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TCW: A Global Vison, and A Golden Future

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Alot of people are advocating that the rich gets richer and the poor get poorer.

Thats only because you dont understand whats going to happen to you,

You see... its all just a game ladies and gentlemen,

And the quality of your living depends entirely upon your ability to play the game...



And i play the game......








The Following are excerpts from an interview done with Sam Keith just before the new year (2008)


One of the first things I wanted to do when I got to Hollywood was to stress to Tommy the importance of angles and storylines, and making the fans have a reason to watch your great matches. We had worked together in the late 90s for Eisen where I had the book at the time, so we were very familiar with each other both personally and professionally before I even decided to come to TCW. I had taken a liking to Tommy actually and prior to the Nemesis incident I was lobbying for him to get a big, big push that would have made him a huge star before he eventually became the best wrestler on the planet.




Tommy and I had always stayed in touch and so it was a no-brainer when he asked me to join the booking team. I admit that I was bitter at the time of my exit from SWF, because of course Eisen wouldn't blame his sons for a disaster of a storyline and I had brought them their most profitable years of the post Chord/Strong era. When I got to TCW I was directly responsible for the angle that took Tyson Baine out of action when he was attacked by The Syndicate after turning face by stopping a beat down. It was probably the most brutal thing seen in the company since Cornell had taken over the reigns, but it was exactly what the company needed. He had been shifting the company to be more wrestling or performance oriented and they started to get the reputation of being a soulless company with nothing but “WrestleBots”. I had to remind him that there are ways to generate interest for our big matches, outside of more matches. Thankfully he saw my way, Joel and Azaria agreed, and we ended up doing huge business due to that segment and it set the company up beautifully for the Autumn and start of the Winter months.


The premise was that with Baine being gone just weeks after we lost Liberty, it would provide a lot of openings at the top of the card for new top babyfaces along with Ricky Dale Johnson. That is exactly what you saw, and are still seeing with Rocky Golden who is a man that we all think will be a massive star one day. We had to risk someone who has been one of our top guys since the late 90s, and give him a vacation in order to make room for a new star to be born in his place. While I wouldn't quite say Rocky has reached the heights Tyson has, whenever Baine returns the overall roster will be in much better shape than it was when he left it.



I think I have done a lot to help TCW stray away from that “Soulless” company that can draw comparisons to the Stones in terms of characters and stories. I have even told much of the same to my sons when it comes to finding the balance between quality wrestling and interesting characters. Anybody can get on the internet and search for PGHW or NOTBPW for a five star match, but when you belnd that quality of wrestling with interesting stories that is when you begin to separate yourself from the pack. One of the first things that I told Tom when I took the position was that if you really want to get serious about becoming number one in the world, then you need to play the game. You can't change the mentality of an entire country of fans, and while they will always love their “Sports Entertainment”, our job is to provide high quality wrestling that they crave, with more than enough entertainment to make them keep coming back.

OOC: In advance huge thanks to the many, many artists in the various re-render and alt threads for the renders/alts that may be used here

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From Left to right. Clicky Names Have Themes!





Tommy Cornell© TCW World Heavyweight Champion

© TCW International Champion

Sam Keith

Ricky Dale Johnson

Rocky Golden

Genghis Rahn

Tyson Baine

Troy Tornado


http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o758/drshowtime/TEWDiary/BrentHill_alt1_zps05a163e1.jpghttp://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o758/drshowtime/TEWDiary/HumanArsenal_alt1_zps0133bf01.jpghttp://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o758/drshowtime/TEWDiary/EddiePeak_zps0e924325.jpghttp://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o758/drshowtime/TEWDiary/th_Guide_zps4c22279a.jpg http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o758/drshowtime/TEWDiary/th_Scout_zpsf5ecf373.jpg http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o758/drshowtime/TEWDiary/th_KoshiroIno_zps33810384.jpg http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o758/drshowtime/TEWDiary/th_SammyBach_Trell1_zps88ade801.jpg http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o758/drshowtime/TEWDiary/th_RobertOxford_zps3605102e.jpg http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o758/drshowtime/TEWDiary/th_JoelBryant_zps3e973c6f.jpg http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o758/drshowtime/TEWDiary/th_RickLaw_zps27b3b064.jpg




© TCW Tag Team Champions

The New Wave

Koshirno Ino

Sammy Bach© TCW All Action Champion

Rick Law








Painful Procedure

American Buffalo

Giant Tana

Danny Fonzareli

Clark Alexander




The Canadian Animals

Chance Fortune

Aaron Andrews



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Hot off the heels of a great Psycho Circus Pay-Per-View, the first Total Wrestling this year comes from the Utah Park Reservation. Tommy Cornell and The Syndicate will all be in action on a special “Champion's Night” that puts each champion in action. Tag Champions, The Machines will take on Painful Procedure. All Action champion Sammy Bach will take on Chance Fortune in a match that is sure to dazzle the fans, and International Champion Wolf Hawkins will be in action against another rising star in Joey Minnesota. World Champion Tommy Cornell will team with wrestling legend Sam Keith to take on their Psycho Circus opponents in tag action as they face Rocky Golden and Ricky Dale Johnson in our main event. All of those great matches, plus the debut of Japanese star Koshirno Ino and more on the first Total Wrestling of the year!


