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BAW: One man's dream

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Nigel Svennsson vs El Ladron

Ladron is coming off an unsuccessful title defence, so needs some momentum. Plus he's probably more popular.


Ant-Man vs Dermott Ayres

I like Ant-Man more.


Mr Lucha III vs The Masked Outlaw

Outlaw has been letting you down recently, and both wrestlers are popular enough to win, so this is most likely going Lucha's way.


Brendan Idol vs Davis Wayne Newton

Since DWN is leaving Idol is favourate to win, since its a title match Idol is guarenteed to win. Unless your lying and are going to pull a Punk on us.

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Nigel Svennsson vs El Ladron


I do like Nigel more but I think that El Ladron should win this one.


Ant-Man vs Dermott Ayres


Ant I believe is more popular in the US.


Mr Lucha III vs The Masked Outlaw



Brendan Idol vs Davis Wayne Newton

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Nigel Svennsson vs El Ladron

I go with Svensson here mainly bacause I don´t really know much about Ladron

Ant-Man vs Dermott Ayres

Ant-Man seems to be obe of the forum favorites and he´s quite giid as well.

Mr Lucha III vs The Masked Outlaw

You hinted that you aren´t happy on Outlaw´s performance so far so I doubt he gets a win against another main eventer


Brendan Idol vs Davis Wayne Newton (BAW Championship)

Too early to change champ even if Idol haven´t been on his top contition lately and since DWN is leaving he obivously isn´t getting the title here at any case.

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Nigel Svennsson vs El Ladron

By submission!

Ant-Man vs Dermott Ayres

He's small. He's strong. What's not to like?

Mr Lucha III vs The Masked Outlaw

Dunno much about them, but Luchador's are always my favorites ^^

Brendan Idol vs Davis Wayne Newton (BAW Championship)

Giving the leaving guy the championship? Yeah, right.

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BAW One Step Closer #4

Week 3, July 2010

The Weston Gymnasium, New Jersey

Attendance: 30



The backstage atmosphere was about the same as ever, that’s to say not great. Noel Madden was being his rude and sullen self, and June was just as distant as usual. Luckily I had Firefly, Svennsson, Mr Lucha and Davis Wayne Newton to help me try and pick people’s spirits up.


Main Show:

Nigel Svensson vs El Ladron

I put these two in a submission match to open the show up, hoping that Svenssonn’s Technical skills would carry this to a decent match. Unfortunately they didn’t, and this wasn’t a great opener. Not as bad as last week’s Main Event, but still a poor match. Svenssonn picked up the victory.


Winner: Nigel Svensson in 9:25

Ant-Man vs Dermott Ayres

Wow, this was just bad. I’m not really sure why, as their chemistry didn’t look like it was a problem. I’m starting to think that Ayres just isn’t up to it, whatever my ‘creative’ say about him being a Hot Prospect. Ant-Man picked up the win.


Winner: Ant-Man in 9:07

Brendan Idol Angle

Brendan Idol enters the ring to the applause of the crowd.


Idol: “Last week Davis Wayne Newton claimed he was going to take my BAW Championship away from me, but he overlooked two very important points. Firstly, I am the only man who has ever held this title. Since I won this title back at Golden Opportunity, I have carried it with a sense of pride. Proud that I will go down in the record books as the inaugural Champion of this company, an honour nobody can take away from me.”


He pauses as the crowd cheers.


Idol: “On top of that Davis, you’re overlooking the reason I hold this belt. I am undefeated in BAW! Guy after guy has come after me, and one by one every single one of them has fallen.”


Crowd cheers.


Idol: “Let me take you back Davis. Let me take you back to the inaugural BAW show, back to Guilty Pleasure. It was Brendan Idol vs Davis Wayne Newton in the Main Event, and I was the man who picked up the win. What makes you think tonight’s match will end any differently?”


Brendan Idol and holds the belt up to the crowd.


Idol: “Tonight this belt will be hanging high above the ring, and it will just be Davis Wayne Newton, myself and a Ladder. Now Davis, I won this title in a Ladder match back in February, and tonight will end the same way: with Brendan Idol standing high above the ring, holding the BAW Championship high.”


Crowd cheers as Idol drops the mic and makes his way towards the back, high-fiving fans on the way.


Notes: Brendan Idol’s the most over guy in the company, and I tried to exploit that in this segment. It didn’t go over badly, certainly much better than the promo’s of recent weeks and certainly much better than any of the matches so far tonight.

