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Show #13 – ACPW Payback – Monday Week 3 January 2011


Well, with a new year comes some new ideas. Firstly, we’ve signed a working agreement with CGC which should mean less poaching. We realised that our weaker workers never had anything to really compete for, and that may be why their performances have been rather lacklustre. So we had a bit of a reshuffle and commissioned a shiny new belt. We’ve done some vacating and awarding titles so here’s a rough overview of where we are now:


ACPW Heavyweight: (Main event) Davis Wayne Newton

ACPW Junior Heavyweight: (Mid level) Dermott Ayres

ACPW Canadian Regional: (Low level) Vacant.


So, in order to fix that vacant slot, we need a ladder match! First of all, we opened with a surefire hit – anything that features Jared Johnson is badass really. He took on Alistair Shufflebottom, who is a guy we haven’t used at all since I took over. The match was good event with Shufflebottom being rusty and having an awful name. Jared of course wins it clean with a submission (39 / D-).


The Canadian Regional Ladder Match was up next. I decided to put four guys in to it to see what happened; we’ve never really used multi man matches in the ACPW so it was an experiment. Christian Vars, Kevin Glenn, Taylor Kidd and Kirk Drury went at it. This was surprisingly good considering the general statuses of these men, and Kevin Glenn managed to snag the title and take the win. (38 / D-)


A really disappointing match followed, with Jayson Van Pelt getting beaten by Luke Dagger. I want Dagger in the big time but matches like this hurt him badly. (35 / E+).


Our main event had Mimic Copiste go up against Davis Wayne Newton again. These two did well last time, so we were hoping for a good showing this time too. They didn’t let me down, and you won’t be surprised to hear that Newton picked up another win. A really solid match here, making me rather pleased that we have such prospects in our main event scene. (56 / C-).


Final: 50 / D+


End of Month Report for January 2011:

Made another 7k, had a great show, generally looking awesome as we head to Xtreme Overdose in two months!

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Show #14 – ACPW On Thin Ice – Monday Week 3 February 2011


Attendance: 98


Trouble is brewing at CGC. Looks like another one of the DeColt boys could be on his way out. This could be a disaster for them. They also just lost their second TV show as it wasn’t pulling in the ratings. In other Canadian news, the Canadian Women’s Wrestling Federation was opened by Farrah Hesketh after she was released by CGC. Her first hire – Nemesis?


We make moves to re-sign Mimic; he only wants a very small rise in pay and with our plans featuring him quite heavily it’s good business.


With regards to our event this month, we had a pretty major issue. Davis Wayne Newton would be working elsewhere and we didn’t spot this until it was too late. Luckily, El Diablo was more than happy to earn a paycheque so we put him in the main event too.


Our opening match was pretty poor, but allowed Dermott Ayres another win and gave Christian Vars a bit of a rub too. (30 / E+). This was quickly followed by Kevin Glenn taking on Jayson Van Pelt one on one in an effort to give Glenn a bit more time. He’s a very talented guy; we just need the fans to sit up and take notice. Had to give Jayson the win here though. (39 / D-)

We were hoping for rather more in the next match, with Mimic Copiste taking on Jay Becker; but they didn’t click and it was just a very poor match indeed. Disappointing. (27 / E).


Our main event was just as disappointing – El Diablo defeated Jared Johnson. Good chemistry ahoy! (50 / D+). A very disappointing night.


Final Rating: 45 / D


End of month review for February 2011:

Well, as we have Xtreme Overdose up next, that was a crushing disappointment. Yes it’s mostly down to us not realising when DWN was going to be busy, but god that sucked. That said our ticket sales have gone up, our mechandise sales have gone up – and we have just crossed the threshold where we’ve actually made more money now than we started with. So that’s positive.

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Show #15– ACPW Xtreme Overdose 2011 – Wednesday Week 3 March 2011


Well, as our fortunes go up, down go the others. I just noticed that CGC fell to cult in January – so that’s probably why they’ve got people up and leaving. To rub it in, NOTBPW just hit global. Minnows MOSC just shut down over in Scotland as they were bankrupt.


