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WWE 2010: The NXT Great Revolution

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SmackDown Results


Pride: SmackDown begins with Rey Mysterio address the WWE Universe. He claims that he's getting tired of Dos Caras. He claims since he's come to the WWE, he's made his life a living hell and it's time for that hell to come to an end and proceeds to challenge Caras here tonight in San Diego, Mysterio's home town. Out comes a laughing Caras. Caras claims he won't fight Mysterio tonight, because Mysterio has a match. Caras goes on to explain that it isn't just him who hates Mysterio for his "crimes against Lucha Libre". He claims that throughout Mexico, men who toiled for years for their craft hate Mysterio because he became such a superstar when he didn't deserve it, while many great athletes got the cold shoulder. Caras claims over the past few weeks, he's gone all over Mexico to find men who feel the same way as he does. And tonight, Mysterio will be in action against a man who Mysterio knows very very well, a man who he used to team with in Mexico and WCW...a man more talented and more charismatic than Mysterio could ever dream to be, yet Mysterio stole his spotlight and he was never able to show the world his talents. And unlike Mysterio, someone who respects lucha libre. Caras then presents to the crowd, a true icon of lucha libre and the man who will teach Mysterio a lesson, LA PARKA! La Parka gets a really good reaction despite taking on the favorite Mysterio.


Rey Mysterio defeated La Parka: An excellent bout here as La Parka looked very good in his apparent WWE debut, using his size to take it to Mysterio early on in the match. Striker reiterated that the 2 had been foes and friends throughout their years in Mexico, ECW and WCW and how they both knew each other very well. Parka seemingly had the match won as he blocked a super hurricanrana with the sunsetflip Skull Bomb. However, Parka would taunt Mysterio a little too much before attempting his corkscrew moonsault finisher, which Mysterio would move out of the way of. Mysterio would then dropkick Parka into the ropes and nail the 619 and the follow up diving splash for the win. Mysterio would celebrate his win, until down ran Dos Caras to blindside Mysterio and lay him out. A very angry Caras then turned his attention to La Parka who he began to yell at for losing. Parka attempted to explain but then got nailed by Caras who nailed him with his double underhook dominator finisher. Caras then went to the outside of the ring and began to nail Parka with a chair. Caras then attempt to nail a one chair concerto but Mysterio quickly rose up and nailed a dropkick into the chair into Caras' face. Caras quickly bailed as he clutched his face screaming in spanish at Mysterio and La Parka. Mysterio helped La Parka up and the 2 seemingly put the past behind them and shook hands and hugged to roaring approval.


They're Here...: Backstage we go where we see The Nexus, the entire Nexus arriving.


Dolph Ziggler defeated JTG: The winning ways of Dolph Ziggler continued as he easily defeated JTG with The Zig Zag. Following the match, Ziggler claimed he was the hottest wrestler on SmackDown and would never lose the WWE IC Title. He then showed highlights of him beating numerous stars on SD (Hardy Christian, Mysterio, Kofi, etc). He then went on to announce at Night Of Champions, he was issuing an open challenge to anyone on any roster to take him on for the IC Title.


Drake Brewer: Crosby Who?: We go to the Great White North and into a hockey arena where several hockey players are practicing. Suddenly a player skates up and reveals himself as Drake Brewer. Brewer references hockey as Canada's national sport, and as a Canadian Brewer is...well versed in hockey. Brewer gets back on the ice and proceeds to exhibit some amazing stick work, hard hits on opposing players and proceeds to score several goals. Brewer then skates back up to the camera and claims that hockey for him is just a hobby...imagine what he can do in the ring.


Torment: Backstage we go where Kane is standing by in a darkly lit room. He claims for weeks and months he's been doing everything for his brother and finding out who put him into the vegetative state. And he fought he found him in Great Muta...but these videos and interruptions make him believe something greater beyond his control is behind it...and whenever they play a indescribable feeling of pain rushes through his body almost taking him over. Kane then claims tonight when he destroys the Great Muta....he will know once and for all...and vengeance will finally begin.


LayCool defeated Kelly Kelly and Rosa Mendes: Team LayCool looked dominant here, defeating Kelly and Mendes, after McCool nailed the Faith Breaker on Kelly. Following the match, the duo announced that they had a challenge for whoever would win the Divas Title match on this Monday's 900th episode of Raw.


Jailbird: Jack Swagger is standing by backstage with Josh Matthews, who asks Swagger his thoughts on Night Of Champions, along with his bout tonight against longtime rival MVP. Swagger claims he's getting screwed by Teddy Long because he beat Kofi Kingston and now he has to do it again. He calls last week's loss a fluke and announces he'll be taking all that aggression out on MVP. He then continues to reference MVP's jail time and claims tonight he'll do something the cops and law system should have done years ago, send this jailbird away...forever.


Jack Swagger defeated MVP: Another excellent contest between these 2 competitors. Very back and forth contest. MVP looked amazing here against the World Champion, and seemingly had the match won after a huge corner kick to the head. MVP tried a second but Swagger moved out of the way, sending MVP's leg into the ring post. Swagger then kicked MVP directly in his ankle. He then doublegged MVP to the mat and then locked him in the ankle lock. After a minute of struggling, MVP submitted. But Swagger wasn't done, he continued to lock it in. Suddenly from the back ran Kofi Kingston to aid MVP. Swagger saw it coming and floored Kofi with a big boot. Swagger then KO'd Kofi with the Gutwrench Powerbomb. Swagger then held the belt of Kofi's body, claiming that belt will be staying with him.


Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre defeated Joey Ryan and Scorpio Sky: An impressive showing for a impromptu team of Rhodes and McIntyre. The duo destroyed the local duo, ending the match with simultaneous Cross Rhodes and Future Shock. Following the match, Rhodes and McIntyre proclaimed that separately they were great...but together they would be the most dominant duo in WWE history. They then formally announced they had challenged the WWE Tag Team Champions and once they won those titles, they would both go for the singles titles on SmackDown and make it so the entire show went through Rhodes and McIntyre.


900 Hype: Hype for Monday's 3 hour 900th edition of Raw, featuring the stars of SmackDown and stars of WWE's past.


Straight Edge Announcement: CM Punk and the SES come out with Joey Mercury's arm in a sling. Punk proceeds to announce that Mercury has severely injured his shoulder and will be out for the near future. He then announced that Serena had been caught drinking yet again and was gone from the SES. Punk's face filled with a look of anger and disgust. Punk then looks over at Gallows and claims that tonight it's just him and the future of the SES banks on him tonight. Punk stares Gallows down and slaps him in the face. Punk screams to Gallows he and Mercury owe EVERYTHING to Punk. He claims Gallows and Mercury have been able to mess everything up consistently and if it wasn't for Punk, the SES wouldn't exist or be relevant. He claims tonight is Gallows' last chance so do it for himself...but more importantly do it for Punk and the cause.


Christian defeated Luke Gallows: Despite his best efforts, Luke Gallows was not able to defeat the man who defeated Punk last week in Christian. Gallows was able to take it to Christian throughout much of the match. Gallows seemingly had the match won by locking Christian up in the 12th Step but Christian snaked out of it. Gallows attempted a big boot but Christian rolled out and nailed Gallows with the Killswitch. Punk's face turned to a look of absolute anger. Punk ran into the ring and began to run down Gallows, who begged Punk for forgiveness and one more chance. Punk then nailed Gallows with a kick to the head and began to put the boots to him. Mercury ran in and begged Punk to stop. Punk answered by clotheslining Mercury and stomping on his injured arm. Punk then measured Gallows for the GTS until Christian ran back into the ring and attacked Punk. Punk quickly bailed as Christian checked on the now former Straight Edge Society members. Punk screamed the SES was over and they were nothing without him.


Interesting: As we come back from break, the following video plays concluding with the phrase "Soon". After it does Striker and Grisham seemed confused to why the video played out.


<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emKxRo1a3cs?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emKxRo1a3cs?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


Destruction: Out came The Nexus, led by Wade Barrett. Barrett claimed he was happy Nexus was allowed back on SD because Raw was getting boring, and they wanted to extend their dominance. He claimed that last week Nexus showed just a little bit of how dominant they can be on half strength. However one man attempted to steal their thunder and his name was The Big Show. Barrett then called out Big Show and see if he still wants to be a hero. Out comes the Big Show, but he has back up in the form of Matt Hardy, Chris Masters, Chavo Guerrero and The Dudebusters. They all storm the ring and a huge brawl takes place. Despite the size of Show, the Nexus would quickly get the advantage and with the aid of Skip Sheffield's steel chair, would taken Big Show down. Show would get knocked out by Sheffield's huge lariat and would then fall prey to the 450 Splash of Justin Gabriel. Barrett then took a mic, as the WWE wrestler laid out in the ring, and claimed no brand was now safe from The Nexus.


Rebound/Hype: Raw Rebound played followed by Striker and Grisham hyping Night of Champions and the 3 hour 900th episode of Raw on Monday.


Kane defeated The Great Muta in a Street Fight: The night's main event did not disappoint as these 2 went all over the ringside area. Muta attempted to blind Kane by again taking out his mysterious object to attempt to "stab" Kane in the eye, but Kane took the object and broke it over Muta's head. The bout continued to go back and forth until Muta nailed Kane with green mist and signaled for the Shining Wizard. But Kane ducked under it and nailed Muta with a huge chokeslam and then followed up with the Tombstone for the win. After the match, Kane got a mic and began to choke Muta and screamed for the source to reveal himself and attempted to get Muta to confess. As he was choked, Muta simply laughed as Kane wrenched in. Suddenly the lights cut off and a red light surrounded Kane, who instantly began to clutch his head and fall to his knee, with pain visible on his face. Suddenly the voice we've heard for weeks is audibly laughing....suddenly an red infrared face appeared on the tron, the man continued to laugh as he began to speak...."Kane....you've searched so hard for your answers. You have destroyed innocent men. And for what? Kane...Muta did not attack your brother...although he did help the man who did do it....You see Muta is an associate...a follower of mine and he came here to the WWE on my behalf to send you a message...and to send the Undertaker a message. That message is that I have arrived...and very soon Kane...I will make my presence seen and felt. Wait a second Kane...can't you concentrate? Does your head hurt? I see you there cowering like you're in pain....ha ha. Its because you are Kane. You see I am in your head Kane and you don't even know it.....don't believe me Kane? Do you want to know who attacked your brother? It was......YOU KANE. YOU ATTACKED THE UNDERTAKER.....because I MADE you attack him. Kane....I control you....I control Muta....and very soon, I will have control of the the thing I want the most....The Undertaker's soul.....and Kane...as the pain and the realization of your actions take over your body...remember this....I have come...and I will reveal myself to not only you but the world at Night Of Champions....until then Kane..." The figure laughs before mysteriously disappearing. As the lights go back on in the arena, Muta is gone and Kane seems to be out of the trance this man has put on him. A look of pain and confusion is on his face, as he cant believe that apparently HE was the one who attacked the Undertaker...