Match Card


Chance Fortune vs Sammy Bach in a Non Title Match


The Machines vs Painful Procedure in a Non Title Match


Koshirno Ino vs ???


The Canadian Animals vs The Young Guns


Eddie Peak vs Robert Oxford


Wolf Hawkins vs Joey Minnesota in a Non Title Match


Ricky Dale Johnson and Rocky Golden vs Tommy Cornell and Sam Keith


Bonus: What will be match of the night?

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With Ricky Dale Johnson knocked out on the outside of the ring, and Rocky Golden alone in the ring, The Syndicate began to physically assault him. The Machines and Wolf Hawkins take turns putting the boots to Golden as the leaders Cornell and Keith look approvingly as they recover from their match. Hawkins nails Golden with his New Moon Rising as The Syndicate stands tall over the fallen Golden. Ricky Dale Johnson slides in the ring, but it is not long before The Syndicate beat him down as well, and this time Cornell and Keith get involved as well. Hill and Anderson hold him up while the other three members take turns beating on RDJ. Cornell delivers a devastating brainbuster that bounces the skull of Ricky Dale Johnson off of the ring mat, and Sam Keith follows up with a Proton Lock. Suddenly

begins to play over the PA, while each member of The Syndicate begins to look amongst each other befuddled. Everything seems to stop, as the crowd that was booing loudly has gone all but silent, nobody in the ring is speaking, and those standing in the ring are just walking in circles in awe of the mysterious music.


Suddenly the arena goes dark red, and the theme of Tyson Baine begins to play, much to the shock of The Syndicate, and the enjoyment of the crowd, as they came to life for the theme they last heard five months ago. The group as a whole begins to focus on the ramp and stage area, awaiting his entry. Tommy Cornell in particular seems extremely aghast, so much so that he completely missed Sam Keith signaling for The Syndicate to leave the ring. Wolf Hawkins left through the crowd, while Sam and the Machines stayed at ringside. Cornell, now in the ring alone, was oblivious to the fact that Tyson Baine had entered the ring from behind him, and the once silent TCW crowd has become unglued as Cornell is face to face with the monster. Before Cornell can even think to run, Baine grabs him by the throat with both hands and plants him violently with his Hades Bomb. The arena is still red in color, and the crowd noise is deafening as the monster rises to his feet, and stares a hole in the rest of The Syndicate to close the show


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TCW Psycho Circus 2009 Results:


Rocky Golden© defeated Sam Keith to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship.


The Freedom Fighters defeated the Syndicate


Joshua Taylor© defeated Rick Law and Koshrino Ino to retain the International title (via count out on both men).


Benny Benson defeated Sammy Bach via DQ, when Troy Tornado interfered.


Danny Fonzareli and Bryan Vessey defeated The Hellfire Club (All 4 members).


The New Wave© Defeated The Machines to retain the TCW Tag Titles


Edd Stone© defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx to retain the All Action title.




The end of the year saw Rocky Golden retain his championship against the Legendary Sam Keith and the Freedom Fighters seemed to be clicking on all cylinders in their quest to disband the Syndicate. Every champion has retained and now everyone has Wonderland in their sights, and Malice in their spirits as we approach one of the biggest shows of the year for Total Championship Wrestling. Be sure to watch TCW Presents: Total Wrestling, every Tuesday at 9 pm. (Eastern Standard Time).


Week 1 card *


Troy Tornado vs Joshua Taylor© for the International Championship


The Tag Team Specialists vs The L.A. Connection


Sammy Bach vs Scout


Sam Keith vs Giant Tana


Texas Buffalo vs Danny Fonzareli and Koshiro Ino


Brent Hill vs Clark Alexander


Rocky Golden vs Eddie Peak


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins


* I have to note that I did not edit the original product for the first few shows and it seems like this many matches is a lot.

