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ACPW - Everyone Loves an Underdog!

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ACPW Announce New Divisional Lineups:


To ensure parity, fairness and an equal chance at the titles for those that deserve them, the ACPW have decided to change the organisation of the titles and who is eligible for each one. The rules are as follows:


~ ACPW title matches must always be fought under ladder match conditions.


~ The ACPW Heavyweight title should always be thought of as the marquee title that each ACPW wrestler wishes to hold. No other title comes close. The ACPW Canadian Regional title should always be considered as designed for an up and comer. The ACPW Junior Heavyweight championship is designed to float between these two levels as appropriate for the holder.


~ The ACPW Tag Team titles will not be placed into a division and can be competed for by anyone at any time.


~ The non tag team titles will be organised as outlined in the table below. Each wrestler may fight wrestlers from other divisions at any event, but are not eligible for a title unless they are in that division.


~ The division a wrestler competes in will be reassessed with the release of each new set of rankings - currently every August and January.


~ The current alignments mean some divisions have an odd face/heel divide. This will be reassessed in the August 2013 update.


Current divisional alignments from December 2012:


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</td> <td style="width: 155pt; border-width: 1pt 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: solid solid solid none; border-color: windowtext windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="207"> ACPW Junior Heavyweight Title<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 149pt; border-width: 1pt 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: solid solid solid none; border-color: windowtext windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="199"> ACPW Canadian Regional Title

</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 123pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="164"> Ace Newton<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 155pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="207"> Jayson Van Pelt

</td> <td style="width: 149pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="199"> Josh Jones

</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 123pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="164"> El Diablo<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 155pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="207"> Luke Dagger<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 149pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="199"> Acid II<o></o>

</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 123pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="164"> Jared Johnson<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 155pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="207"> Dermott Ayres<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 149pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="199"> Jay Becker<o></o>

</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 123pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="164"> Mimic Copiste<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 155pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="207"> Kenny Murray<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 149pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="199"> Reggie Bishop

</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 123pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="164"></td> <td style="width: 155pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="207"> Kevin Glenn<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 149pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="199"> Malik Cash<o></o>

</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 123pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="164"></td> <td style="width: 155pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="207"> Nelson Callum<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 149pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="199"> Roger Monteiro<o></o>

</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 123pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="164"></td> <td style="width: 155pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="207"></td> <td style="width: 149pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="199"> Ozzie Golden<o></o>

</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 123pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="164"></td> <td style="width: 155pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="207"></td> <td style="width: 149pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="199"> Tempest Appleby

</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 123pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="164"></td> <td style="width: 155pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="207"></td> <td style="width: 149pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="199"> Topher Smith<o></o>

</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 123pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="164"></td> <td style="width: 155pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="207"></td> <td style="width: 149pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="199"> Ricochet Ramone<o></o>

</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 123pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="164"></td> <td style="width: 155pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="207"></td> <td style="width: 149pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="199"> Taylor Kidd<o></o>

</td> </tr> </tbody></table>


As a result, the current card for ACPW Payback stands at:


Mimic Copiste vs. Ozzie Golden

Josh Jones vs. Acid II (Ladder match for the ACPW Canadian Regional title)

Jayson Van Pelt vs. Luke Dagger

Ace Newton + Malik Cash vs. The New Breed (Kevin Glenn + Nelson Callum)

El Diablo vs. Jared Johnson

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Show #36 – ACPW Payback – Wednesday Week 3 January 2013


Attendance: 300 - sell out!


We start the month with a few re-signings – Luke Dagger, Jayson Van Pelt, referee Eicke and road agent Jason Rogers have all come back to us for a bit longer. Van Pelt was a bit tricksy, wanted a lot of merchandise – but he’s a champion and will stabilise his division so it was important to have him back.

We kicked off Payback with Mimic Copiste debuting a new gimmick. With a flashy one piece bodysuit, he is now a Big League Star, desperate to get out of our “tiny” promotion. The fans hated it, and it went over well. This then went into a superb match where he defeated Ozzie Golden cleanly – simply overpowering him. (54 / C-). A great start.


Josh Jones was up next to defend his Canadian regional title against Acid II. Despite being a newcomer, Acid did well in this match but not quite enough to topple Jones. Jones makes defence number 2. (48 / D+) This was quickly followed by a non title match, with Jayson Van Pelt facing Luke Dagger. These men both fall in the same division, so it was bound to be heated. Van Pelt picked up bragging rights with an axe kick after sixteen minutes. (52 / D+).


A bit of an odd match up next. The New Breed set up to take on Ace Newton and Malik Cash. Malik has been rarely used, but we do like him and wanted to show it a bit. The match was superb, but marred again by Newton’s refusal to work with a partner. As soon as the match started to turn to the New Breed’s favour, Newton abandoned the apron and headed backstage – leaving Cash to take a Tune Up the Sunshine Band from Kevin Glenn and get pinned. (60 / C)


The main event could, on paper, be a classic. El Diablo and Jared Johnson – both in the ACPW Heavyweight division – set to square off in a non title match. These guys had very good chemistry with each other, and this was another excellent match full of twists and turns. We booked them for twenty minutes of solid action, and the match finished with a bang as El Diablo smashed Johnson with a Diablo Driver II onto the apron, before rolling him in for the cover. A massive message to the divisional head – Ace Newton. (60 / C)


Final rating: 60 / C – wow!