We’ve taken the decision to move our shows to Wednesdays now to avoid conflict with our workers being elsewhere. Hopefully that’ll help. Overdose is meant to be our marquee show; the biggest and best of the year. Fingers crossed.


We open up with a surefire hit because we just love these two and they’ve had some classic matches so far in their little competition for the belt. Jared Johnson and Dermott Ayres went at it for Dermott’s title. After numerous frustrations, it was finally Jared’s time, and he became the new Junior Heavyweight champ (remember, we renamed them!) after snagging the belt from the top of the ladder. A very good match. (42 / D)


Next up was a bit more exposure for Kevin Glenn as he took on Luke Dagger. Sure, he put Dagger over, but they looked very solid out there and this was really encouraging to see. (43 / D). Unfortunately, the match after dragged things down and I can’t work out what’s going on with Mimic. He went up against Kirk Drury but was very poor. Utterly confounding. (32 / E+)


Our main event was designed for awesome, and it delivered. Davis Wayne Newton took on El Diablo in a ladder match for the ACPW Heavyweight title, and they were fantastic as usual. They’re simply our greatest pairing and that’s without any chemistry! Newton picks up the win again, but people are starting to wonder if the superstar will ever slip up.. (64 / C)

Final Rating: 56 / C-

End of month review for March 2011:

NOTBPW just swooped and stole Jack DeColt and Eddie Chandler from CGC. Amazing scenes. We made more money this month and are slowly raising popularity across Quebec. Aiming for regional by around June 2012. That’s the target, at least!

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Sorry to whoever was reading this (if anyone), was in Belgium for a week!

Show #16 – ACPW Retaliation – Wednesday Week 3 April 2011


Attendance: 104

Overdose was a lovely surprise, so hopefully we can build on that success going into Retaliation. We open with Mimic Copiste defeating Christian Vars in a pretty open match designed to give Vars a bit of a rub. (32 / E+) Copiste is a little stale so we’ll do something about that when I remember. The second match of the night pitches a hopelessly outmatched Jay Becker against Dermott Ayres, and Ayres picks up a fairly easy win (31 / E+).


Our penultimate match features Luke Dagger facing off with Jared Johnson – which Jared just manages to take control of and enables him to collect his biggest win yet in the promotion. (49 / D+).


We decided to hold a triple threat match for our main event, injecting Kirk Drury into the usual Davis Wayne Newton / El Diablo fight feud. This was a really solid match and can only have helped teach Drury a few things. No surprises who picks up the win as Newton continues his streak. (56 / C-)


Final: 52 – D+


End of month report for April:

Made bank again (8k!), but very little other news!

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Show #17 – ACPW Raw Power – Wednesday Week 3 May 2011


Attendance: 103


We made moves to keep Davis Wayne Newton sweet, and it seems to have paid off. It’s also given us another worker in the form of Nelson Callum. We tested him in the opening match tonight, and he took on Luke Dagger in a really open match. Dagger picked up the win, but this was quite a promising start! (40 / D-).


Jared Johnson has recently made a push towards the main event, but there are still a few doubts. However, he seems capable of putting on awesome matches whenever needed, and he managed another one today as he defeated Kevin Glenn (52 / D+).


Our co-main event had El Diablo and Jayson Van Pelt face off; and to everyone’s surprise Van Pelt managed to snatch the win away from the long established #2 man. (43 / D)


Our main events are becoming rather trivial affairs and I think it’s time to jazz things up a little and stop coasting on Davis Wayne Newton’s success; he beat Mimic Copiste tonight, but it’s time for a little re-analysis of who is doing what here. (60 / C)

Final: 55 / C-


End of month report for May:

We bring in Nelson Callum, who is apparently best buddies with Davis Wayne Newton. This should keep our main worker happy for a while. Yeah we’re pushing it a bit, bringing in two middleweights, but we’re not going stupid with the hires and really there are very few lightweights that cut it. A bit of rule stretching rather than breaking..

