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BAW: One man's dream

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Nigel Svensson vs Jayson Van Pelt (New York Championship)

JVP has proven to be reliable, so keep the belt with him.


El Mitico vs Hiro Del Aguila Americana

Mitico is probably more promising.


Cal Sanders vs Atlas

I dont really like Atlas, so Sanders gets a win.


Joffy Laine vs Donte Dunn

Do i really need to give a reason :p


Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive

Sensitive wins again, title shot at next show?


Amazing Fire Fly vs The Masked Outlaw (BAW Championship)

Outlaw wont be champion.

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Nigel Svensson vs Jayson Van Pelt (New York Championship)

Well I picked him to get title shot so I better believe that he can win it, right? And Svensson cannot be that much worse than Van Pelt (I really hope so)


El Mitico vs Hiro Del Aguila Americana

Mitico has done more so far

Cal Sanders vs Atlas

Upset victory? Not sure if it would be considered as such but since Sanders managed to rise on uppermidcard by jobbing others maybe it´s good idea to give him the ball and see if he can run away with it.


Joffy Laine vs Donte Dunn

Dunn isen´t losing here


Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive

Only one of these guys are former champion


Amazing Fire Fly vs The Masked Outlaw (BAW Championship)

Outlaw lost to Panda Mask, that´s all i need to know

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Nigel Svensson vs Jayson Van Pelt (New York Championship)

Van Pelt is great guy to have opening the shows, Svensson might do alright though, wouldn't surprise me too much to see a title change here.


El Mitico vs Hiro Del Aguila Americana

Mitico > HDAA


Cal Sanders vs Atlas

Cal should win here, Brody is the only giant in this company, Atlas isn't gonna cut it.


Joffy Laine vs Donte Dunn



Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive

One of these things is not like the others...


Amazing Fire Fly vs The Masked Outlaw (BAW Championship)

Nah... not Outlaw.

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BAW One Step Closer #27

Week 3 July 2012

Weston Gymnasium, New Jersey

Attendance: 231

Pre Show

With El Mitico and Mustang back, the backstage atmosphere had returned to perfect levels. Now I just needed to work out how to translate all that positive energy into a great show...


Main Show

Nigel Svensson vs Jayson Van Pelt

New York Championship

A good opener as usual. I was really contemplating a title change here, but in the end I decided to keep the belt with Van Pelt. He would be more use to me next week if he still had the belt...


Winner: Jayson Van Pelt in 9:55

El Mitico Jr vs Hiro Del Aguila Americana

An average match from these two, which is about what I was expecting. I had El Mitico dominate in an attempt to build some overness for him.


Winner: El Mitico in 6:14

Fire Fly Promo

Fire Fly: “At ‘Call To Arms’ a fortnight ago, I successfully overcame the biggest challenger of my career to date. That will have been for nothing though, if I lose tonight. I’m not taking anything for granted, and will be giving tonights match my absolute all.”

Notes: A decent promo from Fire Fly. The champ is improving on the mic, this was better than any of his previous promos.

Cal Sanders vs Atlas

Okay... wow! Where did this come from? This was meant to be a throwaway match for Sanders to pick up a win, but this wouldn’t have looked out of place in the Main Event! I’m not entirely sure how it happened... it’s not like the two have great chemistry. I have to give Cal the credit for this match, and I have to say he has certainly risen in my estimations after this!


Winner: Cal Sanders in 7:59

Joffy Laine vs Donte Dunn

A decent match from these two, but it was always going to fall slightly flat after the last match. Joffy Laine had an off night, but did seem to learn something out there... so not all bad.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 8:06

Brody/Laine ‘Promo’

After the match, Brody hit the ring and absolutely destroyed Joffy Laine. If there were any doubts of Brody’s dominance after last week’s loss, they must have been answered by this brutal attack.


Notes: Hmm, Laine really damaged the quality of this promo. I keep being told by my ‘creative team’ that he is my most charismatic guy, but his promo work just doesn’t live up to that billing. This promo barely broke average.

Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive

Cheetah Boy had an off night, but these guys still managed to put in a Main Event quality match! It may have to do with the great chemistry they have. This is definitely a match I will run again.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 15:31

© Amazing Fire Fly vs The Masked Outlaw

BAW Championship

Okay this was another poor Main Event, which was so disappointing after a great show up to that point. The last two weeks have really dented my confidence in the champ, even if his promo work has improved. I’ll admit Outlaw wasn’t a great opponent, but my past champs have all been able to carry lesser opponents to at least acceptable matches...


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 15:51


Match of the Night: Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive

Trash of the Night: probably the Main Event...


Next Time: Can Danny get back on form, and book a decent Main Event?

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‘Creative’ was positive this month, with July being our most profitable month of 2012 so far. Unfortunately, when I picked up my monthly paper, it wasn’t quite so positive...






BAW Call To Arms D+/One Step Closer D


We were back in last, not surprising after our poor Main Events last month.This month we would have to put that right...



This Week

funkyzafara 6/6

1234 6/6

borman 48 6/6

Zergon 5/6

This Year

1234 70/76

funkyzafara 66/76

borman 48 60/65

Zergon 60/70

Michigan Hero 8/12

Raijin Samurai 5/6

BHK1978 4/6


Thanks for predicting once again. Well done to 1234, funkyzafara and borman 48 for getting all 6 this month :)

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The last few weeks have involved a lot of effort, a lot of phone calls, and nothing to show for it. I approached half a dozen guys about joining us, but unfortunately couldn’t reach an agreement with any of them. I’m looking to bring in a big name, as our Main Event scene is lacking a bit of quality (bar Justin Sensitive). Unfortunately no big names want to join a company as small as ours...


This left me with the same roster as before to work with. Speaking of that roster, Mustang Blanco Jr had signed a deal with MPWF, which shouldn’t be a problem... but he has caused schedule problems before, so I’d have to keep an eye on that one. Then our current Champion signed a P.P.A deal with MHW.


Speaking of the champ, Amazing Fire Fly has had an off couple of weeks. Can he bounce back this week, or will he continue his slide into mediocrity? He has a more proven opponent this week, so a the blame for a bad match won’t be passed off quite as easily...



BAW Call To Arms #8

Panda Mask II vs Mustang Blanco Jr

Cheetah Boy vs DeCipher

Nigel Svensson vs Atlas

Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

El Mitico vs Justin Sensitive

Amazing Fire Fly vs Jayson Van Pelt

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BAW Call To Arms #8

Panda Mask II vs Mustang Blanco Jr

Mustang sucks.

Cheetah Boy vs DeCipher

Will Cheetay Boy turn out good matches?

Nigel Svensson vs Atlas

Nigel push go!

Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

Will Cal Sanders be a real threat to the title?

El Mitico vs Justin Sensitive

El Mitico rocks, too bad if he has to lose to Sensitive :(

Amazing Fire Fly vs Jayson Van Pelt


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Panda Mask II vs Mustang Blanco Jr

Panda Mask will win this one


Cheetah Boy vs DeCipher

DeCipher haven´t done anything so far

Nigel Svensson vs Atlas

I still have faith on Svensson

Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

Not sure about this one but I go with Sanders after he had good match last time


El Mitico vs Justin Sensitive

Mitico isn´t jobber but I doubt he beat Sensetive either

Amazing Fire Fly vs Jayson Van Pelt

Jayson isn´t on main event level, not yet anyway

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BAW Call To Arms #8

Week 1 August 2012

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 697

Pre Show

Due to demand for tickets, we decided to move this week’s show to The Ministry in Queens. This converted church would allow us to hold more people, and would create a different atmosphere to that of the gymnasium in New Jersey.


Main Show

Panda Mask II vs Mustang Blanco Jr

With Jayson Van Pelt in the Main Event, we had no New York Championship match to open the show. Instead I gave these two the opportunity to raise the curtain, and they can only manage an average match. The crowd still just don’t seem to want to watch Mustang wrestle. At least he looked like he was learning out there.