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Pro Wrestling Torch Newsweek


-One of the week's biggest stories was the rumor that "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson has been in fact rehired in the WWE. Many within the company believe Danielson's "shoot promo" following his attack on The Miz and Michael Cole on Raw is a sign he's back with the company. Our sources within the WWE compare it to the Matt Hardy situation in 2005, however unlike Hardy's memorable anti WWE promos in ROH, Danielson has rarely gone into his situation during any of his recent indy dates.


-However, arguably the week's biggest news saw the announcement that ROH star and former TNA star Nigel McGuiness signed with the WWE. McGuiness was rumored to have joined the WWE in September of last year, however he ended up in TNA where he wrestled as Desmond Wolfe up until 2 months ago when he asked for and was granted a release from the company. Nigel had recently returned to ROH and was feuding with Austin Aries.


-The WWE signing spree did not end there as they signed former TNA Tag Team Champion Nick Aldis, formally known as Brutus Magnus. Aldis was released from TNA in May after scarcely being used since the company dissolved The British Invasion. Aldis has recently been working an egotistical ladies man type character which has been getting rave reviews. We're told that WWE plans on hiring at least another 10-12 more roster members by year's end.


-Many were surprised to see La Parka make his debut on SmackDown this week. For those wondering it was in fact the original La Parka Adolfo Tapia who regained rights of the name in July after a mutual agreement with AAA. We have been told that many were pleased with Tapia's work and may very well be offered a full time roster position. La Parka will actually be working this weekend's WWE house shows in Texas as he'll be teaming with Rey Mysterio against Dos Caras and Chavo Guerrero.


-Some within the WWE are strongly reconsidering the merger of the 2 NXT season as they are very much disappointed in the work of several members of the group.


-There is talk that NXT may end up returning to the air following the end of The Nexus angle. There is talk the show may be revamped and return on WGN.


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WWE Raw 900 Preview


Tonight RAW reaches an all time milestone event, a special 3 hour celebration will be a 900th episode milestone making it the longest running weekly prime time episodic series in television history. The show will also feature WWE Superstars and Divas from RAW and SmackDown as well along with stars of WWE's past. Monday Night RAW is broadcast in more than 30 languages to more than 145 countries and seen by nearly half a billion homes worldwide weekly, including Japan, Canada, United Kingdom, Italy and Iraq. This week's 3 hour spectacular will see a pay per view quality show with a huge double main event.


Since their debut on Raw, The Nexus has been one of the most powerful and destructive forces in WWE history, taking out WWE stars fro both brands, legends and even the WWE Champion John Cena. It's leader Wade Barrett is the quickest wrestler to the win the WWE Title, winning it after only 2 offical matches in the WWE. But at SummerSlam, John Cena regained the WWE Title from Barrett and in this moment, the stranglehold of Nexus on the WWE somewhat lightened. On this enormous 900th episode of Raw, we will see one of Raw's biggest main events ever as we will see a huge 12 man elimination match. The Nexus will send in it's core group of Wade Barrett, Skip Sheffield, Justin Gabriel, David Otunga, Heath Slater and Alex Riley to take on an all star WWE team made up of WWE Champion John Cena, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Evan Bourne, Sheamus and Triple H. Despite the sheer all star team that the WWE team presents, it will without a doubt posses some problems as Triple H and Sheamus are still much hated rivals and John Cena and Randy Orton may very well be facing off at Night Of Champions for the WWE Title. What will happen in this huge contest?


We will also see the stars of SmackDown converge at Raw and we will see a huge second main event. Since winning the Money In The Bank title shot and then the World Heavyweight Championship, Jack Swagger has been one of the most dominant champions in recent WWE history. But recently he has faced stiff competition in Kofi Kingston. But tonight Swagger faces possibly even stiffer competition. Since making his shocking debut in the WWE at Money In The Bank by attacking Kane, Japanese wrestling icon The Great Muta has only suffered two loses in his WWE tenure. Muta is notoriously dangerous and was only recently revealed as one of the men who injured the Undertaker. What will happen when Swagger meets Muta with the World Championship on the line?


Since winning Money In The Bank, The Miz has taken his briefcase a bit too seriously. He sold his WWE US Title to Ted DiBase and then proceeded to go on "hiatus" until firstly he had suitable championship quality opponents...and then following his confrontation with The Rock at SummerSlam he claimed he would only step back into the ring against "The People's Champ". This was until Raw GM Kevin Nash ordered Miz back into action and if he didn't he would have his MITB Briefcase stripped from him. And in only his second week back on Raw, "Big Sexy" and SmackDown GM have signed a special interbrand battle as Miz will take on Kofi Kingston.


At Night Of Champions, we have learned that the WWE Tag Team Champions Nexus Members Joe Hennig and Windham Routunda will defend their titles in a 6 team gauntlet match with The Hart Dynasty already entered. We have learned that tonight we will see 3 qualifying matches as Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre take on the duo of Vladimir Kozlov and Santino Marella, John Morrison and R-Truth taking on Zack Ryder and Primo and finally The Usos taking on Matt Hardy and Christian. Which teams will join the champs and the Hart Dynasty in this gauntlet match?


For weeks, the feud between US Champion Ted DiBase and Goldust has been one of the most bitter feuds in recent memory. Goldust was mocked by DiBase, who called him a has been and a joke, but Goldust has consistently shown DiBase up and had him beat on numerous occasions. But DiBase has used his bodyguard Shad Gaspard to keep his titile. But Goldust evened the cause by bringing in his father WWE Hall Of Famer Dusty Rhodes to help him. And it may end tonight, as Raw GM Kevin Nash announced DiBase and Gaspard taking on Goldust and "The American Dream" and if The Rhodes' win, Goldust will become the US Champion.


2 weeks ago, WWE Divas Champion Alicia Fox proclaimed there was no Diva who could beat her. Her whole world may have been shattered with that statement as former champion Melina made her return to Raw to prove her wrong. Last week Melina defeated Fox to gain the right to challenge for the title tonight. Will Melina's comeback be complete or will Fox's claims be proven.


All this and much much more on a special 3 hour 900th edition of Raw.


Confirmed Matches


The Nexus (Wade Barrett, Skip Sheffield, David Otunga, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater and Alex Riley) vs. John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, Sheamus, Chris Jericho and Evan Bourne


World Heavyweight Title: © Jack Swagger vs. The Great Muta


The Miz vs. Kofi Kingston


WWE Tag Team Title Gauntlet Qualifying Match: Christian and Matt Hardy vs. The Usos



WWE Tag Team Title Gauntlet Qualifying Match: Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre vs. Vladimir Kozlov and Santino Marella



WWE Tag Team Title Gauntlet Qualifying Match: John Morrison and R-Truth vs. Zack Ryder and Primo


WWE Divas Title: © Alicia Fox vs. Melina


WWE United States Title (If Goldust/Rhodes wins, Goldust wins the US Title): © Ted DiBase and Shad Gaspard vs. Goldust and Dusty Rhodes


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The Nexus (Wade Barrett, Skip Sheffield, David Otunga, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater and Alex Riley) vs. John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, Sheamus, Chris Jericho and Evan Bourne


World Heavyweight Title: © Jack Swagger vs. The Great Muta


The Miz vs. Kofi Kingston


WWE Tag Team Title Gauntlet Qualifying Match: Christian and Matt Hardy vs. The Usos



WWE Tag Team Title Gauntlet Qualifying Match: Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre vs. Vladimir Kozlov and Santino Marella



WWE Tag Team Title Gauntlet Qualifying Match: John Morrison and R-Truth vs. Zack Ryder and Primo


WWE Divas Title: © Alicia Fox vs. Melina


WWE United States Title (If Goldust/Rhodes wins, Goldust wins the US Title): © Ted DiBase and Shad Gaspard vs. Goldust and Dusty Rhodes

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The Nexus (Wade Barrett, Skip Sheffield, David Otunga, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater and Alex Riley) vs. John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, Sheamus, Chris Jericho and Evan Bourne


World Heavyweight Title: © Jack Swagger vs. The Great Muta


The Miz vs. Kofi Kingston


WWE Tag Team Title Gauntlet Qualifying Match: Christian and Matt Hardy vs. The Usos



WWE Tag Team Title Gauntlet Qualifying Match: Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre vs. Vladimir Kozlov and Santino Marella



WWE Tag Team Title Gauntlet Qualifying Match: John Morrison and R-Truth vs. Zack Ryder and Primo


WWE Divas Title: © Alicia Fox vs. Melina


WWE United States Title (If Goldust/Rhodes wins, Goldust wins the US Title): © Ted DiBase and Shad Gaspard vs. Goldust and Dusty Rhodes

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WWE Raw 900 Results


An Impact: Following a long video documenting Raw's 900 episodes, out comes The Nexus. Wade Barrett grabs a mic and proclaims tonight is susposed to be about Raw's great past. Barrett runs down all the great stars who were once on Raw. Barrett claims they all pale in comparison to The Nexus. Barrett goes on to promise that tonight, we will see that tonight will be about the future, which is The Nexus. And he then goes on to promise The Nexus will make an impact, that will go down as one of the all time Raw moments.


Episode One: A video quickly documenting the first ever edition of Raw is shown.


WWE Tag Team Title Gauntlet Qualifying Match: John Morrison and R-Truth defeated Zack Ryder and Primo: A rather quickly drawn out squash match here saw Morrison and Truth dominate the quickly put together team of Ryder and Primo. Morrison won the contest for his team after nailing Primo with Starship Pain.


Shatner!!: Video quickly showing William Shatner's apperance on Raw with Bret Hart, where he ended up punching out Jerry Lawler. Cole and Lawler briefly spoke of the incident.


Gail Kim and Eve defeated Jillian and Mayrse: Pretty quick Divas contest here saw Eve and Gail use their superior team skills to beat Jillian and Maryse. Eve would get the win after nailing Jillian with a huge kick to the head.


Plotting: The Nexus are backstage, speaking of their huge main event match tonight and pondering just how they would make their impact. Barrett then smiled and claimed he knew how.


Trump Card: Video recap of Donald Trump's buying and selling of Raw and a look back of some of Raw's past guest hosts.


WWE Tag Team Title Gauntlet Qualifying Match: Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre defeated Vladimir Kozlov and Santino Marella: A surprisingly good contest here with Kozlov and Santino showing off their ever improving teamwork. However, it would take the cuthroat tactics of Rhodes and McIntyre to prevail. Kozlov would get thrown out of the ring by Rhodes, and he and McIntyre would nail Santino with a huge double decker Future Shock for the win.


American Knowhow...Tested: Jack Swagger is backstage with Josh Matthews. Swagger claims he's glad to be back on Raw so he can show everyone there what a mistake they made in their handleing of him and how he's since gone on to become a World Champion. He then goes on to claim he's not afraid of the Great Muta, saying he may be a legend in Japan, but in America he's nothing. Suddenly, Muta walks into the shot and stares Swagger down. Swagger backs away nervously as Muta stares at him and Matthews in an incredibly creepy way, as he is clearly drooling the mist.


