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BAW: One man's dream

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The month started with me releasing Steel, as he upped his contract demands to Main Event levels. There was no way he was worth the sort of money he wanted, so I released him. My search for him was fairly short, as I bought in Atlas as a like for like switch.


So after a decent start to the month, things began to fall apart, and quickly. KC Glenn accepted WLW’s offer, which I expected. What I didn’t expect was for it to be a written deal... I had just lost my top star. What was worse was I knew what was coming next. A couple of days later, Extraordinario Jr came to tell me that he two had signed exclusively with WLW. I had just lost two of my top guys in as many days.


This posed a lot of problems. It left a massive whole in my Main Event scene, and more immediately it left two open spots in next month’s ‘Struggle For Supremacy’ match. With no time to lose, I began the search for replacements. After a long search, and a lot of rejections I bought in Justin Sensitive, who I hoped could become my next top Heel.


I failed to find a decent replacement for Extraordinario, but did manage to bring in two young, talented, but unknown luchadores who could hopefully do a decent job for me down the road. After this nightmare of a month, I began to come up with a card for our final show of the year...



One Step Closer #21

Cal Sanders vs Hiro Del Aguila Americana

Nigel Svensson vs Atlas

Joffy Laine vs DeCipher

Mr Lucha III vs The Masked Outlaw

Struggle For Supremacy match (Amazing Fire Fly vs Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn vs Jayson Van Pelt vs Justin Sensitive)


Tie Breaker (only used if scores for year are tied at end of show): Who will be the last man eliminated from Struggle For Survival match?

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Cal Sanders vs Hiro Del Aguila Americana

Sanders haven´t done anything so far so why it would change here?


Nigel Svensson vs Atlas

I hope Svensson would pick up the win here but I´m not counting on it


Joffy Laine vs DeCipher

I kind of like DeCipher´s alt so why not predict him here?


Mr Lucha III vs The Masked Outlaw

Like I said Lucha isn´t losing this one no matter who he is facing


Struggle For Supremacy match (Amazing Fire Fly vs Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn vs Jayson Van Pelt vs Justin Sensitive)

Since you said that you hope Sensitive to be your top heel it´s likely that he wins here with face champ and all.


Tie Breaker (only used if scores for year are tied at end of show): Who will be the last man eliminated from Struggle For Survival match?

Brendan Idol

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Cal Sanders vs Hiro Del Aguila Americana

Nigel Svensson vs Atlas

Joffy Laine vs DeCipher

Mr Lucha III vs DeCipher

Struggle For Supremacy match (Amazing Fire Fly vs Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn vs Jayson Van Pelt vs Justin Sensitive)


Tiebreaker - Well im guessing i cant pick the same as Zergon, or this wouldnt seperate us score wise. So Amazing Firefly

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One Step Closer #21

Cal Sanders vs Hiro Del Aguila Americana

Nigel Svensson vs Atlas

Joffy Laine vs DeCipher

Mr Lucha III vs DeCipher

Struggle For Supremacy match (Amazing Fire Fly vs Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn vs Jayson Van Pelt vs Justin Sensitive)


Tie Breaker (only used if scores for year are tied at end of show): Who will be the last man eliminated from Struggle For Survival match? Brendan Idol

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One Step Closer #21

Cal Sanders vs Hiro Del Aguila Americana

Nigel Svensson vs Atlas

Joffy Laine vs DeCipher

Mr Lucha III vs DeCipher

Struggle For Supremacy match (Amazing Fire Fly vs Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn vs Jayson Van Pelt vs Justin Sensitive)


Tie Breaker (only used if scores for year are tied at end of show): Who will be the last man eliminated from Struggle For Survival match?


Donte Dunn

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Joffy Laine vs DeCipher

I kind of like DeCipher´s alt so why not predict him here?


Mr Lucha III vs DeCipher

Is DeCipher in two matches or should this be someone else? Well anyway Lucha isn´t losing this one no matter who he is facing


The second match should be Mr Lucha III vs The Masked Outlaw. If anyone wants to change because of that, let me know.