Winner: Panda Mask II in 8:09

Cheetah Boy vs DeCipher

Slightly better than average from these two, meaning that Cheetah Boy had probably won this week’s test of ‘who’s the better animal’.


Winner: Cheetah Boy in 8:23

Brody ‘Promo’

Brody hits the ring and Cheetah Boy and DeCipher bail. Brody remains in the ring for a few minutes looking menacing and intimidating.

Notes: Not quite as good as usual, but still decent.

Nigel Svensson vs Atlas

A good match from these two, certainly the best of the match so far. This could actually help Atlas, as his contract is up in a month and renewal talks were happening this week.


Winner: Nigel Svensson in 7:34

Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

Cal Sanders... you are on a roll! This match was simply awesome, not just Main Event level... but one of the best in BAW history. This begs the question... what the hell was this doing on the lower card? This put serious pressure on my two Main Events.


Winner: Cal Sanders in 8:26

Fire Fly Promo

Fire Fly: “Tonight see’s me face the New York Champion Jayson Van Pelt. I am a two time New York Champion myself, so I know how good Van Pelt needs to be to have won it. Tonight we go into the match Champion vs Champion, with two separate guys holding two separate belts. My aim is that at the end of the night there are still two separate title holders...”


Notes: Not bad from the champ, but not as good as his effort at the last show.

El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive

Okay this was another great match, on par with the Sanders/Outlaw match and again up with the best ever matches in BAW history. Sensitive wins, Mitico justifies my faith in him and both men came out of this one looking good.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 16:08

©Amazing Fire Fly vs Jayson Van Pelt

BAW Championship

Before the show I was feeling good about this Main Event. Champion vs Champion should be a recipe for a good match. However, after the last two matches, this match was in real danger of falling flat... and for the third show running, it did. The match was decent, but that’s just not good enough for the Main Event. The show is still decent, but we really missed out on an opportunity to put on a real classic tonight. At least both men learnt something out there.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 17:04


Match of the Night: El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive

Trash of the Night: Nothing was terrible


Next Time: A lot of positives tonight. Two great matches (#2 & #4 respectively), and a new record crowd. However, I’m still a little disappointed that we missed out on an opportunity to put on our best ever show.

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I sent a few feelers out to some guys who could be my next top level Heel, but unfortunately none wanted to work for me at a price which worked. However, in my search I did come across a young guy which I liked the look off, we quickly came to terms and Josh Jones is the newest member of the BAW roster.


Next I renewed Justin Sensitive’s deal, he was my best worker at the moment so I really needed to keep hold of him.


BAW One Step Closer #28

Cheetah Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt (New York Championship)

Nigel Svensson vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Ace Youngblood vs Atlas

Josh Jones vs Donte Dunn

Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

Amazing Fire Fly vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

Prediction Results

BAW Call To Arms #8

1234 6/6

Zergon 6/6

funkyzafara 5/6


This Year

1234 76/82

funkyzafara 71/82

Zergon 66/76

borman 48 60/65

Michigan Hero 8/12

Raijin Samurai 5/6

BHK1978 4/6


Well done to 1234 and Zergon for getting all 6 right this month! :)

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Cheetah Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt (New York Championship)

Cheetah isn't quite ready for it in my opinion.


Nigel Svensson vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Easy one.


Ace Youngblood vs Atlas

Haven't seen Ace in a while. Atlas has had 2 good matches, albeit being carried by two good wrestlers. I'm going upset.


Josh Jones vs Donte Dunn

Donte keeps going over.


Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

Cal Sanders push go?


Amazing Fire Fly vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

Sensitive helps put on a solid ME, Dunn comes along in the next couple shows and takes the belt I still think.

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Cheetah Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt (New York Championship)

Nope, Cheetah isn´t there yet


Nigel Svensson vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana



Ace Youngblood vs Atlas

Atlas haven´t impressed much


Josh Jones vs Donte Dunn

Too though test for the newcomer to overcome


Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

Sanders is getting better and better and thus he gets the win here


Amazing Fire Fly vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

Could go either way but since Sensetive was the last champ I go with Fire Fly

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Cheetah Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt (New York Championship)

Cheetah has been good, but JVP has been doing the openers well so i dont see him losing to Cheetah.


