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WWE 2010: The NXT Great Revolution

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Pro Wrestling Torch Breaking News:



WWE Signs Tyler Black


Major breaking news just days before SummerSlam as we here at the Torch can now CONFIRM that the WWE have signed current Ring Of Honor Champion Tyler Black to a contract. Black is expected to start with the company as soon as possible. This signing has major implications on both the WWE and ROH.


We have learned that Black has been effectivly stripped of the ROH Title and the title will most likely be filled at the September 11 show in NYC. Many within ROH are not shocked by the signing as Black has several times refused to sign contract extensions. Our source within ROH claim several top ROH stars have offers with the WWE and claims people in the company "wouldn't be shocked" if the company folds or gets bought out by the WWE outright.


At the same time, our WWE insiders have both independently claimed the Black signing is "the first of several" to go along with a potential new creative approach strongly being consideration. It was expected with Ricky Steamboat as head of talent more "wrestlers" would be signed, but this talk of a "new creative direction" makes one wonder. And also our sources both confirm that there has been talk of WWE possibly making a bid for ROH. This could put a very interesting twist on the US wrestling business if the WWE again purchases the nation's number 3 promotion.


We'll have more on this on tommorow's Torch VIP Insider where a very big possible SummerSlam surprise is discussed and more.

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WWE Championship Steel Cage: Wade Barrett vs. John Cena

World Championship: Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston

Sheamus vs. Triple H

The Nexus vs. Team WWE

Kane vs. Great Muta

Last Man Standing: Randy Orton vs. Edge

Big Show vs. SES

Mexican Death Match: Dos Caras vs. Rey Mysterio

IC Title Scramble Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Matt Hardy vs. Christian vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Cody Rhodes

US Title: Ted DiBase vs. Goldust

Womens Title: Layla vs. Michelle McCool


Will Anyone Debut? - No

Will Anyone Return? - Maybe Daniel Bry... err Bryan Danielson, interfering in the Nexus Match.

Will The Miz Cash In Money In The Bank? - On Cena Perhaps, causing Cena to not have to retire, but to also not have the title.

How Will The Winner of the WWE Title Match Win? - Pinfall

Who Will Survive The Elimination Match? - Chris Jericho

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WWE Championship Steel Cage: Wade Barrett vs. John Cena

World Championship: Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston

Sheamus vs. Triple H

The Nexus vs. Team WWE

Kane vs. Great Muta

Last Man Standing: Randy Orton vs. Edge

Big Show vs. SES

Mexican Death Match: Dos Caras vs. Rey Mysterio

Not a huge fan of Dos Caras I haven't seen him work yet but I don't like his promos.


IC Title Scramble Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Matt Hardy vs. Christian vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Cody Rhodes


US Title: Ted DiBase vs. Goldust


Womens Title: Layla vs. Michelle McCool


Will Anyone Debut? No.

Will Anyone Return? Bryan Danielson

Will The Miz Cash In Money In The Bank? No he hasn't had it long enough.

How Will The Winner of the WWE Title Match Win? Pinfall

Who Will Survive The Elimination Match? Jericho

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WWE SummerSlam Results


-Dark Match: Santino Marella and Vladmir Kozlov defeated Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer: In a special opening contest for WWE.com, Santino and Kozlov defeated Archer and Hawkins in quick fashion after Kozlov nailed Hawkins with a huge spinebuster, which led to Santino to hit him with the Cobra for the victory.


WWE Intercontinental Title Scramble Match: © Dolph Ziggler retained the title following the 10 Minute Scramble Period: This battle between 5 of SmackDown's hottest young talents started off very quickly as the scramble period was a very short 10 minutes. Drew McIntyre would capture the title first after pinning Cody Rhodes. In the 10 minute time span, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Ziggler, Christian and McIntyre would all consecutively hold the title during this match. With less than a minute left, Christian would nail McIntyre with the Killswitch for the win fans thought would insure a win for "Captain Charisma". However, as Hardy and Rhodes brawled on the outside. Dolph Ziggler would run in and lock Christian in the sleeper, and with only 5 seconds left in the bout, Christian's arm fell a third time, allowing Ziggler to leave with his title and a huge smile on the rising star's face.


Handicapped Match: The Straight Edge Society defeated The Big Show: Despite his immense size advantage of all 3 SES members COMBINED, The Big Show was at a major disadvantage as his hand had not properly healed since the SES's attack. This limited Show's use of the KO Punch and his grip for The Showstopper. The SES picked apart Show for much of the match, however in shocking fashion Show would power back and actually nail the KO Punch on Mercury and Gallows, leaving Punk and Show head to head. But the ever quick ring general Punk would block Show's injured KO Punch with a huge Muai Thai Kick to Show's hand. As Show screamed in pain, Punk would cut the giant down with a series of stiff kicks to Show's legs a head, finally taking him down with a missile dropkick. Punk then went on to lock Show in his old submission move, the Anaconda Vice but modified it to invert Show's injured hand backwards behind Show's head. Show had no choice to tap out, leaving Punk triumphant again and the SES back to a position of power on SmackDown.


WWE United States Title Match: Goldust defeated © Ted DiBase by DQ: The inspiring journey of "The Bizarre One" continued to inspire as Goldust took it to the ever arrogant DiBase. Goldust used his wrestling knowledge and pedigree to force DiBase to his breaking point. Fans thought the veteran's Rocky Balboa like comeback story would come to a head as he nailed the Curtain Call on DiBase, but this would be snatched away from him as DiBase's bodyguard Shad Gaspard ran in and nailed Goldust with a big boot. Gaspard and DiBase began to double team Goldust as the referee called for the bell. But the "Bizarre One" would get some back up as his father, WWE Hall Of Famer "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes made his way ringside and attacked Gaspard. Goldust quickly rose to his feat and the father and son cleared the ring with stero Bionic Elbows. Although he didn't have the belt, Goldust impressed everyone and fans knew this issue was far from over.


Mexican Death Match: Dos Caras defeated Rey Mysterio: These two fierce rivals would face off in this battle all over ringside. Caras used his size advantage to take it Mysterio early on, but a highlight worthy Hurricanrana by Mysterio off the set changed the pace of the match. Mysterio exhibited a kind of rage not seen before on Caras, who simply smiled and laughed it off. By doing this, it only enraged Mysterio more and caused Rey to actually attempt to unmask Caras, breaking a sacred rule of lucha libre. As he did this, Mysterio realized his crime and a look of shame came upon his face as he paced around the ring, distraught of his actions. This led to Caras to nail Mysterio with a huge lariat, and from there Caras then opened up 2 mental chairs and in a devastating maneuver nailed the underhook dominator he's called La Mascara Muerte (Masked Doom) onto the 2 chairs, driving Mysterio's ribs and torso onto the tops of the chairs. Caras then pinned Mysterio with one foot. As Mysterio began to spit up blood, a smiling Caras began to yell at Mysterio in spanish and then spit on his fallen body as EMT's came down to check on Mysterio.



