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BAW: One man's dream

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To start the month, I quickly extended Donte Dunn’s deal, keeping him for another 9 months. He was even kind enough to drop the travel costs taht he had requested on his previous contract. That was the first piece of business in what proved to be a hectic month.


Next I extended the deals of Nigel Svensson, Cal Sanders and Dylan Sidle. Next was Brendan Idol, although he demanded a 5% cut of the merchandise sales.


Tim Weightman proved to be a problem however. I agree that the guy has been doing a good job, but he was now demanding TRIPLE what he had been earning! I just couldn’t justify it to myself, so I had to let him go. This was a shame, because as I said, he had been doing a good job on colour.


The main news in the wrestling world this month was NOTBPW’s successful rise to Global level. They had been putting on some fantastic shows recently, and everyone was waiting to see if they could now challenge the top two.


My search for a new colour commentator didn’t take too long, as a few days after Tim’s release I brought in Sara Silver to be our new colour commentator. I also managed to extend the deal of Jayson Van Pelt.


To round off the month, 4C came in with an offer for KC Glenn. They didn’t currently have any schedule conflicts with us, so it wasn’t anything I had to worry about at the moment.



BAW One Step Closer #15

Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn (New York Championship)

Cal Sanders vs Steel

Nathaniel Ca$ino vs Jayson Van Pelt

Chris Flynn vs The Masked Outlaw

Brendan Idol vs DeCipher

Mr Lucha III vs Extraordinario Jr vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

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BAW One Step Closer #15

Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn (New York Championship)

I originally choose Fire Fly, but you really loved Dunn, and now he's staying you may aswell put the belt on him.

Cal Sanders vs Steel

Steel showed you last week he can go places, now he just needs a monster push!

Nathaniel Ca$ino vs Jayson Van Pelt

Jayson needs a win to stay credible.

Chris Flynn vs The Masked Outlaw

Chriss Flynn is pretty good, just an idiot backstage.

Brendan Idol vs DeCipher

DeCipher is your go-to jobber.

Mr Lucha III vs Extraordinario Jr vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

Still to early for Glenn to lose it.

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Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn (New York Championship)

Dunn might very well be the next New York champion but I don´t see a title change happening yet.


Cal Sanders vs Steel

Steel have mostly won so far so I expect him to pick up a win here too


Nathaniel Ca$ino vs Jayson Van Pelt

Ca$ino have been disappointing so far


Chris Flynn vs The Masked Outlaw

Outlaw needs to win sometime

Brendan Idol vs DeCipher

Idol is one of your top guys so he is kept strong


Mr Lucha III vs Extraordinario Jr vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

I go with Glenn getting a few more months as champ before dropping the belt

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BAW One Step Closer #15


Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn (New York Championship)

Both Impressive, But the time has not yet come for AFF to drop the belt.


Cal Sanders vs Steel

Guy being pushed vs Jobber.. Only one outcome.


Nathaniel Ca$ino vs Jayson Van Pelt

Because I love Nathaniel.


Chris Flynn vs The Masked Outlaw

New guy needs to pay his dues ;)


Brendan Idol vs DeCipher

Fairly Routine win for Idol.


Mr Lucha III vs Extraordinario Jr vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

Because KC Glenn can single handedly carry a small company on his back.


Awesome Diary so far by the way :D

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BAW One Step Closer #15

Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn (New York Championship)


I am glad that you are keeping Dunn as I have always used him in my games and he has done (no pun intended) well for me.


Cal Sanders vs Steel


Nathaniel Ca$ino vs Jayson Van Pelt


I just have something against the NC render!:D


Chris Flynn vs The Masked Outlaw


Brendan Idol vs DeCipher


Mr Lucha III vs Extraordinario Jr vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

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Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn (New York Championship)

Two heel champions would be too much.