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Guest KingOfKings

Troy Tornado vs Joshua Taylor© for the International Championship


The Tag Team Specialists vs The L.A. Connection


Sammy Bach vs Scout


Sam Keith vs Giant Tana


Texas Buffalo vs Danny Fonzareli and Koshiro Ino

Brent Hill vs Clark Alexander


Rocky Golden vs Eddie Peak


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins


This looks great, iv'e recently started playing a TCW game and I can't stop. A few words of advice, sign Champagne Lover, now. O and that Aaron Andrews kid, he gets over, and I mean gets over fast. He's my world champ by the age of 24 and is the 5th most popular guy on my roster. The guy is gold.

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Troy Tornado vs Joshua Taylor©(W) for the International Championship


The Tag Team Specialists vs The L.A. Connection (W)


Sammy Bach vs Scoutv(W)


Sam Keith(W) vs Giant Tana


Texas Buffalo vs Danny Fonzareli and Koshiro Ino (W)


Brent Hill (W) vs Clark Alexander


Rocky Golden (W) vs Eddie Peak


Ricky Dale Johnson (W) vs Wolf Hawkins

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Troy Tornado vs Joshua Taylor© for the International Championship


The Tag Team Specialists vs The L.A. Connection


Sammy Bach vs Scout


Sam Keith vs Giant Tana


Texas Buffalo vs Danny Fonzareli and Koshiro Ino


Brent Hill vs Clark Alexander


Rocky Golden vs Eddie Peak


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins

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Troy Tornado vs Joshua Taylor© for the International Championship


The Tag Team Specialists vs The L.A. Connection


Sammy Bach vs Scout


Sam Keith vs Giant Tana


Texas Buffalo vs Danny Fonzareli and Koshiro Ino


Brent Hill vs Clark Alexander


Rocky Golden vs Eddie Peak


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins

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Troy Tornado vs Joshua Taylor© for the International Championship


I love Joshua being in TCW. However, for some reason I can never seem to get him over. Hopefully you will.


The Tag Team Specialists vs The L.A. Connection


Sammy Bach vs Scout


Sam Keith vs Giant Tana


Texas Buffalo vs Danny Fonzareli and Koshiro Ino


Brent Hill vs Clark Alexander


I hate the Proud Jobber like no other!:D


Rocky Golden vs Eddie Peak


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins

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Troy Tornado vs Joshua Taylor© for the International Championship


The Tag Team Specialists vs The L.A. Connection


Sammy Bach vs Scout


Sam Keith vs Giant Tana


Texas Buffalo vs Danny Fonzareli and Koshiro Ino


Brent Hill vs Clark Alexander


Rocky Golden vs Eddie Peak


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins

Should be a good match and could go either way but I will go with Wolf for the win here.

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Location: Virginia Park Fields (Mid Atlantic Region)

Attendance: 9236


The opening sequence of Total Wrestling is played as Immortal by Adema is played over the P.A. There are a series of fireworks and the camera runs through the crowd and you can see assorted signs.






Jason Ariza: Happy New Year Total fans, and welcome to Total Wrestling.


Kyle Rhodes: We have a great lineup for the first show of the year including our Champion Rocky Golden, in action against Eddie Peak.


Ariza: And in our Main Event we have Ricky Dale Johnson versus Wolf Hawkins. Ricky actually pinned Wolf just two nights ago at Psycho Circus and there is no doubt that Cornell will do all that he can to help his protoge get revenge.


Rhodes: But in our first match of the night, we have Joshua Taylor defending his International Championship against Troy Tornado.






Just before the start of this match, Benny Benson joined the announcers to commentate the match. He and Tornado share a hateful glare as Benson takes a seat next to Ariza.




The bell rings and Taylor extends a handshake to Troy Tornado,but Troy just looks at it disapprovingly. Taylor takes control of the match early and applies a hammerlock. He switches and transitions to the back of Troy, looking for a german suplex. Tornado blocks the suplex attempt and throws a couple of punches that hit Taylor. He irish whips Taylor into the ropes and catches him with a hip toss. Troy now goes to the grounded Taylor and puts him in a knee bar. Once Taylor gets out of the submission the two exchange holds for a while, with neither man having a clear advantage. After a missed superplex from Taylor, Tornado hits him with an elbow drop and goes for the pin. Troy only gets a two count though and goes right back on the attack with stomps to the midsection of Taylor. He then applies an abdominal stretch, but Taylor reaches the ropes and Troy is forced to break it up. Tornado goes onto the apron and measures his opponent as he looks to be setting up his patented springboard dropkick. Troy springs off of the ropes and into the ring, but Taylor moves and Troy missed! Taylor is quick to go on the attack and hits Troy with a running dropkick that sends him into the corner. Taylor climbs the turnbuckle and starts a ten count punch. The crowd really gets behind Taylor, but at eight Tornado manages to slip from underneath Joshua Taylor's legs. Taylor makes an effort to catch him, but Tornado is too quick and hops onto the middle rope and goes for a springboard cross-body. This proves to be a fatal mistake though as Taylor lands a nasty kick to the head that sends the crowd into a frenzy, and Troy to the ground outside. Taylor soon follows and the two are brawling on the outside. Tornado tries to whip Taylor into the ring post, but Taylor is able to stop his momentum. Taylor and Tornado still brawl, and Taylor throws Tornado over the announce table, right next to Benny Benson. As Tornado gets up, he and Benson exchange words, but he does not notice that the referee Sam Sparrow has counted to ten and that is a count out.


