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D.O.T.T - Georgia in my rearview mirror

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The postman rings twice I am sitting back in my office....well actually the spare bedroom of my apartment, comtemplating the future. My talent loan gamble with the AWA and PNW has not paid off as, despite making an impact with those at the shows, attendance has still declined with each card. In addition, the TV deal is huge, but I am now questioning the time slot I picked. Weekends are not always better and looking at the network we are on, perhaps a mid-week late night show would have been better. Regardless, one thing is clear. We need to nail our first few broadcasts to get people to the events, which I will now reduce to Monthly. I also need to juggle the storylines around and make some roster cuts. For the time being I will reduce Valiant's storyline to mid card and push the Wrestling II / Spoiler feud as the marquee storyline. The Sawyer / Baron / Abdullah Storyline will blow off at the next event and I will tease it on the first TV show with a video....I am just starting to get a small sense of calm, when the phone rings. [B]Me:[/B] "Hello" The voice that reponds is not kind: "You sorry sonofabitch, I should have ground you into the same sheet the better half of you got wiped off on when the Mailman was done with your momma!!" (I know that voice, yet still, like confirming any news you don't want to hear, I ask. [B]Me:[/B] "Ole???" This will surely not end well......
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[B]Ole[/B]: "You're quick you mealy mouth little punk. Good to see you are still the goddamn Boy genius!! What the hell do you think you are doing?" [B]Me:[/B] "Well, at the moment I was about to start working up an angle for Tomm..." [B]Ole:[/B] "You filthy little ****sucker, what makes you even think you can come down here in my promotion and sign my Wrestlers to come up and play in that Cat box pile of crap you call Mountain Snakes or whatever the hell it is? BACK THE HELL OFF!!!!" [B]Me:[/B] "It's Mountain States and technically, I never came to Georgia, I actually gave tommy a call." [B]Ole:[/B] "You cross eyed, limp dick, snake in the grass, If my foot could reach Utah it would be ankle deep in your sorry ass right now punk!!" [B]Me:[/B] "Well at 5'10" it may be a stretch for your foot to even reach your trash can." [B]Ole:[/B] "You got a big mouth 2000 miles away Mr. Telephone tough Guy, well guess what? Your path is gonna cross my right hand again someday" [B]Me:[/B] "You better learn to cross the road first Ole." [B]Ole:[/B] "You think you are pretty cute with your jabs don't ya? Well when you're lying there bleeding and puking, rolled up in a ball that I about to drop kick across the the highway we'll see how snappy you are you slimy sonofabitch!!!" [B]Me:[/B] "You've made your point Ole.....and please, next time you see the Spoiler, tell him I have been trying to get a hold of him." [B]Ole:[/B] "YOU MOTHERF" (The sound you hear when you finish cursing is a dial tone Ole)
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It was sure great to hear from my old pal Ole again, similar to a persistant hemorroid, only one that curses at you when you apply preparation H to it. He thought The Spoiler comment was a joke, but I have been in talks with him about something down the road. The Destroyer is doing a great job at the moment, but he is over 50 and can't work like he used to. After this run with Wrestling II is over, I would like to move him to a backstage role and to wrestle the occasional dark match to give some of our youngsters some on the job training. This would allow a redeux of the great Spoiler/Wrestling II feud we had in Georgia, if I decide to go that route. We have our first TV taping in Fresno in two days and I am nervous, yet excited at the same time. Ticket demand has forced us to upgrade the venue and it looks like we could get as many as 1500 with the promotion we have been giving it. I really want to get as many people as possible in for TV as I feel it will help spike interest as we venture into towns we have never been. After the Monday taping and our final "MSCW - Road Warriors" show which follows on Tuesday, I will start to slowly remold the roster. Tommy Rich will need to take a bigger role and contend for the MSCW HW strap eventually. I want him to become the face of MSCW and perhaps putting the TV strap on him will help. The downside of this, is that our TV Champ will likely be more "over" than our World Champ in short order. Not a pleasant dilemma, and I see nobody I can throw the HW strap on right now without screwing up some major storylines. That said, there will definitely be some cuts up top in the next month or so, if some of our name talent doesn't pick it up pretty quick. Losing all my money, being unemployed, mortgaging the house are not in my dream scenario, but giving Ole the satisfaction of watching me fail would be a fate far worse than any of them!
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]Mountain States Championship Wrestling[/COLOR] [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]Heroes of Wrestling TV taping - Monday June 5th, 1983 - Fresno, CA[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
[/CENTER] The show opens with [B]Boris Malenko[/B] at the podium. "Good evening, peasants, though I am sure there is also some viewers regal enough to be to appreciate The Great Malenko gracing your TV screen. Tonight you are about to witness the pinnacle of professional wrestling and in a very special event, lobbied for by yours truly, the great Canadian Dino Bravo will bring something America has always lacked. Class, dignity and honor, when he defends against the slimy limey, Davey Boy Smith" (The crowd is caught off guard by Malenko's "candor" but offers some candor of it's own when he insults America, which brings a smile to the great ones face.) [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Tracy Smothers vs Steve Lombardi[/B] The youngsters get the show going with a decent match, though neither is well known and it hurts the pop somewhat. Smothers gets the pinfall in 6:13 with a Southern Kick. [B]Rating: F+[/B] A video plays depicting recent events between [B]Baron Von Raschke, Buzz Sawyer, and Abdullah the Butcher[/B] as Cappetta reminds the audience that we will see a grudge match between Sawyer and Von Raschke at the MSCW Road Warriors event in Los Angeles tomorrow.. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Tom Rocky Stone vs Brickhouse Brown[/B] Brown has the upper hand, but is forced to cheat when Stone mounts a comeback, getting caught with a foreign object Dave Hebner awards the match to Stone by disqualification in 6:08. [B]Rating: F+[/B] (Brown was set to go over clean, but Stone balked at the finish...WTF, a jobber refusing to job? He will get buried later for that) A music video is shown to promote the training habits of [B]Jimmy Valiant and Eddie Gilbert[/B]; roadwork, mat work, weight training and a generous portion of dancing all make up the intensive program as Valiant shows his young protégé how the Boogie Woogie Man does it. [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]Tommy Rich vs Bad News Brown - MSCW TV Title[/B] Wildfire and Brown put on a crazy brawl as we debut the MSCW Title strap. Brown seems to have the upper hand and lands the Ghetto Blaster for the sure win. Rich kicks out at 2 1/2 and manages to rally scoring the win in 10:03 with a Lou Thesz Press. Tommy Rich wins the MSCW TV Title. [B]Rating: D-[/B] As [B]Gary Michael Cappetta[/B] prepares to interview [B]Mr. Wrestling II[/B], [B]The Sensational Destroyer[/B] sneaks up from behind and lays a beat down on II. The Destroyer, produces a "stature of David" gives a brief deposition on the wonders of ancient Roman art, then delivers the coup de gras, breaking the statue on Wrestling II's head, drawing blood through his mask. Cappetta cowers off to the side as Malenko can be heard laughing. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Dino Bravo vs Davey Boy Smith - MSCW Heavyweight Title[/B] The young brit tries hard, but in the end is unable to overcome the power of Bravo and the guile of JJ Dillon and falls in 11:53 by submission to the Champions Bear Hug. Dino Bravo makes defence number 1 of his MSCW Heavyweight Title title. The crowd chants for Valiant afterward and Bravo curses them out in french and leaves in a huff. [B]Rating: E[/B] Still bloodied, [B]Mr. Wrestling II[/B] is livid as he makes his way to the ring. "Destroyer, You portray yourself and an intellectual. Superior to everyone in every way. Well lets get one thing straight right now!! I have been around this business a long time, just like you. Our paths have crossed before and we both know what the other can do and because of that, you, better than anyone should know.....Wrestling II does not turn his back to an injustice and he does not back down from a fight!! What you did to Bobby Fulton makes me sick....A young kid and you try and end his career! You need to answer for that and I'm not going anywhere until you bring your tail out here!!! If you are man enough?" (The crowd breaks into a chant of "2, 2, 2, 2") [B]Rating C+[/B] The [B]Sensational Destroyer[/B] appears in the entrance way. "Mr Wrestling numero dos....And for those of you not as articulate in the art of linguistics as I....That means number two." (The crowd is all over Destroyer and he seems to bask in the hatred) "You know, I realized as I was introducing you to some culture with my Statue earlier. That a man who calls himself 'Mr. Wrestling II' must truly be a man filled with deep insecurities, or a man with an over-inflated ego." [B]Cappetta:[/B] "What about a man with Sensational in his name?" [B]Malenko:[/B] "Quiet, this is riveting!!" [B]Destroyer:[/B] "Your very name serves no purpose, but to cheapen the eloquence that so many superlatives bring to the English language. Hence, somebody truly worthy of a superlative, such as I.....And for all you half wits, think of superlatives as 'big words', but I digress. As I was saying, the crux of the issue is simply this. You need to be put in your place with the rest of the unwashed masses. And since no good deed shall go unpunished, consider your challenge accepted.....We shall meet at 'Rage in the Rockies' in two weeks." [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Final Rating: E Attendance: 1,970 [/B] Not a bad effort for our first TV taping, much room to improve, but we had a nice crowd and hopefully the word will start to spread when this episode airs this Friday. Destroyer continues to amaze with the heat he generates. His feud with Wrestling II is a solid C now and will only get better once they meet. We will see how Tommy handles carrying the TV shows as the television Champion. I am betting he will do just fine. After the show Valiant (surprise) gets into it with Dave Hebner of all people. I sit him down and give him a stern warning about his interaction with others....Hell at least pick on another Wrestler. Shane Douglas is also making a name for himself as a poison backstage, even at the tender age of 18! He will find himself gone quickly if he starts any crap at this stage of his career.
