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RIPW: The Ballad of Henry Lee

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><a href="</p><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RIPW.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RIPW.jpg"</a> target="_blank"><img src="<a href="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RIPW.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RIPW.jpg"</a> border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Sue’s Superstar of the Month!</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27878" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>[The following interview took place directly after Summer Spectacular 2012. Sue Danes is standing next to RIPW New England Heritage Champion Brian Fletcher who is sporting a New Kids on the Block t-shirt.]<p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SueDanes_alt1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sue Danes: </strong>Wud up RIPW fans! It’s your girl Sue Danes here and it is that time of the month again, you know when I interview an RIPW superstar! My guest this month is totally the RIPW New England Heritage Champion Brian Fletcher.</p><p> </p><p> Now normally when I like interview people I have to totally seek them out, but you actually came to me and asked for this time. So um…what would you like to say?</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/Raphael-1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Brian Fletcher: </strong> You are damn right I want to have a place to speak Sue, because I want to address the RIPW Championship Committee, Henry Lee, and Professor Nero. I want to know why I, the RIPW New England Heritage Champion, have been relegated to fighting in dark matches for the past two months. My talent shouldn’t be wasted in matches that nobody is ever going to see, no I should be on the main show proving to everyone that I am the best wrestler in this stupid company. I…</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SueDanes_alt1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sue Danes:</strong> Um, like I am totally sorry to interrupt you but like dude why are you wearing a New Kids on the Block t-shirt?</p><p> </p><p> [brian looks highly annoyed by this question.]</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/Raphael-1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Brian Fletcher:</strong> Why? I’ll tell you why because much like NKOTB, I have the right stuff! Growing up in Canada I listened to their music everyday and I am not ashamed to admit that. </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SueDanes_alt1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sue Danes:</strong> Well um…like shortly before this interview started I was informed that you will be facing Morgan Malone next month and it will be on the main show.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/Raphael-1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Brian Fletcher: </strong> Morgan Malone? Who in the hell is Morgan Malone? Is he even on this roster? Don’t get me wrong members of the RIPW Championship Committee, I do like that you keep on feeding me the bottom feeders of this company but at the same time I need some higher profile wrestlers to defend my title against. </p><p> </p><p> I mean I don’t even know who Morgan Malone is. Therefore, he is hardly the caliber of opponent I expect to face off against next month. Whom are they going to make me fight after him, Sunburst a-gain? This is some serious bullcrap.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SueDanes_alt1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sue Danes:</strong> Okay well it is now time for our fan question of the month. This question comes from MelM79 from Groton, Connecticut the question is, “Hey Brian, why did you turn your back on your fans that have supported you over the past couple of years?” </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/Raphael-1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Brian Fletcher:</strong> Man are all Americans dumb or what? Let me put explain this as simply as possible so that your stupid American brain can process it. I was a good guy, a true role model and you people booed me night in and night out. I realized that good guys finish last and that I was seeking approval from people who would never give it to me. Therefore, I decided to change my ways.</p><p> </p><p> I did not turn my back on the fans; the fans turned their back on me a long time ago. Now that I have made it perfectly clear that I no longer want your approval, you stupid fans are cheering for me louder than ever. For the life of me I can’t figure out how the fans in this country think.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SueDanes_alt1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sue Danes:</strong> Oh geez, it looks like we’re totally out of time Brian well thank you for agreeing to be interviewed tonight…</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/Raphael-1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Brian Fletcher: </strong> Wait just one minute, this interview isn’t over. I still haven’t talked a-boot everything I wanted to talk a-boot…</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SueDanes_alt1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sue Danes:</strong> Whatev dude, anyway fans I hope you tune in next month when I interview my next superstar of the month. Until then, I hope you all have a kick ass month! See you all laters!</p><p> </p><p> [sue blows a kiss at the camera and the video fades to black.] </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Oh and happy Festivus for the rest of us!!!</p><p> </p><p> <iframe class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="415" src="<a href="http://www.youtube.com/embed/LbfMmCf5-ds?autoplay=&wmode=Opaque" rel="external nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/embed/LbfMmCf5-ds?autoplay=&wmode=Opaque"</a> frameborder="0"></iframe></p><p> <div style="font-size:0.9em;"></p><p> <a href="<a href="http://vodpod.com/watch/4537621-a-festivus-for-the-rest-of-us" rel="external nofollow">http://vodpod.com/watch/4537621-a-festivus-for-the-rest-of-us">A</a> FESTIVUS for the rest of US!</a></div></p><p> </p><p> And for the rest of you have a happy holiday.</p>
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The following video is on RIPW.com


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RIPW.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RIPW.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


[The video begins in the office of Doctor Bill McGraw. We see Jerry Martin sitting on the couch talking to Doctor Bill McGraw who is sitting in a chair directly across from him.]




Dr. Bill McGraw: Last month I had a very interesting conversation with the honorable Barrister and the Prince…




Jerry Martin: Oh yes I know about it, Barrister Gowon told me all about how you were rude to him and called him a con artist.




Dr. Bill McGraw: I did nuthin of the sort, in fact, Barrister Gowon admitted that he was conning ya and that yer were nuthin more than a money mark for him.




Jerry Martin: I don’t…I don’t believe you. The Prince and Barrister Gowon have been nothing but nice to me. My whole life people have been nothing but mean to me and now that I finally have friends in my life, you come along and say that they are trying to steal from me. That is not right, that is not right at all.




Dr. Bill McGraw: Well let’s look at the facts here. When ya hang out with em, who pays for everything?




Jerry Martin: I do, but Barrister Gowon assures me that I will be getting my money back just as soon as the Prince is able to gain access to his money again.




Dr. Bill McGraw: Look Jerry, it doesn’t take a cat with three legs and a donkey’s head to figure out yer being scammed. The last thing I want to see is ya go broke because ya can’t see the forest from the trees when dealing with these thieves. Jerry whut ya need to do is sever yer ties with em cuz if ya don’t well it will truly be a changing day in yer life.




Jerry Martin: Maybe Barrister Gowon is right maybe you are the one that is trying to scam me. I’ve been coming here for months now, with the hopes that you would be able to fix me. That you would be able to end my insatiable urge to bash people’s heads in with Deanna.


The hardcore urge is still there, it still lingers in my very soul. You are supposed to help me get rid of it, yet you have not. I was told that if I did not curtail my hardcore urges I would never set foot in an RIPW ring again. Well if you can’t help me curtail my urges maybe you are the one who is running the con on me…




Dr. Bill McGraw: Now look here Jerry, I ain’t tryin to con ya. I’ve doing nuthin but look out for yer best interests. The reason why I haven’t been able to help ya curtail yer hardcore urges is because this Prince subject has dominated our conversation.


Trust me when I say Jerry that I am not the enemy here. I’m not yer enemy in this situation. I wanna to see ya find success in yer life; I wanna see ya back in the RIPW ring. But I can’t do that until you settle this situation once and for all with the Prince and his crony.


[At this point, the video ends and we are not privy to the rest of the secession.]

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I usually do not like to do this, meaning back-to-back posts, but I am almost finished with the show so I figured I would put this up now:


RIPW Presents: Boston Brawl IV



<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RobLMiskovsky_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RobLMiskovsky_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> By Rob L. Miskovsky


Well RIPW fans we are going to have one fantastic show for you when we return to Biker’s Paradise in Boston, Massachusetts on Thursday, August 23, 2012. The name of the event is Boston Brawl IV and it looks like we have one humdinger of a card lined up for you!


On this night we shall see a match that seems to be months in the making as Mr. 300 himself Brendan Idol will be taking on Justin Sensitive. This will be a battle between two men who have been on losing streaks; in Brendan’s case, his losing streak is massive. I caught up with Justin Sensitive to hear his thoughts up his up coming match and here is what he had to say:


“Ain’t no way no how I’m gonna lose to the ultimate loser. Brendan, I’m gonna stay as far away form ya as possible cuz I don’t want ya to jinx me. But come August 23, someone’s O has gots to go and it ain’t gonna be yours my dude.”


Well that is going to be a very interesting match to say the very least. Another interesting match will be the match for the RIPW Tag Team Championships. That match will be between the champions The Evil Empire and the challengers The Young Braves. These two teams have been battling each other for months now and this match should be a war. I caught up with the Evil Empire’s general manager and my broadcast partner Brian Cash-Man to get his thoughts on this match.


“Look Rob I am going to say this very simply so that even you and the pitiful peons can understand what I am about to say. The Young Braves have no chance at winning the gold in Boston. It is just not going to happen, there is no way they can beat the most elite tag team in professional wrestling today. In fact, I am not sure why I am even wasting my breath on this subject.”


Finally, in the main event of the evening we shall see the RIPW Champion the Wildcat defending his title against John Nash. Now as you, all know John Nash brutally attacked The Wildcat last month and as of right now his motivations for such an attack are unclear. I tried to get in contact with him but he did not return any of my calls. The Wildcat has also been elusive about this attack, something tells me that we will find out at Boston Brawl IV why such an attack on the champion happened.


Well I hope you fans in Rhode Island come out to support our show. Because as you can see it is going to be one humdinger of a card!


That is it for this month folks, so come on down to Biker’s Paradise in Boston, Massachusetts and witness what is sure to be another great RIPW event! The show starts at 8:00 p.m. and doors open at 7:00p.m. So come early and make sure enjoy the show!