Mr Lucha III vs The Masked Outlaw

I was worried about this match being too short for a semi-main event, but this match was the best of the night so far. That wasn’t saying much though. I had hoped for slightly more from two Main Eventers, but considering the crowd was cold it didn’t go over too badly. Mr Lucha picked up the win.


Winner: Mr Lucha III in 6:23

© Brendan Idol vs Davis Wayne Newton

For The BAW Championship

I had a lot riding on this match. The show hadn’t been up to scratch so far and I needed a blow out Main Event to save it. Luckily these two pulled it out of the bag, and put on the best match BAW had ever seen. While I thoroughly enjoyed the match, it only reminded me how big a hole Davis was leaving in our roster.


Brendan Idol can consider himself lucky, my original plan was to have him drop the title to Davis after disappointing for the last 2 weeks. However, with DWN leaving, that was no longer an option so I had him retain. By putting this good a match on, Brendan’s just bought himself an extension to his title reign.


To send Davis out with a bang (you can thank me later CGC), I decided to make this a Ladder match. We slow built it, and the crowd really got into it. Davis twice looked as if he would retrieve the belt, only for Idol to make a last minute save. In the end though, it was Idol to retrieved the belt to defend his title for the third time. This match not only saved the show from bombing, but quite possibly turned it into our best show yet!


Winner: Brendan Idol in 16:59


Match of the night: Main Event

Trash of the night: Ant-Man vs Dermott Ayres


Next time: Will Danny be able to find anyone to replace DWN? If not, is anyone on the current roster ready to step up and fill his shoes?

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The creative meeting the day after the show was certainly interesting. While Harvey was happy with the success of our last show, particularly the Main Event, he also shared my concern of how we should replace Davis Wayne Newton. We ran through a few possibilities, none of which we were particularly excited about. Harvey then told me we had lost $4,610 on the last show and we called it a day.


On my walk home, I picked up my traditional local paper to check how they rated our show...






We had put on as good a show as PSW had! This was the first time we had matched either of the other Tri-State promotions in terms of show rating, well at least in this paper. Feeling slightly more optimistic than I had been, I turned my attention back to how to replace DWN...

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Wow, what a month! I had forgotten just how little we were paying Davis Wayne Newton (200 P.P.A plus travel expenses). To get anyone anywhere near his ability, people seemed to want at least 4 times that much. I spent the entire month negotiating with wrestlers of a variety of standards. After my number one target Joey Beauchamp turned me down, I began to get genuinely concerned that we wouldn’t be able to sign anybody in time for our next show. I didn’t want Harvey on my back about a small roster again.


In the end I had to settle for signing a young kid, Donte Dunn. He wasn’t a star by any means, or even a natural heel but he’d have to do. At least he was cheap.


No sooner had I finished dealing with one problem, another pops up. CZCW had made an offer for my Champion Brendan Idol! My Main Event Scene was bare enough as it was, I couldn’t afford any clashes of shows and lose 1 of only 2 genuine Main Eventers I currently had. The day before our next show, Brendan came into my office to inform me that he had accepted a P.P.A contract with CZCW and that they were now his main priority. I guess there was nothing I could do about it, at least we hadn’t lost him. It just meant I had to check our show date against yet another company from now on.


I realised that losing Davis meant I needed a roster reshuffle, I quickly jotted a few ideas down and eventually settled on this


Main Event – Brendan Idol (Face), Mr Lucha III (Face), The Masked Outlaw (Heel), Nigel Svennsson (Face)

Upper Midcard – Ant-Man (Face), Amazing Fire Fly (Face), Cal Sanders (Face), Jayson Van Pelt (Heel), El Ladron (Heel)

Midcard – Stretch The Chicken Boy (Face), Dermott Ayres (Heel)

Lower Midcard – Donte Dunn (Heel)


Right, so that roster.... sucks! For a start Nigel Svennsson shouldn’t be anywhere near the Main Event with only one win under his belt, and my only Main Event Heel couldn’t last more than minutes in a match! I had a few contracts up soon, so I’d have to have another reshuffle then, and hopefully a decent Heel will be available by then....



BAW One Step Closer #5

Cal Sanders vs El Ladron

Stretch the Chicken Boy vs Jason Van Pelt

Mr Lucha III vs Donte Dunn

Brendan Idol vs The Masked Outlaw (for the BAW Championship)

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Cal Sanders vs El Ladron

I would normally go with Sanders but you seem to be a little face heavy on top so heels need wins more unless you either turn someone or hire a new heel guy.