7 On 7 Elimination Match: The Nexus defeated Team WWE; Joe Hennig and Windham Routunda Survive: There was bad blood all over this contest as the ever hated Nexus arrogantly marched ringside to take on an eclectic Team WWE, led by Bret Hart and Chris Jericho. The Nexus had back up in the other members not wrestling. However Raw GM Kevin Nash quickly quelled that, banning them from ringside and claiming if they interfiered their contracts would be nullified. WWE would score first blood as the ever arrogant Alex Riley would fall first, victim to The Hart Dynasty's version of The Hart Attack. However, The Nexus would take little time striking back as R-Truth would fall victim to Windham Routunda's Moonsault Press. The Nexus would take a very big advantage as they got the next 2 eliminations in a row, as David Hart Smith fell victim to Justin Gabirel's 450 Splash following a Heath Slater superkick and only minutes later Tyson Kidd was squashed by a lariat by Skip Sheffield. Now down 6-4, Team WWE send in Jericho, who instantly scored an elimination by taking Heath Slater with the Codebreaker. From there however, The Nexus again would get 2 back to back eliminations as John Morrison and Evan Bourne both fell victim to David Ortunga's high angle spinebusterslam. With their backs against the wall, team WWE had to strike and that’s just what they did as Jericho would use a handful of tights to send Ortunga packing. Jericho would then nail Skip Sheffield with the codebreaker, allowing Bret Hart to lock him in the Sharpshooter. With Hart the legal man, as he was leaving Sheffield blindsided Hart with a huge clothesline, allowing Justin Gabriel to sneak in for the pin. With 3 on 1, The Nexus savored it's advantage but Jericho would not back down. Gabriel would attempt the 450 Splash on Jericho, only to have the veteran move out of the way and lock the young South African in The Walls Of Jericho for another elimination. However with that elimination, luck would run out for Jericho as the tag team champions instantly blindsided Jericho and nailed their tag team finishing maneuver The 2GS (A PerfectPlex into a Powerbomb from Routunda) to take Jericho out, giving the Unified Tag Team Champions and the Nexus a huge win. The Nexus would join up with Rotunda and Hennig to celebrate their huge win over the WWE. And their "advisor" Michael Cole gazed on with a lot of approval from the announcer's position.


The Great Muta defeated Kane: This match off the bat featured a very interesting entrance from Muta, who due to the large Japanese crowd in LA got quite a bit of support. However when the bell rang these 2 monsters got at it and fast, as Kane used his size heavily to his advantage early on. However, Muta would use his resiliency and his long time knowledge of the sport and position to outfox Kane. Kane would have Muta set up for the chokeslam but Muta would push off Kane into the referee. As Muta stumbled forward, he again walked into a chokeslam as Kane went for the cover. As Kane attempted a cover, the lights went out and the Undertaker's gong was played followed by eerie laughter followed by a mysterious voice saying "Kannnee". Then the TitanTron flashed the message "It Was You Kane...Because Of Me". Kane looked at the Titantron, clutching his head in pain as if he was stricken suddenly with a migrate. The video stopped playing and the lights cut back on. Kane was then shoved around by Muta who blasted him with Green Mist. Muta then leveled Kane with a stiff lariat before knocking him out with the Shinning Wizard for the victory. Muta raised his hands over a fallen Kane as we wondered what was the purpose of that new video and what kind of power it held over Kane.


Last Man Standing Match: Randy Orton defeated Edge: The bad blood between 2 of Raw's top 2 names would boil over in this contest in a very back and forth battle. Throughout the match, Edge did anything it took to keep Orton down, including dropping a pile of chairs on him. Edge seemingly had the match won as he nailed a huge spear on Orton but at the last possible second Orton rose up. As he did this Edge charged with a spear, only to have Orton move out of the way and the nail Edge with an RKO. But Orton wasn't done. As Edge began to rise at the 6 count, Orton then blasted Edge with a huge punt kick to Edge's head. Edge could not answer the 10 count and "The Viper" finally got his revenge on Edge.But as he celebrated, Orton would make a gesture that the WWE Title was now in his sights.


World Heavyweight Championship Match: © Jack Swagger defeated Kofi Kingston via reverse decision: An excellent contest saw a very different style sets clash here. Swagger would use his sheer size and his college wrestling skills to really take it to Kingston early in the match but Kofi's great heart and quickness kept him in the match. In a big change of the pace, Jack Swagger attempted the Gutwrench Powerbomb on Kofi, only to have Kofi's legs accidentally take out the ref. Kofi countered it with a hurricanrana. In the interim a second referee came out to officiate as Charles Robinson gained his bearings. Kingston would nail Swagger with Trouble In Paradise only to have Swagger snag his leg on the bottom rope. As Kofi went for it again, Swagger blocked it and shoved Kofi into the second referee. But Kofi would nail Swagger with another Trouble In Paradise. Kofi checked on both referees but Swagger nailed Kofi with the Gutwrench Powerbomb. The both tired men slowly raised to their feet and after a round of fisticuffs, Swagger ducked under a third Trouble In Paradise and nailed a big back suplex, in which both referees counted a 3 count. As Tony Chimel attempted to make a formal announcement, referee Chad Patton raised Kingston's arm while referee Charles Robinson raised Swagger's hand. Upon replay it looked as though Kofi had won the match as one shoulder was somewhat off the mat and on Swagger's body and Kofi was given the title. The crowd became unglued as Kofi celebrated with the title. But then it was announced that since Robinson was the original referee of the match, his decision was final and Swagger was the winner by reverse decision. As Kofi began yelling at the Robinson and pointing to the still capture replay on the Titantron, Swagger took his title and bailed. A visibly angry and disappointed Kingston made his way to the back as a large "Bull****" chant broke out as announcers imagined Kofi deserved a rematch and spoke of the massive injustice that was this match's finish.


The Miz Addresses The WWE Universe: Out came the Miz, who again spoke of his impressive credentials and again illustrated the power he posses as the man with the MITB. He claimed can and would bypass every wrestler on Raw for the title, including Orton, Sheamus and Triple H. Miz then claimed when he cashes the MITB in and becomes champion, his already massive legacy will be set in stone. The greatest wrestler, the greatest champion and the most entertaining....hell even the most electrifying man ever in the WWE and claimed no one could prove him wrong....because he's the Miz and he's....


<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8FzMkBBKlc?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8FzMkBBKlc?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


The crowd became unglued as THE ROCK made his way ringside to the shocked face of the Miz. Finally the Rock had come back to the WWE. Rock went off on the Miz. Firstly asking if he was Abrham (Real World Road Rules Ganutlet reference). He called the Miz the best reality show wrestler ever, which means he's just a little better than Maven. He calls Miz a fauxhawked jabroni and asked who the Miz thinks he is to claim to be the most electrifying man ever in the WWE. Miz attempts to answer but....IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS. Rock then claims Miz needs to learn respect and not have his mouth write checks his body cant cash. But as Rock attempted the leave, Miz BLASTED him in the back with the MITB briefcase. Miz called Rock a failed actor before nailing him with the Skull Crushing Finale. Miz then stood over the Rock and claimed tonight he was going to send the Rock back to the C List and began to mock The People's Elbow. As Miz bounced off the ropes for a second time, Rock did a huge kick up and the Miz ran right into The Rock Bottom. Rock then showed Miz how it;'s done and nailed him with The People's Elbow to a huge pop from the crowd. Rock then announced that's what happens when you mess with "The Great One" cause you're (Miz) The Miz and You're....AWWWFULLL....IF YOU SMELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLALALALALALALOOWWWW WHAT THE ROCK........IS COOKIN'!!! The crowd again lost it as the Rock saluted the fans as the announcers were in shocked and suggested maybe this experience would give the Miz a little bit of an attitude adjustment.