For the RIPW Championship:

The Wildcat © vs. John Nash


For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:

The Young Braves vs. The Evil Empire ©


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:

Morgan Malone vs. Brian Fletcher ©


Desmond McGuinness vs. Jake Havok


Brendan Idol vs. Justin Sensitive


Jaime Quine vs. Thea Davis


Leftie Wilkes vs. Gabe Goren


Alexis Lee Little feather & Faith McGee vs. Kathy Neptune & Miss Masterson


The Young Guns vs. Team Velasquez

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For the RIPW Championship:

The Wildcat © vs. John Nash

The Wildcat

i have a feeling this will be a dq win or possibly a draw but i think whatever happens The Wildcat will retain



For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:

The Young Braves vs. The Evil Empire ©

The Evil Empire


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:

Morgan Malone vs. Brian Fletcher ©

Brain Fletcher


Desmond McGuinness vs. Jake Havok

Jake Havok


Brendan Idol vs. Justin Sensitive

Brendon Idol


Jaime Quine vs. Thea Davis

Jaime Quine


Leftie Wilkes vs. Gabe Goren

Leftie Wilkes


Alexis Lee Little feather & Faith McGee vs. Kathy Neptune & Miss Masterson

Neptune and Masterson


The Young Guns vs. Team Velasquez

Team Velasquez

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For the RIPW Championship:

The Wildcat © vs. John Nash

I don't think Nash is at 'Cat's level yet.


For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:

The Young Braves vs. The Evil Empire ©

I really want someone else to win the tag titles, but the Braves are just... there.


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:

Morgan Malone vs. Brian Fletcher ©

See: Wildcat v. John Nash


Desmond McGuinness vs. Jake Havok

Havok's on his way up


Brendan Idol vs. Justin Sensitive

Sensitive finally ends his losing streak?


Jaime Quine vs. Thea Davis

Is Thea Davis new?


Leftie Wilkes vs. Gabe Goren

via DQ, I bet


Alexis Lee Little feather & Faith McGee vs. Kathy Neptune & Miss Masterson


The Young Guns vs. Team Velasquez

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RIPW Presents: Boston Brawl IV




Thursday, August 23, 2012

Biker’s Paradise, Boston, Massachusetts

Attendance: 300

Show Rating: E


[The show begins with John Nash standing in the center of the ring the fans are chanting “Yankees suck!” as John begins to speak in a very low methodical tone.]




John Nash: It was almost a year ago that I lost my dream job, wrestling for the number one promotion in the country. I wasn’t told in person that I had lost my job…no they fired me by email. A couple of days later Professor Nero asked me if I would like to return to RIPW.


I jumped on the chance to return to my home so to speak. Ever since I returned I have had one goal and that is to win the…to win my RIPW Championship back. For eleven months I have blazed a path of destruction in this promotion and yet the RIPW Championship committee did not seem to think I was worthy of fighting for the crown jewel of RIPW.


Well I have always been of the mind that if the door won’t open for you, you kick that door down and beat the ever-living crap outta of anyone that is behind that door. Wildcat you just happened to be the one standing behind the door and last month I beat the ever-living crap outta ya. What I did wasn’t personal, it was strictly business, as you happen to have something of mine that I want back and that’s the RIPW Championship…


[The Wildcat‘s voice is heard over the arena‘s sound system but we do not see the RIPW Champion.]




The Wildcat: Hold up, hold up, John if ya wanted a crack at my RIPW Championship, all ya had to do was ask…


[The fans start to go nuts as The Wildcat steps out from behind the backstage curtain and begins walking down to the ring.]




The Wildcat: After all, I consider myself a fighting champion. I love a good fight; it’s what keeps me coming back to this ring month after month. I thrive on the competition, the thrill of knowing you put it all on the line so that these fans can go home knowing they got their money‘s worth.


[Wildcat enters the ring and is now standing directly across from the man who attacked him last month. John Nash just stands there staring at the champion without showing any kind of emotion.]




The Wildcat: What I don’t like is when people come down to the ring and attack me for no reason. You want a chance at this here RIPW Championship, well tonight you’re gonna get your chance to get this belt back. But know this John, you’re gonna have to pry it from my cold dead hands in order to get the title from me because I gonna defend this here title until I breathe my dying breath.


[John Nash has a cocky grin on his face after The Wildcat said that last line.]




John Nash: That can be arranged…


[John nails the champion in the head with a microphone; he then proceeds to nail the Wildcat with crushing blow after crushing blow. This goes on for about a minute until Too Hot, Leftie Wilkes, and Brendan Idol come to the aid of the champion. John Nash quickly leaves the ring and heads back to the locker room with a satisfied look on his face.]


[We now head up to the announcer‘s table which is perched in a balcony high above the ring.]




Rob L. Miskovsky: Hello and welcome wrestling fans to Boston Brawl Four! We are coming to you live from Biker’s Paradise here in Boston Massachusetts! I am Rob L. Miskovsky and I am standing here with my broadcast partner Brian Cash-Man.


Brian our main event is going to be great, but before we get into that, I would like to talk to you about your relationship with the man you refer to as your franchise player Hollywood Hank…




Brian Cash-Man: What is there to talk about? Look Hank and I have business to deal with later on tonight so let us just focus on what just went down. I for one loved what John Nash just did to that masked hillbilly. In my opinion, John showed great incitation and I for one would not be surprised if John walked out of here as the RIPW Champion.




Rob L. Miskovsky: Yet again, you dodge a tough question. Let us go down to the ring for our opening match…


The Young Guns vs. Team Velasquez






Match: This was pretty much an exact replica of the previous meeting between these two teams. Meaning the crowd was not really all that into the match, despite the fact that both teams tried their best to put on a good match. The outcome was different this month as Team Velasquez, perhaps fearing what their cousin Rudy will do to them if they were to lose the match, won the match when Carlos Barrera nailed Devyn Reynaud with a Drop Off (Knee to the chin) and then covered him for the pin.


Winners: Team Velasquez

Time: 6:27


[After the first match of the night is over with, we head to the backstage interview area where Sue Danes is standing by with the Young Braves.]




Sue Danes: Wud up peeps! It’s ya girl Sue and I am standing here with the Young Braves. Running Bear last month you totally returned from the injuries you suffered at the hands of the Evil Empire. How do you feel going into your match against the tag team champions?




Running Bear: Sue I would be lying to you if I said I am feeling one hundred percent. But the thing is Sue; there ain’t one person in this game that can say they feel one hundred percent. We all have nagging injuries but we have to go out there and tough it out. Tonight Sue I plan to do just that, go out there and tough it out and get some revenge against the Evil Empire.




Running Wolf: You know Sue, it has often been said that revenge is a dish best served cold. Well tonight, Crusher and Sky King are going to taste the coldest dish ever. As I’ve said in the past, they should not have attacked my best friend and my cousin because that made this whole thing personal.


Tonight me and Running Bear are going to not only beat the crap out of the two of you but we are also going to walk out of here as the new RIPW Tag Team Champions and there isn’t anything that the two of you can do about it.


[The Young Braves walk off camera and Sue smiles at the camera.]




Sue Danes: Those two dudes seemed very determined; I would totally hate to be the Evil Empire tonight. Back to you Rob…


Alexis Lee Little feather & Faith McGee vs. Kathy Neptune & Miss Masterson






Match: The story of this match was that Miss Masterson was afraid to be in the ring with Alexis at the same time. Whenever Alexis would enter the ring, Miss Masterson would quickly tag out. Alexis and Faith were in the driver’s seat for most of this match.


However, Miss Masterson was able to rake Faith’s eyes while Kathy distracted Referee David Poker. This allowed Miss Masterson and Kathy to gain control of the match and they did not look back from that point forward. Miss Masterson earned the victory for her team when she pinned Faith while using the bottom ring rope for leverage.


Winners: Kathy Neptune & Miss Masterson

Time: 6:20


[brian Cash-Man left the announce booth during the previous match and we now see why as he, Crusher Von Steinberg, Sky King, and Jake Havock make their way down to the ring.]




Brian Cash-Man: You pitiful peons may be wondering where Hollywood Hank is. Well he is backstage right now and I would like him to join us in the ring. It is time to air our business out in front of all you hicks.


[Hollywood Hank walks down to the ring and he is greeted with a few cheers from the fans. He cautiously enters the ring, all while keeping his eyes fixed on Jake Havock. Upon entering the ring, he stands near the ropes, not willing to stand next to the rest of the members of his franchise.]




Brian Cash-Man: Well Hank I must say over the past few months you have done nothing but disappoint your teammates and I repeatedly. You just have not been the same since you lost the RIPW Championship over a year ago…and it pains me to think this way but I truly have to question if father time has finally caught up to you.


I mean it must have because I think you are going a little deaf in your old age. After all, last month I specifically told you that if you were to get your hands on a briefcase you were to hand it over to Jake for the betterment of this franchise. Therefore, I guess we shall chalk up your little error in judgment to you being hard of hearing.


You know if that truly is the case and you have really become hard of hearing, they do make these things called hearing aids. There is no shame in getting a hearing aid, especially for a man of your advanced age.


[Hank smirks over this last comment before he begins to speak.]




Hollywood Hank: Ha, that is a good one Brian, especially seeing how you are ten years older than me…


[brian feigns shock over Hank revealing his age.]




Hollywood Hank: However, to address your point, there is nothing wrong with my hearing. What you asked me to do last month was something that I just could not bring myself to do. Do you want to know why?




Brian Cash-Man: Why?




Hollywood Hank: Because I am Hollywood, freaking Hank and I don’t do the job to anybody. Especially this talent less hack. The fact that you thought otherwise Brian makes me question if you might be suffering from the effects of early dementia.


You wanted me to possibly give up a shot at the RIPW Championship to someone that I don’t even like for the good of the franchise. I have got news for you Brian I am your damn franchise! For one whole year, I held the RIPW Championship because I was the best wrestler in the promotion.


Being a champion for that length of time was no fluke and without me being the crown jewel of your franchise, you would have never been making the money that you have. By me being champion I made both you and I very rich men. So do you really think I would just hand over an opportunity like that to some greenhorn rookie?


[Jake grabs the microphone from Brian and gets right up in Hank‘s face and begins to shout at Hank.]




