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I agree with you, and with the people you quoted but...people who overrated Obama when he was elected (some still do) also grinds my gears.


As one of those people who overrated him at the time, I agree with you. Like any politician, Obama wasn't quite the guy he seemed to be in the lead up to Election Day, but going off of his first year in office I'd probably rate him a solid six out of ten. Not quite the eight and a half I was hoping for, but he's done pretty well so far with the hand he's been dealt and, this far in, the country has not yet caught fire.

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As one of those people who overrated him at the time, I agree with you. Like any politician, Obama wasn't quite the guy he seemed to be in the lead up to Election Day, but going off of his first year in office I'd probably rate him a solid six out of ten. Not quite the eight and a half I was hoping for, but he's done pretty well so far with the hand he's been dealt and, this far in, the country has not yet caught fire.


Yup, i agree on that one.

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As one of those people who overrated him at the time, I agree with you. Like any politician, Obama wasn't quite the guy he seemed to be in the lead up to Election Day, but going off of his first year in office I'd probably rate him a solid six out of ten. Not quite the eight and a half I was hoping for, but he's done pretty well so far with the hand he's been dealt and, this far in, the country has not yet caught fire.



I agree with you, but If McCain had won, we would be no better off either. Hell I think we might be worse off.

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This is my one politically-minded post to this thread.




Unions are the reason we have a forty hour work week. Unions are the reason overtime exists as a concept. Unions are the reason you were in school at the age of ten instead of working in a mill. Unions are the reason the place you work has windows and fire exits. Unions are the reason clean and safe working environments exist. Unions brought about the end of the Gilded Age and helped to usher America into its most prosperous decades of existence.


It's possible to argue that certain unions have too much power, or that reform is needed to prevent them from combating necessary change. But when you use the word "parasite" to disparage every union worker, you disrespect the hard-working men and women responsible for your quality of life today, and whose existence insulates you from having those freedoms taken away.


The last thing I ask you to consider is those who have been the opponents of labor unions throughout history. I, for one, would not want to be associated with the jackboot or the burning cross. I have a feeling you don't want to either.


The union can be voted to be instantly created, but once created can not be destroyed. Not even by the very union it's self. Absolute power corrupts Absolutely. Like someone else said, they've long since outlived their usefulness and are a burden on industry.

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The union can be voted to be instantly created, but once created can not be destroyed. Not even by the very union it's self. Absolute power corrupts Absolutely. Like someone else said, they've long since outlived their usefulness and are a burden on industry.

The problem isn't unions... they are the symptom. If corporations were more fair, there wouldn't be unions. One can say that's life - if corporations do it, and you can't stop them, that's it. But then again, those same people can't complain about unions. (Not saying it's you...)


It's really corporations' fault that unions even exist. Unions are the to their actions. It was all because of their efforts that they exist.

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The problem isn't unions... they are the symptom. If corporations were more fair, there wouldn't be unions. One can say that's life - if corporations do it, and you can't stop them, that's it. But then again, those same people can't complain about unions. (Not saying it's you...)


It's really corporations' fault that unions even exist. Unions are the to their actions. It was all because of their efforts that they exist.


Yes that's true, and not a day goes by I don't wish that companies in general didn't take advantage were fair, if only because it would've been the best for everyone but alas.


Unions could remedy the situation, as I said, by merely making it possible to dissolve the union but alas they found a way into my pocket book and don't seem to want to stop any time soon.


I should note, I'm negative about unions in general and have particular fustrations with my own. I'm sure there has to be some union out there that isn't out to villify the very company their employees work for and only want whats fair and not a penny more but I don't think that's the norm.

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If I'm thinking of the same episode the part 2 of "Cartoon wars" the name Muhammad was not censored over here, however I don't see why the name alone would be offensive to Muslims.


We're thinking of different episodes. I'm talking about the brand new episode that just aired in America. To celebrate hitting 200 episodes they trotted out a bunch of past jokes and situations for a 2-part spectacular, including the whole Muhammed thing. Part 1 was fine, but Part 2 (at least on first airing) was riddled with bleeps.

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We're thinking of different episodes. I'm talking about the brand new episode that just aired in America. To celebrate hitting 200 episodes they trotted out a bunch of past jokes and situations for a 2-part spectacular, including the whole Muhammed thing. Part 1 was fine, but Part 2 (at least on first airing) was riddled with bleeps.