WWE Womens Championship: Layla defeated Michelle McCool: Team LayCool did not implode as may thought they would as before the match McCool announced Layla had never been full Womens champion and as friends she'd let her have it and simply layed down. The 2 celebrated as if they both won the title until Kelly Kelly and Tiffany ran down to chase LayCool off.


Triple H defeated Sheamus: The crowd became unglued as "The Game" made his official in ring return here. And off the bat the absolute hatred between these 2 came to a head as both men where ruthless in the punishment they distributed to each other. Sheamus would take a long advantage over Triple H, nearly winning it with The High Cross. Sheamus attempted to take out the game with the Celtic Kick but "The Game" ducked under and referee Aaron Mahoney ate the boot. Sheamus would rebound and nail HHH with a uranage spinebuster. Sheamus went to the outside and picked up the pipe he used to attack HHH, but then dropped it to clutch HHH's trusty sledgehammer. He then measured Triple H and went to smash HHH's head but "The Game" nailed him in the groin with a low blow. HHH clutched the sledgehammer and blasted Sheamus in the face. "The Game" then blasted "The Celtic Warrior" with the Pedigree for the huge comeback win. HHH celebrated in the ring as a clearly angry Sheamus backed up the entrance. HHH had gotten his revenge, but Sheamus seemingly now wanted some of his own on the "King Of Kings"


Steel Cage Match For WWE Championship: John Cena defeated © Wade Barrett: It all came down to this, one of the biggest WWE title matches in years. Wade Barrett had a very smug look on his face as he walked into the cage by himself. Cena had a look of sheer determination on his face never before seen, knowing if he losses he not only lets the WWE and the WWE Universe down, he's gone from the WWE. From the announcers table, Cole mocked Cena who shot daggers at Cole. Cole claimed Barrett was in the best shape he's ever seen a wrestler in. Cena came on off the bat hot on Barrett, quickly getting a huge upper hand. Cena was thrashing Barrett at a break neck pace and Barrett could barley respond or defend himself. Cena looked to have the match won. But things changed quickly as Barrett ducked under a bug diving shoulderblock, which sent Cena into the cage. That one mistake by Cena gave Barrett a huge opportunity who now pounced on Cena. Unlike Cena had done early on in the match, Barrett used the cage to his advantage and soon enough Cena was busted open and was not looking good. Barrett continued to break down Cena despite comeback attempts. Barrett then locked Cena in the STF and then attempted to flee the cage but Cena caught up with him and nailed a huge superplex off the cage to even up the odds. Cena came roaring back and the match was now ever. Cena began to use the cage and Barrett was now bleeding as well. The 2 went on a very fierce back and forth pace with many near falls. Barrett nearly had the match won by nailing The Wasteland on Cena but only to have Cena kick out. Barrett attempted to exit the cage but Cena again fought him off. Cena then nailed Barrett with the throwback and then the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Cena then got Barrett up for the Attitude Adjustment but Barrett rolled out of it and the 2 nailed each other with a huge double clothesline. The 2 men slowly rose and began to trade blow. But then suddenly a fan jumped the guardrail and quickly scaled the cage as security guards made a b-line for the cage and the ring. The fan quickly jumped into the ring and tackled Barrett and began to nail him with lefts rights and elbows and stomps. The announcers went silent as the cameras panned around the arena and not at the unscripted action in the ring. Barrett attempted to defend himself as referee Mike Chioda and Cena attempted to pull the fan off Barrett as security guards and police officers scaled the cage and opened the cage door. After approximately 2 minutes, guards and cops, along with the ref and Cena peeled the fan off a now even more bloodied Barrett and escorted him out of the ring and out of the arena. Cameras zoomed in on a shocked and confused look on Cena's face as the announcers called this pathetic and unbelievable, claiming this wasn't part of the PPV, breaking their silence during the entire attack. Fans were chanting. Barrett slowly rose to his feet and "attacked" Cena and the 2 began to wrestle their match again. Barrett attempted a Yakuza kick but Cena ducked under and nailed Barrett with the Attitude Adjustment to regain his WWE Title. Cena began to celebrated as a visibly angry Barrett bolted from the ring along with Michael Cole. Cena half heartedly celebrated his title win as Lawler and Striker hyped the show and how controversial SummerSlam was as the show cut to a close very early. But without a doubt the biggest story was the shocking attack and run in on Wade Barrett by the man the crowd was chanting...



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Pro Wrestling Torch Breaking News:



Update on Bryan Danielson's Appearance At SummerSlam


Our servers have been slammed since the close SummerSlam and the shocking and apparent unscheduled run in appearance of Bryan Danielson during the SummerSlam main event of Wade Barrett vs. John Cena in a cage match. Here is what we know at this hour:


-We can confirm that this was NOT PLANNED apparently according to our WWE sources. The key tell is how literally all but maybe 10 seconds max were show as cameras panned out and announcers went silent.


-We've been told that Danielson may have been arrested following the assault on Barrett but this can't be confirmed as what appeared to be a cop or security car was seen speeding from the arena minutes following Danielson being brought to the back.


-We're told Wade Barrett was livid following the match and had to be calmed down by John Cena who apparently was equally as fumed. The 2 have been give alot of applause backstage for getting back into the match rather quickly despite this never before seen situation.


-There is supposedly a huge WWE roster wide meeting called for tomorrow at 9 AM concerning this matter.


There will definitely be alot more on this HUGE story as it develops over the next few days.


UPDATE: Here's a few very interesting tweets from WWE stars and non WWE stars


- @IAmJericho: Yeah...so THAT just happened and by THAT I mean the thing I now cant talk about.


- @RealJackSwagger: Chaos back here....


- @findevan: did you guys just see that????? unreal. what's dragon thinking?


- @thechrishero: Yeah just saw Dragon go crazy at SummerSlam. WTF is going on???


- @CorinoWrestling: Bryan Danielson just became the most popular person on the internet.


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WWE Raw Preview


We are less than 24 hours past one of the biggest events in WWE history in SummerSlam and the backlash from SummerSlam will be felt directly on Raw.


Last night was a night of ups and down for The Nexus. The Nexus would walk away the winners in the huge 7 on 7 elimination tag team war but in huge news they would lose control of the WWE Championship as Wade Barrett lost the title in a hard fought match against John Cena. We have learned though the Nexus' spokesperson Michael Cole that The Nexus have request time to address the WWE Universe and the new WWE Champion John Cena.


Last night, "The Game" Triple H made a successful return to Raw by getting a sense of revenge against the man who put him out for several months in "The Celtic Warrior" Sheamus. HHH will make his Raw in ring return as he takes on Zack Ryder. But without a doubt, "The Game" will need eyes in the back of his head to watch out for Sheamus who is without a doubt seeking revenge against Triple H.