Joshua Taylor retains the International Championship via Count out at 13:23





Ariza: Troy Tornado is absolutely irate. Joshua Taylor is still the International champion.


Rhodes: Troy battled well, but he let personal issues allow a minor upset as Joshua Taylor defends his title yet again.


Benson: I did not touch the man or cost him the title. Troy costed Troy the title tonight. The guy really needs to grow up, but I'll take care of that part in the ring.


Ariza: Thanks for your time Benny, enjoy the rest of your night.


Rhodes: Now we focus on the tag team division as the young L.A. Connection square off against the veteran Tag Team Specialists.


Ariza: Now here's a little fact you may not know; Robert Oxford and Joel Bryant have held tag titles all over the world, whether with each other or another partner in TCW, Japan, and Canada.


Rhodes: Actually I did know that, it's what I get paid to know.


Ariza: Anyways, a win for either team could put them in position to challenge for the New Wave's Tag Team Championships.





This match is a very even match throughout. The veteran Tag Specialists use their experience and wit to keep the quicker and younger L.A. Connection downed for the most part. After a missed suplex and a hot tag things got back even and Aaron Andrews was taking it to Oxford until Andrews made a rookie mistake and took too long climbing the turnbuckle. This allowed for Oxford to throw him off and tag in Bryant. Bryant starts to work the body with holds and submissions that wear down the core of Andrews. After Bryant applies a surfboard stretch, Edd Stone can be seen walking down the ramp, and to ringside. Andrews escapes the submission and tags in Fortune. Fortune and Bryant have a good counter exchange that ends with Chance on the ground through a Russian leg sweep. At that moment, Edd Stone sweeps the leg of Aaron Andrews and the referee Ray Johnson did not see it. Andrews' face hit the apron flush and he is out. Fortune doesn't seem to notice though and reverses an irish whip attempt into the corner. He delievers a tornado DDT to the veteran Bryant. Edd stone is now on the apron and Chance charges at him looking to hit him with his Stroke of Luck Pump Kick. Stone jumps down, and Fortune is hung on the ropes. Bryant has recovered and rolls up Chance for the 1.2.3


The Tag Team Specialists defeat the L.A. Connection via pinfall at 6:26





Rhodes: Bryant and Oxford pull out a much needed win.


Ariza: With a "little" help from Edd Stone, don't you think.


Rhodes: A win is a win no matter what and the fact is that The Tag Team Specialists pulled out a victory.







The "Total Enforcer" Rick Law is seen arriving to the arena, in the parking lot wearing street clothes. He still has his trademark baton in hand, and a serious look on his face. He is by Jasmine Saunders once he is out of the parking lot for an interview.


Jasmine: Rick Law, many people have been questioning your actions as of late, since you turned on your former partner Koshrino Ino and joining the Syndicate. Many people want to know why you have refused to compete in a singles match against the man you betrayed.


Law: Jasmine, you of all people should know not to try to give me an impromptu interview. I speak on my own terms, and I don't waste my time. Speaking of wasting time, that is exactly what Koshrino Ino is. He asked me to be his partner, he was down on his luck and I felt pity. We had some success, but when a better offer came along I had to take it. The Syndicate was full of people who could hold their own, and pull their own weight. That is something that Ino can not do, and I didn't want to do it any longer.


Law: The reason why Total Championship Wrestling will never see me and Ino go one on one is because I AM the Law. I do what I want. A leech like Koshrino should learn that if you want to succeed, you have to leave behind what was holding you back. Every since I got rid of the sandbag that has been holding me down, I have ascended and now I am upon the elite in this company. If Ino tries to get in my business again, he will feel the Long Arm of the Law.


The segment ends abruptly as Rick Law drops the mic, and walks off the set,leaving Jasmine there alone.


Ariza: Some strong words by Rick Law. I'm sure Koshiro Ino won't stop his pursuit of vengeance though.


Rhodes: I doubt it too, but Law knows that one day they will have to meet in the ring.


