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WWE 2010: The NXT Great Revolution

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WWE Raw Results (June 28, 2010)


Lost Your Hart...: Raw starts out with a bang with Mr. McMahon coming out and announcing following the attack on him by The Nexus, Mr. McMahon has announced "The Hitman" was out as Raw GM and announced that as a result of this, a new GM would be named "when the time is right". McMahon then claimed as a result of the attack, Wade Barrett has been suspended. McMahon then claims that what has happened the past few weeks won't take place while he's there. Out from the back comes John Cena, would announces to Vince while he appreciates his moves but this would only influence the Nexus more. Cena suggest that tonight he takes on any member of The Nexus, because he knows that they're there already. McMahon agrees and announces that he'll not only allow the match to happen, but will referee it himself.


The Usos and The Hart Dynasty ended in a no contest: In what appeared to be a match between these 2 feuding teams, the match would not even take place as The Usos attacked the Harts before the bell even rung, sending David Hart Smith into the steel steps and nailing Tyson Kidd a spike powerbomb onto the floor. Taminia then took it to Natalya and nailed her with a Superfly Splash. The Usos looked very satisfied with the damage they have done.


An Rivalry Renewed...: Backstage Raw Guest Host the legendary Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat is backstage looking at his upcoming DVD, when Evan Bourne walks in. Bourne claims Steamboat was his favorite wrestler as a kid, Steamboat says he's a big fan of Bourne's work. In walks Chris Jericho who mocks both Stemboat and Bourne, claiming the main thing they both have in common is they were both beaten and humiliated by Jericho himself. But Steamboat and Bourne countered with they also hold multiple victories over Jericho and if he feels up to it, later on tonight they'll hold one more. Steamboat then announces tonight we will see Jericho and a partner of his choosing taken on the team of Evan Bourne and Ricky Steamboat. Jericho has a smirk on his face, claiming he's got a plan for Steamboat and Bourne.


Separated?: Backstage Josh Matthews asks the Great Khali about the whole Nexus situation. When Runjn Singh goes to answer, he claims Khali is a jerk and a coward and simply walks away, leaving Khali looking confused.


MITB Qualifier: Ted DiBase defeated R-Truth: In the first qualifying match for the MITB match, Ted DiBase would use his new squeeze Maryse to distract R-Truth to nail him with Dream Street. Following the match, DiBase claimed now that he was focused the sky was the limit. But then out from the back came Virgil. DiBase mocked Virgil, claiming this is the 2nd time he's been fired by a DiBase and that Virgil was nothing but hired help and didn't deserve to even be associated with him. Virgil then claimed he was going to do something he should have done to his father years earlier. Virgil then nails DiBase with a huge right hand. The crowd loses it as Virgil takes it to DiBase. Suddenly from the back comes a familiar face, as Shad Gaspard runs down and attacks Virgil. Gaspard then nails a huge STO on Virgil before helping DiBase back to his feet and to the back


They're Here...: Backstage we go where The Nexus has arrived. Josh Matthews runs over to them and tells them of the challenge made to them by John Cena. They all begin to laugh as Heath Slater smirks "Yeah...we accept".


Sheamus defeated Mark Henry: The path of violence of "The Celtic Warrior" continued as Sheamus picked up a huge victory over "The World's Strongest Man" by nailing him with a huge bicycle kick. Following the match, Sheamus claims he doesn't care who wins at Money In The Bank, because Sheamus will not only win the Money in The Bank Match, but will then cash it in and take what's rightfully his, the WWE Title.


MITB Qualifier? Awesome.: Cole and Lawler inform the crowd that next week we will have 2 more qualifying matches for the MITB match as Randy Orton will return to the ring to take on Zack Ryder and John Morrison will take on The Miz. Out comes the US Champion who claims he's not only going to beat the man he carried for a year on the Dirt Sheet, but he also gets the sastisfaction to then take out Randy Orton Sheamus and whoever else will be in MITB and then eventually become the first man to be both US and WWE Champion.


Eve defeated Alicia Fox: These 2 divas battled in a number one contenders match for the Divas Title. Eve would finish off Fox with a quick side kick to the back of the head.


This Is Where The Fun Starts: Backstage we go where Edge is standing by, he claims he's happy Randy Orton will be returning to the ring next week, because he now can injure him whenever he wants. Edge claims he's a shoo in for MITB and references his win of the match and his cashing in of the briefcase successfully twice. Edge says Orton is on Edge's turf now and now he's back Edge's fun will start. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Randy Orton blindsides Edge with an RKO. Orton stands over a fallen Edge and says "You're right...the fun has started".


Ricky Steamboat and Evan Bourne defeated Chris Jericho and The Miz: Chris Jericho's partner would be someone who could be just as if not more annoying as he is, in his recent partner the Miz. This bout was a very entertaining back and forth affair. The match would end with Steamboat nailing Jericho with a flying tomahawk chop off the top rope, allowing Bourne to climb the ropes. Steamboat then nailed a spectacular diving crossbody off the top rope to the outside on The Miz who was attempting to break up the action in the ring. As this happened, Bourne would nail Jericho with Air Bourne for the victory. An livid Jericho slowly backed up the ramp as the legend and up and comer celebrated in the ring.


Bring Them On: Following the SmackDown rebound, John Cena came out to the ring and announced his entire life he's been fighting, he's fought for his spot in the WWE, fought for his title, fought to keep the title but now may come one of his most important fights, fighting off The Nexus. Never has he faced a group so determined and so ruthless. But he, the guys backstage and the WWE Universe are united and he says for the Nexus to bring it on.


John Cena and Skip Sheffield battled to a no contest: The Nexus would have it's biggest member, the powerful Texan Skip Sheffield answer John Cena's challenge. After a long initial slugfest, Cena began to take control on the inexperience Sheffield, however this would quickly change as The Nexus stormed the ring. It looked as though all 6 members were to attack Cena, but Sheffield and David Ortunga would throw Cena to the outside of the ring and surround special guest ref Mr. McMahon. McMahon told the Nexus to back off and look flustered. Suddenly The Nexus shockingly attacked Mr. McMahon. The crowd was in shock as The Nexus attacked McMahon as John Cena attempted to help but was eventually restrained in the ropes. Cena struggled in the ropes as Ortunga blasted Vince with his spinebuster variation, followed by Heath Slater nailing a jumping Russian Leg Sweep. They then pulled McMahon to the corner and Justin Gabriel nailed McMahon with a sick 450 Splash. As Vince laid out, Ortunga claimed what happened to Vince will soon happen to Cena and eventually every WWE superstar that stands in The Nexus' way.