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Show #18 – ACPW Blood Feud – Wednesday Week 3 June 2011


Attendance: 97


Our backstage situation is pretty poor. We don’t have jerks per se, but there are a few negative relationships and this causes a good deal of friction. We released Marc Raisin as he’s useless and I value Jay Becker more. Jay couldn’t be happier. We’re forced to let Christian Vars head off at the end of the month as he’s simply not safe enough for our owner. A shame. We re-sign Topher Smith, Kirk Drury and Davis Wayne Newton to further nine month deals. Busy busy busy!


I’m debating asking the owner if we can start having a bit more of a face/heel divide within the promotion as that would perhaps create some more sense in our matchmaking. I feel a little aimless at times, just plonking people together. I know this is how the indies work, but sometimes I want to tell a story! We may also work in some angles at some point, but that didn’t work so well last time and we’d need a product change. Maybe a Christmas present I guess.


Blood Feud rolls around pretty quickly – a year and a half passing just like that. Looking at our main event, we have Davis Wayne Newton, Jayson Van Pelt and Jared Johnson. Everyone else seems to have slipped a little, so we need some building up. We’ve penned a night of “rubs” for some of our younger talent, so let’s see. As an experiment, we’ve not given any instructions to the workers with regards to finishing the matches; so let’s see if anything surprising happens.


First up is El Diablo taking on Kirk Drury – and Kirk Drury snatching the underdog victory. Is Diablo suffering from a fall from grace? This was a very poor match on paper, and Diablo really phoned it in. Disappointing start. (32 / E+) The followup was much better, with Jared Johnson facing Jay Becker. This was a really solid match and shows just how talented Jared really is becoming. He takes the victory tonight, too. (44 / D).


Another star off his game tonight was Jayson Van Pelt, although his match with Nelson Callum wasn’t that much of a disaster. Van Pelt took the win but will have done some form of service to Callum in this very open contest. (37 / D-)


Our main event featured Davis Wayne Newton, our current poster boy, taking on someone I hope will be up there very soon. And goddamn, what a main event it was. A cracking back and forth affair full of thrills and spills. I didn’t know Glenn had it in him – but it was superb. Newton submitted him after 14 minutes with an STF, but it was simply an amazing match. On further checking, this was our best match ever put on. Fantastic. (66 / C+)

Final: 58 / C-


End of month report for June:

Didn’t make quite so much money as last month, but we’re still turning over a hefty profit. Therefore, we’re going to reactivate the tag team division next month. Time to jazz it all up a little and test some pairings, ready to go for TV coverage some time in 2012.

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Show #19 – ACPW Pure Fury – Wednesday, Week 3 July 2011


Attendance: 124


We’ve re-signed El Diablo and got our events pretty much sorted for the rest of the year, running on Wednesdays. The only major change is making Total War in November focused on two battle royales – one for the Heavyweight title and one that’ll change depending on who we’re showcasing at the time.

I stumble in to the room to find that Davis Wayne Newton and Dermott Ayres have formed a strong friendship over their love of planes. That’s pretty cool. Davis is a nice guy.


Our opening match is a tag team match –the first one for over a year. We have The Nest of Vipers (Mimic Copiste and Luke Dagger) vs. The New Breed (Nelson Callum and Kevin Glenn). Both of these teams are pretty solid and we’ll have the winner compete for the tag titles at Live Wire. It was a very solid return to team action and a very entertaining contest – with the Vipers getting themselves a tag shot next month with a clean win. (51 / D+)

Our second match was an interesting one – old foes Jared Johnson and Dermott Ayres going at it. We told them to go out and do it all themselves; and somehow Dermott came away with the submission win. What on earth? Good on Jared, I suppose. (49 / D+) We’ll reward Dermott with a shot at Jared Johnson’s title at Live Wire.


