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NYCW: Trapped in Time

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Note: This is my first diary and since NYCW is the only promotion I've played a lot of I decided to start it on that. And I may post a few picture here and there but not many.




Alright so everything started late in December, I just started my wrestling career and am considered one of the best up-and-coming wrestlers. My name is Jay Moar, Moar such a strange name I need to look up my family tree. Anyway it was a common cold winter day in Michigan when I got a call. A wrestler who I grew up watching on TV called….


Moar: Hello?


??? : Hello is this Jay… (I hear a few papers shuffling in the background)…Moar?


Moar: Yes, who is this?


??? : The names Derek, Derek Bradford, better known as “The Stomper”.


Moar: Wait the real Stomper? As in the owner of New York City Wrestling, Stomper?


Stomper: Yea, kid I am; now I’m calling to ask you an important question.


Moar: Go ahead.


Stomper: Will you be the new head booker for NYCW? Bo Bailey, or Black Hat Bailey as you Michiganders may know him better as, told me he’s getting ready to retire in the next few years. And this is where you come in; he’s stepping down, so now I need a new Head Booker. Will you do it?


Moar: Well uhhh….I’m unemployed right now so why not.


Stomper: Great be here by next week, so you can sign the papers.


Moar: Great! What plane will I be on?


Stomper: What?


Moar: Aren't you having me fly on a plane there?


Stomper: Kid, you fly yourself. I'm not paying to fly you here.


So that’s how it started, I drove down (really would have liked a bit more warning or a plane ticket) to New York, signed a few papers, met a few people, and began my new career. (To be continued)

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The Roster

A up-to-date roster will always be here.


Main Eventing

Black Hat Bailey- The man I replaced as the head booker and a former SWF North American Champion. A good man, still don't see why he stepped down, hes got another 3 or 4 years at the most.


Jay Moar- Myself a young up-start rookie who really shouldn't be Main Eventing right now, but hey if Stomper and Bailey say im good enough to then im happy.


Steve Flash- A who even in his 40's is still "Remarkable". Another who I grew up watching. I travled from Michigan to Canada a few times, my family had a nice home near Niagara Falls and when we visited it I watched some NOTBPW, I was lucky enough to job a match against Dan Stone Jr. before, it was a one time deal though.


James Prudence- Prudence is a great young wrestler, very soon I see him jumping ship to TCW or the SWF, but as long as I have him I might as well milk his skill in as much as I can.


Upper MidCard

Honest Frank- I hold respect for this man, he wrestled in DAVE and isnt half dead. I mean most people in the North looked bad upon DAVE and their extreme nature. A pack of wolves. But he still moving, even in PSW and NYCW.


Steven Parker- A good wrestler is a MAW who jumped over to PSW. I'm suprised he has been in Canada much with his partner, Persephone.


Lee Wright- The man who holds the second amount of respect from me in the locker room. He held tag titles in Japan 8 times. Later on I'll probably make a call to his partner Raymond Diaz. A good tag team never hurts.


Whistler- The 4th old vet on the top of the roster. I don't know much about him, but I know he wrestler mostly in the south.


Mid Card

Dazzling Dave Diamond AKA Triple D- I could see him in the SWF or TCW, but I don't think he has enough time to prove himself now though. Alread in his early 30's he need to work a little harder and he'll be Empire Champ inside 2 or 3 years.


Rick Sanders- Vet number 5 in NYCW, least this isnt USPW, 90% of there roster is over 40. Him and Masked Mauler have a good pairing going so I'll leave the two as a team for a while.




Sammy the Shark- Current Tri-State Champion and a freind of mine, a good easy person to talk to backstage and I fear he might be picked up by TCW and the SWF soon.


The Masked Mauler- Stomper told me to take care of the gimmick and the mask. He told me he used the same mask, course I looked it up and this is just another mask fit for his face but I understand the meaning of his words.


Lower Mid Card


Dean Waldorf- A bit of a talker, again a freind of mine like Sammy. Hes needing a bit of work in the ring but I see him going somewhere.


Land Mass- This big tub of lard is WAY past his already passable prime and is getting worse by the day, I cant see him getting better. I'll just use him as a body gaurd, who sits on people, may crush their spine but anything for the bissness, right?


Marv Statler- A hard guy to trust sometimes but again like Dean will need a lot of work to get his ball rolling.