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BAW One Step Closer #21

Week 3 December 2011

Weston Gymnasium, New Jersey

Attendance: 103


Pre Show

Losing Extraordinario Jr and KC Glenn had dented the backstage morale somewhat, but Justin Sensitive turned out to be a top notch guy which helped pick peoples spirits back up somewhat. Cal Sanders and Jonathan Taylor also seem to have bonded over a love of classical music. While I was happy that it helped my backstage, I can’t say that I shared their passion for this subject...


Main Show

Cal Sanders vs Hiro Del Aguila Americana

I was a little nervous going into this show. Could we still put on good shows, despite losing two of our top guys? I really wanted these two to put on a good match to open the show. Hiro Del Aguila Americana’s rustiness prevented this being a good match, but it wasn’t a bad match either. Hopefully once he gets back into his groove, he can be a big player for us.


Winner: Hiro Del Aguila Americana in 7:58

Nigel Svensson vs Atlas

This was another not good, not bad match. Atlas was looking tired towards the end of the match, which probably didn’t help the match.


Winner: Atlas in 7:38

Joffy Laine Promo

Laine: “My name is Joffy Laine, and I am here in BAW to make an impact. I can’t think of any better time to start than right now. DeCipher get out here, and let’s get this started!”

Notes: My creative team tell me that Joffy is my best mic guy, but this promo was rubbish. Maybe I need to build him up a bit more before I give him a live mic again.

Joffy Laine vs DeCipher

This match didn’t work. It was too long for DeCipher, who was tiring towards the end. On top of that, Joffy Laine really struggled with my instruction to go all out, and really needs to work on his selling. This put a lot of pressure on the Main Events to save the show...


Winner: Joffy Laine in 8:05

Mr Lucha III vs The Masked Outlaw

I didn’t put the title on the line here, because I was worried the match might bomb. I needn’t have, as this was a good match. With the title on the line, this could easily be a Main Event in the future.


Winner: Mr Lucha in 15:38

Lucha/Brody Promo

After the match, Giant Brody hits the ring and destroys the Champion. Leaving the champ on his back in the middle of the ring really sends a statement of intent from the giant.

Notes: Not as good as I had hoped. Both of these men have put on better matches in recent weeks.

Amazing Fire Fly vs Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn vs Jayson Van Pelt vs Justin Sensitive

Struggle For Supremacy Match

This didn’t work quite as well as I had hoped. It wasn’t a bad match, but it wasn’t as good as the Lucha vs Outlaw match that preceded it. The first problem I had was pre-match when Brendan Idol was unhappy at jobbing to any of the Heel’s in the match. In the end I made Brendan the last man eliminated to try and appease him, but he was still unhappy. After a long match, it was Justin Sensitive who picked up the win and became number one contender.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 23:37


Match of the Night: Mr Lucha vs The Masked Outlaw

Trash of the Night: Joffy Laine vs DeCipher


Next Time: Not the blow away show I had hoped for to end the year. Was going to two shows a month still a good idea after losing two top stars?

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‘Creative’ was dominated this month by discussion of our upcoming second show. Harvey and Mark both agreed to me running two shows a month, in an attempt to push us up towards Regional level. Next year was certainly going to be Hectic, but also it was certainly going to be exciting!


I picked up my final paper of the year, but what I found disappointed me.







We had finished the year back at the bottom of the pile. I was going to put that down to losing Extraordinario Jr and KC Glenn just before our final show. Hopefully next year we could build ourselves back up the list...



This Month

Zergon 4/5 (* got tiebreaker)

1234 3/5

funkyzafara 3/5

flat doughnut 3/5

BHK1978 2/5


This Year

Zergon 57/67 *

1234 57/67

funkyzafara 56/67

BHK1978 53/67

flat doughnut 24/33

Animalxer 17/23

Michigan Hero 4/4


Wow, that was close! Zergon taking the prediction league for the year by getting the tiebreaker.