End of month report for January 2013:


A solid profit – thank you sponsors. We need to start thinking about expanding – probably into Ontario. But for now, let’s continue developing our Quebec rep. A very good first month for the divisional system. For a realistic promotion like ours I hope this will work really well. Fingers crossed.

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Show #37 – ACPW On Thin Ice – Wednesday Week 3 February 2013


Attendance: 300 - sell out!


Mimic has signed a PPA deal with PSW. I think we’ve finally hit that threshold where our workers will start looking elsewhere a little. I’m a little concerned about the intensity PSW will be asking Mimic to compete at, and he’s hardly the most hardcore worker on the roster. Don’t get paralysed, son. Ace Newton is also off to FCW for a bit as well, but will work for us too. That’s a relief. Tempest Appleby’s contract is up, but we’ve chosen to let it expire. Despite his skills, he’s just not shown us anything worth keeping. We also walk out of negotiations with Reggie Bishop. He wants too much for someone of his stature, and he’s not a good presence backstage.


To continue our roster moves at the start of the month, we agree terms with Davis Ditterich and Terry Smith. These guys will form our new announcing team, with Smith doing play-by-play and Ditterich and myself providing the colour. We terminate Tony Marsh’s contract, delighting Mimic as the two had a bit of heat. Looking at actual workers, we bring in Ed Larkins – also known in Japan as Red Panther – but most importantly known as 4C star Phenomenal E. He’s very, very talented. Ed will immediately slot into the Junior Heavyweight division. To top off an insanely busy start to the month, we re-sign El Diablo and Mimic Copiste.


It’s with almost blissful relief that we hit On Thin Ice. We’re one month from Xtreme Overdose IV. Next month’s card will see all the titles being defended, so we need some worthy challengers.


Lots of three way matches tonight to decide who will compete for the titles next month. We start off with a pre-show one minute skit in which Jared Johnson and Ace Newton face up – with Jared sucker punching Ace and creating a face turn situation. That’ll even up our main event scene. The turn went well, and Jared’s new “Dude” gimmick fits his look so well.

Our opener was awful. Acid II dominating Reggie Bishop and Tempest Appleby, seeing both men on their way out of the promotion. Acid II will take on Josh Jones next month at Xtreme Overdose. (24 / E-) The second match tonight saw Ed Larkins debut and shockingly defeat Kevin Glenn and Dermott Ayres in a triple threat match. We’ll give him a shot at Jayson Van Pelt next month – but we’ll put Luke Dagger in there too as he’s been solid for us recently. (51 / D+).


Next up saw a pretty sound win, as Jayson Van Pelt defeated Kenny Murray to give himself plenty of momentum moving into Overdose. (38 / D-) Just noticed a major problem – our new announcers aren’t in attendance. I thought it was a little quiet. Crap. No wonder the ratings are hurting.

Our penultimate match was a squash – Ace Newton defeating a very nervous looking Roger Monteiro in a short battle. (51 / D+).


The main event would sent a challenger forwards to Overdose to take on Newton – and this is a pure Heavyweight Title divisional matchup – Diablo vs. Mimic vs. Jared. It was a very good match indeed – especially considering our shining gem was nothing to do with it. As the crowd readied themselves for yet another Newton vs. Diablo match up – Johnson locked on the Carolina Crossface and grabbed a shock victory. (59 / C-)


Final rating: 53 / D+


End of month report for February 2013:

We get Ace Newton re-signed for nine months immediately after On Thin Ice finishes. No need to hurriedly take the title away there. Tempest leaves. Maybe he’ll be back one day. What a month.

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Show #38 – ACPW Xtreme Overdose IV – Wednesday Week 3 March 2013


Attendance: 1000 – sell out!


So hopefully a rather quieter month – but who are we kidding – it’s Overdose! Our biggest event. Not a great deal going on contract wise – an extension is reached with Dermott Ayres.


Jay Becker turns up very late again, and I remove him from the card as a result. I give him his final warning. I’m just going to fire him next time.

We open up with what we hoped would be a high note – Jayson Van Pelt defending his Junior Heavyweight championship against Ed Larkins and Luke Dagger. Tonight, Ed ran him close – but ultimately it was not to be and Van Pelt was able to defend his title for the third time. (50 / D+). We had a bit of a filler match next, but we knew it would be quality anyway. El Diablo soundly and solidly defeated Mimic Copiste after 14 minutes of wrestling. (57 / C-)


Uhh.. I didn’t realise this worker had this particular move. Ozzie Golden defeated Malik Cash in our third match. But his finisher is the Golden Shower? What the hell? (34 / E+)


Up next was a tag team match giving our tag team champions a run out against Kidd Smith (Taylor Kidd and Topher Smith). The match sucked – even the New Breed couldn’t get a decent match out of rusty Kidd Smith. Nelson Callum picks up the pin. (41 / D-).