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]Mountain States Championship Wrestling[/COLOR] [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]MCSW Road Warriors - Tuesday June 6th, 1983 - Los Angeles, CA[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
[/CENTER] The show starts with a replay of the beatdown on [B]Terry Daniels[/B] by [B]Tony Anthony[/B] after Daniels embarrased him in their posedown contest. [B]Rating: F[/B] The Dirty White Boys [B](Anthony and Tommy Lane)[/B] stroll proudly out after the video finishes. Anthony grabs a mic. "Daniels you little puke, anybody...I mean anybody can see, who deserved to win that pose down. How could I have known, that you would have stacked the crowd with your fat, stinking cousins and old girlfriends from your days at the dog pound!! You deserved what you got and we now have a dream.....A dream that your pain has only just begun!!" [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]Ali Bey vs Randy Mulkey[/B] Ali Bey batters young Mulkey and then apparently mocking the Baron, submits him with a clawhold in 5:39. [B]Rating: F+[/B] [B]Baron Von Raschke[/B] has no time to pay attention to Ali as he joins Cappetta at the announcers table. [B]Baron:[/B] "Herr Sawyer, everyone day know, dat tonight ve vill meet. But what da people do not know, is dat I, Baron Von Raschke, have had a surprise added to da contract. Derfore, da loser tonight....must leave da MSCW...and now da people know!!" [B]Cappetta:[/B] "Wow, this raises the stakes folks!!" [B]Malenko:[/B] (Sarcastically) "Very astute of you" [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Davey Boy Smith vs Mike Shaw[/B] Smith rebounds from his title loss to Bravo in style, attacking the maniac with a ferocity never before seen. He puts Shaw to bed at 5:36 with a Powerslam. [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Buzz Sawyer[/B] appears drooling and panting. "Baron aaaahhhhhh, loser leaves town?? (breathing heavily) I have no town.....you have no hair...aahhhh and no chance in hell Baron.....German....this is my home...I hate strudel....aaahhhhhhh, you lose!!" [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Great Kabuki vs Atsushi Onita[/B] The debuting Onita gave Kabuki some problems early, as things got very brutal with both men landing stiff shots. Onita avoided the green mist, but could not dodge the Heart Kick after James J. Dillon interfered. Kabuki gets the pin in 8:51. [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]The Sensational Destroyer[/B] appears. "I am on the campaign trail Wrestling II. A campaign to expose and eliminate all that are not worthy of the brilliance that is the Sensational Destroyer....Alas, when I am done, the world will be a very lonely place. Less than 2 weeks.....Have the visions of pain within your cerebral cortez begun to paralyze you with fear yet Wrestling II?" [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]The Sensational Destroyer[/B] starts to leave then pauses.....(The crowd lets him know politely that there is nothing to see here "Two, lest I be negligent in my duties as a true gentleman and a scholar. I would be remiss not to mention one more detail. I have something special in store that will only serve to exacerbate your panorama of despair....it will be revealed when the time is right" [B]Malenko:[/B] "Good thing I am so smart, or I would be as lost as these clods after such a brilliant discourse" [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Baron Von Raschke vs Buzz Sawyer - Loser leaves MSCW[/B] As a special precaution, Abdullah the Butcher is ushered to ringside and cuffed to a post. These two then go absolutely berserk on each other. Sawyer bleeds first, but Baron soon wears the crimson mask as well. The action heats up on the outside and Butcher, pulling something from his tights motions Sawyer to bring the Baron within reach. As Abdullah throws a haymaker with Brass knuckles on, Baron ducks and Sawyer is out cold. Von Raschke hoists him into the ring and covers....1....2...3!!! Sawyer is pinned in 14:45 and is finished in MSCW!!! [B]Rating: D[/B] At the conclusion of the match, a triumphant [B]Baron Von Raschke[/B] calls on security to uncuff [B]Abdullah[/B] so he can have his way with him as well. As the Cuffs are being unfastened, [B]Sawyer[/B] recovers and jumps Baron at the same time Abdullah is freed. Both men pummel the Baron and the beating culminates in a power slam from Sawyer on the concrete. Von Raschke is badly hurt and is taken out on a back board. [B]Ratng: D[/B] [B]Dino Bravo defeated Jimmy Valiant - MSCW Heavyweight Title[/B] Dillon is in Bravos corner, while Eddie Gilbert seconds Valiant. Back and forth action, though it is a bit more subdued than the Sawyer/Baron brawl. Dillon tricks Gilbert into chasing him, and with Hebners attention diverted, Bravo pokes Valiant in the eyes and clamps on the bear hug. Valiant won't submit, but passes out at the 11:40 mark. [B]Dino Bravo makes defence number 2 of his MSCW Heavyweight Title.[/B] Jimmy seems to wonder why he got no help from Eddie when he comes too. Gilbert apologizes for letting Dillon distract him. [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Dino Bravo[/B] returns to the Ring. "Valiant, you were just that eh? That was your last chance at this belt. But to show I am aboot as nice a fella as you will find. I will offer a shot to your young lackey, Eddie Gilbert, what do you say eh? Je donnerai un coup de pied à votre âne aussi!!" [B]Rating: E[/B] As the show ends [B]Cappetta[/B] advises the crowd that [B]Baron Von Raschke[/B] has suffered a serious back injury and his prognosis is unknow at the current time, though it is doubtful we will be seeing him wrestle for quite some time. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Overall Rating:E+ Attendance: 847[/B] Again pleased overall as our shows seem to be getting better. Both shows this week seem to have been crowd pleasers and our small following is vocal. Still I was a little disappointed with the number of fans that showed up for the event on the heels of the nearly 2000 fans at yesterdays taping. Those show brings our talent loans with Von Raschke and Sawyer to an end and we are able to wrap it up fairly neatly with both a loser leave town and the injury angle. We will now drop down to one monthly show and the weekly TV tapings. This will be a good workload and I allow me to utilize more of the talent as well.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=#ffffff][FONT=Engravers MT][SIZE=6]MSCW Wrestle rag[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
[/CENTER] [B]MSCW News[/B] The first airing of our TV show garnered a rating of 0.00. Not many people watched it apparently. Jimmy Valiant is officially warned for his behaviour and pledges a change. MSCW signs enhancment talent Derrick Garcia. [B]Around the World[/B] Linda McMahon has started her own wrestling federation, reopening the Shieks DCW fed in Detroit. There is Speculation this will be used as a farm team for the WWF. Their initial signings include: Bobby Heenan Buzz Sawyer David Schults Gary Hart John Kobal Nick Patrick Paul Orndorff Road Warrior Hawk Fred Blassie has left the WWF in something of a surprise. Samu and Ray Traylor are among those making their pro debuts. CFW's Bobby Duncum suffers a serious injury, breaking his ankle. He will be out for nearly three months Rip Hawk, The Crusher and The Shiek of Araby all retire. Veteran Journeyman Don Curtis has passed away at the age of 46. No cause of death was released.
