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BAW One Step Closer #12

Extraordinario Jr vs Outlaw

Giving him more wins, because he's cool.

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

You COULD put Dunn over, but if he's leaving either way, job him out.

Nigel Svennsson vs ???

I love me some Nigel.

??? vs DeCipher

Mr. Jobber loses again.

Idol vs Jayson Van Pelt

Jayson is not good enough.

Mr Lucha vs Glenn

Glenn Retains.

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Extraordinario Jr vs Outlaw

This match shows how much your going to push Extraordinario since Outlaw is quite high on card and has performed better lately


Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Dunn has performed better so far


Nigel Svennsson vs ???

I´m quite high on Svensson after he performed so well for me in my last diary so I take a risk and vote against mystery man


??? vs DeCipher

I go with mystery man


Idol vs Jayson Van Pelt

Van Pelt isn´t big enough name to go over your former champ


Mr Lucha vs Glenn

not sure if this is a title match or not but I go with Glenn to play safe.

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Extraordinario Jr vs Outlaw

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Cal is mainly a jobber


Nigel Svennsson vs ???

Cos it's Nigel :D


??? vs DeCipher

DeCipher mainly jobs, From what i have seen.


Idol vs Jayson Van

He does appear to be one of the promotions main figures.


Mr Lucha vs Glenn

Because he is all kinds of epic.


First time predictor, But I have followed the diary for quite a while, It's awesome :)

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BAW One Step Closer #12

Week 3, March 2011

The Weston Gymnasium, New Jersey

Attendance: 107 (!)



My backstage environment seems to be improving by the week! Going into our first 90 minute show, everybody seemed really pumped up. Hopefully this would translate into a great show...


Main Show:

Extraordinario Jr vs The Masked Outlaw

I open up with these two to try and get the show off to a big start, and they pull it off... putting on a good match. The fact they manage this even with Outlaw having an off night is even more impressive. Extraordinario picked up the win to help build his momentum.


Winner: Extraordinario Jr in 8:42

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Cal is one of the best guys on the roster when it comes to in-ring Psychology. I put Donte up against him in the hope that some of Cal’s skills may rub off on the youngster. Unfortunately I don’t think Donte learned anything, meaning I had 2 shows left to try and get the kid to learn some Psychology or Mark wouldn’t let me keep him.


The match itself was much better than I expected, on a par with our opener. This only helped the accentuate the fact that I needed Donte to learn... and quickly!


Winner: Donte Dunn in 7:56

Mr Lucha Promo

Lucha: “I have been at BAW a long time now, and tonight I have been granted my very first match for the BAW Championship.”


Crowd cheers.


Lucha: “Now I came to BAW to fight the best wrestlers that the company had to offer. Fighting KC Glenn tonight will give me the chance to prove to myself and to all of you fans, that I am in fact the most talented wrestler in this company.”


He pauses, and waits for the crowd to settle down.


Lucha: “The path has been difficult, and the journey long... but tonight, this adventurer will finally get his reward,”


Notes: Not a bad promo from Lucha. Showed he can pull out promos at the same quality as Idol and Glenn.

Nigel Svensson vs Steel

Steel didn’t have the best of debut’s against Nigel, in what was easily the trash of the night so far. I’m paying the guy a lot more than the rest of my midcard, so he needs to put in better efforts than this in future. Steel picked up the win.


Winner: Steel in 8:11

Glenn/Sozen Promo

Glenn: “So, Mr Lucha III thinks he can take my title off me tonight?”


Crowd cheers at the mention of Lucha’s name. This visibly annoys Glenn, who turns his attention to the crowd.


Glenn: “You can cheer all you want, but this title’s going nowhere tonight except back around my waist. That’s a guarantee.”


Crowd boos the champ.

Glenn: “You see, ever since I arrived at BAW, nobody on this roster has been able to keep up with me. Hell nobody has even been able to push me beyond second gear! On top of that, with Sozen here it’s completely at my discretion if my opponents even make it to their title match in one piece!”


Crowd boos, as Sozen stands behind Glenn looking menacing.

Glenn: “Tonight though, I’m feeling generous enough to let Mr Lucha reach the Main Event unharmed. That way, when I pin him in the middle of this ring... he’ll have nobody to blame but himself.”


Notes: This was the best promo anyone has ever put on in BAW. That’s not to say it was brilliant, but it certainly wasn’t bad.