Josh Jones and Acid II were up next. Acid has just signed to head off to Japan on tour again, but I’m told he’ll still be available. With results like this, I’m glad of it. A superb match, but fan favourite Jones manages to defend his Canadian Regional title. (55 / C-)


Our main event pitted Jared Johnson against Ace Newton for Ace’s Heavyweight title, but they were very awkward together and it’s rather killed the storyline before it could really get going. The match was fantastic, but Jared put Ace over as they’re just not quite on the same level yet. Ace makes defence number 5. (67 / C+)


Final rating: 62 / C – a really good show.

End of month report for March 2013:


Well, that was a really good result. Not our best event ever, but it’s up there with some of our biggest successes. Can’t argue with selling out a 1000 capacity venue either. Topher Smith wants a pittance to re-sign. I deliberate over it but agree – he’s a warm body and maybe his tag team could be worth something if we use them more. We made a fairly major profit this month, and now the boss is banging on about trying to get a TV deal. Maybe I can convince him to hold off just a little longer.

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<p><strong>Show #39 – ACPW Retaliation – Wednesday Week 3 April 2013</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Attendance:</strong> 300 - sell out.</p><p> </p><p>

We start the month by signing a new debutant to the wrestling scene fresh from TCW training. His name is Blackfire and he lives a goth lifestyle. I’m not sure the fans will buy that, but we’ll try it. With a suitably gothic new first name to fit our rules, Vincent Blackfire is born. I can’t see him getting an immediate push but he’ll be worth having eventually if our other signings are anything to go by.</p><p> </p><p>

Retaliation is going to be a bit of a smaller show than last week, especially with Dae looking towards TV. We need to save some money. </p><p>

That said, we start the night with a three team tag team match for the ACPW Tag Team titles. The New Breed seek to defend against The Nest of Vipers and Team NRG. This match was fantastic, and the arena was shocked when Luke Dagger managed to topple both of The New Breed from the top of the ladder and claim the belts. The Nest of Vipers are our new ACPW Tag Team champions! (59 / C-)</p><p> </p><p>

The next match was meant to be a bit of a let down, giving Malik Cash some singles time, but he really impressed in a singles match with Josh Jones. Even though Jones won, Malik looked great; and there’s clearly some chemistry here. (50 / D+)</p><p> </p><p>

The penultimate match featured Ed Larkins dismantling new boy Vincent Blackfire – but the TCW-trained debutant looked pretty decent and the match was solid enough. (36 / D-)</p><p> </p><p>

The main event looked great on paper – Ace Newton vs. El Diablo vs. Jared Johnson. This match was superb, and had people in attendance amazed at the back and forth action going on. However, what amazed them even more was Jared crotching El Diablo on the turnbuckle, then locking in the Carolina Crossface on Newton. What amazed them even further was the fact that Newton tapped! A clean loss for the Ace! (69 / C+) Our joint best match ever.</p><p> </p><p>

Final result: 61 / C</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>End of month report for April 2013: </strong></p><p> </p><p>

Well, awful news. Kevin Glenn just got snapped up by Japanese giants GCG and departs immediately. I’m kinda glad they lost the belts at Retaliation, but we’ll miss him. He leaves quite a hole in the roster, and kills our best tag team. The tag team division may have to start taking even more of a back seat now. Another solid profit made. But TV show enquiries have just opened. Ulp.</p>

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The offer came after the show, otherwise I would have been tempted <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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Show #40 – ACPW Raw Power – Wednesday Week 3 May 2013


Attendance: 300 – sell out.


Straight into Raw Power this month, a nice quiet month so far. We kick off with a tag team title match between Team NRG and The Nest of Vipers. These two are our premier tag teams now that The New Breed are no more, and they put on a hell of a show to start tonight’s proceedings. The Vipers pick up defence 1 of their titles after about fourteen minutes. (55 / C-).


A feud between our next two wrestlers is starting to hot up – Acid II taking on divisional champion Josh Jones. Jones picks up the win here, but Acid II will get a rematch next month for the title as he’s impressed us. (53 / D+). The next match was a bit of a toilet break – but featured Ed Larkins defeating Dermott Ayres pretty handily (46 / D).


The main event was marred by a lack of chemistry, but we experimented with Ace Newton taking on Jared Johnson in a hardcore match. We’ve never really done hardcore here, but with Jared up and coming with a good win last week Newton was said to be furious. The two smashed each other around here, and yet again Johnson picked up a shock win. (55 / C-) Newton has been said to have requested an even more extreme match next month to get his own back..


Final rating: 53 / D+


End of month report for May 2013:


Acid II re-signs, no doubt spurred on by his title chance next month. Another hefty profit, and we’re able to start slowly rolling out some storylines now. I hope.

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Show #41 – ACPW Blood Feud – Wednesday Week 3 June 2013


Attendance: 14


We appear to have got as big as we can in Quebec at the moment. Whilst aggravating, this was expected. We’ll now start running some shows out of Ontario as well, two shows in Ontario then back to Quebec and so on. Terry Smith causes heat backstage, spreading rumours about El Diablo. I give him a stern warning, I’m not putting up with that crap especially with one of my main eventers.


