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OOC: be gentle - it's my first dynasty.


...excerpt from


Mark Plant’s Ringside Rumors Newsletter/Blog Nov. 11, 1997

Bret Hart Update!


Just two days after what the wrestling community has dubbed the Montreal Screwjob, Bret Hart’s future in WCW is uncertain.


Rumors are swirling that Eric Bischoff had planned an elaborate introduction of Hart to WCW, and was going to announce that Hart would join the nWo upon his debut down South, but that Hart has requested some time to ponder his future. With a lucrative three year contract already signed, Hart would likely have some legal trouble if he decided not to appear on Nitro when he is expected to next month.



...excerpt from


Mark Plant’s Ringside Rumors Nov. 18, 1997


For the past week the wrestling community has been ablaze with speculation over Bret Hart’s next actions. Hart has been unreachable for comment, but a source close to the situation claims that Hart is considering retirement.


In related news, although Shawn Michaels and the WWF have moved on, it seems that not everyone at the WWF is comfortable with Vince McMahon’s actions at Survivor Series. Notably, Hart Family members The British Bulldog and Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart, and known backstage friend of Hart Rick Rude, who was on a short-term contract, have all asked for and received their release as a direct result of Survivor Series. All three are reportedly in talks with WCW. Mick Foley (Mankind/Cactus Jack), who reportedly no-showed RAW last week in protest, has also been released.


The prevalent feeling among those who spoke to me over the past week is that there are a few more names, a few of them notable, who may be looking to leave WWF as well.


...excerpt from


Mark Plant’s Ringside Rumors Nov. 21, 1997


Hart Shocks the World Again!


Bret Hart is not going to WCW! He’s surely not going back to WWF, and he’s not going to upstart ECW either! Hart has decided to try his hand at promoting. In a brief statement today, Hart said he was tired of the backstage politicking, lack of focus on quality matches and lack of appreciation for loyalty and devotion to the sport. Here is an excerpt from a brief statement issued by the Hitman regarding the decision:


"I sat down with my family and realized that I need a break. I can’t say that I’ll never want to be in front of 40,000 people again, because I loved every minute of performing in front of the fans, but for now I think I need to take a step back, and more importantly, give back, so that some of the young guys in this business can hone their craft. I think I can provide that venue."


Though WCW would have provided a much more manageable schedule than WWF, apparently that still wasn’t good enough for the 39 year old Hart. Whether this is simply an ego trip for Hitman, who has had issues with fellow main event level wrestlers and management, remains to be seen. There were no details provided on schedule, talent or locations for the new promotion, or even a name for it.

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...excerpt from

Mark Plant’s Ringside Rumors Nov. 25, 1997

Bret Hart has flatly refused interviews from across the world over the past few weeks. His new promotion, titled Hitman Wrestling Association, issued a statement today that clears up what he'll be doing going forward, though it leaves the questions of the past unanswered.


The company will be based out of Calgary, just as Stu Hart's old Stampede Wrestling was, and will hold its first card in January. Where else this company might go is unclear.


The most interesting part of the release is that the initial roster was released in part today. Notable names beside Bret Hart include:


Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart

"The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith

"Ravishing" Rick Rude

Marty Jannetty

Vader and

Dr. Death Steve Williams.


It seems Bret's brother Bruce will be working on the booking, and some other local talent should be involved as well. I am curious to see how Hart opens his promotion, which is not expected to be televised, since fans have not seen nor heard from him since his unceremonious exit from WWF. The only surprise on the list thus far is Vader, though I have heard unconfirmed rumors that Vader had been warning Bret of the potential for a screwjob based on similar events he had seen in Japan. Vader has not appeared on WWF television since Survivor Series.


Hart also promises surprises and a "major announcement" at the first show, the date and location for which have not been set. What agreement Hart came to with Bischoff to get out of the WCW contract, and more generally what is on Hart's mind, is still a mystery.