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]Mountain States Championship Wrestling[/COLOR] [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]MSCW Heroes of the Ring TV Taping - Monday June 13th, 1983 - Salt Lake City, Utah[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
[/CENTER] [B]Gary Michael Cappetta:[/B] "Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to MSCW Heroes of Wrestling!!!!! To start things off I would like to introdcue you to the newest MSCW Hero......Please give a round of applause to Robert Gibson.... [B]Robert Gibson[/B] joins Cappetta in the ring and makes his intentions known right away. "Ya know Gary, I received a call the other day from a buddy of mine. He had a little problem he needed some help with. You see it seems that a certain pair that calls themselves the 'The Dirty White Boys' has chosen to give him a little trouble...Well Anthony and Lane, ya picked the wrong guy, cause when when Terry Daniels made that call, I couldn't get here quick enough and if I were you......I couldn't be getting out of here....quick enough!" [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]Robert Gibson vs John Tatum [/B] The rocker electrifies the crowd with several athletic moves, dominating Tatum and putting him away with a Dropkick in 5:53. [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]The Dirty White Boys[/B] taunt Gibson from the entry way after the match. [B]Anthony:[/B] "You have got to be kidding....you came to save the day? Punk I used to kick sand in the eyes of kids like you on the beach.... [B]Lane:[/B] "Tony, you grew up in a trailer.... [B]Anthony:[/B] "Shut up!! Like I was saying, do you know what they did Gibson? Nothing!!! They ran home to their momma's, only to find I had already been there too....hahahaha!" [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Cappetta:[/B] "Well that was interesting, say Boris, what do you think about Eddie Gilbert taking on Dino Bravo for the MSCW Heavyweight Title coming up on June 19th?" [B]Malenko:[/B] "Gary, you jest, Gilbert is young, dumb and taking advice from a man who has failed to even test Bravo, that poodle Jimmy Valiant...What do I think???? Have an Ambulance ready!!" [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Jimmy Valiant vs Brickhouse Brown[/B] Valiant glowers at Malenko, who seems indifferent, then proceeds to dismantle Brickhouse Brown. Brown does rally briefly, put soon falls prey to the Boogie Woogie Elbow Drop getting pinned in 6:57. [B]Rating: E-[/B] In a rare appearance I address the crowd about the aforementioned match between Gilbert and Bravo. "I have seen Dino Bravo benefit once too often from the debauchery of one James J Dillon. It is only right, that we give you, the fans, a fair match, in which the best man wins, without the help of anyone!! Therefore, I am selecting a special referee, one from a country based on honor and equality, one who is beyond reproach. [B]Atsushi Onita[/B] is my choice to referee this match." [B]Malenko:[/B] "What the....? My Goldfish speaks better english than him??" [B]Cappetta:[/B] "He speaks better english than Bravo too." [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]The Sensational Destroyer vs Davey Boy Smith[/B] Smith again gives a veteran a run for his money, but Destroyer has forgotten more about the sport than Davey Boy has learned thus far, and he uses that knowledge to win in 8:20 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock after some questionable tactics. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Mr. Wrestling II[/B] has joined Cappetta and Malenko for the Destroyer's match. "You know, I must say the Destroyer impresses me, but the bottom line is this. I'm not a young kid fresh off the bus. I've traveled the rails, roads and airways of this great country over the years and can tell you the best place to get Crawdad stew in Tupelo, Mississipi. Destroyer's tricks won't deter me...that I can promise you!" [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Tommy Rich vs Great Kabuki - MSCW TV Title[/B] An grueling match, that showcases the athleticism of Rich and the ruthlessness of Kabuki. To the delight of the crowd Rich dropkicks Dillon off the ring apron at one point, taking him out of the match. The end comes at 12:17 with a Lou Thesz Press. [B]Tommy Rich makes defence number 1[/B] of his MSCW TV Title. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]The Sensational Destroyer[/B] returns to the arena as the TV Match ends. "You know....JJ, come over here please. (Dillon joins him at the announcers desk) "Now, you know as well as I Mr. Dillon, that great minds are as rare as a man having less than 3 wives here in Salt Lake City" (This brings an enormous amount of heat from the crowd and even Dillon winces) "So there for, would it not make sense to join the only two great minds in this building in a common cause?" [B]Dillon:[/B] "Without a doubt" [B]Destroyer:[/B] "Well then, I think it is time, as the Gambler would say, to show 'em. I, the Sensational Destroyer, have retained the services of this fine man...James J Dillon as manager and confidant." (And Boyfriend - comes a voice from the angry crowd) "Yes, brilliant, now the World see's why a Gnat would not drown on your gene pool, but I digress.....Wrestling II.....Surprise!!" [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]James J. Dillon and The Sensational Destroyer[/B] goad the crowd as they slap each other on the back. The "gene Pool" heckler gets caught hurling a half eaten hot dog and escorted out as things deteriorate rapidly. [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Final Rating: D- Attendance: 1000 (Sell out)[/B] A nice debut in my home state, as it seemed to increase our popularity. I have to caution Destroyer to watch the multiple Wife promos in Utah, but apart from that all went well. Having Dillon in his corner will bring the Wrestling II/Destroyer feud even more heat. Davey Boy Smith has done well gaining a C- in momentum, despite begin jobbed to Bravo and Destroyer recently. In fact only Abdullah, Destroyer and Wrestling II, all with a C have higher. I am going to be making some drastic swerves in the next 3 weeks to trim the roster and get my stars in hotter storylines. This will be crucial to survival. I now have the Gilbert/Bravo and Wreslting II/Destroyer Matches advance booked for our next event "Rage in the Rockies" Hopefully we get our first D+ overall rating at this show.