This Is Your Life Rock: Video showed of the legendary This Is Your Life Rock, segment. This quickly caused our next match to begin.


The Miz defeated Kofi Kingston: The mear mention of the Rock cause The Miz to appear. Miz again ran down the Rock, calling him a coward and claimed he was jelous of Miz and all of his accomplishments not only in WWE but in mass media. He then went off on Kevin Nash for threatening to take his MITB shot away, calling it unfair and then claiming this was a mistake for Nash because Miz is now going to run through the entire roster. Out came Kofi to shut the Miz up. An excelent back and forth contest saw tons of near falls. Kofi seemingly had the match won as he went for Trouble in Paradise but Miz ducked under and nailed the Skull Krushing Finale out of nowhere for the win. Cole and Lawler hyped this huge win for Miz, defeating SD's number one contender. Miz again hyped the fact he has MITB as he held it over his head.


Proving Them Wrong: Backstage we go where Goldust and Dusty Rhodes are standing by with Josh Matthews. Dusty takes control and cuts a classic Dusty promo before turning over tio Goldust. Goldust claims for years people saw him as a joke and someone who didn't have it anymore. He claims tonight he'll prove all his doubters, with DiBase being his biggest, wrong.


WWE United States Title (If Goldust/Rhodes wins, Goldust wins the US Title): Goldust and Dusty Rhodes defeated © Ted DiBase and Shad Gaspard : Following an excelent hype video for the DiBase/Goldust feud, action got hot and heavy as the match started off with an excelent brawl. But very quickly, Gaspard and DiBase took turns taking apart the older Dusty, but the Hall of Famer would not give up. DiBase locked Dusty in the Million Dollar Dream, but Dusty backed into the corner tagging in Goldust who came in like a house of fire. The match ended with DiBase making a quick comeback and seemingly setting up for Dream Street but Goldust wiggled his way out of it and nailed DiBase with the Curtain Call for the huge win. The crowd exploded as an angry DiBase and Shad left the ring as a clearly emotional Goldust and Dusty celebrated Goldust's huge title win.


Return Of The Game: Video was shown of Triple H's epic return at MSG.


Enemies Tonight...Enemies Tommorow: Triple H is backstage and is asked his thoughts on teaming with Sheamus later tonight in the huge main event elimination match against Nexus. Triple H claimed it would be no big deal because if Sheamus knows whats good for him he'll stay away and wrestle the match to win it, rather than try and be a hot shot. Suddenly, Triple H is attacked from behind by Sheamus and the 2 begin to brawl. Within seconds, referees and agents peeled the 2 apart.


Kaval defeated Tyson Kidd: An excelent technical battle between one of the Nexus' best and one of the WWE's best young stars. Kaval would take the win here after knocking Kidd off the top rope as he attempted a moonsault press. Kaval then quickly climbed up and nailed the Warrior's Way. Following the match, Kaval offered Kidd his hand as a sign of respect. Kidd reluctantly shook it, but suddenly from the back rand Nexus members Joe Hennig, Windham Routunda, Eli Cottonwood, Lucky Cannon, Michael Tarver, Darren Young, Percy Watson and Titus O'Neil who promptly jumped Kidd. Kaval shouted at them to stop but then from the back came a WWE contingent of Big Show, David Hart Smith, Mark Henry, John Morrison, R-Truth, Christian and Matt Hardy who quickly cleared the ring of Nexus. Kaval backed away with Nexus, shaking his head in disaproval apparently of his Nexus comates.


Unthinkable: Video was shown of the seemingly unthinkable confrontation of Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels from earlier this year.


Legends Gathering Spoiled?: Back from break, a huge in ring gather of various WWE Legends and Hall Of Famers including Harley Race, Arn Anderson, Ricky Steamboat, Dusty Rhodes and was capped off by Bret Hart. Bret spoke of the days of the past and how much Raw meant to them and the WWE and thanked the fans for everything. Until out from the back came Dos Caras. Caras proceded to call all of the legends frauds and claimed they were nowhere near the legends of his family nor the legends of lucha libre. He called them all jokes like Rey Mysterio. Suddenly from rhe crowd rand in Rey Mysterio who cut Caras off and the 2 began to brawl, Mysterio nailed Caras with the 619, which went into almost all of the legends taking turns nailing Caras, finally ending with Bret locking Caras in the Sharpshooter.


WWE Divas Title: Melina defeated © Alicia Fox: A fairly good contest here saw Fox attempt to do anything to keep her title, but Melina's far superior skills gave her the edge. Melina nailed the Matrix to counter a Fox sidekick. Alicia however briefly came back and had Melina set up for the Axe Kick but Melina quickly got out of the way and nailed Fox with the Sunset Split to regain her title. Melina raised her title over her head in celebration. However out of nowhere ran down Team LayCool who blindsided the new Divas Champion, leaving her out in the middle of the ring. Lawler and Cole were shocked and could not explain this.


DX: A long video showing DX's many Raw moments.


Stranglehold: Back to Cole and Lawler who hype up Night of Champions which is 1 week away until suddenly they go quiet and demand no trouble as Bryan Danielson walks over to their position from the crowd. Danielson has an evil smirk on his face as he shouts at Cole "Not so tough now". Danielson visably gets in Cole's face screaming at him as Cole timidly claims he's sorry and doesn't want any problems. Danielson then slaps Cole's headset off. Lawler attempts to intervine but Danielson screams at him to sit back down. Danielson then grabs Cole by his tie and begins to laugh, before pulling him into a front guillitine choke. Agents and security now swarm Danielson, who releases the hold after around 15 seconds. Danielson is smiling as Raw cuts to break.


World Heavyweight Title: © Jack Swagger and The Great Muta battled to a no contest: An surprisingly good battle here saw Swagger and Muta trade blows for much of the match, with neither main seemingly gaining the edge. Muta however tripped Swagger up and locked him in the Muta Lock and began a run of offense which was seemingly ready to set up for the Shinning Wizard. However the fires of hell opened up and out came Kane. Kane immedietly went for Muta and chokeslammed him. Swagger then yelled at Kane, who got a chokeslam for his trouble. As Kane attempt to unleash the fires again, nothing happened. Kane looked around puzzeled. Suddenly the lights went out and the infrared face appeeared on the tron as Kane fell to his knee...the face began to speak "Kane....haven't you learned...this isn't about Muta....this is about you and me....and rememember I control you now...thats why you're suffering right now...thats why your fire powers don't work...it's me Kane...and at Night Of Champions you'll know who I am....remember that Kane". As the lights went back on, Kane, on his knee walked right into a Shinning Wizard by Muta. Muta then misted Kane's prone body.


Straight Edge Stunner: Out comes CM Punk by himself. Punk does not reference the now former SES. Punk now claims he's better than all of the Raw greats like Austin, Rock and Foley. Punk then goes on to claim Raw is a immoral show and goes over a list of immoral Raw moments, which are all Steve Austin moments. Punk finishes the list by showing a great moment, when he won the World Heavyweight Title. Punk then claims he's now refocused and we will be seeing this image again real soon,rather than seeing Austin come back. Suddenly the glass breaks and the music hits, but no Austin. Punk begins to laugh as he mocks the audience and claims if they were Straight Edge they would be realists and realize Austin would never come out to face a superior...the glass breaks again and out comes Austin. The crowd loses it as Austin goes face to face with Punk. Punk seems nervous as Austin takes the mic and begins to make fun of Punk. Punk backs away and claims he wants no trouble and goes to appologize. Austin turns around and Punk attempts to attack him but Austin quickly turns around and nails Punk with a Stunner. Austin then starts a one man beer bash, ending with him doucing Punk with beers.


CeNation meets The Viper: John Cena promo claiming tonight the only impact the Nexus will be making is them hitting the mat, just like what will happen at Night Of The Champions. Suddenly Randy Orton walks into the shot. Orton claims tonight he and Cena will be one against The Nexus, but the results of Night Of Champions will end with the return to the Age Of Orton.


WWE Tag Team Title Gauntlet Qualifying Match: The Usos defeated Christian and Matt Hardy : Massive upset here as The Usos win a very tough and hard fought battle as they are able to hit a huge double splash on Matt Hardy. The crowd are shocked as The Usos celebrate over these 2 multiple time champions.


Hype: Hype for Night Of Champions



The Nexus (Wade Barrett, Skip Sheffield, David Otunga, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater and Alex Riley) defeated John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, Sheamus, Chris Jericho and Evan Bourne: The Nexus would make that impact they wanted in this contest. Off the bat, as Sheamus and Otunga were the legal man right off the bat, Sheamus nailed Triple H with the Brogue Kick and those 2 began to brawl to the backstage area, thusly sending both men out of the match. Bourne was in next and was also out next as he fell victim to Skip Sheffield's Lariat. Chris Jericho came running in next to help out Bourne. Jericho was out next as he attempted the Codebreaker on Alex Riley, who held onto the ropes, sending Jericho onto the floor. Riley then blind tagged Heath Slater, who nailed Jericho with Sweetness. It was now Cena and Orton against all 6 members of Nexus. Orton would strike first for Team WWE as he eliminated Riley with the RKO. But Orton would then get decimated by Nexus, eventually falling to Barrett's WasteLand finisher. It was Cena against 5...and Super Cena would not be able to pull through. Cena was able to eliminate Slater with the Attitude Adjustment, but Nexus would capitalize with their size advantage, finally taking Cena out with a WasteLand, Lariat, Verdict and finally ending with Gabriel pinning Cena with a 450 Splash. The crowd was hushed as The Nexus made their impact, dominating Team WWE and pinning the WWE Champion. Nexus celebrated in the ring as Raw came to a close.




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  • 1 month later...

Hey all, I hate to do this but I'm putting this dynasty to bed. In the last few months, my job has gotten the best of me and I'm currently in the process of starting an MMA/Pro Wrestling site and honestly stuff like this has fallen by the wayside and I literally don't have alot of time to both play and write out results.


If you guys are interested, I did book the game up until June 2011...if you want I can post all the main happenings until then (Think of the lost month results from earlier).


Thanks again all for the support...I know Im one of the true dynasty flakes but this is one I think went down as my best.

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Hey all, I hate to do this but I'm putting this dynasty to bed. In the last few months, my job has gotten the best of me and I'm currently in the process of starting an MMA/Pro Wrestling site and honestly stuff like this has fallen by the wayside and I literally don't have alot of time to both play and write out results.


If you guys are interested, I did book the game up until June 2011...if you want I can post all the main happenings until then (Think of the lost month results from earlier).


Thanks again all for the support...I know Im one of the true dynasty flakes but this is one I think went down as my best.


Yeah I'd love to know where you were going.