...excerpt from

HWT Official Website


Partial Card Announced for HWT Origins Tour Saturday 1



In action this week:



Bret "Hitman" Hart




Cactus Jack


Davey Boy Smith

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HWA Origins Tour Saturday I


Summary from...


HWA Origins Tour Saturday 1

AB Ogden Legion

391 fans in attendence



Bret Hart walks down the aisle in front of a small, raucous crowd of 391 Canadian fans, and enough media members to fill half the arena. Hart enters the ring without music, in jean shorts, a new "HWA" t-shirt and his trademark sunglasses. He beings to speak:



"Welcome, Calgary, to Hitman Wrestling's Origins Tour! ..."


He is immediately cut off by a roar, then a chant that rises from the crowd in unison - "THANK YOU, BRET! THANK YOU, BRET ..."


Hart pauses as the crowd pops. He waits for the fans to settle, then begins again.


"Thank you. I know you've always been there for me. And now I'm here to say that I am here for you. I've watched for my entire adult life as the business I love is slowly drained of its roots and turned into a joke. I've watched the most talented wrestlers in the world toil their whole careers, making millions for promoters, only to be tossed on the scrapheap when they get hurt, or want a raise, or need some time off to see their wife and kids.


Well, no more. Hitman Wrestling is about Dignity. It's about Respect. It's about Perseverance and Loyalty. It's time for wrestlers to take the small gains we've made over the last ten years and take back our industry from greedy promoters and businessmen.


I know I'm not likely to make money doing this. And that's ok. I'm here to build a haven where wrestlers can come to make a decent wage, hone their craft and compete based on their talents - not who they work out with or whose rear end they kiss."


The crowd, which had interrupted the Hitman intermittently to yell their approval, begins to chant again "WE HATE VINCE ... WE HATE VINCE ..."


Hart smirks, then begins to speak again:


"But I'm here to talk about the future, not the past. And let's start with tonight. I thought about the creation of a Heavyweight Championship for Hitman Wrestling. And I thought about what I wanted it to mean. I wanted it to represent the true spirit of wrestling, to encompass the history of this great sport. And then I realized I wouldn't be doing justice to the history of wrestling and the fans in Calgary, or in North America, if I allowed the title belt with the most history surrounding it to lay dormant. And so I made a few phone calls and I pulled a few strings ... and then I wrote a check ... to make sure that the Champion here in Hitman Wrestling wears the strap of a true wrestling god: the NWA World Heavyweight Championship!"


To crown that Champion, we will be holding an eight man, single elimination tournament. Seven of those spots have been included in the contracts of wrestlers I signed to the promotion. I will fill the eighth. The first round is tonight! And the first match...starts...now!"


Segment Rating: A




As the first two competitors head toward the ring, Ravishing Rick Rude and newcomer O'Toole (OOC: user character) take over the commentary.


O'Toole: What a start to Hitman Wrestling, Rick.


Rude: You'll refer to me as Mr. Rude, and keep your mouth closed as much as possible, so the slobs who spend their hard-earned welfare money on this tape can enjoy the voice of the sexiest man alive!



Match: 1 vs 1 with a 20 minute time limit - First round of the NWA Heavyweight Championship Tournament

Davey Boy Smith vs Andrew "Test" Martin


The Bulldog is in fine form against the young big man. He controls most of the match and the crowd pops for his usual spots, but the inevitable result keeps the heat from building too high.

Davey Boy Smith defeated Andrew Test Martin in 13:24 by pinfall with a Vertical Suplex.

Segment Rating: E+



Backstage, Cactus Jack is seated on a couch. The camera can see only Jack, as he smiles a gap-filled smile suited for the Tonight Show.


Cactus Jack: Of course I'm going to hurt him, Dave! I can't help but hurt him! You don't even have to ask me that kind of question.


Jack pauses.


Cactus Jack: Why, Conan? It's what I do. It's who I am...Honestly, I can't remember why. I don't know why I have the urge to do harm to another human being. Or why I like when he squirms and begs for mercy just slightly less than when he punishes me back. I don't understand it anymore than you. Thanks for having me on the program. Bang! Bang!