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]Mountain States Championship Wrestling[/COLOR] [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]MSCW Heroes of the Ring TV Taping - Monday June 20th, 1983 - Las Vegas, NV[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
[/CENTER] [FONT="Verdana"][B]Gary Cappetta [/B]starts the show with an announcement on the main event. "Hello and welcome to MSCW Heroes of Wrestling TV. Tonight you will be seeing Bad News Brown, Great Kabuki and Atsushi Onita in action and in a very special main event....[B]Tommy Rich[/B] will put his TV title on the line against [B]Abdullah the Butcher[/B]!!!! Now let's get right to it!!" [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Tony Anthony vs Sean O'Reilly[/B] O'Reilly puts up more of a fight than Anthony bargains for and within minutes Tommy Lane has appeared at ringside. Sure enough, Lane takes advantage of Anthony distracting Dave Hebner to clock O'Reilly, giving Anthony the pin in 6:42. [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]The Dirty White Boys[/B] then begin to put the boots to O'Reilly and it doesn't look good as the Bell rings incessantly upon deaf Ears. Suddenly, [B]Robert Gibson[/B] comes running in and cleans house, saving O'Reilly from a potentially serious beating. [B]Rating: F+[/B] [B]Bad News Brown vs Bobby Fulton[/B] A spirited match that flows nicely and gets the crowd into it. The end comes suddenly when Bad News Brown throws powder in the face of Fulton, immobilzing him long enough to steal the pin in 7:41. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Eddie Gilbert joins Malenko[/B] for an interview at Ringside to polite applause, why can't the crowd get behind this kid? [B]Malenko:[/B] "Let me be the first to tell you Eddie, I don't think you belong in the same ring as Dino Bravo, how do you plan to survive?" [B]Gilbert:[/B] "Wow, well gee Mr. Malenko I.." [B]Malenko:[/B] "You haven't thought of that have you, well that's typical of you young Kids, good luck punk." Malenko leaves and Gilbert is left standing in shock with his arms out. [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Atsushi Onita vs Great Kabuki[/B] There is noticeable tension between Dillon and Kabuki, then after an apparent miscommunication, Dillon accidentally clocks Kabuki with his loaded shoe giving Onita the win 9:40 by pinfall. Dillon looks disgusted and just leaves Kabuki laying there. [B]Rating: E+[/B] Highlights of the recent events between [B]Mr. Wrestling II and The Sensational Destroyer[/B] are played in a video package that gets the crowd fired up. [B]Rating: C -[/B] [B]Abdullah the Butcher vs Tommy Rich - MSCW TV Title[/B] Tommy starts out on fire, dazzling the mad man from the Sudan with speed and athleticism, but when Butcher gets his hands on him things change in a hurry. Butcher goes to work with the fork and Rich is soon bleeding buckets. The action spills outside the ring and all hell breaks loose, with Rich finally being posted and knocked unconcious. Abdullah rolls back into the Ring just in time to beat the 10 count for the win by count out in 11:37. The [B]title however, does not change hands. Rating: D+[/B] [B]Overall rating: D Attendance: 1000 (sellout)[/B] A good solid program heading into our event this coming Sunday as the segments on Wrestling II and The Destroyer are now scoring in the D+ to C range every time. Fulton and Bad News Brown have great chemistry in the ring and their match tonight earned them a spot on the card at "Rage in the Rockies" Onita refused to do the job and for sake of having a good match on a key show I changed the outcome, but I won't forget. On top of that, Robert Gibson was talking smack about Onita after the show and when Onita called him on it, Gibson challenged him to a fight. I reprimand Gibson with a firm warning and he tells me "whatever." With the current Money problems I am having, the last thing I need is BS backstage, so I will have to nip this in the bud quickly.[/FONT]
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]Mountain States Championship Wrestling[/COLOR] [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]MSCW Rage in the Rockies - Sunday June 26th, 1983 - Santa Barbara, CA[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
[/CENTER] We open the show with a video hyping [B]Mr. Wrestling II vs The Sensational Destroyer[/B], which will be our main event tonight. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Great Kabuki vs Shane Douglas[/B] Kabuki schools the brash youngster, controlling the match for the most part before winning in 6:31 by pinfall with the green mist. [B]Rating: E-[/B] Highlights of the recent bout between [B]Abdullah the Butcher and Tommy Rich[/B] are played in a video package. The crowd is hot for this and it is apparent they want to see more between these two. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]James J. Dillon[/B] Comes to the announcers table and grabs a Mic. "You know, I have been having some problems with the Foreign legion falling short in a few matches. The one shining Beacon in all this, has been our World Champion, Dino Bravo. Time after time he has repulsed the challenges made to him and I have no doubt that Eddie Gilbert will be yet another notch on the belt tonight. Through hell or high water, the World Title will always stay with the Legion, no matter how is wearing it." [B]Cappetta:[/B] "Rather cryptic" [B]Malenko:[/B] "So is the odor I smell every time I sit down next to you." [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Robert Gibson vs John Tatum[/B] Hollywood John starts strong but fade quickly, eating a well placed drop kick before being covered 6:55 in to the match as Gibson cruises. [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Tony Anthony[/B] comes out to the podium with an onimous warning for one Robert Gibson. "I don't know what Robert Gibson's death wish is, but he is damn sure on the way to having it filled if he continues to mettle in the business of the DWB!! Here me talking son, cause if you but into my affairs again, I'll make sure to slap the taste right out of your mouth! Then I'll go slap your momma for good measure!" [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Gibson[/B] runs down to the podium and goes nose to nose with [B]Anthony.[/B] The jawing commences and they have to be pulled apart by security. [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]Davey Boy Smith vs Brickhouse Brown[/B] Smith earns a spot on the card and makes the most of it, going over Brickhouse in 8:54 with a Powerslam. I expected more from these two, but it just didn't click. [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]"Putting on the Ritz"[/B] blasts over the sound system and the video screen shows a montage of somebody dressed in a tux, swinging a diamond studded cane. The legs can be seen getting out of a limo, strolling with a hot girl on each arm and strutting in time to the music. The camera now pans out to reveal the mysterious figure from behind, long blond hair and a top hat complete the package. Slowly the head turns to reveal - The screen goes black. [B]Rating: C-[/B] (The crowd is abuzz over who this might be, but they will not find out tonight) [B]Bad News Brown vs Bobby Fulton[/B] A rematch of their solid TV bout last week. This time Fulton seems to have the edge and looks to be in control, when Brown lands a low blow, followed by a roll up. Hebner hits the 3 count in 11:39, but fails to see that Brown is assisted by a handful of tights. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Cappetta:[/B] "Folks we have just been told there is some sort of disturbance outside." The cameras reach the parking lot just in time to see Tony Anthony and Tommy Lane putting the finishing touches on a brutal beatdown of Robert Gibson. [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]Dino Bravo vs Eddie Gilbert - MSCW Heavyweight Title[/B] Gilbert is brave, but is overpowered by the Canadian strong man. Bravo even pulls Gilbert up from a sure pinfall and taunts the crowd as he slaps Gilbert briskly across the face. As JJ Dillon turns to play to the crowd as well, Gilbert suddenly schoolboys Bravo at the 16:56 mark scoring the flash pin to shock the world. [B]Eddie Gilbert[/B] wins the MSCW Heavyweight Title. [B]Rating: E+[/B] Dillon, stunned enters the ring, but is chased off by [B]Jimmy Valiant[/B], who joins [B]Gilbert[/B] to celebrate "their" accomplishment. [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]Valiant[/B] grabs the belt and parades it around, pushing [B]Gilbert[/B] away as he tries to claim it back. A brief tug of war ensues, before Valiant finally relinquishes his grip, pats Gilbert's back and lifts his hand before the crowd. [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]Mr. Wrestling II vs The Sensational Destroyer - Special Referee Atsushi Onita[/B] Dillon is a busy man and this time he stays focused on the happenings in the ring to insure his man maintains the advantage. This match is an epic as the two veterans swap holds and counters throughout. Wrestling Two finally capitalizes on a miscue and lands the Million dollar Knee, but Dillon enters the rings and cold ****s Two with the loaded Shoe. Unfortunately, special Referee Onita sees it and disqualifies the Destroyer at 15:44. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]The Sensational Destroyer[/B] is livid. He jumps [B]Mr. Wrestling II[/B], who is still groggy, throwing a series of wild overhand shots. The Destroyer then goes for Wrestling II's mask strings, and has it halfway off before Onita intervenes and Two rolls to the floor to regain his senses, identity intact. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Overall Rating: D Attendance: 1000 (Sell out)[/B] Not the D+ I was aiming for, but still a solid effort. Our finanial troubles catch up to us though and it costs us gate as I am unable to secure a larger arena and we are stuck in a tiny venue. The Sell out looks nice, but we could have probably drawn over 1,800 if in a bigger building. I will be heading to the back tomorrow to mortgage my house as we will go under, if I do not get some cash flow going. I then need to cut the roster down. Wrestling II / Destroyer is heating up and it looks like Rich and Abdullah has legs as well.