Also following the actions of last night, we will see a special challenge match as the bodyguard of the WWE United States Champion Ted DiBase, Shad Gaspard takes on the man who had DiBase beat until Shad's interference in Goldust. Can "The Bizzare One" get revenge from Gaspard's saving the title of his employer?


All this and much more tonight on Raw.


Confirmed Matches


Triple H vs. Zack Ryder


Goldust vs. Shad Gaspard


The Nexus (Joe Hennig and Windham Routunda) vs. The Usos


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WWE Raw Results (August 15, 2010)


Big Problem...: Raw starts out with The Nexus along with their spokesman Michael Cole in the ring. Cole claims SummerSlam was an important night for the Nexus because it's the first roadblock thrown in their way. Cole proceeds to hype Nexus' "domination" of Team WWE in the elimination match, claiming they showed every superstar on Raw and SmackDown how good they were and hyped that they even most likley sent Bret Hart out of the WWE once and for all. Cole continued to praise the dominance of The Nexus and claim how happy he is that he is associated with them. His tone then soured as he spoke of the WWE Championship match. Other Nexus members looked visibly hurt concerning the matter. As Cole hyped the brutality of the match and how well Barrett did, Barrett snatched the mic from Cole and demanded John Cena to come out to the ring. Out comes Cena, who cuts Barrett off to remind him that The Champ...Is.....HERE. Cena went on a roll on Barrett claiming he put up a hell of a fight but when it came down to it, Cena had the WWE, the WWE Universe and his career on his back and because of that he simply couldn't lose. Barrett then snapped at Cena and claimed he couldn't beat him and he didn't beat him. He claimed that the only reason he beat him because he was discombobulated from an attack on him by a man who got fired from The Nexus and then the WWE and wanted some attention for his garbage career. Barrett claimed if Cena was a real man and a real champion he'd face him for the belt tonight. Cena seemed to be into it but out came Raw GM Kevin Nash. Nash claimed that as a result of the injuries both guys suffered, neither man would be in action tonight...however he did like the idea of the two of them facing off. But the thing was, that there was another man who had earned himself consideration at the WWE Title. Out walks Randy Orton. Nash then claims, he also likes the idea of Orton and Cena facing off for the belt too. Hell he even likes the idea of Orton facing Barrett to see who will face Cena for the title. Barrett interjects and claims Orton doesn't deserve a title match, and he does and deserves his rematch because of the "bogus" way he lost the title. Nash then agrees and announces a plan. At Night Of Champions, John Cena would face Wade Barrett in a rematch for the WWE Title. And the winner of that match would face Randy Orton later on that night. Cena seemed to be in agreeance with the idea as The Nexus seemed somewhat perturbed. Orton then grabbed the mic from Nash and claimed he doesn't care who he faces because he'll take the title. But he then goes after Barrett and defies him and The Nexus to attempt to handle him like they did to Cena. Cole takes the mic and claims they can treat him however they want cause Orton's nothing but a joke. Orton then proceeds to issue an open challenge to anyone in the Nexus tonight to try and back up Cole's talk and then calls out to Barrett to watch what he wishes for.


Heath Slater and Michael Tarver defeated John Morrison and R-Truth: The Nexus' duo would win in a rather quick upset victory here despite Truth and Morrison dominating much of the match. Morrision held Slater for a German suplex but R-Truth miscommunicated and didn't see Morrison and went for a side kick but Slater ducked under and Truth ended up hitting Morrison with the kick, allowing Tarver to throw Truth to the outside and allowing Slater to hit the Red Dead on Morrison for the victory. After the match, Morrison and Truth began to argue, with the frustration of losing to the hated Nexus getting to them.


Respect...: Backstage we go where Evan Bourne is standing by, talking about his thoughts on taking on The Nexus' Kaval later on. As Bourne begins to speak, in walks Chris Jericho. Jericho claims for years he's been considered the best wrestler in the world and as he's stated many times he's the best in the world at what he does. But he then claims since he first faced Evan Bourne he saw something in him, and when the 2 faced off Bourne confirmed this. He claims he may not be the most popular wrestler in the WWE anymore and may not respect much of the roster but he respects Evan Bourne and offers not only his help tonight in watching his back, but offers his wealth of knowledge. Jericho extends his hand to Bourne. Bourne looks at Jericho and eventually shakes his hand and smiles. Jericho tells Bourne he'll see him out there.


Goldust defeated Shad Gaspard: This grudge match saw Ted DiBase join in on commentary. Gaspard used his size to take apart Goldust in the early on and seemingly had the match won as he went for a running big boot but "The Bizzare One" dodged it and pinned Gaspard with an excellent rollup for the victory. As Gaspard sat there shocked, DiBase ran into the ring from commentary and blindsided Goldust and he and Gaspard began to take apart "The Bizzare One" until from the back once again came Dusty Rhodes, but this time, DiBase and Gaspard bailed as soon as "The Dream" hit the ring. Goldust and Dusty begged the 2 to fight on.


Alicia Fox and Jillian defeated Eve Torres and Gail Kim: Pretty standard tag team contest here, with Fox furthering her winning ways, pinning Torres with the Axe Kick.


She's Baaacckkk: Following the match, Fox went on record and claimed that she is the greatest Diva on Raw and that none of the Divas can and have beat her. Suddenly familiar music hit and out came the woman who vacated the Divas Title several months earlier in Melina. Melina entered the ring and was nearly attacked by Fox but Melina nailed the Matrix bend and then nailed Fox with the Sunset Split. Melina then celebrated in the ring announcing that she was indeed back.


Revenge is a dish best served cold: Josh Matthews was standing by backstage with Sheamus. Sheamus looked as intense and angry as ever. He claimed that last night was a fluke. The only way Triple H could beat him was resorting to using foreign objects and low blows. He claimed that little sense of accomplishment HHH felt by beating him will be negated by the feeling of pain that is going to be in his future.


Evan Bourne defeated Kaval by DQ: Fans were treated to an excellent back and forth contest between these 2 tremendous young stars. Over this amazing 10 minute match, both men seemed to be in very high spirits in their exhibition of amazing competition. Kaval went for The Warrior's Way but Bourne rolled out of the way and floored Kaval with a big facebuster and climbed the ropes for Air Bourne but from out of nowhere, Alex Riley threw Bourne off the top rope and the match was instantly called. Riley, Lucky Cannon and Titus O'Neil began to attack Bourne, but as this happened an angry Kaval attempted to call off the troops but they ignored Kaval, who stayed in the background. But then from the back came Chris Jericho. Jericho nailed O'Neil with a big enziguri and then quickly hit Cannon with the Codebreaker. He begged Riley to come on and face him but "The Varsity Villain" backed off as he helped his men to the back. Jericho and Bourne stood tall in the ring as they eyed the Nexus back up the ramp. Kaval backed up and gave a nod to Bourne who gave a nod back. Jericho then raised the arm of Bourne as Jerry Lawler hyped we may have seen the beginning of a great new partnership.


Woo Woo Woo...You Aren't Quite Sure: Josh Matthews standing by with Zack Ryder, asking him about what is without a doubt the biggest match of his career against Triple H. Ryder begins to talk all sorts of trash about "The Game" claiming his time was through and tonight he'll show everyone that Zack Ryder is the new game in town. Woo Woo Woo You Know...Suddenly, Triple H walks by and goes face to face with Ryder. He looks Ryder up and down and laughs and then tells Ryder he'll see hi out there. A sense of fear became very apparent on Ryder's face as we went to break.