So Zergon as your ‘reward’, I’m going to ask you to name my new show that is going to start in the new year :), or if you would prefer you can pick someone for a title run. Whichever you prefer.

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Year in review 2011


The yearly awards were handed out, and these were the results

Promotion of the Year: SWF (2nd win)

Most Improved Promotion: Hinote Dojo


Promotional Growth: MAW, EWA, RIPW, Hinote Dojo, UEW, VWA, ROF to Regional; GCG, WLW to National; NOTBPW to Global

Promotional Shrinking: none!

Out of Business: MOSC in February


Wrestler of the Year: Bryan Vessey (2nd win)

Young Wrestler of the Year: Nichiren Amagawa

Veteran Wrestler of the Year: Jeremy Stone (2nd win)

Female Wrestler of the Year: Fukuyo Higa (2nd win)


Match of the Year: Bryan Vessey bt Tommy Cornell (TCW Saturday Night Showcase)

Show of the Year: NOTBPW Super Slam



One of the fans was kind enough to put a yearly review of the company online, and these were the results

New entries to Top 10 Shows:

1. BAW One Step Closer #19 (October 2011) C-

2. BAW One Step Closer #17 (August 2011) C-

3. BAW One Step Closer #12 (March 2011) C-

4. BAW One Step Closer #20 (November 2011) D+

5. BAW One Step Closer #18 (September 2011) D+

6. BAW One Step Closer #10 (January 2011) D+

7. BAW One Step Closer #16 (July 2011) D+

8. BAW One Step Closer #11 (February 2011) D+

9. BAW One Step Closer #21 (December 2011) D+

10. BAW One Step Closer #15 (June 2011) D+


New entries to Top 10 Matches:

1. Mr Lucha III bt KC Glenn (BAW One Step Closer #19, October 2011) C+

2. KC Glenn bt Mr Lucha III (BAW One Step Closer #12, March 2011) C

3. KC Glenn bt Extraordinario Jr (BAW One Step Closer #17, August 2011) C-

4. KC Glenn bt Brendan Idol (BAW One Step Closer #16, July 2011) C-

5. KC Glenn bt Brendan Idol (BAW One Step Closer #10, January 2011) C-

6. Mr Lucha III bt The Masked Outlaw (BAW One Step Closer #21, December 2011) C-

7. Mr Lucha III bt Donte Dunn (BAW One Step Closer #18, September 2011) C-

8. KC Glenn bt Amazing Fire Fly (BAW One Step Closer #11, February 2011) C-

9.Mr Lucha II & Extraordinario Jr bt KC Glenn & Donte Dunn (BAW One Step Closer #13, April 2011) C-

10. Mr Lucha III bt Jayson Van Pelt (BAW One Step Closer #17, August 2011) C-

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So Zergon as your ‘reward’, I’m going to ask you to name my new show that is going to start in the new year :), or if you would prefer you can pick someone for a title run. Whichever you prefer.


Considering how horrible I am on inventing names I think it´s better idea to choose a title shot opportunity.:p So Nigel Svensson gets a shot for New York Championship.:)

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The year started off well, with Mark giving me a call to say that he was happy with our financial performance over the last two years. We had easily exceeded the goal he set when we started up, with the company making money rather than losing it. With that in mind, his new goal was focused on the promotions popularity rather than the company’s finances.


However, the month quickly took a turn for the worse... have I ever mentioned that I hate WLW? And I mean REALLY hate them? After their rise to national, they had already taken Extraordinario Jr and my former champ KC Glenn. Now, they were going to take Mr Lucha III!


With this in mind, I hastily arranged my second show for the nearest date with no clashes for any of my workers. Lucha wasn’t about to walk away with the belt still around his waist...