Stretch the Chicken Boy vs Jason Van Pelt

No-way I predict Chicken Boy to win a match, unless there really isn´t any other choice.


Mr Lucha III vs Donte Dunn

Lucha is main eventer so he isn´t loosing to Dunn

Brendan Idol vs The Masked Outlaw (for the BAW Championship)

Theorically since your best guys seems to be faces at the moment a heel would be a good option as a champ, but I´m not convinced that Outlaw (or anyone of your current heels) is good enough as a champ so I go with Idol retaining for now

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Cal Sanders vs El Ladron

I was shocked to see him go down to Svenson, so i cant be completly sure, but im backing Ladron here.


Stretch the Chicken Boy vs Jason Van Pelt

Stretch the Chicken Boy winning...Yeah Right.


Mr Lucha III vs Donte Dunn

Lucha is much more popular so im picking him. Although you could go with Dunn since its his debut and you need heels.


Brendan Idol vs The Masked Outlaw (for the BAW Championship)

Champion vs Dissapointment, i know who im picking :p

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I should have went with Nigel for the victory!


Cal Sanders vs El Ladron


To make up for his loss against Nigel.


Stretch the Chicken Boy vs Jason Van Pelt


I just can't see any world where Stretch gets a victory over Jason.


Mr Lucha III vs Donte Dunn


Brendan Idol vs The Masked Outlaw (for the BAW Championship)

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Oops forgot to put prediction results up xD Here they are.



This Month

Zergon 4/4

funkyzafara 4/4

1234 3/4

BHK1978 2/4



1234 20/24

Zergon 18/20

BHK1978 12/16

John Lions 7/8

funkyzafara 4/4

juggaloninjalee 1/4

Maxx Hexx 1/4


Thanks for predicting guys, well done to Zergon and funkyzafara for getting all 4 right this month. :)


Thanks to everyone who'd put predictions in for next months show, hope to see a few more in before it goes up tomorrow :)

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BAW One Step Closer #5

Cal Sanders vs El Ladron

You need some charismatic figures, and Cal Sanders doesn't have that.

Stretch the Chicken Boy vs Jason Van Pelt

He's got cool hair, plus he usually turns out great later on.

Mr Lucha III vs Donte Dunn

Even a debuting lower midcarder wont win over a Main Eventer

Brendan Idol vs The Masked Outlaw (for the BAW Championship)

Not much to be said :p

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BAW One Step Closer #5

Week 3, August 2010

The Weston Gymnasium, New Jersey

Attendance: 38



Wow, I forgot how good an influence Davis was backstage. The new kid seems like a nice enough guy, but he just doesn’t quite have the same effect on the guys that Davis had.


Main Show:

Cal Sanders vs El Ladron

I opened up with a No Disqualification match between these two, and they didn’t put a great match on. El Ladron picked up the pinfall, using the ropes for leverage.


Winner: El Ladron in 8:51

Stretch The Chicken Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt

This was bad. It probably didn’t help that Stretch had an off-night. The boy can’t wrestle on his best night, so this was just awful. Jayson picked up the victory, but I’m not sure how much this will actually help him.


Winner: Jayson Van Pelt in 7:01

Brendan Idol Promo

Brendan Idol makes his way to the ring to a warm round of applause.


Idol: “Last month, I successfully defended my title against Davis Wayne Newton. As a result I am still undefeated in BAW, and I am still your BAW Champion!”


Crowd cheers.


Idol: “This month I will be defending my title once again, against The Masked Outlaw. I’ve faced The Masked Outlaw once before and walked away victorious. It’s not going to be easy, but tonight I plan to walk away victorious once again.”


The crowd cheers, as Brendan Idol makes his way to the back.

Notes: Not a bad promo from Idol. Certainly better than the matches we’ve put on so far.

Mr Lucha III vs Donte Dunn

Okay, now this went better than I expected. Maybe Donte Dunn has more to him than I anticipated. This is easily the highlight of the show so far, and is in serious danger of overshadowing the Main Event. Mr Lucha picked up the victory, but both men came out of this one looking good.