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Pro Wrestling Torch Breaking News




Laurinaitis Out, Steamboat In


Major major MAJOR breaking news coming out of the WWE today on the heels of a very interesting Raw yesterday as sources within the WWE have confirmed to use that John Laurinaitis has been fired from his position as head of Talent Relations (minutes after this was originally posted WWE.com posted a statement confirming the departure of Laurinaitis). This shocking firing comes on the heels of a major situation developing concerning WWE stars Drew McIntyre and WWE Champion Wade Barrett. Both men have been written out of upcoming WWE shows because both men's work visas have expired and are currently in the process of reworked. Laurinaitis, as head of Talent Relations has to deal with such matters directly as he essentially signs off and is to keep direct track of the visas of all non American born WWE workers. Vince McMahon is said to be very hot at Laurinaitis as Barrett and McIntyre may very well miss the Money In The Bank pay per view in 3 weeks time. The potential loss of these 2 could be huge, with Barrett in the night's main event against John Cena in a major match in the ongoing Nexus angle, which has done gangbusters for WWE rating and fan interest wise and word going around was McIntyre was written to win the MITB ladder match. Both men were recently written out of this past week's shows (Barrett has been suspended for the attack on Bret Hart and ironically McIntyre was "deported") as this was caught last week before SmackDown. Those who know of the situation claim this lack of detail has been a hallmark of Laurinaitis, who has done this several times before. They claimed Laurinaitis had simply failed at the highest degree of doing his basic duties and this was the final straw against him.


However what makes this story even bigger is the news that WWE Hall Of Famer Ricky Steamboat has apparently accepted the position as head of Talent Relations (WWE.com has also announced this as well since this was originally posted). Steamboat, who has been with the WWE since 2005, was just on camera last night, looking excelent in a tag match with Evan Bourne against The Miz and Chris Jericho. There was some talk of Steamboat returning to TV full time, however this has now been scrapped as Steamboat will be full time as head of Talent Relations. This comes as a shock to quite a few as some have said Arn Anderson and Dusty Rhodes were both seen as likely successors if Laurinaitis was to leave. Our source in the WWE locker room has claimed that this shocking turn has made quite a few on the roster in much happier moods as Laurinaitis was notoriously not well liked by many within the WWE locker room.


What will be interesting is what this possibly means for the WWE's talent direction now, as Laurinaitis was responsible for the influx of bigger yet relatively green talents being signed (Barrett, David Ortunga, Sheamus) along with more T&A divas where on the flipside Steamboat was behind more in ring talent being signed (CM Punk, Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston). Much much more as we get this.


UPDATE 1: Steamboat is now confirmed as head of Talent and was introduced earlier today at the SmackDown meeting. We have heard he received a standing ovation upon the announcement. Talk already is most at the meeting were very excited with the move, noting Steamboat's excellent eye and being detailed oriented. Steamboat apparently told the roster that Barrett and McIntyre should be back "just before" MITB.


UPDATE 2: In a VERY interesting activity on Twitter, Ring Of Honor star Chris Hero tweeted the following minutes ago: "just got a call from the dragon...holy ****. more on this later"






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WWE NXT Preview


This week on NXT, we may have one of the absolute biggest episodes of all time. We will have the first Pro's Poll which will rank the current rookies and we have learned that there will be an eliminination taking place.


However what may be more important is the decision which The Nexus forced upon the season 2 rookies. The Nexus informed them that they were either with them or against them and propositioned that by this Tueesday the rookies have a decision to make, join up or face the consequences. What will the NXT Rookies do?


All this and much more this week on NXT

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WWE NXT Results (June 29, 2010)


Tick Tock: Matt Striker introduced the Pros and Rookies and hyped the first Pro's Poll later on in the night. Striker seemingly alluded to the "decision" the Rookies have to make later on in the night concerning The Nexus. The Rookies seemed not too concerned with this.


Promo Challenges: Striker introduces the first rookie challenge, the promo challenge. Striker gives each of the rookies a random subject to cut a promo on. Percy Watson's topic was glasses. Kaval's topic was chicken. Eli Cottonwood's topic was mustaches. Michael McGillicutty's topic was breath. Husky Harris's topic was doorknobs. Lucky Cannon's topic was deodorant. Alex Riley's topic was pigeons. Titus O'Neil's topic was stars. At the end, Percy Watson was revealed as the winner due to crowd voting.


Mark Henry defeated Zack Ryder: In a battle of pros, "The World Strongest Man" asserted his dominance as he quickly defeated the arrogant youngster from Long Island with the World's Strongest Slam.


Injured: The savage attack on John Cena and Vince McMahon from last night's Raw was recapped. Cole and Matthews announced that Vince had been severely injured in the attack and was now out of commission.


Waiting In The Wings: We see the rookies getting ready for the first pro's poll backstage. Matthews and Cole reference the nerves they must be facing as one of them will be going home, coming up next.


The Poll....: Striker introduces the rookies and brings them down to ringside as the pros enter and stay on the stage. Striker announces the pro from first to last...


Decision Made...: But as Striker begins to announce the poll, from the crowd come The Nexus, led by WWE Champion Wade Barrett. The rookies seemingly get ready to fight as Barrett takes a mic. He announces that he had "heard" he was suspended by Vince McMahon last night but last time he checked Vince got his ass kicked by The Nexus. Barrett claimed last night The Nexus may have made it's biggest statement by attacking and injuring Vince McMahon while his biggest star watched. He claimed the winds of change are blowing and the wind source was The Nexus. He then claimed that tonight The Nexus may very well make an even bigger statement and invites the rookies to come into the ring. The rookies enter the ring as Striker and the pros slowly move down the ramp. Barrett addresses the pro's initially telling them to stay put. He then turns his attention to the rookies. He mentions last week he revealed to them the truth about the WWE and how they planned on using them and spitting them out. He told them of how they now had a chance to join something bigger than them. He told them they could now be their real selves rather than a WWE character (he looked at McGillicutty and Harris as he said this). And tonight they had a decision to make, join up or ship out. Alex Riley snatched the mic from Barrett. Riley claimed although he may not like the rest of the Rookies, they all have one thing in common and that was their desire to make it in the WWE and there would be no way they would compromise that by joining up. The rest of the rookies agreed. Percy Watson agreed and claimed if anything they wanted nothing more to stand with their pros and fight AGAINST The Nexus and waved the Pros down. The Pros had big smiles on their faces as they and Striker made their way down to the ring. Barrett and The Nexus looked shocked and angry. The Pros, led by Kofi Kingston entered the ring and would stand face to face against the Nexus as the Rookies had the backs of their Pros...


...But Not That One: Suddenly a huge smile appeared on Wade Barrett's face as Kofi Kingston looked confused. Suddenly, The Rookies all simultaneously attacked The Pros. The Nexus then joined in on the attack. Barrett then shook hands with Michael McGillicutty, now seemingly going by his real name of Joe Hennig. The Nexus and Rookies all began to embrace as The Nexus has grown to include the Season 2 rookies as well. The Nexus now all took turns destroying the pros. Kofi Kingston, Cody Rhodes, John Morrision, MVP, Zack Ryder were all busted open. Team LayCool were both shoved down before running backstage. The Miz and Mark Henry were beaten down. Now all 15 members of the Nexus all would hit devistating manuevers on each of the pros, including Husky Harris (now Windham Routunda) nailing a sick folding powerbomb and then a moonsault on his Pro Cody Rhodes, Eli Cottonwood nailing a sick choke suplex on John Morrison over the top rope, Joe Hennig nailing a Fisherman Buster on Kofi Kingston and in what maybe one of the most sickening moves ever on WWE programming, saw Darren Young, Michael Tarver, Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater hold up a beaten and bloody Matt Striker as Kaval dove off the top rope with a vicious Warrior's Way onto the back of Striker's head.