The Nexus (Joe Hennig and Windham Routunda) defeated The Usos: Yet another impressive showing of the Nexus' second generation duo here, as they took it to the young Samoan brother team here. Despite a last ditch effort by the Usos, Hennig and Routunda nailed 2GS for the victory. Following the match, as Hennig and Routunda celebrated, from the back ran down The Hart Dynasty who cleared the ring. The Harts then announced that they intended to revoke their rematch clause at Night Of Champions. The Nexus duo smirked as they blew The Harts off, not taking their announcement seriously at all.


No Rest For The Weary: Backstage Raw GM Kevin Nash is on the phone as his "assistants" The Bella Twins stand pat. In walks John Cena. Nash hangs up and shakes Cena's hand. Nash claims he sees a bit of himself in Cena. Cena thanks him and asks why he's been asked in. Nash asks Cena on his thoughts on the situation of Night At Champions. Cena claims he'll fight whoever he has to. Nash claims he respects that spirit in Cena, because next week, he, Barrett and Orton will be involved in a special "tune up" match for Night Of Champions. When Cena asks against who, Nash smiles and claims Cena will see.


More Chaos: Back from break, Cole and Lawler thank fans for ordering SummerSlam and hype the replay and the many happenings at SummerSlam. Cole and Lawler begin to go over the Edge/Randy Orton match and begin to announce that Orton's punt kick has put Edge on the shelf when all of a sudden, an arm pulled Cole to the barricade. It appears a fan had grabbed Cole. The fan then locked Cole in what appears to be a rear naked choke hold. As security charged the fan, Lawler backed away and attempted to get the fan off of Cole as the camera attempted to pan out. Raw immediately cut to break.


Triple H defeated Zack Ryder: Josh Matthews was now at ringside with Lawler. "The Game" dominated Ryder, barley allowing Ryder to get any offense in. HHH ended the match by flooring Ryder with the Pedigree. As HHH celebrated from the back walked Sheamus and stood on the ramp. As HHH anticipated a fight, Sheamus just stared and "The Game" and signaled time was running out for HHH.


The Most AWESOME Challenge Ever: Back from break out comes The Miz. Miz claims last night, the WWE Universe witnessed one of the most disgusting displays they have ever seen. He replays his failed attack on The Rock and The Rock's subsequent attack on The Miz. Miz claims that a failed movie star does not deserve the right to not only be in the same ring but the same building as the most powerful man in the WWE. He calls the Rock nothing more than a punk who wishes he had the charisma and ability of the Miz. He then claims more people have seen The Miz in one season of his "other ventures" than anyone have seen any of Rock's movies combined. Miz then shocks the world by claiming if Rock wants to step to him again, he's challenging him to a match, any time, any where. Miz then once again goes on to claim he's still on in ring "hiatus" until suitable competition is show...but he's changing it and claims he'll be out of action until The Rock accepts his challenge. And he warns Rock that if they ever meet in the Rock, he'll smash Rock's face up so bad he wont even be able to act in horror movies and when he beats the Rock and then wins the WWE Title, he will bypass being the best in the business but become the best ever because he's the Miz....and he's AWESOME.


Viper Getting Ready To Strike: Randy Orton is seen walking to the ring. Lawler and Matthews loudly wonder which Nexus member will he be facing?


Randy Orton defeated Eli Cottonwood: The answer to which member of The Nexus would face "The Apex Predator" was answered as the Psychotic Monster Eli Cottonwood made his way to the ring. Orton seemed un phased by this. Cottonwood used his massive size to his advantage early on. However, Cottonwood would make one rookie mistake and would pay for it as Orton nailed him with the RKO out of nowhere. But Orton had no time to celebrate as The Nexus rushed the ring to attack Orton. Orton would start off fighting however, nailing 3 quick RKO's on Heath Slater, Michael Tarver and Percy Watson but then the numbers game got to Orton. But then out from the back came some support in the form of Evan Bourne, The Hart Dynasty, R Truth, John Morrison, Goldust and Mark Henry. Despite this the Nexus still had an advantage. The crowd went wild as WWE Champion ran down and made a b-line for Wade Barrett. Nexus and WWE were in the midst of a full on brawl until from the back came Triple H with his sledgehammer. At the sight of this, The Nexus bailed through the crowd. Triple H and the WWE stand tall in the ring as "The Game" is officially back full time on Raw.


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Pro Wrestling Torch Breaking News:


Update on Michael Cole attack on RAW


For those who saw RAW, Michael Cole was visibly attacked by a fan during the broadcast but it was quickly cut away from during the live broadcast. We can now without a shadow of a doubt confirm to you that the attacker was in fact Bryan Danielson. From multiple fans who saw the attack, it went down like this: As Cole and Lawler did their on camera hype, Danielson, who had apparently been wearing a wig and fake beard the whole night snuck towards behind the announcers as some fans do during live shots. Danielson peeled the wig and beard off and pulled Cole by his collar towards the barricade and locked him in a rear naked choke. At this point guards and Lawler rushed to separate Danielson who let the hold go after about 30 seconds. By this point they were off air, Danielson then jumped the barricade and began to stomp and punch Cole as guards and agents then restrained him and escorted him to the back. A HUGE "DRAGON", "DANIELSON" and "DANIEL BRYAN" series of chants broke out as things got back in order. Danielson had a huge smile on his face as he was escorted to the back. Cole was very shaken up, loudly cursing to agents and producers. Cole had a busted lip and possibly a shiner from the attack and was walked to the back. For those watching, there were MANY Danielson related chants throughout the night. One fan at the arena claimed "By the end of the night Danielson was more over than Cena". With 2 consecutive attacks, is it possible that Bryan Danielson is back in the WWE or is Danielson this generation's Brian Pillman? Also much thanks to torch read Jason who sent in the amazing picture of the attack.




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SmackDown Preview


Less than 5 days removed from one of the biggest nights in recent WWE history, the fallout from SummerSlam will continue to be seen.


We have learned that following the events of SummerSlam that SmackDown GM Teddy Long will address the SmackDown roster concerning "major changes" concerning the future of the SmackDown brand. What changes can Long have in store for SmackDown?


One match that has been confirmed is an all star tag team main event with direct implications on this past week's SummerSlam as the high flying duo of Rey Mysterio and Kofi Kingston takes on the team of Dos Caras and World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger.


We will also see a seemingly rejuvenated CM Punk take on the always dangerous Christian. All this and much more this week on Friday Night Smackdown.


