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I may be wrong, but I thought the only time players become academically ineligible was at semester. Instead of having players suspended every 3 weeks, you only stand the risk of losing players to academics between the end of the regular season and the bowl games. I know this happened to Iowa State a few years ago, and it seems to make more sense, considering I've never heard of a top player suspended in the middle of the season for bad grades.
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You are right, in real life, there are two probation stages instead of 4. Arlie made it 4 stages to make the game more fun and to make us think more about our recruits intelligence and work ethic before recruiting them. It's just a way to add more strategy to the game. As some guys don't like to play as much with academics, the final game will have the option to turn them off or to delegate the task to your assistant.
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I disagree. You should run the risk of a recruit not making it into school (game has this but it should be after signing day - decided in the transition from offseason to the next camp stage). For players you should run the risk of a their not being eligible for the playoffs/bowl game or, alternatively, not being eligible for the regular season. The partial season ineligibilty doesn't add to the fun factor, IMO. It simply represents a deviation from reality. Losing a player for an entire season or the postseason is damaging enough.
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Here is a favorite story: The day of the first game of our season, the starting quarterback of our small college casually mentions while on the team bus that he participated in several practices at another college a couple of years ago...before he left school and went to a JC. All our coaches knew about was his standout career at the junior college. The coaches knew nothing about his brief stint at a four-year college before that. Furious calls to the Athletic Director's office yields this little nugget: our starting quarterback, a guy who took 80 percent of the first-team snaps during fall practice, the guy we are relying upon to carry our offense forward, is declared ineligible hours before our first game...Heck, it was a road game, they found out on the road. Needless to say, our season pretty much went down the tubes pretty quickly. Now that is an extreme case, but certainly, stupid stuff like this does happen. And before you say "This would never happen at a big college" just remember, no less of an institution than Notre Dame once hired a football coach without checking out his credentials. So when some reporter figured out that he lied on his resume, the cherished home of the Golden Dome had to find a new coach. If the game would include these types of screwups, wow, think of how crushing that would be. Personally, I would find it funny until I lost my 5-star prospect.
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