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NYCW97 : The other side of the war

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Mayhem in New York

at The Weston Gymnasium, New York City

on the 3rd Saturday of March 97

Chris Storm vs Big Cat Brandon

NYCW World champion Corporal Doom & a partner of his choice vs Alex Braun & a partner of his choice

Jack Bruce vs Land Mass

NYCW United States title : Barry Kingman (ch) vs Mick Muscles

Wiley Steinway vs Rich Money

Winner gets a US title shot next month : John McClean vs Jungle Jack vs Hollywood Hank vs Troy Tornado



February news should be up later today, but since the card has been input in the game, I figured I could preview it right now.


Both mystery men in the tag team affairs are NOT new signees. They are already contracted to NYCW.

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Chris Storm vs Big Cat Brandon

Storm is a fairly big deal at this point, Brandon's days are still ahead.


NYCW World champion Corporal Doom & a partner of his choice vs Alex Braun & a partner of his choice

Braun gets this win back to keep his feud going


Jack Bruce vs Land Mass

Mass is on down slope after a run in the big time, Bruce is close to getting his run in the big time


NYCW United States title : Barry Kingman (ch) vs Mick Muscles

daddy is road agenting the match


Wiley Steinway vs Rich Money

Money is still young, and a few years away from his breakout in USPW, but even so he is still better one on one than Steinway


Winner gets a US title shot next month : John McClean vs Jungle Jack vs Hollywood Hank vs Troy Tornado

McClean is the only one that isn't green or doesn't suck at this point.

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Chris Storm vs Big Cat Brandon

NYCW World champion Corporal Doom & a partner of his choice vs Alex Braun & a partner of his choice

Jack Bruce vs Land Mass

NYCW United States title : Barry Kingman (ch) vs Mick Muscles

Wiley Steinway vs Rich Money

Winner gets a US title shot next month : John McClean vs Jungle Jack vs Hollywood Hank vs Troy Tornado

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News from the War front (February 97)


Shows reviews

  1. DAVE Counter Culture = C+
  2. XFW One More Time = C-
  3. RPW Bulls on Parade = D+
  4. NYCW Living Legends = D
  5. PPPW Times of Trouble = D


Once again, we finished 4th in the regional battle and it's hurting. If we don't find a way to make better shows, we might not even get to Regional by the end of the year ! D+ shows should be doable with a little effort I think. Counter Culture had an amazing main event consisting of Johnny Martin defending his title successuflly against Vengeance (B- !). It's fair to predict that Vengeance will be too big for DAVE by the end of the year and that they need to build other stars quickly.


Roster moves


- The following workers signed a development deal with NEW : Big Smack Scott (XFW/AMW), Black Eagle (PPPW), Pecz (CZCW). They also added a couple of PPA deals in the form of Frankie Future (XFW), Freddie Datsun (DAVE), Vin Tanner (DAVE), Genghis Rahn (XFW).

- Ernie Turner AMW/NEW added PPPW to his schedule.

- Joey Poison (CGC) is the new XFW Xtremist.


On the last day of January, NEW jumped to small... then falled back to Local the next day because of regional battles. So yeah, they signed a bunch of workers in the interval which is enough to hinder the indy scene. Eisen might also be preparing the field for his second TV show as SWF Elite will be on air once again next season.

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Chris Storm vs Big Cat Brandon

NYCW World champion Corporal Doom & a partner of his choice vs Alex Braun & a partner of his choice

Jack Bruce vs Land Mass

NYCW United States title : Barry Kingman (ch) vs Mick Muscles

Wiley Steinway vs Rich Money

Winner gets a US title shot next month : John McClean vs Jungle Jack vs Hollywood Hank vs Troy Tornado

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We have been in Derek’s office for our weekly meeting for longer than usual chatting about the good old days. The younger wrestlers like Money or Bruce would probably be laughing at us saying that we are in fact adding to stereotypes, but fortunately, Derek and I were alone in the old warehouse turned into a gym.

Derek : Before we talk business, I feel there’s one thing I have to ask my friend.

I nodded signaling him to go ahead.


Derek : How the situation at home ? We haven’t talked much about it, but I know Dolores enough to worry.


I sighed heavily trying to regroup my thoughts. It’s not that bad right ? I mean it could be worse…

Hank : Things have settled down a bit. Dolores is still furiously mad at me, but we’re keeping a straight face in front of the kids.

Derek : They’re old enough to understand Hank, you don’t need to do that.

Hank : Probably. I think it’s just our way to navigate through this. It’s still an issue, but we’re dodging the subject entirely.

Derek : If you need time…

Hank : Thanks, but no. We’ve managed to function as a family and a couple so far and I think things will eventually sort themselves together.

Lies. Isn’t what a wrestler’s life is all about ? You lie to promotions to get a job while you’re injured. You lie to the crowd in your hatred of your opponent for the sake of the story. You lie to yourself constantly by believing you’re just a match away from greatness or from your well-deserved big break. You lie to yourself thinking your personal life is well and in order…

Derek : Allright, if you think so, I won’t insist. Let’s talk business then. What do you think of your first two months ?

Hank : On a personal level, I think it’s going really good. I’m having fun calling matches with Marv and we don’t have many fans regretting Kenny.

Derek : Poor guy. He served us well, but sometime, you need to move on.

Hank : What about the booking ? You’re happy with my work ?

Derek : We’re going in the right directions and soon enough, I’ll be able to clearly say “I told you so!”. Things are in motion at every level thanks to your attention to details. About every wrestler has a reason to be in our events either for a story or simply character development.

Hank : Thanks. I thought it could be a way to say “hey this is New York wrestling. From top to bottom, we know what we’re doing”.

Derek : I like this. As much as it pains me to admit it, this War is hitting us really hard and we need something like this to stand out. People in the area have so many events they can attend, we need to give them a reason to come to ours. Philly is trailing a bit, but we need to elevate our game to not get lost in the shuffle.

Hank : It will come with time. Our fans just need some time to rally behind the likes of Bruce, Tornado and Braun. As many fans Doom brings us every month, we need strong character to chase the title.

Derek : Speaking of Doom and the title, we’ll need to change our plans.

Hank : What do you mean ?

Derek : Doom just started working with XFW and I can’t have my champion working for anyone else involved in the war.

Hank : That’s nonsense Derek and you know it ! Doom is our biggest draw and we don’t have anyone ready to run with the belt.

Derek : This neutral position is vital, you need to come up with some plans.

Hank : Come on Derek, think about it again. Half our roster is already working elsewhere on the East Coast. What’s so wrong about Doom getting another paycheck each month ? Don’t let your hatred for XFW blind you !

Derek : My hatred for XFW ? Now you’re talking **** ! Remember who’s the boss Hank and design a plan to get the belt of Doom!

Derek stormed off his office pissed as hell. We rarely get into arguments about anything, usually a couple of beers later everything will be settled, but I think this might have touched a soft spot in my friend’s armor. Derek will never admit it, but he absolutely hates XFW. He hates their product, but he also hates all they represent : the lack of respect for tradition, for the business, the unhealthy love for violence and blood.

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