Confirmed Matches


Rey Mysterio and Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger and Dos Caras


CM Punk vs. Christian


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SmackDown Results


State Of SmackDown: SmackDown started with the entire SmackDown roster in the ring waiting on Teddy Long, Long came out to deliver the "State Of SmackDown" speech and in this speech he delivered a few huge announcements. The first being that starting in September, SmackDown would be moving to SyFy permanently. Long would then announce that as a result of the situation concerning the World Heavyweight Title, with the apparent severe mis-communication between referees, there will be an automatic rematch at Night Of Champions between Kofi Kingston and Jack Swagger, and to insure that theres a proper decision, the match will have not only 2 referees, but be contested under 2 out of 3 falls. Long then announces that as a result of their contract situation, that he can no longer ban The Nexus from SmackDown and they can compete there if they want to. This leads to The Nexus' music to hit and out comes Nexus members Skip Sheffield, Darren Young, Percy Watson, and Justin Gabriel who shoved Long out of the way. Sheffield claimed tonight was the first step for the Nexus to take over SmackDown as well as Raw and proceeded to make an open challenge to anyone from SmackDown for later on tonight. The roster looked up for the challenge as SD went to break.


Dolph Ziggler defeated Chavo Guerrero: Chavo Guerrero attempted to get a measure of revenge against Ziggler for what he did to Vickie Guerrero but the ever hot Ziggler made short work out of Chavo, putting him to sleep with the Sleeper Hold.


Dashing..: Video aired documenting grooming tips by "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, this week focusing on exfoliating.


The Great Muta defeated JTG: The ever mysterious Great Muta dominated JTG here, knocking him out with the Shining Wizard. As Muta celebrated he signaled he was going to nail JTG with the mist, out ran Kane and the 2 began to brawl. Kane then nailed Muta with a huge chokeslam, and signals for a second one. Then suddenly yet again the lights cut off and a red face outline began to laugh, the same voice that appeared at the end of SummerSlam. The voice again exclaimed "Kane.....It was you.....because of me....and soon enough you'll see why". As the lights cut back on, Kane was again on his knee in pain, clutching his head in pain. From out of nowhere, Muta nailed Kane in the back with a chair several times before referees pulled him off of the fallen Kane. Striker and Grisham wonder if that mysterious video has some kind of effect on Kane as both times the videos played Kane was doubled over in pain.


Back Where We Once Were...: Backstage CM Punk is standing by with the SES, Punk praises them for their victory at SummerSlam and their taking out of the Big Show. He claims now the SES and Punk have the leverage the once had and needed to again become to most powerful force in the WWE and on SmackDown and tonight Christian becomes the next target.


Drake Brewer: Canadian: A vignette aired hyping SmackDown's newest superstar Drake Brewer. It showed Brewer walking across the Canadian Olympic training facility. Brewer hyped the long legacy of Canadian Olympic athletes and then proceeded to claim the greatest athlete of them all was soon coming to the WWE because he's Drake Brewer...and he's Canadian.


Rosa Mendes defeated Michelle McCool: McCool dominated this contest over the inexperienced Mendes, along with help from Layla. McCool seemingly had the match won when Kelly Kelly made her way onto the stage, which distracted Michelle long enough to allow Mendes steal one with a roll up. LayCool were clearly not happy with the result of this one.


Relishing The Injury: Josh Matthews is backstage with Dos Caras and asks him on his SummerSlam bout with Rey Mysterio. Caras claims that SummerSlam was one of the best days of his life because not only did he achieve the biggest win of his career on one of the biggest stages of them all, but showed the people the real Rey Mysterio, the fake and dishonest Mysterio who attempted to break the biggest rule of lucha libre by attempting to unmask him. He claims he's now in Mysterio's head and can do with him as he pleases now and tonight, he'll yet again take Mysterio out.


Christian defeated CM Punk: An excellent back and forth affair between these 2 ever rising superstars, saw Punk seemingly have the match won with Christian set up for the GTS but Christian rolled out and nailed Punk with a quick Killswitch for the win. As Christian celebrated however, Mercury and Gallows attempted to hit the ring but Christian fought them off until Punk blindsided Christian with a hard muai thai kick to the head. He then raised Christian and nailed him with GTS. A very angry CM Punk stood over Christian promising this wont stand.


Rally Up: Backstage we see MVP along with Matt Hardy and Chris Masters. MVP proceeds to hype up Hardy and Masters up on their upcoming match against The Nexus. He claims Nexus is attempting to come into their house and invade and they're the first line of defense. he references that he and Hardy know some of the Nexus guys fro their times as pros on NXT and that may very well have an advantage on them as a result of that. He claims tonight they make sure the Nexus never comes back to SmackDown again.


Raw Rebound/Hype: Raw Rebound is shown, hyping the WWE Title situation. Striker and Grisham then announce that next week we will see a huge main event as Kane takes on The Great Muta in a street fight.


The Nexus (Justin Gabriel, Percy Watson and Darren Young) defeated MVP, Matt Hardy and Chris Masters: The SmackDown team had an early advantage on the Nexus, however this would all change as the legal man Chris Masters was distracted by David Ortunga and Skip Sheffield who made their way ringside. This allowed Darren Young to nail him with a full nelson facebuster followed by Justin Gabriel's earth shattering 450 Splash. Sheffield and Ortunga entered the ring and it was now a 5 on 3 attack on team SmackDown until...from the back came The Big Show who's sheer presence would clear the ring of the Nexus. Show looked determined and begged Nexus for a fight as they left through the crowd.


All American Champion: World Champ Jack Swagger was backstage with Josh Matthews who asked him about his thoughts on the situation on the World Title match at SummerSlam where it appeared he lost the title. Swagger got angry and proceed to claim he never lost and the camera men got it wrong. He claimed he's still the champion and there's a reason for that because he's one of the true greats in all of wrestling and not even a punk like Kofi Kingston could take that from him and laughed at the idea of a rematch. Suddenly Kofi comes into the shot, he goes face to face with Swagger and claims Swagger knows he beat him and if it wasn't for the referee problem he'd be champion right now. He knows it and the entire WWE Universe knows it and tonight he promises he'll make him know it yet again when he pins him. Swagger has a very angered look on his face as Kofi walks away.


Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio defeated Jack Swagger and Dos Caras: This contest saw things get very personal and very fast as both feuding members of the team instantly went after each other. The match would be very back and forth with both teams looking equally as dominant. Mysterio and Caras would begin to brawl and eventually take their brawl backstage, leaving the legal men Swagger and Kofi alone in the ring. Swagger nailed Kofi with a big boot and signaled for the ankle lock. He locked the ankle lock in but Kofi rolled out of it, sending Swagger into the ropes and into Trouble in Paradise for the huge win. SmackDown ended with an angry Swagger clutching his jaw as Kofi motioned the belt would soon be his as he backed up the ramp


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Pro Wrestling Torch Newsweek


-The biggest news this week is out of TNA as the company furthered The E angle as former WWE star Shane Helms made his debut with the company by attacking former partner Shannon Moore during a Moore/Jeff Hardy match. He then went on to attack Hardy before delivering a very anti-WWE promo and in shocking fashion claimed that Matt Hardy would soon be jumping to TNA. Reportedly Hardy is very much in the WWE's doghouse concerning the matter and is telling anyone who will listen he isn't jumping and the comments by Helms wan't done with his permission.


-WWE also made quite a few roster cuts, mainly on the SmackDown roster as Curt Hawkins, Vance Archer and Yoshi Tatsu were all released reportedly. We have been told Tatsu's release may be premature as it was quickly removed from the WWE website.


-Both Tyler Black and Samoa Joe will be reporting to FCW later on this week apparently. There is alot of talk that Joe may very well bypass FCW and go straight to the main roster.


