that hard to believe. If someone had taken your innocence at the age of thirteen and you finally gained the courage to speak on it you wouldn't back down if justice is what you truly want. People also tent to dismiss the fact that she claimed to not have known or seen her attackers face until she saw Donald Trump on the apprentice. People also tend to ignore the fact that she claimed she'd never forget her attackers face only to then say she didn't know who it was until she saw Trump that alone is suspect. Trump was lawyered up and ready and if your truly a victim you'd go after him regardless in my opinion. Also, Donald Trump was on The Apprentice since 2004 yet when he's running for president is when she speaks out. This is why most of his supporters have kept moving forwards because there are two many holes in her story which again MSM does not report on.</p><p> </p><p> 2) He did not mock a disabled as I'm led to believe you're referring to the disabled reporter Serege Kovaleski. The issue at hand was when Trump brought up the fact that some Arab Americans were celebrating the falling of the twin towers on 9/11. Once again the MSM denied that this ever happened only for Trump to present an article written by said disabled reporter and it stated the fact that cops did arrest Arab Americans for holding tailgate like parties from rooftops in New Jersey celebrating the deaths of 3000 people. I still shot of Trumps hand along side a still shot of Serge Kovaleski which gives the appearance he was mocking him because Serge did in fact backtrack and claim he did NOT write the article when it was in fact proven he did. Now, what the MSM doesn't do is show you the video they pulled the "still shot" from. If you watch the video he was flailing his hands around indeed mocking a reporter who backtracked on his statements. The media claimed that this was how he was mocking him, but it is impossible as the disability of Serge Kovaleski is not one of random muscle spasms and uncontrollable movement. His disability is called Arthrogryposis which severely limits the movement of the joints and not the cerebral palsy which the MSM implied and reported that Serge Kovaleski had. As his statements on the old I haven't heard of such and can't speak on that. </p><p> </p><p> 3) When and where did he disrespect the Purple Heart or our veterans who suffer from PTSD? This is yet another lie concocted by the media that the American public eats up without looking into. If the people do in fact look into it they'd find that a former U.S. Army Lt. Colonel Allen West when those comments were supposedly said. This man was in the crowd and gives a completely different account than what the MSM gives the people and there is video evidence of what he really and truly said. Trump said that mental health among returning soldiers is a huge issue that needs to be handled. He told Allen West that maybe he's stronger than most can handle it, but there are people who can't and have seen things many times over that we can't even believe. He went on to state that twenty suicides a day among returning soldiers is too high and it should never be and more needs to be done to ease these soldiers back into society. No in fact he did not disrespect our army nor the Purple Heart once again the media had taken a statement of him calling Allen West strong and ran with it.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> I will not sit here and say that there aren't Trump supporters who are bigots, racist, and any other word people would like to throw out there. However, when the mainstream media is portraying him as such then how can you be shocked that some of his supporters are those very people? There are despicable people in this world no matter who they support and it's a fact we need to deal with and accept. If you family is racist then it's a shame, because I think I'm a pretty okay guy. I could go into more detail, but this post is already a bit long so I will say this. </p><p> </p><p> [The same people who got Obama into the white house are the same people who put Trump there. In short, disgruntled white America. Blacks had nothing to do with Obama getting in office we are 13% of the population and in honest many of us don't vote.]</p><p> </p><p> Thank you for being kind and allowing free opinions and ideas flow which is a rare sight for current America.</p>
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<p>First, I just want to say I'm a Democrat, and I wanted Hillary to win. I'm very skeptical of posting, because of how volatile a discussion over politics, especially this time around, can get. So I also want to make sure I say I respect anyone's decision that voted for, or just wanted Trump to win. I will even go so far as to say I think I understand why, and I will definitely say I know elections aren't won by racism or any of the other labels that the media has defined Trump supporters on. For some reason they don't seem to mention what his campaign was actually about and instead label all Trump supporters by his personal bad qualities. No one says "The only people that voted for Hillary are power hungry liars, deceitful and underhanded, for letting people die in Benghazi (probably the reason our armed forces didn't vote for her), etc. Those qualities are not the reason I voted for Hillary, and I respect that Trumps worse qualities are not the reason people voted for him. </p><p> </p><p>

I get it I think, lack of jobs that can actually support a family (effects a lot of men, and in these times women as well, no matter race), rising health insurance prices (do most people realize it has in some cases more than doubled for people that already had health benefits?), and various other things Trump promised that didn't involve building a wall. I get it I think, and I'm not going to point fingers at anyone posting.</p><p> </p><p>

