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ECW: The Protege

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. How do you think the situation will play out with Lynn/Scorpio being the Tag Team titles?

i smell the good old tag team break down leading to fued angle here?



2. Who do you think will be the outcome with the upcoming RVD/MVP/Finlay Fued?

run it long and hard!


3. Do you think that putting the title on Banks was a good idea?

yep! didn't really see it coming.. until heyman came out and said everyone was back in at that point.. (i woulda had the last four men become an elimination instead of single fall though)


4. Who do you think should have the T.V. Title and what type of match should determine it?

8 way hell in a cell elimination!!!!

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?Question Time!


1. How do you think the situation will play out with Lynn/Scorpio being the Tag Team titles?


2. Who do you think will be the outcome with the upcoming RVD/MVP/Finlay Fued?


3. Do you think that putting the title on Banks was a good idea?


4. Who do you think should have the T.V. Title and what type of match should determine it?


5.weekly or Monthly



Thanks again...and enjoy!!



1. I like the whole "Im too good to be in a tag team" Scorpio. would be a good feud between him and Lynn


2. MVP should play the "New School of ECW" with this being a "NEW ECW" and wants to get rid of the "Old School"


3. Im digging MVP as Champion. shows that the companys wants to develop new stars and not just always relie on the old guard.


4.dont you need to be on network TV to have a TV title? I say bring a new title to the company this is a new ECW after all.


5. Weekly maybe just an 1 1/2 weekly PPV show?

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(I told everyone that all reader will have a "role" to play in this diary. And here it goes...Which one should Anthony/Heyman do? A weekly PPV? or a Montly? whatever gets the most votes, that is what will happen.) WEEKLY


?Question Time!


1. How do you think the situation will play out with Lynn/Scorpio being the Tag Team titles? Jerry Lynn'll kick Scorpios ass


2. Who do you think will be the outcome with the upcoming RVD/MVP/Finlay Fued? RVD FTW


3. Do you think that putting the title on Banks was a good idea?

I certainly made an impact and makes your intentions are clear

4. Who do you think should have the T.V. Title and what type of match should determine it? American Dragon in a simple No DQ match

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ECW Report


Extreme Championship Wrestling


"ECW 4-1-1"


Joey Styles


This is our first online reporting segment to give you the in's and out's, rumors and latest news, not just in ECW but around the wrestling world, so lets get started....


"Succesfully GUILTY"


-Last weekend's "Guilty as Charged" was a HUGE success at Madison Square Garden! The match of the night was clearly went to Super Crazy vs Yoshihiro Tajiri! These two international stars clearly showed that even after some years, they clearly know how to tear the house down! Dont be surprised if one of these two men see gold in the future.




The ECW Tag Team Champions of Lynn and Scorpio seem to already have trouble with each other, even though they havent made a single defense yet. 2 Cold Scorpio made a comment saying that he felt that he was "too over" to an "unnamed" wrestling news source. His Partner, Jerry Lynn, took exception to those comments, saying that "if he feels he is too over, then he needs to vacate his portion of the title". Now its not confirmed or denied at this point if Scorpio even MADE those comments, but we will keep you posted on how this story developes.


"M.I.A. Status"

When "The Miami M.V.P." Antonio Banks won the vacated ECW World Title last night not only sent shockwaves thru the ECW Lockerroom, but throughout the ECW online community! On the online poll, MVP was counted with only 8% of the vote, while the ECW Superstar Rob Van Dam was tallied with Majority of the votes with 37%. Congratulations to Banks again for winning the title.


"Extreme Measures: The Takeover"


And finally, at the end of the month, we asked the fans would they rather see ECW on a Weekly or Monthly format on PPV? 91% of you said that you would watch it on a weekly format! We asked, you answered, and now YOU ARE GOING TO GET WHAT YOU WANT!! Starting next week, we will have a weekly PPV called "EXTREME MEASURES". A two hour pay per view weekly show, which the cost is only $10 dollars!! Alot cheaper than those "Sports Entertainment" brands out there! Check on this website to see what PPV affiliates are available to you..


"Other Outside ECW News"


Bobby Lashley has just left WWE, due to Contract Expiration. When ECW Co-Owner Paul Heyman asked if they would sign the former WWE Superstar, he had this to comment..."


Heyman: "I think that Lashley could be a useful asset in this promotion but for right now, we have to have his 'People' link up with our 'People'. And if everything works out, it works out..."




So until next time, this is Joey Styles ......



(ok so I posted this and I am NOT going to take credit for this post, because I have been reading several diaries on this forum board, and they are pretty good, and I felt that adding a rumor mill format would boost the storylines within my diary and what not. So to all the diaries out there, (and you know who you are) think of this as a nod of respect to you...