Ariza: Now it's time for some more singles action. Brent Hill vs Clark Alexander. Who do you have in this one Kyle?


Rhodes: It should be a very competitive match, but I see Hill pulling out a squeaker.





This match was pretty much the definition of domination. John Anderson got to watch from the sidelines in this match, and Brent Hill did not let up from start to finish. Most of the match was spent on the mat, as that is where Clark Alexander has been residing as of late. Clark managed one counter, but that led to another counter that set up the King of the Hill. He made Clark Alexander pass out to the Complete Package shortly after the 6 minute mark.


Brent Hill defeated Clark Alexander by Submission at 6:12




Ariza: Not what you predicted partner, is it?


Rhodes: Not at all. Brent Hill lived up to his reputation and destroyed Clark Alexander like a machine.




This match was one sided, but more competitive than the previous match. Part of this was due to the fact that Sam Keith could hardly use his usual moveset on the huge Samoan and was restricted to a series of knife edge chops and punches. Keith did however get the big man on his back, and that is when he started to take control and use the submission game. After a few ring rope assisted submissions, Keith could not get the pin. Frustrated, he goes to get a chair from ringside. Referee Ray Johnson takes the chair from a willing Sam Keith, and goes to return it to it's rightful place beside the timekeeper. While the ref is out of the ring, Keith pulls brass knuckles from his tights and nails the massive Samoan, sending him crashing down and out. Keith finally puts away Tana with a pinfall.


Sam Keith defeated Giant Tana by pinfall at 8:03




Ariza: And Sam Keith wins doing what he does best.


Rhodes: It's won him many titles, and I think he will bring home another one soon.


Ariza: Now two members of the massive Hellfire Club will go against the equally sized Koshiro Ino and Danny Fonzareli.


Rhodes: Fonzareli helped Bryan Vessey get a Win over all four members at Psycho Circus last Sunday. Let's see what he and his partner can manage tonight.




The match starts as Danny Fonzareli and American Buffalo square off in the ring. The two men engage in a test of strength, but neither wrestler could gain an advantage on their massive foe. American Buffalo then delivers a couple punches to Fonzareli. The two trade blows for a while before Buffalo whips Fonzareli into the corner of Texas Buffalo. He gives Fonzareli a massive running clothesline before tagging out to Texas Pete. Pete enters the ring and begins to stomp the downed Fonzareli. He goes for a big legdrop, but Fonzareli moves and goes on the attack with multiple punches, before planting Pete with a suplex. Fonzareli then tags out to Koshiro Ino, who comes in and delivers a series of body slams to Texas Pete. "Fast Buck" Goldworthy can only look as his clients seem to be on the verge of losing this match. Ino whips Texas Pete into the corner and goes for a clothesline, but it is missed. Pete delivers a big lariat that sends Ino onto his back. American Buffalo is tagged back in and he goes to work on the lower back of Ino with a camel clutch. The struggle goes on for quite some time, before Ino can finally reach the bottom rope. Buffalo waits until the ref's four count before he releases the hold. He stalks Ino and upon returning to his feet, Ino is put in a bear hug. After a short struggle, Ino manages to escape by delivering a few elbows to the side of Buffalo's head. This allows Ino to get some room to tag in Danny Fonzareli. Fonzareli takes it to Buffalo with a neckbreaker, followed by a legdrop. Fonzareli signals for his Retro Rocket spinebuster and whips Buffalo into the ropes. Fast Buck stops American Buffalo from returning, however and Koshiro Ino chases Fast Buck around the ring before he is floored by Genghis Rahn, who came through the crowd. Texas Buffalo are disqualified and Fonzareli and Ino win.



Danny Fonzareli and Koshiro Ino defeat Texas Buffalo by Disqualification at 9:04




Ariza: It seems like the Hellfire Club are still angry at their recent defeat, but suffer another one due to disqualification.


Rhodes: Now it's about more than wins and losses, these guys want to destroy everything.


Ariza: Now we turn our attention to the next match as One Half of the TCW World Tag Team Champons, Guide, squares against Sammy Bach.