Opening Acts

Animal Harker- Not much to say about him hes young, green, but can handle a crowd.


The New York Doll- I asked him once if he used to be in a rock band, he looks more like that then a wrestler but can handle his own in a ring, not his opponet, but himself yes.




Larry Vessey- A occasional wrestler, he is his 50's so it's a bit of a suprise that he can still hold himself in the ring.


Herb Stately- A former SCCW manger so I don't know much about him. But either way Herb is a good commentator.


Fern Hathaway- A good manager who since Roger Cage left I have yet to plan out something for her.


Micheal Bull- The head Ref in NYCW. He's the head Ref because he's the only ref.


Rock Downpour- A retired wrestler who is our head announcer. A good announcer at that.


The Stomper- My boss, the man who I look up to, and the man who will make me or break me. A bit cheap but as long as we make money hes happy which keep me employed.


Retired and Wrestlers who left

Roger Cage- This is the guy who is getting better and better by the day. Him and Sammy the Shark are a great team who I hope to keep togater for a long time.





Empire Champion

Black Hat Bailey


Tri-State Champion

Sammy The Shark


Tag Team Champions

The Ring Generals

(Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf)

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Good to see another NYCW diary, definitely my favorite promotion, will be following along.


I am always up to following an NYCW diary!


And I would just like to say welcome to the diary boards!


Good luck, will be interested in seeing what direction you take NYCW. It's definitely a fun promotion to play.


Thanks for welcome everyone, knowing pros are reading makes me feel a bit better that this wont fade out and be forgotten.


I got a call a few days after I started. Whistler called me, he said he had a important announcement he was going to make at a press conference he was going to make. Stomper called a little late to tell me the same thing. Whistler never told Stomper or me what it was but it must have been important to call Stomper, me, and plenty of photographers.



Whistler: Thank you all for coming. As many of you know, I'm getting old. Age causes the body to break down, a long slide will happen for wrestlers. I have been on that slide for some time now. So, I announce my retirement. I don't know when I will retire but within the next month, I will leave the ring for the last time.


Interviewer: Do you have plans afterwords?


Whistler: I'll probably work backstage in NYCW, but after that. I have no plans.


Interviewer: This is for the backstage team. Do you have anyone lined up to replace Whistler yet?


Moar: Not yet but within the next month we will have someone lined up.


Stomper: Whistler, I wish you good luck in the future.

Everyone shacked hands, the interviewers left, then me and Stomper desicused some other matters.


Stomper: Okay, we know the SWF offerd a contract to Roger Cage, we know Whistler is leaving, we NEED replacements! Tell me you know someone who can join the roster!


Moar: Jay Chord, I already contaced him to come and join us. For Whistler.... maybe Steven Parker?


Stomper: That may work, but get a few backups in case.


Moar: You got it boss.

This is where I went home, ate, sketched a few ideas for NYCW Rush Hour, then slept.

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NYCW Rush Hour


Live From The Weston Gymnasium with an estimated attendance of 300 out of 300


Announced Match Schedule


Sammy the Shark© vs Roger Cage for the NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship


Animal Harker and The New York Doll vs Jay Moar and Steven Parker


The Ring Generals(Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf)© vs Triple D and Whistler vs Old School Principles( The Masked Mauler and Rick Sanders) For the NYCW Tag Team Championship


Larry Vessey vs Land Mass


James Prudence vs Honest Frank vs Lee Wright


Steve Flash vs Black Hat Bailey© for the NYCW Empire Championship



The Show will probably be up tonight, or sometime tomorrow.

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Sammy the Shark© vs Roger Cage for the NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship

Don't see a title change right away, though I sense this could lead to some discension down the road.


Animal Harker and The New York Doll vs Jay Moar and Steven Parker

Should be a squash


The Ring Generals(Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf)© vs Triple D and Whistler vs Old School Principles( The Masked Mauler and Rick Sanders) For the NYCW Tag Team Championship

I usually don't pick a title change on the first show, but this pairing intrigues me.