Jake Havok: Who are you calling a rookie? I’ll have you know that I have been a professional wrestler for five years. And I do not appreciate the fact that you are disrespecting me old man…




Hollywood Hank: Look, I am only going to tell you this once rook, you have exactly five seconds to back away from my face…




Jake Havok: And what if I don’t old man? What are you going to do?




Hollywood Hank: I’m going to knock your ass into next year that is what I am going to do. 1...2...3...screw it…


[Hank nails Jake with a solid left hook to the jaw; this punch sends Jake crashing to the canvas. Hank wastes no time and mounts Jake and he then begins to pound away at Jake who is not defending him self at all. Brian looks furious and he turns to Sky King and Crusher and yells at them.]




Brian Cash-Man: You just made the biggest mistake of your life Hank, Sky King…Crusher…angreifen herr Hank!


[With that command, Crusher goes right after Hollywood Hank, knocking Hank off Jake. Sky King just sort of stands there, looking like he does not want to help his partner in attacking his friend. Brian Cash-Man shoots Sky King a dirty look that makes Sky King join in on beating up Hank.


At this point, Jake slowly gets up. He demands Sky King and Crusher hold Hollywood Hank up, they do as he commands and Jake proceeds to punch Hank in the face. Then like a pack of wolves, Crusher, Jake, and a reluctant Sky King begin to brutally beat on Hollywood Hank. They finally stop when RIPW security enters the ring. Before the four members of the Evil Empire leave the ring, Brian makes one final statement towards his now former franchise player.]




Brian Cash-Man: Oh and Hank, in case you are too slow on the uptake…you have officially been placed on waivers…you piece of crap.


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:




http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/MorganMalone.jpg<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=vs6.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/vs6.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=Raphael-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/Raphael-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Morgan Malone vs. Brian Fletcher ©


[Prior to the start of the match Brian Fletcher grabs a microphone and chastises the fans for cheering him. He then proceeds to yell at Morgan because Morgan did not introduce himself to Brian as is customary when a rookie joins a new company. Morgan laughs and shakes his head in disbelief as he and Brian have wrestled each on four times in the past and they have even been tag team partners.


Brian does not like the fact that Morgan is laughing at him so he charges right at his challenger. Morgan sees this coming a mile away and he nails Brian with a clothesline and with that, the match officially begins.]




Match: Morgan was in firm control of the match during the opening moments of this match. He even managed to get in a near fall on Brian. Brian was clearly frustrated over the fact that no matter what he did, he could not handle Morgan. At was at this point that Brian rolled out of the ring and started to head back to the dressing room, fully aware that if he were counted out he would retain his title.


Morgan pursued him down the aisle and both men fought in the aisle as Referee David Poker slowly made his ten count. Brian hit Morgan in the gut with a vicious knee, which shot managed to take the wind out of the challenger. It was at this point that Brian made a beeline back to the ring in the hopes that he could win the match by count out. He even yelled at David Poker to count faster, but it was to know avail as Morgan managed to get back in the ring in time.


Morgan was not able to do much for the rest of the match and Brian was in total control after Morgan reentered the ring. Brian picked up the victory when he covered Morgan for the three count.


Winner and still RIPW New England Heritage Champion: Brian Fletcher

Time: 7:42


[brian decides to add insult to injury as he attacks Morgan after their match is over with. He piledrives Morgan and then begins to lay the boots on Morgan. A few moments later Too Hot comes running down to the ring to aid Morgan. Upon seeing Too Hot, Brian feels from the ring. He is heard yelling at Too Hot, “Mind your business!” as he makes his way back to the backstage area. Too Hot does not pursue him, instead he checks on the condition of Morgan.]


Leftie Wilkes vs. Gabe Goren






Match: Gabe was firmly in control of this match during the opening minutes. He kept the match on the ground were he held Dutch in a headlock for damn near two minutes while the crowd chanted, “Boring” at him. Gabe thought that the crowd was yelling, “Goren” as a show of support for him and his old school ways.


Leftie was able to mount a comeback. It was at this point that Dutch Wilkes made his way down to the ring. Upon seeing his brother, Leftie left the ring and went chasing after the retreating Dutch. Referee David Poker was forced to count Leftie out and award the victory to Gabe Goren.


Winner by count-out: Gabe Goren

Time: 6:25


[Justin Sensitive is backstage lacing up his boots in his dressing room. After he finishes lacing up his boots, he gets up off the bench he had been sitting on and walks over to the dressing room door. He peers out the door for a moment and then mutters something inaudible to himself.


Justin then sits back down on the bench a beings talking to himself, trying to psych himself up for his match later on. Moments later Mister Three Hundred himself comes walking by Justin‘s dressing room. Seeing the door, open Brendan pokes his head inside the room.


Justin, who is still trying to hype himself up, does not realize that Brendan is at the door.]




Brendan Idol: Shalom my gentile friend!


[Justin seems startled by the appearance of the human jinx.]




Justin Sensitive: Bro, I only gonna tell ya one time…get da hell outta here my dude. Before I make ya get outta here!


[brendan smiles and shakes his head.]




Brendan Idol: Justin, is that any way to greet a well-wisher? I have just come down here to say that I have no doubt you will be a tough opponent tonight and I am really happy that you and I will get to fight later on tonight. It will be a cathartic experience for the both of us. Our match later on tonight will help clear the air of any ill will you may have towards me.




Justin Sensitive: Look bro, I ain’t even trying to have a conversation with ya right now my dude. So unless ya wanna go right now, I suggest ya put you’re boots to da ground and get the hell outta here my dude.




Brendan Idol: Very well, my friend, I see that you are not up for a pleasant conversation. Therefore, I shall leave you be…oh but before I go I just want to say one thing. Good luck in our match later on tonight…


[brendan walks away and Justin looks beyond pissed. Justin makes the sign of the cross and says:]




Justin Sensitive: Big bro in da sky, please don’t let me lose to that dude tonight. Let me reverse the curse my dude…


For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:




http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RunningWolf.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RogerMonteiro.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/vs6.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SkyKing.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/CrusherVonSteinberg.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg


The Young Braves vs. The Evil Empire © with Brian Cash-Man




Match: Before the bell even sounds these two teams, begin brawling with each other. All four men spill out onto the arena floor, which forces Referee David Poker to being the ten count. Running Bear and Sky King manage to get into the ring before David Poker can count to ten, which means they are the legal men in this match.


Running Bear and Sky King both do well during this portion of the match as they both get in an equal amount of offense in. This soon comes to an end as Sky King nails Running Bear with a low blow while Brian Cash-Man was distracting Referee David Poker.


From that point, forward the heels kept Running Bear in their corner. Every time it looked like Running Bear would make the hot tag, it did not happen as either Crusher or Sky King would stop him. Sky King and Crusher kept on tagging in and out of the match so that they always had a fresh member in the ring, while they continued to wear down Running Bear.


The fans soon start to stomp their feet on the floor and moments later the feet stomping is accompanied by the Indian War Cry. A battered Running Bear seems to draw energy off the support that the fans are showing him. Running Bear manages to fight his way out of the heel’s corner and tag Running Wolf into the match.


Running Wolf nails Sky King with a clothesline and then nails the charging Crusher with one as well. The crowd is going crazy over this as Running Wolf let out a loud yell before he goes to pin Sky King. Due to that little pause in the action, Crusher was able to regain his wherewithal and is able to kick Running Wolf in the back, thus breaking up the pin.


It is at this point that the match once again breaks down into one big brawl as all four men are in the ring at once. Both Running Bear and Crusher managed to make it back into the ring and Crusher started to beat the crap out of the weakened Running Bear. It was at this point that a bruised Hollywood Hank, carrying a steel chair in his right hand, made his way down to the ring.


Seeing how David Poker had his back to what was going on in the ring, Hank decided to include himself in this match by getting a little revenge against his former allies. Hank took the steel chair and nailed Crusher in the back with it causing Crusher to fall to the mat in pain. Hank then preceded to drag Running Bear’s near lifeless body over to where Crusher had fallen and he draped Running Bear’s arm over Crusher. Hank then left the ring before David Poker turned around. David Poker made the count, which means that RIPW has new tag team champions!


Winners and new RIPW Tag Team Champions: The Young Braves

Time: 11:22


Brendan Idol vs. Justin Sensitive






Match: This match started slow as there was a bit of a feeling out process between Brendan and Justin. There was a lot of back and forth action for the first five minutes of the match, with both men getting an equal amount of offense in. Justin was finally able to get in control of the match after he poked Brendan in the eye.


Once Justin gained control of the match, he immediately knocked Brendan down to the mat. He then proceeds to kick Mister Three Hundred in the ribs repeatedly all while yelling various obscenities at him. Feeling satisfied that he had done enough damage, Justin pinned Brendan, only to have Brendan kick out before Referee David Poker’s hand could hit the mat for the third time.


Justin quickly pinned Brendan again and once again, Brendan kicked out before David Poker could count to three. This happened four more times in a row and every time Brendan would kick out Justin would get more and more frustrated.


After the sixth near fall, Justin got up and started walking around the ring muttering to himself about the curse. This gave Brendan the time he needed to get a second wind and he used it to his full advantage. Brendan was able to stand up and go after a shocked Justin.


Once again, both men got an equal amount of offense in on each other. Then out of know where Brendan hit Justin with an Idolizer. He then covered Justin for the pin and the victory! You heard that right, the streak is over with!


Winner: Brendan Idol

Time: 11:03


[After the match was over with, Brendan Idol celebrates as if he has just won the RIPW Championship. He goes out into the crowd and is mobbed by the fans, who are so happy to see him finally get a victory.]


[While the Brendan continues to celebrate with the fans, we head to the backstage interview area where Thea Davis is.]




Thea Davis: People have been askin me why I attacked Jaime Quine last month. Well the answer is simple, when someone gets nicked and they are put in prison the first thing they do is walk up to the baddest bitch in the jail and knock that bitch the hell out. Just to show how tough you are.