I actually thought all the censoring was hilarious, esp the part where they censored out Tom Cruise near the end.

Tho the ending speeches being bleeped out was a tad annoying as it went on abit too long for me..

The whole twist with Cartmans real dad was unexpected, but quite funny in a way


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Yes that's true, and not a day goes by I don't wish that companies in general didn't take advantage were fair, if only because it would've been the best for everyone but alas.


Unions could remedy the situation, as I said, by merely making it possible to dissolve the union but alas they found a way into my pocket book and don't seem to want to stop any time soon.


I should note, I'm negative about unions in general and have particular fustrations with my own. I'm sure there has to be some union out there that isn't out to villify the very company their employees work for and only want whats fair and not a penny more but I don't think that's the norm.


No, it's not. Why do you think American car companies have suffered so much in the last several years? Their employees' unions have had them bent over for decades and are now some of the most grossly overpaid people in America. Meanwhile, companies in other parts of the world can pay their employees far less to do the same jobs.


Many, many years ago unions were more than necessary... but nowadays, I'm pretty confident most of them are used as an excuse to earn more money, regardless if you deserve it or not. As you said, I'm sure there ARE a few unions out there that exist for the right reasons. But most of em I've seen aren't in that category.

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Here are a few for me...


People who like to hold a conversation with you in the men's room and people who talk loudly on their cell phone in the restroom.


When you're at a stop sign waiting for traffic to clear so you can go, and the car behind you honks the horn when THEY think YOU should go.


Also on the subject of traffic, people who can't grasp the concept of the four-way stop.


Rude sarcasm, and sarcasm where you can't tell if the person is being funny or rude.

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Here are a few for me...


People who like to hold a conversation with you in the men's room and people who talk loudly on their cell phone in the restroom.


When you're at a stop sign waiting for traffic to clear so you can go, and the car behind you honks the horn when THEY think YOU should go.


Also on the subject of traffic, people who can't grasp the concept of the four-way stop.


Rude sarcasm, and sarcasm where you can't tell if the person is being funny or rude.


Oh my god yes. I was once turning left at a stoplight and there was traffic coming from the opposite way, thus meaning I didn't have the right of way and had to wait for traffic to clear before I could go. Meanwhile, some impatient jackass behind me is laying on their horn. Sigh...

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Guest Instant Classic

I don't understand the hate on unions. Like was already said unions were made because of how unfairly companies treat workers. If the government had actually stepped in at any point and made realistic labor laws they would have never come into existence. Companies who cannot survive with union workers deserve to go under. I know full well most companies in my area would be under within 6 months if we had unions around here. There are so few that treat people fairly. When it comes to the car companies, if the top brass didn't give themselves millions in pay and in bonuses and vacation a year, maybe they wouldn't need to be dug out of the hole. Heck where I live the only real labor law is that they have to give us a lunch after 6 hours of worked time. That is literally it for state law, the rest is national labor law. Companies flock here because they can get away with things that would have them immediately shut down in almost every state in the country.


I'm sorry but just because people kiss enough butt to get a high paying job they are not qualified for doesn't mean honest workers should have to suffer for their incompetence to run a company.


Add to the list, someone cutting you off in traffic to the point of where you have to slam your brakes down to 15mph or less only for them to drive 10mph under the speed limit and turn 1/4 mile down the road.

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Aaaaaand here we go. Again. It seems. Not meaning to start a flame war but here's a couple of reply's to few posts:


That post sounds like an atheist fundamentalist, it almost sounds like the religious fundamentalists you dislike. The way I see it, respect somebodies views and the fact that they may be different to yours, there is no need to say people have a mental illness because they believe differently to you. To cast all people who believe in a higher power off as some bible/koran bashing nutcase isn't the way to go, stereotyping people is a very narrow way of thinking.


I'm not an atheist fundie, I'm not going for any kind of 'kill anyone who believes in a god". What I'm saying is that this world would be so much better were they no gods even being considered. I'm not talking about just the fundies, it's the regular Joe who also concers me.. In christianity my main concern is the 'cherrypicking' that people do, you know, they pick all the good stuff and disregarding all the bad stuff that comes with the religion/Bible. Either you go all out or you fold, there's no "in between" zone and because of our modern, secular laws we have most of the stuff that is told in the bible for you to follow is illegal (and rightfully so). My main point being there is not a single good thing in this world that can only, only, be achieved by religion. Not a single thing. All the good comes from religion can be achieved by purely secular meanings, you simply do not need religion.