Larry Vessey vs Land Mass

Land Mass is a worthless slub :)


James Prudence vs Honest Frank vs Lee Wright

Can't see Prudence overcoming the combined evil of Frank and Wright



Steve Flash vs Black Hat Bailey© for the NYCW Empire Championship

Cheap win or a draw to build the feud

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Sammy the Shark© vs Roger Cage for the NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship

Cage is a better choice, but also prone to getting snapped up by SWF


Animal Harker and The New York Doll vs Jay Moar and Steven Parker

NYD and Harker are jobbers


The Ring Generals(Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf)© vs Triple D and Whistler vs Old School Principles( The Masked Mauler and Rick Sanders) For the NYCW Tag Team Championship

The Generals are a good solid team that you can build the tag division on.


Larry Vessey vs Land Mass

Fat ass, I mean Land Mass, sucks


James Prudence vs Honest Frank vs Lee Wright

Obviously Prudence was brought in to headline, but he tends to go to SWF also so this may backfire


Steve Flash vs Black Hat Bailey© for the NYCW Empire Championship

Draw to extend this feud

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NYCW Rush Hour

Live from the Weston Gymnasium


The Attendance for tonight’s show is 300 of 300 available seats.


To open the show we have Fern Hathaway come out and hand out T-shirts to the fans. Select seats are announced over the speakers then the fans come to the ring and meet Fern and collect their T-Shirt.



Sammy the Shark vs. Roger Cage

In the show’s opening match it was a decent match. Throughout most of the match Sammy the Shark dominated Roger Cage. The match ended when Sammy hit the Ace in the Hole. This was Sammy’s first defense of the Tri-State Regional Championship.



After the Match Sammy walks over to his partner and helps him up. Sammy then offers Cage a handshake, which Cage accepts.

Grade- D+


Steve Flash is backstage with a mic. He then hypes his match with Black Hat Bailey.


Flash- Bailey, you tried to avoid this match backstage, you failed. No matter what you try, I will beat you. I will bring some dignity back to the NYCW Empire Championship. And even if you win, I will come back at you again, and again, and again until I defeat you one on one. You have shamed this company with your self centered attitude, and now I will bring you to justice. I will do what is right where it need to be done, and it needs to be done, to you, Bailey.



Steven Parker and Jay Moar are in the ring and talk to the fans.


Moar: Me and Steven are the future. Our time is now. We are even better than most of the aged, broken down, "wrestlers" in the back when they were in their prime. They have nothing to bring to the table anymore, The Evolution will ride to the top of the mountain. From World Titles matches, to the worst of wrestlers, we will win, and edge our name into immortality.


Parker: You fans cheer the useless fat pieces of lard called wrestlers. A prime example is, Land Mass. You cheer him on, you cheer Animal Harker on. You will cheer us on, or you will never, NEVER, see the best that The Evolution can bring to the table.


The New York Doll and Animal Harker vs. The Evolution (Jay Moar and Steven Parker)

A basic squash match where both me and Steven Parker destroyed Doll and Harker.



The Ring Generals (Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf) vs. Old School Principles (The Masked Mauler and Rick Sanders) vs. Triple D and Whistler

The Ring Generals picked up an easy win to claim their first title defense.



Larry Vessey vs. Land Mass

Another basic squash match, Vessey destroyed Land Mass. Land Mass can’t last 8 minutes of a match without passing out, how sad.



Lee Wright vs. James Prudence vs. Honest Frank

Lee Wright picked up win over Prudence when Frank was eliminated and then hit a huge right hand to the side of the head.


After words Wright and Frank attacked Prudence after the match and after the attack Lee and Frank have a stare down and shake hands signaling an alliance.



Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash

Toward the end, the ref was down and Bailey got a suprise chair shot in on Flash. Bailey trapped Flash in the middle of the ring and hooked a Bailey Breaker causing an already knocked out Flash pass out. Bailey made his first defense of the NYCW Empire Championship.



Bailey held the Bailey Breaker on after the match and was broken up after staff members finally broke up the hold.



Overall Grade-D

The show was a ok for the first show. I'll get into a grove after a few shows.

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Final Notes and Statistics from NYCW Rush Hour


Overall this show was predictable. With no one calling all the matches right but The New York Doll/Harker vs Moar/Parker and Vesssey vs Land Mass was called 100% right by everyone. I put the show up to see how people would act to my booking style. Now I think at the begining of every week I have a show wriien up and done, I'll hype it up and at the end of that week I will post the show and have the weekend for people to discuss.