Destruction: Barrett took a mic and announced The Nexus was now stronger than ever and now these rookies have joined the cause, a cause that will soon be revealed. They are no longer rookies but part of The Nexus. He encourages WWE management to see what they have done to their superstars here and how it will continue....but now they will do something to send a message to the entire WWE Universe on how powerful they are....destroy NXT. As he says this, the Nexus all escape from the ring and begin destroying everything and everyone in their way. The time keeper location is destroyed. Announcer Jamie bails, as does Michael Cole but Josh Matthews isn't as lucky as he is driven through the announcer's table by David Ortunga's front slam. The entire ringside area is destroyed. We then notice Slater and Young get tools from under the ring and Nexus members begin dismantling the ring, ripping off the apron and ropes, they rip off the canvas and take sledge hammers to the steel posts and ring planks. We then see the stronger Nexus members take ropes and slowly pull down the gratings of the Titan Tron. In a very symbolic moment. Barrett and The Nexus begin to tear apart the Titan Tron, much like how Stone Cold and The Big Show did years prior. The side video screens were dismantled due to Rotunda and O'Neil and Riley throwing chairs and such at it, breaking the screens. The Nexus would continue to dismantle the entire set, and the superstars as they got to their feet. But things then get even more intense as Slater and Young take out what appears to be gas canisters and begin the douse the ring canvas in it. In a very surreal scene, The Nexus pose on all 4 sides of the ring/set as the center of the ring is engulfed in flames. NXT ends, with the entire set destroyed, everyone having to do with the show taken out, a beaten and bloody mess and a now even stronger Nexus standing tall as they have seemingly "killed" NXT.

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  • 2 weeks later...



WWE SmackDown Preview


This week on SmackDown we will inch closer to Money In The Bank. Last week Kane would destroy CM Punk after claiming Punk was the man behind the attack on The Undertaker, however we learned Punk claimed that he had an alibi, which Kane refuted claiming a masked man and a bald man were behind the attack according to security cameras. Punk has asked for time to formally present his alibi.


Last week, Jack Swagger made headlines by viciously attacking The Big Show during their matchup, severely injuring the giant's leg with a vicious ankle lock submission. We have learned Swagger has issued an "All American American Open Challenge" to any athlete on SmackDown to face him. Who will step up to take on the World Champion?


We will also feature not one but two Money in The Bank qualifying matches as Christian takes on Dolph Ziggler and Rey Mysterio takes on Luke Gallows. All this plus much more, this week on SmackDown.


Confirmed Matches


Jack Swagger's All American American Challenge


Money In The Bank Qualifier: Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler


Money In The Bank Qualifier: Rey Mysterio vs. Luke Gallows

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WWE SmackDown Results


Straight Edge means I'm Innocent: SmackDown would begin with CM Punk and The Straight Edge Society making their way to ringside. Punk spoke of how disgusted he was following last week, how Kane would destroy the entire SES and himself under false pretenses and was just as if not more disgusted in the WWE Universe for cheering the brutality. Punk continued to claim his innocense until from the back came Kane. Kane looked again to destroy Punk, even grasping his hand around his throat, until Punk pointed to the TitanTron. A security video would play out of a bar scene in which we could see Serena doing shots with an unidentified man. She looked shocked as the video played. Punk announced he had heard Serena was breaking her vows and would further investigate it and pointed out himself and Gallows at the bar wearing disguises watching Serena. Punk would then go on to kick Serena out of the SES for breaking her vows, she would cry as she pleased with Punk until the Masked SES member escorted her from the ring as she cried. Punk then began to berate Kane, claiming yet again he was not behind what had happened to the Undertaker. Kane looked anguished as Punk mocked him. Kane would nail Punk with a huge Chokeslam before leaving the ring.


Kofi Kingston defeated Chavo Guerrero: The IC champion would continue to impress, winning in dominant fashion nailing Chavo with Trouble In Paradise. As Kofi celebrated, from the back walked out Vicki Guerrero who informed Kofi he would be defending his title at Money In The Bank against the new number one contender Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler mocked Kofi, signaling he would soon take his title.


Payback...: Backstage Matt Hardy is with Josh Matthews. hardy talks about how great it is to be back on SmackDown and how happy he is that Drew McIntyre is gone. He then claims now that he's back he promises he will better than ever. Suddenly from out of nowhere, Hardy was attacked by Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer. At the end of the attack, Archer claimed the attack was "Courtesy of Drew McIntyre".


Breaking News: As we came back from break, Striker and Grisham announced breaking news on WWE.com, claiming that as a result of what happened this past Tuesday on NXT, WWE officials and Mr. McMahon have announced that NXT has been "taken off the air" following concerns by both the WWE and Syfy Network, they claimed more info would be available on WWE.com and Monday on Raw.


Tiffany and Kelly Kelly defeated Team LayCool: These 2 feuding Divas would continue to go at it in a hotly contested contest. The match would end with Tiffany blasting Layla with a huge discus punch, sending Layla into Kelly Kelly's K2 for the win.


Dashing Above The Competition: The ever arrogant Cody Rhodes is backstage, proclaiming that he will not only win MITB but will become the most Dashing WWE champion of all time. Into the shot comes MVP, claiming Cody getting into MITB was a joke cause he had to cheat. As MVP continued to berate Rhodes, Cody simply arrogantly walked away from MVP, leaving MVP fuming.


NXT Replay: Replay was shown of the shocking events of NXT this past Tuesday as The Nexus gained 8 new members in the Season 2 rookies. Striker cut a promo on The Nexus, claiming they would never try to do that stuff on SmackDown, they again hype the announcement of NXT "going off the air" as a result of those actions.


MITB Qualifier: Christian defeated Dolph Ziggler: In yet another contest between these 2 rivals, we would se the veteran Christian defeat Ziggler after rolling out of Ziggler's sleeper and nailing the Killswitch for the win.


Who Could It Be?: Backstage Kane is standing by in an empty room with a casket. He claimed CM Punk may very well be innocent...but he will still not rest until he finds out who did this to his brother...and he has someone else in mind now.


MITB Qualifier: Rey Mysterio defeated Luke Gallows by DQ: Classic David vs. Goliath action here as Gallows seemingly had Mysterio in hand until the ever quick Mysterio got a quick advantage and seemingly had the match won after hitting the 619. As Mysterio climbed the top rope, suddenly from the back a man would run down and shove Mysterio off the top rope. The man, wearing a lucha libre style mask would continue to attack Mysterio as Gallows bailed. The masked man would go to the outside and bring in a chair. He would lay the chair out in the ring and nail Mysterio with a vicious double underhook variation of the dominator onto the chair. The man smiled as Mysterio was in pain.