Winner: Mr Lucha III in 10:06

© Brendan Idol vs The Masked Outlaw

For The BAW Championship

Outlaw is my last remaining Main Event Heel, so I had to see if he could last a Main Event length match. I slow built and scripted it to try and help him, but well... it didn’t work. This was a poor match, which was nowhere near as good as the match between Lucha and Dunn. These two had a lack of Psychology, and Outlaw looked really tired by the end.


This left me with a big problem; not only did it bring down the event, but it also meant I had no legitimate challengers ready for Idol’s belt. That was something I would have to address quickly. Oh, and Idol retained.


Winner: Brendan Idol in 16:26


Match of the night: Mr Lucha III vs Donte Dunn

Trash of the night: Stretch The Chicken Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt


Next time: Will Danny be able to find a credible challenger for Idol’s belt?

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At ‘Creative’ the next day, we discussed the last show. Me and Harvey were particularly worried about the lack of Main Event quality Heel’s in the promotion. However, as Harvey pointed out; the show probably didn’t do us any harm, even if it wasn’t up to our normal standards. We also recognised that Donte Dunn’s match with Mr Lucha had been a bonus.


Harvey then moved onto the finances and informed me that we had lost $4,402 on the last show. While our losses had dropped from when we first started, Harvey still wasn’t overly happy. With Mark’s financial goal in the back of my mind, I agreed with his request to raise ticket prices by $1. Although the economy was falling, a buck couldn’t hurt could it?


After the creative meeting, I picked up my monthly copy of the local paper. This only served to confirm what I already knew.






An E+? We had really fallen from the previous months rating, and how had NYCW manage to put on a C- show? This certainly didn’t make for pleasant reader... next month I’d have to ensure that we put on a better show...



This Month

Zergon 4/4

1234 4/4

BHK1978 4/4

funkyzafara 4/4



1234 24/28

Zergon 22/24

BHK1978 16/18

funkyzafara 8/8

John Lions 7/8

juggaloninjalee 1/4

Maxx Hexx 1/4


Once again, thanks for predicting. Well done to everyone this month, all 4 of you got them all. I guess it was an easy show :p


I just remembered that I said I’ve give the top predictor some kind of reward at some point. At the start of next year, I’ll be introducing a secondary title belt (kind of like Intercontinental in WWE, or Global/X-Division in TNA). I don’t know if this is a reward, but I thought whoever was leading at the end of the year (after December show), would get to pick what type of belt was introduced. Name of it, any age/weight restrictions it may have etc. I don’t know if this is me having a good idea, or me just being plain lazy xD


So yeah let me know if you actually might want to do that, if not I’ll try to think of something else :)

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OOC: Thanks for the kind words :)


I started the month by giving Mark a call. We had a long talk about how things were going so far, and on the whole he gave me a positive assessment. He told me he had been to a few of the shows, and had been quite impressed with the talent I had signed and how I was booking them.


Feeling more confident after my conversation with Mark, I noticed that we had a lot of contracts that ran at the beginning of next month. Over the next few days I began to contact people about negotiating new deals. I also renewed my search for a new Main Event Heel.


I must have talked to 5 or 6 guys about signing on as our new lead Heel, but all of them just wanted too much money. We were still just a local promotion, and paying $900 a night just wasn’t viable for us. One guy we held serious talks with was Danny Patterson, but his demands that we pay his travel costs (over $400 a show) stopped us from reaching an agreement. Shame, because the guy was a monster. I had massive plans of what I could have done with him... oh well.


Before I heard about any of our contract negotiations, I was told that Jayson Van Pelt had extended his deal with ACPW... good for him. When I finally heard back from Ant-Man he quickly signed an extension, at the same wage he’d been on before. Time Weightman, my Colour guy quickly followed suit.


I also extended Brendan Idol’s contract, well he is the champ I couldn’t just let him go. I had to give him a slight raise, but I guess he’s earned it.


After securing Brendan’s new contract, I had one more look at available Heel’s. I sent offers out to two guys, and heard back from both of them fairly quickly. The first guy wanted over $1,000 a show, so I ended that one quite promptly. The second guy however, was far more reasonable. $400 and travel expenses... okay, deal. I’d finally found my new Main Event Heel!



BAW One Step Closer #6

Mr Lucha III vs Jayson Van Pelt

Amazing Fire Fly vs El Ladron

Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn (non-title)

Ant Man vs ???


Bonus Point: Can you guess my new signing?

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Mr Lucha III vs Jayson Van Pelt

Lucha is higher on the card right now and he have been quite strong so far.