Nigel Svensson vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

HDAA seems to be a jobber.


Ace Youngblood vs Atlas

Atlas seems to be improving, Ace seems to be disappearing.


Josh Jones vs Donte Dunn

The test whether Dunn can be champion imo, and setting up a title match next show?


Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

Sanders has been good, and now its his turn for a push.


Amazing Fire Fly vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

Wouldnt suprise me to see a title change, but i want Dunn to have the belt so AFF retains.

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BAW One Step Closer #28

Cheetah Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt (New York Championship)

Nigel Svensson vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Ace Youngblood vs Atlas

Josh Jones vs Donte Dunn

Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

Amazing Fire Fly vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

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BAW One Step Closer #29

Week 3 August 2012

Weston Gymnasium, New Jersey

Attendance: 263

Pre Show

I arrived this week to find El Mitico Jr half way through a set of impressions of his colleagues that he had been working on. This seemed to lift the locker room morale to perfect levels again, which would hopefully mean a great show tonight.


Main Show

Cheetah Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt ©

New York Championship

A good start from these two, as I would expect from a New York Championship match. Jayson Van Pelt picked up the win to make the 7th defence of his title.


Winner: Jayson Van Pelt in 8:16

Nigel Svensson vs Hiro Del Aguila Americana

This match was better than I thought it would be, being on par in quality with the opener. Nigel Svensson picked up the win to build some momentum heading into his New York Championship match next week.


Winner: Nigel Svensson in 8:04

Sensitive Promo

Sensitive: “Tonight I have finally been given another chance to take back the BAW title that should rightfully be mine. I am without a doubt the best talent on this roster. Now, Fire Fly, you’ve had a nice little run as champ, but over the last few shows you’ve looked ordinary... more to the point, you’ve looked beatable, Tonight I plan to put an end to your embarrassing reign, and bring some honour back to the BAW Championship.

Notes: Decent stuff from Sensitive. About as good as I expected.

Ace Youngblood vs Atlas

A distinctly average match from these two. This was a test to see if Atlas had improved after his past couple of matches, but it seems he was just carried by superior opponents.


Winner: Ace Youngblood in 8:02

Josh Jones vs Donte Dunn

Okay this was a great match. This was Main Event quality, and I really need to stop putting matches of this quality in the lower card. Still, a great debut for Josh Jones, which hopefully he can build on in the coming weeks.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 8:07

Brody ‘Promo’

Brody hits the ring and Jones and Dunn bail. Brody remains in the ring for a few minutes looking menacing and intimidating.


Notes: A decent promo from Brody, but still not quite at the levels he was reaching a few months ago.

Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

This was a great match from these two, right up there with the best in BAW history, and probably should have been the Main Event. If we can put a good Main Event on, this could be a great show. Surely, our Main Event can’t fall flat again... can it?


Winner: Cal Sanders in 15:41

© Amazing Fire Fly vs Justin Sensitive

BAW Championship

Damn it! Yes it can fall flat, and in spectacular style. Annoyingly this was my fault. This was the fourth match between these two recently, and the crowd just didn’t seem to want to see it again. Unfortunately Fire Fly ahs been poor recently, and I wanted to take the belt off of him. My only options were Donte Dunn and Justin Sensitive, both of who’m represented risks. Donte has dangerously low Psycholgy skills, which in long title matches would be continuously exposed (as happened to Fire Fly). Justin Sensitive had been a solid champ in the past, but the risk was running this match again.


I thought I could make this better than their previous encounters, but I was wrong. Hopefully I will be justified in the coming weeks, because I really can’t afford to keep having Main Events like we’d been putting on for the last few shows.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 18:15


Match of the Night: Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

Trash of the Night: Main Event


Next Time: That was the worst show we’ve put on for over 2 years. Time to put on a gung ho show methinks...

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Another positive ‘Creative’ this month. Our new record crowd at Call To Arms had made Harvey and Danny very happy, and seemed to allow them to overlook the rubbish show we had put on at One Step Closer. I was just happy to avoid a grilling, and made my way out of the meeting with a sigh of relief.