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I thought the first show was good, you got the ratings that I would think that you should get. I think one thing that killed you was the segment after the main event. It might have brought down the grad of your show. I have done that in the past and that always seems to happen to me. Which is why I no longer do post-main event segments.


I think I'm learning that from other games. This is also a good time to announce the name of the next show.


NYCW Silver Bullet


Most matches from here on wont be squash matches. I did this mostly because I needed to give a push for the upper card guys who are debuting.


EDIT: I should have asked this before but is there anything anyone's wanting to see diffrent, recomendations?

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  • 2 weeks later...

After a long time its time to get back into things.


NYCW Silver Bullet

Main Matches*


The Ring Generals© vs The New York Doll and Land Mass for the NYCW Tag Team Titles


Sammy The Shark vs The Masked Mauler for the NYCW Tri-State Regional championship


Honest Frank vs James Prudence


Steve Flash vs Black Hat Bailey for the NYCW Empire championship



*Minor matches will not be announced but will be on the card.

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The Ring Generals© vs The New York Doll and Land Mass for the NYCW Tag Team Titles

Doll is a jobber and you should just hope that Land Mass retires soon


Sammy The Shark vs The Masked Mauler for the NYCW Tri-State Regional championship

Mauler is actually more over and a better in ring competitor, but he serves best in the tag ranks


Honest Frank vs James Prudence

Prudence is the bigger name, but also the one most likely to be grabbed


Steve Flash vs Black Hat Bailey for the NYCW Empire championship

Bailey is in a sharp decline and shouldnt be holding your main title

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Stomper: Great be here by next week, so you can sign the papers.


Moar: Great! What plane will I be on?


Stomper: What?


Moar: Aren't you having me fly on a plane there?


Stomper: Kid, you fly yourself. I'm not paying to fly you here.


Classic Stomper!


I thought the first show was good, you got the ratings that I would think that you should get. I think one thing that killed you was the segment after the main event. It might have brought down the grad of your show. I have done that in the past and that always seems to happen to me. Which is why I no longer do post-main event segments.


Use Fern or Nicki. Use 'em like the Bella twins and So Cal Val. Ring girl. Or, minor angle of whatever type you want.

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NYCW Silver Bullet

LIVE From The Ministry with an attendence of 830.



Animal Harker vs Rick Sanders

It was a filler, an angle would have been a better choice but when I did the begining of the show it was like...3 AM so why I put this on the card I'm not to sure.



The Ring Generals vs The NY Doll and Land Mass for the NYCW Tag Team Championship

The match was just to continue the title reign.




Jay Moar and Steven Parker are in the ring giving the fans a hype for the upcoming match.


Moar: DO you "fans" know what evolution, means? No. I didn't think so. Evolution means a change, an advancement, improvement. Whistler both me and Steven are the evolution, we are the change, we are the advancments, we are the improvements this company needs.


Parker: Triple D, and what are you? Some forgot has-been? A, lost legend? No, your just a loser, plain and simple. Now you are teaming up with Whistler. How low can the low go, clearly lower.




The Evolution vs Triple D and Whistler


Over all this was a Ok match, a squash to build Parker's and mine teamwork.




Sammy The Shark vs The Masked Mauler for the NYCW Tri-State Regional

Sammy wins to defend his title and continue his reign.




Lee Wright vs Larry Vessey


A battle of the veterans with no big suprises.




Lee Wright and Honest Frank are in the ring after Lee's match.


Lee: Frank, you and I may not be the best of freinds, but both of us know that a group of young kids are going to drive us out of the company. Prudence is one of them, you see where I'm going with this?


Frank: I see what your saying, you and I take out all young wrestlers so we can keep our jobs. And Prudence is where you want to start?


Lee: Yes, Prudence you have been warned get in either of our ways and you will deal with our fists shoving your teeth down your throat.




Honest Frank vs James Prudence

Prudence and Frank gave a good match, but after the opener I think we killed anything good that may have came from the show.



Prudence gets jumped by Lee and Frank after his match.




Steve Flash vs Black Hat Bailey for the NYCW Empire Championship


Baliey and Flash seemed to have given a thankfully good match. Bad openers sometimes give a good show otherwise.




Overall Grade-D

I am a bit shocked, if we didn't have the opener the show would have been D+ at least. Well we gained some more popularity so thats good but soon I think I may need to change my booking style around somehow. Give some better angles probably.

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