Amazing Fire Fly vs El Ladron

Ladron will pick up another win here and likely challenge Idol for the title at some point.


Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn (non-title)

Idol wins even though it´s non-title. I presume you just want to check how good match Dunn can have with Idol after him being better than expected last month.


Ant Man vs ???

Mystery guys usually win anyway and since this particular guy will be your number one heel he will definitely win here


Oddly enough I don´t have much idea about U.S.A wrestlers (never played any U.S.A based promotion) so I just skip that ponus point question since I got it wrong anyway :p.

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Mr Lucha III vs Jayson Van Pelt


I could see Jayson getting a win here and maybe becoming a big time heel but I just do not think the time is right.


Amazing Fire Fly vs El Ladron


This could really go either way in my opinion.


Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn (non-title)


Non-Title usually means the challenger has a chance of winning but I am not sure if that is the case here.


Ant Man vs ???


Poor Ant Man is going to have to lose to the newcomer.


Bonus Point: Can you guess my new signing?


I am so bad at this, I will give you my stock answer of Bruiser Brody (yes I know he was a real person but he is as good of a guess as any).

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Mr Lucha III vs Jayson Van Pelt

Youve got your new heel so i guess Lucha will be kept strong.


Amazing Fire Fly vs El Ladron

Ladron is a heel so of more use to you.


Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn (non-title)

Could go either way, Idol to keep your champion undefeated or Dunn as he impressed last show and could be worked up to the ME. Going with my gut.


Ant Man vs ???

Your new ME heel wont lose in his debut, sorry Ant-Man.


Since i havent played the original mod im just guessing based on a quick search, Mainstream Hernandez is my guess.

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BAW One Step Closer #6

Mr Lucha III vs Jayson Van Pelt

Again, he's a main eventer while Jayson's not.

Amazing Fire Fly vs El Ladron


Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn (non-title)

Why else would it be non-title?

Ant Man vs ???

Good ol' Mr. ???


I have no idea who your new heel is.. I'm gonna guess for: El Mitico (probably not a main eventer, but he's so awesome :p)

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Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn (non-title)

Why else would it be non-title?


I made that mistake before the first time Idol fought Outlaw...so ill be annoyed if ive got it wrong this time around.

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BAW One Step Closer #6

Week 3, September 2010

The Weston Gymnasium, New Jersey

Attendance: 43



We still didn’t have a great backstage, but it was no worse than normal. The same old characters proving problematic, and the same guys helping me pick spirits up.


Main Show:

Mr Lucha III vs Jayson Van Pelt

This has always been a solid enough opener for me, and tonight these two took it to a new level. This match wouldn’t look out of place as a Main Event for our promotion, and was certainly better than last week’s Main Event. Mr Lucha III came out of this one the winner.


Winner: Mr Lucha III in 7:55

Amazing Fire Fly vs El Ladron

Okay this wasn’t a good match between the two masked luchadores. I’m beginning to doubt if El Ladron has it, as he hasn’t been involved in a good match yet. Despite this being a short match, there was a lack of flow. Fire Fly picked up the win.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 6:39

Brendan Idol Promo

Idol makes his way to the ring, to a warm reaction from the crowd.


Idol: “Last week saw the BAW debut of a young man called Donte Dunn. He wrestled Mr Lucha III and put on a great match.”


Idol pauses.

Idol: “Now as BAW Champion, I feel it is my duty to see if this kid really ahs what it takes to make it in this company. For that reason I’m going to be taking Donte Dunn on in a non-title match right now! Donte, get out here and show me what you’ve got!”


The crowd cheers, and Brendan Idol drops the mic and begins to loosen up for his match.

Notes: I don’t really have any guys who are particularly good on the mic at the moment. Brendan’s the most over guy in the company, so he’s going to be doing the majority of the mic work for the time being. This wasn’t a bad promo, and about what I expect out of the champ.

Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn

I made this match to see how Dunn would do against the champ, and I can say that Donte Dunn continues to impress me. It probably helps that he’s faced two of our top guys so far, but again he put in a good performance. One complaint I have against him so far is that he didn’t look comfortable going all out in this match. Despite that it was still a decent match, not as good as the opener, but not bad. Idol picked up the win.


Note: I didn’t put the title on the line here, for a number of reasons. Firstly, Donte is still young and this was only his second match. Secondly, he’s only in the Midcard and there are a lot of guys ahead of him in the pecking order. Finally, and maybe most importantly, because he’s so inexperienced I did have a worry that the match might bomb and ruin my title’s prestige. As it turns out I needn’t have worried, but I wasn’t willing to risk it.