Our next match was a scramble match – four men competing to see who can get the most pinfalls in 15 minutes. The winner would take on Davis Wayne Newton at Live Wire. We saw Malik Cash, Jayson Van Pelt, El Diablo and Kirk Drury face off for a pretty constant amount of action; but in the end it was good old El Diablo who gets the title shot. (36 / D-) Lots of character issues though – Cash is stale and rubbish and Drury isn’t much better. Time for some changes there.


Our main event was a pure squash match to send the fans home happy – Davis Wayne Newton dismantling Jay Becker cleanly in 9 minutes of medically precise wrestling. (51 / D+)


Final Rating: 48 / D+

End of month review for July 2011:

Our own performance was decent enough – the tag match meant we earned a large amount less than the previous months – but we still turned a profit. We can scale it back a little after Live Wire which I’m a little excited about – we’ve got Kevin Glenn going against Nelson Callum for Kevin’s title too. All titles on the line in one night. It’d better be good.





Just in case anyone's interested in predictions, here's our card for Live Wire. This is held in August and is our #2 event of the year, hence the slightly special treatment.


Kevin Glenn vs. Nelson Callum (Canadian Regional Championship)

Jared Johnson vs. Dermott Ayres (Junior Heavyweight championship)

The Nest of Vipers vs. The Inner City Express (Tag team championship)

Davis Wayne Newton vs. El Diablo (Heavyweight championship)

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Kevin Glenn vs. Nelson Callum (Canadian Regional Championship)

He is the better of the two.

Jared Johnson vs. Dermott Ayres (Junior Heavyweight championship)

JJ is awesome.

The Nest of Vipers vs. The Inner City Express (Tag team championship)

Nest of Vipers are way more awesome, but main event material, not Tag Team material.

Davis Wayne Newton vs. El Diablo (Heavyweight championship)

DWN rules until he gets signed to a Written!

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I've been enjoying this Rathen, it's got a bit of an infinity CZCW vibe to it, only with a smaller, less talented roster. I hope you can keep DWN around for a while as he'll lift your promotion up quicker than anyone else. Why he's not solidly in CGC's midcard is beyond me.


Kevin Glenn vs. Nelson Callum (Canadian Regional Championship)

- Quiet Callum, your friendship with DWN does NOT mean you always get to win.


Jared Johnson vs. Dermott Ayres (Junior Heavyweight championship)

- Quiet Ayres, your love of biplanes does NOT mean you get a title.


The Nest of Vipers vs. The Inner City Express (Tag team championship)

- Quiet Mimic... oh, wait don't talk. Oh well, since I don't understand how a Mimic and a Dagger make a Nest of Vipers I'll pick ICE ICE baby!


Davis Wayne Newton vs. El Diablo (Heavyweight championship)

- Listen DWN your friendship with... oh, wait you ARE DWN... okay, you can keep your title.


EDIT: Heh. Or I could have agreed with zafara, which apparently I do but with a totally different reasoning.

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I've been enjoying this Rathen, it's got a bit of an infinity CZCW vibe to it, only with a smaller, less talented roster. I hope you can keep DWN around for a while as he'll lift your promotion up quicker than anyone else. Why he's not solidly in CGC's midcard is beyond me.


Same here - there was a note about CGC approaching him a while back but nothing happened? So I've no idea.


Your comment about it being a little like the Coastal Zone is wonderful; that's exactly what I wanted from a "low-res" diary like this. I've never enjoyed a game like this one before, and never got as far as this before really!


I'll pop the results up in an hour or so, then there'll be no predictions until Xtreme Overdose (unless people are desperate for them!)

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Show #20 - ACPW Live Wire II – Wednesday, Week 3 August 2011


Attendance: 300 (Sell out!)


We start off the month by re-signing Kevin Glenn. I’ve got high hopes for him with the performances he’s given so far. We also re-up Jared Johnson for the very same reason. But that’s it for the month, and with nervous hopes we open up Live Wire in Quebec.