I find it funnier that I've not heard one person enraged over Buddha snorting coke throughout both episodes. Oh, but, God forbid we see Muhammad! Oh noes!


Yeah.. People are pushing islam to a higher level which scares me. Before you know it they can do pretty much anything by using force and intimidation + they have way higher reproduction rate which is a really bad thing in my opinion. Just think about it.


I am sorry to say this, and you can ask the many folks that I speak to on these boards. I am not a rude or vicious person.


You sir are a Jackass.


Yeah don't join the discussion, instead call me a jackass. For what? I'm just trying to wake people up and have a decent conversation. The last time we had this discussion I had several PM's directed towards me with no real content, other than saying I'm a jackass or something similar. I don't care if you are offended 'cause it doesn't mean anything. Be offended all you want, you're just realising that someone is poking the ice and trying to shatter your illusion and you're afraid of that happening.


Yup, something that more than 4 billion people practice on a daily basis is probably dead.To be perfectly honest I can understand why you say its a mental illness, religion is all about taking a leap of faith and beliving things fully, without any sort of proof is getting close to mental illness, but saying that religion is finished? I think some people in Jerusalem or Gaza would disagre...


I think believing in a god is an absurd idea. There is not a single thing supporting the idea.. 'Symbols for the symbol-minded' as Carlin would put it. Watch Hithens, watch Dawkings debating against believers.. There is not a single argument for religion that couldn't be 'won' by atheism/agnosticism.


I'm saying that if we would:


1.) Start taxing religious buildings/etc..

2.) Stop questioning evolution (looking at you ID people.. You've gotta to be kidding me.. If someone is seriously denying evolution and instead saying that god created us in six days, something is wrong and they have a mental illness.)

3.) Put all the money that goes to churches/religion based institutes and instead use it to educate our youngsters and poor people of the world..

4.) Get over from the bronze age myths and medieval mythology and stop this nonsense discussion about god and religion. There is no god. Never was, never is, never will be..


.. We would have an awesome world to live in where the general IQ-levels would be in an all-time high and people in this world could live in peace and harmony and we could finally explore space properly. I seriously wish for a day when I see religion being taught from school books and the students of that day in the future would look back in human history and say 'how gullable they were and how limited their knowledge was'. It's going to happen sooner or later. The world is changing and people are realising how stupid the idea of a god really is. Stop the hallucination and wake up..


We know better than to believe in an old man in the sky who keeps track of everything you do, everything you say, everyday from the moment you're born to the moment you're dead and then judges you on your performance. We know better than to assume that there's a heaven and a hell. It's a man made bull**** story and don't deny it. You know it's crazy and untrue. A talking snake? Woman out of a rib? Get real.


We know better than to believe in a nonsense like christianity or islam or any other religion. Think about it.. Because of the accident of birth, you've born in one place at one time and your community worships the god of that time, it's that random that you happen to believe in the christian god. If you had been born in Norway during viking-era, you'd be worshipping Thor or Odin. Or Zeus, Mithras, and the list goes on and on and on. There have been thousands and thousands of other gods in the history of mankind. Why do you think yours is the right one? If you are a christian, why do you believe your god? Why don't you believe in Allah, for which you yourself are an atheist to.


Everyone of us is an atheist when we are born. It's when insane adults start teaching us about religion when we are too young to form a sophisticated argument against the idea that we get sucked into it. Everyone of us is an atheist to all the other gods.. Go a god further.


Start questioning things and soon you'll find how silly believing in a higher power/god really is.

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Guest Instant Classic
I have personally believed in a science experiment that no one would ever do. Isolate young children and teach them the single most absurd thing possible about how we came to be. Something so ridiculous that you would think it was a flashback on a Family Guy episode, and I can guarantee you that you would be able to enforce those "beliefs" on those children and get them to grow up believing in it.
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Aaaaaand here we go. Again. It seems. Not meaning to start a flame war but here's a couple of reply's to few posts:




I'm not an atheist fundie, I'm not going for any kind of 'kill anyone who believes in a god". What I'm saying is that this world would be so much better were they no gods even being considered. I'm not talking about just the fundies, it's the regular Joe who also concers me.. In christianity my main concern is the 'cherrypicking' that people do, you know, they pick all the good stuff and disregarding all the bad stuff that comes with the religion/Bible. Either you go all out or you fold, there's no "in between" zone and because of our modern, secular laws we have most of the stuff that is told in the bible for you to follow is illegal (and rightfully so). My main point being there is not a single good thing in this world that can only, only, be achieved by religion. Not a single thing. All the good comes from religion can be achieved by purely secular meanings, you simply do not need religion.