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verry cool! i was going to ask if you were going to do an internet page/rumor mill posts. i was just thinking abou this earlier.. just becuase you missed the deadline for "TV" doesnt mean your only other option is PPV. you could do a weekly internet show and then have your monthly ppv. just a thought.


(hows Iraq? i went back 06-07, if you want any custom posters or grafx let me know)

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Yup. Still in Iraq. How do I run Internet shows instead of ppv? I write the diaries just to pass the time. That's why it's probably so good


i had an idea but it didnt work. so the only way to do it without starting ove and setting up everything youve done already in the editor and creating the internet as a network then creating a spot for your show etc.. would be to just write it.

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Extreme Measures #1: "Take it Personal"


After the shocking win from "The Miami MVP" Antonio Banks, everyone in the locker room is rushing to make an impact in ECW! And what better place than the very first episode of EXTREME MEASURES!


Jamie Knoble vs ???


Jamie Knoble is our newest signing here in Extreme Championship Wrestling. And as talented as he is, its almost certain that he will be met with disdain, due to the fact he was a former WCW and WWE wrestler. But like all non-ECW guys, he is going to have to "earn his stripes" and what better way than to go against a former ECW TV Champion!



ECW Tag Team Match:


The Backseat Boyz (Trent Acid/Johnny Kashmere) vs Jerry Lynn and 2 Cold Scorpio ©


The relatively "rookie veterans" seem to have lady luck on their side when they won the vacant tag team titles from 3 other established teams. Now Lynn and Scorpio are having a little bit internal strife, due to some word that may or may not have been said. But they are going to need to put thier difference aside to face the well established tag team sensation of the Backseat Boyz, or thier amazing run as champions will definately be a SHORT ONE.



ECW will have another tournament for the vacant ECW T.V. Title. Rules are as follows, it will be 4 rounds of 16 Wrestlers. Where in the end, there will be the FATAL 4 Elimination match, in which it will be a decided at ECW Living Dangerously at the end of the month!



"The Outlaw" Tyler Douglas vs The Sandman


After both men came up short at Guilty as Charged, both men want to get into title contention. But Tyler definately doesnt need to make a impact, he has made one against Tommy Dreamer. Not only did he cost him the battle royal, but he also put his hands on his Beulah! Dont be surprise if Dreamer is waiting in the wings for him, but for now he has to face everyones favorite Drunk, The SANDMAN!



"The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer w/Beulah vs The Damaja


As mentioned before, Dreamer has a newfound purpose in ECW, when Douglas put his hands on his wife, Beulah, Dreamer said that turned him back in to the "old me", well at Extreme Measures, he is going to have an opportunity to prove it, when he goes against Douglas's former tag team partner, The Damaja.

Little Spike Dudley vs Kimo


At Guilty as Charged, LSD was the mystery opponent against 1/2 of the Samoan Powerhouse team of the "Samoan Terrors', but he came up short. But later on that night, he got a nice measure of revenge when he was instrumental in eliminating Ekmo by delivering an "Acid Drop" thru the table! Now Spike has to face EKMO's tag team partner, KIMO! Will Spike suffer the same fate as he did in GAC, or will he live up to his name and be the Giant Killer?


"The Japanese Buzzsaw" Yoshihiro Tajiri vs Finlay


Two of these international superstars made it to the finals of the ECW Title Tournament at GAC, and Finlay was almost going to win the title, when it was broken up by the Current ECW Champion, Antonio Banks. Now its a high stakes match with a prize that both men want, #1 TITLE CONTENDERSHIP!


and the Main Event!


ECW Title Match:

"The Whole F'N Show" Rob Van Dam vs "The Miami MVP" Antonio Banks ©


"The not about RVD anymore...its bout ME!! The M.V.P. from M.I.A."


Those were the words that Banks said shortly after winning the ECW Title at GAC. Obviously RVD has taken exception to those words that the champ has said, and has chalked up his title reign in one word. "Fluke". Well Heyman has granted a one on one match up vs. Banks, and now Banks has to prove his worth, or prove RVD right as a sham.



All this and so much on the premere episode of EXTREME MEASURES!!



Predict, Comment. ENJOY!!