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WWE Night Of Champions Results


Wade Barrett defeated Randy Orton: The night's opener saw the leader of The Nexus literally steal one from The Viper as Orton seemingly had the match won after nailing Barrett with the RKO, but immediately several Nexus members attempted to rush the ring, forcing Orton to fight them off, but as he seemingly cleared the ring apron of Nexus members, Barrett rose up and nailed Orton with The Wasteland for the win. Barrett celebrated as he would get his rematch against Cena. But Orton would get a measure of revenge as he would nail Barrett with another RKO, promising he would soon enough get his revenge and his title back.


WWE Intercontinental Title: © Dolph Ziggler defeated Jesse Ray Gordy: Ziggler's open challenge was answered by Michael PS Hayes, who announced he had done something he should have done a long time ago, look after his family. He then introduced the next generation of the Freebirds, his godson Jesse Ray Gordy. Jesse made the most of his return, nearly winning the IC Title. Jesse attempted a Cannonball Senton, but Ziggler quickly shot out of the way and nailed the Zig Zag for the win.


Triple H/Sheamus Brawl: A backstage interview with Triple H quickly turned into a brawl when Shamus attacked "The Game". The 2 men began to brawl all across the arena and eventually into the ring, where referees and agents pulled both men apart. This led to Raw GM Kevin Nash to come out and claim he was tired of this and announced Triple H and Sheamus will face off in 2 weeks time and it will be Hell In A Cell.


WWE United States Championship: The Miz defeated © Goldust, Ted DiBase and Evan Bourne: "The Awesome One" regained the title he never lost as he pinned the high flying Evan Bourne after nailing the Skull Krushing Finale following Bourne nailing Ted DiBase with Air Bourne.


WWE Divas Title Unification Luberjill Match: Michelle McCool defeated Melina: For those doubting the LayCool alliance, the duo swerved the WWE Universe as they faked out a confrontation to distract Melina, allowing McCool to nail the FaithBreaker for the win.


World Heavyweight Title 2/3 Falls Match: Kofi Kingston defeated © Jack Swagger: It finally all came together for Kofi Kingston as he won his first World Title. Swagger would nearly knock Kingston out cold with the Gutwrench Powerbomb to gain the first fall. Swagger continued to dominate and locked Kofi in the ankle lock but Kofi swung his way out of it and nailed a variation of Trouble In Paradise to gain fall number 2. Swagger and Kingston went at it tooth and nail for the third fall. Swagger got the upper hand with a huge uranage and signaled for another Gutwrench Powerbomb but Kofi slipped out of it and nailed Swagger with Trouble In Paradise for the win. Swagger's face look as if he had seen a ghost as Kofi's eyes filled with tears as he celebrated his huge title win.


WWE World Tag Team Title Gauntlet Match: © Joe Hennig and Windham Routunda defeated The Hart Dynasty, John Morrison & R-Truth, The Usos, Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre and Mark Henry and MVP: The Nexus' Tag duo continued their dominance as they retained their titles in this 6 team gauntlet match, getting the final pin against the team they won the titles from, The Hart Dynasty.


"He" is Revealed: Out came Kane who called out the man who had been tormenting him for the last several weeks to reveal himself. The video began to play again but Kane did not fall to his knees. From the back came the Great Muta and he and Kane began to square off. Suddenly the lights went out and 2 men, were in the ring both with chairs. They proceeded to bash Kane about his head and back with the chair. The 2 unnamed men and Muta held up Kane. The video and laughter began to play. The infrared image began to cut away and go staticy. Suddenly the Undertaker's music hit and from the back walked....PAUL BEARER. Bearer entered the ring and announced that HE was the man behind it all. Bearer claimed it was he who opened the Undertaker's eyes to the Dark Side and made him what he was. And then Taker burred him in cement, sending Bearer back to the Dark Side. And from there he was determined to get his revenge on The Undertaker by ending him. He claimed he had power over his son Kane and he knew he and Taker's relationship had gotten strong over the last few years and Taker would never suspect his brother ever again. And because of this Bearer used his power over Kane to make Kane attack his brother without him ever knowing it by using his power to put Kane in a trance, like the one he would go under during the airing of the videos. Bearer claimed during his time away he had formed an Army Of Evil to help him take the Undertaker out. Muta was his general and the 2 men...monsters from Mexico in Mesias and Cibernetico, Los Hell Brothers were the lieutenants of this army...and now Kane was the next piece of the puzzle. Bearer claimed now his Army Of Evil would soon not only wipe clear the memory of The Undertaker from the WWE but soon wipe away any resemblance of anything the WWE had ever seen before. Muta and Bearer led Los Hell Brothers as they dragged Kane backstage.


WWE Championship: © John Cena defeated Wade Barrett: The most heated rivalry in recent memory boiled over potentially one last time as Cena and Barrett put on without a doubt one of the hardest hitting battles in recent memory. Cena had Barrett up for the Attitude Adjustment but accidentally hit the ref. Barrett got his way out of it and nailed Cena with a huge kick to the face. Barrett called out the Nexus but to no avail, as backstage we see Randy Orton leading the WWE troops in an all out brawl with The Nexus, with Orton nailing 5 RKO's. Barrett raised up Cena and nailed the Wasteland as the referee began to get his bearings. Barrett went for the cover, but the crowd became unglued as from the crowd ran in Bryan Danielson. Danielson smashed Barrett in the head with a chair before quickly rolling out of the ring. Nexus Spokesman Michael Cole began to yell at Danielson, who then nailed Cole in the head with the chair. Danielson then raised up the referee, allowing Cena to raise up Barrett and nail the Attitude Adjustment. Cena celebrated his victory as Danielson walked through the crowd. The PPV closed with Cena celebrating with his title with Lawler claiming Cena may still be champion but at what cost.


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Hell In A Cell Buildup


-The next night on Raw would be a very historic edition of Raw, as it started with Wade Barrett and Nexus in the ring, where Barrett "broke the rules" and acknowledged Bryan Danielson's attack on him last night, claimed Danielson was simply an internet darling who couldn't make it in the WWE and is now attempting to make some money on the junior circuit by running in and attacking him and the Nexus. He then proceeded to call out Danielson. But suddenly out came Danielson, complete with "The Final Countdown". Danielson claimed from day one when Barrett approached him about the Nexus, he knew it was a sham and that's why he didn't play along with them. He knew they didn't have his back because they all knew Danielson was the most dangerous out of them all. And when the WWE fired him, nobody from Nexus called him or checked on him. He knew The Nexus used him and his reputation to get their way in the WWE. And over the past few months, Danielson went back to the indies and trained with the best all around the world to make himself even better. Danielson then informed Barrett incase he didn't know, he had a theme song and an entrance video..Danielson confirmed that despite the call of the WWE higher ups, he was back in the WWE thanks to one man, who would be revealed soon. Danielson then claimed he had a goal now in the WWE, and part one of that goal was to eliminate the Nexus one by one until the group was destroyed. He claimed in theory they had the numbers on him, but as far as he saw, it was the best wrestler in the world against 14 sports entertainers, and one wrestler who he considers one of his best friends (Kaval)...but then again who said it would just be Danielson fighting by himself. Danielson announced that starting tonight, the end of The Nexus was beginning, and then proceeded to claim it had already begun as Michael Cole was on the shelf after Danielson's attack the night prior. Barrett challenged Danielson tonight to have any member of Nexus he wanted to take him on later on. Danielson chose Lucky Cannon, claiming he would start at the bottom and work his way to Barrett. Danielson would destroy Cannon in their contest, forcing Cannon to submit to the Cattle Mutilation, before transitioning submissions and locking in a Kimura, and seemingly breaking Cannon's on. As Cannon screamed in the ring, Danielson took a mic and claimed "Now it's 14-1". The next week, Nexus responded to Danielson by attacking and throwing out Kaval from Nexus, putting him out of action. Danielson claimed this wouldn't stand and tonight he would continue to even the odds. Danielson would take on Percy Watson and would dominated Watson, forcing him to submit from the Rutten Heelhook, which he preceded to continue to hold in, seemingly injuring Watson's ankle. The Nexus rushed the ring as Danielson bailed, who with a huge smile on his face proclaimed "12-2". Barrett took a mic proceeded to announce that at Hell in A Cell, Danielson would not be facing Wade Barrett, but would in fact be taking not 1, not 2 but 3 members of Nexus in a handicapped match. Danielson smiled as he accepted the challenge.


-The WWE Title situation was promptly decided the next night on Raw as Raw GM Kevin Nash announced that Randy Orton would take on John Cena in Hell In A Cell for the WWE Title. Fans were split on who to cheer for, as in the 2 weeks leading up to HIAC, the 2 men would be fighting together against The Nexus and both weeks ending with each man hitting their finisher on the other, signaling how much the WWE Title plays into their thought process.


-As it was announced that the seemingly endless feud between Triple H and Sheamus would seemingly end at Hell In A Cell, Triple H touted his 8 times in Hell In A Cell and how he knows the in's and outs of the cage and how Sheamus has only been in one cage match in his career. "The Game" seemingly had a mental one up on Sheamus, but Sheamus would definitely get an upper hand, as Sheamus would attack Triple H during his match against The Miz, ending with Sheamus nailing the High Cross through the announcer's table on HHH days before HIAC. Sheamus looked unstoppable as "The King Of Kings" was seemingly injured.


-The new US Champion and Mr. MITB The Miz gained a very familiar challenger in the form of his former partner John Morrison, who would win a 10 man battle royal to become the new number one contender. Miz claimed Morrison was no competition for him as he carried him, he was the Janetty while Miz was the Michaels and he claimed at HIAC, he would prove Morrison didn't have the killer instinct and the "it" that Miz had.


-It was announced that the team of Chris Jericho and Evan Bourne would challenge for the WWE World Tag Team Titles at HIAC, but this was soon shattered as Jericho and Bourne were savagely attacked by the team of Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre, who claimed they deserved the shot. The attack ended with McIntyre landing a vicious Future Shock on Jericho on the concrete floor, sending Jericho on the shelf for an undetermined amount of time. With Jericho out and Burne without a partner, Rhodes and McIntyre would gain the title shot against the Nexus' 2nd generation duo of Hennig and Routunda.


-On the SmackDown side of things, now former champion Jack Swagger immediately cashed in his rematch clause on the first edition of SmackDown on SyFy but would be heartbroken, as Kofi would regain the title. However it would not end on a good note for the new champion as a 20 man battle royal was held to determine who would take on Kofi in HIAC and it would be won by the man now under the control of Paul Bearer, Kane. The next week, Kane would make a huge statement by chokeslamming Kofi onto the steel floor of the SmackDown stage after Kofi's victory over The Great Muta. Kane's face had a look of both disappointment in doing the act, but a tranced look of happiness. Kofi was not at 100% as Bearer and his Army Of Evil seemed poised to take control of SmackDown.


-The hot feud between Dos Caras and Rey Mysterio continued to boil over as Caras would strike against Mysterio, clipping Mysterio and locking him in a leglock. Mysterio demanded a match against Caras at HIAC, which Caras agreed to only if it was a submissions match. A reluctant Mysterio agreed only to get his hands on his hated foe.