All ladder matches tonight due to the ACPW title rule, and Kevin Glenn and Nelson Callum got the unenviable task of opening up the night in a match for Glenn’s Canadian Regional Championship. This was a very pleasing match and a cracking opener, with some real back and forth action making Nelson look dangerous throughout. However, the champion is one of our true shining gems and this came through in the end, hurling Callum out of the ring into the barricade, and seizing the title to win the match. (50 / D+)


Our second match was Jared Johnson taking on Dermott Ayres. These guys have faced each other some 5 times, and we hoped that this one would be just as good as their previous meetings. It was good, but not the barnstormer we’d wanted. It was a little overly long, too. That said, it was open and worked well to further these guys as opponents, and Ayres threatened to repeat his win from their last match right up until he taunted a little too long; got submitted into unconsciousness; and Johnson grabbed the prize. (43 / D)


Next up was The Nest of Vipers taking on the Inner City Express. Despite having only worked together a few times, the Vipers looked mean last time out and the Express haven’t really had the exposure they’d have liked. Full credit to the Express as they took it to the upstart contenders, but really if you look at the quality of Dagger and Copiste the outcome was never in doubt – Copiste kept both of the champions engaged whilst Dagger seized the belts and won them their first ever ACPW tag team titles. (42 / D)

Our main event continued the ongoing saga of arguably our best workers. Davis Wayne Newton came in undefeated and looked strong throughout, but El Diablo seemed fired up and ready to match him toe to toe. This was a proper brawl, full of spots and flips which had the crowd really going. There were numerous near scares as both men went to take the belts down from the top of the ladder. It all came to a climax after around 21 minutes, as Diablo toppled Newton from a ladder, crotching him on the top turnbuckle and then essentially kicked his face off with a dropkick from said ladder. From there it was a formality, and El Diablo captured the ACPW Heavyweight championship for the second time. (62 / C)


Final: 57 / C-


End of month review for August:


A really solid event and I feel a bit awkward for being disappointed, but we had hoped this would be our best ever and it only just fell short – it’s number two in ACPW history. Two title changes will keep the fans on their toes, especially as I doubt anyone expected we’d take the title off Newton. My rationale for this is that surely NOTBPW are going to come calling for him any day now. I’m surprised this hasn’t happened already. The boy is in every one of our top 10 matches of all time; that’s got to get him noticed?

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Show #21 – ACPW Hellbound - Wednesday, Week 3 September 2011


Attendance: 166


We re-sign Dermott Ayres, he’s a very useful talent to have. We also bring back our road agent and referees as there’s really no-one who can replace them that we can afford at the moment.


Last year’s Hellbound was one of our best , and topped our top 10 chart for 6 months. That’s pretty good going, so we wanted to kick off with a bang this time. The opener saw the ever dependable Jared Johnson defeat Kirk Drury in a solid match (42 / D).


I continue to be impressed by Kevin Glenn. We tested him by putting him out there with Taylor Kidd who is pretty poor as a wrestler, and they still put on a good match. Glenn picked up the win, naturally (49 / D+).


Our penultimate match was a triple threat, enabling Mimic Copiste, Jayson Van Pelt and Davis Wayne Newton to go at it. Newton picked up the win, keeping him strong despite his title loss last month. Mimic was badly off his game, but the match went down very well. (57 / C-).


Our main event was very disappointing in all honesty – El Diablo facing down Luke Dagger sounds good on paper, but something went wrong tonight. It wasn’t a disaster, but it’s not what we really wanted. Diablo takes the win. (44 / D)

Final: 46 / D

End of month report for September:

A decent month, made about $6000 which is up on the last two months. It’s nice to see this promotion turning into a profitable business, even as our workers demand higher wages as they cement themselves as part of us. Our popularity continues to increase – we’re still on for our goal of regional by June 2012.

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Show #22 - ACPW Full Burn – Wednesday, Week 3 October 2011


Attendance: 177


We re-sign Jayson Van Pelt and send out some feelers as we need a couple of new bodies just to give us a bit more rotation. We sign Reggie Bishop who is a very young but decent flier. We also sign Tempest Appleby who is completely up the other end of the age scale, but should do a decent job in the time he has left in the business. Mimic’s contract is also up, and he’s too valuable to let go at this point. Alistair Shufflebottom has left the company; we had zero use for him unfortunately.