Rhodes: Both men know each other very well, and they have had some extreme encounters before




This match starts out fast, as Bach delivers a running dropkick to Scout. Bach tries to go to the ground game with a submission, but Scout is too well rounded on the mat and both men are back on their feet. Scout puts Sammy Bach in a headlock, and switches behind him. From behind Scout takes down Bach and applies an armbar. Bach flips out of the armbar and runs to the ropes. He comes back with a spinning wheel kick, but Scout ducks and it misses. Scout takes the downed Bach by the left leg, and applies a single leg crab. Bach reaches the rope, and forces Scout off. Scout attempts a single leg takedown, but Bach uses his elusiveness to wiggle out of it. He bounces off of the ropes and gives Scout a springboard cross body. Sammy Bach signals for his Adrenaline Shot finisher, and climbs to the top rope. As Scout starts to rise Bach sets his feet, and flips over to Scout. Scout is able to maintain his balance and hold Bach. He plants him with a suplex that makes Karen Killer cringe from ringside. Scout picks up Sammy Bach and clutches him from behind, he delivers a tiger suplex that crashes Bach's head to the canvas. Guide is yelling for Scout to finish Bach, and Scout lifts Bach, ready for his Danger Ahead finisher but Karen Killer jumps onto the ring ropes, and Scout releases Bach. He goes over to shout some words to her, when Sammy Bach catches Scout from behind, and locks in the Bach on your Back. Scout does not tap, but after a minute and a half, Scout passes out and Bach wins.


Sammy Bach defeated Scout by Submission at 11:29








After the match, Guide and Scout are walking to the back and Sammy Bach calls for a microphone. Killer retrieves it for him as he begins to speak.


Bach: Guide, Scout I know you guys pretty good. We go back, to the days of dangerous and extreme wrestling. The kind of wrestling that changed me from a pretty boy, into the Prince of Darkness. I've been trying for years to gain the tag titles that you have been holding seemingly everywhere we go. Now I have to find someone who will hold their end of the bargain. I need someone just as sick and twisted as myself. Make no mistake, when I find such a person, and when I get back into the ring with you two, you guys will end up Bach on your backs, looking up at Sammy Bach, The Champion. It will be then when I show you two, and the world why it is good to be Bach.



Rhodes: Sounds like Bach wants some tag gold.


Ariza: I wonder if he will ever find that partner. But time should tell. In the meantime, our World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Golden is in action against Eddie Peak next.


Rhodes:A true marquee match up here, two of the most feared and deadly wrestlers in the company are about to collide.




Eddie Peak hardly allows the champion into the ring before he begins to beat him down. Peak has Golden mounted, and delivers some brutal punches. He continues to strike the downed champion with stomps and punches. Peak throws a legdrop that connects. Eddie Peak lifts Rocky Golden and the two begin to brawl as punches are exchanged all over the ring. Golden soon gains the upper hand and Peak is on the ropes. Golden delivers a clothesline that sends both men over the top rope. Golden is the first to get up, but he receives a big left hand to the jaw when he tries to pick up Eddie Peak. Peak picks up the massive Golden, and puts him on his shoulders. Peak runs at the turnbuckle and Golden hits the steel turnbuckle face first. Referee Sam Sparrow is at eight in his ten count, so Peak rolls into the ring and quickly comes back out to restart the count. Peak goes over to Golden, but Golden is quicker and smashes the head of Peak into the turnbuckle post. The two men brawl until the ref reaches his halfway count and they both enter the ring. Once back inside the ring the two men circle around each other for a while. With both men visibly tired from the brawl outside, they are both reluctant to attempt a move. Rocky tries for the first move though and grabs Eddie and lifts him for a suplex. Rocky holds Peak in the air for a while before snapping backwards to finish the suplex. Rocky picks up Peak and Golden applies a side headlock to Eddie. Eddie eventually gets free and throws Golden against the ropes. Golden comes back and is planted with a huge powerslam. Now Eddie Peak signals for the Peak of Perfection, a sign usually given by Floyd Goldworthy who isn't at ringside. Peak puts Golden into the Crucifix position, but Rocky slips out through the back and

is able to lift Peak onto his shoulders for the Rocky Road. Rocky Golden gets the pinfall as the crowd erupts in cheers for the champion.

Rocky Golden defeated Eddie Peak by pinfall at 25:07









The match is over, but Eddie Peak is not taking kindly to his loss. Golden is celebrating, but as soon as he turns around he is floored by a huge spear from Peak. Peak then goes to the outside and grabs a table. He slides the table into the ring, and slides in himself. Peak sets up the table as the recovering Golden makes it to his feet. Eddie Peak lifts up Rocky Golden for the Peak of Perfection through the table.




Vessey comes out from the back, and saves the champion from what would have been a sure injury. Peak and Vessey battle in the ring, with both men trying to put the other through the table. The brawl goes on for a few more minutes before road agents like Archie Judge and Arnold Westberry, and other members of Staff like Shawn Doakes break up the chaotic scene.



Ariza: Vessey and Peak are going to kill each other one day. It may be sooner rather than later.


Rhodes: I don't know when this war will end, but both men will be messed up badly when it does.