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Predict, Comment. ENJOY!!




knoble vs Rhyno or Raven

lynn & scorpio over backseat (prolly with mounting tension post match)

"The EXTREME SIXTEEN" - no clue... for some reason, i have a feeling Shane Douglas might be involved

The Outlaw" Tyler Douglas Over The Sandman (possibly injuring Sandman, to further the building Dreamer feud)

Kimo over Little Spike Dudley

Tajiri over Finlay (i miss the handspring elbow off the ropes.. )

MVP over RVD (cheap finish)

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Chapter 7: "Change of Venue"


Chapter 7

"Change of Venue"

6 Days before "Extreme Measures I"

0730 AM



Heyman is barely awake when all of a sudden his cell phone rings and the "ECW Theme" goes off in his ring tone. He knew that it was only 1 of 3 people. Dreamer, Van Dam or Logan. And he had a good idea who it was..


Heyman: "Hello"


Anthony: "Paul, wake up. I need to talk to you."


Heyman: "What time is it?"


Anthony: "730"


Heyman: " Your calling me at 730 on a Sunday morning?"


Anthony: "Business never sleeps, you know that. But we need to talk. Do you know where there Extreme Measures show is going to be held?"


Heyman: "Nassau Colliseum in Long Island, why what sup?"


Anthony: "Well check this out, I have an idea."


Heyman: "You and these ideas, do you ever sleep?"


Anthony: "I will get all the sleep I need when I am dead. Anyway, I was thinking of holding the show somewhere else?"


Heyman: "Before I say no....tell me WHY should we hold it someplace else?"


Anthony: "Simple. Nassau can hold up to 15,000 people, but if we get the same type of crowd that we expected at Guilty As Charged, we are going to be sold out, and turning people away. 3000 People, that close to $90,000! Plus the cost to rent out the Nassau would be $60,000, so we would possibly be in the RED $30,000!"


Heyman: "I see your point, so what do you suggest?"


Anthony: "We take it out of New York, we go to someplace closer."


Heyman: "Such as?"


Anthony: "New England"


Heyman: "Why New England?"


Anthony: "Think about it. Its in the same general area, we are just expanding our fan base. Plus there is a place here, that holds 10,000 people, and it only costs $30,000. So I mean granted, we wont be losing that much."


Heyman: "Ok, kinda make since.. well, I guess you can call them when they are opened."


Anthony: "Got you already beaten. I am in NEW ENGLAND. I caught a 'Red-Eye' flight this morning. I wanted to get a head start on the building. But Heyman...one thing. You do know that New England is right near Connecticut....WWE Country!'


Heyman: "Yeah I know..."


Anthony: "Thats the other reason, I wanted to let WWE, and everyone else know...WE ARE A THREAT. I will see you soon, Paul. I need to have breakfast and make a phone call meeting with a "Client". "they' might be able to come to ECW as a managerial role if I can negotiate the price."


Anthony hangs up the phone, and Heyman lays in his bed...wondering...


"This guy is going to make everyone hate him, worse than me....."



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Guest nuggeh
Absolutely loving this diary dude. You don't see many well written ECW diaries any more and this one is great.
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Guest nuggeh

Jamie Noble Vs. ???

Backstreet Boyz Vs. Lynn/Scorpio

Tyler Douglas Vs. Sandman

Dreamer Vs Damaja

LSD Vs Kimo

Tajiri Vs Finlay


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Extreme Measures I: "The Fallout"


Extreme Measures: Episode 1 "The Fallout"

Location: Hartford Civic Center, Hartford, Connecticut

Attendance: 10,000 (Sold Out)


Dark Matches:


Angle: Carlito is coming


Showing a hype video where Carlito is going to be at the next Extreme Measures show.


Rating: C-/58



Grenier/Rougeau Def. Cheerleader Mellisa and Teddy Hart with the Bonsoir.


Rating: C-/54


Video: Shows a training montage of Chavo Guererro training with some old clips of his Uncle "Eddy" training and wrestling as well.


Rating: C-/56


Main Show:


Kimo vs Little Spike Dudley


The crowd was not please with Kimo being in the ring and he was hurled with "You cant wrestle" taunts and thing along those lines, which the crowd was clearly behind Spike. Spike was being overpowered by Kimo but what little offense Spike had, he made the most of it. He hit Kimo with a Tornado DDT but only for a two count. The finish came when Ekmo came out and tried to interfere in the bout, only to accidentally hit Kimo, that gave Spike just enough time to do the Acid Drop off of Ekmo and drive Kimo down to the canvas for the win.


Winner: Spike Dudley

Rating: D+


Notes: The crowd CLEARLY didnt want to see Kimo wrestle.


ECW Tag Team Championship Match

The Rookie Veterans (Scorpio/Lynn) © vs The Backseat Boyz

The champs did argue a little bit prior to the match, but when the bell rung, they were in sync with each other! They gave the well established team of the Backseat Boyz a run for thier money. But the Boyz wasnt exactly a "pushoever" team as they did thier trademark moves the "Dream Sequence" and Kashere did the "Kashmere Kutter" and Acid did the "Yakuza Kick", but in the end the finish came with Lynn executing a beautiful Tornado DDT, followed by Scorpio finishing him off with a 450 Splash for the win.


