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What grinds your gears?


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I'm from Michigan. Redneck is pretty much the area-standard term for an uneducated or hick person.


I was trying to confess that I had a very negative view of wrestling up until I started watching it. So while I'd like to say that I didn't mean any offense, I kinda did in a sense.


I've been to Michigan. LOOOOOOVE it there.







I have missed you. I heard you were eaten. :(

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Actually been focusing on getting grades for Uni, and only coming online when I'm procrastinating... like now, when I should be doing coursework.


And to keep it on topic, the wait between getting offers in January and starting University in October, while having to finish pointless qualifications in the meantime, grinds my gears.

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*sigh* Why does everyone like the Yankees?


I mean really?


It's like ....Liking the Steelers. It's just....NO!




No, no, no. I'm a Red Sox fan...so he ranked me even lower than Yankee fans.


Not that we're blameless. "Yankees Suck" chants break out at the most obnoxious times around here, apropos of nothing. Some dude might find twenty bucks in his pocket while waiting in line at the grocery store, and he'd be all excited and would start yelling "Yankees Suck" and then fifty other people would be joining him within 0.2 seconds.


Not that they don't suck, mind you.

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No, no, no. I'm a Red Sox fan...so he ranked me even lower than Yankee fans.


Not that we're blameless. "Yankees Suck" chants break out at the most obnoxious times around here, apropos of nothing. Some dude might find twenty bucks in his pocket while waiting in line at the grocery store, and he'd be all excited and would start yelling "Yankees Suck" and then fifty other people would be joining him within 0.2 seconds.


Not that they don't suck, mind you.


Oh god Red Sox???


Yeah that's a step UP from the Yankees.


Here is a Yankee hater state too. :p



I really hate trying to open a bottle of Coca-cola when someone puts the lid on so tight those little ridges around the lid cut into my hand...A-HOLES!!!!!!!

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No, no, no. I'm a Red Sox fan...so he ranked me even lower than Yankee fans.


Not that we're blameless. "Yankees Suck" chants break out at the most obnoxious times around here, apropos of nothing. Some dude might find twenty bucks in his pocket while waiting in line at the grocery store, and he'd be all excited and would start yelling "Yankees Suck" and then fifty other people would be joining him within 0.2 seconds.


Not that they don't suck, mind you.


That is so true, not about the Yankees sucking but about the crazy Red Sox fans.:D

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Just to add onto that, another thing that grinds my gears is the New England sports fans in general.


I remember when the Patriots won their last Super Bowl and Bob Kraft was saying how they had the best fans in the world. I thought to myself, "Really?".


I remember going to a game at Foxboro, it was the season that the Patriots ended with a 1-15 record, and there was hardly anybody there. To me if you are a real fan of your team you support them no matter what. If they are 1-15 or 16-0 (And yet still lose to the Giants!:D), you have to show your support for them.

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Yeah the Yanks were atrocious during the 80's compared to past decades. That being said why in the world would a RED SOX fan taunt you about a team performing badly especially in the 80's when they had been sitting on a nearly 70 year old drought. None the less yeah I'm not a Yankees fan and I really wish Baseball had a cap so teams like the Rays could make a run for more than a few years and I know that owners get compensation blah blah blah but I think the thing that keeps the NFL so interesting is that each team has an even playing field for the most part.


That being said people were throwing a fit when the Yankees won the world series last year even though it had been ten years since they had won it and nine since they had been there. Whats even more ironic is that although they had Tex, A Rod, CC and AJ thats not near what they had done in years past when they literally would just pluck league MVP's from their teams. For ten years they added every big name, heavy hitter they could find and would get swept outta the first round but when they start putting together a more cohesive team after ten years of falling down on the job is when people start screaming about them.


That being said I'm a Cards fan and I'm not willing to face that lineup so I hope they all get small pox for the season :D Even if the Cards starters have the lowest ERA in the league right now


Yeah, that's the thing that bugs me most. I mean, imagine being a Brewers, or Royals fan. Unless there's a great player who doesn't care about money, or championships, they have no chance any time soon.


also, I'm an Angel fan, hence my dislike of the Sox and Yanks.


I guess the same could be said for the airline tickets that go up due to jet fuel going up. What about all these millionaires flying around on a whims notice burning up valuable jet fuel that the consumer then pays for but as you brought up it really has nothing to do with the price of gas anyway.


My theory on the whole thing is if you have the money to pay for something then go for it. I would assume someone, somewhere is paying for the gas. I'd be upset if they were just being "given" gas but they pay for it just like anyone else.


Like you pointed out it has nothing really to do with the price of gas but even if it did we'd have to look at our entertainers and sports teams as well that ride around on buses throughout the country consuming larges amounts of gas as well.