Well Jaime Quine you’re the baddest bitch in this place and last month I knocked you the hell out. In a few minutes love, I’m going to do it again.


Jaime Quine vs. Thea Davis






Match: For the first time since she walked into the doors of RIPW, Jaime is in the ring with someone who can match her power. In fact at the start of the match both women lock hands and engage in a test of strength. When Jaime looked like she was going to come out on top of said test, Thea kicked her in the gut.


Thea then look control of the match showing her impressive amount of strength. Thea soon became very confident, one might say over confident, as she began to taunt the crowd while turning her back to Jaime.


This was a mistake because while Thea was occupied with taunting the crowd, Jaime was able to get back on her feet and go on the offensive. Jaime soon started hitting Thea with everything she had but it was to know avail as nothing she did could take Thea down. Finally, Jaime was able to get Thea down when she nailed Thea with a K.O. Kick. Jaime then covered her for the pin and the victory.


Winner: Jaime Quine

Time: 8:19


[The cameras take us to the backstage area where we see Leftie and Dutch Wilkes fighting each other, members of the RIPW Security soon break up this melee.]


Desmond McGuinness vs. Jake Havok with Brian Cash-Man


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/EdwardCornell.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/vs6.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/JakeIdol.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg




Match: This match started out slow as both men were playing this match very cautiously. They soon started a little striking war in the center of the ring as both men were hitting the other with kicks and punches. This soon overwhelmed Jake who slid out of the ring to get a break in the action.


Desmond followed him out of the ring and he began chasing Jake around the ringside area. Jake was able to get back into the ring and distract Referee David Poker, while Brian Cash-Man tripped Desmond on the outside of the ring. Obviously, this infuriated Desmond who turns and grabs Brian by the collar of his shirt. Jake then baseball slides out of the ring and nails Desmond with his feet, knocking Desmond to the arena floor.


Jake then brings Desmond back into the ring and start beating on him. During this portion of the match, Jake manages to get in a lot of near falls on Desmond but much to the delight of the crowd Desmond keeps on kicking out. Jake becomes increasingly frustrated over every kick out and he starts jawing at the referee to count faster.


With the referee, distracted Brian Cash-Man decides to involve himself in the match once again, as he grabs a chair with the intent of using it on Desmond. Brian is about to enter the ring when Hollywood Hank shows up and manages to get the chair away from Brian. Hank then proceeds to cream Brian with the chair; Hank then enters the ring and nails Jake in the back with the chair. Referee David Poker has no choice but to disqualify Desmond due to Hank’s actions.


Winner by disqualification: Jake Havok

Time: 9:26


[After the match is over with Hank repeatedly hits Jake in the back with the chair before Sky King and Crusher make their way down to the ring to aid Jake. Hank, realizing that he does not stand a chance against both Sky King and Crusher, hops the guardrail and escapes through the cheering crowd.]


For the RIPW Championship:




The Wildcat © vs. John Nash




[Pre-match RIPW Head referee David Poker walks over to the center of the ring. He then holds up his right arm as Ring Announcer Tony Lopez (who is standing behind him) holds the microphone up to David‘s mouth. David motions for both fighters to join him in the center of the ring. Both men comply and David says the following:]




David Poker: Okay gentlemen this match is for the RIPW Championship, I went over the instructions for this match with each of you in the locker room. I expect a good clean fight. Any questions?


[both fighters shake their heads no; neither men have much of a reaction on their respective faces as they stare at each other from across the ring.]




David Poker: Okay then shake hands if you would like to do so and return to your respective corners.


[The Wildcat puts his hand out for John to shake, John just snarls at the Wildcat before returning to his corner.]




Match: As soon as the bell rings, John wastes no time in attacking the champion. John spears the champion to the ground and starts displaying his very good ground and pound on The Wildcat’s face. Referee David Poker keeps asking if The Wildcat would like to give up but the champion keeps on saying no. John continued to pummel The Wildcat throughout the first few minutes of the match.


Interestingly enough, he never even made a pin attempt on the champion despite the fact that he could have very easily pinned the Wildcat at any time. Every time the Wildcat would try to mount a comeback, John Nash would shut him down. At one point, John pinned the champion with just his foot on the Wildcat’s chest and before Referee David Poker could make the three count, John removed his foot. This riled up the crowd who could be heard chanting all sorts of obscenities at John.


The crowd soon began to stomp their feet on the floor and clap their hands in the hopes that this would somehow give the Wildcat the encouragement he need in order to fight back. Slowly but surely the champion came to life again. John, realizing what was happening, was not about to fall victim to the adrenaline rush comeback that has caused so many other Wildcat opponents to fail.


Therefore, a visibly tired John nailed the champion with a vicious low blow right in front of Referee David Poker. This was grounds for an automatic disqualification, meaning that the Wildcat was able to retain his championship as he won via disqualification.


Winner by way of disqualification and still RIPW Champion: The Wildcat

Time: 11:08


[After the match is officially over with, John leaves the ring and grabs the microphone from Ring Announcer Tony Lopez. John then begins to address the crowd.]




John Nash: Take a good look at your champion, cuz his days are numbered. I manhandled him all through this match, which goes to prove I am the best there is in this promotion today. Wildcat, you are fond of making the claim that you are the best wrestler here in RIPW, well it looks like you are wrong…very wrong about that claim. I have proven to you and all of these fans, that I can take that championship from you anytime I want. I just didn’t want to win it tonight in this crappy city…


[The fans boo very loudly and start hurling trash at John as the camera fades to black.]

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Once again, I would just like to thank everyone that has taken the time to predict, read, and post in this diary.


Here are the results for the show:


hellboy2 7/9

michgcs 5/9


I would like to congratulate hellboy2 for getting the most right for this show! I have a prize for this show, I will PM you the details of the prize later on.


Post Show Thoughts


1. Well, I tried to write my matches like Jingo does but for some reason I just could not do it. Therefore, I end up with these massive shows like this one. I really wish I could just write a nice short show for once but it guess that is not in the books for me. Trust me when I say I really would like to write shorter shows as this show took me an hour to post.


2. Yes, I know there were many cheap endings on this card but I felt that there was a reason for each of them. Leftie going after his brother, Hollywood Hank getting his revenge on his now former teammates, and John Nash coming to the realization that no matter what kind of beating he doles out to the Wildcat he is still going to have a tough time trying to put that final nail in the Wildcat’s coffin.


3. The whole thing where Brian Fletcher says he does not know whom Morgan Malone is stems from when michgcs made a comment about not knowing who Morgan is. Morgan is one of those wrestlers that I have been meaning to push but for some reason I never do. Therefore, he ends up jobbing most of the time.


4. New tag team champions were crowned, much like what michgcs said it was time to get the titles off The Evil Empire. Seeing how I really only have three tag teams in the promotion (The Braves, The Evil Empire, and The Young Guns.) I had to put the belts on the Braves.


5. Brendan Idol’s streak is finally over with but that does not mean he will stop being Mr. 300. That is who he is, the dude that has lost over three hundred matches in a row and that will never change, even if he were to go on a winning streak.


6. Team Velasquez has one more match on their contract and then they return to CZCW. I am still debating on if I will keep them around or not.

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I will always see Brendan Idol as a lovable loser, new spiffy picture or not :D Great show and although the cheap finishes were abundant, I agree that they were necessary for their respective storylines, so why not get them all out of the way, right? :cool:


Anyway, hopefully this means the entire tag division's getting a push (doubt it) and it's nice to see that you've kept on with the women's division. The Main Event scene's going to be interesting once Hank and Havock join 'Cat and Nash. Hopefully this doesn't mean Rudy V gets pushed aside, because I enjoyed his time as contender :p

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RIPW wrestler Dutch Wilkes is headed to SOTBPW!


We here at Totalextremewrestling.com have just learned that RIPW wrestler Dutch Wilkes (real name Dutch Simms) has signed a contract to work exclusively for South Of The Border Pro Wrestling. Details on the length of the contract were not revealed. It is understood that Dutch will work for RIPW for another seven days and then he will be heading up south.


RIPW Head Booker Henry Lee had the following to say when we asked him about his thoughts on this topic, “I would be lying if I said we would not miss Dutch here in RIPW. Anytime you lose a top quality talent such as Dutch, it is a blow to your roster. Dutch was not only a great wrestler for us but he was also great in the community as well. It was a joy working with Dutch for the past two years and I wish him the best of luck down in Mexico.”



Ooc: Thus ends the Wilkes Brothers feud, I really wanted to get this feud going as this was one of the main feuds I had planned from the start of the diary. However, I waited too long and Dutch was poached from me. Those are the perils of running a smaller company I suppose.


Good show BHK sorry I missed out on predictions this time around.


No problem, heck I am just thankful that you are still picking in this diary.


I will always see Brendan Idol as a lovable loser, new spiffy picture or not :D Great show and although the cheap finishes were abundant, I agree that they were necessary for their respective storylines, so why not get them all out of the way, right? :cool:


Anyway, hopefully this means the entire tag division's getting a push (doubt it) and it's nice to see that you've kept on with the women's division. The Main Event scene's going to be interesting once Hank and Havock join 'Cat and Nash. Hopefully this doesn't mean Rudy V gets pushed aside, because I enjoyed his time as contender :p


Well ah...I shall talk about that in the next post...

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[it had been some time since Professor Nero had called me over to his house to discuss business, so I know whatever he had in mind must be important. After all, we usually discussed what we were going to do over the phone or before or after a show. As I sat in his basement office waiting for him I wonder what he could possibly want.


A few moments later Mycroft entered the office with a very serious look on his face. I squirmed around in my chair for a moment trying to get a read on what he was about to tell me.]




Henry Lee: So, I can tell by the look on your face this is probably going to be a conversation that I do not want to have.


[Nero rubbed the stubble on his face for a moment before he addressed me.]