We’re going to use tonight to build a little bit of heat up for Total War – the format for that show will be a six man battle royale for the Heavyweight title, and a five man contest for the Canadian Regional title currently held by Kevin Glenn.


We open up with two dependable workers who have joined us in the past year – Kevin Glenn defeating Nelson Callum in an absolutely fantastic contest. Thrilling stuff (55 / C-) Our second match wasn’t so hot; Tempest Appleby snatching a win from Reggie Bishop in a fairly decent bout. (36 / D-)

Co-main events tonight, with some good talent on show. First is a three way match between three of the men who will be in the battle royale at Total War. Jayson Van Pelt beats Jared Johnson and Luke Dagger, which was a pretty decent match all told. (48 / D+).


The main event was the other three men that will fight for the heavyweight title – Mimic Copiste, Davis Wayne Newton and El Diablo. This was a superb match and I’m convinced it was due to Davis and Diablo being excellent opponents. (62 / C)

Final: 57 / C-

End of month report for October 2011:

Well, this is a little wierd. Sam Keith just left the head booker job at CGC for a developmental contract at RIPW. What? Kyle Rhodes of TCW fame steps in. This is all very odd.

We head towards Total War with a couple of very good events, so let’s hope it holds up to what we need it to be..

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<p>Thanks Hyde!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Show #23 - ACPW Total War – Wednesday, Week 3 November 2011</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Attendance: </strong>300 - Sold out!</p><p> </p><p>

Jay Becker was late again. I’m getting a little tired of him, and he’s a backstage cancer. Stern warning for now, but I’m not going to let him take me for a ride. </p><p>

Only three matches at this event, which could hurt us, but it’s a stab at a new concept so we’ll see what happens. </p><p> </p><p>

Firstly, Dermott Ayres submitted Tempest Appleby in a pretty simple match. Nothing special, but it’s obvious that Tempest isn’t dead weight. (36/ D-)</p><p>

Our second even was a five man over the top rope battle royale for the Canadian Regional title. We had to bend one of our rules about title matches being ladder matches, but we filled the ring with ladders that the talent could use. Kevin Glenn was in there, as champion, along with Nelson Callum, Kirk Drury, Malik Cash and Taylor Kidd. In a shock move, Kevin Glenn was eliminated third, and looked as shocked as the crowd. The winner, and new champion, was Nelson Callum - after hurling Malik Cash from the ring. Not a great match, though. (40 / D-)</p><p> </p><p>

Our main event was under the same rules, but was a six man match. Davis Wayne Newton came in riding a wave of momentum, and would face off against Mimic Copiste, Jayson Van Pelt, Jared Johnson, Luke Dagger and current champion El Diablo. This was a really pleasing match, and the guys worked wonderfully together. It all came down to three men – Copiste, Diablo and Newton. Newton and Copiste conspired against the champ, dumping him out; and to no-one’s surprise Newton dumped Copiste outside; capturing the belt again. (60 / C) Diablo looked furious; he hadn’t managed one defence. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Final: </strong>53 / D+</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>End of month report for Novembe</strong>r:</p><p> </p><p>

Well, a really disappointing event considering what it cost us to put on. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Show #24 - ACPW Holiday Havoc – Wednesday, Week 3 December 2011</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Attendance</strong>: 161</p><p> </p><p>

We bring Taylor Kidd back for a measly $150 per show. He’s just a warm body at this point and I don’t think we’ll ever really use him fully, but he’ll be good to job out occasionally. </p><p> </p><p>

The final event of the year – and another great year really. Lots of records set and plenty of money made. Sets us up well for next year really. Firstly, we put Kirk Drury and Jayson Van Pelt together. They have great chemistry and just shine together, putting on a solid match which Van Pelt won. (42 / D). We tested out Tempest Appleby again as he took on Nelson Callum, our newly crowned Canadian Regional champ – but it stunk. Ah well, Nelson got another win under his belt. (35 / E+)</p><p> </p><p>