Noob, I have over a dozen friends that voted for Trump, who happened to be black. I tell you this to let you know that you're not alone. I didn't vote for Trump, my wife told me she supports Trump, and she's black. My own home split by politics, but we are able to talk and even joke about it. I now know my wife is a racist... joking. </p><p> </p><p>

What is even weirder to me is I know even more Hispanics that voted for Trump personally. That led me to looking up some stats. You might be interested in this as well MLT. Mind everyone, I truly believe that the lack of democrats voting is what truly won the election for Trump.... Statistically, democrats that voted was down more than any other time I can remember. </p><p> </p><p>

In 2008 over 69 million democrats voted, in 2012 66 million, and 2016 just over 59 million. For Republicans the change wasn't as much, 2008 was 60 million, 2012 around 61 million, and 2016 around 59 million. If the information I'm looking at is correct, Republicans mainly won because around 10 million democrats (higher number today) didn't bother voting period.</p><p> </p><p>

Some more interesting stuff; 13% Black men and 4% Black women voted for Trump. 33% Latino men, and 26% Latino women voted for Trump. 32% of other non-white races voted for Trump. These are interesting statistics, especially looking at the Latino support. </p><p> </p><p>

Here is another one that interested me more than anything else. 41% voted for Trump that makes less than 50k, with 52% going to Hillary. Over 50k 47% voted Hillary, 49% voted Trump. My opinion, Democrats should have took way more votes than they did for lower earning Americans. </p><p> </p><p>

People used to look at parties this way: Democrats = for the poor and for racial equality. Republicans = for the rich and don't see anything wrong with racial or gender equality.</p><p> </p><p>

However, all that is showing signs of changing in almost the opposite direction if you go back and look at modern voting histories.</p>

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<p>Noob.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm not talking about that stupid video. I get it. He was on a van with a nother guy and was egged on and his ego took over. It's talk whatever. I'm referring to his disrespect of women calling them pigs, hags, b%tches, saying he wouldn't assault a woman because she's not pretty enough, When a woman challenged him he called her "susie homemaker". Those are disrespects that are yes every day things by people, but not from our president elect. </p><p> </p><p>

The reporter. I WATCHED all of his speeches. Now this is what I'm talking about. <a href="http://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2015/11/26/donald-trump-mocks-reporter-with-disability-berman-sot-ac.cnn" rel="external nofollow">http://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2015/11/26/donald-trump-mocks-reporter-with-disability-berman-sot-ac.cnn</a> Watch him move the way he does, it's a common movement for people with down syndrome. and those with epilepsy. </p><p> </p><p>

When a gentleman gave Trump his purple heart. He laughs and says "I've always wanted one of these, this was so much easier" People receive them when they are severely injured, or killed in combat, not for dodging the draft many times. As for his comments about Vets, he held a rally with a great number of vets from I want to say the Iraq war, I don't honestly remember which, but will look it up if you need me too, and he said "You guys have seen a lot, but some come back broken, and need help, they suffer from depression and some kill themselves, they aren't strong, they don't have what it takes" </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

I'm honestly terrified of what ht next 4 years will bring. Trump I don't think has what it takes, and with Pence behind him, it's worse. Then he puts people like Bannon in to help, and looking at Previs? That guy...So much can be said.</p><p> </p><p>

Now I'm a Dem all the way, but I supported each president we've had because of well, they are our president. I don't think I can honestly do that with Trump. I guess time will tell.</p>

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<p>MLT, you never watched Trump did you? He mocks everyone that same way... Generals, other politicians, even wrestlers. I doubt he even knew the guy had a legit handicap before mocking him, and what's worse, I doubt he would ever admit that either. In all honesty, it doesn't make him look better to me knowing this, as I hate mockery of any kind unless it's done as a parody chocked up for laughs.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, the Clinton News Network really turned me off with being wrong about just about everything they said during this election. Every single time they showed a piece or clip showing Trump to be all evil and whatever, I was able to find a fuller clip showing how far you really have to stretch it to be what they said it was.</p><p> </p><p>

This election, I had to double check everything in all kinds of circles, I listened and watched, and read different views from so many different sources this year, that I'm in awe of how bad the TV News media was on both sides on about every issue, and how they almost totally ignored all the issues most people are really concerned about.</p><p> </p><p>

Worse and most bias media coverage to date, in my honest opinion. I don't mind the news team favoring a candidate, but please keep to the "real" issues, and stay away from flaming.</p><p> </p><p>

I can't help but to believe half america didn't vote just because they were upset with news sources being wrong about everything, even the good stuff.</p>

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MLT, you never watched Trump did you? He mocks everyone that same way... Generals, other politicians, even wrestlers. I doubt he even knew the guy had a legit handicap before mocking him, and what's worse, I doubt he would ever admit that either. In all honesty, it doesn't make him look better to me knowing this, as I hate mockery of any kind unless it's done as a parody chocked up for laughs.