Nathaniel Ca$ino vs DeCipher

Wow, this was a poor match. Although the match wasn’t particularly long, both guys looked tired by the end... and both of their gimmicks bombed. This match took trash of the night from the Steel/Svensson match. DeCipher picked up the win, but I expected better.


Winner: DeCipher in 7:46

Brendan Idol vs Jayson Van Pelt

Onto the first of our big matches for the night. These two managed to put in a good performance, despite Jayson being off his game. Brendan Idol picked up the win with an Idoliser.


Winner: Brendan Idol in 12:41

Mr Lucha vs KC Glenn ©

BAW Championship

Onto our Main Event! I expected big things from these two, and they didn’t disappoint! This was easily the best match BAW has ever put on. I let them go longer than their last meeting, and the match being for the title helped boost the match as well. These two went for nearly 20 minutes, before a ref bump allowed Glenn to strike Lucha with the title belt to pick up a cheap victory. The crowd really bought into, sending a lot of heat KC Glenn’s way.


Once again Harvey did a weak job of announcing. He really needs to improve if we want to continue growing. Still, that was a problem for another day... we had just put on our best ever show!


Winner: KC Glenn in 19:32


Match of the night: Main Event

Trash of the night: Nathaniel Ca$ino vs DeCipher


Next time: Can Danny keep the quality up in next month’s event? How will Lucha react to Glenn’s cheap win? and will Donte Dunn learn to show Psychology quickly enough to stay in BAW?

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I had to say that our first 90 minute show went better than I could have hoped. Not only did we put on our best ever show, we also had a bumper crowd to watch it. I had been worried that the crowd may drop due to the increase in ticket prices Harvey had insisted on, so to see an attendance of nearly double what we did the previous week was amazing.


At ‘Creative’, Harvey raved about our bumper attendance and spent most of the meeting trying to come up with some new ideas to draw even more. As I pointed out, if we keep putting on shows like yesterdays, the crowds will continue to rise. As an afterthought, Harvey told me that we had lost just over $5000 on yesterdays show. That may sound like a lot, and it was more than we had been spending, but our sponsorship deal more than covered it.


I literally ran the entire way from ‘Creative’ to the paper stand. I couldn’t wait to see what they thought of yesterday’s show, and I wasn’t disappointed.







A C-! We had officially (kind of) put on a better show than PSW who were a Regional Company. I have to take my hat off to FREEDOM, a B- show is truly impressive for a company of their status. Still a C-, now how could we build on that....



This Month

BHK1978 4/6

1234 4/6

Zergon 4/6

funkyzafara 3/6

Animalxer 3/6


This Year

funkyzafara 11/14

1234 11/14

Zergon 11/14

BHK1978 11/14

Michigan Hero 4/4

flat doughnut 3/4

Animalxer 3/6


Thanks for predicting guys :) Perfect months will be harder now with the longer card, and nobody got all 6 this month. Still a 4 way tie at the top makes thing interesting xD

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I started the month with a phone call to Mark in which, for a lack of a better term, I begged him to drop his stance on workers with poor in-ring Psychology. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t budge. This meant I had two shows to try and improve Donte Dunn’s psychology to the acceptable level. It would be damned difficult, but I had to try.


I spent the rest of the month trying to work out how I could give Donte the best chance I could. Eventually I settled on what I thought was the best option, damn it was going to be expensive though. If Donte didn’t learn some psychology in a tag match with my 3 most gifted in-ring guys, he never would. Hell, after the ending of last month’s title match, I could even justify it. I just hope this works...



BAW One Step Closer #13

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher (New York Championship)

Nathanial Ca$ino vs Steel

Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

Brendan Idol vs The Masked Outlaw

Extraordinario Jr & Mr Lucha III vs KC Glenn & Donte Dunn

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BAW One Step Closer #13

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher (New York Championship)


Nathanial Ca$ino vs Steel

Brute push!

Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

Jayson is a young prospect.

Brendan Idol vs The Masked Outlaw

Brendan Idol is a nice guy!

Extraordinario Jr & Mr Lucha III vs KC Glenn & Donte Dunn

If faces win, they can do a triangle match.

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BAW One Step Closer #13

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher (New York Championship)


Nathanial Ca$ino vs Steel


Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt


Brendan Idol vs The Masked Outlaw



Extraordinario Jr & Mr Lucha III vs KC Glenn & Donte Dunn


Sadly I don't think that Donte will get to the level where you can keep him.