Unfortunately, my monthly paper wasn’t full of such good news...






BAW Call To Arms C-/One Step Closer D-


We had come last again! We were only marginally worse than our competitors, but we had to find a way of bettering them, as coming bottom of the Regional battle each month meant that we have virtually no momentum.


Prediction Results

This Week

Zergon 5/6

funkyzafara 5/6

borman 48 4/6

1234 4/6


This Year

1234 80/88

funkyzafara 76/88

Zergon 71/82

borman 48 64/71

Michigan Hero 8/12

Raijin Samurai 5/6

BHK1978 4/6


Thanks for predicting once again guys :) No-one got all 6 this month, with nobody picking the Title change.

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A busy couple of weeks. First I called Atlas in for contract talks, but his recent good matches seem to have gone to his head... he wanted more money than Justin Sensitive is on! I don’t think he is worth that much, so unfortunately I had to let him go.


I signed a cheap replacement quickly in Simon Ice. He’s a young guy who probably won’t set the world alight, but hopefully he’ll be able to put on some decent matches in his time here.


Next up, I extended Amazing Fire Fly’s deal for another 12 months. It always amazes me just how little we pay him. At $150 a show, he’s on less than most of our jobbers, which is a little harsh... but I’m not going to complain!


Next, Panda Mask came to my office to tell me that he had received an offer from WLW to go touring with them. While he hadn’t accepted yet, but I’m assuming that he eventually will. With this in mind I removed his match from this months card.



BAW Call To Arms #9

Nigel Svensson vs Jayson Van Pelt (New York Championship)

Ace Youngblood vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Cheetah Boy vs Simon Ice

Josh Jones vs The Masked Outlaw

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Panda Mask II vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

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Nigel Svensson vs Jayson Van Pelt (New York Championship)

I'm going with the slight upset, Van Pelt needs to drop the title eventually, as he'll get too big for it, and Nigel will be able to put on good matches at the top of the card.


Ace Youngblood vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Ace stays on track.


Cheetah Boy vs Simon Ice

Cheetah mini-push continues?


Josh Jones vs The Masked Outlaw

Jones looked good last show, and the champ is a heel, so Jones could use a bit of a push.


Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Well, the champs a heel... so I'll suspend my 'always pick Dunn' rule to push Cal Sanders along...


Panda Mask II vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

I thought you removed Panda Mask's match... if you didn't I'll take Sensitive.

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Nigel Svensson vs Jayson Van Pelt (New York Championship)

It´s time for a change

Ace Youngblood vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Has Hijo won a single match so far?


Cheetah Boy vs Simon Ice

Hard to see Ice doing well in USA considering that he don´t find a job even in UK.


Josh Jones vs The Masked Outlaw

Upset, but Jones looked good and you aren´t high in Outlaw anyway


Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

I expected Dunn to be the next champ but since Sensetive just got the title Sanders winnign this one makes more sense so I go with upset here


Panda Mask II vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

Sensetive won´t lose this match no matter who his opponent is

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Nigel Svensson vs Jayson Van Pelt (New York Championship)

Am expecting Svensson to take it but i am not backing two title changes on consecutive shows.


Ace Youngblood vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

HDAA is a jobber.


Cheetah Boy vs Simon Ice

One Animal guy needs to win.


Josh Jones vs The Masked Outlaw

Jones impressed on his debut, so why not win here. Although Outlaw has been an anti-upset guy in the past so im not sure, as well as Outlaw doing well against Sanders.


Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Face needs to win to challenge the champion.


Panda Mask II vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

Justin's first defence, plus Panda wont be champion...unfortunately :(

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BAW Call To Arms #9

Week 1 September 2012

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 712

Pre Show

Once again I forgot to check the schedule of rival promotions, so it wasn’t until the night of the show that I found out we had another clash with MHW. Luckily this time around, Amazing Fire Fly had the decency to ring me an hour before the show to remind me. Unfortunately, it meant that I lost Amazing Fire Fly, El Mitico Jr and Mustang Blanco Jr for tonights show. This once again meant late changes to my card.