Yeah.. People are pushing islam to a higher level which scares me. Before you know it they can do pretty much anything by using force and intimidation + they have way higher reproduction rate which is a really bad thing in my opinion. Just think about it.




Yeah don't join the discussion, instead call me a jackass. For what? I'm just trying to wake people up and have a decent conversation. The last time we had this discussion I had several PM's directed towards me with no real content, other than saying I'm a jackass or something similar. I don't care if you are offended 'cause it doesn't mean anything. Be offended all you want, you're just realising that someone is poking the ice and trying to shatter your illusion and you're afraid of that happening.




I think believing in a god is an absurd idea. There is not a single thing supporting the idea.. 'Symbols for the symbol-minded' as Carlin would put it. Watch Hithens, watch Dawkings debating against believers.. There is not a single argument for religion that couldn't be 'won' by atheism/agnosticism.


I'm saying that if we would:


1.) Start taxing religious buildings/etc..

2.) Stop questioning evolution (looking at you ID people.. You've gotta to be kidding me.. If someone is seriously denying evolution and instead saying that god created us in six days, something is wrong and they have a mental illness.)

3.) Put all the money that goes to churches/religion based institutes and instead use it to educate our youngsters and poor people of the world..

4.) Get over from the bronze age myths and medieval mythology and stop this nonsense discussion about god and religion. There is no god. Never was, never is, never will be..


.. We would have an awesome world to live in where the general IQ-levels would be in an all-time high and people in this world could live in peace and harmony and we could finally explore space properly. I seriously wish for a day when I see religion being taught from school books and the students of that day in the future would look back in human history and say 'how gullable they were and how limited their knowledge was'. It's going to happen sooner or later. The world is changing and people are realising how stupid the idea of a god really is. Stop the hallucination and wake up..


We know better than to believe in an old man in the sky who keeps track of everything you do, everything you say, everyday from the moment you're born to the moment you're dead and then judges you on your performance. We know better than to assume that there's a heaven and a hell. It's a man made bull**** story and don't deny it. You know it's crazy and untrue. A talking snake? Woman out of a rib? Get real.


We know better than to believe in a nonsense like christianity or islam or any other religion. Think about it.. Because of the accident of birth, you've born in one place at one time and your community worships the god of that time, it's that random that you happen to believe in the christian god. If you had been born in Norway during viking-era, you'd be worshipping Thor or Odin. Or Zeus, Mithras, and the list goes on and on and on. There have been thousands and thousands of other gods in the history of mankind. Why do you think yours is the right one? If you are a christian, why do you believe your god? Why don't you believe in Allah, for which you yourself are an atheist to.


Everyone of us is an atheist when we are born. It's when insane adults start teaching us about religion when we are too young to form a sophisticated argument against the idea that we get sucked into it. Everyone of us is an atheist to all the other gods.. Go a god further.


Start questioning things and soon you'll find how silly believing in a higher power/god really is.


generally I agree with you. However I'd leave it more to a 75% chance there is no God vs 25% chance that there is... and more importantly that each of us individually won't know for sure till we die.


My general opinion formed onced I realized all religion was basically telling me some far out story and then going "It makes sense right? C'mon! Come onnnnnnnnn!" and I'd like to think the all powerful man in the sky's argument would be stronger then that if real.


That all being said, I'm disappointing in Comedy Central for giving in. Really makes me wish we had a real world version of Frank Castle to smoke these mofo's.

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I have personally believed in a science experiment that no one would ever do. Isolate young children and teach them the single most absurd thing possible about how we came to be. Something so ridiculous that you would think it was a flashback on a Family Guy episode, and I can guarantee you that you would be able to enforce those "beliefs" on those children and get them to grow up believing in it.


Yes. You don't actually have to do a separate science experiment for that hypothesis.. Just take a look around and you see the results.


generally I agree with you. However I'd leave it more to a 75% chance there is no God vs 25% chance that there is... and more importantly that each of us individually won't know for sure till we die.