-The seemingly unstoppable Dolph Ziggler may have found someone who could give him trouble in the form of The Big Show. The World's Largest Athlete would defeat Ziggler on 2 seperate occasions and claiming the third time would be a charm and at HIAC he would become IC Champion.


-Finally, the now Unified Divas Title had a seemingly impenetrable home in the LayCool camp, but when an all divas battle royal on SmackDown pegged Natalya as the number one contender, LayCool was not as psyched as the much more poised and bigger Natalya would have no problem in dispatching the champions.




WWE Hell In A Cell Preview


Hell In A Cell Match for WWE Championship: © John Cena vs. Randy Orton


Hell In A Cell Match for World Heavyweight Championship: © Kofi Kingston vs. Kane


Hell In A Cell Match: Triple H vs. Sheamus


Bryan Danielson vs. 3 Member Of The Nexus


WWE United States Title: © The Miz vs. John Morrison


Submission Match: Dos Caras vs. Rey Mysterio


WWE Intercontinental Title: © Dolph Ziggler vs. The Big Show


WWE World Tag Team Titles: © The Nexus (Joe Hennig and Windham Routunda) vs. Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre


WWE Unified Divas Title: © Michelle McCool vs. Natalya

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Hell In A Cell Match for WWE Championship: © John Cena vs. Randy Orton


Hell In A Cell Match for World Heavyweight Championship: © Kofi Kingston vs. Kane


Hell In A Cell Match: Triple H vs. Sheamus


Bryan Danielson vs. 3 Member Of The Nexus


WWE United States Title: © The Miz vs. John Morrison


Submission Match: Dos Caras vs. Rey Mysterio


WWE Intercontinental Title: © Dolph Ziggler vs. The Big Show


WWE World Tag Team Titles: © The Nexus (Joe Hennig and Windham Routunda) vs. Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre


WWE Unified Divas Title: © Michelle McCool vs. Natalya

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Hell In A Cell Results


WWE United States Title: John Morrison defeated © The Miz: The Miz's talk that Morrison was the Marty Janetty of their team quickly fizzled as Morrison defeated his former partner after blocking the Skull Krushing Finale and rolling Miz up. Miz promised retribution and claimed he would get that retribution sooner rather than later.


WWE Intercontinental Title: © Dolph Ziggler defeated The Big Show: The ever hot Dolph Ziggler somehow continued his winning ways against the World's Largest Athlete. Show dominated Ziggler for much of the match, but Show would be shockingly blindsided by a returning Ezekiel Jackson with a chair, which allowed Ziggler to put Show to sleep with the Sleeper.


Hell In A Cell: Sheamus defeated Triple H: In what would one of the hardest hitting Hell In A Cell matches ever, "The Celtic Warrior" Sheamus shocked the world as he defeated Triple H to win their feud. Sheamus had an early advantage working over the injured back of "The Game", but soon enough HHH would use his expertise in HIAC and his trusty sledgehammer to seemingly take Sheamus out, even nailing him with the Pedigree. But the ever resilient Irishman would not rest and would knock "The Game" out after slipping out of s second Pedigree attempt and nailing him with a piercing Brogue Kick. Following the match the 2 men went eye to eye, and to the shock of the fans Triple H extended his hand in a sign of respect. What was even more shocking was that Sheamus accepted it before walking out of the ring.


Submission Match: Dos Caras defeated Rey Mysterio: In recent weeks, Caras had seemingly been outfoxed by Mysterio, who had turned the "mercenaries" Caras sent to take Mysterio out, on Caras. But Caras got his revenge in this very good back and forth battle. Mysterio would attempt a 619 on Caras, but Caras would block it with a chair shot to Mysterio's injured left knee. From there on, the ever crafty Caras picked apart Mysterio's knee, eventually ending the match by locking Mysterio in a half crab variation. But Caras wasn't done, he then took a chair to Mysterio's leg several times before wrapping Mysterio's ankle and knee in the chair and stomping on it. A big smile was visible on his face as an anguished Mysterio was taken to the back in a stretcher.


Bryan Danielson defeated Titus O'Neil, Eli Cottonwood, David Ortunga and Skip Sheffield: The American Dragon’s PPV debut would send shockwaves across the wrestling world. Before the match could even begin, Nexus leader Wade Barrett announced he was changing the match to 4 on 1 and was sending the biggest members of Nexus to rip Danielson apart just so enough that he (Barrett) can finish Danielson and send him back to the bingo halls. After his entrance Danielson announced he was informed of the match change by Raw GM Kevin Nash and as a result requested a partner to make things fair. Danielson claimed he had a partner that definitely had his back, someone very close to him for many years and a man who he considers to be one of if not the best wrestler on the planet. Barrett interrupted, claiming it couldn't be Kaval because Nexus took him out. Danielson smiled and said it wasn't Kaval. Suddenly some unfamilar music hit and the crowd lost it as....


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SAMOA JOE made his way to the ring and the match began. Joe and Danielson absolutely dominated Cottonwood and O'Neil throughout the contest, which caused Ortunga and Sheffield to bail on the season 2 rookies at the urging of Barrett. Joe would nail the Muscle Buster on Cottonwood and choke him out as Danielson simultaneously locked O'Neil in an Omaplata Crossface dubbed the LeBell Lock. Joe and Danielson eventually released the holds, with Cottonwood being choked out cold and O'Neil visibly grasping at his shoulder as Striker hyped he may have separated or torn the shoulder. Danielson and Joe then took mics and proclaimed "10-3"


Hell In A Cell for World Heavyweight Title: © Kofi Kingston defeated Kane: An absolute brutal affair saw the entranced Kane, led by Paul Bearer and his Army Of Evil tear the new champion Kofi apart for much of the match. The ever resilient Kingston would put together some strings of offense together but nothing to really rattle "The Big Red Machine". Kane seemingly had the match won as he nailed Kofi with the chokeslam, and lifted Kofi for the Tombstone as Bearer looked on with a huge smile on his face. Suddenly the lights went out the bell of the Undertaker began to toll. Kane dropped Kofi and dropped to his knee as he did when Bearer's video would air. Bearer lost his mind, sending Muta and Los Hell Brothers to look around for the Undertaker. Blue mist began to fill the arena as Kane's face was anguished, clearing torn between the power of his father Bearer and his brother The Undertaker. The lights came back on, and as Kane slowly rose to his feet, he walked right into a Trouble In Paradise by Kofi. The crowd lost it as Kofi celebrated. Bearer had a look of anger on his face as the cage raised. He then sent in Muta and Los Hell Brothers to beat Kane down for losing and then eventually dragging him backstage.


WWE World Tag Team Titles: © The Nexus (Joe Hennig and Windham Routunda) defeated Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre: This battle of the 2 villian teams was surprisingly close and hotly contested. However, the well meshed team of Hennig and Routunda would capitalize on a blocked Cross Rhodes by nailing the 2GS on Rhodes for the victory.


WWE Unified Divas Title: Natalya defeated © Michelle McCool by DQ: It seemed as though Natalya had this bout in the bag as she used her power and pedigree to demolish McCool early on, but McCool's partner Layla would run into the ring and attempt to nail Natalya with her shoe before Natalya cleared the ring, picking up the win but not the title.


Hell In A Cell for the WWE Title: © John Cena defeated Randy Orton: An absolute helacious battle between Raw's 2 top stars saw both men fight it out much like they have done many times before. Orton seemingly had the match won after nailing an RKO out of nowhere. But as Orton attempted the cover, from the back ran Wade Barrett and Nexus who stormed the ring and began to savagely attack both men. The cell was raised as Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe made their way ringside to fight Nexus off, followed by several Raw and SD stars. Danielson and Joe chased Nexus through the crowd as the other stars backed away and the cell was lowered again and the match continued. Orton attempted another RKO but an exhausted Cena blocked it and nailed the Attitude Adjustment for the victory. Cena was slow to rise to celebrate his victory....suddenly


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Out rushed The Miz with a referee, Miz gave the ref his MITB briefcase. MIZ WAS CASHING IN. The bell rang and here we go.


WWE Championship Match: The Miz defeated © John Cena: Cena slowly rose to face Miz. Miz went for a clothesline but Cena ducked under and lifted Miz up for the Attitude Adjustment but Miz floated over and nailed Cena with the Skull Krushing Finale. Miz went for the pin...1.....2......3. The crowd was in absolute shock as THE MIZ WAS NEW WWE CHAMPION. Miz has a very evil and arrogant smile on his face as he celebrated with his new title as if he won the Superbowl. Hell In A Cell closed with the Miz celebrating his WWE Title over the fallen body of the now former champion John Cena.






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Bragging Rights Build Up


-The Miz's WWE Title win shocked the entire WWE Universe, except The Miz himself. The night following Raw, Miz had a massive celebration documenting his win, however this led to former champion John Cena requesting his title rematch. Miz was reluctant at first, but when pressed by Cena Miz agreed to the match. However Raw GM Kevin Nash claimed that the match wasn't quite done, that Randy Orton was essentially screwed out of his match as he was attacked by Nexus during the match along with Cena, so Orton would now be included in the match. Over the next several weeks, it seemed as though despite his best efforts, Cena and Orton consistantly got the better of the Miz, making fans wonder how much of a factor would the WWE Champion play in the match.


-The Bragging Rights teams saw Raw GM Kevin Nash announce his friend Triple H as Raw Captain and Smackdown GM name The Big Show as SmackDown captain. "The Game" being ever the stratigist announced there would be 5 matches held to determine spots and for the final spot, he would announce a special "captain's choice". "The Game"'s team would be made up of Mark Henry, Evan Bourne, R-Truth, new Raw roster member CM Punk, and Ted DiBase. Triple H shocked the world with his "captain's choice", the man who defeated him at Hell In A Cell, Sheamus. On the SmackDown side, The Big Show's team turned out to be Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, Jack Swagger, MVP, Christian and Dos Caras (who seemingly took Rey Mysterio out with a knee injury). Show and HHH actually agreed to a non agression pact until the PPV but this would quickly go out the window as for 2 consecutive weeks each team visited the opposing team's show and huge brawls would eventually break out.


-The Nexus intially demanded their inclusion in the Bragging Rights 7-7 contest, however they saw a new problem for them in Bryan Danielson. Within a timespan of 3 weeks, Danielson and his new associate Samoa Joe had combined taken out 4 members of the Nexus, putting them on the shelf. Wade Barrett would claim that Danielson, Joe and Kaval were "mercenaries" sent in by the WWE to take the Nexus out. But Danielson refuted this claim, saying the WWE for the most part did not want them on their roster as they weren't sports entertainers, they were wrestlers which was a dirty word in the WWE. Danielson claimed there was one man in the WWE that supported them and very soon he would be revealed. Danielson and Joe then welcomed back Kaval into their union and promised Nexus there would be more on their way and they all had the same goal that Danielson had. Nexus then announced they would declare war Danielson, Joe and Kaval. Over the next few weeks, Nexus showed that they were indeed scared of the Danielson-Joe-Kaval team, bailing out of matches, afdraid they'll be injured like their now former teammates. As a result of this, Raw GM Kevin Nash made a 6 man tag team match for Bragging Rights, as Danielson, Joe and Kaval would take on a team of The Nexus' choosing. The Nexus would make a huge statement as they blidsided the trio with steel pipes, laying them out and then revealing their team would be Wade Barrett and the WWE Tag Team Champions Joe Hennig and Windham Routunda.