So, we pack up and head to Windsor Arena Hall in Ontario. We’re expecting a handful of people, so we switch to internet distribution so our fans in Quebec can still look us up. A very short show tonight though, no point in using all the talent for such a small place.


The first match is a ladder match – Josh Jones defending his Canadian Regional title versus Acid II. This was another good match, and Jones is ready to move on to the next division. Acid II captures the title after fifteen minutes by grabbing the title from the top of the ladder. Josh took the fall very gracefully indeed – no complaints from him at all. (50 / D+).


The next match was a bit of a disappointment – Jayson Van Pelt, Luke Dagger and Dermott Ayres in a triple threat match. The stipulation was that if one of Dagger or Ayres win then they would get a shot at Jayson’s title next month. Not a great match match, but Dagger takes the win. (40 / D-)

The main event was Jared Johnson and Ace Newton going at it again. Newton is said to be furious after events recently have conspired against him, and he requested a last man standing match so he could really punish Jared. However, it didn’t end up like that for him, and he took a massive bump onto the guard rail from the apron – and was unable to answer a ten count. Jared Johnson takes another win against the champion! (58 / C-)


Final result: 54 / C-

End of month report for June 2013:


In completely bizarre news, Christian Faith was just released by the SWF after they let his contract expire. What? NOTBPW show their power and pick him up almost immediately, though I’m not sure how he’ll fair in a promotion based on in ring performance. I’m not sure about this whole Ontario thing at the moment... I’ve got an idea though. Main show remains in Quebec, keeping us strong – but we run a show in Ontario halfway through the month featuring some up and comers. Could be an interesting experiment and we can just about afford it. Testing it in July!

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Show #42 – ACPW Ontario Showcase 1 (Friday Week 2 July 2013) / ACPW Pure Fury (Friday Week 4 July 2013)


We re-sign Roger Monteiro. He’s had some success of late and looked pretty good, and we’re looking at using him a lot on Ontario Showcase.


Ontario Showcase 1 results:

Ozzie Golden d. Mimic Copiste (46 / D)

Acid II d. Roger Monteiro (41 / D-)

Kidd Smith d. The Inner City Express (20 / E-)

Ace Newton d. Ed Larkins (62 / C)

Final: 52 / C+




ACPW Pure Fury:


Attendance: 300 – sell out.


With news filtering through that Ace Newton and Jared Johnson have agreed to have a submission best of three falls series to settle their feud, our main event looks pretty exciting. Doubly so when Ace has put the title on the line. This is also the second last PPV before a possible divisional re-alignment, so there’s a lot more at stake here than usual.


We start with a triple threat match, with Mimic Copiste narrowly defeating Ed Larkins and Josh Jones in a very, very good match. (62 / C). This should cement Mimic into the Heavyweight division – but we could see Jones move up too.


The next match wasn’t so great but was still solid – Acid II defeating Nelson Callum. Callum looked furious afterwards – this could result in a divisional demotion for him. (44 / D)


This was swiftly followed by a ladder match for Jayson Van Pelt’s ACPW Junior Heavyweight championship. Jayson hasn’t had the best of times recently – and his challenger, Luke Dagger, has fared much better. That was pretty much how this match went too – Dagger hitting a very impressive Dagger Kick off the ladder, then climbing it to take the title. Dagger now holds a tag title and this one! (46 / D)


The main event was the aforementioned submission match between Ace Newton and Jared Johnson. The first of a best of three series, this was largely dominated by Ace and Jared looked on the back foot. Newton locked in his STF after seventeen minutes and Johnson tapped. 1-0 Newton. (65 / C)

Final result: 60 / C


End of month report for July 2012:

Well, bit of a shock to end this month too. SWF have canned their booker, and fallen to cult. What on earth is going on over there? Jay Becker’s contract is up and we’re going to let it expire. What’s telling is we still made a profit this month, even with running two shows. Very positive indeed.

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Glenn's a big loss, he's definitely one of my "go to" guys in 2010 - but speaking of "go to" guys, I'm stunned you've kept Davis Wayne/Ace Newton for so long.


Great diary, just read it for the first time and really enjoyable - keep up the good work!

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Glenn's a big loss, he's definitely one of my "go to" guys in 2010 - but speaking of "go to" guys, I'm stunned you've kept Davis Wayne/Ace Newton for so long.


Great diary, just read it for the first time and really enjoyable - keep up the good work!


Thanks a lot, Jaded!


Ace's loyalty has surprised me too. He's pretty well booked up with other promotions, but chose to leave a PPA agreement with RIPW to do a PPA with USPW - rather than leave us like I thought he would. I'm actually expecting Jared Johnson to get snaffled next - he is soaring in popularity all of a sudden.

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Update #43 – ACPW Ontario Showcase 2 (Friday Week 2 August 2013) / ACPW Live Wire IV (Friday Week 4 August 2013)


Josh Jones is off to tour with GCG, so good luck to him. He will be staying with us for now though. We’ve also managed to keep hold of Malik Cash and Jared Johnson for another nine months.