Ariza: Luckily Vessey saved our champion though. He could have been out of action for a while.


Rhodes: Now it's time for our main event. This match has huge World Title implications as Wolf Hawkins and Ricky Dale Johnson will square off one on one.


Ariza: Here's a little fact you may not know; despite the success of his mentor Tommy Cornell, Wolf Hawkins has never beaten Tommy's sworn nemesis.




The Syndicate come out to Tommy Cornell's theme, and receive jeers from seemingly everyone in attendance. Wolf is in his ring attire, ready for his upcoming battle with Ricky Dale Johnson. Cornell is in one of his trademark suits, which have become the staple of the Syndicate since mid 2007. Cornell grabs a mic and begins to speak


Cornell: Well, well, well. If we haven't been here before. It's the puny little Freedom Fighters against the all-powerful Syndicate. You idiots in the crowd are probably thinking that Ricky Dale Johnson will just roll over Wolf Hawkins tonight, but that is where you are wrong, and why you are paying to see me and not vice versa. Wolf Hawkins is the student of the greatest wrestler to ever set foot on this earth. I should have a damn universe named after me. Being the student of a legend, Wolf has all of the talent, and all of the intangibles to beat someone like RDJ, who made a career of fluky wins over legends such as myself and Sam Keith.


Wolf: Ricky, you may have pinned me two days ago, but you know I am the better man. I am quicker and faster. You may be bigger, but I am smarter. I will pin you tonight, and continue to win until I am World Heavyweight Champion.


Cornell: It's been too long since The Syndicate last held the World Heavyweight Championship, and rest assured Ricky Dale Johnson and Joey Minnesota will be a stepping stone as The Syndicate reclaim our gold.




The crowd is incredibly hot for this match between one half of the top two babyfaces against one half of the top two heels. The match starts out in a tie up, and RDJ uses his power to push the much smaller Hawkins across the ring. Wolf engages in another tie up, and again Wolf is overpowered and pushed away. Hawkins looks at ringside for instructions from Cornell. Soon after Wolf begins to use his speed, and hits RDJ with a running dropkick. As he gets up, RDJ is the victim of another dropkick, this time to the temple. With RDJ down, Wolf locks in a tight sleeper hold that seems to fade Ricky Dale Johnson out of consciousness, before he is able to get to his feet and charge into the corner with Hawkins on his back. Hawkins takes the impact, and releases the hold. Ricky Dale Johnson sets Wolf Hawkins back in the turnbuckle and gives him a running clothesline. He grabs Wolf and lifts him for a running powerslam, but Hawkins slips out of the back and shoves RDJ into Referee Sam Sparrow. At that very instant Tommy Cornell enters the ring and begins to rain down shots on Ricky Dale Johnson. He lifts him for the Rough Ride, but Joey Minnesota chop blocks Cornell and forces him to let RDJ down. Cornell and Minnesota continue to brawl on the outside, while RDJ enters the ring to a waiting Wolf Hawkins. Hawkins gets some punches and chops on RDJ but when Wolf tries to irish whip the larger man, it is reversed and RDJ lands a flapjack on the rebound. RDJ whips Hawkins again, and this time he gives his a backdrop that makes the crowd burst into cheers, as they see the student of the most hated man in the company go down. Ricky Dale picks up Wolf and attempts his Texas Hold 'Em signature move, but Wolf manages to stick his feet on the top rope. This causes a brawl between Wolf, who is on the turnbuckle, and RDJ who is standing on the mat. Wolf wins the mini-battle and dives with a cross body right onto RDJ. He goes for the pin but gets a two count. Wolf Hawkins does his trademark camera pose, that signals the New Moon Rising finisher. Wolf charges at RDJ with the New Moon Rising, but he ducks the first leg, and catches the second, delivering a vicious capture suplex. RDJ goes for the pin, but only gets a two count. The camera pans to ringside, where you can see Cornell and Minnesota, rooting on their partners. RDJ picks up Wolf but Wolf rakes the eyes of RDJ. This allows Wolf to go on the offensive and he does so with numerous punches and kicks to the larger man. Wolf applies a side headlock and tries to take RDJ down, but the size once again proves to be too much of a problem for Wolf and RDJ gets free. Ricky Dale goes to irish whip Wolf Hawkins into the turnbuckle but it is reversed. With RDJ in the corner Wolf sets up for a tornado DDT. As he is spinning, RDJ counters and delivers his Southern Justice Nadowa from out of nowhere. Ricky Dale Johnson gets the pinfall.


Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Wolf Hawkins by pinfall at 28:32




Ariza: And RDJ pulls out the win. Freedom Fighters start the year 1-0 against the Syndicate. What a match to set the tone for the rest of the year.