-The Bryan Danielson mystery continues as ROH, which was apparently hinting at Danielson's return, has deleted the posts claiming "Come see "The Best In The World" in NYC on Sept 11". There are a growing number in the WWE wondering if this is reminiscent of the Matt Hardy situation in the WWE from several years ago.


-For those wondering, Drake Brewer is former AJPW star and current FCW star Joe Doering. Brewer's gimmick will apparently be that he's "Canada's Greatest Athlete". No word if he'll have an arm cast for the gimmick.


-ROH confirmed that head booker Adam Pearce has left the promotion and has been replaced by Delirious. Pearce has already announced he'll be going full time to the NWA.

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WWE Raw Preview


This week on Raw, the 3 men fighting for the WWE Title at Night Of Champions will be in action. Last week Raw GM Kevin Nash announced that WWE Champion John Cena, Randy Orton and Wade Barrett would compete in special "tune up matches". But Nash has outdone himself as he has put all 3 men in handicapped matches. We will see Cena take on 2 members of The Nexus, Orton will also take on 2 members of the Nexus and Barrett will take on the former WWE Tag Champions The Hart Dynasty. Will any of these 3 competitors make it through Raw?


After watching his most hated foe's return to Raw, Sheamus will try to make a statement he's the man to beat on Raw as he takes on the Russian monster Vladimir Kozlov. This will without a doubt be a hard hitting affair.


We will also see a special challenge 6 man tag team match as the US Champion Ted DiBase, along with his bodyguard Shad Gaspard teams with Zack Ryder to take on the unusual trio of Goldust, John Morrison and R-Truth.


All this and much more this week on Raw.


Confirmed Matches


John Cena vs. The Nexus


Randy Orton vs. The Nexus


Wade Barrett vs. The Hart Dynasty


Sheamus vs. Vladimir Kozlov


Ted DiBase, Shad Gaspard and Zack Ryder vs. Goldust, John Morrison and R-Truth

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John Cena vs. The Nexus


Randy Orton vs. The Nexus


Wade Barrett vs. The Hart Dynasty


Sheamus vs. Vladimir Kozlov


Ted DiBase, Shad Gaspard and Zack Ryder vs. Goldust, John Morrison and R-Truth


Not sure why the Nexus is in two matches but I will go with them for the win for both.

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John Cena vs. The Nexus


Randy Orton vs. The Nexus


Wade Barrett vs. The Hart Dynasty


Sheamus vs. Vladimir Kozlov


Ted DiBase, Shad Gaspard and Zack Ryder vs. Goldust, John Morrison and R-Truth


Not sure why the Nexus is in two matches but I will go with them for the win for both.


Reason for 2 Nexus matches is cause both are 1 on 2 matches...and Nexus currently has about 15 guys in the group, so I want to use as many as possible/as often

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WWE Raw Results (August 23, 2010)


Making A Statement: Raw starts off with The Nexus already in ring. Their spokesman Michael Cole addresses the events of the past few weeks and acknowledges the claims that The Nexus has "gone soft" and isn't what they used to be. Cole claimed this was false. He claimed the WWE had a conspiracy against them, referencing that Wade Barrett wasn't allowed an immediate rematch for the title, WWE having is's superstars around "at all times" to attack Nexus and even going so far as claiming WWE allowed several "attacks" to happen to both Barrett and himself. Cole claimed these were fine because despite what the WWE wants you to think, The Nexus is the most powerful group in it's history and tonight they would make a huge statement and that statement would begin right now.


The Hart Dynasty defeated Wade Barrett by DQ: This match barley even got started, as The Harts entered the ring and the bell rang, the entire Nexus swarmed the ring and dismantled the former WWE Tag Team Champions in brutal fashion. Barrett then grabbed the mic and claimed this was nearly a preview of what would happen to John Cena and Randy Orton later on in the night.


A Changed Man: Backstage Josh Matthews is with Chris Jericho. Matthews claims many within the WWE Universe do not believe that Jericho has seemingly changed his ways. Jericho laughs it off and claims he hasn't. He is still the man he was weeks, months and years ago. He claims since The Nexus has come into the WWE, he's realized that he needs to protect his sport for the future as he doesn’t want it to evaporate, especially if he has the ability and knowledge to keep it strong. He claims this is why he's helping Evan Bourne, because Bourne has the heart and desire Jericho had in that stage of his career and he's proven to Jericho he has what it takes in his matches against himself. He claims those wondering about him will have their questions answered later on tonight.


Ted DiBase, Shad Gaspard and Zack Ryder defeated Goldust, John Morrison and R-Truth: A fun contest which saw the villains take a heavy beating from the odd trio of Goldust, Morrison and R-Truth. However in a split second everything would change as R-Truth attempted the Truth Or Consequences on Ryder, Gaspard would come out of nowhere and blast him with a big boot, which allowed DiBase to sneak in and nail Truth with DreamStreet. After the match, Goldust blindsided DiBase and the 2 began to brawl until again Gaspard aided DiBase. Yet again out came Dusty Rhodes to even the odds. As DiBase and Gaspard bailed, Raw GM Kevin Nash got on the TitanTron and claimed that this had been going on a little too long and would be making a match for next week's huge 3 hour 900th edition of Raw. It would be Ted DiBase and Shad Gaspard vs. Goldust and Dusty Rhodes with the US Title on the line, and if DiBase and Gaspard got themselves counted out, not only would DiBase lose his belt but the 2 would be fired from Raw. DiBase and Gaspard were livid as Dusty and Goldust celebrated in the ring.


Never Scared: Backstage Josh Matthews is standing by with Divas Champion Alicia Fox, asking her if she was at all apprehensive about her match later on tonight against the returning Melina, where if Melina won she'd get a title match against Fox next week on the 900th Raw. Fox claimed she wasn't afraid of Melina, and in fact Melina should be afraid of her because she's defeated every Diva on Raw in dominating fashion and soon Melina will just be another statistic.


Melina defeated Alicia Fox: The ever arrogant Divas Champion definitely ran into a huge roadblock as the returning Melina used her amazing speed and agility to duck through Fox's Axe Kick and take her out with the Last Call. Melina had a big smile on her face as she'll compete for the Divas Title next week.


The Champ Is Still Here: John Cena is backstage with Josh Matthews. He goes off on The Nexus, talking about that their conspiracy theory is as true as The Loch Ness Monster, why the Lakers win every year and why Iron Mike Sharpe's arm was in a cast for 25 years. He claims The Nexus are weak because Cena took the one thing they had to be happy about, the WWE Title. Tonight the only impact the Nexus will make is the impact they hit the mat after a couple of Attitude Adjustments.


900 Hype: Hype for next week's 900th episode of Raw.


The Nexus (Joe Hennig and Windham Routunda) defeated John Cena: A huge upset took place as the WWE Tag Team champions defeated the WWE Champion in a hard hitting match, which saw Cena seemingly having the match won as he had Hennig locked in the STF and Routunda out on the outside of the ring. As Cena wrenched the STF in on Hennig, out walked The Nexus, seemingly to attack Cena. Cena released the hold and put up his dukes ready to fight, but as The Nexus was about to entered the ring, Routunda and Hennig turned Cena around and nailed him with the 2GS for the shocking upset. Now the Nexus entered the ring and waited for Cena to get up, ready to punce. But suddenly Randy Orton's music hit and out came "The Viper" with a steel chair. Orton ran into the ring and began nailing anything that moved with the chair, before the Nexus quickly exited the ring. Orton helped Cena up, before quickly pulling him in, referencing that just that fast he'd hit the RKO and become champion.