Interesting talking point but you kinda killed your own point dead in the water when you mentioned it really had nothing to do with the price of gas :D


Yeah, I'm all for taking away corporate flights, and nascar. I'm equal opportunity. I'd love to fly somewhere. I could afford maybe Vegas, or San Fransisco, maybe.

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I guess the same could be said for the airline tickets that go up due to jet fuel going up. What about all these millionaires flying around on a whims notice burning up valuable jet fuel that the consumer then pays for but as you brought up it really has nothing to do with the price of gas anyway.


My theory on the whole thing is if you have the money to pay for something then go for it. I would assume someone, somewhere is paying for the gas. I'd be upset if they were just being "given" gas but they pay for it just like anyone else.


Like you pointed out it has nothing really to do with the price of gas but even if it did we'd have to look at our entertainers and sports teams as well that ride around on buses throughout the country consuming larges amounts of gas as well.


Interesting talking point but you kinda killed your own point dead in the water when you mentioned it really had nothing to do with the price of gas :D


The difference is, NASCAR gets their fuel for free (SOURCE). That's why oil companies pony up to be the 'official fuel sponsor of NASCAR'. Airlines don't get that privilege and without hedging, would have to pay the exact price per barrel that it says on the tin. It's why so many American carriers filed for bankruptcy over the last 5 years and one didn't even come close to financial trouble (Southwest). Their fuel hedging is legendary so they never had to pay the outrageous prices for oil that occurred in the late 2007 to late 2008 period. Plus, NASCAR (until fairly recently) used a form of gas that didn't require the same amount of refining that the ones used in passenger vehicles must have. Until approximately 2005 or so, they were still using leaded gas where passenger vehicles in the US switched to unleaded gas (which requires more refining, thus costs more to produce) back in the 80s.


Long story short, the airline comparison is invalid because NASCAR is sponsored by the very companies that supply their equipment and materials. Delta isn't sponsored by Airbus or Boeing (Toyota/Ford/Chevy) or BP or Shell, thus the only discounts they get from these companies are the same discounts anyone else would get (those being, volume discounts) and fuel hedging (which is essentially the purchase of fuel at a future date, at today's prevailing price. If the price goes up, you saved a lot of money. If the price goes down, you overpaid). Those people flying around in G450s and such pay for their fuel. I've taken one private flight on my own dime and I can tell you, fuel cost factors in heavily (and depending on oil prices and the length of the flight, the fuel can cost more than the flight crew). So how "the consumer then pays for it", I have no idea. The refining processes to create jet fuels are different from those used to create unleaded fuel for passenger vehicles (and even diesel fuel for vehicles and trucks) and is reflected in their price at the pump. So they're really not related in any more than a 'they're both based on petroleum' way.

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Yeah I didn't know their gas was free I was under the assumpiton it was paid for.


Even at that though there is still no argument for NASCAR jacking up gas prices with their consumption. That same article states they use 155,000 gallons on the Sprint Series per YEAR and Americans use 366 million gallons per DAY. So NASCAR is using less than a thousandth of the total fuel consumption for the year.


And again even with the private airlines. If you can afford it then go for it. Its pretty much the American way if you can afford something or if someone is willing to pay for it for you then go for it.

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One more thing I would like to add to the list (and this was being talked about in the mafia section), is 3D movies!


Why all of a sudden do we have to pay extra money to see them? So on top of the outlandish price of $10.50 (which only ten years ago it was like $7.00), I now have to pay $5.00 extra to see a 3D movie! Are you joking!


I asked why I had to pay extra to see a 3D movie and I was told that we had to pay for the special projector that they use to show 3D movies. I think it is complete and utter well you know. And they no longer allow you to keep the 3D glasses! I remember being a kid and seeing the Nightmare On Elm Street in 3D (not sure which one it was maybe part five), and we got to keep the glasses.


If giving a choice between seeing a movie like Avatar in 3D or 2D, I will take the 2D every day of the week. I don't care if it was meant to be viewed in 3D, I care more about keeping the $5.00 in my pocket.

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I've only seen A Christmas Carol in 3D.


I kept the glasses.


But, the price is retarded though. Luckily, I don't care about 3D at all.


If I want to see 3D, I'd go outside (or, watch iMPACT!)



Like it was pointed out in the mafia thread.

3D movies suck for people with less than perfect vision.


3D movies in general suck.


What gets me is Sony and Panasonic have 3D TVs now. How stupid. Yet the general public will shell out 5 grand because they simply MUST have it.

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Like it was pointed out in the mafia thread.

3D movies suck for people with less than perfect vision.


3D movies in general suck.


What gets me is Sony and Panasonic have 3D TVs now. How stupid. Yet the general public will shell out 5 grand because they simply MUST have it.


I work for Best Buy. We have one up in our TV area. I've not worn the glasses, cause, as I said I don't really care.