Professor Nero: Well, yes, this probably will not be the easiest conversation we will ever have but I need you to do something for me that you will not want to do.




Henry Lee: Okay what is it?




Professor Nero: I have decided to abolish the entire Women’s Division. Now I understand that it was your baby but I just do not think our audience is interested in Women’s wrestling.


[This did not really come as a shock to me because I knew that Mycroft hated women‘s wresting. In fact, he only allowed me to start up a Women‘s Division as a favor to me. That being said it was a bitter pill to swallow nonetheless. How was I going to fire all of these women in this tough economic climate?]




Henry Lee: Wow, this really stinks you know that right…




Professor Nero: Yes, I fully understand that you are being put in a position that you do not want to be in. However, I gave the women a shot and at the end of the day, none of them drew a dime for me.




Henry Lee: Well in all fairness, we did not really give them a chance to shine. I mean for a while there they were not even on the main cards. If anything, we should have put more of a push behind them, maybe then they would have had the chance to put more buts in the seats.


Also, and I say this with all due respect, there are plenty of guys on our roster who have never drew a dime but they manage to keep their spots on the roster year after year. If you truly want me to go through with this I shall, but I think it is a huge mistake.


Plus, I really think we should take a long hard look at the legal ramifications of this. If we fire all of the women wrestlers in our promotion, they could turn around and sue us for gender inequality. That is not the type of news we need or want at this moment. Never mind the financial drain it would be on this company due to court costs.




Professor Nero: There is no need to worry about lawsuits; I will offer each woman a very nice severance package. Really, you will only be firing two women, Faith and Thea. I say this because both Jaime and Melissa’s contract run out at the end of next month. Therefore, we can look at it as simply a case of me not wanting to renew their respective contracts.


I plan to keep Alexis and Kathy around as managers. Alexis has a strong friendship with Morgan Malone and so I am not willing to upset him by firing her. You can make her the manager of The Young Braves, as the storyline states that she is the cousin of Running Wolf.


As for Kathy, well she is too cute to fire she reminds me of my wife when she was that age. So we shall keep her around and I want you to pair her off with one of the younger guys. Maybe Syd or George, you know anyone that took part in the Young Guns Tournament will do. I think Kathy will make a great manager and she will really help one of our younger guys get over quickly. So does that sound like a plan?




Henry Lee: I suppose so; I just really hate to do it…




Professor Nero: Yes, I know Hank but it is the move I want to make at this point and I know I can count on you to execute the move.


[We talked for a few more minutes before I left his house and headed home. One word he said stuck out to me while I was driving home. Execute, that is exactly what I felt like I was about to do to these young women. Heck Thea had only been working with us for a month, now I had to tell her she was going to lose her job. I was not looking forward to this at all.]



ooc: I have decided to kill off the Women's Division. I should have probably never started one in the first place but I wanted to see if I could run a promotion with a Women's Division in it. Obviously, I could not and so I sacked Faith, Miss Masterson, Jaime, and Thea.


I kept Alexis around because she and Morgan Malone have become good friends in the game and he would be pissed if I axed her. Kathy's entertainment skills were just too good to get rid of her. I gave her a managerial job and she is already helping her new client out in the game. It said so in my booking notes for the next card.

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Sue’s Superstar of the Month!


[The following interview took place directly after Boston Brawl IV. Sue Danes is standing next to John Nash who is still wearing his wrestling gear.]




Sue Danes: Wud up RIPW fans! It’s your girl Sue Danes here and it is that time of the month again, you know when I interview an RIPW superstar! My guest this month John Nash.


John earlier on tonight you took on The Wildcat for the RIPW Championship and you totally cost yourself the match when you hit the champion with a low blow right in front of Referee David Poker. Now you have been totally bitching about how you have not been able to get a shot at the RIPW Title since you came back. My question to you is why did you intentionally get yourself disqualified tonight?


[John looks Sue up and down with complete and utter disdain before he begins to answer her question.]




John Nash: Look, I don’t owe you or the fans an explanation as to why I did what I did.




Sue Danes: Well there was um…like…I heard some fans say that you knew you totally couldn’t beat The Wildcat and that is why you got yourself disqualified.


[John dismissively laughs at this statement before responding.]




John Nash: Well then, those fans would be foolish morons who were obviously not following the match. The fact of the matter is I dominated that match tonight and at any given moment I could have put the Wildcat away. I chose not to win tonight because I did not feel the need to win tonight.


Also, I just did not want to win the RIPW Championship in Boston. If had decided to win it here, my title reign would have forever had a taint on it because Boston is such a crappy city. Trust me when I say this, I can win back my RIPW Championship at any time that I want to.




Sue Danes: Um…what if like…the championship committee decides to not give you another shot at the championship because of how you got yourself intentionally disqualified.




John Nash: There ain’t no way the championship committee would not book me in the rematch. They know full well, there is money to be made in the rematch so of course they will give me another crack at the gold.




Sue Danes: Well I am totally like glad you are so confident. Before we go, I have a question for you from one of our fans. Melissa_R30 from Barrington, Rhode Island wrote the following question, “Isn’t it about time you get a haircut? 1983 called and it wants its hair back.”


[John looks peeved over this comment.]




John Nash: Melissa, don’t you worry about my hair. My hair is fine just the way it is.




Sue Danes: Well it looks like we are out of time, so I would like to thank my guest this month John Nash for taking the time to talk to me.


I hope you tune in next month when I interview my next superstar of the month. Until then, I hope you all have a kick ass month! See you all laters!


[sue blows a kiss at the camera and the video fades to black.]


Ooc: Just a quick little update on this, I have all of the promos and angles written up it is just the match write-ups that are once again kicking my ass. Man do I hate doing match write-ups, which I know sounds odd coming from someone who does a wresting diary but yeah I truly do hate writing them and I wish I could just stick to writing promos...:D

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RIPW to hold a Tag Team Tournament.


RIPW has announced that for the next two months they will be running a new experimental tag team tournament called the Wildcard Tag Team Tournament. The concept for this tournament is to take eight wrestlers and randomly pair them into tag teams. These new randomly paired teams will then compete in a tournament and the winners of the tournament will earn the right to challenge for the tag team championships at The Making of Legends III in November.


We caught up with RIPW Head Booker Henry Lee and asked him to comment about the new tournament, he had the following to say, “This is such a fantastic concept and it is my hope that it will help revitalize our tag team division. With this tournament having teams that are put together randomly, there is a chance that two enemies could end up tagging with each other.


The question then becomes, do you work with the person that you hate towards a common goal. Alternatively, do you may decide that it is not worth it and not work with your partner and therefore you do everything in your power to not find success. I have a feeling we will be seeing these types of situations happen in this tournament and that is why I feel it is such a great concept.”

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RIPW Presents: Showdown in September 2012



<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RobLMiskovsky_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RobLMiskovsky_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> By Rob L. Miskovsky


Well RIPW fans we are going to have one fantastic show for you when we return to PAL Hall in Fall River, Massachusetts on Saturday, September 8, 2012. The name of the event is Showdown in September 2012 and it looks like we have one humdinger of a card lined up for you!


On this night, we shall see the opening round matches in the Wildcard Tag Team Tournament. Now the teams have not been drawn yet so not even we here at RIPW know who will be facing whom. One thing that I can assure you of is that this concept is going to lend itself to some very interesting pairings.


A match we do know is going to take place is a Three Way Elimination Match, which will see the RIPW New England Heritage Champion Brian Fletcher defending his title against Too Hot and Morgan Malone. The odds do not favor the champion at all in this match, as he has to be not one but two men in order to retain his title. I caught up with Brian to ask him his feeling about this upcoming match. Here is what our New England Heritage Champion had to say:


“Am I worried a-bout this match? Why should I be worried a-bout this match? Neither one of these guys pose any real threat to me. I mean have you looked at Too Hot’s win, loss record lately. I am not sure how he even earned a shot at my title with the amount of losses he has been racking up as of late.


Then you have this Morgan Malone fellow who somehow has managed to weasel his way into a title shot. Now don’t get me wrong, anyone who can talk their way into a title shot during their first match with the company is impressive but that still does not mitigate the fact that he doesn’t deserve a shot at my title.”


I am not sure if Brian is delusional or what but Morgan has been with this company for almost two years. Anyway, another championship match that will be taking place on the card is a match between the newly crowned RIPW Tag Team Champions The Young Braves who will be taken on the former champions The Evil Empire. I caught up with my broadcast partner and the General Manger of the Evil Empire to get his thoughts on this match. Here is what he had to say:


“Young Braves you often talk about how the two of you are men of honor. Well the two of you did not win your titles in an honorable way last month. In fact, if it wasn’t for that trader Hollywood Hank the two of you wouldn’t even be wearing the tag team gold around your waists.


Mock my words at Showdown in September the two of you are going to make RIPW history for having the shortest reign as the tag team champions. Because you cannot beat my team without aid from Hank.”


Well that should be a great match between the champions and the former champions. Another great match that is going to take place on the show is our Main Event of the evening, which will see the RIPW Champion The Wildcat defending his title against John Nash. Nothing was settled between these two men last month so this should be one heck of a match. I caught up with the Wildcat to hear his thoughts about his upcoming match; here is what he had to say:


“John Nash, ya talk a good game but deep down I know ya scared of me. I saw the fear in ya eyes when I was making my comeback in our match. You see John, I never surrender, you’re gonna pretty much have to kill me. And John you might be one tough son of a gun but you and I both know you ain’t got the heart to do that.”


Those are some tough words coming from the champion, but I guess if someone kicked me in the groin, I to would have harsh words for them.


Well I hope you fans in Fall River and the surrounding area can come out to support our show. Because as you can see it is going to be one humdinger of a card!


That is it for this month folks, so come on down to the PAL Hall in Fall River, Massachusetts and witness what is sure to be another great RIPW event! The show starts at 8:00 p.m. and doors open at 7:00p.m. So come early and make sure enjoy the show!