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]Mountain States Championship Wrestling[/COLOR] [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]MSCW Heroes of Wrestling TV Taping - Monday June 27th, 1983 - Tempe, AZ[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
[/CENTER] [B]Gary Michael Cappetta[/B]: "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to MSCW Heroes of Wrestling. Tonight we have an action packed show featuring [B]Davey Boy Smith, Mr. Wrestling II[/B] and in our main event, [B]Abdullah the Butcher takes on Tommy Rich[/B] in a rematch for the TV Title!! [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Atsushi Onita vs Steve Lombardi[/B] Onita wrestles circles around the more ponderous Lombardi and puts a quick end to things in 5:58 scoring the pinfall with a Small Package. [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]James J. Dillon[/B] appears with the Foreign Legion, [B]Kabuki, Bravo and Ali Bey[/B] (The Sensational Destroyer is not present) "Guys, guys.....You have been under my tutelage for long enough to be winners by now....(Turning to Bravo) Look at Kabuki, he thinks I am looking to order Sushi....holy crap what was I thinking? You guys would be better off working for the United Nations, cause your not meeting my standards......You're all FIRED!!" Bravo looks stunned and the other two are just oblivious as Dillon storms off. Cappetta: "Did he just fire his whole stable?" Malenko: "You deaf? Maybe you should go with Kabuki for Sushi...That's what he said Cappetta!!" [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]Davey Boy Smith vs Tom Rocky Stone[/B] Smith works very stiffly with Stone in a scientifc matchup that ends in 6:49 with Smith picking up the victory after a Powerslam. [B]Rating: F+[/B] [B]Eddie Gilbert and Jimmy Valiant[/B], holding Gilbert's newly won Heavyweight Title come out for an interview with Gary Cappetta. Gilbert tries to take the belt back before he starts talking. [B]Valiant:[/B] "Whoa Brother, the Boogie Woogie man is enjoying the his prize, back up baby." [B]Gilbert:[/B] "That is my Title, Jimmy, I won it not you" [B]Valiant:[/B] "Your Title?" [B]Gilbert:[/B] "Yes....hey look, I am grateful for all your help and for you standing.... [B]Valiant:[/B] "Your Title?" [B]Gilbert:[/B] "Yes..." (Gilbert looks at Cappetta and points to Valiant with a smile) Valiant knocks Hot Stuff down with a brutal shot with the Belt. To the horror of all in attendence, the Boogie Woogie Man then hoists Gilbert up and delivers a bone snapping Pile Driver onto the concrete floor!! Valiant spits on the convulsing Gilbert and walks off without a word and with the Belt. [B]Rating: E-[/B] (The entire arena is dead silent) As [B]Eddie Gilbert[/B] is stretchered off, [B]Jimmy Valiant[/B] now wearing a Leather jacket, walks up to the gurney still holding Hot Stuff's title belt. After smirking in disgust at Gilbert, Boogie Woogie Man yells in his face "This is not, your Title!!!" throws the belt over his shoulder and walks to the ring where [B]JJ Dillon[/B] is standing. [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]Dillon:[/B] "What you got there Jimmy" [B]Valiant:[/B] "Got our Title belt big man" [B]Dillon:[/B] "You mean?" [B]Valiant:[/B] "You got it big daddy, back where it belongs and I don't eat nmo damn Sushi either." [B]Dillon:[/B] "Well then Mr. Valiant.....You're hired" The crowd can't even get their hands around this as everything has happened so fast.....I single, "that's bull**** Valiant", echoes through the Arena, then as if on queue the entire crowd starts giving Valiant and Dillon the Biz. [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]Mr. Wrestling II vs Bad News Brown[/B] Brown gives Wrestling II troubles early and batters him from post to post in a brutal pier sixer. II fights back, spurred on by the crowd and takes Brown home at the 9:35 mark after a Million Dollar Knee Lift. [B]Rating: D-[/B] Breathing heavily, [B]Mr. Wrestling II[/B] grabs the house Mic. "Destroyer, you gave me a heckuva match at 'Rage in the Rockies' I will admit. But as is always the case with you....When things started to turn against you....When you couldn't do it alone....You had to take a short cut and it cost you the match. That's all fine and good, but when you proceed to attack me after the match and try and rip off my mask!!! Then....Then you've crossed the line Destroyer. You want to see what lies beneath the Mask? Well lets make it interesting.....Here is my offer, you, me in the Ring, loser has to unmask!!!!" (The crowd goes nuts) [B]Rating: C[/B] Chants of 2, 2, 2, turn into boo, boo boo as [B]James J. Dillon and The Sensational Destroyer[/B] appear. [B]Destroyer:[/B] "There is so much more behind the enigma that defines the legend of The Destroyer.....An epic life, an epic mind, an epic awareness of all that is beyond the comprehension of mindless robots like yourself Two, that toil from dawn to dusk, yet never know their purpose. Now, you believe your purpose is to expose the Destroyer to the world.....A world that could not handle the complexity of what lies behind this mask. Yet still, your bold propostion intrigues me, for I know it will not be I that is exposed. Consider your challenge accepted....And please, be oh so careful....What you wish for." [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Abdullah the Butcher vs Tommy Rich - MSCW TV Title[/B] A total war that sees both men get color as everything not nsiled down is brought into the fray. Hebner loses ocntrol as things spill into the crowd and calls for the bell at 10:46, ruling the match a double disqualification. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Overall Rating: D- Attendance: 1680[/B] Post match notes indicate this show should help out popularity, yet I am still waiting to see this reflected in the TV ratings, as we have yet to score above a 0.00. I will cross my fingers and see what this Friday brings. I do know that when the next TV cycle comes up, I will get a much better deal for us!! Prior to this taping I received news from our Drug testing company that Jimmy Valiant tested positive for hard drugs and Dino Bravo is on roids!! I call them both in and give them a final warning. Next slip up and they are both gone. Bravo seems embarrased and promises he will work to clean up his act. Valiant does not apologize, but indicates he will try "not to get cuaght next time" WTF? No I will quit, I need rehab, I will try not to get caught......I would have canned him on the spot, but he is in the middle of a major transition. His indifference pretty much sounded his death knell with MSCW.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=#ffffff][FONT=Engravers MT][SIZE=6]MSCW Wrestle rag[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