As the camera pans back, we see that Jack was alone in his dressing area.

Segment Rating: B




Match: 1 vs 1 with a 20 minute time limit - First round of the NWA Heavyweight Championship Tournament

Cactus Jack vs. Shawn Hernandez


Cactus Jack really takes it to the physically impressive Hernandez, failing to break blatant chokes until the referee's count reaches four. Early on, Jack allows Hernandez some offense, seemingly relishing the 300-pounder's kidney punches and body slams, but by the ten minute mark, Jack is in control. He toys with Hernandez toward the end, delivering multiple Double Arm DDTs to the rookie.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Cactus Jack defeated Hotstuff Hernandez in 12:49 by pinfall with a Double Arm DDT.

Segment Rating: D+


The match is over, and Hotstuff Hernandez is still down. Cactus Jack sits in the corner of the ring and grins as he pulls his own hair, then sees his opponent on the ground as though he had forgotten he was there. He attacks, and stomps Hernandez into the canvas until officials hit the ring to remove him.

Segment Rating: E+



Match: 1 vs 1 with a 15 minute time limit

Adam Copeland vs. Doug Williams


The two youngsters don't help the crowd's mood any, as the next few matches on the card could easily be labeled 'Intermission'. Copeland and Williams both have a bright future, but the crowd needs to pop for something, so the Canadian triumphs this time.


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Adam Copeland defeated Doug Williams in 10:39 by pinfall with a Missile Dropkick.

Segment Rating: E-




Match: 1 vs 1 with a 15 minute time limit

Dr. Death Steve Williams vs. Nick Dinsmore


Dinsmore surprised the crowd by putting up a decent fight against Williams, but the surly Dr. Death gained the advantage before long. He targeted Dinsmore's back, delivered a series of stiff shots, and was in control until the finish.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Steve Williams defeated Nick Dinsmore in 11:56 by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver.

Segment Rating: E+



Match: 1 vs 1 with a 20 minute time limit - First round of the NWA Heavyweight Championship Tournament

Vader vs. Marty Jannetty


A few minutes into the match, Vader missed a splash in the corner, allowing Jannetty to take the upper hand. Rick Rude noted that he'd like Vader to be his client, as he would manage him straight to the top of HWA. When Jannetty went for a high risk move that did not pay off at the 13 minute mark, Vader re-took control of the veteran and made him pay with an impressive Vader Bomb.


In a bout that had great heat and some decent in-ring action, Vader defeated Marty Jannetty in 16:30 by pinfall with a Power Bomb.

Segment Rating: D



Match: 1 vs 1 with a 20 minute time limit - First round of the NWA Heavyweight Championship Tournament

Bret Hart vs. John Tenta


The crowd popped fairly well for Tenta, who was a surprise addition to the card. As the behemoth pounded Hart and used his girth to his advantage, Rick Rude said that a larger competitors could toy with Hart, and that this was a solid blueprint on how a big man could beat Hitman. He also questioned having the owner of the company competing, calling it a conflict of interest. While he is "Simply Ravishing," Rude said, Hart is "simply selfish."


In the ring, Hart sat up to avoid being crushed by Tenta, and turned the tide of the match quickly once the big man was down. By the end of the match, Tenta gave up to the Sharpshooter, though Hart had taken a lot of punishment.


In a match that had a fantastic crowd and good action, Bret Hart defeated John Tenta in 16:15 by submission with a Sharpshooter.

Segment Rating: D+


As Hart celebrates in the ring, Vader runs down from the locker room area and attacks him! The crowd erupts in a chorus of boos and jeers. After a thorough beat down, Vader grabs the mic, and, spitting into it, screams "Get used to it, Canada! It's Vader Time - and it's always gonna be Vader Time!" As the mammoth leaves the ring, Rude applauds Vader as Hart struggles to his feet with the support of the crowd.