For the RIPW Championship:

The Wildcat © vs. John Nash


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:

Too Hot vs. Morgan Malone vs. Brian Fletcher ©


For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:

The Young Braves © vs. The Evil Empire


Sonic S. Thompson vs. Rudy Velasquez


Leftie Wilkes vs. Miguel Rivera


Note: There will be more matches on this card, these are just the "known" matches. When I say known, I mean known to the fake fans of the C-Verse. Does that make sense? Probably not, now I am starting to feel like I am Rod Serling...

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For the RIPW Championship:

The Wildcat © vs. John Nash


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:

Too Hot vs. Morgan Malone vs. Brian Fletcher ©


For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:

The Young Braves © vs. The Evil Empire


Sonic S. Thompson vs. Rudy Velasquez

What the heck ..

Leftie Wilkes vs. Miguel Rivera

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For the RIPW Championship:

The Wildcat © vs. John Nash


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:

Too Hot vs. Morgan Malone vs. Brian Fletcher ©


For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:

The Young Braves © vs. The Evil Empire


Sonic S. Thompson vs. Rudy Velasquez


Leftie Wilkes vs. Miguel Rivera

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For the RIPW Championship:

The Wildcat © vs. John Nash

The Wildcat, almost tempted to say Nash by DQ, but am unsure


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:

Too Hot vs. Morgan Malone vs. Brian Fletcher ©

Brian Fletcher


For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:

The Young Braves © vs. The Evil Empire

The Young Braves


Sonic S. Thompson vs. Rudy Velasquez

Sonic S.Thompson, not sure on this either, i have a feeling this may be a start of a push and Rudy out of the picture


Leftie Wilkes vs. Miguel Rivera

Leftie Wilkes

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For the RIPW Championship:

The Wildcat © vs. John Nash

I think this is a close match, but Nash gets DQ-ed for some reason or other


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:

Too Hot vs. Morgan Malone vs. Brian Fletcher ©

This COULD spark a feud between Too Hot and Fletcher...?


For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:

The Young Braves © vs. The Evil Empire

They can't lose it so soon, right? ...Right?


Sonic S. Thompson vs. Rudy Velasquez

I like Rudy in the ME, but Sonic S. gets the fluke win.


Leftie Wilkes vs. Miguel Rivera

Refresh my memory: Miguel Rivera's part of Team Velasquez?

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Yep, absolutely great show and I hope (cause I forgot ^^) I won't be responsible should Mike Knox be fired (former prediction prize was to fire ppl - for realz!). But I don't think I am ... >_< ... oh and BHK, since I'm getting more and more into the CV (it is at the point where I'm 50/50 CV and RL mods) I started reading CV diaries - your's really IS that good, kudos to ya.


But I don't want to derail this any further than I already did, so once again - great show mich, highly enjoyable and I'm really pumped to read where you go with this all. Thumbs up!


This was in michgcs' diary but I didn't feel right to respond to it in his diary. Gald to see you here Harmor, thank you for picking as well. Also, thank you to everyone else that has picked thus far. Sorry for the cheap bump here but I did not want Harmor to think I was ignoring his post.


The show will probably be post later tonight, I say probably because I had intended on posting it last night but due to computer problems I was unable to do so.

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RIPW Presents: Showdown in September 2012




Saturday, September 8, 2012

PAL Hall, Fall River, Massachusetts

Attendance: 300

Show Rating: E


[The show begins with Hollywood Hank standing in the center of the ring. He is not dressed up in his normal attire when he is not wrestling (A suit and tie.) instead he is wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans.]




Hollywood Hank: Hey everyone, last month you all witnessed my comeuppance. You saw my former associates brutally attack me. They kicked me out of their exclusive group and now here I am on my own, a lone wolf if you will. There is nobody in that locker room that gives a damn about me because I have never given them a reason to do so.


I’ve come out here tonight…heck I am not really sure why I have come out here. I guess I would just like to tell you…the fans…that…um…I am so trying not to channel Jimmy Swaggart here, that I have sinned. Now I am not seeking your forgiveness because I understand that I have to earn that. I just want it to be clear that I know I need to reform and that is exactly what I plan on doing.


You see, right now…I am not speaking to you as Hollywood Hank the professional wrestler, I am speaking to you as Hank Mudd a guy who is just a regular person just like all of you out there. I know in the past I have said some very hurtful things to you the fans and for that, I am truly sorry.


It is just that for the past two years I have committed one of the cardinal sins of when you become rich and famous. I started to believe my own hype. I came out here month after month for the past two years and truly believed I was better than each of you because I had people in my ear telling me I was. Over the past two years I have become an arrogant, pompous, fool, whose ego knew no bounds.


I may have projected this confidence but deep down I knew that I am not better than no man or woman. I am only human and as such, I am prone to the flaws that everyone is prone to. You see when I wrestled in USPW; I was nothing more than a curtain jerker. I would never think to complain because I was on national television each week and I was being paid a good amount of cash.


However, there was something lacking during the time I spent there. I just was not happy being the jobber that would occasionally win a match every once in a great while. When they released me from my contract, part of me was pissed because I had just lost a good job and part of me was delighted because I was able to take control over my career and not have someone dictate my lot in life.


Then I came here and fell in with Brian Cash-Man, who started to feed me lines and lines of bullcrap. Saying how great I was, how you the fans did not deserve to see me wrestle because I was so great. As I said before I was, foolish enough to believe that stuff, because I was so insecure…I needed that extra affirmation to make me feel good about myself.


Well fans those days are over; from now on, I am no longer Hollywood Hank. I am Hank Mudd and for better or worse from here on out what you see is what you get, warts and all. I stand here right now making a pledge to you fans that I shall stay on the straight and narrow path. I will do my best to never stray from that path. Hank Mudd is a changed man…


[Just then, Jake Havok comes out from behind the backstage curtain. He has a huge grin on his face as he makes his way down to the ring. Prior to entering the ring, he grabs a microphone from Ring Announcer Tony Lopez; he then enters the ring and starts to laugh.]




Jake Havok: Cue the After School Special music because that was one hell of a sob story Hank. You know Hank, I truly didn’t think it was possible for me to have a lower opinion of you but upon hearing that promo you just cut…well I guess I was wrong. You are just pathetic old man, why don’t you just hang up the boots and save yourself some pain and grief…


[Hank looks like he is about to say something in retort, instead he nails Jake in the face with a left hook which staggers the cocky young wrestler. Both men begin to brawl in the ring until they are separated from each other by various RIPW officials. Henry Lee then comes out to address both men.]




Henry Lee: Gentlemen, I know both of you know you are facing off against each other later tonight. Therefore, I would like to make a request that you two save that aggression for match later on tonight. After all, I would not want either of you to get hurt by brawling with each other.


[We now head over to the announcer‘s table where Rob is standing by himself. Right before Rob begins his traditional introduction; Brian Cash-Man walks on camera and takes his usual spot next to Rob.]




Rob L. Miskovsky: Hello fans and welcome wrestling fans to Showdown in September 2012! We have a humdinger of a card for you tonight, as we come to you live from the PAL Hall in downtown Fall River, Massachusetts! I am Rob L. Miskovsky and I am sitting alongside my broadcast partner Brian Cash-Man.


Brian, I noticed that you just joined me here at the table. Are you all right?




Brian Cash-Man: Of course, I am all right; I am just wise enough not to come out here when Hank Mudd is out here. That man is a psychopath who should be banned for competing here in RIPW. Last month me cost my franchise the tag team titles, why should a thug like that be allowed to roam free here in RIPW?




Rob L. Miskovsky: Well in all fairness you did have, him brutally beat down last month. I think he had just cause to do what he did to you as payback.




Brian Cash-Man: Just cause! How was he justified? Before I signed him as a free agent, he was jobbing to Peter Valentine on a regular basis. I brought him here and he became a star, now that ingrate decided to turn his back on me well we shall see how well Mister Mudd does now that he has no friends to back him up.




Rob L. Miskovsky: Well we shall see indeed, as he is taking on your boy Jake Havok later on tonight. Right now, let us head up to the ring for our first match of the evening.




Sunburst & Syd Collier vs. George Wolfe & Frank Fernandes




Match: This was the first match in the Wild Card Tag Tournament and the pairings were odd in this match. Neither team really gelled together but both teams tried to make it work, as they knew that if they advanced they would be one-step closer to a shot at the RIPW Tag Team Champions.


Despite running on the short side, the match itself was pretty open with both teams getting their offense in on their opponent. However, when all was said and done tonight was Frank and George’s night as they picked up the victory when Frank pinned Syd.


Winners and advancing into the finals of the Wild Card Tag Team Tournament: George Wolfe & Frank Fernandes

Time: 5:42


[it is now time to head to the backstage interview area where Sue Danes is standing by with Alexis Lee Littlefeather and the newly crowned RIPW Tag Team Champions the Young Braves.]




Sue Danes: Wud up peeps! It’s ya girl Sue and I am totally standing here with Alexis Lee Littlefeather and the new RIPW Tag Team Champions the Young Braves.


Alexis you have now totally become the manager of the Young Braves. Why have you decided to do this now?




Alexis Lee Littlefeather: I wanted to act as an advocate for my cousin and Running Bear. You see I am sick and tired of Brian Cash-Man getting involved in matches and so now that I am in the mix I hope to act as an equalizer for the Braves so that they do not get screwed by the opposing team‘s manager.




Sue Danes: Cool beans. Now Running Bear, Running Wolf, I would like to totally congratulate you on winning the RIPW Tag Team Championships last month. I heard that even though the two of you are totally happy about your victory, you aren’t happy about the way you won the titles. Mainly Hollywood Hank’s interference that allowed you to gain the victory.