Family Feud: Josh Matthews caught up with the masked attacker of Mysterio, asking him who was he and why he would attack Rey Mysterio. The man would begin speaking in Spanish. He then claimed for those who couldn't speak Spanish, he was Dos Caras, son of Dos Caras Sr., Nephew of Sicodelico and Mil Mascaras and the rightful king of lucha libre. He claimed for years Rey Mysterio has made a mockery out of lucha libre, catering to the American fans and totally disregarding his roots as a Mexican wrestler. He claimed Mysterio had for years made it so no other lucha stars would come to the WWE because he knew he was a fraud and any true lucha libre wrestler would prove him as one, and since he (Caras) was the most decorated Mexican wrestler in years, he made it a point never to acknowledge him. He went so far to reference Mysterio has committed a great sin against lucha libre as he lost his mask in Mexico but has since begun to wear it again in the WWE. he explains the significance of the mask and claims Mysterio besmirched it's honor and history by redonning it. He claimed the WWE fans believe Mysterio is the king of lucha libre but in fact Caras's family is the first family of lucha libre and he was in fact the chosen king of lucha libre. And after many years he was now in the WWE for 3 reasons to make his family proud and show the fans that his family is the real first family of wrestling not the Harts, Mysterios, Samoans, Etc, to establish that lucha libre is the superior form of combat and to teach Rey Mysterio what his roots are and make him pay for his sins against lucha libre.



Recap and Hype: The Raw Rebound was show, mainly going over the Cena/Nexus situation. They hyped next week's MITB qualifier as Matt Hardy takes on CM Punk.


Jack Swagger's All American American Challenge: Jack Swagger defeated JTG: A very arrogant Jack Swagger made his way to ringside and claimed he was above the competition in the WWE. He claimed his greatest competition he took out last week (replay of his ankle lock on The Big Show). He claims until he gets some actual competition, he'll be holding these challenges. Out comes JTG. After some initial offense from JTG, Swagger took control and batters JTG. He nails JTG with a huge gutwrench powerbomb before locking in the Ankle Lock, causing JTG to quickly tap out. Swagger would wrench the hold in even more, as he seemingly did some major damage to JTG's ankle. As Swagger celebrated, suddenly pyro hit and out came Kane. Swagger looked to be completly shocked as "The Big Red Machine" entered the ring. Swagger tried to back off but Kane would chokeslam Swagger, after this he claimed he now thinks Swagger has something to do with The Undertaker's injury. Kane left as Swagger slowly got to his feet. Suddenly, The Big Show's music hit and out came the Big Show. Swagger attempted to attack Show but Show would NAIL Swagger in the chops with the knockout punch. SD would end with Swagger out on the mat with the Big Show laughing as he walked to the back, seemingly healed and ready to take it to Swagger.


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<span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>Pro Wrestling Torch Newsweek</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

-An absolute huge week in the wrestling world this week. A large amount of the news this week came from the WWE. Firstly was early in the week's sudden and shocking announcement that Ricky Steamboat was the new head of talent relations. However potentially the biggest move is that the WWE has effectivly canceled the NXT program. The idea was a mutual one between the WWE and SyFy as NXT has not delivered on the ratings WWE had promised it would do. Those inside the WWE claim Vince McMahon became sour on the concept early in the first season as it was originally rumored to be much like a combination of Tough Enough and The Ultimate Fighter. The original plan was rumored to have now former WWE star Bryan Danielson winning, but again this was scrapped. The biggest thing to come out of NXT was without a doubt the whole Nexus situation as EVERY star in the stable was on NXT. What many are shocked about is the rather violent ending of NXT as The Nexus bloodied most of the WWE Pros during the final attack. We've learned SyFy allowed this to go on, and may very well signal a possible change in WWE programing.</p><p> </p><p>

-We can confirm that several Ring Of Honor stars have been offered WWE contracts. Some expect this due to Ricky Steamboat now heading talent relations.</p><p> </p><p>

-We've heard rumblings that a MAJOR change is coming to the WWE front offices which may be announced post SummerSlam.</p><p> </p><p>

-There's talk that a few stars are currently on the verge of being axed in both the main roster and FCW.</p><p> </p><p>

- Bret Hart is offically gone from the WWE, for atleast the short term. Bret is getting married and is also currently dealing with a situation with his insurance company Lloyds Of London. Bret had mentioned on MayhemRadio he may be back to the WWE when all is settled. As for the new GM, we have heard several big names discussed for the role including Roddy Piper, Dusty Rhodes and Bill Goldberg.</p><p> </p><p>

- TNA apparently will be debuting it's ECW faction of Raven, Tommy Dreamer, Stevie Richards, Team 3D, Al Snow, Rhino and others at next week's Impact tapings.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


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<strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">WWE Raw Preview</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Last week on Raw, fans all over the world were in shock as The Nexus made one of it's strongest statements ever by destroying Mr. McMahon. They would follow up on this as they welcomed the NXT Season 2 rookies to their group and would go on to literally destroy NXT, which has caused the WWE to take NXT off the air. We have been told more information concerning this will be said on Raw.</p><p> </p><p>

We are less than 2 weeks away from Money In The Bank and the epic 10 man Money In The Bank match is quickly being filled up with Raw's Sheamus and Ted DiBase and SmackDown's Cody Rhodes, Christian and Rey Mysterio are now involved. This week 2 major qualifiers take place as the US Champion The Miz takes on his former partner, "The Monday Night Delight" John Morrison. And then we will see the return of "The Viper" as Randy Orton takes on Zack Ryder. Which stars will enter this star filled MITB ladder match.</p><p> </p><p>

All this and much much more on Raw.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Confirmed Matches</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Money In The Bank Qualifier: The Miz vs. John Morrison</p><p> </p><p>

Money In The Bank Qualifier: Randy Orton vs. Zack Ryder</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Confirmed Matches</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Money In The Bank Qualifier: The Miz vs. <strong>John Morrison</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Money In The Bank Qualifier: Randy Orton vs. <strong>Zack Ryder</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


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Balls...OK guys some news on this. I've been literally doing this whole dynasty on my work computer (awesome I know)...Well I came in today to find out my comp was wiped and gone was my game and prior shows I was working on. No worries though as I had a version saved on my home comp. So my plan now is to stay somewhat current and get right on up towards my SummerSlam card. So the next post will have all you're MITB results, buildup, etc. This is def my fault and I promise this puppy is still going.
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Final Money In The Bank Buildup


-The biggest angle in the WWE continued to be The Nexus vs. The WWE. The Nexus would make a huge statement taking out WWE legends Arn Anderson, Dean Malenko, Sgt. Slaughter and Jerry Lawler after it was announced until MITB The Nexus was not allowed to touch any member of the WWE roster. The week before MITB, John Cena would announce that he had gotten the ban lifted and announced a battle royal, which would put The Nexus against any WWE superstar who wanted in. However this would end in shocking fashion as the Nexus would stand tall, not a single member being eliminated and ending with all 15 member ganging up on John Cena, leaving him a mess in the ring.