-The WWE US Champion John Morrison would have his hands full at Bragging Rights as it was announced he would face SD's IC Champion Dolph Ziggler.


-On the SmackDown side, following the shocking events at Hell In A Cell, Paul Bearer intimidated GM Teddy Long into giving The Great Muta a title shot against Kofi Kingston at Bragging Rights, rather than giving Kane another shot. Bearer called Kane a liability and still needed "training" which meant beat downs by Los Hell Brothers and Muta in order to get Kane fully under Bearer's control and not under the Undertaker's spell. However every time Kane would be attacked or the Army Of Evil would attempt to make their point made, the bell of The Undertaker would toll and the lights would go out the arena would fill up with mist.


-The WWE Divas Title held by LayCool found a new and dangerous contender in Natalya who held 2 victories against both champions. LayCool was definetly not happy when it was announced that Natalya would take on Michelle McCool at Bragging Rights in a no DQ match.




WWE Bragging Rights Card


WWE Championship Triple Threat Match: © The Miz vs. John Cena vs. Randy Orton


World heavyweight Championship Match: © Kofi Kingston vs. The Great Muta


7 on 7 Bragging Rights Elimination Match: Team Raw (Triple H, Sheamus, CM Punk, Evan Bourne, R-Truth, Ted DiBase, and Mark Henry) vs. Team SmackDown (The Big Show, Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, Jack Swagger, MVP, Christian and Dos Caras)


Bryan Danielson, Samoa Joe and Kaval vs. The Nexus (Wade Barrett, Joe Hennig and Windham Routunda)


Champion vs. Champion: John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler


WWE Unified Divas Championship; No DQ: © Michelle McCool vs. Natalya


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WWE Bragging Rights Results


Dolph Ziggler defeated John Morrison after dodgeing Starship Pain and then nailing the Zig Zag. Following the match, a very angry Morrison took his title and left.


Drake Brewer defeated JTG after locking him in the Canadian Backbreaker. Brewer, "Canada's Greatest Athlete" was making his WWE debut and after the match claimed that his goal was to prove his superority to all American athletes.


Bryan Danielson, Samoa Joe and Kaval defeated The Nexus after a simultanious submission of Danielson locking the Cattle Mutulation on Hennig and Joe and Kaval locking a Rear Naked Choke/Heel Hook on Routunda. During the match, The Nexus attempted to interfier, but they were fought off by 4 men who ran in from the crowd before being escorted off, During the scuffle, Barrett bailed on Hennig and Routunda.


World Heavyweight Championship: © Kofi Kingston defeated The Great Muta An excelent battle saw Muta mist Kingston following a ref bump. Muta then nailed Kofi with a ShinnignWizard, knocking him out. Paul Bearer then sent in the subservant Kane to finish the job and chokeslam Kofi. As Kane clutch Kofi's throat, the Undertaker's bell began to toll. Kane then dropped Kofi and nailed Muta with a chokeslam. Kane, now seemingly with a fit of strength took out both Los Hell Brothers as the bell continued to toll. Kane then took a mic and proclaimed "He Shall Return" at Paul Bearer. Kane then collapsed. Muta slowly rose and and walked right into Trouble In Paradise, allowing Kofi to somehow retain his title.


WWE Unified Divas Title: © Michelle McCool defeated Natalya after hitting her in the head with the Title in a very lackuster match. Layla and McCool doubleteamed Natalya after the match until Beth Phoenix made her shocking return to the WWE and cleared the ring of Team LayCool. McCool looked visably scared as "The Glamazon" motioned the title would soon be her's.


Bragging Rights Elimination Match: Team Raw defeated Team Smackdown: Sheamus sole survivor: A very hard hitting contest saw Raw and SmackDown literally test the limits of each of the superstars involved. Mark Henry was shockingly the first man eliminated as he fell to a KO punch by the Big Show. Raw would strike next as CM Punk nailed the GTS on MVP. SmackDown went on a roll, eliminating 2 consecutive Raw stars next as Rhodes and McIntyre used their powerbomb/CrossRhodes finisher to take out Evan Bourne and Dos Caras taking out R-Truth with his Double Underhook Dominator. Ted Dibase got a quick elimination of Christian, but would then fall to the KO power of The Big Show. CM Punk was in next against Show and was promptly thrown to the outside. Punk oversold being thrown and was counted out. It was now the 2 former hated enemies of Sheamus and Triple H against 5. The Game came in and eliminated Cody Rhodes with the Pedigree. He then quickly eliminated Drew McIntyre with another Pedigree. Sheamus came in and then eliminated Dos Caras with a piercing Brogue Kick to the head. Howver to the shock of many, it would be "The Game" eliminated next as Big Show nailed him with a KO punch and Jack Swagger nailed the Gutwrench Bomb for good measure. Sheamus was now on his own and would procede to dispatch Swagger after ducking under a spinning lariat and nailing him with the Brogue Kick. Show and Sheamus battled for several minutes with both men kicking out of the Brogue Kick and the KO punch. Show nailed a huge sidewalk slam on Sheamus and climbed the top rope for the Vader Splash but in a true WWE highlight, Sheamus quickly rose up and caught Show and delivered an amazing High Cross to win Bragging Rights for Raw.


Main Event for WWE Championship: © The Miz defeated Randy Orton and John Cena: Early on in this bout we saw Cena and Orton take turns in dismantleing The Miz, but soon enough the 2 former champs would brawl themselves. The match would end with Orton nailing the RKO on Miz but then Cena locking Orton in the STF. But then from the back ran down Nexus would attacked both Cena and Orton, taking them both out before security and WWE stars chased the 2 off. Miz was back at full strength and stalked a slowly rising John Cena, and nailed him with the Skull Krushing Finale onto the body of Orton. Miz then in a sign of blatent disrrespect would stand on both Cena and Orton as he got the shocking double pin. The PPV went off the air with Cena and Orton still out due to the Nexus as the Miz celebrated with his title.


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Survivor Series Buildup


-Without question the main storyline buiild around Survivor Series was the situation with The Nexus. Following their actions at Bragging Rights, Nexus leader Wade Barrett announced the Nexus had attacked John Cena and Randy Orton to make a statement, that once and for all they would be a force to be reckoned with, to take out the WWE's 2 top stars and from now on they would not tolerate nothing more than dominance. However, they would be stunned as Joe Hennig and Windham Routunda announced that they were leaving The Nexus and had signed legit contracts with SmackDown, claiming they didn't need Nexus to be successful, they only needed backup to get onto the roster. Barrett was fuming but claimed it wasn't a major loss and they would still be dominant. Their dominance however was immedietly challenged by the men who had been feuding with Nexus for numerous months in Bryan Danielson, Samoa Joe and Kaval, who proceded to introduce the 4 men who had defended them at Bragging Rights, Nigel McGuiness, Tyler Black, Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero and The Group proceded to make a formal challenge to The Nexus, a huge 10 man elimination matchup where if Danielson's team wins, The Nexus would disband but if The Nexus won, Danielson and his entire team would be fired. Barrett agreed but out surprisingly came John Cena and Randy Orton. The 2 former foes claimed they wanted in on this fight and asked Danielson to be invlolved in the match. Danielson and his team huddled up and allowed Cena and Orton in on the match. Barrett then claimed since Orton and Cena were now on the team, if they lost, they too would be gone from the WWE. Over the next few weeks, huge brawls between both teams proceded to break out including one final one in which Cena appeared to had suffered a back injury as Barrett nailed him with a vicious steel chair shot.


-Following his win for Raw in the Bragging Rights match, Raw GM Kevin Nash announced that Sheamus would take on The Miz for the WWE Title. The Miz was visably not happy with this decision and in order to get out of the match proclaimed a variety of injuries to keep him from facing Sheamus. However Nash made Miz take a WWE Physical, which he passed with flying colors. Nash then announced if Miz would not face Sheamus for the title, he would strip him of the belt. Sheamus, ever the thankful man, called out Nash claiming he was doing him no favors with this stipulation and in a shocking move Sheamus and Miz proceded to both attack Nash. But then Sheamus turned on Miz and layed him out with the High Cross and posed with the title over the fallen champion and GM.


-One of the more bigger angles on Raw featured the shocking turn of events for John Morrison. Morrison would end up losing the US Title to CM Punk on Raw and lose a tag team title shot against The Nexus. Morrison then proclaimed he would be walking away from the WWE as he believes he's lost it. However, Morrison's departure would be premature as Triple H claimed he saw something in Morrison he hadn't seen since his friend Shawn Michaels retired. HHH would announce he was taking Morrison under his wing and teach him what both Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels taught him. Morrison would be apart of Triple H's Survivor Series team as they took on the man who took the title from Morrison and had mocked both Morrison and Triple H over recent weeks, CM Punk.


-Smackdown was dominated by the seemingly obvious return of The Undertaker. Over several weeks, The Undertaker seemingly would "talk" through Kane, seeminly possessing Kane and having him attack Bearer's minions. However Bearer hated this and proceded to challenge The Undertaker to a match at the Survivor Series. Kane, under Taker's spell accepted. Bearer then announced he would send Los Hell Brothers and The Great Muta against The Undertaker and Kane, with the promise if his Army of Evil won, not only would Kane's soul belong to Bearer but Taker would thusly also have to bow and "belong" to him. But if Taker won, Kane would be "free".


-The World Heavyweight Champion Kofi Kingston was shocked when SD GM announced that his opponent at Survivor Series would be the many with the winningest record on SmackDown, in the man who defeated Kofi for the IC Title in the current champion Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler claimed he would be the first simnultanious champion in years and announced he had the key to beat Kingston. Ziggler would back up this claim as he defeated Kingston in 2 seperate occasions, putting the champion to sleep with his sleeper hold.


-The feud between the monsterious Big Show and Ezekiel Jackson would put forth a memorable moment as Jackson nailed Show with The Book Of Ezekiel, which caused the ring to collapse. It was announced that these 2 men would captain teams in the final classic Survivor Series match up. ANd the first man Big Show added to his team was a shocked as he added a former foe in Jack Swagger. Swagger had shockingly become a fan favorite as he answered the call against Drake Brewer, who claimed Canadian supremecy over all American athletes, including and especially "The All American American". Swagger claimed theres no such thing as a Canadian athlete and proceded to take up the US's fight against Brewer.


-Since her shocking return at Bragging Rights, Beth Phoenix formed a very powerful team with Natalya to neutralize LayCool. The 2 diva team would face off at Survivor Series in a lumberjill tag team match.