Running Bear: That’s right Sue, me and Running Wolf consider ourselves to be men of honor. The way we won the RIPW Tag Team Championships last month was not honorable. Don’t get me wrong we appreciated what Hollywood Hank did for us but that is not the right way to win the titles.




Running Wolf: Yeah because now our title reign will always be tainted by the fact that we did not win the titles in a clean way. That is why we agreed to give the Evil Empire a rematch tonight. We want to prove to everyone and ourselves that we can beat the Evil Empire without the help of anyone. Tonight we’re going to go out there and remove the dark cloud that is looming over our heads. Tonight we’re going to defend our titles with honor.


Leftie Wilkes vs. Miguel Rivera






Match: This is a relatively short match that started with Miguel in control. However, Leftie was able to get momentum to go back his way and he finished Miguel off with a Boston Whiplash and then pinned Miguel for the victory.


Winner: Leftie Wilkes

Time: 6:24


[After his match is over with Leftie leaves the ring, he starts to head to the back when Heather B. comes running towards him with her arms outstretched. She hugs Leftie in a rather awkward manner, it is clear as day Leftie is uncomfortable with her hugging him. After Heather let him go, Leftie walks over to Ring Announcer Tony Lopez and asks for a microphone.]




Leftie Wilkes: Ah…Heather what da hell was that all about?


[Heather smiles at Leftie before responding to his question.]




Heather B.: Well babe, I just wanted to congratulate you on your win. You know I find it sexy when you get all hot and sweaty after a victory. I just love seeing my man win…




Leftie Wilkes: Whoa, hold up right there. What do ya mean, your man? I ain’t your man…at least not anymore. That ship sailed a long time ago hun…ya know, when ya started cheating on me with my brother.




Heather B.: I know what I did to you in the past was wrong…and I am truly sorey for that. Now that Dutch has abandoned me to go wrestle in Mexico, I just want things to go back to the way they were before. Leftie…I’m, I’m very lonely and I need you in my life again.


[Leftie starts to laugh and then looks out at the crowd to see their reaction, asking them, “Is this chick serious?” with the expression on his face.]




Leftie Wilkes: Look Heather ya and me ain’t gonna happen again. Ain’t no way, ain’t no how. Fact is, ya repulse me Heather…ya know Hollywood Hank was right ya ain’t nothing but a dirt squirrel and the fact of da matter is ya ain’t getting anywhere near my nuts.


[Heather is pissed off over that last comment; she slaps Leftie right across his right cheek. He looks angry for a moment and then a smile creeps across his face.]




Leftie Wilkes: My mother told me to never put my hands on a woman…but ya proven time and time again ya ain’t no woman.


[With that, Leftie makes it look like he is going to punch the cowering Heather. Instead, he just takes her Red Sox hat off her head and throws it into the crowd. He then walks to the dressing room while Heather stares at him furiously. She then shrieks out.]




Heather B.: Leftie you are going to pay for rejecting me and embarrassing me in front of all of these people! Mock my worlds, one way or another I am going to make you pay!


For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:




The Young Braves with Alexis Lee Littlefeather © vs. The Evil Empire with Brian Cash-Man


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RunningWolf.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RogerMonteiro.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/AlexisLeeLittlefeather.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/vs6.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/CrusherVonSteinberg.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SkyKing.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg




Match: As soon as the champions entered the ring, the Evil Empire ambushed them. All four men began to brawl in the ring as Referee David Poker tried to get some order. He was finally able to get Running Wolf and Crusher out of the ring, meaning the legal men were Running Bear and Sky King for their respective teams.


The champions had control of the match during the first few minutes of the match, as they made quick tags in and out while they worked on Sky King. However, this soon changed thanks in part to outside interference from Brian Cash-Man who distracted Referee David Poker. This distraction helped Crusher enter the ring when he was even tagged into the match, he did clap his hands together.


After Crusher entered the ring, David Poker turned around and allowed the tag despite the fact that he did not see it. Even though Alexis tried to inform David of what happened, he told her he heard the tag and therefore it was valid. At this point, the heels took over as they kept Running Bear away from his partner. Crusher and Sky King focused on Running Bear’s left arm and they kept on working on it in the hopes that they could do some major damage to it.


At this point the fans, lead by Alexis Lee Littlefeather, being to stomp their feet on the ground and do the Tomahawk Chop with their hands. This is soon accompanied by the Indian War Cry, which causes Brian Cash-Man to frantically wave his arms at the crowd in an effort to shut them up. Despite Brain’s efforts the crowd does not calm down, in fact they get even louder.


Running Bear soon began to fight out of the heel’s corner like a man possessed. He then tagged in Running Wolf who threw Sky King out of the ring and then began to focus all of his rage onto Crusher. These two big men traded strikes in the center of the ring much to the delight of the fans. Finally, Running Wolf put Crusher away with a Wolf Tamer he then covered him for the pin and the victory.


Winners and still RIPW Tag Team Champions: The Young Braves

Time: 11:24


[We are now sent into the dressing room Justin Sensitive who is getting ready for his tag team match which is about to start in a few minutes. Moments later, Justin‘s randomly drawn tag team partner enters the dressing room, it is none other than Brendan Idol.]




Brendan Idol: Well my gentile friend it looks like you and are going to be a tag team tonight. This is going to be a good thing for us, for our relationship with one another. This is the universes way of telling us that we should be friends and work together as a cohesive unit.




Justin Sensitive: Bro you and I ain’t got no relationship, I don’t play on dat team my dude…




Brendan Idol: Oh, that is not what I meant Justin; I do not play on that team either. What I meant was tonight you and I need to work together for a common goal and that goal is to win our match. This can only happen if we trust each other.


Look what has happened between us over the past few months is water under the bridge. If we work together as a cohesive team, there is nobody in this promotion that can beat us…




Justin Sensitive: Hey, bro you can stick all dat hippy crap where da sun don’t shine. Da only reason we’re teaming tonight is because some sick bastard thought it would be funny to put us together. Ain’t noting more to our match tonight than that.


We ain’t gonna be boys when all is said and done. We just gotta go out there, beat some ass, and take some names. And bro, ya better not jinx me by wishing me good luck. Cuz if ya jinx me, ya jinx yourself.


[Justin puts his trademark sunglasses on and walks out of the dressing room. Brendan looks directly into the camera and shakes his head.]




Brendan Idol: Who wears sunglasses indoors?


Justin Sensitive & Brendan Idol vs. Waylon Walls & Elliot Thomas






Match: What an interesting match this was with the random pairing. None of the men in this match seemed to trust their respective partners all that much. Heck, Brendan and Justin are archenemies so of course it was going to be hard for them to co-exist in a match together.


You would think that Brendan and Justin would have the most friction between each other in this match but that was not the case. Waylon and Elliot kept on arguing with each other throughout the match. The cause of the friction between the two of them seemed to stem from the fact that Waylon does not work well with others.


In fact, it was one of these arguments that cause Waylon and Elliot the match. Both men were in their corner arguing over whom should be in the ring. Brendan seized the opportunity to nail Waylon with the Idolizer and cover him for the pin and the victory. Yes, folks Brendan has now won two matches in a row and Justin’s losing streak has ended now as well.


Winners and advancing into the finals of the Wild Card Tag Team Tournament: Brendan Idol & Justin Sensitive

Time: 7:19


[Too Hot is making his way to the gorilla position when he sees Morgan Malone, one of his opponents for tonight, getting ready to make his way down to the ring.]




Too Hot: Morgan Malone, Too Hot wants to wish you good luck out there because your going to need it.




Morgan Malone: Well Too Hot I’m going to wish you the same because I plan on walking out of here as the next RIPW New England Heritage Champion.




Too Hot: Too Hot likes that you have confidence in yourself Morgan Malone. There just ain’t no way you’ll be walking out of here as the next RIPW New England Heritage Champion. Everyone knows from the smallest child to Rowdy Roger, that Too Hot is going to be the new RIPW New England Heritage Champion. And if ya don’t know, now ya…


[Just then, the RIPW New England Heritage Champion Brian Fletcher shows up. He looks at both Morgan and Too Hot with complete disdain.]




Brian Fletcher: Neither one of you fools are going to walk out of here as the New England Heritage Champion. After all, you both seem to forget that I am the current New England Heritage Champion and there is just no way, I will ever lose this title to the likes of either of you.


Think of how embarrassing it would be for me to lose to an idiot who refers to himself in the third person or some rookie whom I have never even seen before…




Morgan Malone: Dude I fought you last month and I was doing pretty well into you decided to duck and run from me.


[brian rolls his eyes over this statement and chuckles for a moment.]




Brian Fletcher: I don’t even recall that, I have no clue as to what you are talking a-boot. Now if you two scrubs will excuse me, the stupid fans await my arrival to the ring so get the hell out of my way and get mentally prepared to have both of your asses handed to you in a few short moments.


[brian‘s music begins to play and he heads out to the ring. Too Hot looks at Morgan and smiles.]




Too Hot: Too Hot is gonna love kicking that white boy’s ass all over the ring tonight, you can believe that Morgan Malone. And if ya don’t know, now ya know.


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:




Too Hot vs. Morgan Malone vs. Brian Fletcher ©






Match: The match started off with all three men in the ring, Too Hot and Morgan did a spot where they stood on either side of Brian and they would each punch him. When one would punch him, he would turn around and get punched by the other guy. Brian looked like a pinball as he kept on going back and forth.


Finally, he feel to the mat and Morgan went for the pin. Too Hot was having none of this as he kicked Morgan in the back in order to break up the pin. Morgan got right into Too Hot’s face and both men began shoving each other. This soon escalated into both men throwing strikes at each other.


While all this was going on Brian, who managed to get on his feet, simply left the ring. Brian knew full well that he could not be counted-out in this match, so he left the match and joined Brian Cash-Man and Rob on commentary. While on commentary, he took the time to tell Rob and Cash-Man how dumb his opponents were for actually trying in this match, while he would just sit at the announcer’s table until one of them eliminated the other.