BAW Call To Arms #1

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher

Dragon Americano vs Jayson Van Pelt

Nigel Svensson vs Hiro Del Aguila Americana

Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn (New York Championship)

Mr Lucha III vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

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Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher


Dragon Americano vs Jayson Van Pelt


Nigel Svensson vs Hiro Del Aguila Americana



Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw



Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn (New York Championship)



Mr Lucha III vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)


I think it is safe to say that Mr. Lucha III will not be winning this match!:D

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Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher

Fire Fly have been better so far


Dragon Americano vs Jayson Van Pelt

No idea how good Dragon is so I go with Van Pelt

Nigel Svensson vs Hiro Del Aguila Americana

Well I voted him for a title shot so...:p


Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

Sanders is a jobber


Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn (New York Championship)

Idol is likely needed in main event now that Lucha leaves so he isn´t getting a midcard belt.


Mr Lucha III vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

This is pretty much a given considering the situation

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BAW Call To Arms #1

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher

He can pull of a main event match.

Dragon Americano vs Jayson Van Pelt

He is awesome!

Nigel Svensson vs Hiro Del Aguila Americana

I'm still a fan of Nigel, even if he most probably doesn't win :p

Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

Outlaw is still balls, even if he has shown you otherwise xD

Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn (New York Championship)

Idol is a contender for the BAW championship, rather than the NY Championship.

Mr Lucha III vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

No questions asked.

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Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher

Dragon Americano vs Jayson Van Pelt

Nigel Svensson vs Hiro Del Aguila Americana

Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn (New York Championship)

Mr Lucha III vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

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BAW Call To Arms #1

Week 2 January 2012

Weston Gymnasium, New Jersey

Attendance: 246 (!)


Pre Show

This was the debut of our second show ‘Call To Arms’. While this show was being held in New Jersey, the eventual plan was to use this show as our ‘travelling’ show if we ever got to the stage when we were looking to expand. The backstage received a boost pre-show, as Cal Sanders and Brendan Idol discovered a shared love of surfing.


Hang on, why is this a 2 hour show? I only wanted 90 minutes... what do you mean we’ve advertised 2 hours? Well that explains the bumper crowd. Now I just have to show I can run a 2 hour show without it being a disaster...


Main Show

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher

With tonight’s bumper crowd, I really wanted to open with a bang. Unfortunately it didn’t quite happen. Fire Fly looked off his game tonight, which probably stopped this being as good a match as I had hoped.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 7:55

Joffy Laine vs Giant Brody

A poor match here which continues Brody’s dominating streak. As an added bonus, it looked like Joffy was learning out there...


Winner: Giant Brody in 6:23

Brody ‘Promo’

Brody remains in the ring for a few minutes after his match, looking menacing and intimidating.

Notes: This seems to be becoming a go to angle for me. It goes over well with the crowd, and it is incredibly simple to put on... ideal.

Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

A decent match between these two, better than the opener. Outlaw looked like he was learning out there.


Winner: The Masked Outlaw in 10:16

Sensitive Promo

Sensitive: “Last week, I made the most successful debut in BAW history! I showed that my skills are worthy of so much more than this little gymnasium.”


Crowd reacts to Sensitive’s criticism and launch into a chorus of boos.


Sensitive: “Hey, I don’t need you to like me. BAW is nothing but a stepping stone for me to move onto something much bigger. Tonight I will take the BAW Championship, which will alert the world to the talent that is Justin Sensitive!”

Notes: This promo was just bad. It was on par with Joffy Laine’s promo from last month, which is worrying as I see Sensitive as being one of the main guys over the next couple of months.

Dragon Americano vs Jayson Van Pelt

Not a bad effort from these two, probably about on par with the opener. Dragon looked useful out there on his debut, but it was Jayson who picked up the win.


Winner: Jayson Van Pelt in 9:58

Nigel Svensson vs Hiro Del Aguila Americana

This was a bad match, even worse than the Brody squash. Hiro is still rusty, and had an off night to boot. This probably wasn’t the best start to the push I was planning for Nigel...


Winner: Nigel Svensson in 8:01

Lucha Promo

Lucha: “I stand before you tonight as your BAW Champion. Winning this title was the proudest moment of my life.”


Crowd cheer and launch into a “Lucha, Lucha, Lucha” chant.