Survivor Series Card


Main Event: If Nexus Loses, They Disband; If Nexus Wins, Their Opponents Are Fired From WWE: The Nexus (Wade Barrett, Skip Sheffield, Justin Gabriel, Alex Riley, and David Ortunga) vs. John Cena, Randy Orton, Bryan Danielson, Samoa Joe and Nigel McGuiness


WWE Championship Match: © The Miz vs. Sheamus


World Heavyweight Championship Match: © Kofi Kingston vs. IC Champion Dolph Ziggler


If Kane/Taker Win, Kane is "free"; If Army Of Evil Win, Taker Joins The Army Of Evil: The Undertaker and Kane vs. The Army of Evil (The Great Muta, Mesias and Cibernetico)


Traditional Survivor Series Match: Team Triple H (Triple H, John Morrison, Christian, R-Truth and MVP) vs. Team Punk (CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, Dos Caras and Zack Ryder)


Traditional Survivor Series Match: Team Zeke (Ezekiel Jackson, Drake Brewer, Ted DiBase, Joe Hennig and Windham Routunda) vs. Team Big Show (The Big Show, Jack Swagger, Goldust, Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith)


Divas Tag Team Lumberjill Match: Natalya and Beth Phoenix vs. LayCool


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Survivor Series Results


Team Big Show defeated Team Zeke; Jack Swagger sole survivor: The night's opening traditional Survivor Series match saw immediate fireworks as team captains Big Show and Ezekiel Jackson were almost immedietly counted out after they brawled to the outside. Team Zeke would take a quick advantage as Ted DiBase sent his foe Goldust out with Dream Street. Each team traded eliminations next as Tyson Kidd was taken out by Windham Routunda's huge moonsault press and Routunda being taken out by David Hart Smith's huge running powerslam. Team Zeke took another huge advantage as DH Smith was taken out by Drake Brewer's Canadian Backbreaker. It was now Jack Swagger against Brewer, DiBase and Hennig and "The All American American" was up for the challenge as he quickly sent Hennig packing by blocking the HennigPlex with a Red White and Blue Thunder Bomb. DiBase and Brewer then traded shots on Swagger, wearing him down. DiBase went in for the kill with Dream Street but Swagger used his strength to get out of it and double leg DiBase to the mat and then lock in the ankle lock for the submission. It was now US vs. Canada as Brewer blindsided Swagger with a huge Yakuza kick to the back of Swagger's head and immedietly locked him in the Canadian Backbreaker. But Swagger fought through and as Brewer attempted it again he blocked the manuever, kicked Brewer in the gut and nailed him with the Gutwrench Powerbomb to get the victory.


The Undertaker and Kane defeated The Army Of Evil: The crowd was very excited to see the return of the Undertaker, who seemingly was all healed from his months in a vegatative state. Paul Bearer's Army used their extra man to their advantage as they took turns picking apart Kane. However, when Kane tagged in The Undertaker, "The Phenom" was like a house of fire. Taker and Kane would nail huge simultanious chokeslams on Los Hell Brothers and follow up with double Tombstones. Meanwhile, Bearer screamed at the top of his lungs and put the boots to The Great Muta on the outside at him to get back into the match. Following the Tombstones, The Brothers Of Destruction made the covers for the win. Bearer screamed as the climbed into the ring and commanded Muta to take on Kane and The Undertaker and ended up slapping Muta in the face. Muta then misted Bearer and nailed him with the Shinning Wizard. Muta stared down Taker before leaving. Undertaker then lifted Bearer with the Tombstone but in a huge shock, Kane nailed Taker with a boot to the face and then chokeslamed his brother. Kane then carried Bearer to the back as Taker slowly rose, clearly confused at what just occured.


WWE Championship Match: © The Miz defeated Sheamus: The shocking story of the Miz's WWE Title run continued. Sheamus dominated Miz early and semingly had the match won but the ever crafty Miz shocked Sheamus by blocking the High Cross attempt and rolling Sheamus up with an excelent small package. Sheamus was clearly upset after the match as he not only blasted The Miz but the referee as well with huge Brogue Kicks. Following the match, Miz claimed he had beat the best on Raw and the next night on Raw would make a shocking announcement.


The Kings Of Wrestling defeated The Dudebusters: SmackDown's Dudebusters made an apperance claiming they have been constantly overlooked by the WWE and proceded to make an open challenge to any team on the roster to prove they deserved to be on PPV. Out came Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli, The Kings Of Wrestling, who sided with Bryan Danielson and his group. The Kings totally destroyed and outwrestled The young duo, taking them out rather quickly with the KRS One on Caylen Croft for the dominant victory.


Team Punk defeated Team Triple H; CM Punk was the sole survivor: Triple H would strike quickly as he himself eliminated Zack Ryder in a new record 7 seconds into the match. However the duo of Rhodes and McIntyre would dominated their budding feud against Christian and MVP, pinning both men. R-Truth was then out next by Dos Caras' Double Underhook Dominator. Triple H then came in and again eliminated McIntyre and Rhodes with the Pedigree. "The Game" continued to battle on, despite Punk and Caras taking turns on him. HHH finally tagged Morrison in who came in like a house of fire taking on both Punk and Caras. But in came Triple H, who Morrison begged to stay on the outside and rest up. Morrison and Triple H had words and Punk kicked Triple H into Morrison who fell into a roll up from Caras, eliminating Morrison. A visable look of anger came across Morrison's face. Triple H nailed Caras with the Pedigree, eliminating him. As Triple H celebrated, Morrison who was still ringside rolled back into the ring and shocked the world and nailed Triple H with a huge Pele kick. The crowd was in shock as Morrison then raised "The Game" and nailed him with the Moonlight Drive and then Starship Pain. An angry and devilish smile appeared on Morrison's face as a sheepish CM Punk looked at Morrison, semingly to ask if he could take the pin. Morrison nodded at Punk, who got the pin on Triple H. Punk raised his arm, still confused at what had happened. Morrison then began to shout at Triple H as he raised his arms and stood over a KO'ed "Game" as fans pelted him with boos.


World Heavyweight Title: © Kofi Kingston defeated Dolph Ziggler: This excelent battle between 2 of SmackDown's brigest young stars and champions saw a very back and forth battle. Ziggler seemingly had the match won as he ducked under Trouble In Paradise and nailed him with the Zig Zag. But Ziggler then rather than going for the pin, then locked Kingston in the Sleeper. But Kofi used excelent ring positioning and ran into the corner and floated over into a pinning combination on Ziggler for the 3 (Think Bret/Piper WM7). After the match, Ziggler shockingly offered his hand to Kofi, who shook it. Have we seen the last of this rivalry?


Divas Lumberjill Match: Beth Phoenix and Natalya defeated LayCool: Unlike Natalya's previous encounters against LayCool, they had no means to cheat their way to win as Phoenix nailed McCool with the Glam Slam. Phoenix then motioned she would soon have the title.


John Cena, Randy Orton, Bryan Danielson, Samoa Joe and Nigel McGuiness defeated The Nexus; Cena's Entire Team Sole Survivors: It would be complete dominance for the Anti Nexus team as they ran the ganutlet of The Nexus. Alex Riley would be the first man eliminated as he fell to Bryan Danielson's Cattle Mutulation. Heath Slater would be the next man in and the next man out as he was taken out by Nigel McGuiness' Tower Of London. The huge Skip Sheffield would have better odds as he led a charge on Randy Orton. Orton however stopped Nexus in their tracks as he nailed an amzing RKO on Gabriel as he went for the 450 Splash. "The A-List" David Ortunga seemingly had a pinfall on Nigel McGuiness, but unbeknost to him, Nigel made a blind tag to Samoa Joe, who choked Ortunag out with the Coquina Clutch. Skip Sheffield would fall next thanks to John Cena's Attitude Adjustment. Wade Barrett was all on his own and in a weirdly valiant way fought all 5 men. But the team quickly got the edge over Barrett and Barrett was then made an example of, as Nigel, Joe, Cena and Orton all nailed their finishers on Barrett, ending in Danielson locking the LeBell Lock in for the final win. Barrett limped to the back as the victors celebrated. From the back came Danielson's commrads Kaval, Tyler Black and The Kings Of Wrestling. Cena and Orton celebrated alongside Danielson and his group as their greatest enemy was vanquished. But then things changed. Suddenly Danielson, Joe, Kaval, McGuiness, Black and The Kings all turned to and began to stare at and surround Orton and Cena. Cena and Orton's confusion at the matter quickly changed as the group began a vicious attack on Cena and Orton. Fans were in shock as Danielson's group completly destroyed Cena and Orton with vicious stiff shots and high impact manuevers and then locking them in various devistating submissions. Danielson and his group then raised their arms in a sign of solidarity over the beaten and bloody bodies of Cena and Orton as fans were silent in their shock. Survivor Series ended with Lawler and Cole claiming "The Nexus is gone....but it appears an even more powerful group as risen".






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  • 3 weeks later...

<p>So I figure I aught to put an end to this piece once and for all. To everyone who read/supported/anything for this dynasty, I thank you so much. Once my site's up and everything stops being hectic, I promise my next attempt will be as good if not better than this.</p><p> </p><p>

Here's what would happend in short stuff leading up to WM (which I'll post the full card for).</p><p> </p><p>

-Danielson and his group (The Wrestlers) declare war on Sports Entertainment; Dragon claims his first goal was to kill off Nexus, then kill off sports entertainers from WWE then finally make the real WRESTLERS to focus of the company. The group would attack anyone they considered to be sports entertainers rather than wrestlers. They then brought in several WWE stars who agreed with them including William Regal, The Hart Dynasty and a returning Shelton Benjamin. Danielson then announced the man who helped organize the whole thing, the only man in the WWE who believed in him and wrestling and the man who signed all of those men to contracts....Jim Ross.</p><p> </p><p>

-Danielson would feud with John Cena, who would regain the WWE Title at TLC winning a TLC Six Pack Challenge match for the belt. Danielson then shocked the world by winning the Royal Rumble and immediatly challenged Cena for the title at WM. The match would be billed as "Who's Side Are You On?", a reference to how the WWE Universe had split in two over the emergence and dominance of The Wrestlers (Danielson became the champion of all the anti Cena/old school fans).</p><p> </p><p>

-Following weeks of vingettes, the wrestling world stood shocked as the 30th man in the Royal Rumble was revealed to be Sting. Sting looked amazing in his debut, ending up being one of the final four in the Rumble. Sting further shocked the world when he formally challenged The Undertaker to a battle of the icons at WrestleMania. Sting claimed for years it was the one match everyone wanted to see, so why not at the biggest stage in the business in a city where he (Sting) had his greatest success. Taker agreed and over the weeks/months leading to Mania, both men would trade mind games with each other. However Sting almost wouldn't make it to Mania as he quickly devolped a feud with Kane, who had turned on his brother to side with Paul Bearer. As Kane seemingly looked to take Sting out, it would be Taker who would save Sting and thusly taking Kane and Bearer out of the picture for the extended future (Kane broke his arm 2 weeks before WM <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />). Sting had a new found respect for the Undertaker but claimed the respect wouldn't prohibit him from breaking the streak.</p><p> </p><p>