Rhodes: Give some credit to Wolf Hawkins though, he put up a hell of a fight.


Ariza: That's all for this week. Be sure to tune in next week for more Total Wrestling.



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post show notes:


I liked what Scout and Bach gave me, I thought it would be in the C+ range at first, but they surprised me


I am also impressed with RDJ/Wolf. this is the highest grade I have ever gotten out of them in a singles match.


Joshua Taylor skyrocketed to 66 popularity after going over Tornado, while Troy stayed in B- Mission accomplished.


Credit to ewanite for the Texas Pete render (check out the re-renders thread) and jtlant for the Benson render

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Prediction Results:




20LEgend- 6/8


Bigpapa42- 7/8


Raijin_Samurai- 4/8


BHK1978- 7/8


TakerNGN74 - 8/8


congrats TakerNGN74 for being the only person to get every match correct. Two people had 7/8 and Troy Tornado screwed it up for them :p


not like you get a huge prize or anything though

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i596.photobucket.com/albums/tt45/Showtimet_s/TCW.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TCW.com/shows/Total_Wrestling" data-cite="TCW.com/shows/Total_Wrestling" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28193" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div> <p> </p><p> </p><p> Last week was a great start to the new year for Total Championship Wrestling. Rocky Golden defeated Eddie Peak, Joshua Taylor defeated Troy Tornado to keep his international championship, and in the Main Event, Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Wolf Hawkins. This week features a series of tag matches and the other half of The Syndicate going against the other Half of the Freedom Fighters. Champion Rocky Golden, and his Number one Contender will also be in action. </p><p> </p><p> Other matches on the show include Rick Law and Wolf Hawkins teaming up against Koshiro Ino and Ricky Dale Johnson.</p><p> </p><p> Bryan Vessey will be in action teaming up with the man he had a hand in training back in Japan, who is the TCW International Champion, Joshua Taylor. </p><p> </p><p> There is also speculation that the Home Office could make an announcement at this show, but nothing has been confirmed. The only way to find out is to tune in at 9 p.m. Eastern time (8 p.m. Central) for Total Wrestling.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Week 2 Card</p><p> </p><p> The New Wave vs Texas Buffalo</p><p> </p><p> Sam Keith vs Danny Fonzareli</p><p> </p><p> Bryan Vessey and Joshua Taylor vs The Canadian Animals</p><p> </p><p> Benny Benson vs Brent Hill</p><p> </p><p> Rocky Golden vs Robert Oxford</p><p> </p><p> Wolf Hawkins and Rick Law vs Koshiro Ino and Ricky Dale Johnson</p><p> </p><p> Tommy Cornell vs Joey Minnesota</p>
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<p><strong>The New Wave</strong> vs Texas Buffalo</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sam Keith</strong> vs Danny Fonzareli</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bryan Vessey and Joshua Taylor</strong> vs The Canadian Animals</p><p> </p><p>

Benny Benson vs <strong>Brent Hill</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rocky Golden</strong> vs Robert Oxford</p><p> </p><p>

Wolf Hawkins and Rick Law vs <strong>Koshiro Ino and Ricky Dale Johnson</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tommy Cornell</strong> vs Joey Minnesota</p>

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<p><strong>The New Wave</strong> vs Texas Buffalo</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sam Keith</strong> vs Danny Fonzareli</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Vessey and Joshua Taylor</strong> vs The Canadian Animals</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Benny Benson</strong> vs Brent Hill</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rocky Golden</strong> vs Robert Oxford</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Wolf Hawkins and Rick Law</strong> vs Koshiro Ino and Ricky Dale Johnson</p><p> </p><p> Tommy Cornell vs Joey Minnesota- Draw</p><p> </p><p> Very much enjoyed the show especially the back segment particularly: </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28193" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It will be then when I show you two, and the world why it is good to be Bach.[/Quote]</div></blockquote>
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<p>I had a MILLION initial ideas for Bach, all of which were close to being used in a feud against the new wave. But I figured that he doesn't need to be a pimp or 220 pound Undertaker <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

so none of that...yet... maybe</p>

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<p><strong>The New Wave </strong>vs Texas Buffalo</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sam Keith</strong> vs Danny Fonzareli</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bryan Vessey and Joshua Taylor</strong> vs The Canadian Animals</p><p> </p><p>

Benny Benson vs <strong>Brent Hill</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rocky Golden</strong> vs Robert Oxford</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Wolf Hawkins and Rick Law </strong>vs Koshiro Ino and Ricky Dale Johnson</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tommy Cornell</strong> vs Joey Minnesota</p>

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