Winner: Brendan Idol in 9:41

Ant-Man vs KC Glenn

I was worried these two might be overshadowed by the opener, but I needn’t have. This match blew the opener out of the water. This was right up there with our best ever matches, and a great debut for KC Glenn. Ant-Man seems to thrive on being in the Main Event, I’ll have to keep that in mind for the future. KC Glenn picked up the win on debut, and this was a good end to one of our better shows.


Winner: KC Glenn 17:54


Match of the night: Main Event

Trash of the night: Amazing Fire Fly vs El Ladron


Next time: That’s more like it! Danny’s got BAW back on track, can he keep it going?

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This month’s ‘Creative’ was much more positive than last month’s. We were all happy with the show the night before, and our two latest signings were looking like sound investments. On top of that, we had once again managed to draw our biggest ever crowd. More and more people were coming to the show every week. I know that 43 people isn’t a lot, but considering at the start of the year we were performing in front of 9... things were definitely on the up.


Harvey then informed me our price rise had been a success, as illustrated by the crowd. With KC Glenn arriving, and then Idol getting an improved contract we needed to raise as much money as possible. We lost $4276 on the last show, which is better than we normally do.


Happy with the way the meeting had gone, I picked up my traditional paper for the walk home. What I saw surprised me.






We had got about what I had expected for our show, but how had NYCW managed to get a C rated show? Those guys were improving, and right on PSW’s tails to be the biggest promotion in the Tri-State. Well, there was nothing I can do about those two, I just need to focus on putting on the best shows I can...



This Month

Zergon 3/4

BHK1978 3/4

1234 3/4

Funkyzafara 2/4



1234 27/32

Zergon 25/28

BHK1978 19/22

funkyzafara 10/12

John Lions 7/8

juggaloninjalee 1/4

Maxx Hexx 1/4


Thanks for predicting again guys :) No-one got all 4 this month, with you all expecting El Ladron to pick up the win over Fire Fly. Also none of you picked KC Glenn as my debuting Heel, but I guess that was quite a hard one to get. :p

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Wow, October was a very busy month. In the first week of the month I spoke to no less than 4 workers about renewing their deals with BAW. The Masked Outlaw (K-Squared) was the first to sign a new contract, accepting the same terms as he was on before. Then Nigel Svennsson agreed to drop the travel costs from his previous contract, which was a bonus. Next Cal Sanders came in to my office and agreed to drop his travel costs as well! Just as well, because otherwise I probably would have let him go. So far, things were going swimmingly.


Then we hit a road bump. Jayson Van Pelt decided that he now wanted over double what he had originally signed with us. I decided to call off negotiations for the moment, and to have a look around at who we could pick up for a similar price.


I also decided to let 2 workers go. El Ladron was released. I had high hopes for him when he first signed, but he hadn’t put on the types of matches I hoped he would. I wouldn’t class any of his matches in BAW as even decent. I also let June our Road Agent go. June and I had never really seen eye to eye, and she never really bought anything to the table at our ‘Creative’ meetings. I wasn’t too worried to see her go.


I spent the next couple of weeks contacting possible new Heel’s and Road Agents. I quickly found a new Road Agent in Dylan Sidle. Dylan was going to cost slightly more than June had, but I hoped he could add a little something extra to our matches.


My search for a new Heel wasn’t going quite so well. It seemed anyone with any sort of talent wanted to receive more than most of my Main Eventers are currently earning. Eventually I signed a young guy called Morgan Malone. He was still quite green, but could probably do a job in our Heel Midcard.


A few days before our next show, I received a memo that Mr Lucha’s contract would run in a month’s time. I called Lucha to my office, and after some hard negotiating we came to a deal. Mr Lucha’s success in the last few months seemed to have gone to his head, and the guy wanted a much improved contract. I guess I can’t blame him, but it now means that he is the joint highest paid wrestler in the company (along with KC Glenn).


After a month of searching and finding nothing, I contacted Jayson again and signed the deal. It meant that he was now being paid more than The Masked Outlaw, who was a Main Eventer. Jayson had a lot to prove...



BAW One Step Closer #7

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Ant Man vs Morgan Malone

Nigel Svennsson vs The Masked Outlaw

Mr Lucha III vs KC Glenn (Number One Contenders Match)

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