Ontario Showcase 2 results:

Taylor Kidd d. Topher Smith and Jay Becker (19 / E-)

Jared Johnson d. Mimic Copiste (46 / D)

Luke Dagger d. Ozzie Golden (38 / D-)

Ace Newton d. Jayson Van Pelt (63 / C)

Final: 46 / D


ACPW Live Wire IV


Attendance: 951


Ace has the night off as he has another commitment, so we can’t carry on the best of three series here. That’s okay, we can muscle on without him. Hopefully. We’ll have a three way match in the Heavyweight division for the main event, that’ll carry some clout. And as it’s divisional alignment time after this event (despite what it said last update..) then we’ll test some others out too.


We opened with a ladder match, Acid II’s first defence of his Canadian Regional title against Josh Jones. Pretty decent – Acid retaining as Josh stays pretty rooted to his ground game (51 / D+). A terrible filler match up next – Jayson Van Pelt solidly defeating Vincent Blackfire (29 / E). Jason needed to get back to his winning ways, but Blackfire is the bottom of the heap.


A disappointing tag bout followed between the Inner City Express and Team NRG. Ozzie Golden grabbed the pin for NRG but this stunk (32 / E+). Jay Becker needs a change. However, we were cheered by a good match between Nelson Callum and Dermott Ayres, which ended with Nelson submitted Dermott (41 / D-). Nelson could also do with a change. What a bunch of babies.


Our penultimate match pitted Ed Larkins against Luke Dagger. Dagger came in riding a wave of momentum and a new title, but he screwed up tonight, going for a belt shot but missing and allowing Larkins to take him down and hit the Tumbleweed Legdrop for the pin (50 / D+).

The main event was very pleasing, a really excellent showing from El Diablo, Mimic and Jared Johnson. They can hold the fort while Ace is away, it seems. Jared shocked no-one by taking a very solid win here – he’s definitely something amazing (63 / C).


Final Rating: 58 / C-


End of month report for August 2013:


We finish off the month by tying down Josh Jones and Ozzie Golden to nine month contracts. It’s great that we can keep this core of our roster. We did however elect to ignore the contract of Jay Becker coming up. He causes backstage problems and I’m tired of him.

SWF continues to be in trouble. They just had Uprising cancelled, and now there’s talk of them losing Supreme TV too. I’m so confused.

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August's New Divisions


No major changes - the most notable difference is the expansion of the Heavyweight title picture to five men and the reduction in size of the Canadian Regional belt.


I can't seem to get the tables to show up properly, so here's a quick run down.




Ace Newton ©

Jared Johnson

El Diablo

Mimic Copiste

Ed Larkins


Junior Heavyweight

Luke Dagger ©

Josh Jones

Kenny Murray

Nelson Callum

Ozzie Golden

Jayson Van Pelt


Canadian Regional

Acid II ©

Dermott Ayres

Roger Monteiro

Malik Cash

Topher Smith

Taylor Kidd

Ricochet Ramone

Vincent Blackfire

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Update #43 – ACPW Ontario Showcase 3 (Friday Week 2 September 2013) / ACPW (Friday Week 4 September 2013)


Kenny Murray is back for another nine months, and Acid is signed up for another WLW tour. He’s getting big over there, quickly. Good on him. We cast out some feelers for a new worker – apparently the fan opinion is that our roster is too small by one member, but it could be difficult to find someone who will mesh well with how we work. Happily, we do have a parallel company in CZCW, and we get Matt Sparrow to agree to come and do some shows with us. He’ll slot right into the Junior Heavyweight title division, and should be available by Hellbound.


ACPW Ontario Showcase 3 Results:


Ed Larkins d. Mimic Copiste (50 / D+)

Ozzie Golden d. Richochet Ramone (22 / E-)

Josh Jones & Roger Monteiro d. Malik Cash and Dermott Ayres (41 / D-)

Ace Newton d. Nelson Callum (53 / D+)

Final Rating: 49 / D+


ACPW Hellbound


Attendance: 300 – sell out.


A pretty short event this one – we don’t put much sway into Hellbound really. But, with Ace available, we can carry on his and Jared’s best of three series in the main event.


The opening match blew us away – Ed Larkins defeating El Diablo and Mimic Copiste in a three way match. This was superb. (63 / C). The next match was also fairly solid – Acid II getting a good match out of Roger Monteiro. Hopefully it’ll drag the poorer man up. (44 / D).


Matt Sparrow debuted next against Luke Dagger – but after a loss last month Dagger was in no mood for playing about. He clinically dispatched the newcomer after 12 minutes with a Dagger Kick. (47 / D).


Main event time – Ace Newton comes into this second match of the series 1-0. A good match, but again the two are a little awkward and that hurts the whole thing. A shame it didn’t live up to our opener – but Jared shocks everyone when he locks in the Carolina Crossface and submits the champion. 1-1 – the next time these two meet, the title will be on the line. (61 / C)


Final rating: 58 / C-


End of month report for September 2013:


21CW tapped out last night. Apparently, Daedalus made a play to buy them out – but they were having none of it. The jump to cult killed them. A massive blow to the UK scene.

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Thanks, Jaded. Always nice to have a fan.