-The SmackDown main event would be announced as Jack Swagger defending the World Heavyweight Championship against The Big Show in first ever "Tap Out/Knock Out" match, where the only way to win was to either knock your opponent out so they can't answer a 10 count, or to force your opponent to tap out. Both men would enforce their abilities by holding victories over opponents in each man's specialty (Swagger defeated MVP via submission and Show defeated Hawking and Archer via KO). When the 2 men would formally announce their match via contract signing, Swagger goaded Show into attempting the knock him out, which was evaded by Swagger who took Show down with a double leg takedown and locked him in an ankle lock.


-The Co-Branded Money In The Bank match would fill up and become a very star studded affair. The 5 Raw representatives would be Sheamus, Randy Orton, The Miz, Ted DiBase and Edge. The SmackDown representatives would be Christian, Cody Rhodes, Matt Hardy, Drew McIntyre and it was to be Rey Mysterio, however following the attack by Dos Caras, Mysterio opted out of the match. As a result of this SmackDown announced an battle royal to fill the final spot. The match was shockingly won by a man who had petitioned to get into the match following his being cheated out of his spot, as Raw's John Morrison made his return to SD and became the final man in the match.


-Kane continued to blame anyone and everyone for the attack on The Undertaker including Jack Swagger. However Kane would make an enemy in CM Punk and the Straight Edge Society for blaming Punk initially for the attack. Punk challenged Kane to a match at MITB. However as the match approached, Kane would encounter mysterious videos and the lights going out at random points. The videos would show distorted highlights of the Undertaker, ending with mysterious and somewhat creepy laughter.


-The feud between Chris Jericho and Evan Bourne continued to escalate as Bourne again defeated Jericho on Raw, which caused Jericho to snap and savagely attack Bourne following the match. After bring out for a week Bourne challenged Jericho to a 2/3 falls match.


-The show would be rounded out with a IC Title match between Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler, the Undisputed Tag Team Titles on the line as The Hart Dynasty defends against The Usos, the official debut of Dos Caras and finally The Women's Title(s) will be on the line as Kelly Kelly and Tiffany take on LayCool.








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WWE Money In The Bank Results


-Dolph Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston for the WWE Intercontinental Championship after locking in the Sleeper. Following the match, Vickie Guerrero attempted to celebrate with Ziggler but Ziggler would leave nearly as soon as she entered the ring.


-WWE Unified Tag Team Champions The Hart Dynasty defeated The Usos after David Hart Smith locked Jay Uso in the Sharpshooter.


-Dos Caras defeated JTG with a Double Underhook Dominator. Following the match, Caras claimed Rey Mysterio was afraid of him because he knows why he's here, to prove Caras was the true king of lucha libre and Mysterio was simply a joke who disrespected it. Out from the back came Rey Mysterio and the two began to brawl until they were restrained by agents.


-Chris Jericho defeated Evan Bourne in a 2/3 Falls Match in what may be considered a MOTY Candidate. Bourne would win the first fall by blocking a Super Codebreaker, causing Jericho to fall off the top rope and allowing Bourne to hit Air Bourne. Jericho would win the second fall after Bourne would miss a second Air Bourne, which led to Jericho to lock in The Walls Of Jericho. The 2 would face off for another 15 minutes with Bourne seemingly having victory in hand but Jericho would snatch it away be nailing Bourne with a Codebreaker as Bourne attempted Air Bourne. Following the match, as fans applauded both men, in a surprising move Jericho would quickly shake Bourne's hand before leaving the ring.


-Kane defeated CM Punk with a Chokeslam, despite the interference of Luke Gallows, The Masked Man and a returning Serena who has apparently rejoined the SES. As Kane celebrated his win, the lights in the arena cut off and a gong similar to the Undertaker's began to ring. Suddenly the mysterious video of distorted Undertaker footage began to play. As it did, the footage began to burn out and what appeared to be Japanese symbols began to cut into the footage. The footage would end with several Japanese symbols in green over a grain picture of The Undertaker as the same mysterious laughter played out. Suddenly the lights cut back on, and as Kane turned around from looking at the screen, a figure would blind Kane by spitting mist into his eyes. The mysterious man then nailed Kane with a vicious middle kick to the ribs before blasting Kane in the face with a Shining Wizard. Fans were in shock as Kane screamed in agony we have never seen before as the mysterious man looked over the shocking damage he had done. When all was said and done Matt Striker would confirm many people's initial belief on who exactly the man was...




-In the Knock Out/Tap Out match, World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger defeated The Big Show via knockout in a very solid back and forth battle, which saw Show nearly win it twice after nailing Swagger with his huge KO Punch and then nearly submitting him with a Camel Clutch. Swagger would shockingly take this bout as he out of nowhere showed one of the greatest feats of strength ever seen by nailing Show with a Gutwrench Powerbomb, however Swagger could barley get it off before dropping Show on his neck and shoulder, knocking Show out. Swagger celebrated obnoxiously as officials checked on Show, and then sent out an ambulance and stretcher for him.


-Team LayCool defeated Kelly Kelly and Tiffany after Michelle McCool nailed Kelly with the Faith Breaker.


-In the Money In The Bank Match, The Miz won the MITB Title Shot. In a very intense contest saw several impressive maneuvers, including Matt Hardy sunset flip powerbombing Edge through 2 tables off the ladder, Randy Orton RKOing Drew McIntyre off the top of 2 ladders and John Morrison nailing a super Starship Pain off a 30 foot ladder onto Ted DiBase and Cody Rhodes. Sheamus seemingly had the match won as he single handedly took most of the match out. However as he was to unhook the briefcase, the opening chords of "Time To Play The Game" played, which cause Sheamus to stop everything he was doing and scout the arena, looking like he had seen a ghost. This allowed Christian to send Sheamus off the ladder. Randy Orton looked to have everything in hand as he was ready to unhook the briefcase, but out of nowhere, Edge would spear Orton off the ladder from another ladder next to the one Orton was on. As this happened, it allowed The Miz to sneak up and take the briefcase. The ever arrogant Miz claimed after the match he was now the most powerful man in the WWE.