Main Show

Nigel Svensson vs Jayson Van Pelt (New York Championship)

A good match from these two to start the show. I seriously considered putting the title on Nigel here, but in the end I kept it on Jayson Van Pelt... and.... wait what? Why is Jayson tapping out? I said to keep the belt, didn’t I? No? Damn it!


Well I guess we have a new champion... and so comes to an end the longest New York Championship title reign.


Winner: Nigel Svensson in 8:56

Ace Youngblood vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

The first of the matches I made at the last minute, and this barely manages to scrape average. Ace Youngblood had an off night, which didn’t help matters.


Winner: Ace Youngblood in 6:55

Brody ‘Promo’

Brody hits the ring and Ace and Hijo bail. Brody remains in the ring for a few minutes looking menacing and intimidating.


Notes: Brody just can’t quite seem to hit the heights of some of his previous promos, but this is still decent.

Cheetah Boy vs Simon Ice

The next of our last minute matches, and this is a poor match. I would attribute this to Simon Ice’s rustiness. At least Ice looked like he was learning from Cheetah Boy out there.


Winner: Cheetah Boy in 6:24

Josh Jones vs The Masked Outlaw

This was the first of our thrown together matches to go well, as these two put on a good match. I gave Josh Jones the win, as I have plans for him.


Winner: Josh Jones in 7:50

Sensitive Promo

Sensitive: “And so order has been restored to BAW, because I, Justin Sensitive, am once again your BAW Champion.”


This statement is met with a chorus of boos from the crowd.


Sensitive: “You all had your fun while that little fire fly had his fifteen minutes of fame as champ, but those days are over. BAW once again has a real Champ that the promotion can be proud of. Last time I lost this belt, it was a fluke. Fluke’s don’t happen twice, and this time around this belt isn’t ever leaving my waist!”


Notes: Decent stuff from the new Champ.

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

A really good match from these two, good enough to Main Event most of our shows. I really hope this won’t overshadow the title match, as has happened at so many of our recent shows. Donte Dunn debuted his new gimmick in this match, but it didn’t go over all that well with the crowd... which was disappointing.


Winner: Cal Sanders in 16:08

Panda Mask II vs Justin Sensitive ©

BAW Championship

This was a great match from these two, the best Main Event we have put on in over a year, and that’s despite Panda Mask having an off night. This match justified my choice of putting the title back on Justin, which I had been having doubts about after last shows match.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 18:27


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: Cheetah Boy vs Simon Ice


Next Time: Finally a good Main Event, and a really good show! And that's while missing two of the companies top stars. Can Danny build on this?

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A lot of contract talks over the past few weeks. I managed to extend the deals of Joffy Laine, my New York Champion Nigel Svensson and my colour commentator Sara Silver. Joffy and Nigel retained the same deals as they had before, with Sara demanding a raise.


Unfortunately we would be losing two members of the roster in the next month. One was a long serving BAW wrestler, and I had once planned the other to be a future champ. I didn’t particularly want to lose either, but I couldn’t justify paying either the amount of money they were asking for.



BAW One Step Closer #30

Nigel Svensson vs The Masked Outlaw (New York Championship)

Panda Mask II vs Hijo Del Americana

Joffy Laine vs Donte Dunn

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher

Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)


bonus: can you guess the two wrestlers leaving next month?


Prediction Results

BAW Call To Arms #9

borman 48 6/6

Zergon 6/6

1234 5/6


This Year

1234 85/94

Zergon 77/88

funkyzafara 76/88

borman 48 70/77

Michigan Hero 8/12

Raijin Samurai 5/6

BHK1978 4/6

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Nigel Svensson vs The Masked Outlaw (New York Championship)

Mistake or not Svensson isn´t losing the title here


Panda Mask II vs Hijo Del Americana

Hijo is jobber


Joffy Laine vs Donte Dunn

Joffy is jobber


Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher

DeCipher is...well you know by now


Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

Sanders gets a push


El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

No title change yet


bonus: can you guess the two wrestlers leaving next month? Outlaw and Mitico Jr.

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