Morgan and Too Hot continued to battle it out in the ring while Fletcher watched his opponents from the announcer’s table. Both Too Hot and Morgan really went at it and both men got an equal amount of offense in during this stretch of the match. Finally, Too Hot was able to pin Morgan thus eliminating him from the match.


Too Hot had no idea where Brian Fletcher was, because he was so focused on eliminating Morgan. Brian snuck up behind Too Hot and brought him down with a schoolboy pin while grabbing Too Hot’s jeans. Referee David Poker made the three count which meant that Brian Fletcher won while wrestling a grand total of about two minutes in an almost twelve minute long match.


Winner and still RIPW New England Heritage Champion: Brian Fletcher

Time: 11:52


[Once again, we are taken to the backstage interview area where Sue is standing by with the RIPW Champion The Wildcat.]




Sue Danes: Wildcat, I am sure by now you have totally heard all the trash that John Nash has talked about you. What are your thoughts heading into your match against him later on tonight?




The Wildcat: Ya know Sue, big John can talk all the trash he wants. Yeah I have heard em say how last month he had me right where he wanted me and he told me he could take my title away from me any time he wants to. Well John those are some pretty big words that you have been spitting out.


You see John; I’m cool with the fact that you have total confidence in your abilities. If you don’t hype yourself, nobody will. The thing is John, I know all of that confidence you have is complete and utter bull. Last month when I was making my comeback during our match, I looked into your eyes and I saw fear in em.


There was no sign of confidence in your eyes...you were scared. Scared over the fact that you threw everything you had at me and you still couldn’t put me away.


Well tonight John you’re going to once again see why I am called the human Timex. I take a licking and keep on ticking. Ain’t no matter what you do to me, you’re not going to put me away.


Sonic S. Thompson vs. Rudy Velasquez






Match: On paper, one may think that Rudy would finish Sonic off rather quickly. Unfortunately, for Rudy this match was not played on paper. Both he and Sonic had a very evenly matched mat and Sonic came close to winning during a couple of moments in the match.


Tonight was not meant to be Sonic’s night however. Sonic was on the verge of victory when he saw a man dressed in an Ant costume walking around near where the wrestlers come out...




Sonic feverously pointed at the man in the Ant costume and began telling Referee David Poker, “See he’s real!”, it was at that point that Rudy came up from behind Sonic and bulldogged him down to the mat. He then covered Sonic for the pin and the victory.


Winner: Rudy Velasquez

Time: 9:41


Hank Mudd vs. Jake Havok with Brian Cash-Man


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/OscarOzymandias.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/vs6.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/JakeIdol.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg




Match: During the opening minutes of this match, both men got an equal amount of offense in. Soon Jake was able to take control of the match and he began to punish his former stable mate. Jake managed to get in a couple of near falls but just as Referee David Poker was about to count to three, Jake would just get up, thus breaking his own pin. Jake did this a couple of times and the more he did it the more it infuriated the crowd.


Jake soon began to taunt the crowd yelling at them, “I’m not finished punishing him yet!” This really got the crowd against Jake, which was no small feat as for the past two years Hank was the biggest heel on the roster. Jake continued to taunt the crowd, which helped Hank regain his composure.


A visibly tired Hank soon mounted a comeback and now it was his turn to dole out the punishment. Hank managed to get in a few near falls during this portion of the match. However, he just could not seem to put away Jake, with every pin he was coming closer to that goal though. Brian Cash-Man soon became afraid that Hank was going to win this match so he leapt up onto the ring apron and began to argue with David Poker over something.


A highly annoyed Hank went over to Cash-Man and grabbed him by his shirt’s collar. He was about to punch Brian when Jake came up from behind and nailed Jake in the back of the head with a vicious forearm. This caused Hank to double over in pain, which led to Jake nailing Hank with a Reality Check. Jake then pinned Hank for the victory.


Winner: Jake Havok

Time: 15:54


For the RIPW Championship:




The Wildcat © vs. John Nash




[Pre-match RIPW Head referee David Poker walks over to the center of the ring. He then holds up his right arm as Ring Announcer Tony Lopez (who is standing behind him) holds the microphone up to David‘s mouth. David motions for both fighters to join him in the center of the ring. Both men comply and David says the following:]




David Poker: Okay gentlemen this match is for the RIPW Championship, I went over the instructions for this match with each of you in the locker room. I expect a good clean fight. Any questions?


[both fighters shake their heads no; neither man has much of a reaction on their respective faces as they stare at each other from across the ring.]




David Poker: Okay then shake hands if you would like to do so and return to your respective corners.


[The Wildcat puts his hand out for John to shake, John reaches out and takes the Wildcat’s hand and begins to squeeze it with all of his strength.]




Match: Referee David Poker informs the timekeeper to ring the bell to signify the start of the match. Right form the start John has the champion on his knees in pain as he continues to squeeze the champion’s hand with all of his might. John releases the Wildcat’s hand and then clobbers the champion in the back.


This match was very similar to last month’s encounter between these two as John dominated the champion. Every time the Wildcat would begin to mount a comeback, John would find a way to stop said comeback. John began to taunt the crowd yelling out, “Is this your champion?” every time he would do something to the Wildcat. This made the crowd pissed and various objects were hurled towards the ring. It got so bad that Ring Announcer Tony Lopez had to warn the crowd that if they were caught throwing trash at the ring, they would be ejected from the arena.


Once again, John was not even trying to pin the champion, as it seemed his entire focus during the match was to inflict as much pain possible on the Wildcat. Finally, a visibly tired John started going for some pins, but despite all of the damage that the champion took John was still not able to put him away.


The fans soon began to rally around the Wildcat in the hopes that he would mount a comeback. Members of the crowd began to clap their hands and stomp their feet in the hopes that this would will the Wildcat into comeback mode. They got their wish as the Wildcat began to fight back with conviction. Nothing John Nash threw at him seemed to matter as the Wildcat was fighting like a man possessed.


John realizing that this could end up badly for him, managed to nail the Wildcat with a clothesline while the champion was near the ropes. This caused the Wildcat to fall to the floor, John soon joined his opponent out on the floor and the two men began to brawl at ringside. Referee David Poker started slowly counting, in the hopes that both competitors would get back into the ring. It was to no avail as neither man even attempted to reenter the ring. David Poker had no choice but to rule this match a double count-out.


There was no winner; the Wildcat retains his title due to a double count-out

Time: 11:49


[The fans do not seem to be thrilled over the non-finish of this match as they are booing loudly. This show ends with John Nash and the Wildcat brawling.]
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First and foremost, I would like to thank Kamchatka for giving me the permission to use the awesome Ant render.


Once again, I would just like to thank everyone that has taken the time to predict, read, and post in this diary. A special thank you goes out to Harmor for making his first picks in this diary.


Here are the results for the show:


Hellboy2 5/5

Jingo 5/5

Harmor 3/5

michgcs 3/5


I would like to congratulate hellboy2 and Jingo for getting the most right for this show! Sorry but there is no prize this time around as I could not think of anything good. I guess the two of you or anyone for that matter could give me some input though.


Should I keep Team Velasquez? There trade deal with me just ran out so it is back to CZCW with them. I am not sure if I want to bring them back or not so any feedback on that topic would be great.



Post Show Thoughts


1. Sorry for the long promo at the start, I started to write it and I just kept on writing. This was a turn that I had wanted to do for a while now, I had actually originally wanted them to turn on him after he quit in a War Games type match. However, I just never ended up going that way for some reason.


In addition, I was not crazy about how I ended the opening segment. When I was writing it, it felt kind of flat to me with Henry Lee coming out. I just could not think of a good way to end it.


2. I screwed up when I booked this show. I wanted a jobber like worker to lose to Leftie Wilkes but all of my jobber type workers were tied up in the Wild Card Tag Tournament. Therefore, I went with Miguel Rivera instead, I guess he is a jobber as well but usually I like to have Waylon Walls or George Wolfe do the job in those types of matches.


Originally, I was going to have The Young Guns and Team Velasquez do a three match series but because of the Wild Card Tag Tournament, I ended up scrapping that idea and so I threw Miguel into this match instead.


3. Lesson learned on the Jake Havok vs. Hank Mudd match. Hank can no longer wrestle for any length of time as his stamina has been going down at a rapid pace over the past few months. Also, I got dinged because neither Jake nor Hank has high enough psychology to have a long match. I am just glad I did not make this the main event because it had better hype than the actual main event but it drew a much lower rating.


4. I had to go to plan B in regards to Leftie Wilkes. I really thought I had a cool feud planned out for him and his brother but I will never get to use it. Now he will be feuding with Heather instead.

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Should I keep Team Velasquez? There trade deal with me just ran out so it is back to CZCW with them. I am not sure if I want to bring them back or not so any feedback on that topic would be great.


I say yes. Any addition to your tag team ranks is good.


1. Sorry for the long promo at the start, I started to write it and I just kept on writing. This was a turn that I had wanted to do for a while now, I had actually originally wanted them to turn on him after he quit in a War Games type match. However, I just never ended up going that way for some reason.


It was a great, heartfelt promo from Hank, I think. The only problem is his last name is Mudd.


3. Lesson learned on the Jake Havok vs. Hank Mudd match. Hank can no longer wrestle for any length of time as his stamina has been going down at a rapid pace over the past few months. Also, I got dinged because neither Jake nor Hank has high enough psychology to have a long match. I am just glad I did not make this the main event because it had better hype than the actual main event but it drew a much lower rating.


That sucks. I remember like it was yesterday when Hank and Bill were going at it for the title.


4. I had to go to plan B in regards to Leftie Wilkes. I really thought I had a cool feud planned out for him and his brother but I will never get to use it. Now he will be feuding with Heather instead.


It's going to be a nice feud, but I wonder how you're going to do the matches.

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