Well thank you. I know my reply wasn't that .. full thought as I would like it to be but hey this is basic forum discussion on the internet. I know that I can't say, no one can, which way it is: There is a god or there is not a god. No one knows for sure. No one. Not me, not you, no one. But I'm not agnostic about it even though I acknowledge that I can't know for sure but there's this huge amount of stuff supporting the case that there really is not a god. I'm not giving the chance of there being a god even one percent. The likelyhood of there being a god is so so so so minimal that I don't even know the right term for it.

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What I'm saying is that this world would be so much better were they no gods even being considered.


We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for religion.


I think believing in a god is an absurd idea. There is not a single thing supporting the idea.. 'Symbols for the symbol-minded' as Carlin would put it. Watch Hithens, watch Dawkings debating against believers.. There is not a single argument for religion that couldn't be 'won' by atheism/agnosticism.


How about nihilism makes people really hard to get along with? Case in point: you.


The rest of your post is just the regular ol' UGH RELIGION nonsense. I don't think anyone here advocates teaching the intelligent design tripe or putting Muslims to the sword. I just think most people realize it's absurd to say that religion doesn't have anything inherently positive about it.

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We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for religion.
.. And your point is? Humans, primitive people, whatever you want to call them were atheists before they developed enough imagination to start worshipping the sun and that's where all religions are based on. But we wouldn't be here without religion? Do tell, I'm all ears.


How about nihilism makes people really hard to get along with? Case in point: you.


Arguments, not insults, please.


The rest of your post is just the regular ol' UGH RELIGION nonsense. I don't think anyone here advocates teaching the intelligent design tripe or putting Muslims to the sword. I just think most people realize it's absurd to say that religion doesn't have anything inherently positive about it.


Sure religion makes people feel happy and safe but to me living your life trough the lense of fiction is the wrong way to go. Change it to the lense of fact and see the results yourself. My case was that there is not a single good thing in religion that couldn't be achieved by secular means.. And I know that most people are somewhat rational but that's my point: The cherrypicking, the 'pick'n'mix' christians/other believers. It's very hypocritical.. It's almost like saying "I think what god meant to say.."


E: Sadly I have to go, I'll reply when I'm back home :)

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.. We would have an awesome world to live in where the general IQ-levels would be in an all-time high and people in this world could live in peace and harmony and we could finally explore space properly.


Said like it was fact. Don't get me wrong, I like a good debate, and find this thread fascinating (if perhaps for nothing more than realising how some people are simply unable to debate), but when you throw in lines like that it really makes me turn against you. And I like turning - I'll quite happily argue both sides of a debate. I have to do it sometimes when I want a decent debate but no-one can think of the counter-arguments to what I'm saying that I can see.


We know better than to believe in a nonsense like christianity or islam or any other religion. Think about it.. Because of the accident of birth, you've born in one place at one time and your community worships the god of that time, it's that random that you happen to believe in the christian god. If you had been born in Norway during viking-era, you'd be worshipping Thor or Odin. Or Zeus, Mithras, and the list goes on and on and on. There have been thousands and thousands of other gods in the history of mankind. Why do you think yours is the right one? If you are a christian, why do you believe your god? Why don't you believe in Allah, for which you yourself are an atheist to.


This is true, and an argument I use. However, a name is just a name, why can't God=Buddha=Zeus? Maybe everyone (who worships a God) is worshipping the same God, just different representations. All have huge backgrounds and stories about them which have developed over the years - it doesn't take a genuis to see these have changed. But perhaps, thousands of years ago, they all started with the same message.


Start questioning things and soon you'll find how silly believing in a higher power/god really is.


I questions things, and God is completely unproven to me. But the absence of a God is also completely unproven. I have no reason not to believe in a higher power. I don't think it's silly to believe either side of the argument.

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This is true, and an argument I use. However, a name is just a name, why can't God=Buddha=Zeus? Maybe everyone (who worships a God) is worshipping the same God, just different representations. All have huge backgrounds and stories about them which have developed over the years - it doesn't take a genuis to see these have changed. But perhaps, thousands of years ago, they all started with the same message.


Yes and I quite like this argument and I like pure theists' way more than christians/muslims who identify solely to their religions. I can _accept_ (Doesn't mean that I agree) the proposition of there being an anonymous higher power, something larger than life itself (or possibly 'god' equals 'life'?) more than the proposition of there being a christian god etc.. The universe is there, it's vast and mysterious and we're all of the same star stuff and the universe in itself is in us. I just don't like the man made icing on top of that idea that people are so obsessed with.

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