[B]MSCW News[/B] The following Wrestlers have been released by MSCW. Atsushi Onita Lanny Poffo Rocky Stone Dino Bravo Ali Bey Tommy Rogers has signed a PPA deal with MSCW, there are reports of two other signings, though no names have been released at this time Dino Bravo tested Postive for Steroids Jimmy Valiant tested postive for an undisclosed "hard" drug. Recent rumors have indicated MSCW is in deep financial trouble, with ownership reportedly mortgaging personel property to kepe the company afloat. Feedback on MSCW shows has been positive the entire Month, with the consensus being they are putting out a good product for a promotion of their size. TV Ratings for "Heroes of Wrestling" for the month of June 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MSCW finishes dead last in all thier regional showdowns (Southwest, Northwest and Mid-South) [B]The Rest of the World[/B] The WWA has fallen to small size and is in financial trouble. This is a company in need of a major makeover as it's roster is filled with old time buddies of Dick the Bruiser. Half of the entire roster is over the age of 40. John Kobal has become the Head Booker of Linda McMahons Detroit Championship Wrestling. DCW has continued to be active in their pursuit of talent signing the following. Gino Hernandez Tommy Rich Jake Roberts Boris Malenko Steve Williams They are shaping up as a formidable force in the Midwest if they can find enough time and money for all their talent. Other Signings Larry Zybysko - PCCW Ricky Steamboat - PCCW Jesse Ventura - HCW Terminations Pat Kelly - WWA Billy Two Eagles - PNW Al Madril - SWCW Masked Spoiler - SWCW Tommy Rogers - CSTATE Say what? Johnny Rodz is reportedly suffering from long term amnesia, secondary to frequent concussions and will be sidelined for 6 months. Goodbyes Brute Bernard and Killer Karl Krupp have retired from Wrestling GCW Wrestler David Sammartino mentioned during a radio interview that he was having problems backstage with Thunderbolt Patterson. (Ole is likely beside himself over this story) Heard but not seen - The following promotions are without TV deals currently. HCW CWF SECW MSW CWA CSTATE PNW AWA (A shocker here for the #1 promotion to be without a show) Big time Wrestling [B]Current ranking of USA Promotions[/B] AWA - Cult WWF - Cult MACW - Cult WCCW - Cult GWA - Cult CWF - Regional SWCW - Regional CSTATE - Cult WWC - Cult MSW - Regional CWA - Regional PNW - Regional WWA - Small SECW - Regional HCW - Regional ICW - Small PCCW - Regional [B]MSCW - Regional[/B] DCW - Small
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]Mountain States Championship Wrestling[/COLOR] [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]MSCW Heroes of Wrestling TV Taping - Monday July 4th, 1983 - San Diego, CA[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
[/CENTER] [B]Gary Cappetta:[/B] "Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, to MSCW Heroes of Wrestling from beautiful San Diego, California. This may just be our best show ever tonight, as for the first time on Television, the MSCW Heavyweight Title will be contested when new Champion "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert meets the Mad Man from the Sudan Abdullah the Butcher. You will also see Tommy Rich defend the MSCW TV Title as well as Robert Gibson and the Fantastics, wrestling as a team for the first time in MSCW. Get the popcorn now, cause you won't want to miss a minute!!" [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]The Fantastics vs John Tatum and Mike Shaw[/B] Fulton and Rodgers look like they haven't lost a beat as they dazzle Shaw and Tatum with an array of dazzling moves. Fulton gets the pin at 5:50 with a Flying Body Press. [B]Rating: F+[/B] The Arena goes dark and the video board lights up as the sound of a ticking clock is heard....Starting at the feet, the camera slowly pans up to reveal the mysterious tuxedo clad stranger. Anticipation builds as the camera passes the shoulders to reveal............The mystery man holding the top hat in front of his face. The top hat is lowered to reveal a single Eye that winks as the screen goes black. [B]Cappetta:[/B] "Who in the world is that? This mystery man is causing quite the stir!" [B]Malenko:[/B] "So is your shirt, did you get a free cup of soup with that Capetta?" [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Robert Gibson vs Bad News Brown[/B] Brown dominates the match as Gibson does not have the strength to stand and brawl with him. Gibson is finally bring his speed into play and counters Brown with a fast roll up to steal the W in 8:54. [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Robert Gibson[/B] is celebrating his victory in the ring when [B]Tony Anthony and Tommy Lane[/B] hit the ring, as they look to take advantage of the situation, [B]Terry Daniels[/B] sprints in from the back to even things up. Daniels and Gibson stand back to back as the Dirty White Boys circle, suddenly Daniels turns around and decks Gibson!! Daniels then leaves the ring as Anthony and Lane proceed to curb stomp Gibson. As Daniels walks to the back jawing with the crowd, a hero no more. [B]Rating: F+[/B] [B]Tommy Rich vs Brickhouse Brown - MSCW TV Title[/B] An entertaining match, that sees good technical wrestling before Brown succumbs to temptation breaks the rules. That only gets Wildfire angry and he steps it up to score a pinfall with a Thesz press in 7:58. [B]Tommy Rich makes defence number 3[/B] of his MSCW TV Title title. [B]Rating: D-[/B] The cameras turn to the ringside announcer's table, where [B]The Sensational Destroyer and James J Dillon[/B] greet the audience. [B]Dillon:[/B] "Ladies and Gentlemen... once again it is your pleasure, to be in the company of the most dangerous alliance in wrestling, brilliance personified and Sensational....tell the people what this brilliance means for Wrestling II." [B]Destroyer:[/B] "JJ, it means that Wrestling II is right where we want him to be...teetering on the edge of an infernal abyss, his very career in the balance. For when Mr. Wrestling II loses the mask, he shall be left an outcast, gone from wrestling and forced to use his only his brains to get him through the perils of life. And with amount of brains two has, that journey likely ends somewhere in his front yard!!" (Destroyer and Dillon leave laughing as the crowd rains venom and wadded up inserts form the program down upon them. [B]Rating: D[/B] Mr. Wrestling II is standing by in the back with Cappetta. "Destroyer, you talk a mean game and say a whole lot about nothing. I am a simple man of few words Destroyer, so let me get right to the point. All your brains won't help you a lick, when you taste the million dollar knee lift. And while you are lying on you back, out cold, I'll rip that mask from your face and expose you like Toto exposed the Wizard of OZ. A coward behind a curtain of bluster!!" [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Wrestling II[/B] storms off and [B]Gary Michael Cappetta[/B] is nearly giddy. "This is the stuff legends are made of folks! This could be the match of the year!" [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Eddie Gilbert vs Abdullah the Butcher - MSCW Heavyweight Title[/B] Abdullah comes out agrressive, drawing blood and punishing Gilbert in the corners, but Hot Stuff draws from the crowd and mounts a furious rally that results in the Butcher lying prone on the canvas. Gilbert prepares to finish him off, when Jimmy Valiant appears and nails Eddie with a fireball!!! As Gilbert writhes blindly in pain on the mat, Abdullah hits the Sudanese Meat Cleaver and covers for the win in 11:31. Thanks to Jimmy Valiant, [B]Abdullah the Butcher[/B] wins the MSCW Heavyweight Title title. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Final Rating: D- Attendance: 1000[/B] The feedback is again good and the card should boost our popularity. At last I have gotten at least a D for HW Title match and the title is finally on someone who can bring some heat and prestige to the belt. Rich and Brickhouse Brown have great chemistry and will work well togther down the line if needed. After the show there is a fracass in the backl. Apparently Bad News Brown played a joke on Don Fargo that almost lead to a fight. I pull Brown aside and try a Fatherly approach, which garners a "Yeah whatever, some people need a sense of humor here." As Brown storms off. Kids!!