Update #44 – ACPW Ontario Showcase 4 (Friday Week 2 October 2013) / ACPW Full Burn (Friday Week 4 October 2013)


Well, it seems like NOTBPW continue to want to dominate the entire frigging planet. They’ve now stolen Jason Azaria from TCW for their commentary booth. They regularly manage A* events and matches, so I really doubt there’s any way we’ll ever topple them. Would be fun to take down 4C and possibly even the DeColts though. That said, don’t run before you can walk.

ACPW Ontario Showcase 4 Results:

Jared Johnson d. Dermott Ayres (48 / D+)

Nelson Callum d. Malik Cash (26 / E)

Luke Dagger d. Ed Larkins (47 / D)

Ace Newton d. El Diablo (69 / C+)

Final Rating: 61 / C (The sixth best show in ACPW history!)


ACPW Full Burn Results:


Attendance: 300 - Sell out!


Well, it’s not always the happiest moment when you have to discipline a worker at the start of a night, but Nelson Callum of all people stepped out of line and I had to give him a warning. Just some stupid pranks I’d expect him not to be pulling. Stern warning and I hope he’s got the message now.

Tonight looks like a solid build for Total War next month. We’ll have two qualifying matches for championship shots – but also tonight the final match of Ace Newton and Jared Johnson’s best of three series which currently stands at 1-1. Therefore, the title will be on the line tonight.


Our opening match was a #1 contendership match for the ACPW Junior Heavyweight title, and featured Jayson Van Pelt defeated Matt Sparrow for a title shot next month (38 / D-). The next match kinda sucked too – but was an interesting result as we told the men to sort out the winner between themselves. Roger Monteiro stared down Dermott Ayres – and picked up a very surprising win after a short match. This gives Monteiro a title shot against Acid II at Total War. Wow. (33 / E+).


I seem to remember vocalising about 3v3 matches before in the past, and really do need to use them more. Combining several rivalries at once, our penultimate match tonight was El Diablo, Josh Jones and Ed Larkins taking on Mimic Copiste, Luke Dagger and Acid II. This match created massive momentum for Luke and Acid II heading into Total War – they picked up a win here with Dagger gaining the pinfall over poor Josh Jones. (63 / C) – a superb match.


Our main event – the rubber match (ladders, as per ACPW rules!) between Jared Johnson and Ace Newton. Both men sized each other up and went for it – but perhaps a little too hard. In fact, in an ACPW first, Ace speared Johnson off the ladder but caused as much damage to himself as he did to Johnson. With both men unable to answer a count of 10 – the referee threw the match out and called down the EMTs. A draw – the series remains 1-1! (65 / C).

Final Rating: 62 / C (#4 of all time for ACPW.. plus the #1 show is Full Burn 2012.. maybe it’s time to make this show a bit more important on our calendar..)


End of month review for October 2013:


Well, what a month! A spectacular main event allows us to finish the Ace/Jared storyline at Total War, and we’re racing towards it. Now, let’s just stay healthy through Ontario Showcase and hit that show at full speed.

Further Contract Extensions: Mimic Copiste (12 months), Ace Newton (9 months), Terry Smith (9 months), Davis Ditterich (9 months) and Ed Larkins (12 months).




Just in case anyone's interested, could do a prize or something fun for whoever gets the most right.


ACPW Total War Predictions:

~ Main Event: Ace Newton vs. Jared Johnson (Ladder match for the ACPW Heavyweight title, final match of the best of three series).

~ Luke Dagger vs. Jayson Van Pelt (Ladder match for the ACPW Junior Heavyweight title)

~ El Diablo and Ed Larkins vs. Mimic Copiste and Acid II (Yes, double duty!)

~ Acid II vs. Roger Monteiro (Ladder match for the ACPW Canadian Regional Title)

~ Josh Jones and Matt Sparrow vs. Malik Cash and ???

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Update #45 – ACPW Ontario Showcase 5 (Friday Week 2 November 2013) / ACPW Total War 2013 (Friday Week 4 November 2013)


Solar II is a jerk. Goddamn it. We signed him as an extra body, looking at his promising aerial skills. But he’s just a jerk. We’ll see what happens with him, but jerks don’t tend to last long here.


Ontario Showcase 5 Results:


El Diablo and Jayson Van Pelt d. The Nest of Vipers (37 / D-)

Team NRG d. Acid II and Solar II (44 / D)

Jared Johnson d. Vincent Blackfire (35 / D-)

Ace Newton d. Josh Jones (65 / C)

Final Rating: 57 / C-


ACPW Total War 2013 Results:


Attendance: 777


Attendance is down, predicted around 900 so this is a bit of a shame. Maybe the trains were late or something. No changes to our card from what was advertised, so on with the show!


Our first match was a doozy. El Diablo and Ed Larkins taking on Mimic Copiste and Acid II. The match was marred by prima donna antics – Acid II deciding that as he was also defending his title that night, he was having nothing to do with this – and he wandered off backstage without even featuring in the match. This left Mimic outmatched and outgunned, and it didn’t take long for Ed to punish him and take the win. (60 / C). The next match wasn’t terrible either really, Josh Jones and Matt Sparrow handily defeating Malik Cash and new boy Solar II. (44 / D).