Cal Sanders vs Steel


Nathaniel Ca$ino vs Jayson Van Pelt


Chris Flynn vs The Masked Outlaw


Brendan Idol vs DeCipher


Mr Lucha III vs Extraordinario Jr vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

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BAW One Step Closer #15

Week 3, June 2011

The Weston Gymnasium, New Jersey

Attendance: 104



Nothing to report backstage, the recent improved atmosphere continues.


Main Show:

Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn

New York Championship

A really good start to the show from these two, this should probably have been the semi-main event. Fire Fly and Dunn seem to work really well in the ring together, and seem to have good chemistry. Tonight we debuted a new gimmick for Fire Fly, an Old School Face, but unfortunately it didn’t go over any better than his previous gimmick. Fire Fly picked up the win.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 9:08

Cal Sanders vs Steel

Not a bad match from these two, despite Steel looking like he was slightly off his game tonight. Cal Sanders picked up the win, although Steel did show that he can put on okay matches with guys who aren’t at the top of the card.


Winner: Cal Sanders in 7:31

KC Glenn w/Sozen Promo

KC Glenn makes his way down to the ring, flanked by Sozen Ishinomori.


Glenn: “So it seems that BAW management doesn’t think that me beating both Mr Lucha and Extraordinario Jr is impressive enough. They think that my manner of winning was ‘less than ideal’”


The crowd boos, as Glenn refers to his last two title defences.


Glenn: “Read the record books people, they read that KC Glenn successfully defended his title on both occasions. That’s all I care about. Note entertaining you idiots, not ‘upholding the values of sportsmanship, not making friends. No, all KC Glenn cares about is keeping this title around my waist.”


The booing gets even louder.


Glenn: “I don’t know why Extraordinario and Mr Lucha think tonight will be any different from our previous meetings. Do they think that because it’s triple threat, they will get some kind of advantage? It doesn’t work like that. It doesn’t matter what type of match I’m thrown in, KC Glenn always walks away on top.”

Notes: A decent promo this month from KC Glenn. Certainly better than his effort last month.

Nathaniel Ca$ino vs Jayson Van Pelt

This was a poor match, and I am starting tot hink Nathaniel Ca$ino just doesn’t have it. It was Jayson Van Pelt who walked away with the victory.


Winner: Jayson Van Pelt in 7:48

Chris Flynn vs The Masked Outlaw

This was even worse than the match before it. Chris Flynn looked very poor out there, and received a negative crowd reaction despite being a Face. Outlaw picked up the win, but I’m not sure how much this will help him.


Winner: The Masked Outlaw in 8:29

Lucha Promo

Lucha: “Tonight, BAW management have given me the chance to right the wrong that was done to me a couple of months back by KC Glenn. His underhand tactics cost me the BAW title, which should rightfully be mine!”


Crowd boos at the mention of Glenn’s tactics.


Lucha: “KC Glenn, you say all that matters is the record books showing you as the victor? Well tonight, the record books will be corrected. Tonight Mr Lucha will walk away BAW Champion!”

Notes: Decent promo from Lucha, certainly as good as KC Glenn’s earlier in the night.

Brendan Idol vs DeCipher

I needed this to be a good match... and it really wasn’t. My creative team is telling me that Idol’s over hill, and I’m beginning to see what they mean. This isn’t the first poor match he’s put on with someone that others have carried to decent matchups. I mean DeCipher was carried to a decent match by Fire Fly a couple of months ago. This was meant to be the win that fuelled a title push for Idol, but if he turns in performances like this I don’t know if that’s the best idea. Idol picked up the win, but this puts a lot of pressure on the Main Event.


Winner: Brendan Idol in 15:43

Extraordinario Jr vs Mr Lucha III vs KC Glenn ©

BAW Championship

I needed this to be a good match, and it was... but it wasn’t the blow away match I had hoped it might be. It probably didn’t help that the crowd was cold, and that once again Harvey struggled to keep pace with the action.