Winner and Still Tag Team Champions: Rookie Veterans

Rating: D+/52


Angle: "I'm not Impressed"


"The Outlaw" Tyler Douglas is cutting a backstage promo, saying that he wasnt impressed with the "Innovator of Violence" at Guilty as Charged. In fact he goes so far, that if his "Skanky Wife" didnt interfere at Guilty as Charged, he would have won his debut, not Dreamer. He tells Dreamer that he was "90's" and he is living off the past, the Outlaw is the future, and that its not over between them.


Rating: C/64


Note: The storyline has progressed one stage.


Jamie Knoble vs ???


Knoble comes into the ring, with a lukewarm reaction, but at least its a better reaction than KIMO got. And then the song "Bawitaba" by Kid Rock plays thru the arena and the mystery opponent is clear...ITS KID KASH!!! Knoble recognizes Kash back in the WWE, when they were tag team partners, in the shortlived team, the Pit Bulls.


Knoble smiled and tried to shake hands, but Kash wound up SLAPPING him! This match went fast and furious, matching Kash's speed, vs Knoble's technical skills, and in the end, Kash tried to go for a super hurracanrana, but Knoble countered into a Super Bomb! And then he locked in a Modified Dragon Sleeper, for the submission and his win after his debut!!


Winner: Jamie Knoble via submission

Rating: C+/66



Will post part 2 tommorow.



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Its not dead.

However, I have been extremely busy, due to the fact that we are "relocated" and on top of that. I do go to school, but I will say this.

Since yall are "loyal" fans and I am putting that lightly...I am going to put up the rest of the show, however its going to be kinda condensed.





Extreme Measures ep. 1

(Part 2)


Angle: "Contreversial Moment"


Its a video montage of what happend on Guilty as Charged where the controversial moment where Finlay was defeated by Banks.


Rating: C/64


The First Round of the Extreme 16


"America Dragon" Bryan Danielson vs Shad Gaspard vs Super Crazy vs The Miz.


All 4 men had equal amount of offense, and this match got the crowd back on its feet, but in the end, Super Crazy pulled out of the victory when he delievered a picture perfect Trifecta Moonsault on Shad for the win.


Rating: C+/71



Hype Video:


Yoshihiro Tajiri vs Dave Finlay


Rating: C/65


"The Outlaw" Tyler Douglas vs The Sandman.


Douglas made true to his word, and tried to get into Dreamer's head by trying to destroy Sandman, however turn the tides and took it to Douglas. Douglas tried to hit Sandman with the Cane, but like Damaja learned at GAC, Sandman ducked it and hit the White Russian Leg Sweep. Sandman tried to go for the pin, but he put his feet under the ropes, breaking the count. Sandman then (in his semi sober condition) went up for the ropes, but out of the crowd comes DAMAJA!!! He hits his finisher the "Brain Damage" Brainbuster off the top rope!! Then to add insult to injury, he locks in the Fujiwara Arm bar, making Sandman submit! He wont break the hold after the bell, until Dreamer comes down and then he releases it, laughing at Dreamer.


Winner: The Outlaw Tyler Douglas

Rating: C/64


Antonio Banks has an interview with Joey Styles hyping up his first title defense against Rob Van Dam.


Rating: C+/66


Dave Finlay vs "The Japanese Buzzsaw" Yoshihiro Tajiro


In one of the Main Events of the night, and this definately didnt disappoint. This was like a continuation from GAC, with both men even thought they respected each other, they BEAT THE HELL out of each other! Even though they were different in every aspect, Finlay being a brawler, and Tajiri being a martial artist, they clearly took it to each other! They each hit thier signature moves with Tajiri hitting the Handspring Elbow, and Finlay hitting the Rolling Fireman's Carry. They even went so far as to counter each others finishers! Finlay countered by ducking the Buzzsaw Kick and executing a brutal DDT on the chair! But Tajiri returned the favor when Finlay tried to hit the "Celtic Crash" (Air Raid Crash) and turned it into a reverse rana! The finish came when Tajiri started to do the Tajiri Rush to Finlay, but shockingly, Finlay started to fight back with a "rush" of his own! Tajiri tried to execute a spin kick on Finlay, but Finlay caught him and turned it into the Tombstone Piledriver for the win!


Winner: Dave Finlay

Rating: C+/67


(ok I am going to post the 2 main event soon, I promise)




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