We had high hopes for the next match and it didn’t disappoint. Kevin Glenn and Luke Dagger went at it like things possessed, and had a hell of a match. Dagger snatched the win, but this could be the conflict of the future if it’s this good. (58 / C-)</p><p> </p><p>

The main event was booked to be good, but not quite this good. Davis Wayne Newton is gold as ever, and Mimic Copiste held up his end of the bargain too in a ladder match. Hooray! We put the title on the line, and Newton managed to defend the title for the first time of his new reign. He copied El Diablo’s hand signals after the match, no doubt intended to rile the ex-champion. (64 / C)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Final:</strong> 60 / C – our best show ever! Amazing!</p><p>


End of month report for December 2011:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Made bank again, large raise in popularity. Should be regional by June, which is what I had hoped for! Fingers crossed.</p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

End of year report for 2011:</span></strong></p><p>

Well, it’s been a great year. We’ve set lots of new records and actually made a profit. We’ve now more than doubled the money we started 2010 with, so that’s really positive. NOTBPW cleaned up at the end of year awards, and the Canadian scene looks awesome really. </p><p> </p><p>

ACPW Alumni:</p><p> </p><p>

Of all those that have left us, only two are in employment.</p><p> </p><p>

Mario Da Silva went to CGC, but was snaffled by SWF and sent to RIPW to develop. He’s only had one match there so far, going to a double DQ with James Hernandez. He’s not having the most stellar career – 27 losses with only 7 wins total over the last two years.</p><p> </p><p>

Jamie Atherton followed the same path – leaving Canada for a development contract with the big boys. He’s yet to wrestle for them, but his skillset fits so much better than Mario. He’s currently sat at 13 – 31 in his career. Not stellar either but I imagine it’ll improve. </p><p> </p><p>

Hopes and dreams for 2012 – hitting regional and saving for a TV show. Daedalus is desperate for us to hit TV as soon as possible. Myself... I’m not so keen.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27811" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The main event was booked to be good, but not quite this good. Davis Wayne Newton is gold as ever, and Mimic Copiste held up his end of the bargain too in a ladder match. Hooray! We put the title on the line, and Newton managed to defend the title for the first time of his new reign. He copied El Diablo’s hand signals after the match, no doubt intended to rile the ex-champion. (64 / C)<p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Huh? I missed where DWN won the title back and I thought El Diablo had the belt and why is DWN doing hand gestures at El Diablo instead of Mimic? Either I've missed some things or that paragraph is a bit odd.</p><p> </p><p> Good to see you doing well and succeeding. Could get interesting once you and 4C have some rivalries going.</p><p> </p><p> Stupid Tempest, he's one of my favourites, why isn't he performing better?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Beeker" data-cite="Beeker" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27811" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Huh? I missed where DWN won the title back and I thought El Diablo had the belt and why is DWN doing hand gestures at El Diablo instead of Mimic? Either I've missed some things or that paragraph is a bit odd.<p> </p><p> Good to see you doing well and succeeding. Could get interesting once you and 4C have some rivalries going.</p><p> </p><p> Stupid Tempest, he's one of my favourites, why isn't he performing better?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Diablo lost the belt to DWN at the end of Total War <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Thanks for the kind words - am biding my time and waiting for regional, then it'll most likely heat up between us and 4C.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rathen4" data-cite="Rathen4" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27811" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Diablo lost the belt to DWN at the <strong>end of Total War </strong><img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Total War would be the November event you forgot to post?</p>
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oh bollocks


thanks for the heads up, Beeker. I've edited it in before the December event.


No worries. I had to go back a page or two to make sure I hadn't missed something, then I stumbled upon Total War from a year ago and went... aha! I know what went wrong. We all have those moments, you've compensated and safe to say it won't happen again.


That makes more sense, although, it sucks to be Diablo, as he needs some major rejuvenation to be considered legitimate again.

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Attendance: 171


Well, Daedalus is happy. He says he’s happy enough that our bank balance is much higher than $20,000, and now has a new goal to help us improve and move forward. We need to not be below $60k in 28 months. Uhh.. thanks, Dae.