-The Miz's WWE Title reign would end as he was the first man eliminated from the 6 Pack Challenge at TLC after he was waloped by the man he had been calling out previously and the night's special guest, The Rock. Miz proceded to blame Rock for his loss and destroy him verbally, claiming he's accomplished more and how he doesn't respect him. Rock would confront Miz at The Rumble, which would end with Miz and his assistant Alex Riley double teaming and destroying the WWE legend. Rock would then shock the world by announcing several weeks later onRaw he would return for one night only at Wrestlemania to take Miz up on his challenge in a Respect Match. Miz was hesitant but at the Rock's goading agreed. And over the weeks prior to WM, both men sent solid messages to each other through promos and brawls on just who was the man.</p><p> </p><p>

-The World Champion Kofi Kingston had made a reign out of being the underdog but it would all come to an end as Kingston was attacked by a mystery man, thusly forcing him to vacate the title. Over several weeks, a tournament was held to determine a new champion which would be crowned at WM. Fans were shocked as SD's newest roster member Edge stormed into the finals and would then face the dark horse, Edge's brother Christian. As we seemed poised to see a E vs. C battle at WM, Kofi made a shocking return and announced that he knew who the man that attacked him was....Edge. Edge would admit this but wondered what Kofi would do about it. Kofi then announced that thanks to Teddy Long, we would now have a 3 way match at WM for the vacant World Title; Edge vs. Christian vs. Kofi Kingston.</p><p> </p><p>

-The "Celtic Warrior" Sheamus continued to be as dominant as ever, and even went as far to proclaim himself as the most dominant wrestler in history. But then Sheamus took offense to the WWE's announcement of the first member of the WWE Hall Of Fame Class of 2011, Goldberg. Sheamus called Goldberg a hack and a joke and could never hang with him. Sheamus would come close to eating those words as Goldberg was a special guest of Raw GM Kevin Nash, and confronted Sheamus. When Goldberg appeared after the Royal Rumble, Sheamus seemingly had payback on his mind as again Goldberg ran down Sheamus as a punk, but Sheamus responded with a Brogue Kick. It was then announced that Raw GM Kevin Nash had gotten confirmation that Goldberg would indeed face Sheamus in a special No-DQ grudge match at Wrestlemania. Over the next several weeks, the 2 monsters would brawl at any point they could (think GB/Lesnar).</p><p> </p><p>

-John Morrison made headlines after his heel turn as he then created a new stable dubbed ReEvolution, a clear dig at Triple H his former mentor. Morrison claimed he wanted to organize a group of young guns who would become the best past present and future. Over several weeks, Morrison would reveal his stablemates in vicious attacks on Triple H as Ted DiBase, Wade Barrett and Dolph Ziggler joined up with Morrison. With their initial goal set (taking out Triple H) they proclaimed they would do and take on anything and anyone to accomplish this goal. But "The Game" had an ace in his sleeve, as he inlisted a man who had become another key thorn in ReEvolution's side in former Evolution mate "The Viper" Randy Orton. Orton and HHH then shocked the world as they announced they would take on ReEvolution in a 6 man tag team match at Wrestlemania and introduced their third partner....the returning Batista.</p><p> </p><p>

-Rey Mysterio returned to eliminate Dos Caras from The Rumble. The 2 men's feud would continue to heat up until they claimed they would settle it once and for all in a mask vs. mask match at WrestleMania.</p><p> </p><p>

-The Wrestlers had gained several WWE stars into their ranks but one man they desperatly wanted was CM Punk, who claimed his mission of Straight Edge was more important. The enforcer of The Wrestlers Samoa Joe took offense to this and a feud would instantly begin. The 2 men would face off at WM with the stipulation if Punk lost he would join up with the Wrestlers.</p><p> </p><p>

-The Money In The Bank match grew to an impressive 12 man field. The men competing in this year's match would be Jack Swagger, Drake Brewer, R-Truth, Dolph Ziggler, MVP, Cody Rhodes, Shelton Benjamin, Drew McIntyre, Ezekiel Jackson, The Big Show, Evan Bourne and Tyler Black.</p><p> </p><p>

-The WWE Tag Team Titles would be won by The Wrestlers' Kings Of Wrestling, who ever the fighting champions agreed to defend the titles in a 4 corners match against The Hart Dynasty, Joe Hennig and Windham Routunda and a mystery team.</p><p> </p><p>

-Chris Jericho made his return to the WWE in Feburary, but instantly ran into a new foe in the ever arrogant Nigel McGuiness. Nigel claimed Jericho WAS a good wrestler but would be useless to The Wrestlers. Jericho took offense and the 2 would face off at WM.</p><p> </p><p>

-The duo of LayCool again showed their dominance over the rest of the Divas, espically after they introduced their bodyguard Kia (Awesome Kong). But they would face a huge challenge in a major blast from the past as Lita and Trish Stratus returned to take on LayCool who had begun to not only attack present Divas, but Divas of the past including Ivory, Molly Holly and even Mae Young. We will see Trish and Lita take on LayCool in a tag team lumberjill matchup.</p><p> </p><p>

-Finally new US champion, the arrogant yet cool ladies man Nicholas Aldous (TNA's Magnus) issued an open challenge to anyone who would face him, enter Shad Gaspard; the only undefeated man in the WWE since his return to SmackDown. Aldous would defend his title against Shad in the night's opener.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/08/WrestleMania_XXVII_logo.png</span><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Final WrestleMania 27 Card</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Who's Side Are You On?: WWE Championship Match</strong></p><p>

© John Cena vs. "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Icon vs. Icon: The Streak Is On The Line</strong></p><p>

Sting vs. The Undertaker</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>One Time Only Respect Match</strong></p><p>

The Miz vs. The Rock</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>World Heavyweight Title Triple Threat Match for Vacant Title</strong></p><p>

Edge vs. Christian vs. Kofi Kingston</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>No DQ Match; Goldberg's Retirement Match</strong></p><p>

Goldberg vs. Sheamus</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Six Man Tag Team Match</strong></p><p>

ReEvolution (John Morrison, Ted DiBase and Wade Barrett) vs. Evolution (Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mask vs. Mask; Loser Gets Unmasked</strong></p><p>

Rey Mysterio vs. Dos Caras</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>If CM Punk Loses, He Joins The Wrestlers</strong></p><p>

Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Money In The Bank Ladder Match for A Future Title Shot</strong></p><p>

Jack Swagger vs. Drake Brewer vs. R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. MVP vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Ezekiel Jackson vs. The Big Show vs. Evan Bourne vs.Tyler Black</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>One on One Match</strong></p><p>

Chris Jericho vs. Nigel McGuiness</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Divas Lumberjill Tag Match</strong></p><p>

Lita and Trish Stratus vs. LayCool</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WWE World Tag Team Titles 4 Corners Match</strong></p><p>

© The Kings Of Wrestling vs. The Hart Dynasty vs. Joe Hennig and Windham Routunda vs. ???</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WWE US Title Match</strong></p><p>

© Nicholas Aldos vs. Shad Gaspard</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Everybody Else Battle Royale</strong></p><p> </p><p>


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Def thought I posted the follow up to that ok here goes.



Who's Side Are You On?: WWE Championship Match

© John Cena vs. "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson: won by Danielson, Danielson would feud on and off with Cena before Danielson focused soley on The Miz. The 2 would put on an epic feud through the spring and into the summer. Cena would move onto aiding Triple H and Randy Orton, and forming The Big 3 against ReEvolution.


Icon vs. Icon: The Streak Is On The Line

Sting vs. The Undertaker: won by Undertaker, Taker would go on his usual hiatus until SummerSlam where he would face Samoa Joe in his return as Joe proclaimed himself as the real Phenom in the WWE. Sting would stay on SD where he reignited his longstanding feud with The Great Muta, before finally challenging for the World Title.


One Time Only Respect Match

The Miz vs. The Rock: won by The Rock. Miz returned to Raw a humbled man and would begin a program with Nick Aldous, but would eventually reignite his feud with Bryan Danielson for the WWE Title.


World Heavyweight Title Triple Threat Match for Vacant Title

Edge vs. Christian vs. Kofi Kingston: won by Kofi Kingston. Following the match Edge and Kofi would begin a long feud, which ended up with Christian turning on Kofi and joining up with Edge. Christian would end up defeating World Champion Shelton Benjamin to become the champion, and Edge would regain the IC Title. The duo would then attempt to gain all the gold on SD by feuding with former rivals the Dudleys.


No DQ Match; Goldberg's Retirement Match

Goldberg vs. Sheamus: won by Goldberg. Goldberg was gone after this and Sheamus was then moved to SmackDown where he quickly became one of the top stars, even overshadowing Shelton Benjamin the world champion. Sheamus would have a long program with Rey Mysterio.


Six Man Tag Team Match

ReEvolution (John Morrison, Ted DiBase and Wade Barrett) vs. Evolution (Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista): won by Evolution. Batista was a one night only deal and ReEvolution would become one of the more dominant stables ever on Raw, with Orton and Trips continously fighting against them. This would set up to a War Games match at SummerSlam as ReEvolution took on Orton, Triple H, John Cena and MVP.


Mask vs. Mask; Loser Gets Unmasked

Rey Mysterio vs. Dos Caras: won by Mysterio, Caras would become Alberto Del Rio after being drafted to Raw. Mysterio would then begin a program against SD's newest star Sheamus.


If CM Punk Loses, He Joins The Wrestlers

Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk: won by CM Punk. The next night, Punk would turn on the WWE and join The Wrestlers. It was revealed Punk was a mole and got several WWE stars to join up with The Wrestlers.


Money In The Bank Ladder Match for A Future Title Shot

Jack Swagger vs. Drake Brewer vs. R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. MVP vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Ezekiel Jackson vs. The Big Show vs. Evan Bourne vs.Tyler Black: won by Shelton Benjamin (finally), Shelton would use his shot in May to defeat Kofi Kingston for the title, thusly giving the Wrestlers both World titles.


One on One Match

Chris Jericho vs. Nigel McGuiness: won by Jericho. Jericho would then shock the world by turning on John Cena and joining up with The Wrestlers.


Divas Lumberjill Tag Match

Lita and Trish Stratus vs. LayCool: Won by Trish and Lita, LayCool would regain the Divas title but would soon lose it to Kia who would turn on LayCool


WWE World Tag Team Titles 4 Corners Match

© The Kings Of Wrestling vs. The Hart Dynasty vs. Joe Hennig and Windham Routunda vs. ???: won by the mystery team which would be revealed to be The Dudley Boyz, The Dudleyz would have a huge run destroying every team in the WWE before running into their old foes, a reformed Edge and Christian.


WWE US Title Match

© Nicholas Aldos vs. Shad Gaspard: won by Aldos (who would be drafted to Raw and feud with The Miz)


Everybody Else Battle Royale: won by Kaval

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