I could see money in 3D gaming. But, seriously, are there going to be Super Bowl parties where all the manly men are going to sit there with the goggles on?


Not to mention all the people who are already having eye trouble, and migraines from watching too much 3D stuff.


If they make Bill & Ted's 3D Adventure.. then, maybe, just maybe.

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One more thing I would like to add to the list (and this was being talked about in the mafia section), is 3D movies!


Why all of a sudden do we have to pay extra money to see them? So on top of the outlandish price of $10.50 (which only ten years ago it was like $7.00), I now have to pay $5.00 extra to see a 3D movie! Are you joking!


I asked why I had to pay extra to see a 3D movie and I was told that we had to pay for the special projector that they use to show 3D movies. I think it is complete and utter well you know. And they no longer allow you to keep the 3D glasses! I remember being a kid and seeing the Nightmare On Elm Street in 3D (not sure which one it was maybe part five), and we got to keep the glasses.


If giving a choice between seeing a movie like Avatar in 3D or 2D, I will take the 2D every day of the week. I don't care if it was meant to be viewed in 3D, I care more about keeping the $5.00 in my pocket.


I love films, so for me, paying a few extra pounds to see something like Avatar at a 3D IMAX was well worth it.


One of my local cinemas has started charging for 3D glasses AS WELL as charging extra for 3D films, which certainly grinds my gears. I don't mind paying a little extra, but when you charge me a little extra for 3D and then tell me that I have to pay for the glasses as well...thats pushing it. I have a season pass, so I keep my glasses, but I imagine many others are getting stung.


They've started showing 3D football down my local pub. It's really popular and looks amazing. Caught my first game last weekend and it definatelly added to the experience.

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I love films, so for me, paying a few extra pounds to see something like Avatar at a 3D IMAX was well worth it.


One of my local cinemas has started charging for 3D glasses AS WELL as charging extra for 3D films, which certainly grinds my gears. I don't mind paying a little extra, but when you charge me a little extra for 3D and then tell me that I have to pay for the glasses as well...thats pushing it. I have a season pass, so I keep my glasses, but I imagine many others are getting stung.


They've started showing 3D football down my local pub. It's really popular and looks amazing. Caught my first game last weekend and it definatelly added to the experience.



I love going to the movies. What I hate is when you go and some idiot decides to say Hey lets take the baby with us. I mean WHAT could go wrong with THIS idea. So I am forced to sit through a 2 hour movie listening to the stupid woman behind me yell at her husband for bringing the baby, or listening to a baby cry...OR the one that got me...THE LADY CHANGED THE BABIES POOPY DIAPER in the theater. I swear 2 rows behind me. Here I'm all eating my popcorn drinking my soda. You know adding more calories I don't need and then WOOSH a wiff of baby pooh. NOT a happy moment for me.

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I love going to the movies. What I hate is when you go and some idiot decides to say Hey lets take the baby with us. I mean WHAT could go wrong with THIS idea. So I am forced to sit through a 2 hour movie listening to the stupid woman behind me yell at her husband for bringing the baby, or listening to a baby cry...OR the one that got me...THE LADY CHANGED THE BABIES POOPY DIAPER in the theater. I swear 2 rows behind me. Here I'm all eating my popcorn drinking my soda. You know adding more calories I don't need and then WOOSH a wiff of baby pooh. NOT a happy moment for me.


I feel your pain. The worst is the crying, particularly when the parent is doing NOTHING about it. "Oh, my baby has been crying for the last 30 minutes in the theater, maybe in another 30 it'll just tire itself out so I won't bother with it."


That said, I don't think I could sit idly by for half an hour while that happened. I'll start with the "would you shut your kid up" looks, since it's quiet but shows it's getting annoying, and if they still don't do anything I will (and have) get vocal about it.


To add to it...


It grinds my gears when you have a kid sitting behind you in the theater and is wailing on the seat with his feet. Even if it's the seat next to you or a couple down you can more than feel it. But when its the seat YOU are sitting in, and the parent is just sitting there chomping down on popcorn... dems ground for justified homicide.

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I feel your pain. The worst is the crying, particularly when the parent is doing NOTHING about it. "Oh, my baby has been crying for the last 30 minutes in the theater, maybe in another 30 it'll just tire itself out so I won't bother with it."


That said, I don't think I could sit idly by for half an hour while that happened. I'll start with the "would you shut your kid up" looks, since it's quiet but shows it's getting annoying, and if they still don't do anything I will (and have) get vocal about it.


To add to it...


It grinds my gears when you have a kid sitting behind you in the theater and is wailing on the seat with his feet. Even if it's the seat next to you or a couple down you can more than feel it. But when its the seat YOU are sitting in, and the parent is just sitting there chomping down on popcorn... dems ground for justified homicide.