-In the night's main event, WWE Champion Wade Barrett defeated John Cena in a truly shocking affair. With The Nexus banned from ringside, Barrett had a major test in only his second bout on Pay Per View. The match was very back and forth. Barrett seemingly had Cena dominated, working over the injured ribs and back of Cena, but the leader of the "Cenation" would not give up, powering his way back and setting up for several near falls for both men. Barrett would manage to get out of the STF, and attempt to nail Cena with a lariat but Cena ducked under and got Barrett up for the Attitude Adjustment. Suddenly as this happened, announcer Michael Cole claimed he couldn't let this happen. Cole stormed off commentary and got onto the ring apron and began yelling at the referee. Cena dropped Barrett and began to yell at Cole asking him what he was doing. Cole began to smile and nailed Cena in the face with a left hand. An angry and confused Cena brought Cole into the ring and lifted him up for his own Attitude Adjustment. As he was about to hit it, Barrett nailed Cena with a running elbow to the back of Cena's head, forcing Cena to drop Cole. Barrett quickly lifted up Cena and nailed him with his finishing maneuver he called The Wasteland for the shocking upset. As the referee raised his hand, Barrett and Cole looked at each other and the 2 put on 2 huge smiles as the 2 men embraced. Jerry Lawler was livid as he began to piece together that Michael Cole may very well be behind The Nexus. Cole and Barrett then called down the Nexus to the ring. Cole, with an evil smile on his face sicked The Nexus on John Cena. But after a quick series of moves, Cole turned his attention to his broadcast partner Jerry Lawler and the Nexus then struck and took out the Hall Of Famer. Money In The Bank went off the air in silence as Michael Cole and The Nexus stood in the ring with their hands raised, knowing they had achieved victory as The Nexus were all now officially in the WWE.



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Raw SummerSlam Build Up


-Raw was in a state of shock as it seemed as though Michael Cole was the man behind the Nexus. The night after Money In The Bank, Cole would confirm these fears claiming he for years never got the proper respect he deserved. He claimed he was the "most decorated announcer in wrestling history" citing his time on CBS and ABC, yet was made to feel like a third banana behind JR. He claimed the WWE always treated him badly. He was injured by Triple H, Shawn Michaels and other superstars and was constantly made fun of by men like Chris Jericho, The Rock and John Cena. He claimed that by creating a powerful group which was unlike anything this company had ever seen, not only would he gain the respect he deserves, but these men who were simply to be fed to the WWE machine would gain the respect they would never gain as a result of NXT. Cole announced now with The Nexus in the WWE, their new goal was to raid every title the WWE has so they can gain TOTAL control of the WWE.


-However, The Nexus had one constant thorn in their side in John Cena. Cena claimed he was happy The Nexus were now all in the WWE because part of his job description now included taking The Nexus out. Cena went on to challenge Wade Barrett to a WWE Title match at SummerSlam. Barrett initially refused, claiming Cena had his chance and lost and didn't deserve a shot. Cena claimed it wasn't about the title, it was now personal and the title was not only a perk but something that needed to be returned to the WWE rather than being held by this gang. Cena announced if Barrett won, not only would he not get another title shot, but he would quit the WWE forever. Barrett immediately agreed, but as he did Cena countered with a special stipulation, it would be Cena/Barrett in a steel cage.


-The Nexus, now contracted WWE superstars began an assault on the Raw roster not seen since the days of the nWo. The Nexus immediately made enemies with Raw stars John Morrison, R Truth, Evan Bourne and Chris Jericho, attacking them and many other Raw stars. The Nexus amped up it's assault on the WWE when Joe Hennig and Windham Routunda shockingly defeated The Hart Dynasty to become new WWE Unified Tag Team Champions.


-The Nexus' now controlled 2 of the 3 available titles on Raw and their sheer size resulted in several weeks of chaotic brawls both backstage and in the ring between them and the WWE Superstars. After 3 weeks of this, via a video tape played out in the middle one one such brawl in the ring, WWE Owner Mr. McMahon announced that after several weeks of looking and watching Raw get torn apart as a result of The Nexus, he would be naming a new GM. Someone who knew how to deal with gangs like this and a man who had the kind of power to run Raw back on the right track. Then some very familiar music hit and the WWE Universe was in shock with the appearance of the new GM...


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-Fans were shocked as "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash revealed himself as Raw GM. And Nash made a huge impact off the bat, claiming the days of The Nexus running rough shot and days of craziness were over and announced a special 14 man elimination match at SummerSlam pitting The Nexus against Team WWE, made up of John Morrison, R-Truth, Evan Bourne, Chris Jericho, The Hart Dynasty and.....BRET HART.


-One man not caught up with The Nexus was Sheamus. "The Celtic Warrior" claimed foul play was involved in why he didn't win MITB and claimed he had in fact taken Triple H out and if he was dumb enough to try and start something, he'd finish it. But over the next 2 weeks, Sheamus would loose matches to Yoshi Tatsu and Santino Marella as he had the match won and then suddenly Triple H's music would play, causing him to be distracted and thus lost the match. After the second bout, Sheamus demanded we hear from Triple H to stop the games once and for all. The next week, via satellite, Triple H said he knew nothing of what was happening to Sheamus....but he did announce the games were not over and that "The Game" was just about to start again. As Sheamus stood in the ring staring at Triple H on the titantron, out of nowhere, Triple H actually appeared behind Sheamus, turned him around and nailed him with a Pedigree. With Sheamus knocked out, "The Game" announced he was back and wanted Sheamus at SummerSlam.


-One feud which had not seemed to settle was the one between Randy Orton and Edge. Orton had new found hatred for Edge as Edge cost him the MITB briefcase. Edge claimed he didn't need the MITB briefcase cause he'd win the title anyways but he knew Orton needed it and wanted to see nothing more than Orton miserable. Orton countered and claimed his new goal was to not only get his revenge on Edge, but take him back out of the WWE. It was announced these 2 would face off in a Last Man Standing match at SummerSlam and over the next few weeks, both men attempted to leave each other out, including Edge spearing Orton through a table, and Orton RKOing Edge as he left the arena on his car.


-The WWE US Champion The Miz took his MITB win to heart and claimed by winning MITB he was one of the elite in the WWE and thusly did not need his US Title. The Miz then announce he had sold the US Title to Ted DiBase. DiBase along with Mayrse and his bodyguard Shad gladly accepted his new title. The Miz began to interject himself against the Nexus, claiming whenever he wants he'll take the title, but announced he would be on "hiatus" until he deemed appropriate until he sees competition and a champion fit for his challenge.


-Speaking of DiBase, the now reigning US Champion had seemingly everything going for him, a hot girlfriend, money, power, a huge bodyguard which he "saved from being fired from the WWE" and the US Title. However, he faced a new and unusual threat. DiBase issued on open challenge to face him, which was accepted by the unusual Goldust and in a huge shocker Goldust defeated DiBase. Over the next several weeks Goldust bested DiBase. However at every point he could DiBase would tear Goldust to shreds, calling him a joke, claiming he's nothing more than a never was who's never as good as his father and isn't even as good as his brother. He called Goldust an embarrassment, claimed fans laugh at and don't care about him and how he doesn't even deserve a roster spot and claimed he should just stick to conventions and wrestling for 50 bucks against Doink. This lit a fire in "The Bizzare One", reverting back to his old ways, and now fashioning his face paint much like he used to with paint on one side and the other without paint. The 2 would face off at SummerSlam for the US Title.


-The Divas Title was lost by Maryse in a 4 way dance to Alicia Fox. The ever arrogant Fox rubbed the win in the face of Eve Torres, who had the match won before Fox stole the win.