Triple Angry: Sheamus is backstage with Josh Matthews. Sheamus claims that he's disappointed in himself because the job he wanted to finish is left undone and that job is retiring Triple H. He claims the fans and Triple H believe that "The Game" has gotten to him but it's not true, and tonight he's going to prove that if anything he's going to get to Triple H, one way or another.


Sheamus defeated Vladimir Kozlov: This battle of European monsters would shock fans in how fast it would be. Kozlov got things moving early, seemingly having Sheamus on the ropes, but "The Celtic Warrior" only needed one shot to get the tide turning his way. Sheamus would blast Kozlov with the Brogue Kick before showing off his amazing power by ending the match by hitting the over 300 pounder Kozlov with the High Cross. As Sheamus celebrated, Kozlov's tag team partner Santino Marella came in to check on him. Sheamus then had a new target in sight, screaming at Marella what was funny before nailing Santino with another Brogue Kick and then delivering the Irish Curse and toping it off with a sick High Cross to the outside of the ring. After the match, Sheamus took the mic and aske if Triple H was watching, because this is the kind of warrior "The Game" had brought out. Suddenly, Triple H appeared on the Titan Tron and announced that's the kind of Sheamus he wanted, Sheamus at his best, cause he wanted Sheamus to know when he beat him, he was beating him at his very best. Sheamus then begged for HHH to come out. Triple H claimed be careful what you wish for..., suddenly Sheamus turned around and The Game was behind him and the 2 started brawling all over ringside, until referees and agents restrained the 2 men.


The Strike Is Over: Out comes The Miz, who again reiterated his awesomeness and again continued to call out The Rock. Miz again claimed he would stay on hiatus until The Rock would face him, the most powerful superstar in the WWE. Suddenly out comes Raw GM Kevin Nash. Nash claims he's a big fan of The Miz and claims he's one of the top wrestlers on Raw. And as a result of this he can't allow The Miz to be on hiatus anymore. First it was because of a "lack of competition" and now it's cause of The Rock. Nash claims it was allowed to go on because there was no GM but now he is. Nash formally announces to the Miz that he is officially back on the Raw active roster, and if Miz refuses going back to action, Nash will seize Miz's Money In The Bank briefcase. A furious Miz was forced to comply has he didn't want to lose his MITB briefcase. Nash claimed he was happy to have Miz back on the roster, because his return match was right now and his opponent was Mark Henry.


The Miz defeated Mark Henry: Miz showed no signs of ring rust despite Henry using his massive size and strength to his advantage early on in the match. However it would be Henry's size which would be his downfall as Miz quickly went to work on Henry's leg, taking it out enough to nail "The World's Strongest Man" with the Skull Krushing Finale for the win.


Here We Go Again: As Miz celebrated in the ring, the crowd went unglued as Miz was blindsided by the former Daniel Bryan, Bryan Danielson. Danielson, who again went through the crowd nailed Miz and floored him with a double ace handle to the back of the head and began nailing him on the floor with elbows and fists. Danielson quickly ran from Miz and headed over to Michael Cole and pie faced Cole, sending him onto the floor. As security rushed Danielson, Danielson grabbed a mic and shouted "Nexus...WWE...You Will NEVER Stop Bryan Danielson...see me in Dragon Gate USA and EVOLVE Wrestling..." Security and agents rushed Danielson and removed him from the arena as "DANIELSON" and "Let's Go Dragon" chants echoed throughout the arena.


Chris Jericho defeated Alex Riley: In a true battle of the veteran vs. the rookie, Jericho used his years of experience to completely overwhelm Riley, eventually getting the win over "The Varsity Villain" with the Codebreaker. However, upon the victory out ran other Season 2 members of Nexus to defend Riley. Out from the back came Evan Bourne to even the odds. Jericho and Bourne cleared the ring of Lucky Cannon, Percy Watson, Titus O'Neil and even the giant Eli Cottonwood. However it came down to Bourne and Kaval, and Kaval seemingly would not fight Bourne. Kaval nodded at Bourne and Jericho, who nodded back at Kaval, and Kaval exited the ring by himself. The other members of Nexus looked at Kaval in serious distrust as Kaval made his wat to the back. meanwhile in the ring, Jericho and Bourne shook and raised hands to the delight of the crowd.


900/SD Rebound: More hype for next week's huge 3 hour 900th episode of Raw. Lawler and Cole hyped stars from Raw and SmackDown and the WWE's past would be in attendance. They then went on to go to the SmackDown rebound, highlighting the feud between Kofi Kingston and Jack Swagger, along with the situation involving Kane and The Great Muta.


Walking with Purpose: We see Randy Orton walking backstage, his Main Event match is next.


Randy Orton defeated The Nexus (Skip Sheffield and David Ortunga): Nexus sent out their 2 biggest members to try and take Orton out, and for the most part they succeeded. The 2 monster of Nexus took turns smashing Orton, taking him out to allow Wade Barrett an easy walk to his WWE Title Rematch. However, all Orton needed was a second, and he got that second as he nailed Ortunga with the RKO for the big come from behind victory. Orton could barley recover as The Nexus swamped the ring. Suddenly from the back came The Hart Dynasty, Evan Bourne, Chris Jericho, John Morrison and R-Truth. As the brawl continued, John Cena's music hit and out ran the WWE Champ at full speed. A huge brawl took place, eventually ending with Cena and Orton fighting off Nexus in the ring before back walking into each other and getting ready to fight. Cena extended his hand to Orton, who accepted as they did earlier. And this time, Orton was pulled into Cena, who claimed it would take that much for him to beat him. Raw ended with Cena and Orton going face to face, before both turning to look at Barrett and Nexus who were in the crowd looking at the ring.

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SmackDown Preview


This week on SmackDown, the SmackDown roster is still reeling from Teddy Long's huge announcements and the fall out continues.


In the night's main event, we for a while have seen the very bad blood between Kane and The Great Muta begin to boil and flow over. And in recent weeks, a mysterious force has tormented Kane claiming it was him. Is this force related to Muta? Either way, we will see what will be without question a very wild bout as Kane takes on The Great Muta in a street fight.


Last week, Kofi Kingston would shock many by defeating the World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger in a tag team contest. Swagger has not taken this loss well and as a result of this has asked GM Teddy Long for a proper tune up match. Swagger will take on one of his former rivals in MVP.


Last week, we also saw the in ring debut on SmackDown of Nexus as they defeated team WWE. Nexus hadteam WWE dominated until The Big Show came out to even the odds. We have learned that The Nexus has made an open challenge to The Big Show. Will "The World's Largest Athlete" accept?


All this and much more this week on SmackDown.


Confirmed Matches


Street Fight: Kane vs. The Great Muta


Jack Swagger vs. MVP


The Nexus' Challenge To The Big Show

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