The match itself started slow, with the competitors sharing offence until around the 10 minute mark. Then Extraordinario and Mr Lucha teamed up on KC Glenn. After a few minutes of offence, Lucha hit a big clothesline that sent Glenn sprawling to the outside. That left the two faces alone in the ring, and after a quick handshake they locked up. After some back and forth, it was Lucha who managed to pick up the pinfall over Extraordinario to eliminate him from the match up. As Lucha got up from his pinfall, KC Glenn slid into the ring and rolled him up from behing. Grabbing the tights for good measure, Glenn was able to hold Lucha down for the 3 and retain his title.


Winner: KC Glenn in 19:08


Match of the night: Main Event

Trash of the night: Chris Flynn vs The Masked Outlaw


Next time: With KC Glenn retaining once again, who will be next to step up and challenge him?

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I spend the entire ‘Creative’ meeting the next day trying to convince Harvey to convince Mark to drop his restriction on workers Psychology. Sozen Ishinomori’s contract was up next month, and his in-ring Psychology was quite frankly appalling. However, he was doing some useful promo work with KC Glenn which I didn’t really want to lose (by useful promo work, I mean he just stands there looking big and menacing). Unfortunately Harvey refused to budge, which meant that the next show would be Sozen’s last. Now I needed to come up with something for him to do next month.


On my walk home, the local paper told me that NYCW had won this month’s Regional battle. FREEDOM had a very poor month, only putting on a show that was on par with ours.







This Month

flat doughnut 5/6

Zergon 5/6

BHK1978 5/6

1234 5/6

Animalxer 4/6

funkyzara 3/6


This Year

1234 27/31

BHK1978 27/31

funkyzafara 25/31

Zergon 25/31

Animalxer 17/23

flat doughnut 12/16

Michigan Hero 4/4


Thanks for predicting guys :)

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This month saw a flood of interest for KC Glenn. ACPW, FREEDOM & PSW all came in with offers for my champ. Come the end of the month he still hadn’t come to a decision, which suited me just fine.


Next, I extended Mr Lucha’s deal for another 12 months. I had to give him a slight pay rise, but I think it was justified.


Morgan Malone’s contract expired, and since he hasn’t impressed since joining us I decided to let him go. This meant I needed to sign a new heel. I found a guy I wanted, but his lack of Psychology meant that Mark wouldn’t let me bring him in.


After a long search, I finally found someone I liked. I was losing Sozen next month, so bringing in a new giant made sense. He can portray a brute gimmick? Perfect...



BAW One Step Closer #16

Mr Lucha III vs Steel

Amazing Fire Fly vs The Masked Outlaw (New York Championship)

Nigel Svensson vs ???

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Extraordinario Jr vs Jayson Van Pelt

Brendan Idol vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

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BAW One Step Closer #16

Mr Lucha III vs Steel

Apparently you weren't monster pushing Steel.

Amazing Fire Fly vs The Masked Outlaw (New York Championship)

Please don't Outlaw win :(

Nigel Svensson vs ???

I love Nigel, but a debuting brute.. No, he's not going to win.

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

I dunno, I don't like Sanders.

Extraordinario Jr vs Jayson Van Pelt

He's extraordinary. Wabam!

Brendan Idol vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

As you said, Idol hasn't been impressing you.

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Mr Lucha III vs Steel

Steel lost to Sanders last month so...yeah he isn´t winning here


Amazing Fire Fly vs The Masked Outlaw (New York Championship)

If I remember right Outlaw had bad stamina and I doubt you want to give a belt to someone who cannot go more than six minutes


Nigel Svensson vs ???

As much as I like Svensson he haven´t seem to be doing all that much so mystery guy takes his usual win.


Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Since Dunn is going to stay I presume that he continues he´s good form that he had before the contract negotions


Extraordinario Jr vs Jayson Van Pelt

Heel champ so one of your top faces going to win here


Brendan Idol vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

Nope Idol isn´t the next champ

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Mr Lucha III vs Steel

Top face > Meh Midcarder


Amazing Fire Fly vs The Masked Outlaw (New York Championship)

Outlaw isnt good enough to be champion.