Lucha: “If Justin Sensitive thinks he can walk in and insult BAW, he’s got another thing coming. I’m the champ, and tonight I will show Justin Sensitive just what it means to be the BAW Champion.”

Notes: Not bad, but not good as some of Lucha’s efforts in recent months. The promo was probably hurt by previous match.

Brendan Idol vs Donte Dunn

New York Championship

This wasn’t as good as I had hoped. The plan was to have Idol win, but Donte retain. Donte has built himself into the Main Event, whereas Idol had dropped to the Upper Midcard. I hoped having Idol win by DQ would be enough to switch the two around. Unfortunately it didn’t go over too well with the crowd...


Winner: Brendan Idol in 17:35 (by DQ) (Donte Dunn retains title)

Mr Lucha III vs Justin Sensitive

BAW Championship

Thank god this was decent! After Justin’s failed promo earlier in the night, I was worried my new champ would be a flop. Luckily this match didn’t look out of place Main Eventing our show. This match couldn’t mask the fact that losing Lucha was a massive blow. I needed to sign a new Franchise player, and quickly.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 21:01


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: Svensson vs Hiro


Next Time: With Lucha gone and a new champ, who will emerge as challengers for the belt?

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It seemed as if I spent most of the week between our shows on the phone. The week started well, with me finalising a deal for a new worker. While the guy wasn’t popular to go straight in as a Main Eventer, he certainly had the talent to become one.


Next I extended some contracts. Brendan Idol and Sara Silver extended their current deals with no increase, while Nigel Svensson asked for a slight raise before signing his extension.


To end the week, I received a call from Amazing Fire Fly to inform me that he had received an offer from OLLIE. They were still Regional, so no danger of them signing him away on a permanent deal.



BAW One Step Closer #22

??? vs DeCipher

Nigel Svensson vs Antix

Dragon Americano vs Giant Brody

Brendan Idol vs Jayson Van Pelt

Amazing Fire Fly vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)


Prediction Results BAW Call To Arms #1

Zergon 5/6

1234 5/6

funkyzafara 4/6

BHK1978 4/6

Michigan Hero 3/6

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??? vs DeCipher

Mystery guy´s usually win


Nigel Svensson vs Antix

Svensson for the win


Dragon Americano vs Giant Brody

Brody´s push continues


Brendan Idol vs Jayson Van Pelt

Idol is still kept strong


Amazing Fire Fly vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

No title change from 1st defense

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BAW One Step Closer #22

??? vs DeCipher

New guy gets a win over Mr. Jobber

Nigel Svensson vs Antix

Svensson push commences.

Dragon Americano vs Giant Brody

Another squash.

Brendan Idol vs Jayson Van Pelt

You want Brendan to get back in.

Amazing Fire Fly vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)


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I lol'd at the accidental 2 hour show.


??? vs DeCipher

Nigel Svensson vs Antix

Dragon Americano vs Giant Brody

Brendan Idol vs Jayson Van Pelt

Amazing Fire Fly vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

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BAW One Step Closer #22

Week 3 January 2012

Weston Gymnasium, New Jersey

Attendance: 161


Pre Show

Losing Lucha had damaged my backstage slightly, he was a real leader to the guys. Still, the atmosphere wasn’t bad by any means.


Main Show

Panda Mask II vs DeCipher

The debut of Panda Mask II, I have big hopes for him. However, this didn’t quite live up to my expectations. It wasn’t a bad match, but it wasn’t a good match either.


Winner: Panda Mask in 7:39

Nigel Svensson vs Antix

This wasn’t good, and again probably did Nigel as much harm as good. The crowd just didn’t seem to care about the match, and who was involved in it. It didn’t help that Antix looked terrible out there, in what will probably be his only match in BAW.


Winner: Nigel Svensson in 8:26

Donte Dunn Promo

Dunn: “So Amazing Fire Fly is going to get a title match tonight... can I ask why? I was the man who took the New York Championship from around his waist, and I’ve remained undefeated ever since! If anyone deserves a title shot it’s me!”