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SmackDown SummerSlam Build Up


-The biggest angle on SmackDown was surprisingly the debut of Japanese Icon The Great Muta. Muta shocked the wrestling world by debuting at Money In The Bank as the man behind the eerie videos which pestered Kane for weeks and seemingly the man behind the attack on the Undertaker. We had learned the poison mist sprayed by Muta in the face of Kane had blinded "The Big Red Machine" and Kane was seemingly out of the WWE. In the meantime, Muta would dominate SmackDown, winning all of his matches in rather one sided fashion. But this wasn't enough for the man Matt Striker had called "The Japanese Undertaker", Muta would unleash his signature and dangerous poison mist on his opponents and utilizing some of the different colors which had special and different "powers". Most notably Muta would retire Fit Finlay after nailing him with the black mist, allegedly permanently blinding Finlay, the same color mist he spat at Kane. However, as Muta's supernatural presence would increased and as he quickly worked his way up SmackDown and into a number one contender's match against Kofi Kingston, "The Big Red Machine" would shockingly make his return and cost Muta a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship. The next week however Muta would send a message to Kane, by taking on Raw's Yoshi Tatsu and savagely beating his fellow countryman, putting a Kane mask on him and beating him within an inch of his life, and then after the match, beating him about the head with an object, busting him wide open (leading the Striker referencing the Muta Scale). Muta would then take a mic and speak for the first time and say only 2 words in English "Kane.....SummerSlam". Kane responded by going toe to toe with Muta and claiming he knew he was behind what happened to The Undertaker and he was going to not only pay for that but attempting to blind him (Kane). Kane then caused flames to shoot from the posts. However as Kane walked towards the entrance way, Muta would make a hand gesture of his own and flames would shoot from the sides of the SmackDown stage, causing Kane to narrowly miss the flames by ducking onto the floor. The arena then filled with a green fog and the lights went out. As the lights went back on, Kane looked towards the ring and Muta was gone...but in a truly eerie moment, Muta's face appeared on the Titantron behind Kane, laughing at him.


-World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger awaited a new opponent, and when Teddy Long announced Kofi Kingston and The Great Muta competing for the number one contender spot, Swagger knew either way he'd be facing a different type of match than he previous had faced as champion. When Kingston became number one contender Swagger was very much happy as he constantly referenced the fact he had beaten Kingston numerous times when both men were on Raw and ECW (even though he lost to Kingston via countout when the men first fought for a title). Swagger called Kingston an underachiever and was jealous of Swagger and his success. But as the 2 faced off in a tag team match, Swagger's confidence was rocked when Kofi pinned Swagger with a roll up, noting Kofi's speed could very well signal the end of Swagger's reign.


-Following the ending of his bout with Jack Swagger at Money In The Bank, The Big Show claimed he had an announcement to make on SmackDown, seemingly to retire as many had claimed. As a teary eyed Show was to make his announcement, out came CM Punk and The Straight Edge Society. Punk mocked Show, claiming no one cares about the Big Show, calling him a big puppet who these corrupt fans love because his size reflects the excess they live. He claims he's happy Show is retiring because its one more hero gone so the fans can soon realize Straight Edge is the proper way, and also simply because he doesn't like the Big Show nor does he respect him. This led Show to change his mind and caused him to attack the SES, knocking out both Luke Gallows and The Masked Man, leaving Punk all alone. Show caught Punk and signaled for the chokeslam, but would swerve Punk and remove Punk's mask, revealing his bald head. The next week, Punk sent The Masked Man to take on the Big Show. Show would do the same thing to the Masked Man, revealing him as former WWE Tag Team Champion Joey Mercury. The next week, a livid Punk claimed if the SES didn't change things up, he would disband the group. As Show faced Luke Gallows, the SES attacked show and smashed his hand he uses for the KO Punch. Following this attack, Teddy Long announced at SummerSlam it would be The Big Show vs. The SES in a Handicap Match.


-The feud between Dos Caras and Rey Mysterio continued to get more interesting. Mysterio claimed Caras has long "stalked him" about entering the WWE, claiming he was jealous of the success Mysterio had in the US, WWE, ECW and WCW because Mysterio worked hard his entire career and Caras being son of the original Dos Caras and nephew of Mil Mascaras thought he was owed success because of his heritage and his "crimes against lucha libre" were a joke as if anything he's brought lucha libre into the mainstream and has helped lucha in the US more than ever. Caras balked at the statement and would continue to try to attack Mysterio at every chance he got when Mysterio was not ready, whenever Mysterio was ready Caras would bail. Mysterio, furious over the blindside attacks and the constant refusal to face him in an honest contest challenged Caras to a match never seen in the WWE, a Mexican Death Match at SummerSlam. Caras initially refused, but Mysterio called Caras a chicken and claimed his father and uncles would take the match because unlike him they worked


-The ever continuing feud between Matt Hardy and Drew McIntyre would come to an end on SmackDown as the two men faced off in a steel cage match, which was won by Hardy. An incensed McIntyre complained about the match, but was quickly made fun of by Christian, calling McIntyre a cry baby and couldn't back up the the hype. McIntyre took offense to it and was hell bent on making Christian eat his words.


-Hardy on the other hand, had gained a new enemy in "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. The ever arrogant second generation star, claimed Hardy didn't have what it takes to challenge for any title in the WWE. He called Hardy old, fat and un attractive, the polar opposite of him. Hardy said he may not be a spring chicken but will show Cody he still has it and is still one of the men to beat on SmackDown.


-The IC Champion Dolph Ziggler shocked none when he announced he had used Vickie Guerrero to get his title shot and title win. A distraught Guerrero then announced her resignation from the WWE as a result of this. Ziggler stringed together a series of successful defenses until Teddy Long announced that Ziggler would defend his US Title at SummerSlam. Ziggler, now more arrogant than ever balked at the notion and claimed his sleeper hold would signal the end for ANYONE. Long agreed and claimed he would have to be at the top of his game as he hat not one, not 2 but 4 opponents as he would face Hardy, McIntyre, Christian and Rhodes in the first ever IC Title Scramble match.


-The feud between Women's Champions LayCool and Kelly Kelly and Tiffany continued, however it would all come crashing down for LayCool as Teddy Long claimed there was no co-champions and the 2 would have to face each other to determine who the real champion is at SummerSlam.


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Pro Wrestling Torch


-Easily the biggest news in the wrestling world over the past month domestically was the shake up within the WWE's internal hierarchy. After Ricky Steamboat's accent to head of talent, word circulated that a major change at the top of the WWE was upcoming. This was confirmed at the WWE's second quarter investor meeting when Vince McMahon formally announced that pending unforeseeable circumstances, he would be stepping down as Chairman and CEO of WWE starting one day after WrestleMania 27 to become the head of the now announced WWE Network in the mid second quarter of 2011. And at that meeting McMahon announced two familiar names in the line of succession. Stephanie McMahon-Levesque would move up to the CEO position. However the most shocking news was the announcement that Shane McMahon would be returning to the company he had departed a year earlier to become chairman. After failed attempts to purchase the MMA promotion Strikeforce and dual attempts at buying into the UFC and Bellator, McMahon's return to the WWE is apparently done to rejuvenate the WWE as they have faced a sever downturn due to the dawning of an MMA dominated market. Vince claimed Shane's return would be done to "get the WWE back on track and change things forever, much how he did when he took over from his own father". This did leave several questions, including who would be head of creative and overall how things would change within the WWE following WM27.