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]Mountain States Championship Wrestling[/COLOR] [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]MSCW Heroes of Wrestling TV Taping - Monday July 11th, 1983 - Portland, OR[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
[/CENTER] I take the Mic to start the show to promote our [B]Summerfest[/B] event this coming Sunday. It is one of our marquee events and I give the TV audience a rundown of everyone that will be on the card. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Tommy Lane vs Tracy Smothers[/B] One half of the DWB's takes on Smothers, who will not go quietly, giving Lane all he can handle. It finally takes Anthony knocking Smothers foot off the rope suring a pin attempt to give Lane the win in 5:50. [B]Rating: F[/B] A video plays hyping [B]Abdullah the Butcher vs. Tommy Rich[/B] World Title match coming up at Summerfest. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Davey Boy Smith vs John Tatum[/B] Tatum is not liked by the crowds here either and get continously pre-occupied with them. Smith takes advantage and crushes him with a Powerslam at the 7:44 mark. [B]Rating: E-[/B] A video plays giving a complete history of the events leading up to the historic Mask vs Mask match between [B]Mr. Wrestling II and The Sensational Destroyer[/B] this Sunday. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Bad News Brown vs Bobby Fulton[/B] The third in what has been a solid series of matches between the two is decent, but not up to the standards of the first two. Brown goes over clean with a Ghetto Blaster in 9:42. [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]Jimmy Valiant[/B] can't get to the ring quick enough in preparation for his match with former protege Eddie Gilbert. Several of the fans yell Boogie Woogie and Valiant sets them straight. "Cut the crap you ignorant tree huggers...Boogie Woogie is no more, dancing got me screwed, blued and tattoed and Gorgeous Jimmy Valaint will be damned if he will ever let pukes like Eddie Gilbert and all you losers take him down that road again.....so you can all....go to hell!!" [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]Jimmy Valiant vs Eddie Gilbert[/B] Dillon does yeoman work at ringside keeping everyon on their does with his constant meddling. Valiant shows his newly discovered mean streak is legit as he batter Gilbert. As time winds down in the show, Valiant goes for the boogie woogie elbow drop, the Gilbert moves, cradles Valiant and puts his feet on the ropes to leverage the pin in 11:01. The crowd seems to appreciate Gilbert fighting fire with fire and not a one backs up Dillon as he complains to Hebner that Gilbert cheated. [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Overall Rating: E Attendance: 77[/B] For what this was I am happy. I had to venture into the Northwest sooner or later, or nobody would ever see the TV show. I will try to do this once a month and use the strategy I used tonight, bringing in very few workers and shpwing a lot of video to keep costs lower. Another advantage is my main players will be nice and healthy for Summerfest this week. Bad News Brown is trying to cause some issues backstage playing the great game of wrestling politics as he lobbies for main event status. I will be keeping an eye on him. Jimmy Valiant and Tommy Lane get into a scuffle backstage after Valiant antagonizes Lane over his match. WTF is with this guy? I fine Valiant and he says "he will try not to let it happen again." (He is so gone when the Gilbert feud is over) [B]Up next.................[/B] The one we have been building to....[B]Summerfest '83[/B] [IMG]http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/MSCW.gif[/IMG]
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]Mountain States Championship Wrestling[/COLOR] [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]Event: Summerfest '83 - Sunday July 17th, 1983 - Los Angeles, CA[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
[/CENTER] The sold out crowd is rocking (for their size) and we get straight to the action.... [B]Bad News Brown vs Randy Mulkey[/B] Brown mauls the better of the Mulkey brothers, giving him a Harlem style beatdown before turning out the lights with a Ghetto Blaster to get the pin in 5:32. [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Gary Michael Cappetta[/B] climbs into the ring and greets the crowd. "Welcome to summerfest '83!!!! You are all part of history, as Summerfest will one day be one of the biggest wrestling events in the country and you can all say.....I was at the one that started it all!!!" Cappetta pauses and smiles. "Tonight in our main event, 'Wildfire' Tommy Rich, one of the brightest young stars in wrestling, goes for the MSCW Heavyweight title against Abdullah the Butcher in a Steel Cage!!! This one will be a bloodbath folks!!" [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]The Arena suddenly goes dark[/B] and the video screen begins to flicker......This time there are no images of glamour, just a pair of patent leather Shoes with a Cane laid across them and a Top Hat resting on top. A voice echoes through the arena......."Your wait is over daddio" The lights come on and standing behind Capetta is......[B]Austin Idol!!![/B] Cappetta turns and is so startled he stumbles over himself as Idol stands in the ring, Chin resting between his thumb and forefinger, a half smile, half sneer twisting his features. He exits the ring and goes and pulls up a chair next to Malenko without uttering a word. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Bobby Fulton vs Brickhouse Brown[/B] Fulton and Brown engage in an athletic, high flying contest that is marred by sloppiness. Brown misses a wicked clothesline and Fulton rebounds off the ropes with a Flying Body Press for the pin in 7:37. [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]James J. Dillon, The Sensational Destroyer and Jimmy Valiant[/B] make their way to the ring. [B]Dillon:[/B] "The world is a place of turmoil and strife, where the sun, the moon and the stars do not always align. So often you come close to perfection, only to see one piece missing, or one ingrediant not quite as good as the rest. But when you do reach that magical moment in time, where it all falls into place....Well, you have perfection.....Peanut Butter and Jelly." (Valiant and Destroyer nod) "Abbott and Costello........" [B]Valiant:[/B] "Macaroni and Cheese!!!" (Dillon and The Destroyer shoot him a strange look, but begrudgingly agree) [B]Dillon:[/B] "Tonight I give you another combination that will roll off the tongue as smoothly as any of these.....The Destroyer, Valiant and.........Idol!! [B]Austin Idol[/B] feigns mock surprise......Then slowly makes his way to the ring.....He paces around Valiant and Destroyer then stops to stare them both down.......All three then embrace. Dillon: "Ladies and Gentlemen....I give you [B]The Triad!!!"[/B] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Great Kabuki vs Davey Boy Smith [/B] Kabuki seems rejuventated after escaping the tutelage of Dillon and is able to survive several power moves by the Bulldog, finally securing the victory by pinfall in 9:52 by illegally using the ropes for leverage. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Robert Gibson[/B] comes out and grabs the house Mic. "I got a real tough match next against the Dirty White Boys for the MSCW Tag Team Belts. I tell y'all, I have been through a lot since coming here and there were times I was down but never out. I have seen people I thought were friends dessert me....but I never quit. And now when I need a friend the most.....Well, hit the music please" The sound system blares "Come on everybody let me tell you bout rock and roll" The crowd looks to the back and is greeted by the sight of [B]Ricky Morton!![/B] [B]Cappetta:[/B] "Choo Choo, the Rock and Roll express rides again!!" [B]Malenko:[/B] "Yawn.....is it nap time yet?" [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Rock and Roll Express vs The Dirty White Boys - MSCW Tag Team Titles[/B] Though their timing is off early, the Express are soon clicking and the DWB's have to resort to cheating to keep up. The duo double team Gibson in their corner and he escapes two near pinfalls, finally making the hot tag to Morton who knocks Anthony off the apron, then nails Lane with a Missile Drop kick. He covers for the pin in 11:49. [B]The Rock and Roll Express [/B]win the MSCW Tag Team titles. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]The Sensational Destroyer[/B] comes out and knocks Cappetta off his chair as he grab his Mic. "Wrestling Two......Oh what light on yonder window breaks? Let me enunciate reallllllly slowwwww so you all know. A light that will shine without judgment on an empty, shallow man. Deviod of thought, wrapped up only in his own self pity....A man who will leave here tonight known not for what he was behind a mask, but for what he will be forever after. A downtrodden, beaten soul who will have to wrestle the remainder of his career without the aura, without the mystique....and without the Mask!!! Wrestling Two, for you, the slow journey down the river to oblivion begins tonight!" [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]The Sensational Destroyer vs Mr. Wrestling II - Mask vs Mask[/B] A methodical, chess match that shows neither man willing to make a mistake. Brilliant counter wrestling that slowly degenerates into a wild brawl. Both combatants tear at the mask of the other, while fighting savagely to keep their own intact. Destroyer traps Wresling II in a Sleeper hold and he seems ready to go out. Flailing away he ducks and catapults The Destroyer off through the ropes. As The Destroyer re-enters the ring he is nailed with The Million Dollar Knee lift and pinned in 13:57!! [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Mr. Wrestling II[/B] now goes crazy as The Destroyer shakes his head and waves his hand frantically beggin Wrestling II off. Dillon tries to enter the ring and is sent to the floor with a hard right hand. Two buts the boots to The Destroyer and tears away at the laces of his mask as The Destroyer fights to hang on. [B]Jimmy Valiant[/B] appears and just as he reaches the ring, Wrestling II tears the mask from The Destroyers head. Valiant quickly pulls off his bandana and covers the face of The Destroyer, dragging him from the ring to safety as Two hoists the mask like a trophy. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Mr. Wrestling II[/B] goes out into the crowd with The Destroyers mask to celebrate with the with the people. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Tommy Rich vs Abdullah the Butcher - Cage Match -MSCW Heavyweight Title[/B] This one gets ugly quick as Rich is hurled into the Cage getting color in the process. The Butcher is soon bleeding like a pig as well as Rich grates his well scarred head across the unforgiving steel mesh of the cage. Abdullah counters a head scissors attempt, hurling Rich to the mat, then hitting a Sudanese Meat Cleaver from the second rope.....1....2....Rich kicks out. Abdullah hurls Rich onto the Ropes, missed a wild clothesline, then runs smack into a Thesz press from Rich, 1...2...3!!! Rich wins by pinfall in 15:04 Tommy Rich wins the [B]MSCW Heavyweight title[/B]. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Tommy Rich[/B] is joined in the ring by Gary Michael Cappetta, where he tearfully thanks the fans for supporting him. "Without y'all, I could never have done what I done tonight. Thank you and gosh darnit, I love all y'all.....Yeehaaaaw!" [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Austin Idol[/B] runs to the Ring yelling furiously at Rich before grabbing the house mic. "I love all y'all....boohoo!!! Shut the hell up and let Los Angeles soak me in....I am the ladies pet and the men's regret, chiseled steel, but like velvet to feel, 240 pounds of sex appeal!!" [B]Rich:[/B] Ya know Idol, I don't know why y'all are here, but this here's my moment and I ain't lettin you or nobody else put a damper on it, so skeedaddle!!" Both men go nose to nose, red faced and screaming at each other, as half of the locker room runs in to seperate them. Rich eventually leaves while Idol, now backed by the rest of The Triad, takes off his shirt and flexes in the ring. [B]Idol:[/B] "Enjoy it while you can daddio, cause I'm clean, lean sexy and mean....And just like the ladies can't refuse, that belt you're gonna lose.......To the Universal Heartthrob!!!" [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Overall Rating: D+ Attendance: 1000[/B] Our best show yet and it comes at the perfect time. Two big debuts in Idol and Morton and the Title going to someone who can carry the promotion much better than his predessors, if he can stave off the many challenges that lay ahead. Wrestling II and The Destroyer are our longest running feud and things are just getting started here as The Destroyers face was not exposed thanks to Valiant. The initial feedback indicates that show went over big as the Fans thought it went down extremely well. Now we just need to get more of them watching before the Piggy Bank runs dry.