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Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher (New York Championship)

Standard title defence


Nathanial Ca$ino vs Steel

Steel won his debut match so I presume he is higher on ladders


Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

Time to give Sanders a win


Brendan Idol vs The Masked Outlaw

Idol is still one of your top guys


Extraordinario Jr & Mr Lucha III vs KC Glenn & Donte Dunn

Lucha picks up a win over Glenn here and since Dunn might have to go there´s no point of letting him win here.

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BAW One Step Closer #13

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher (New York Championship)

Champ should retain here.


Nathanial Ca$ino vs Steel

Go go monster heel push!


Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

Cal is pretty average, To me at least.


Brendan Idol vs The Masked Outlaw

Keep the former champ strong.


Extraordinario Jr & Mr Lucha III vs KC Glenn & Donte Dunn

No idea on this one, Sorry. Just gonna have to agree with the masses.

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Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher (New York Championship)

Nathanial Ca$ino vs Steel

Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

Brendan Idol vs The Masked Outlaw

Extraordinario Jr & Mr Lucha III vs KC Glenn & Donte Dunn

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BAW One Step Closer #13

Week 3, April 2011

The Weston Gymnasium, New Jersey

Attendance: 83


My backstage just keeps improving. This week I overheard Dylan Sidle and K-Squared (The Masked Outlaw) having an in-depth conversation about their shared love of classical music. I also had a conversation with Steel for the first time, turns out he’s a really nice guy.


Main Show:

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher

New York Championship

A good opener from these two, I’ll admit that it was better than I expected. DeCipher showing that he is better than his performance last week. In the end though, it was Fire Fly who picked up the victory to retain his title.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 7:36

Mr Lucha/Extraordinario Jr Promo

Lucha and Extraordinario make their way down to the ring.


Lucha: “Did you really think I would just walk away KC Glenn? Did you think I would just leave you alone after the way you picked up the win last month in our title match?”


Crowd boos at the mention of Glenn’s cheating last month.


Lucha: “Well KC Glenn I’m not going anywhere! Extraordinario here is just as disgusted by your actions as I am. So tonight you’ll need find yourself a tag team partner, because Glenn... we’re coming for you!”

Notes: Why was this angle hurt by Extraordinario’s language difficulties? He didn’t actually say anything... Not a great promo by these two...

Nathaniel Ca$ino vs Steel

This was a really poor match from these two. These two have both struggled since joining, and this match didn’t do anything to impress me. It was Steel who picked up the win.


Winner: Steel in 7:47

Glenn Promo

Glenn makes his way to the ring to chorus of boos.


Glenn: “It’s very brave of you Lucha, to challenge me to a tag team match when you know my associate isn’t in the country... but it’s okay. Don’t worry, don’t worry! I’ve found myself a partner for tonight, and this kid is fired up for tonight’s Main Event. It’s Donte Dunn’s chance to prove to all of you that he is Main Event material.”


Crowd boo’s at Donte Dunn’s name.


Glenn: “Combine that kind of incentive with my natural talent, and Lucha you have no chance. Tonight, I will prove once and for all what I showed last month. That I am better than you!”

Notes: This was a good promo from the champ, certainly much better than Lucha and Extraordinario’s earlier in the night.

Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

Not a bad match from these two, not great but not bad. Jayson picked up the win to try and make him look like a credible challenger for Fire Fly.


Winner: Jayson Van Pelt in 8:24

Brendan Idol vs The Masked Outlaw

Wow, this just wasn’t very good... and I’m not quite sure why. Outlaw had been better over the last few weeks, so I thought I could trust him to do a decent job to Idol in the semi-main... but apparently not. This put a lot of pressure on my Main Event.


Winner: Brendan Idol in 16:18

Extraordinario Jr & Mr Lucha III vs KC Glenn & Donte Dunn

This was a good match, but annoyingly I don’t think Donte learned anything from it... which was kind of the whole point of the match. Extraordinario Jr and Mr Lucha III picked up the victory in an attempt to push them both as credible challengers to KC Glenn, with Lucha getting the pin on Dunn.


Winner: Extraordinario Jr & Mr Lucha III in 21:01


Match of the night: Main Event

Trash of the night: Brendan Idol vs The Masked Outlaw


Next time: With Donte not picking up the Psychology he needed, what does the next event hold in store for him?