Segment Rating: B


Show Rating: D+

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excerpt from: HWA official site


excerpt from: HWA official site


Origins Tour Saturday 2 Partial Card Released!


In action, this week:


NWA Heavyweight Championship Tournament

Vader vs. Davey Boy Smith

Bret Hart vs. Cactus Jack


Davey Boy Smith vs. Doug Williams

(Dark match)


John Tenta & Mystery Partner vs. Hernandez & Ron Killings


Marty Jannetty vs. Nick Dinsmore


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NWA Heavyweight Championship Tournament

Vader vs. Davey Boy Smith


Bret Hart vs. Cactus Jack


Davey Boy Smith vs. Doug Williams


John Tenta & Mystery Partner vs. Hernandez & Ron Killings


Marty Jannetty vs. Nick Dinsmore

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Let me start off saying I like the idea of this diary. Its something different. Something that would change a lot about wrestling in the last 13 years.


Vader vs. Davey Boy Smith

Vader appears to be your top heel.


Bret Hart vs. Cactus Jack

Bret is hands down your top star and probably the next NWA Champ.


Davey Boy Smith vs. Doug Williams

Doug Williams is nothing so far some Bulldog wins here.


John Tenta & Mystery Partner vs. Hernandez & Ron Killings

Tenta bringing in Typhoon maybe???


Marty Jannetty vs. Nick Dinsmore

Dinsmore is on the upside of his career and Jannetty is definitely on the downside.

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Hitman Origins Tour II


Summary from...


HWA Origins Tour Saturday 2

AB Ogden Legion

451 fans in attendence



Match: 1 vs 1 with a 15 minute time limit

Davey Boy Smith vs. Doug Williams


In a dark match, Brits Davey Boy Smith and Doug Williams are matched up. The technically sound Williams tries to keep the powerhouse at bay with a strong arsenal of holds, quick reversals and ring savvy. Smith shows early signs of frustration, but is able to turn the tide and eventually puts away his countryman. After the bout, the fan favorite and the newcomer seem to have gained a measure of respect for one another.

Segment Rating: D-




As the show begins, Davey Boy Smith remains in the ring. Rick Rude joins him with a microphone and asks that Cactus Jack, Vader and Bret Hart join him.


Rude: Gentleman, you are in the semifinals of the NWA World Championship Tournament, and you are all worthy of this stage. Tonight, you, Cactus Jack, will take on Bret 'Hitman' Hart, and you Davey Boy Smith, will face the Mastodon, Vader. Now, I was asked to get each of your thoughts, but we all know that this man, Vader, cannot be stopped ...


The crowd boos loudly, as Hart and Smith shake their heads in disapproval.


Rude: So why don't all you ...


The boos intensify, and Rude pauses.


Rude: I said, why don't all you toothless, maple-syrup slurpers quiet down so you can listen to the future World's Champion.



Vader takes the mic, but Hart attempts to intercede. Vader pushes him out of the way, and Cactus Jack springs into action, scoring a vicious double ax-handle to the back of Hart's head. With that, the melee is on, with the four men battling in the ring, and outside of it, for three solid minutes until security and wrestlers from the back can separate them.

Segment Rating: C



Match: 1 vs 1 with a 15 minute time limit

Nick Dinsmore vs. Marty Jannetty


Without much fanfare, or difficulty, Jannetty shows the veteran poise necessary to score the victory over Dinsmore, who is talented, but green. In all, a decent bout, with Jannetty showing he still commands respect in the business.

Segment Rating: E




Match: 2 vs 2 with a 15 minute time limit

John Tenta and mystery partner vs. Ron Killings and Shawn Hernandez


Tenta's mystery partner does not appear as the match starts, though he manages to maintain the upper hand until Killings manages to tag in the talented Hernandez. At that point, as the behemoth seems to be overmatched in the handicap contest, the Ugandan Giant, Kamala, wanders toward ringside from the other end of the arena. He pulls Killings down off the apron and rams him into the ring post. The momentary distraction causes Hernandez to turn toward ringside, and allows Tenta to land a big splash in the corner. Although Kamala never enters the ring, Tenta squashes Hernandez and gets the cover.