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Off Topic, but here is an Ole story Lanny Poffo (aka The Genius) told about him. While he was working with Ole, Ole would walk into the locker room and have an excuse for why they wouldn't draw that night. "It's too hot, it's raining, it's a Monday, it's the weekend, etc" Lanny got sick of it, and said to Ole "You said we wouldn't draw lat night because of the Presidential election, but Ric Flair sold out where he wrestled." Ole replied "Ric Flair isn't a wrestler, he is an entertainer. He isn't a good heel because 20% of the audience cheers him. When the Andersons (at this time Gene and Ole, not Arn) go out, it's all boos." To which Lanny replies "What does it matter Ole, you can't elecite a response from an empty seat."
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[QUOTE=alanreao;445586]Off Topic, but here is an Ole story Lanny Poffo (aka The Genius) told about him. While he was working with Ole, Ole would walk into the locker room and have an excuse for why they wouldn't draw that night. "It's too hot, it's raining, it's a Monday, it's the weekend, etc" Lanny got sick of it, and said to Ole "You said we wouldn't draw lat night because of the Presidential election, but Ric Flair sold out where he wrestled." Ole replied "Ric Flair isn't a wrestler, he is an entertainer. He isn't a good heel because 20% of the audience cheers him. When the Andersons (at this time Gene and Ole, not Arn) go out, it's all boos." To which Lanny replies "What does it matter Ole, you can't elecite a response from an empty seat."[/QUOTE] I love Ole, he is such a jerk. I could listen to him talk about the business for hours though. He is the main reason I started this dynasty in Georgia. GCW was a great territory.
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]Mountain States Championship Wrestling[/COLOR] [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]MSCW Heroes of Wrestling TV Taping - Monday July 18th, 1983 - Phoenix, AZ[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
[/CENTER] [B]The cameras zoom in[/B] on the announcer area, where Gary Michael Cappetta and Boris Malenko greet the audience. [B]Cappetta:[/B] "Good evening and a big welcome from Boris and.." [B]Malenko:[/B] "Speak for yourself Cappetta, I would rather be in Atlantic City." [B]Cappetta:[/B] "And I think some of us would welcome that....Anyway, for those that do not know, MSCW Summerfest took place yesterday in Los Angeles and I am pleased to announce that we saw a new Heavyweight Champion crowned." [B]Malenko:[/B] "Much to my chagrin." [B]Cappetta:[/B] "Isn't your Bus leaving for Atlantic City Boris? As I was saying, we have a new Champion and that is none other than 'Wildfire' [B]Tommy Rich[/B]!!! This will result in Rich forfeiting the TV Title, whcih we will address later, but for now I would like to extend a hearty congratulations to Tommy, who will defend his newly won belt right here tonight!!!." [B]Malenko:[/B] "whooopee..." [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Tommy Rogers vs Steve Lombardi[/B] Rodgers, working solo shows a good aerial game, that befuddles Lombardi and results in a win for Tommy in 6:22 after a Missile Dropkick. [B]Rating: F+[/B] [B]Gary Michael Cappetta[/B] then climbs in to the Ring. "As mentioned at the top of the show, the TV Title is now vacant. It has been decreed by the MSCW board of directors that the new Champion will be crowned next week on TV, with the belt going to the winner of a 10 man battle royal!!! Some of the men already entered in this event include Wrestling II, The Destroyer, Great Kabuki and Davey Boy Smith!!" [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Austin Idol vs Shane Douglas[/B] The Universal Heartthrob dominates the green rookie and it only drags on so that Idol can play to the crowd more. The end comes mercifully at 6:22 with Idol taking the duke with a Big Elbow Drop. [B]Rating: E-[/B] Highlights of the recent bout between [B]Eddie Gilbert and Jimmy Valiant[/B] are played in a video package. [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]Jimmy Valiant[/B] comes to the ring. "Gilbert I tried to help you out punk, I got you a shot at the title and because of me you won it.....then, without me you lost it quicker than your mama drops off her key when handsome Jimmy is in town....." (Valiant seeing some fans doing his old Boogie Woogie dance goes nuts, screaming at them that boogie woogie is dead) "Gilbert, I have one more lesson to give you....and I am standing in the classroom punk!" [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Eddie Gilbert [/B]comes out. "Handsome Jimmy???? Only if your dating cousin It!! You want to take me to school 'Teacher?' Just ring the bell!!" [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Cappetta:[/B] "Looks like Valiant is going to get his wish folks, we gotta get this one signed!!" [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]Bobby Fulton vs Great Kabuki[/B] A good even match with Kabuki reaching into his bag of tricks whenever Fulton starts to mount any offense. Kabuki goes to the well once too often however, after he nails Fulton with the green mist in front of Hebner. Winner in 5:57 by disqualification, Bobby Fulton. [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Mr. Wrestling II[/B] comes to the announcing table and chases Malenko off, much to the delight of the audience. "Destroyer!!! You showed just how much of a man you truly are. You lost and can't even keep your word and give up the mask with a shred of dignity....Well now you leave me no choice, but to rip it from your shoulders, whether your head is still in it or not!!! And Valiant...if you or anyone else sticks their nose where it don't belong." (Two pats his knee) "I have a little something for you too!!!" [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Tommy Rich vs Bad News Brown - MSCW Heavyweight Title[/B] Brown gets Rich in a predicament, but can't put him away as Tommy kicks out of a Ghetto Blaster. Frustrated, Brown loses composure and gets nailed with a Thesz Press as Rich gets the pin in 11:52. [B]Tommy Rich[/B] makes defence number 1 of his MSCW Heavyweight title. [B]Rating: D-[/B] After the match, [B]Cappetta[/B] is joined by [B]Austin Idol[/B]. [B]Cappetta:[/B] "Well this is an unexpec.." [B]Idol:[/B] "Shut your mouth before I kick sand in your face Cappetta. Now prettier than a rose, ladies check out this pose" (Idol preens for the females, some of whom actually seem to care) "That's right, the prince of pump and never a chump, unlike you Rich...you take that title from a fat old man and parade out here like you're king of the hill!! Well a hill has a slope going up...and a slope going down...and guess who's fixin to roll you right down the backside.....ME!!! The definition of cool, that makes the ladies drool, and Rich...when we meet, you'll look like a fool!!!" [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Overall: E+ Attendance: 1000[/B] Another decent effort, that gave us an increase in popularity despite only getting an overall E+. After the show I talk to Bad News Brown, who has been getting a lot of heat with the locker room lately over his attitude. I get stiff with him and basically tell him anymore trouble and he is gone. Brown just stares at me and thanks me for wasting his time. [B][COLOR="Red"]NOTE[/COLOR][/B] With the release of the FTC 1991 Mod I am going to put this on hiatus as I have been looking forward to starting an ROTT dynasty and derailing the emergence of the big two. This mod should work great for that.
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