Ok a guy that doesn't hold his tongue no matter whom he talks to scares me handling foreign relations. Especially I'm hearing reports of his team trying to register all Muslims or people coming in from "Muslim countries".


What I fear he is doing is alienating a whole race of people similar to a former German dictator did to a certain race. And if you recall that German dictator went on to cause a mass genocide to said race in question.


I really hope it is me being paranoid but a way to combat ISIS is not to scare potential allies into ISIS's numbers. If anything you want to prove to the Muslim people you are not the monster ISIS is saying you are.


That above all else is what is making me worried about the next 4 hopefully not 8 years.

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MLT, you never watched Trump did you? He mocks everyone that same way... Generals, other politicians, even wrestlers. I doubt he even knew the guy had a legit handicap before mocking him, and what's worse, I doubt he would ever admit that either. In all honesty, it doesn't make him look better to me knowing this, as I hate mockery of any kind unless it's done as a parody chocked up for laughs.


I actually watched everything I could. I've always kept up with election news. It's always good to know what's going on.


I know that people use hand gestures when they talk, and he gets extreme sometimes, but I've NEVER seen him do this before or after that 42 seconds of talking about that reporter.


Like I said that one is personal to me. I've talked about it before on here of what I've gone through and how I grew up dealing with hate and fear of the unknown...I also have a younger brother who has mental limitations, and he handles his own thankfully, but I will protect him any way I can..I'll stand up for him...I'll stand up for anyone who is mistreated by an bully, and that's what we have going into the office a bully.


I don't know how anyone can feel safe with this guy in control.

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I actually watched everything I could. I've always kept up with election news. It's always good to know what's going on.


I know that people use hand gestures when they talk, and he gets extreme sometimes, but I've NEVER seen him do this before or after that 42 seconds of talking about that reporter.


Like I said that one is personal to me. I've talked about it before on here of what I've gone through and how I grew up dealing with hate and fear of the unknown...I also have a younger brother who has mental limitations, and he handles his own thankfully, but I will protect him any way I can..I'll stand up for him...I'll stand up for anyone who is mistreated by an bully, and that's what we have going into the office a bully.


I don't know how anyone can feel safe with this guy in control.


Just youtube it...






The second one has how he would probably treat someone like your brother.


He was just mad at the writer for not telling the truth.


Don't get me wrong, I was blind when it happened. I kept laughing at him making a total jerk out of himself, but now I realize that the media really did a job of making totally sure it looked like that with they cutting and piecing together stuff. I'm more mad at the media then I am Trump. I'm glad the judge is going to make him pay those workers.

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Ok a guy that doesn't hold his tongue no matter whom he talks to scares me handling foreign relations. Especially I'm hearing reports of his team trying to register all Muslims or people coming in from "Muslim countries".


What I fear he is doing is alienating a whole race of people similar to a former German dictator did to a certain race. And if you recall that German dictator went on to cause a mass genocide to said race in question.


I really hope it is me being paranoid but a way to combat ISIS is not to scare potential allies into ISIS's numbers. If anything you want to prove to the Muslim people you are not the monster ISIS is saying you are.


That above all else is what is making me worried about the next 4 hopefully not 8 years.


I understand and I get your point, but what I read of what he wants to do is only dealing with Muslims coming into and leaving our country, and only those going to and from "high risk" nations. One's known to have extreme muslim terrorists in them.


Then you have things like this happening.







I'm just pointing out what I think a Trump supporter would say that's done their homework. Trump supporters think Clinton supporters have largely been blindly led by the nose by the news media. What "grinds my gears" is that I was blindly led around by the nose for most of the journey, and that's why I'm blaming the Democratic party as well as News outlets for not being transparent. IF I knew half the things I'm finding out now, if they had been more transparent with everything, I probably wouldn't feel bad at all. I'd think they done their best and took the high road, and I would be awaiting next election to set things right. But they did everything wrong.... They must think every single American is ignorant, or they're just the most ignorant of us all.


It's like my wife said... She doesn't know any Republicans that voted Democratic, knows a whole bunch of Democrats that voted Republican. She just got back from a church outing today (they visited another church in Georgia). She said almost everyone in church voted for Trump because they felt he was the lesser evil, and lied the least. This was a church full of people from many church's, so it's not a small amount. Then you factor in that they are almost entirely made up of Democrats It makes me wonder what the heck is going on. Democrats are mad at their own party, that's the problem.

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OMG I just found the video that has changed my world....