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This month’s ‘Creative’ was spent discussing the possibility of running two shows a month. Harvey told me that at the moment, he didn’t think it would be the best idea. However, he did promise me that at the start of next year we could start, after we had spent the rest of this year building up our bank balance. He then told me that the show had cost us $4,963 this month, which was an improvement on last month’s show.


This is what the paper had to say about the regions show for March...







Another decent show from us, but we are still too small a company to compete with the other 3 on a regular basis. Hopefully by the end of the year, we could change that...



This Month

funkyzafara 5/5

BHK1978 5/5

Animalxer 5/5

1234 5/5

Zergon 4/5


This Year

funkyzafara 16/19

1234 16/19

BHK1978 16/19

Zergon 15/19

Animalxer 8/11

Michigan Hero 4/4

flat doughnut 3/4


Thanks once again for predicting guys :) Well done to funkyzafara, BHK1978, Animalxer and 1234 who all got full marks this month :)

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At the start of the month, I received an email from Mark outlining a new goal he had for me. It seemed that he was less concerned with a worker’s safety now, and more concerned with a worker’s reputation within the industry. I have to say, that suited me just fine. The only person on the current roster with a poor reputation in the industry was me, and that was mostly because nobody knew who I was.


A week later WLW came in with an offer for Extraordinario Jr. Now, WLW are a cult promotion, so I was worried for a few days that we may be losing Extraordinario for good. However, he eventually came in and told me that it was just on a PPA contract. Good, he was one guy I certainly didn’t want to lose.


Dermott Ayres contract also ran this month, and I decided to let him go. While it was true that I was losing Donte Dunn as well next month, there were dozens of guys out there who could probably do a better job than Ayres had done in his matches here.


BAW One Step Closer #14

Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn

Amazing Fire Fly vs Steel (New York Championship)

Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher

Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

Mr Lucha III vs Jayson Van Pelt

Extraordinario Jr vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

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Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn

Dunn is leaving so he isn´t going over Idol here


Amazing Fire Fly vs Steel (New York Championship)

like you said Steel haven´t been impressing so far so he isn´t picking the title here


Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher

Little unlikely maybe, but I like Svensson so why not


Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

Outlaw picks up a somewhat rare win


Mr Lucha III vs Jayson Van Pelt

Lucha continues to win matches


Extraordinario Jr vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

You won´t be giving your main belt to a guy who no-one can understand

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BAW One Step Closer #14

Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn

Small chance you are keeping Dunn, so don't see him beating Idol.

Amazing Fire Fly vs Steel (New York Championship)

No need to destroy Fire Fly by having him lose.

Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher

Nigel is awesome!

Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

No need for Outlaw to win, ever.

Mr Lucha III vs Jayson Van Pelt

Jayson still needs to learn.

Extraordinario Jr vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

Glenn still not losing.

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Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn

Dunn's leaving so wont win over a top contender.


Amazing Fire Fly vs Steel (New York Championship)

Steel has been disappointing so wont get a belt.


Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher

Cant see DeCipher winning over someone who can replace Dunn quite well.


Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

Could Go either way, just a guess on this one really.


Mr Lucha III vs Jayson Van Pelt

Lucha gaining momentum.


Extraordinario Jr vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

Champion reigns supreme.

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Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn


Dunn is about to hit the door, this would be a great time to job his ass out.


Amazing Fire Fly vs Steel (New York Championship)


Screw that Lex Luger wanna be!


Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher


I like Nigel and that is my only reason for this pick.


Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw


I am not sure there will come a day when The Masked Outlaw wins.


Mr Lucha III vs Jayson Van Pelt


Extraordinario Jr vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

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BAW One Step Closer #14


Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn

Dunn is leaving, So Idol should go over


Amazing Fire Fly vs Steel (New York Championship)

Despite your pushing of Steel, He has been disappointing so far, While Amazing Fire Fly has been.. Well, Amazing.


Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher

I mark for Nigel :p


Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

Tough one, Neither is particularly good, But TMO is a Main Eventer.


Mr Lucha III vs Jayson Van Pelt

Keep his momentum going strong



Extraordinario Jr vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

Relatively routine defense for the champ.

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BAW One Step Closer #14

Week 3, May 2011

The Weston Gymnasium, New Jersey

Attendance: 111



Our backstage remained the positive place it has been for the last few weeks. Long may it continue.


Main Show:

Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn

These two put on a decent start to the show, despite Brendan being off his game tonight. Actually, it was Donte who looked the better of the... what? He actually learned Psychology from Idol? I put him in an expensive Main Event with my 3 best guys last week, and he learns the Psychology in a standard one on one match? Whatever, at least now Mark might let me keep him...