Nigel Svensson vs ???

Mystery + Brute = Win


Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Need another heel near the top of the card.


Extraordinario Jr vs Jayson Van Pelt

The Push Continues


Brendan Idol vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

Idol dissapointed you before, so now he loses to the champion.

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BAW One Step Closer #16


Mr Lucha III vs Steel



Amazing Fire Fly vs The Masked Outlaw (New York Championship)



Nigel Svensson vs ???



Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn



Extraordinario Jr vs Jayson Van Pelt


JVP is the man!


Brendan Idol vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)


KC may be leaving soon but he is still there right now so I see him keeping the belt!

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BAW One Step Closer #16

Week 3, July 2011

The Weston Gymnasium, New Jersey

Attendance: 85



Walking into the dressing room before the show, I couldn’t help but notice how good the atmosphere was. Our new man had blended in really well, and the dressing room had never been in better spirits.


Main Show:

In the dark: We have Nigel Svensson beat Sozen Ishinomori to send the big Japanese man out of BAW. Hopefully this will make Nigel feel better about his match later in the night.


Mr Lucha III vs Steel

This was a really good match, and should have been the semi-main event. This is easily the best match Steel has put on since he joined, which I think is a testament to Lucha’s abilities.


Winner: Mr Lucha III in 7:55

Amazing Fire Fly vs The Masked Outlaw

New York Championship

This was an odd one. It was a good match, but Dylan was in my ear telling me that both guys were off their game tonight and that there was a real lack of Psychology on show. While I could see where he was coming from, the crowd seemed to enjoy the match anyway.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 8:10

KC Glenn/Sozen Promo

Glenn: “Well tonight, I have to defend my title once again. This time against Brendan Idol. I won my title against Idol, and tonight I will beat him once again. However, that is not my main concern tonight.”


Glenn suddenly turns to Sozen and drops him with a shot with his belt.

Glenn: “My main problem tonight is you. What’s the point of a champ having a bodyguard who can’t even win a match? Sozen, you can consider yourself fired!”

Glenn makes his way to the back, leaving the giant Sozen Ishinomori layed out in the middle of the ring.

Notes: A decent promo from Glenn, and gave Sozen his send off from BAW.

Nigel Svensson vs Giant Brody

This wasn’t a good debut for Brody. A squash match where the two guys don’t click isn’t a recipe for success, and this was a poor match. Hopefully Brody can recover from this.


Winner: Giant Brody in 3:38

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

A decent match from these two, better than I had expected. I had Donte Dunn pick up the win, as I am planning to push him again now that I had extended his contract.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 7:46

Idol Promo

Idol: “Well, finally I have been put back where I belong: In the Main Event. For all of last year, I was your BAW Champion.”


Crowd cheers Idol.


Idol: “However, since I lost my title, I seem to have lost my way a little as well. Tonight gives me a chance to put that right, and take back the title that is rightfully mine.”

Notes: A poor promo from Idol, maybe he’s not ready to be pushed back into the Main Event again quite yet...

Extraordinario Jr vs Jayson Van Pelt

I had been worried that this would be overshadowed by the opener, but I needn’t have. This was every bit as good as the opening match, and hopefully will lead well into our Main Event.


Winner: Exraordinario Jr in 17:25

Brendan Idol vs KC Glenn ©

BAW Championship

Not a bad match from these two... not as good as some of our recent Main Events, but not bad. It looked as if Brendan Idol was learning out there, which will hopefully stand us in good stead over the next few months.


Winner: KC Glenn in 18:31


Match of the night: Main Event

Trash of the night: Nigel Svensson vs Giant Brody


Next time: With Idol knocked off, who’s next for KC Glenn?

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‘Creative’ was pretty boring this month, Harvey spent the whole time moaning that the last show had seen a drop in attendance. We’d still make a profit for the month though, so it wasn’t as big a problem as he was making out.