Our first ladder match of the night was next – Roger Monteiro looking like a folorn hope against Acid II for the Canadian Regional title. Acid was simply running rings around him – until a battered and bruised Mimic Copiste ran in and floored him. Roger climbed and climbed – and grabbed the belt in perhaps the most shocking title win in ACPW history. We have a new champion! (42 / D).


With the crowd having no time to relax, we were on to our final two matches with high hopes. An 18 minute epic came next, with Jayson Van Pelt trying to capture the Junior Heavyweight title from Luke Dagger. It wasn’t going to be tonight, unfortunately – Dagger came out sharp (hurf) and Van Pelt just couldn’t outwit him. Luke Dagger retains. (49 / D+).


The main event was set to be an epic. A rivalry that has really caught fire this year between our two most talented players – and this match was set up as the final match of a best of three series. Newton looked worried and harried – and to be honest Johnson just looked a little goofy going into it. A ladder match to finish it all, for the ACPW Heavyweight title. And the fans were not disappointed. A tremendous back and forth match – both men almost capturing it at various times (including a spectacular spot where Ace was almost toppled from the ladder and hooked the belt with his foot – but lost his balance before he could convince the title to fall from the holder..) It was all over after 25 minutes – and as the dust settled one man stood victorious with the ACPW Heavyweight title. The series ended 2-1.. to Jared Johnson. (68 / C+)


Final Rating: 62 / C


End of month report for November 2013:


That was quite something. Total War 2013 entered the ACPW annals at #2 overall, and the main event took #6 in our all time matches list. Ace Newton – your title reign lasted two years to the day. You were a great champion. Thank you – but now I have different directions for you to go in. Overall, really, really pleased but am really concerned about the way our popularity seems to have stalled in growth. Help.


Contact Extensions: Dermott Ayres (9 months)

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<p><strong>Update #46 – ACPW Ontario Showcase 6 (Friday Week 2 December 2013) / ACPW Holiday Havoc (Friday Week 4 December 2013)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We start off the final event of the year with Ace being approached by NYCW and CZCW, and we bring Stevie Grayson into our main event grouping and heavyweight title division. He’s got quite a pedigree and should be very useful indeed. We’re going to hold off on starting our new storylines until next year, so decided to treat the final event of the year as a bit of a “highlight”, revisiting and replaying some of the best matches of the year. That said, we need a bit of a shuffle with alignment, and have turned Nelson Callum and Richochet Ramone heel.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ontario Showcase 6 Results:</strong></p><p>

Mimic Copiste d. Ed Larkins (41 / D-)</p><p>

Josh Jones d. Vincent Blackfire (36 / D-)</p><p>

Acid II d. Ozzie Golden (45 / D)</p><p>

Jared Johnson d. El Diablo and Ace Newton (68 / C+) (#3 match of ACPW all time!)</p><p>

Final Result: 60 / C</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ACPW Holiday Havoc:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Attendance:</strong> 300</p><p> </p><p>

Ace couldn’t make it tonight as he’s on TV at USPW, so we hope that goes well but it rather scuppers our ideas for the best matches of the year. Ho hum. Still, we should be able to put something serviceable together. </p><p> </p><p>

The first match featured a rematch from January – Mimic Copiste defeating Ozzie Golden in a really very good match. (54 / C- : January rating was 54). This was swiftly followed by a match from Overdose IV in March – Josh Jones defeating Acid II in a match that disappointed us a little. (53 / D+ : March rating was 55). </p><p> </p><p>

The next match wasn’t a rematch – but a way of testing out a storyline we’ve been pondering. Ed Larkins took down Luke Dagger in a pretty solid match – but we do want more from these guys at their level. (52 / D+)</p><p> </p><p>

With Ace missing, it was really up to these guys to show that we can survive without him. Jared Johnson and El Diablo faced each other down – a rematch from ACPW Payback all the way back in January. We put the Heavyweight title on the line to rekindle this rivalry, and it added to the match – but Jared was never going to lose his first defence, winning well after a solid match. (62 / C : January rating was 60).</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Final Rating: </strong>59 / C+</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>End of the month report for December 2013:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Ace didn’t even win his USPW match – losing to Bear Bekowski in a match rated 44. What? Nice one, Newton. As we run towards 2014, who knows what the new year has in stock for the ACPW.</p><p>


Contract Extensions:</strong> Topher Smith (9 months), Vincent Blackfire (6 months)</p>

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I like the concept of Call-back or Throw-back matches. It gives a nice nod to the history of ACPW while see where your performers have improved (or not as the case may be.)

I think not having ADWN is a good thing because sooner or later one the big feds will come calling and poach him. Best you find out who can carry the load when Ace heads south... or West (to CGC) or to Ontario (and NotPBW.)