Winner: Brendan Idol in 8:58

Amazing Fire Fly vs Steel

New York Championship

Wait, where did this come from? This should have been the opener, as these two put on the better match. Hell this could have been the semi-main. Finally Steel put in a decent performance, even if it was Fire Fly who picked up the win.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 7:35


KC Glenn Promo

KC Glenn makes his way to the ring to a chorus of boos.


Glenn: “Last month, I was involved in a tag team match with Donte Dunn against Extraordinario Jr and Mr Lucha, and somehow those two mask wearing freaks won.”


Crowd cheers and begins to chant “loser” at Glenn.


Glenn: “No, no, no, I’m not a loser. You see it was Donte Dunn who was pinned last month, not me! Extraordinario Jr doesn’t seem to understand this however, and thinks that he deserves to challenge me for my title tonight.”


Crowd cheers.


Glenn: “What Extraordinario doesn’t realise is that Donte Dunn won’t be there to lose the match for me this time. This time it’s just going to be Extraordinario and myself, and when I’m in a one-on-one match... I don’t lose. Tonight will be no exception, I guarantee it.”

Notes: This was a poorly received angle, and I’m not really sure why. KC Glenn’s been reasonable on the mic over the last few weeks, and this wasn’t done any differently. Hopefully this wouldn’t drag the show down too much...

Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher

Right this didn’t work. I made this a Submission match in an attempt to showcase Nigel’s technical skills, but DeCipher just wasn’t up to it. Although it was a poor match, at least it looked as if DeCipher was learning from Nigel.


Winner: Nigel Svensson in 7:45

Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

Not a bad effort from these two, certainly better than the match before it. In the end, it was Cal Sanders who picked up the victory.


Winner: Cal Sanders in 6:51


Sozen/Sanders Beat Down

As Sanders stands in the ring celebrating, the giant Sozen Ishinomori hits the ring. He spends the next few minutes beating on Cal, before putting the exclamation point on with a huge double handed choke bomb.


Harvey: “Wow, Sozen Ishinomori just completely decimated Cal Sanders!”


Weightman: “You’re not wrong there Harvey, is there anybody who can stop this giant?”

Notes: Not a bad angle, certainly better than Glenn’s promo earlier.

Mr Lucha III vs Jayson Van Pelt

Good match from these two, best of the night so far. Hopefully this victory will help boost Lucha’s momentum back up after his loss to Glenn last month.


Winner: Mr Lucha III in 10:45

Extraordinario Jr vs KC Glenn

BAW Championship

After looking good and picking up a victory in last month’s tag team Main Event, I decided to give Extraordinario the chance to prove to me that he was worthy of a Main Event push. He didn’t let me down, putting on a good match with Glenn, that is easily the best match of the night.


The match was going Extraordinario’s way, until a high risk Moonsault took out both KC Glenn and the referee. With the ref down, KC Glenn grabbed his belt and struck Extraordinario in the head. The referee regained consciousness just in time to make the 3 count, meaning that KC Glenn once again retained.

Winner: KC Glenn in 19:32


Match of the night: Main Event

Trash of the night: Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher


Next time: Will Donte Dunn have improved enough in Psychology to allow Danny to keep hold of him? How will Extraordinario react to KC Glenn’s manner of victory?

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Going into ‘Creative’ this month, I had only one goal in mind: Talking Harvey into letting me keep Donte Dunn. In the end, it didn’t prove to be too difficult. Harvey had noticed the same improvements I had in Donte’s last match, so okayed me renewing his deal. The rest of creative was spent with Harvey raving about our new record attendance.


On my walk home I rang Donte to give him the good news, and to arrange contract talks. I also picked up my monthly paper.







We’re so close to challenging PSW and NYCW, if we could just up our game a tiny bit we could definitely beat at least one of the two on a fairly regular basis. That would have to be our aim over the next few months...



This Month

funkyzafara 6/6

1234 6/6

BHK1978 6/6

Zergon 5/6

Animalxer 5/6

flat doughnut 4/6


This Year

funkyzafara 22/25

1234 22/25

BHK1978 22/25

Zergon 20/25

Animalxer 13/17

flat doughnut 7/10

Michigan Hero 4/4


Once again thanks for the predictions. Well done to funkyzafara, 1234 and BHK1978 for getting all 6 this month, and for being tied at the top so far for the year!

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