Amen. This from someone who worked in a cinema where on occassions had to ask for kids to be quiet, only to be confronted by their parents. Well, if you were doing your job I wouldn't have to tell them off!

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Apparently there's a brand new, all-3D cinema opening 20 minutes from my house. They say it's the first of it's kind in Wales. I'm pretty psyched. I used to go to the cinema every Sunday morning in my Uni days, but since moving back to the motherland the crappy cinema's have turned me off the whole endeavor (the hour-long drive doesn't help). I am ridiculously psyched... I just hope their scheduling accommodates the times I like to go; i.e. when practically no one else is around to distract me from the screen.


I watched 2D Avatar last night. Son of a biscuit it felt long. If I was reinventing CGI as we know it and every frame was taking 47 man-hours to make, I'd get the flick in at a nice tight 90 minutes. Save some money.

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I feel your pain. The worst is the crying, particularly when the parent is doing NOTHING about it. "Oh, my baby has been crying for the last 30 minutes in the theater, maybe in another 30 it'll just tire itself out so I won't bother with it."


That said, I don't think I could sit idly by for half an hour while that happened. I'll start with the "would you shut your kid up" looks, since it's quiet but shows it's getting annoying, and if they still don't do anything I will (and have) get vocal about it.


To add to it...


It grinds my gears when you have a kid sitting behind you in the theater and is wailing on the seat with his feet. Even if it's the seat next to you or a couple down you can more than feel it. But when its the seat YOU are sitting in, and the parent is just sitting there chomping down on popcorn... dems ground for justified homicide.


I'm quite lucky in this respect as there is an indy cinema just down the street from me with really high quality projectors, a bar in a sound-proofed booth in each of the two screens and a 'no-kids' policy. It's slightly more expensive, but the bar alone makes it worth it. They show all the big movies as well as some awesome indy flicks and classic movies.


I don't know if they do it everywhere, but my local Vue cinema has started doing 18+ screenings of popular U, PG, 12 and 15-rated movies. Saw Wall-E, Up, Transformers 2, etc all on weekends without a screen full of kids.

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Like it was pointed out in the mafia thread.

3D movies suck for people with less than perfect vision.


3D movies in general suck.


What gets me is Sony and Panasonic have 3D TVs now. How stupid. Yet the general public will shell out 5 grand because they simply MUST have it.


3D is a nifty gimmick to me, not much more. There's only so much you can do with it before you can they're FORCING it to fit the 3D mold, and that's just cheesy. Not to mention it's just another reason for some movie makers to rely on visual effects and say "screw it" to storyline/character development/dialogue.


Personally, can't wait for 3D to going back to being nothing more than something I occaisonally see at the IMAX at Moody Gardens.

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3D is a nifty gimmick to me, not much more. There's only so much you can do with it before you can they're FORCING it to fit the 3D mold, and that's just cheesy. Not to mention it's just another reason for some movie makers to rely on visual effects and say "screw it" to storyline/character development/dialogue.


Personally, can't wait for 3D to going back to being nothing more than something I occaisonally see at the IMAX at Moody Gardens.


I think I've only seen 2 3D movies in my life. One was about Dinosaurs. The other I have no clue because I forget. Neither seemed all that interesting.


I just don't get it. It's good in the action games and such (not that I'm into them) but movie wise..I can do without.

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I think I've only seen 2 3D movies in my life. One was about Dinosaurs. The other I have no clue because I forget. Neither seemed all that interesting.


I just don't get it. It's good in the action games and such (not that I'm into them) but movie wise..I can do without.


I think you and I are diametrically opposed as it pertains to pop culture! Of course, I mean that with the in the most amiable way possible.


I like spectacle and bombast in my pictures, and I'm willing to sacrifice story in the pursuit of "the big thrill." Of course I appreciate story...I just never really look to movies as my first choice for a compelling tale. I'd sooner read a book or a play, because I find that the story becomes even more personal when the images are crafted mostly by your own brain (and a little help from the author). I certainly wouldn't pass on a movie that's known for its dynamic characters and tight, gripping story, but I need to be in the right mood to watch it. When it comes to good books, I'm always in the mood.


Give me a big dumb action movie any old day of the week! And just to comment on action games and games in general...my motto is "Good games is good games." Not the most eloquent of quotes, but apropos. Genre be damned, if it's good, I'm playing it! Actually, that sort of reminds me of something that grinds my gears...


-People who refuse to play a game because "it looks like its for kids." They'll only play games that are "realistic." Seriously, you won't play a game that has colors in it, even if it's awesome? Yeah, I guess if it doesn't have blood, guns, and the "f" word, then it sucks and must be a little kid's game, right?


I hate those people. You folks, however, are cool.

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