The winds of change are stirring. As we become bigger and more successful, we need to have more direction. We can’t keep throwing people together at random. People won’t buy it much any more. I go to Dae and set it out – I want to look at getting some face/heel action going on. Currently, we have none of it. Grudgingly, he agrees, but I can tell he’s not convinced. I decide to wait for him to be even happier before suggesting that we change the product slightly so our talkers can talk. We’ll have a shedload of alignment changes and gimmick debuts at Payback 2012, so I’ll need to squeeze those angles in before the show or something. This is all very unfamiliar territory and I’m not sure it’s going to pay off. Fingers crossed.


With all the turns and gimmick changes complete in a massively bizarre segment to start the show, this is the current disposition of the roster. The faces are pretty weak compared to the heels, but I like that idea.


<table class="MsoTableGrid" style="border-collapse: collapse; border: medium none;" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr style=""> <td style="width: 231.05pt; border: 1pt solid black; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top" width="308">


</td> <td style="width: 231.05pt; border-width: 1pt 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: solid solid solid none; border-color: black black black -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top" width="308">


</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 142.8pt;"> <td style="width: 231.05pt; border-right: 1pt solid black; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color black black; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 142.8pt;" valign="top" width="308">

El Diablo

Jayson Van Pelt

Kevin Glenn

Tempest Appleby

Nelson Callum

Kirk Drury

Taylor Kidd

Topher Smith

Richoshet Ramone

</td> <td style="width: 231.05pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color black black -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 142.8pt;" valign="top" width="308">

Mimic Copiste

Davis Wayne Newton

Luke Dagger

Jared Johnson

Reggie Bishop

Dermott Ayres

Jay Becker

Malik Cash

</td> </tr> </tbody></table>


Our first match pits Jared Johnson against Jayson Van Pelt – an up and comer against a man who has lost so often yet still clings on to main event status. To further cement Van Pelt’s current poor work, Johnson slaps on the Carolina Crossface and submits the hapless Jayson. (50 / D+). Following swiftly on was a match with a nice surprise – Tempest Appleby actually put on a decent performance. Granted, he was being soundly beaten by Mimic Copiste, but the match was pretty good. (50 / D+).


We debuted a new tag team next – Spite Inc. – formed by Dermott Ayres and Reggie Bishop. They went up against another relatively new team – The New Breed of Kevin Glenn and Nelson Callum. Fresh off turning to fan favourites, The New Breed were tremendously exciting and the match shone. (54 / C-). We’ll have to give them title shots at Xtreme Overdose after this.


Our main event was pretty poor all things considered; we fed Kirk Drury to Davis Wayne Newton. I want Newton’s skills to rub off on Kirk as I think he could be big, but it’s just not happening. Ah well. (51 / D+).


Final: 49 / D+ - an increase in popularity.


End of month report for January:


Kevin Glenn has signed a PPA deal with WLW, which should really raise his profile. Good for him. Not a huge profit this month, but we’re still doing pretty good. We’re starting our programmes for Xtreme Overdose now – wish we’d started it last month really but oh well.

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Good show- and I think it says a lot about the quality of this dynasty that I was able to jump in and pick things up two years down the line from the start date.


On the El Diablo issue, he is a difficult guy to get a handle on- his Clean Cut gimmick (if that's what he's using by 2012) is so incredibly generic that it's hard to get down to specifics with him, and certainly I find him a harder character to get behind than Jamie Atherton (who I tend to think of as a kind of stoner mystic, like Brian Kendrick in TNA) or Jayson Van Pelt (who tends to get my vote as the Ricky Steamboat-type clean cut young babyface. Not that you're a big fan of Van Pelt, apparently, but you see what I mean.

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Good show- and I think it says a lot about the quality of this dynasty that I was able to jump in and pick things up two years down the line from the start date.



Thanks! But I'm pretty sure it's not quality that's done that- it's just that very little has changed in two years! :D

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