The way home saw me pick up my local paper as normal. Flicking to the wrestling segment towards the back, this is what I found...







Not a bad month for us, as we match both FREEDOM and SPW for show quality. Now, can we go one better next month and beat them?



This Month

funkyzafara 6/6

Zergon 6/6

1234 6/6

BHK1978 5/6

flat doughnut 4/6


This Year

1234 33/37

BHK1978 32/37

funkyzafara 31/37

Zergon 31/37

Animalxer 17/23

flat doughnut 16/22

Michigan Hero 4/4


Thanks for predicting once again. Well done to funkyzafara, Zergon and 1234 for getting all 6 right this month :)

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The main talking point was the loss of Sozen Ishinomori. I would have liked to hold onto him, but his complete lack of in-ring Psychology meant that wasn’t possible. Finding a replacement proved much more difficult than I had envisioned. Anyone with any slight hint of talent wanted a similar salary to what I was paying KC Glenn! In the end I signed a guy called Antix, but he would probably just serve as a jobber until something better turned up.


I also extended a few contracts this month. Both Extraordinario Jr and DeCipher signed contract extensions, with only a slight pay rise in both cases. I also re-signed Chris Flynn, because, as I found out earlier in the month, there wasn’t anyone better out there that I could bring in.


One Step Closer #17

Brendan Idol vs The Masked Outlaw

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher (New York Championship)

Chris Flynn vs Giant Brody

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Mr Lucha III vs Jayson Van Pelt

Extraordinario Jr vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

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Just a small thing you updated the scores from the wrong table..this was the one after the last show.


This Year

1234 27/31

BHK1978 27/31

funkyzafara 25/31

Zergon 25/31

Animalxer 17/23

flat doughnut 12/16

Michigan Hero 4/4


I promise im not just pointing out because it would put me in the lead :rolleyes:


Anyway nice to see another update...i was slightly worried with the thread being inactive for 4 days. KUTGW.


Brendan Idol vs The Masked Outlaw

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher (New York Championship)

Chris Flynn vs Giant Brody

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Mr Lucha III vs Jayson Van Pelt

Extraordinario Jr vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

Im guessing Glenn is staying due to him not being mentioned in the text, so i cant see him losing the belt.

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One Step Closer #17

Brendan Idol vs The Masked Outlaw

Idol still has it.

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher (New York Championship)

Amazing Fire Fly is still Amazing.

Chris Flynn vs Giant Brody

Giant Brody is crap.

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

You are giving him a push.

Mr Lucha III vs Jayson Van Pelt

Too good to lose.

Extraordinario Jr vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

You could go for a title change, but I'm not betting on it.

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Brendan Idol vs The Masked Outlaw

Outlaw haven´t won all that much lately and I doubt that changes here

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher (New York Championship)

I still go with Fire Fly


Chris Flynn vs Giant Brody

Has Flynn ever won a match?


Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Dunn isn´t losing to a jobber


Mr Lucha III vs Jayson Van Pelt

Lucha is kept strong


Extraordinario Jr vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

Extraordinario won´t be the champ unless he have learned to speak english

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Just a small thing you updated the scores from the wrong table..this was the one after the last show.




I promise im not just pointing out because it would put me in the lead :rolleyes:


Anyway nice to see another update...i was slightly worried with the thread being inactive for 4 days. KUTGW.


Brendan Idol vs The Masked Outlaw

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher (New York Championship)

Chris Flynn vs Giant Brody

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Mr Lucha III vs Jayson Van Pelt

Extraordinario Jr vs KC Glenn (BAW Championship)

Im guessing Glenn is staying due to him not being mentioned in the text, so i cant see him losing the belt.


Oops, sorry my bad. I've corrected it now :)


Sorry about the lack of updates, I've had quite a hectic few days. Normal service should be resumed from now though :)

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