Segment Rating: E-





Match: 1 vs 1 with a 15 minute time limit

Andrew 'Test' Martin vs. Dr. Death Steve Williams


Martin fends off Williams early on, using his size and reach to keep the tough veteran away. The turning point of the match is a big boot in the corner from Martin that misses, allowing Williams to take the offensive for good. In all, the crowd is very pleased with the performance of both competitors, but Williams gets the pin and the victor's purse.

Segment Rating: D-


As Bret Hart comes down the aisle for his match, he is headed off by Rick Rude, who hurls a barrage of accusations at him, including that he cannot be a competitor and the owner of HWA, due to the inherent conflict of interest. Hart manages to get by him and to the ring, but not before Rude has his say.

Segment Rating: C+




Match: 1 vs 1 with a 15 minute time limit - Semifinals of the NWA Heavyweight Championship Tournament

Cactus Jack vs. Bret Hart


These two really clicked in the ring, and it's no surprise, because each man is a true ring general. The match begins back and forth, but before long the psychotic Jack takes Hart to the outside, where the ring posts and guard rails provide no cushioning for the HWA Owner. Hart mounts a counter-offensive and has Jack reeling, but cannot seem to put him away. Jack seems to enjoy the turn the match has taken, relishing in the punch-for-punch series. When Hart goes to the top rope, Jack uses unusual agility to knock him off and to the outside. After taking Hart to task on the outside again, Jack goes for a Double Arm DDT, only to have it blocked into a double leg takedown. Hitman has Jack set up for the Sharpshooter, but as he leans forward, Jack rolls him up! The referee counts the 1...2...3, and raises Hart's hand! Jack's shoulders didn't get off the mat in time, and Hart scores the flash victory.

Segment Rating: C





Match: 1 vs 1 with a 15 minute time limit - Semifinals of the NWA Heavyweight Championship Tournament

Davey Boy Smith vs. Vader


The two men start off the match with a stare down, and it's clear that this match will pit power versus power. They battle back and forth, with the crowd clearly behind the Bulldog, but Vader landing considerable stiff offense. At the twelve minute mark, Smith gains momentum, but falters when going for his patented running powerslam. He crumbles under the weight of the big man, who proceeds to dismantle him. After a big powerslam of his own, Vader connects from the top rope, crushing Smith. As the referee begins his count, the bell rings. Time has expired, and the match is a draw.

Segment Rating: D-



Vader is livid, and he is joined by Rick Rude, who grabs a microphone and declares the outcome a travesty. He demands that Bret Hart award the match, and the spot in the NWA Championship match, to Vader. Bulldog slowly gains his feet, and the three men await the Hitman.


Hart begins to speak from the aisle as he walks toward the ring.


Hart: Well, Mr. Rude, there's no way I can award a victory to Vader. Because he didn't win.


At that, Rude interrupts him.


Rude: I told you Hart - you can't be impartial. You can't possibly determine a winner in this match fairly with your relative in the match. And if Davey Boy Smith is awarded that title shot against you next week, you'll hear from my lawyers so fast ...


Hart: Slow down, Rude, slow down. I think you may actually be right. And as I was in the back and I saw what happened out here, I got to thinking. I need to appoint an Acting President. A person who can make these sorts of decisions. Who can act judiciously to ensure that Hitman Wrestling has a fair and balanced administration while I'm focusing on wrestling. And I've got just the guy in mind. So next week, I'm gonna bring him out here, and he'll decide what happens from then on.

Segment Rating:C-



Show Rating: D-

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Thanks for the predictions guys. I thought this show was fairly easy to predict, and it showed. I'm probably not going to be on any regular schedule with this, so be prepared for uneven updates. Hope it's enjoyable.


MartinC: 4-0-1

juggaloninjalee and BHK1978: 3-1-1

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