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With regional promotions, my champ in usually the top guy (as chosen by the creative team) who also has my company as his #1 priority. He'll be champ as long as this remains true. I'd probably change this at higher levels, but who knows? For my performance-based promotions, I believe the best guy should have the belt as long as he's the best guy, regardless of how long that is.
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I like to give have the title held for a fairly long time but I do tend to get bored after 6 months or more. I figure that if you have your champions regularly retain for more than a year then that actually devalues from the feat. I want it to mean a lot about the wrestler if they manage to retain that long, not to be something commonplace. Also I don't want the "prestige" of retaining long get in the way of a story. If I have a storyline that relies on a champion having a short reign then they will.


Of course when you're cult you can go through champions every month, as the big boys nab your champions.

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I usually run smallish performance based feds and I like long title reigns.


ME champs will usually hold the title for at least a year

Midcard champs will go 5 to 7 months depending on cirumstances

Lower champs will go 3 to 5 months usually because after that many defenses they'll be solid Midcarders.

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It depends on the promotion and the level of title, as so many others have said.


With a main event title, I like to have a long enough reign to tell a story. I love the idea that a championship reign itself can have a storyline to it - whether its the champion wearing down over time, the reign establishing the worker as a true star and main player, the champion resorting to whatever means necessary to keep the belt, etc. Its tough to do that with a short reign. I usually like to keep things in the 3-6 month range, roughly.


With mid-level titles, including tag titles, I like them to be able to move through the current feud and into a new feud, at least. That usually means reigns of 2-3 months, though it can be longer if the worker really fits the belt. It may also be affected by workers outgrowing the title faster than intended.


As for the lower level belts, its usually about how quickly they outrgrow the belt, though switching the belt to Floating makes things much more flexible.

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In TEW 2008 I had my Avatar (with A* popularity from the start) hold the Main Event title of a local/small/regional promotion at Rock Hard for 100 defenses! (around 8 years). If it seems weird to you WWF had a similar view on the subject during the 70's when they gave the belt to Bruno Samartino for a long long long time.


Bruno held the belt for nearly 8 years. Hogan's first reign was over 4 years long. In light of these facts, I have no problem with epic reigns. If he's the best guy for that long, enjoy the ride. You might be sorry later that you held back that great worker.

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It depends on the fed I'm booking. In MAW, I had Jay Chord hold the main belt for a year, before Aaron Andrews held it for two years. Kirk Jameson would have had a long run, but for going to SWF. It jumped around a bit after that, but over the seven years or I only had nine champions.


I also had Swoop McCarthy running with my Traditional title for 14 months, sometimes running out of fights he couldn't win, sometimes dominating.


In a larger fed, with lots of TV and lots of exposure, the big belt is likely to change hands every 4-6 months, and the lesser belts more often. I figure that 2/3 switches up top a year and 4/5 lower down would be about right for SWF.


Number of defences is more interesting to me than time held - an SWF champion might appear on TV/PPV five times a month or more. In MAW it was once or twice a month, so reigns would inevitably last longer.

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Using CZCW I have unified the Xtreme and Coastal Zone belts to create the CZCW World Title, treating it much in the way Sapolsky did with the ROH World Title circa 2003-2009.


No worker is hold the belt more than once for at least the next five or six years and I'm hoping to go with a minimum stay of around 12-18 months as a general rule.


I loved the way the ROH strap always felt like such a huge deal - only the very best of the best won it and it was almost a symbol of being the best rather than a method to prove that a certain worker was ascending to that level. Homicide dropping the belt to Morishima was a real shocker because it had become such a rarity to see the belt change hands so quickly since the very early days.


I've kick started with Mikey James winning the strap and he's made two defences thus far, a B against Remmy Skye and a B- against an on-loan Edd Stone. here's hoping he can keep that up!

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I tend to be very unpredictable on those Title Changes

I like very credible championships, so above 8 Months

But from time to time, I like to spice things up and put a champion only 2 weeks or something

I've had plenty of games that I deleted for no reason, in one of them, I managed a champion for 5+ years :D

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