(Sarcasm If You didn't pick that up)


The power of editing is real....I don't believe any content creator on Youtube just because they have the ability to weave a narrative. Given that I'm a content creator myself I can search through hours of footage and weave any narrative I want.


I'm not saying Hillary was the greatest candidate (Because I would be lying) but I'm basing my opinion currently on the actions he is taking right now rather then watching compilation packages.

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re watch the second video one more time...it was dubbed. The lip movements don't match what the woman is saying.


Edit: I did a little fact checking and CNN even re posted the article on their own site so that one is on the guy who actually put up the video and his poor editing software.



It still don't change the fact that all those prior instances occurred days after the election but now this is coming out.



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The second video, that is her right, and I agree that there is a HUGE different between Muslims and Islam terrorists.




Let's talk about that first video.


When he talked about Ted Cruiz, his movements were different by a long shot, look at the video of him mocking the reporter, he clawed his hand like the guy does because of his disability. and the second part of that you see his fingers flop up a bit but that's it.


I'm sorry in my opinion and many others he did mock that reporter...

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The last thing I will say is I obviously am not bought in to his message. Does that mean I want him to fail? Absolutely not! His success is our success. If he does well then I will be the first in line to admit I'm wrong. But I'm not going to sit by and not voice my protest every time I see the man or someone in his cabinet do something questionable.


I didn't vote for the man (and apparently more than half of America didn't either) but I will watch and hope to god he doesn't screw it up too badly.

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The last thing I will say is I obviously am not bought in to his message. Does that mean I want him to fail? Absolutely not! His success is our success. If he does well then I will be the first in line to admit I'm wrong. But I'm not going to sit by and not voice my protest every time I see the man or someone in his cabinet do something questionable.


I didn't vote for the man (and apparently more than half of America didn't either) but I will watch and hope to god he doesn't screw it up too badly.


I'm with you, but his cabinet members are getting scarier and scarier, though I'd rather have him than Pence in charge.

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I see people say they don't fell 'safe' with Trump about to be in office and for those I pose this question. Would you rather have a woman in office who blames Russia for everything with Russia stating on record that war would be unavoidable with Hillary? Would you instead have a man whome wants to restore our relationship with Russia and avoid war? Do you know that Putin and Trump have already shared words and Trump isn't even in office yet? Did you know the reason he wants to renegotiate NAFTA is due to America getting the short end of the stick in the current deal? Do you also know that Muslim and Islamic terrorism is the same thing? Answer these questions and you'd understand why MSM got it wrong in regards to the election.


Also, I believe few people voted because once again MSM played the American people into believing Hillary had it won before voting even started. I know many in my personal life that didn't vote for this very reason they believed Hillary had it in the bag and we now know that was not the case. Now people are out being CRIMINALS destroying cities and Obama nor Clinton have come out to quell this activity nor ask peace through this dying nation. Protesting and being destructive are two different things. People claim we're not safe with Trump yet they ignore all the ill deeds of Clinton while calling Trump out on everything no matter how fresh or old. Clinton received 25M dollars from Saudi Arabia the same country some terrorist organisations were bred in. I simply ask why aren't we as Americans asking why? What did Saudi Arabia have to gain from a Clinton presidency? There are a lot of questions die hard dems and Clinton supporters aren't asking and it's one of the reasons for the current divide in this country. People who ask legitimate questions are silenced by insults such as bigot, racist, sexist, and coon in my own experiences. I once thought the hive mind mentality was something only my fellow black Americans suffered from, but now I see it's most of America at this day and age with this mentality. I ask people to stop depending on MSM outlets like CNN, ABC, and MSNBC. I ask people find their own truth with their own minds and hearts and stop allowing the media to tell you their truths on what to think and feel. If they had been transparent then this outrage and fear of Trump would not exist to such a degree. I as a black man refuse to support a woman who called black men super predators, and I refuse to support a woman who would brand millions as deplorable.


We are all Americans and we are all different yet we allow ourselves to be manipulated by MSM and pretend that George Soros hasn't been manipulating America and most if not all politician in both parties then the problem we face is much more dire. Fun fact, most hard working Americans have moved on and are living their lives. Yet protests are still happening thanks to Soros for funding and hiring protesters through his organization. He even buses them yet we're told nothing of these underhand tactics. Some are paying 15/hr to protest and that alone is enough to silence the illegitimate things happening in America. Once I get home I'll gladly provide proof of these claims if need be. However I implore you to seek it yourself and the proof that is in abundance.


I know some if not most will suffer from cognitive dissidence if you indeed find this to be true and that is fine, but again I say find the truth. The truth is always harder to believe than a lie. Again I thank you for respecting my opinions as I will always respect yours. Also thank you for this open exchange which is becoming near obsolete in todays society.



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