Notes: Better than I’d feared, not a bad promo from Donte Dunn.

Dragon Americano vs Giant Brody

This was a poor match, but it was slightly better than the Svensson/Antix match. Although I think that says more about how poor the first match was, rather than anything about the quality of this match. Brody continues his streak.


Winner: Giant Brody in 5:42

Brody ‘Promo’

Brody remains in the ring for a few minutes after his match, looking menacing and intimidating.

Notes: Another good segment from Brody. I’m guessing these are what are getting him over with the crowd, because his matches have been terrible.

Joffy Laine vs Atlas

Okay this was another poor match, but I’m not really sure why. I’m starting to think that neither of these guys are up to it. It’s a shame, because I had high hopes that Joffy Lane would develop into something good. I almost regret adding it in, but we were 8 minutes short so I didn't really have a choice...


Winner: Atlas in 8:10

Sensitive Promo

Sensitive: “I told you, I told you, I told you! Last week I said that I was going to win the BAW Championship, and here I am with the belt around my waist. I proved that I am destined for bigger and better things than this stupid Gymnasium.”


Crowd launches into a chorus of boos.


Sensitive: “Oh come on, don’t hate me because I’m better than you. Actually that goes for Amazing Fire Fly after I beat him tonight. Don’t hate the player bro, hate the game...”

Notes: This was much better than Sensitive’s effort last week, a good sign. Still not a world beating promo, even by our standards.

Brendan Idol vs Jayson Van Pelt

Did I know these two couldn’t go for this long? Something tells me I knew that... anyway, this was another poor match. Tonight was not going well, and a lot of pressure was being put on our Main Event.


Winner: Brendan Idol in 15:47

Amazing Fire Fly vs Justin Sensitive ©

BAW Championship

Okay this match wasn’t bad, and I’m slowly beginning to believe in Sensitive as a champion. His promo earlier in the night had certainly improved from the one he delivered last week, and despite this match suffering from a lack of Psychology it didn’t look out of place in the Main Event. These two may well have just saved the show...


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 18:16


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: Nigel Svensson vs Antix


Next Time: Okay this was the worst show we’ve put on in well over a year. We have to bounce back from this next month...

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‘Creative’ wasn’t pleasant for me this month. First I had Harvey in my ear about me screwing up the booking of Call To Arms, and inadvertently running BAW’s first ever 2 Hour show. I hadn’t helped my cause by following that up with the worst show we had put on in a long, long time. After a lot of apologising, Harvey finally let me go. Luckily we'd still managed to turn in a profit of just over $8,000 for the month, even after our two shows... which helped appease Harvey a little.


The only productive thing we did all meeting was set the first Wednesday of each month as the permanent slot for 'Call To Arms' from this point forward.


Checking the local paper only served to tell me what I already knew...





BAW Call To Arms D+/ One Step Closer D


While our shows had been poor, everyone else had put on good shows this month. FREEDOM had managed to put on a great show. I could only dream of putting on a show like that. Maybe we’d gone to two shows a month too quickly?



This show

Zergon 5/5

funkyzafara 5/5

1234 5/5


This Year

Zergon 10/11

1234 10/11

funkyzafara 9/11

NHK1978 4/6

Michigan Hero 3/6


Well done to everyone who predicted this month, all of you got all 5! Must have been an easy month...

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The month started badly for me, with Donte Dunn telling me that he wanted to explore other options rather than talk about extending his deal with us. Well, I hope you aren’t too attached to that title then Donte...


Luckily K-Squared (The Masked Outlaw) and Dylan Sidle were far more reasonable, and extended their current deals for another nine months.


I then turned my attentions to the card. I needed to book a better show than I had managed last month!


BAW Call To Arms #2

Panda Mask II vs Atlas

Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher

Cal Sanders vs The Masked Outlaw

Dragon Americano vs Jayson Van Pelt

Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn (New York Championship)

Brendan Idol vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

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