Edit: Also why wouldn't you do the turns onscreen? I know it's a performance driven fed but it seems very odd for that to happen backstage out of sight.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Beeker" data-cite="Beeker" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27811" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Edit: Also why wouldn't you do the turns onscreen? I know it's a performance driven fed but it seems very odd for that to happen backstage out of sight.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Angles absolutely bomb in this promotion at the moment, and I could think of no sensible way to do it. PLUS with a different crowd in each night and no TV deal, I didn't think how it was presented mattered that much. That's about to change though <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p><strong>Update #47 – ACPW Ontario Showcase 7 (Friday Week 2 January 2014) / ACPW Payback (Friday Week 4 January 2014)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

A brave new year. We decide to go with a slight change to how we’d normally do things – we bring in two managers for Acid II and Josh Jones. The two don’t know how to work well with a crowd, and we hope that Vixxen and Hannah Potter can do the job well. We’ve also decided to throw some more tag teams together and see what sticks. Better names on a postcard, please.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ontario Showcase 7 results:</strong></p><p><strong>


Grayded J (Stevie Grayson and Josh Jones) d. Attitude Adjustment (Nelson Callum + Vincent Blackfire) (43 / D)</p><p>

Roger Monteiro d. Topher Smith (Ladder match for the ACPW Canadian Regional title) (25 / E)</p><p>

Jared Johnson d. Solar II (52 / D+)</p><p>

El Diablo d. Acid II (61 / C)</p><p>

Final rating: 56 / C-</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ACPW Payback Results:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Attendance:</strong> 668</p><p> </p><p>

We need to change our schedule a little – Grayson and Newton unavailable again. Duh. </p><p> </p><p>

A short few months to build to Overdose V and the builds all started at Ontario Showcase, but tonight should be a big help. We start off the night with Mimic Copiste defeating Kenny Murray – but it turns out these two have a special spark together and the match was brilliant. (63 / C). The second match of the night was rather more disappointing, Roger Monteiro defeating Vincent Blackfire. (31 / E+). It was quickly followed by another poor bout – surprising it was this bad, really – with Ed Larkins beating Malik Cash. (32 / E+)</p><p> </p><p>

Another good chemistry discovery came next – Ozzie Golden and Solar II playing off each other well (though not to the extent of Mimic and Kenny earlier). A solid match here, Ozzie taking the win after eight minutes. (43 / D).</p><p> </p><p>

The main event tested out a possible feud for the future. Jared Johnson vs. El Diablo for the ACPW Heavyweight championship. A really good match featuring just pure wrestling and exciting spots, Jared came out on top but something was a little lacking from this. (58 / C-)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Final Rating:</strong> 53 / D+</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>End of month report for January 2014:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Awesome. Josh Jones and Hannah Potter have excellent chemistry together. We’ve also just been informed that ACPW Payback is now considered an Above Average event, which is rather nice. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Contracts Signed:</strong> Vixxen (10 months), Hannah Potter (9 months).</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Contracts Extended:</strong> Nelson Callum (12 months), Taylor Kidd (9 months), Acid II (12 months)</p>

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<p><strong>Update #48 – ACPW Ontario Showcase 8 (Friday Week 2 February 2014) / ACPW On Thin Ice (Friday Week 4 February 2014)</strong></p><p><strong>


Pretty massive news, and to be honest news I’m a little frightened about. We will shortly be going live on Friday nights with Height Night. Our very own TV program, airing on Q-TV. I’ve told Daedalus time and time again that we can’t afford it, that we can’t survive it. He says even if it does bomb, it’s just one season. Just 12 shows. It’ll be tricky, but could put us on the map. The TV show will air only in Quebec, which means we will do away with the Ontario Showcase for those months, and run t.he show in Ontario itself. That should do it, but ticket sales will be painful</p><p>


Ontario Showcase 8 Results:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Grayded J d. The Nest of Vipers (53 / D+)</p><p>

Acid II d. Jayson Van Pelt (52 / D+)</p><p>

El Diablo d. Nelson Callum and Solar II (51 / D+)</p><p>

Final Rating: 52 / D+ </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ACPW On Thin Ice Results:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Attendance:</strong> 572</p><p> </p><p>

We begin with a really excellent tag team bout – repeating what we saw at Showcase 8. This time, the result was reversed – The Nest of Vipers defeating Grayded J this time. (59 / C-). A decent enough match followed with Jayson Van Pelt defeating Malik Cash. It was then announced that Jayson will receive a title shot against Luke Dagger next month at Xtreme Overdose V. (42 / D).</p><p> </p><p>

Jared Johnson is a class act. He didn’t moan about being further down the card tonight, probably because he was given a clear win over Kenny Murray ahead of his championship defence next month (47 / D). Another man receiving some much needed momentum ahead of our pinnacle event is Ed Larkins – picking up a strong win against new heel Nelson Callum. (50 / D+). </p><p>

The main event was absolutely superb, and let us show off one of our most classic rivalries that we’ve ever had. Ace Newton stared down El Diablo – and giving himself perhaps the biggest boost towards Overdose, Diablo hit a Diablo Driver II and put Newton down for the three. (69 / C+). A heavyweight title battle awaits him at Overdose.. should Jared be concerned?</p><p>


Final Rating:</strong> 63 / C</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>End of month report for February 2014: </strong></p><p> </p><p>

Hooray! On Thin Ice is now above average too! That’s pretty awesome, I’m hoping we’ll get into a pattern. It’ll be pretty disastrous if Overdose doesn’t end up at that level too.</p>

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