-Within days following this announcement, wrestling fans were shocked when several wrestling sites announced that the WWE had signed former TNA Champion and ROH Champion Samoa Joe to a contract. Joe would confirm the announcement several days later on his Twitter page, announcing "OK, I can say it now...I'm Samoa Joe and I am pro WWrEstling." "If you didn't get the last tweet, I just signed with the WWE. Booyah". Joe would have to wait another month to formally join the WWE roster as his TNA no compete clause was still in effect and was still finishing out his indy dates.


-As the WWE added one of the biggest free agents out there, they would announce some cuts/releases. Gone from the WWE were Primo, Rosa Mendes, Tyler Reks and most notably The Great Khali, who requested a release to return to India.


-The signing of The Great Muta to the WWE caused shock waves across the Japanese wrestling world as Mutoh announced the day after his appearance that he was resigning as All Japan president and would thusly pass the title over Hiroshi Hase, who had previously been president of the PWF. However, with Hase as head of AJPW, the promotion announced a major coup as they announced the legendary Kenta Kobashi would make his return to AJPW after leaving to join Pro Wrestling NOAH.


-Outside the WWE, TNA had a major rejuvenation project to due. Their last 2 PPV's had done less than 10,000 buys each as seemingly the Hogan/Bischoff experiment had failed. TNA attempted to hotshot themselves by bringing in an ECW Faction with the company's ECW Alumni along with Tommy Dreamer and several other alumni. However the biggest fish TNA wanted was Paul Heyman. Dixie Carter had reportedly wanted Heyman to come in as head of creative and essentially clean house if necessary and turn things around. Heyman made it publicly know he would consider the offer if he was given an ownership role in TNA, much like how Dana White had come into power of the UFC. TNA attempted several offers with Heyman, but Heyman finally would shoot them all down before announcing on Versus' "The Daily Line" that his chief and only goal right now was his book with Brock Lesnar and at the time right now he was staying away from TNA.


-But with Heyman out, TNA did manage to get some significant buzz around it by creating a stable called "The E" made up of ex WWE stars Carlito, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Mike Knox, Lance Cade and Paul Burchill. The group would make its debut by attack any TNA star they could find on an episode of Impact. The group claimed they were treated unfairly in the WWE yet TNA wouldn't come calling as they did Jeff Hardy, Mr. Anderson and several others. The group claimed they would take whats theirs and show both companies they had made a tremendous mistake. The E storyline shot ratings and buyrates up a significant amount, back to what TNA had done previously before the addition of Hogan and Bischoff.


-Ironically, the creation of The E sent forth problems for both Ring Of Honor and MTV's Lucha Libre USA. ROH was in serious talks with Haas, Benjamin and Burchill to debut in ROH at the company's September show, having Haas and Benjamin face The Kings Of Wrestling and Burchill battle Erick Stevens respectively. LLUSA felt the pinch as Carlito had a verbal deal with them and was set to debut at their August tapings in Las Vegas. However he was quickly replaced by Blue Demon Jr.



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WWE SummerSlam Preview


WWE Championship Steel Cage Match; If Cena Loses, He Retires From WWE

© Wade Barrett vs. John Cena


World Heavyweight Championship Match

© Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston


He's Back....

Sheamus vs. Triple H


Seven On Seven Elimination Match

The Nexus (Heath Slater, Skip Sheffield, Justin Gabriel, David Ortunga, Alex Riley, Joe Hennig and Windham Routunda) vs. Team WWE (John Morrison, R-Truth, Tyson Kidd, David Hart Smith, Evan Bourne, Chris Jericho and Bret Hart)


Grudge Match

Kane vs. The Great Muta


Last Man Standing

Randy Orton vs. Edge


3 on 1 Handicapped Match

The Big Show vs. The Straight Edge Society (CM Punk, Luke Gallows and Joey Mercury)


Mexican Death Match

Dos Caras vs. Rey Mysterio


10 Minute Scramble Match For WWE Intercontinental Title

© Dolph Ziggler vs. Matt Hardy vs. Christian vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Cody Rhodes


WWE United States Championship Match

© Ted DiBase vs. Goldust


WWE Womens' Championship Match

Layla vs. Michelle McCool




Quick Picks:


WWE Championship Steel Cage: Wade Barrett vs. John Cena

World Championship: Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston

Sheamus vs. Triple H

The Nexus vs. Team WWE

Kane vs. Great Muta

Last Man Standing: Randy Orton vs. Edge

Big Show vs. SES

Mexican Death Match: Dos Caras vs. Rey Mysterio

IC Title Scramble Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Matt Hardy vs. Christian vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Cody Rhodes

US Title: Ted DiBase vs. Goldust

Womens Title: Layla vs. Michelle McCool


Will Anyone Debut?

Will Anyone Return?

Will The Miz Cash In Money In The Bank?

How Will The Winner of the WWE Title Match Win?

Who Will Survive The Elimination Match?


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Quick Picks:


WWE Championship Steel Cage: Wade Barrett vs. John Cena


no way cena retires


World Championship: Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston


can't see kofi with the title yet


Sheamus vs. Triple H


NO WAY hhh loses this


The Nexus vs. Team WWE


i can see nexus winning to preserve their momentum


Kane vs. Great Muta


Last Man Standing: Randy Orton vs. Edge


Big Show vs. SES


Mexican Death Match: Dos Caras vs. Rey Mysterio


mini-cena pulls it off


IC Title Scramble Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Matt Hardy vs. Christian vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Cody Rhodes


he just got the belt!


US Title: Ted DiBase vs. Goldust


Womens Title: Layla vs. Michelle McCool


Will Anyone Debut?

Will Anyone Return? Triple H!

Will The Miz Cash In Money In The Bank? No

How Will The Winner of the WWE Title Match Win? Cena gets out via the door

Who Will Survive The Elimination Match? Riley and Hennig

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WWE Championship Steel Cage: Wade Barrett vs. John Cena

World Championship: Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston

Sheamus vs. Triple H

The Nexus vs. Team WWE

Kane vs. Great Muta

Last Man Standing: Randy Orton vs. Edge

Big Show vs. SES

Mexican Death Match: Dos Caras vs. Rey Mysterio

IC Title Scramble Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Matt Hardy vs. Christian vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Cody Rhodes

US Title: Ted DiBase vs. Goldust

Womens Title: Layla vs. Michelle McCool


Will Anyone Debut? No

Will Anyone Return? No

Will The Miz Cash In Money In The Bank? Yes

How Will The Winner of the WWE Title Match Win? Wade climbs out

Who Will Survive The Elimination Match? Justin Gabe and Riley

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